林忆莲的无言歌里面“om ma pe me

bg55mk3272022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


jiage 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
蒙语,源于梵文om ma ni pad me hum,六字真言又叫六字大明咒,由六个藏文唵、嘛、呢、叭、咪、吽组成,是藏传佛教密宗的一种咒语,也是一种强身健体的发声法.


求林忆莲唱的 In Another Life 中文翻译
绝对兰调 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
In Another Life 来生
If My Loving You 如果我对你的爱
Could Change The Rivers Flow 能改变河流的方向
I Would Not Let You Drift Away From Me 我不会让你从我的生命中流走
I'd Never Let You Go 我绝不放手
I Want To Be By Your Side 我多渴望与你长相厮守
But The Water's Too Deep And Wide 但这相隔之水太深也太宽
In Another Life 在另一个时间
In Another Place 在另一个空间
I'd Have Held You Close 我必可拥你入怀
I'd Have Known Your Face 熟读你的脸
In Another World 换一个国度
In Another Time 换一个时间
You'd Be Mine 你会是我的
You'd Be Mine 会是我的
If I Touched You Now 可是现在我轻轻触碰你
I'd Only Loose My Mind 我都无法自己
Oo... In The Cruel World I've Been Given 哦 活在这残酷的世界
One Life At A Time 注定一次只能有一生
I Don't Know Where Or When 我不知何时不知何地
But We'll Pass This Way Again 只知我们必会再次相遇
英语翻译这首歌是有个英文版 我不是要英文版是要林忆莲版本的 翻译成英文
fengeryusha 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
The language fails to express the meaning
Some people a lifetime to learn
To resolve the communication problem
For you I can
Joy and fear of suspicion I
Really want to translate speech
You don't know how much I worry
Careless disregard
I'm embarrassed silence
Tears in drops
I can't convey my own
Where to start
Where to start
How I love you
The loneliness
I want to be with you a bridge
But I lied
But I lied
In your blind spot need not move
Whether it rains or
Accompany you sad joy
Don't you feel curious
You deserted the crowded
You deserted the crowded
I have always been
Don't say a word
I can't convey my own
Where to start
Can't I love you
Can't I love you
I want to be with you a bridge
I have to see my own
Translate a sentence I love you
I want to be with you a bridge
But I lied
The language fails to express the meaning