
liweiandy2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答



kk椒辣辣 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
Although on the mouth dislikes you to say I young stupid stupid,
satisfying in very am actually happy - because loves you
Is receiving suffering from injustice time always first to
think of you - because I love you
Is late in you blames you, really scolds you, but is treasures
each time with you in together - because me loves you
Very is really mean spirited, in the eye allows not to be below
sand - because I love you
Each time the vitality does intentionally has not calmed down,
only is wants to listen to you to roar oneself - because I love you
Can accompany you to look together you most like program, even
if is the oneself most repugnant drop - because I love you
Always wants your slow spot to eat, because feared you can have
the gastric disease - because I love you


12wq 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率96.3%
At New York's Central Park Zoo,a lion (Stiller),a zebra (Rock),a giraffe (Schwimmer),and a hippo (Smith) are best friends and stars of the show.But when one of the animals goes missing from their cage,the other three break free to look for him,only to find themselves reunited ...on a ship en route to Africa.When their vessel is hijacked,however,the friends,who have all been raised in captivity,learn first-hand what life can be like in the wild.
伤逝123 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率100%
今天我看了一部卡通电影,名字叫《马达加斯加》,电影《马达加斯加》观后感作文.它讲述的是从小在一个动物园里长大的斑马、狮子、长颈鹿、河马,它们每天都要在动物园里给游客表演节目,动物园给它们提供了丰富的食品和舒适的生活环境.有一天,斑马非常向往野外大自然的生活,提出逃到野外去的想法,其它三个动物却不同意,斑马只好一个人逃出动物园.后来,同伴们为了找到斑马相继逃出,途中被人类捉到,人们将它们一起装到船上运往非洲.在海上它们遇到了海难,海难把装在箱子里的动物们冲到了岸上.因为动物们在动物园里养尊处优地生活惯了,所以在野外无法生存,遇到了种种困难…… 通过这部电影让我感触很深,我们现在在家里、在学校不也是象那四个小动物在动物园一样吗?生活上被照顾得无微不至,但是,我们一旦独自遇到了困难,又该如何面对呢?通过这部电影让我知道了,在家里我们不能再做“小皇帝”了,不然你也会象电影里的四个小动物一样离开了父母遇到困难就无法生存,我们要学会生活、学会生存,观后感《电影《马达加斯加》观后感作文》.要有自我保护和自我生存的能力,同时,也希望家长和老师能给我们提供这方面的锻炼机会,让我们成为一个全面发展的好学生.电影《马达加斯加》观后感作文450字小学生作文(/)
谁的板砖在飞 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
介绍人物的:Liu Xiang, a Shanghai native, was born on July 13, 1983. In March, 1999, he entered the Shanghai track and field team and one year later, he was admitted to the National Youth Team. In 2002, he won the gold modals in the men’s 110m hurdles at the Asian Games and the Asian Championships. The next year, he took third in the 60m hurdles at the World Indoor Championships in England. In the August 27, 2004 Athens Olympic Games. Liu won the men’s 110m hurdles final in 12.91 seconds, equaling the world record set and breaking the Olympic record. He impressed on me the spirit of self-improvement 动画片的很难找,给你一篇介绍《哈利波特》的吧!The series of Harry Potter movies is great! It was written by J.K.Rowling. A normal boy called Harry Potter suddenly found that he was a wizard, his parents were killed by Lord Voldemort when he was only 1 years old. Then he went to Hogwarts, a school which teach wizards and witches how to use magic, to study. At there, he learned many things, and made friends with Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. When he was 15, he understood that he was the only person who can kill the Dark Lord, Voldemort. Then Harry started to prepare to kill him. His friends stayed with him to help him. After many difficulties, at the age of 17, they finally finished the task. The whole world was saved by Harry, and became peaceful again. I can not describe so much in this short passage, but, really, the books are worth watching. You can learn many things in it, for example, many kinds of love. Your feeling goes with the story, you will laugh, you will cry, and you can not forget it. So come to enjoy it~!