zx56298212022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


张兴源 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%


Jules Verne lived in a small French town named Nantes in his
Jules Verne lived in a small French town named Nantes in his childhood.Verne ran away once as a child and came upon a small boy who was crying.The boy said he had to leave his family on a ship,but he didn’t want to.So Verne took his place on the ship.He thought he was going to explore the world,but his father caught up with the ship before it got very far and took Jules home to punish him.Verne said that after that he would only travel in his imagination,and he did.
Verne wanted to write plays.So as a young man he went to Paris and hung out at local theaters and became friends with all the play writers there.That’s how he met Alexander Dumas.Dumas wrote adventure stories that interested Verne very much.Verne decided to write one of his own,an adventure about the ever so popular hot air balloon trips of the time.
Success was not easy for him,though.He didn’t know much about science and he had a wife and two children to take care of.So he would wake up early each morning and do work and research before he went to work to support his family.Once he felt he knew enough about science he began to write his story in the morning.Luckily,his book was finally published by a person named Hetzel.
Jules Verne was the first to write a believable story about a person going to the moon.Verne used his knowledge of science to write a book about it.Thanks to his book,people started thinking about going to the moon more realistically.After Jules Verne died in 1905,other authors started writing about space.Children would read Verne’s books and dream of growing up to build rockets.Because of Verne’s books the dream of the moon was reached.
64.What’s the purpose of this passage?
A.x05To show Jules Verne’s knowledge of science.
B.x05To present a brief introduction to Jules Verne.
C.x05To discuss the adventures Jules Verne had in his life.
D.x05To explain the reason for Jules Verne to become a writer.
65.As a child,Jules Verne could be described as .
A.naughty(淘气的) B.interesting C.adventurous D.friendly
66.According to the last paragraph,we can infer .
A.x05Verne may mention rockets in his story about the travel to the moon
B.x05Verne was the first person to suggest the travel to the moon
C.x05Verne’s books were the most popular ones with children at the time
D.x05Without Verne’s books people would never dream of visiting the moon
67.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.x05Verne’s first adventure story was about the air balloon trips.
B.x05Verne’s idea of having a travel on a ship was frustrated by his father.
C.x05Verne showed much interest in adventure stories written by Dumas.
D.x05Verne wrote many believable story books about people visiting the moon.
瞧不起** 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
A .表明朱勒凡尔纳的科学知识.
B .本简要介绍朱勒凡尔纳.
C .讨论朱勒凡尔纳在他的生活.
答:淘气(淘气的)B C D友好有趣的冒险
D .没有凡尔纳的书的人绝不会探访月球的梦想
海底两万里的作者Jules Verne的英文介绍
rubyxiao 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率61.5%
Overview of Jules Verne was in nineteenth Century the French famous science fiction and adventure fiction writer,known as" the father of modern science fiction",wrote" Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the sea"," journey to the center of the earth" and other well-known science fiction.
Jules verne's most famous book is "twenty thousand leaguesun
Jules verne's most famous book is "twenty thousand leaguesunder完形填空
消费高 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
是Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea
额.不好意思,才发现不是翻译.而是完型,把题目放上来吧= =
将下列句子改为主动语态:―It was written by Jules Verne ,a French writen.
将下列句子改为主动语态:―It was written by Jules Verne ,a French writen.
―Jules Verne ,the French writer ( ) the novel Around the World in Eighty Days.
whysbr 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
French novelist Jules Verne (1828—1905) is often called the
French novelist Jules Verne (1828—1905) is often called the father of science fiction. Although he was not a great traveler himself, his characters travelled to the moon (in From the Earth to the Moon ), under the sea (in Twenty thousand leagues under the sea ), into a volcano (in A journey to the centre of the earth ), around the world (in Around the World in Eighty Days ) and to many other places.
  Jules Verne was born in the French city of Nantes in 1828. When he was a boy he ran away from home to work on a ship. However, his father soon found him and brought him home. After that he decided that any future travel he did would be in books. In 1847 his father sent Jules to Paris to study to be a lawyer. Even though he was busy writing, Verne passed his exams in 1849 with high marks.
  When Jules told his father he did not want to be a lawyer, his father was very angry. He stopped sending his son any money, so Jules had to earn a living by his writing. Over the next few years he wrote many stories and plays, which brought him only a little money. Then, in 1856, he met Honorine de Viane, a rich, young widow with two children. The couple married the next year.
