谁给我Wentworth Miller 英文简介!写英语作文要用!

我爱葫芦娃2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


erizhao 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
Full Name:Wen 特沃什厄尔 Miller III,the English name:WentworthEarlMiller Nickname:Stinky (because he was in the university chorus Wentworth Miller (20) Mission razor) Height:1.87 m Date of Birth :June 2,1972 Birthplace:Oxfordshire,UK Sign:Gemini Nationality:United States Region:Europe Occupation:Actor Family:Father-Wentworth Earl Miller II,mother-Joy,two little girls Starring Film:"Resident Evil:God of War regeneration (Resident Evil 4) "Resident Evil:Afterlife (2010)"Stealth"Stealth (2005)"Human Stain"The Human Stain (2003)"Underworld"Underworld (2003)"Dinotopia "DINOTOPIA (2002) and so on.Wen 特沃什米勒 the father African American,Jamaican,English,Jewish descent,while her mother attended the law shows the Netherlands,Syria,Lebanon descent.Wen 特沃什米勒 said he has done so far are two very important decisions:first,after graduating from Princeton University,did not choose the elite Wall Street world,turned into a Hollywood Flower universe; second ,mixed in Hollywood for 10 years failed in the case,did not give up still persist.


请问下面这段关于Wentworth Miller的话如何翻译?
请问下面这段关于Wentworth Miller的话如何翻译?
The 34-year-old star of Prison Break reveals the downside of having a shorn identity. "I've been shaving my head on and off for years, but for a low-maintenance look, it takes a lot of maintenance – I have to cut it twice a week!"
ra5sg 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
英语翻译一工程师(Wentworth Miller扮演)为了救出无辜入狱并被判死刑的亲生哥哥(Purcell扮演),设法
一工程师(Wentworth Miller扮演)为了救出无辜入狱并被判死刑的亲生哥哥(Purcell扮演),设法混入自己参与设计的监狱中并助其越狱.该剧的焦点落在了对监狱设计了如指掌的Michae如何l帮助无辜受罪的哥哥逃出生天的全过程.该剧欲与名作《大逃亡》相媲美,共22集,追寻了只身一人策划越狱的全经过.
ling_214 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
An engineer (Wentworth Miller plays) to rescue the innocent and sentenced to death for the natural Colombia Columbia (Purcell plays),trying to mix his involvement in the design of the prison and helped him escape.Starring the focus fell on the familiar design of the prison Michae l how to help the innocent suffer brother escape days the whole process.Starring with the desire famous work "exodus" comparable to a total of 22 sets,the search for a person alone in the escape plan after all.
英语翻译是一封写给演员wentworth miller的信,但是由于英文不好,所以希望能帮忙翻译一下,希望能翻译成纯正的
是一封写给演员wentworth miller的信,但是由于英文不好,所以希望能帮忙翻译一下,希望能翻译成纯正的美语,
生命的瞬间 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
Dear Wenty:
I like your impersonation in Prison Break,especially Mic,you showed all his imperturbation as well as sagacity,and her characteristic to face extremity sturdily has been completely visualized by you,which appears to be infective.With the compact story in Prison Break,we almost got immerged overwhelmingly.Another reason to our fondness on Prison Break is the relationship like love and affection between characters were so attractive while were shown smoothly and not ardently.Now we're longing for the Season 4.
Me and thousands of your Chinese fans are thirsty of your performance in your future films and would support you all through.
I'm wondering how long will it spend for the letter to arrive on you,no matter what,happy birthday to you.(别提外国人的年龄,你一定要说的话,就自己改一下吧.)
And wish you together with your Prison Break to achieve greater success,and wish myself to obtain your signature and poster.