i am impressive 这句话没错吧?

上完课上网2022-10-04 11:39:545条回答

i am impressive 这句话没错吧?
有没有搞错……给我讲impressive的用法……这个用法字典上查不出来的 我只想知道有没有错


儋州ii 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
sb is impressive某人让人印象深刻.
sb is impressed 某人对某物印象深刻
yycwxmhj123 共回答了30个问题 | 采纳率
shiny04 共回答了953个问题 | 采纳率
Yes, it is correct.
椰子078 共回答了30个问题 | 采纳率
杉楠 共回答了40个问题 | 采纳率
i am impressed,印象深刻


The speaker, Professor Davie, __________ for his impressive
The speaker, Professor Davie, __________ for his impressive achievements in physics, was warmly received by all the students in our school.
A.being known B.known C.having known D.to know
我是yy公主 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%

a person with a good vocabulary is not only impressive,
a person with a good vocabulary is not only impressive,
but he or she is better able to communicate and understand complex thoughts as well.求翻译
hudongsheng 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
Was that ever an impressive performance?请翻译
雾雪冰地 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
请以“the most impressive teacher in my school life"为题,写一篇英语作文
fydls 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
The most impressive teacher in my school life
A saying goes,teachers are gardeners,students are flowers of the motherland,under the care of the gardeners,flowers grow happily.Teachers are very important for students.They can have great influence on students.
First,I want to talk about the teacher who I hate.When I was in kindergarten,I was a carefree kid.The only thing I wanted to do was playing games; the only thing I did not want to do was studying.Because of that,I was not doing well at that time.Maybe it was for the reason why she did not like me.In my impression,she never smiled nor took care of me specially.For example,my score was low,she never counseled me.What impressed most was that once I came to school late,she let me stand in the doorway,until the bell rang.From childhood I always remember it now.
Forget it,forget the unpleasant memories of these.Next I want to talk about the teacher I like.When I was in junior high school third grade,I met a good teacher named Jiao Jin he.He taught us physics.Almost every class he made jokes with us.His class was full of laughter with warm atmosphere.He explained to us the life of the physical knowledge which broadened my horizon,and gave us the magic shows.The most deeply impression I remembered was that how to use a round rope through the neck form the back to the front directly.Under his education,
请帮忙分析一下这句话:she serves as an impressive reminder of the greai
请帮忙分析一下这句话:she serves as an impressive reminder of the greai ships of the past
lml683 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
其中难以理解的是短语"serve as",发挥什么样的功能,有什么样的功效,“这艘船充当了一个深刻的提醒者,使人们回忆过去的大船”
of ,the most impressive one ,the ,all ,is ,cities,for ,me ,H
of ,the most impressive one ,the ,all ,is ,cities,for ,me ,Hangzhou连词成句
natp 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
Hangzhou is the most impressive one of all cities for me
英语作文description of the most impressive place that you have b
description of the most impressive place that you have been to
王淑青 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
the most impressive place that you have been to

  There are many advertisement on T.V.They try to give you a strong impression on the idea,object,service,etc.This can be done by designing the best ad.you have ever seen or the worst.as long as you can remember the designer has done their job.

Thinking back on all the ads I have ever seen,I guess the bost impressive one has to be an channel ad.The advertisement was trying to give me a good impression on a specific channel,in this case,channel 2.All the goods from this ad came down to this,it had a very catchy tune making me sing it all the time,simple but effective title (all 2gether) and interesting graphics (bright and colourful).The plot was simple,a wave of happiness going through everybody,making people laugh and be joyful even in their dreams.This implys that channel 2 would bring happiness to you.

