contribute to do 还是 contribute to doing?

单蓝2022-10-04 11:39:545条回答


wwb2788 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
一般是contribute to sth
间歇性爬墙 共回答了124个问题 | 采纳率
contribute to 的意思是
一般是contribute to sth, 或者是contribute to doing sth.
庞非 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率
无天1949 共回答了4个问题 | 采纳率
maybe010 共回答了143个问题 | 采纳率
都可以,但一般情况下,习惯用contribute to do,make contributions to doing
good luck


求题目为Do English songs contribute to English study的英语作文,急用
马小茜 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
English is a language, it is a tool - as is known to all, actually, at the same time, it is also a kind of art.
Whether from its modulation and coherent pronunciation, or that the rich vocabulary, clear structure, or that accurate expression ability, English is fully shows its world first universal language the advantages and characteristics.
Remember a famous language educators say: "learn foreign language like, we want to attack fort from all directions to impact it." For a foreign language, people many times complain because can't find a good language environment and always learn bad. In fact, this "bunker under English attack" actually don't trouble: reading original English, learning English textbooks, watching English movies, listen to English speaking and reading English magazines, listening to English songs, even, usually take notice of English life word remember... These can be a little bit of cumulative English ability, until one day really reached the "a", will find learn English well actually not difficult.
My research direction is closely related to parents and students are more sensitive question "listening to English songs for learning effect",
Many parents feel listen to songs to children's study have bad influence, but many students but think listening oneself to like English songs can be useful for study.
generally speaking, i personaly think that it does good to our study in some way.自己翻译,望采纳.
what do you think the things that contribute to a successful
what do you think the things that contribute to a successful marriage?大概120字xiexie
nena 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
翻译成“你想通过什么方法来建立一个成功的婚姻?” 以下是作文:First of all,belief is the most important elements in a successful marriage.The couple must believe one another and marriage life will last ...
21325—it can also contribute to the development of our ablit
21325—it can also contribute to the development of our ablity to response agilely.3767 想问:1—
21325—it can also contribute to the development of our ablity to response agilely.3767
1—ablity to response agilely:怎么翻译?
response:n 1.回答; 回音; 答复2.反应,响应 agilely:adv .敏捷地
ablity to response agilely:敏捷反应的能力
sigongsi 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
it can also contribute to the development of our ablity to response agilely
不定式 to response agilely 是名词 ablity 的定语,意思是“快速/敏捷反应的能力”
短语 contribute to ...有助于...
i am sure your suggestion will contribute to solving the pro
i am sure your suggestion will contribute to solving the problem
这里为什么用 solving,只有contribute to do 的说法
丝_幻 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
contribute to 导致,是由动词+介词to 组成的; 介词后面要接动词-ing形式
没有contribute to do 的说法
Everyone should make a (contribute)to protecting the environ
Everyone should make a (contribute)to protecting the environment.
qfjy111 共回答了2个问题 | 采纳率
血缘hh 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
We attach labels to things before we file them away.
The three sons also contribute to the family business.
You can't apply it directly to the skin.
He decided to devote the rest of his life to scientific investigation.
Miss Green contribute fifty dollars,but she wishes she could
Miss Green contribute fifty dollars,but she wishes she could contribute ____. other fifty dollars
B.the same amount also
c.more fifty dollars
d.another fifty
风之牧兮 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
C的正确答案是: fifty more dollars
GED数学问题In a college, some courses contribute more towards an
In a college, some courses contribute more towards an overall GPA than other courses. For example, a science class is worth 4 points; mathematics is worth 3 points; history is worth 2 points; and English is worth 3 points. The values of the grade letters are as follows, A= 4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0. What is the GPA of a student who made a “C” in Trigonometry, a “B” in American History, an “A” in Botany, and a “B” in Microbiology?
蓝色画板 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
Trigonometry属于mathematics,American History属于history,Botany和Microbiology属于science.
英语作文what do you think of the most factors that contribute to
what do you think of the most factors that contribute to a stable love relationship?
雪之美 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
How to keep a stable love relationship with friends?
Everyone needs friends.A good friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happiness.But how can we keep a stable love relationship with our friends?I think the best way is to keep on good turn with your friends.
Then,comes the second question.How to keep on good turn with your friends?I have a good idea.
Frist,you must friendly to every body.for example,if you borrow a pen to somebody,you must say do you mind if I lend this pen?When he say yes please,then you can do it.In conclusion,you should be very polite.