After his marriage, Verne worked as a businessman in Paris. However, he was not very successful at his job and spent most of his time writing books and doing research for the next one. In 1863 he published his novel Five Weeks in a balloon and the following year he published A Journey to the centre of the earth which made him famous. His books became so popular and earned him so much money that he was able to leave his job and work full time on his writing.
In his Lifetime, Jules Verne wrote more than 50 books and he became a rich man. Many of this imaginative novels have been turned into films.
小题1:When Jules Verne was brought home by his father, he decided that ________.
A.he would devote himself to writing
B.he would go on more travels in the future
C.he would stop writing about future travels
D.he would do what his father required
小题2:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.He was not good at his schoolwork.
B.He went to Paris because he wanted to be a lawyer.
C.His early stories and plays didn’t bring in much money.
D.He got married in 1856.
小题3:Jules Verne became rich mainly because of his ________.
A.family B.marriage C.business D.writing
小题4:Which book can be considered as a turning point in Jules Verne’s life?
A. From the Earth to the Moon.
B . Five Weeks in a Balloon.
C . A Journey to the Center of the Earth.
D . Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.
小题5:Which can we infer from the passage?
A.Jules Verne’s stories and plays were liked by film makers.
B.Jules Verne was not clever enough to learn law.
C.Jules Verne’s wife helped him a lot in his writing career.
D.Jules Verne’s stories and plays made him famous in the 1850s.
仙子月亮 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%

求《环游世界80天》的英文概述如题,注意的是,我要的是Jules Verne写的名著《环游世界80天》而不是成龙拍的那部
如题,注意的是,我要的是Jules Verne写的名著《环游世界80天》而不是成龙拍的那部电影.1000字左右.主要写主人公在全文中的冒险概括.
宝贝糖果派 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
London in 1872.A gentleman which nameds a blessing gram heel friends threatens while talking away in club own"can within 80 days the week swim world", and make a bet by 30,000 pounds.The blessing gram in a hurry takes the attendant Ba Si Pa4's diagram, embark a balloon ship to arrive at French south, want to catch the train at first and afterwards see a train crowded can't open, and then multiply by spirit steamer to arrive to Spain.Coincidentally meet with bullfight performance, two people would rather delay and also want big and satisfied once chance to enjoy seeing. Proper when they go to Switzerland, is didn't expect stare at by the spy of Scotland Yard(namely London police station) up.Originally the blessing gram leaves London soon, 1 happenned to rob a bank case there, two people are waded Yi, and the spy follows to come over all the way.Blessing gram they have to escape India, the Ao which rescues to prepare to dies for love but die reaches a princess, and three people became travelling companion.They sail across ocean, faraway arrive at San Francisco, through North American Continent, finally arrive New York.Which anticipated to just drive a clearance to the periodical number of steamer of England, three people night one step. Leave the term onlied have for several days and the blessing gram Qing bag bought a dirigible airship, cross Atlantic Ocean of very rough sea and land on the Blighty.However, greet their but is 1 to rejoice too soon;Wait for a personal long police three people Lang Dang to wear the stripe them.80 of make a bet soon arrived.The blessing gram spends a very great strength, fee many arguments.Prove own not guilty toward the police, just have to get to release to go home.The Ao reaches his braveness and tactful of princess' heart set on, two people prepare matrimony, be also the last day for 80 days before hold wedding, the blessing gram ocean ocean satisfiedly arrives at club, many friends are shocked, and the blessing gram bet won, and then married a beautiful wife.But his fare exactly 30,000 pound.Money of win equals and take.
Jules Verne had lived to see many of his fancies come true.B
Jules Verne had lived to see many of his fancies come true.But this had not surprised him,For he had once said :" What one man can imagine,another man can do"
sd3299297 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
1Jules Verne 在有生之年看到了很多奇思妙想成为现实,但这些并不没有让他感到惊讶,因为他曾经说过 只要一个人能想得到的,一定有人能做到(人有多大胆,地有多大产)
2.应该是HAD LIVED TO,LIVED是过去分词,整个可以解释成有生之年
英语翻译Jules Verne was born in 1828.He wasn`t a scientist,but h
Jules Verne was born in 1828.He wasn`t a scientist,but he read many books about science and wrote some exciting stories.He thought one day scientists and inventors would do the things in his stories seemed to be fairy tales.But many years later,many of the things really came ture.
