
真的不能没有你2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

我们要写一份关于题目的论文 不懂得怎么写 麻烦懂的帮忙写份来参考


yinnin 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%


hiddenkun 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率70.6%
Tess tragedy of Abstract :"Tess of the D'Urbervilles" is a famous English novelist and poet Thomas 1630s were made on behalf of one of the 100 years have passed,heroine Tess has long established in the gallery among world literature.This is not only because the people have beyond traditional morality,but also because the heroine works owned by the depths of human nature as the soul of great charm make it the most touching one of the female image.Tess's fate is tragic,it is the selection of certain factors,but this tragedy itself is inevitable,Is it because the main social factors and the destiny of the factors,personality factors and the occasional non-rational factors.Key words :Hardy,Tess,tragedies,
oicurmt 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
U.S.national security review of foreign M & A Analysis and Reference System
请求英语专业人士翻译~韩国语先语末词尾“더”的用法探析摘 要:韩国语是主要通过助词和词尾来表达语法关系的语
摘 要:韩国语是主要通过助词和词尾来表达语法关系的语言体系,助词和词尾极为丰富发达。先语末词尾是指位于谓词词干和语末词尾之间的词尾。先语末词尾及其衍生出的语末词尾在语法关系中发挥着重要作用,“더”的用法更是如此。正确理解和把握先语末词尾“더”的用法对韩国语教学研究来说是非常重要的,对韩国语语言体系的研究也将会大有脾益。
1981319 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
Korean is an language system which expressing grammatical relations by means of the well-developed and extensive adverbs and endings. 先语末词尾(专有名词不太会翻译)refers to the Suffix between which the谓词词干 and the 语末词尾 .先语末词尾and the derived 语末词尾 play an important role in grammatical relations .,this is also especially true in the usage of “더” . Correctly comprehend the meaning of 先语末词尾and the usage of “더” is thus immensely important to the teaching& research in the field of Korean studies and also of great help to the research into the Korean language system.
注 韩国语的专有名词,自己去查把,千万不要胡乱翻译。我拿不准的专有名词就拿汉语代替了! 你查到后替换就可以。很容易的。 另外不要用翻译软件翻译出的文章,完全没法用!
阿杉 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
Research on Internal Control as for Accounting Information System in Enterprises under the Circumstance of Accounting Informatization
英语翻译郭敬明《梦里花落知多少》中的北京方言词语探析摘要 郭敬明在2003年出版的长篇小说《梦里花落知多少》(以下简称《
摘要 郭敬明在2003年出版的长篇小说《梦里花落知多少》(以下简称《梦里》)中采用了一种独特的话语模式:即以北京方言进行写作并夹杂大量粗话.这种话语模式形成了全书幽默、诙谐的语言风格.本文摘取了《梦里》所运用的一部分典型的北京方言和粗话,对其从动态和静态两个方面进行分析,以便从语言这个角度对《梦里》有一个全新的认识.
关键词 北京方言 粗话
wh_callow 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
Guo Jingming "In Dream Flower Falls Knows How many" the center Beijingdialect words and expressions to search analyzes
Guo Jingming publishes in 2003 the novel "In DreamFlower Fell Knows How many" (to hereafter refer to as "In Dream")center to use one kind of unique words pattern:Namely carries onwriting and the mixture massive vulgar language by the Beijingdialect.This kind of words pattern has formed the entire bookhumorous,the humorous language style.This article has selected partof models Beijing dialects and the vulgar language which "In Dream"utilizes,and the static two aspects carries on the analysis to itsdriven condition,in order to has a brand-new understanding fromlanguage this angle to "Dream In".
Key word Beijing dialect vulgar language
“Deep in reading” refers to the readers who can go further into the text by themselves,reasonably analysis the profound implicature of the reading materials.It is the obligatory duty of the Chinese teaching to improve the students' ability in deep in reading.To explore the strategy of guiding students’ deep in reading,we should start from the angle of perception following their own intensity,difference,combination,contrast rule; guide from many access,such as “image” guiding,an artistic conception creating,guide questioning,blank leaving; and also integrate the idea of lifelong reading to improve the students' reading ability.
heizhang 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
“Deep in reading” refers to the fact that the readers can go further into the text by themselves and analysing the profound implicature of the reading materials reasonably. It is the obligatory duty of the Chinese teaching to improve the students' ability in deep in reading. To explore the strategy of guiding students’ deep in reading, we should start from the angle of perception following their own intensity, difference, combination, contrast rule; guide from many access, such as “image” guiding, an artistic conception creating, guide questioning, blank leaving; and also integrate the idea of lifelong reading to improve the students' reading ability.
求《The scarlet letter》(红字)主人翁海丝特白兰的悲剧探析的英语论文
求《The scarlet letter》(红字)主人翁海丝特白兰的悲剧探析的英语论文
有没有带摘要,介绍等一套完整的英语论文没 我查的都是汉语也丢了
cancri 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
Although criticism of The Scarlet Letter for a long time took Dimmesdale as the central character, it has more recently reacknowledged what was well understood in Hawthorne's own time, that Hester is protagonist and center. The narrator allies himself with her and, despite occasional adverse judgments, devotes himself to her cause. His cause as narrator is to obliterate her obliteration, to force the reader to accept Hester's reading of her letter as a badge of honor instead of a mark of negation. The narrator forces us, just as Hester forces her Puritan townsmates, to see her as a good woman on her own terms. In contrast to the two distorted male personalities who counterpoise her-the one obsessed with revenge, the other with his own purity-Hester appears almost a miracle of wholeness and sanity. While these men struggle with their own egos and fantasies, she has real battles-to maintain her self-respect in a community that scorns her, to stay sane in solitude, to support herself and her child, to raise that child to normal adulthood despite so many obstacles. Curiously, though she has been cast out of society, Hester remains very much in the world, whereas Chillingworth and Dimmesdale at the very center of society, are totally immured in their self-absorption. In her inner integrity and her outer responsiveness, Hester is a model and a counterstatement.