Second,you have to be generosity,thus your friends will think you are so recognition to them.
Third,friends should negotiate instead of quarrel.When you don’t agree someone,please discuss with him.
Finally,you need to realize your friends or some people.Know about theirs hobby,habitat or living conditions and so on.Such as their accommodation,folk,likes doing something.
This is my magic weapon,do you agree?
请问个语法问题what the fact contribute to this phenomenon,请问这句话语法对吗
what the fact contribute to this phenomenon,请问这句话语法对吗,注意后面是逗号,
zthqy 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
应该是 What factors contribute to this phenomenon
后面如果是 逗号 就不妥 因为 变成了 名词性从句 孤单 缺谓语
which will contribute directly to the economic
kexianyin 共回答了3个问题 | 采纳率
英语翻译The objective of this paper is to contribute to the grow
The objective of this paper is to contribute to the growing literature on the topic of strategic managementaccounting (SMA).It reports the findings of an exploratory field study ofUKcompanies thatwas designedprimarily to gather insights on the present extent of implementation of SMA practices.Throughout theresearch project a particular interpretation ofSMAwas embraced.SMAis identified as a generic approach
to accounting for strategic positioning,defined by an attempt to integrate insights from managementaccounting and marketing management within a strategic management framework.Examples of SMAtechniques include target costing,life-cycle costing and some forms of strategic cost analysis,withattribute costing as the most compelling development to date.
As a consequence of theway in whichSMAis interpreted in the study,it is assumed to be underpinned bywell-established patterns of interfunctional cooperation between management accountants and marketingmanagers.These patterns of cooperation,and the relationships they embody,are regarded as acting ascritical facilitators for practices such as SMA.Although examples of such cooperation were widelyevident within the sample of companies,and in some instances in their most advanced or synergisticform,there was little evidence that these companies were currently implementing SMA practices such astarget costing,life-cycle costing,attribute costing,etc.At the same time,a strong cross-functional interestin brands and their management evident in some companies was,however,accompanied by a number of
developments that might be termed brand management accounting.In our view,such developments mayconstitute an additional subset of techniques to be included within the generic SMA approach
The paper is structured as follows.In the next section the evolution of SMA is briefly chronicled,with the attribute costing technique identified as its most compelling development to date.In Section 3,SMA’s links with marketing management are identified in order to differentiateSMAboth from the earliertradition of marketing accounting,and from concurrent attempts to integrate elements of strategy theory
into management accounting.Section 4 provides an overview of a number of recent developments withinthe marketing management literature,including calls for the pursuit of a greater extent of interfunctionalco-ordination,and for the promotion of increased marketing accountability.Details of the field study ofthe implementation of SMA practices in the UK are presented in Section 5.In Section 6 we outline some
of the principal findings of this study.The concluding discussion section initially summarises the mainpoints of the paper before identifying a number of future lines of research enquiry
湖北第一ORC 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
这篇文章的目的是为了促进增长的文学的话题上的战略managementaccounting(SMA).它报告结果是试探的田野调查ofUKcompanies designedprimarily thatwas聚集的洞察在目前的程度,对形状记忆合金执行行为.在一个特定的解释theresearch项目ofSMAwas相互拥抱.SMAis认定为一个通用的方法
直接有助于身体健康 翻译成 contribute directly to a person's physical fit
直接有助于身体健康 翻译成 contribute directly to a person's physical fitness.
hyatt 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
contribute directly to a person's physical fitness这句话没有任何问题.
比如:Unemployment contributes directly to homelessness.
physical fitness也没问题.此刻我在google上搜索它,得到的搜索结果数是10,900,000个.
Many ways can contribute to solving this problem, but the fo
Many ways can contribute to solving this problem, but the following ones may be most effective.为什么这句话的most前不加the?它不是最高级么?
lookatyoureyes 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
如果加the就必须说 the most effective one 才完整
The old man is ________ enough to contribute $ 10,000 to the
The old man is ________ enough to contribute $ 10,000 to the disaster area damaged by the earthquake.
A.considerate B.generous
C.fashionable D.concerned
雾缘35 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%

答案 B
制定合适的商务计划有助于新成立的公司稳步发展.(contribute to) 翻译成英文…… 中奖
gudaifang 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
Setting a suitable business plan will contribute to the development of a new firm.
a250589058 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
You don't have to agree with everyone,but you're supposed to respect every one that contributed to the discussion.