In conclusion,I thought that the channel 2 advertisement was definitely one of the most impressive advertisements I have ever seen,and I would like to see more ads just as excellent on T.V,instead of boring ones wasting my time interrupting my favourite T.V show!There are many trips in my memory,Among them,I never forgot that day when my family made a trip to visit YanDang Mountain in May 1st 2005.It was a fine day that day,when we arrived at the peak of YanDang Mountain,I was charmed by the beautiful landscape and I felt that I was flying in the sky.It gave me the most impressive is not only the charmful landscape attract me,but also my mother and father could spend time making a trip with me although they were always busy.I never forget that day and that trip to YanDang Mountain with my whole family.
his tall and spare frame cut an impressive figure.应如何翻译?fram
his tall and spare frame cut an impressive figure.应如何翻译?frame cut 要怎么理解!
Meng_Haiping 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
cut 是谓语动词,可以理解为“形成”,这里是过去式,cut的过去式是原形
主语是 his tall and spare frame 他高瘦的身材
15.15.The beginningof the movie is impressive,--------- is t
15.The beginningof the movie is impressive,--------- is theending ,which leaves us much to think.
A.as B.what C.which D.that
huihui2580 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
as 就有正如的意思
正如你所说的,As you said,.
关于以"talking about your most impressive trip you did in the p
关于以"talking about your most impressive trip you did in the past"为话题的英语对话材料,
小狐媚儿 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
five days ago.i went to the hai nan island.i went hai nan island by plane.it was s
The old woman's words were deeply impressed on my memory.为什么答案用impressed,用impressive可以吗?它们两者有什么区别吗?一般怎么用?
4004448 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
The old woman's words were deeply impressed on my memory.为什么答案用impressed?impressed是指 使感动/印象深刻;使铭记/铭刻老妇人的话深深印在我的记忆中.用impressive可以吗?可以.impressive 形容给人深刻印象的,感人的,令人难忘的但是要把句子转成:The old woman's words were impressive.老妇的话令人印象深刻.interest 也是有类似的说法:如:The book is interesting.这本书很有趣.I'm interested in the book.我对这本书感到有兴趣.
英语翻译The hognose snake puts on an impressive bluff,hissing an
The hognose snake puts on an impressive bluff,hissing and rearing back,broadening the flesh behind its head the way a cobra does and feigning repeated strikes,but it has
no dangerous fangs and no venom,and eventually,if itspursuer is not cowed by the performance,will fall over and play dead.
准横业确厉 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
impressive 口语中怎么翻译
vv丫儿 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
adj.给人印象深刻的,感人的; 引人注目的; 可观的; 显赫;
求以An impressive experience in my summer holiday 高中英语作文
jinlven1 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率80%
My Summer Holiday
like the summer holidy so much. I look forward to summer holiday every year. Last summer, I went to Shen zhen for my holiday, which is also a city of seashore like Haikou. I enjoyed having a walk along the beach after supper or having a swim in the afternoon. The sky is blue, the air is fersh. Wherever you go, You can always see the green trees, the neat grasses and the colourful flowers. They were really wonderful. Shen Zhen has a lot of tall buildings. And it is a modern city.
I am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year. Playing basketball is always my favourite, so some of my classmates and I will form a small team and play basketball together. Sometimes we may have a match against some other teams and I do enjoy the sense when we win the game.
If you ask me what my favourite summer holiday will be like, traveling aound the only answer. I hope that one day I could meet different people and vist different places of interest.
I wish I could have two long holidays in a year ,I can't forget this summer holiday
ctr4114 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
Very impressive-looking 非常雄伟
Maple is an impressive-looking package that is especially adept at three-dimensionalgraphing and at displaying mathematical formulae in textbook form.
Maple 是一款给人印象深刻的软件包,尤其擅长于三维绘图和以课本形式显示数学公式.