Cautiously, Hawthorne advances the notion that if society is to be changed for the better, such change will be initiated by women. But because society has condemned Hester as a sinner, the good that she can do is greatly circumscribed. Her achievements in a social sense come about as by-products of her personal struggle to win a place in the society; and the fact that she wins her place at last indicates that society has been changed by her. Might there be in the future a reforming woman who had not been somehow stigmatized by society? Although in his later works Hawthorne was to answer this question negatively, in The Scarlet Letter the possibility, though faint, is there.
There is more to be said about Hester than space allows; let me confine myself to two points: first, the relative insignificance of her relation to Dimmesdale in comparison with her relation to Pearl-the supersession in her portrait of sexual love by maternal love. The downplaying of her passion for Dimmesdale means that--although she continues to love him, and remains in Boston largely on his account-her goodness and her essential nature are not defined by her relation to a man. Hawthorne does not cooperate in the masculine egotism that he excoriates in The Blithedale Romance by making Hester a mere event in the great sum of man. Hester is a self in her own right portrayed primarily in relation to the difficulties in her social situation, in relation to herself, and in relation to Pearl.
Through Pearl, Hester becomes an image of "Divine Maternity" (1:56). But though so signally a mother, she is not a "mother figure." By detaching her from the social milieu that defines and supports the concept of motherhood, Hawthorne is able to concentrate on the relation of Hester to her child without any social implications. In fact, society in this instance wishes to separate the mother and child. By giving her a recalcitrant daughter as child, Hawthorne has even more cleverly set his depiction of motherhood apart from Victorian ideology. What remains is an intense personal relation that expresses Hester's maternal nature in a remarkably role-free way.
But adult love, sexual love, has not been written out of the story by this emphasis, and this is the second point I would stress. At the end of the work Hester expresses the hope "that, at some brighter period, when the world should have grown ripe for it, in Heaven's own time, a new truth would be revealed, in order to establish the whole relation between man and woman on a surer ground of Mutual happiness." The "angel and apostle of the coming revelation must be a woman" who would show "how sacred love should make us happy, by the truest test of a life successful to such an end!" (SL:263). These are Hester's ideas rather than the narrator's, but he does not distance himself from her at this point. "Earlier in life, Hester had vainly imagined that she herself might be the destined prophetess." Hester could have had this vain imagining only during the very brief period of her secret affair with Dimmesdale, for once she was stigmatized she could have no further hope of living a life such as she describes. But during their affair, she felt that what they did had a consecration of its own-it was this consecration, then, that she wished to put to the test of a lifetime.
Therefore, what Hester means by "sacred love" is really "sexual love," and she looks forward to the time when sex and love can be united by men in one emotion, a time when somehow women can heal the split in the male psyche. As Freud, writing later in the century, was to observe the male inability to feel passion and tenderness toward the same "object," so Hawthorne not many decades earlier found the male's revulsion and fear of sex leading him to separate from women and incapable therefore of love. Hester's letter represents not merely adulterous sex but all sex, and the image of divine maternity becomes even more telling than it seemed at first. Every child testifies to the sexual experience of its mother and is, in a society that finds sex shameful, a shameful object. For Hester to try to return to Dimmesdale by "undoing" her letter is to return to him incompletely, in a manner that denies sex, denies her child. It is no wonder that Pearl objects.
What one senses here--though how opaquely!--is Hawthorne's tentative engagement with the subject of men and their mothers, his suggestion that the relation between men and their mothers was the deepest and most central core of their lives. The great liberation of The Scarlet Letter comes not only from its celebration of a woman, but of a woman who is centrally a mother (73-53).
goldenRetriever 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
Analysis of the teaching characteristics of Communicative Approach
英语翻译求高人帮我翻译成英语吧~本人英语太烂了~翻译题目和摘要就行~网络语言发展的阶段性特点探析 摘要:电脑的日渐普及使
新程跃马来 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
Topic: network language development phases feature article
Abstract: the increasing popularity of computer network language to get vast development space.
In this paper the development of network language that embodies the characteristics of different stages and analysis, and find the network language before 2005 characteristics in glyph, semantic aspect in 2005, and after the stage is prominently shown in glyph, characteristics, and then grammar on the development trend of future network language made a forecast.
【关键词】ATM非正常交易 类型 银行 客户 法律责任 立法现状 立法建议
windeye_xyxy 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
Discussion on legal responsibilities of abnormal ATM(Automatic Transaction Machine) transactions.
With the development of modern banking industries,disputes on abnormal ATM transactions are occuring quite frequently,but legislation in the relevant law does not clearly stipulate the responsibility of abnormal ATM transactions,and that most of provisions are biased aginst the customers.Based on the nature of disputes,this article clasifies them as different categories,and analyses the legal responsibilities of the banks and the customers.Based on existing legislation,put forward legislative proposals,hopefully they will help solve the disputes,and promote healthy development of the banking industry.
Abnormal ATM transactions,categories,Bank customers,legal responsibilities,existing legislation,legislative proposal
yxnws 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率96.3%
Analysis of the Language of THE LEGEND OF THE CONDOR HEROESCharacteristics of the Language of THE LEGEND OF THE CONDOR HEROESStudy of the Language Use in THE LEGEND OF THE CONDOR HEROES你看这几个能用吗?你原来写成什么了老师说不对?