英语作文 small deeds contribute to social progress
zy20 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
Small Deeds Contribute to Social Progress
As we all know,social progress leads to the improvement of people's life,and social progress depends on every effort made by each member of the society.It's true that great events can promote the social progress.But small deeds can also put forward the social progress.For example,people may think going out by bus is a very small deed for the environmental protection,it can do nothing for the society.ButI don't think so.To my mind,taking a bus instead of driving a car can do good to our environment as well as the social progress.For it can cut down the air pollution and poisonous gases.If everybody keeps doing the same thing,its contribution is great and the society will benefit a lot from it,and so a good progress in society would be made.
constitute constitution constituent
institute institution
btyeg 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
stitut,stit=set up,place “建立,放”
所以constitute v 构成;制定(con 一起 +stitute→放到一起→构成)
constitution a 构成:宪法(constitute+ion)
constituent a 组成的(con+stitu+ent)
institute n 学会;学院 v.制定,设立(in进入+stiute→建立进去→设立)
institution n 制度;惯例(设立出的制度)
tribute =give,表示“给予”
contribute v 捐赠;贡献(con+全部+tribute-->全部给出-->捐献)
distribute v 分配,分销,发行(dis 分开+tribute-->分开给-->分配) distributor n.分销商,发行人
he committed himself to (contribute) a lot of money to helpi
he committed himself to (contribute) a lot of money to helping build a school中间单词怎么换?意思
tt灌水专用 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
固定短语 commiit oneself to doing sth = be committed to doing sth 致力于/献身于...
英语适当形式填空说明原因 there are many—that contribute to his success.(
英语适当形式填空说明原因 there are many—that contribute to his success.(factor) she got up and got—(dress) his brother is neither too tall nor too short.he is about average —(high) the boy is very naughty.he often —badly in class(behave) this shirt—that one()be similar to environment also—an important role(play) some babies often cry in the night.they are—(trouble) he is an easy-going person.he gets on—with others(good he has made his dream—(come true ) the teacher is—for the students.he is very strict(reaponsibility)
yuhao83 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8% similar to...plays...troublesome...well...come true...responsible
请问 下面几个单词怎么记?contribute apart from firework chart creative p
请问 下面几个单词怎么记?
contribute apart from firework chart creative positive
帮忙分析下单词特点 老师叫人研究出便于记忆的记忆钩
cat1986127 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
提醒你 ,记单词千万不能把它译成中文来记 ,会害了你 .这是真理 !
背单词两点秘诀 :按读音背 ,按拼音背(仅个别有技巧).
contribute 按读音分成 con tri bute ,通过标准发音可以发现 con 的O发的是 ə ,其他的都能通过读音写出来 ,所以对于这个单词就重点记这个O.
apart 按读音分成a par t ,这个单词很简单 ,可以说我小学学了,现在都还记得很牢 ,就按读音来背.
from 按读音分成 f ro m ,O发ɔ 或ə 音 ,或者你把RO想成拼音那种 ,想“若”的音 ,但一定不要死记这个若字 ,会误导你的读音 .
firework 按意思 fire work , fire是火的意思,work 有在运作的,起作用的意思 .所以 firework 是烟火 .抽象点的 .
chart 按读音 ch ar t ,注意重音地方 ,这个也可以通过读音轻易读出来.
creative 按读音 c re a tive ,C发K的音 ,后面用读音来拼写但剖很容易,牢记是C开头就行了.
positive 这个单词用读音来也很容易 ,positive分成po si tive .
所以你只要把单词读熟了,掌握技巧 ,注意与读音不同的地方,背单词就很容易了 .
Smoking is a major factor contribute to cancer.请分析一下这个句子.
Smoking is a major factor contribute to cancer.请分析一下这个句子.
这句话有两个动词了.be 和 contribute
如果它是一个主语从句的话,是不是应该写成That smoking is a major factor contribute to cancer.因为我记得助于从句that应该是不可以省略的呀.可是这又是字典里的句子,
baeud小 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
那个不是主语从句吧 要是这个也太蹩脚了 应该是 Smoking is a major factor (that) contribute to cancer.定语从句
how did china contribute to the British economic growth ih t
how did china contribute to the British economic growth ih the 19th century. were there any problem between china and britian in the 19th century?
20080102 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
要翻译还是要回答啊? 翻译还行,回答就写不出来了.