His famous book is Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.There was no submarunes in those days,but he wrote about an underwater ship.it was like a midern submarine.the men in the submarine in the book had many strange journeys and found many strange things.
病猫汤姆 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
Jules Verne出生在1828年.他不是一个科学家,但他读过许多有关科学的书,也写过一些激动人心的故事.他觉得有一天科学家和发明家们会做他故事里的那些东西像童话一样不可思议.但许多年过后,许多事正的成为了事实.
French novelist Jules Verne (1828~1905) is often called the
French novelist Jules Verne (1828~1905) is often called the father of science fictions.Although he was not a great traveller himself,his characters journeyed to the moon (in From Earth to Moon),Under the sea (in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea),into a volcano (in A Journey to the Centre of the Earth),around the world (in Around the World in Eighty Days) and to many other places.
Jules Verne was born in the French city of Nantes in 1828.When he was a boy he ran away from home to work on a ship.However,his father soon found him and brought him home.After that he decided that any future travel he did would be in books.In 1847,his father sent Jules to Paris to study to be a lawyer.Even though he was busy writing,Verne passed his exams in 1849 with high marks.
When Jules told his father he did not want to be a lawyer,his father was very angry.He stopped sending his son any money,so Jules had to earn a living by his writing.Over the next few years he wrote many stories and plays which brought him only a little money.Then,in 1856,he met Honorine de Viane,a rich,young widow with two children.The couple married the next year and their only child Michel was born in 1862.
After his marriage,Verne worked as a businessman in Paris.However,he was not very successful at his job and spent most of his time writing books and doing research for the next one.In 1863,he published his novel Five Weeks in a Balloon and in the following year he published A Journey to the Centre of the Earth which brought him fame.His books became so popular and earned him so much money that he was able to leave his job and work full time on his writing.
In his lifetime,Jules Verne wrote more than 50 books and he became a rich man.Many of this imaginative novels have been turned into films.
小题1:Jules Verne became rich because of his________.
A.father B.marriage
C.business D.writing
小题2:When Jules Verne was brought home by his father,he decided that________.
A.he would go on more travels in the future
B.he would do as his father required
C.he would be devoted to writing about future travels
D.he would stop writing about future travels
小题3:Which book can be considered as a turning point in Jules Verne’s life?
A.Five Weeks in a Balloon.
B.A Journey to the Centre of the Earth.
C.From Earth to Moon.
D.Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.
小题4:What can we infer from the passage?
A.Jules Verne was appreciated by film makers.
B.Jules Verne was not clever enough to learn law.
C.Jules Verne’s stories and plays won him big fame in the 1850s.
D.Jules Verne’s wife helped him a lot in his writing career.
淘气蓝光 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%

小题1: D
解析 细节理解题。由文章倒数第二段最后一句可知,是写作使Jules Verne取得了巨大的成功,变得非常富有。
小题2: C
解析 细节理解题。由文章第二段第四句可知,遭到父亲的阻挠以后,Jules Verne决定用书来描写自己未来的旅行。
小题3: B
解析 细节理解题。由文章倒数第二段可知,1864年Jules Verne出版的《地心之旅》使他成名了。
小题4: A
解析 推理判断题。由文章最后一段可知,Jules Verne的许多作品被拍成了电影,故推测他深受电影人的喜爱。
英语的阅读题 不要翻译 Jules Verne was born in 1828.He wasn`t a scienti
英语的阅读题 不要翻译
Jules Verne was born in 1828.He wasn`t a scientist,but he read many books about science and wrote some exciting stories.He thought one day scientists and inventors would do the things in his stories seemed to be fairy tales.But many years later,many of the things really came ture.
His famous book is Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.There was no submarunes in those days,but he wrote about an underwater ship.it was like a midern submarine.the men in the submarine in the book had many strange journeys and found many strange things.
( )1.From the passage,wo konw___.A.how jules Verne made a submarine B.Jules Verne became a scientist one day C.many of the things in Jules Verne`s stories really came ture later
( )2.Jules Verne was ___.A.a write B.an inventorC.a scientist
( )3.Jules Verne thought___.A.his stories were fairy tales
B.a submarine was a ship C.scientists and inven tors would make the things in his stirier come ture
( )4.Jules Verne`s books Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea___.A.was not good B.was about subarines C.helped people do work
( )5.The men in the submarine in the book___.
A.never went to any places B.were scientists C went to lots of places
caojean 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%