英语翻译12.9 Further Assurances.The parties agree to execute suc

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12.9 Further Assurances.The parties agree to execute such further instruments and to take such further action as may be reasonably necessary to carry out the intent of this Agreement.
12.9 远期保证.
12.10 Rights Cumulative.Each and all of the various rights,powers and remedies of a Party hereto will be considered to be cumulative with and in addition to any other rights,powers and remedies which such Party may have at law or in equity in the event of the breach of any of the terms of this Agreement.The exercise or partial exercise of any right,power or remedy will neither constitute the exclusive election thereof nor the waiver of any other right,power or remedy available to such Party.
12.11 No Waiver.Failure to insist upon strict compliance with any of the terms,covenants,or conditions hereof will not be deemed a waiver of such term,covenant,or condition,nor will any waiver or relinquishment of,or failure to insist upon strict compliance with,any right,power or remedy power hereunder at any one or more times be deemed a waiver or relinquishment of such right,power or remedy at any other time or times.
12.11 放弃.
12.12 No Presumption.The parties acknowledge that any applicable Law that would require interpretation of any claimed ambiguities in this Agreement against the Party that drafted it has no application and is expressly waived.If any claim is made by a Party relating to any conflict,omission or ambiguity in the provisions of this Agreement,no presumption or burden of proof or persuasion will be implied because this Agreement was prepared by or at the request of any Party or its counsel.


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12.9 远期保证.当事各方同意履行这种远期契约并采取这种相对必要的远期行动贯彻本协议的意向.
12.11 撤销.由此没有坚持严厉的服从任一项条款、契约或者条件将不认为是对本条款、契约或者条件的撤销,也不是任何对其的撤销或放弃.或者一次或数次没有坚持严厉服从下列任何权利、权力或补偿被认为是在其它一次或数次对本权利、权力或补偿的撤销或放弃
12.12 推定 各方承认本协议中需要任何主张过的含糊声明解释背离起草本协议的当事方的任何适用的法律没有应用程序并被明确撤销.如果主张是由与任何抵触、冗长或含糊不清有关的当事方在本协议规定之内提出,因为本协议是由或应各当事方或本次协商要求而事先准备的,证据或见解的推定不会另生枝节,