All the candidates present at the conference have contribute
All the candidates present at the conference have contributed to the development of our country, so they are each recognized specialists in their _________fields.
A.respective B.respected C.respecting D.respectful
woaboal 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%

大学英语,选词填空Passage 2 Ordinary; end; contribute; variety; credi
Passage 2 Ordinary; end; contribute; variety; credit; personal; determine;
confidence; present; ignore
1.I can never expect she is a girl with a
forceful [11] ; she looks
so elegant,you know.
2.Many overseas Chinese have made [12] to the
development of this university.
3.She was so quiet that her [13] was
overlooked by all the guests.
4.Teenagers are usually keen on wearing [14] dresses to
show they are unique.
5.I'm bored to death with my mother-in-law's [15] nagging at
6.When he told me he’d been kidnapped by aliens from Mars,I knew he
was telling another [16] story.
7.The manager was not [17] of his
brother’s capability,so he had his secretary in charge of his company when he
was away on a business trip to Japan.
8.During the flood,he was [18] to learn
swimming if he could survive it.
9.I'm afraid I'm rather [19] about
10.She ran into [20] teapots in
this small china shop; she found it hard for her to decide which one to buy.
小芳的情哥哥 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
英语作文2. Directions: You want to contribute to Project Hope by
2. Directions: You want to contribute to Project Hope by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area. Write a letter to the department concerned,asking them to help find a candidate. You should specify what kind of child you want to help and how you will carry out your plan. Write your letter in no less than 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use “Wang Lin” instead. Do not write the address.
yufeng221 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率96.2%
Attention: ** Civil Affairs Bureaudepartment
Subject: to contribute to Project Hope by offering financialaid to a child in a remote area.
To whom it may concern,

This letter is With regard to I would like to contribute to Project Hope by offering financial aid to achild in a remote area. And I wonder if it is possible for you to help me finda suitable candidate.
To be sure, suitablecandidate should come from a family, which difficult to afford the tuitionfees. I hope that the child is willing to learn and has good schoolperformance. It doesn’t matter whether the candidate is a primary school or highschool student. Besides, it will be best if the child comes from a rural area,as I consider students there need most help.
As for my plans, I will mail 200 yuan in cash to the candidate on the 10th of each month, for his orher tuition or to ease the family burden. In addition, I will send him / her books and magazines from time to time, at least once a month.
Please feel free to contact me on 130 **** **** if you have any further inquiry from me.
It would be appreciated if I could have your kindly help, and I'm looking forward to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Wang Lin
many factors contribute to ___,but the most destructive is t
many factors contribute to ___,but the most destructive is the role that humans have played.
A.animals to die B.dying animals C.animals died out D.animals dying out
哭泣的小熊 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
contribute to sth/doing 对··有贡献


B 濒临灭绝的动物,是说动物
5大火燃烧了五个小时之后消防员才把火势控制住(take control of,before)
白羽轻航 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
What parents say and do will make a great impact on children's characters.
Mnay causes contribute to the change.
With the development of society,language also undergoes a great change.
What confuses us is that he likes raising pigs.
It was five hours before the fireworkers took control of the fire.
面试时候问我How to contribute to the class,
丫丫的丫丫 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
英语翻译高中英语翻译,In sum,several factors contribute to water scarci
高中英语翻译,In sum,several factors contribute to water scarcity.I am convinced that we should take effective steps,including birth control,promotion of sustainable development and research about new water resources,to alleviate this modern-day problem.
鬼谷游医 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
用上括号里的词(组)1.那位科学家把他所有的书都捐给了当地的图书馆(受到污染的空气将会导致很多疾病(lead to)3.谁岗位那场大火受到谴责呢?(be to blame)4.每次我求他帮忙他都说很忙(every time)
醒时读梦 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
1、The scientist contribute all his books to the local library
2、The polluted air will lead to many diseases
3、Who dares to the fire will be blamed
4、Every time I ask him for help he said he was busy
contribute的用法啊 急
contribute的用法啊 急
1、contribute to和devote to的区别2、contribute to/toward后面接什么词或者内容,以及这个词主要的用法
iilzt 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
contribute to, to be an important factor in; help to cause.devote?to give up or appropriate to or concentrate on a particular pursuit, occupation, purpose, cause, etc.: to devote one's time to reading. appropriate by or as if by a vow; set apart or dedicate by a solemn or formal act; consecrate: She devoted her life to God. commit to evil or destruction; doom. contribute to 是好意的奉献.She contributed herself to music. 她把自己奉献给音乐.后面通常会跟着一些她做出的贡献.比如说写了几首歌.devote to 是奉出,给予.I am devoted to God. 我把自己奉献给上帝. 『这样的解释你明白吗?』
翻译句子"Do local variations in the way people talk contribute t
翻译句子"Do local variations in the way people talk contribute to the richness of British culture?"
股海我的地盘 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
英语翻译There are several factors that contribute to wisdom.Of t
There are several factors that contribute to wisdom.Of them I should put first a sense of proportion:the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a problem and to attach to each its due weight.
qrcipher 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
Wendy,Jenny and Nancy contribute $17.50 each to buy a birthd
Wendy,Jenny and Nancy contribute $17.50 each to buy a birthday gift for Sophie.They decide to buy 2 CDs which cost $20.95 each.The tax for 2 CDs is $6.30.Do they have enought money?
小衣的春天 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
先翻译一下,她们各出17.5来买这个生日礼物.他们决定买两个CD,是20.95,两个CD的税金【TAX】,是6.30.他们是否有足够的钱 他们各处17.5,就是一共有17.5×2=35块钱 CD是20.95,税金是6.3,就是20.95+6.3=27.25快钱.35大于27.25 所以他们有足够的钱.
Studies show that the things that contribute most to a sense
Studies show that the things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought,
________ a good family life, friendship and work satisfaction.
[ ]
A. as for
B. in view of
C. in case of
D. such as
找鱼的虾 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
The factors that contribute to this situation include...
The factors that contribute to this situation include...
xueer_lin 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
求英语对话:What factors contribute to a job satisfaction?适合两个人的
求英语对话:What factors contribute to a job satisfaction?适合两个人的
Number them in order of importance and justify your priority.六七分钟左右
巧云在xx 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
What factors contribute to a job satisfaction?Talk with your partner about them.Number them in order of importance and justify your priority.
急求,定语从句改写1It is well known that human activities contribute
急求,定语从句改写1It is well known that human activities contribute to the global warning 2.he made rapid progress in his study , and it was a great comfort to his mother 3. pop music is such an important part of society that is has exen influenced our language . 4the man pulled out a gold watch , and the hands of the watchwere made of small diamonds .
听风的心情 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
一 human activities contribute to the global warning is well known .二it was a great comfort to his mother that he made rapid progress in his study .至于3、4句,让我缓一会儿、、
sth. contribute to sth.有没有这种用法?
Samtse 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
有啊, 什么东西造成了什么结果, 朗文词典一句话" Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year in the US." 饮酒每年在美国造成100000起死亡.
Studies show that the things that contribute most to a sense
Studies show that the things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought, ________ a
good family life, friendship and work satisfaction.
[ ]
A. as for
B. in view of
C. in case of
D. such as
浪子如是 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
zkkng 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
你好, contribute 是“捐助,捐稿”,可做及物和不及物动词,后面接名词作宾语
devote 是将.奉献(贡献)于.,感情色彩更强烈,通常宾语是指一种长久的事业.用作及物动词,devote 后面接宾语,to 后面接的是补语.
contribute to/towards有助于
幽香百合30 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
英语翻译learning your way around the campus all contribute to lo
learning your way around the campus all contribute to look after yourselves,learning your way around the campus all contribute to making it quite hard sometimes to ensure that you diet is adequate.
huanhuan91 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
求此句讲解 these factors contribute to the mystique of Mid-Autumn
求此句讲解 these factors contribute to the mystique of Mid-Autumn Day,which is further enhanced by the holiday's relation to the moon.
9826132 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
What important factors contribute to health?Why?
What important factors contribute to health?Why?
霜言 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
First, it is absolutely necessary to take some exercise everyday. Research shows that getting plenty of exercise makes the heart beat faster and the lungs work harder. This strengthens the heart, redu...
翻译(这些科学的探索将有助于我们项目的成功)要用到 scientific,enquiry,contribute To!
翻译(这些科学的探索将有助于我们项目的成功)要用到 scientific,enquiry,contribute To!

216022 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率66.7%
These scientific enquiries will contribute to the success of our project.
To show how violating a Maxim may contribute to a statement'
To show how violating a Maxim may contribute to a statement's meaning 求翻译
耕耘播种 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率71.4%