This Wei E is stately,impressive-looking and sumptuous imperial castle,where is it the big house of magnificent household that ordinarily can contrast?
Beard Mi the mountain is impressive-looking extensive,account right at present the fashion but speech don't calculate complications,but it inside of spiritual influencebut extremely miraculous.
diamonds are very impressive as they are mined钻石刚开采时并不光彩照人.
diamonds are very impressive as they are mined钻石刚开采时并不光彩照人.
diamonds are very impressive as they are mined钻石刚开采时并不光彩照人.
qslong 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
this is all very impressive
f0725 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
求一篇英语作文:The most impressive historical site I visited
求一篇英语作文:The most impressive historical site I visited
21楼的空气 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
There are many advertisement on T.V. They try to give you a strong impression on the idea, object, service, etc. This can be done by designing the best ad. you have ever seen or the worst. as long as you can remember the designer has done their job.
英语翻译The impressive tower of the Bixby Creek Bridge also need
The impressive tower of the Bixby Creek Bridge also needed extensive retrofitting.They required a continuous,stiffened load path from the deck to the foundation rock.A complex system of walls and diaphragms complete with prestressing and tie-down anchors provided this.
One of the critical challenges that faced the designers was the tuning of the retrofit stiffnesses.Seismic loads will seek the stiffest path or paths,potentially overloading them,while softer soffter,more flexible elements simply ride along.Thus designers wanted the four main support points to have equal stiffness relative to the deck’s deformation pattern.Ideally,the two abutments and two towers would share the seismic loads more or less equally.by adutment,as well as the thickness and arrangement of valls in the towers,a tuned system was developed.Designers used a trial-and-error approach along with extensive computer modeling to hone the final design.
One particularly delicate operation involved the installation of 16 large tie-down anchors through each tower’s solid base.Each anchor had 27 strands that were 0.6 in.(15.2 mm) in diameter and had a capacity of 1,190 kips (5,293 kN).The existing unrenforced tower foundations are socketed well into the rocky sloped of the canyon walls.Each anchor required that a 10 in.(254 mm) diameter hole be cored 30 to 50 ft (9 to 15 m) through the foundation block and then drilled an additional 35 ft (11 m) into the rock.Adding to the difficulty of the operation was the need to batter the tie-downs at slopes varying from 1:10 to 1:5.This lengthened the moment arm at the base of the tower foundation,increasing the capacity of tie-downs to resist the large seismic overturning moments.
雨天1230123 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
面对设计师的其中一个重要挑战是调整式样翻新stiffnesses.而更软的soffter,更加灵活的元素简单地乘坐,地震装载将寻找,潜在地超载他们的最僵硬的道路或道路.因而设计师要四主要支持点有相等的僵硬相对甲板的变形样式.理想地,二扶垛和二个塔将分享地震装载更多或较少equally.by adutment,并且valls的厚度和安排在塔,一个调整的系统被开发了.设计师与广泛的计算机一起使用了一种trial-and-error方法塑造磨刀最后的设计.
特殊一精美操作通过每个塔的坚实基地介入了16大栓物体的用具船锚的设施.每船锚有是0.6 in.的27条子线(15.2毫米)直径并且有容量1,190张幼兽皮(5,293 kN).存在unrenforced塔基础很好是插座入岩石倾斜峡谷屏障.每船锚要求一个10 in.(254毫米)直径孔被挖出果核30到50 ft (9到15 m)通过基础然后操练了一另外的35 ft (11 m)入岩石.增加到操作的困难是需要打击栓物体的用具在变化从1:10的倾斜到1:5.这加长了力矩臂在塔基础的基地,增加栓物体的用具能力抵抗大地震翻转片刻.
is one of the most impressive cities in East Asia:Sprawling
is one of the most impressive cities in East Asia:Sprawling and prosperous怎么翻译
edihua 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
I really do not like art,_I find his work impressive
I really do not like art,_I find his work impressive
A.as B.since C.if D.while
我心依旧G 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
D while
-What you have told us is impressive.-__ A.All right.B.Of co
-What you have told us is impressive.-__ A.All right.B.Of course.C.Thank you.D.I'm afraid no
6030480 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
C 当然要表达感谢了,而且A不符合语境,D太谦虚,不符合西方人的习惯 B更加不可能了
The most impressive sight in China,one of the wonders of the
The most impressive sight in China,one of the wonders of the world,_____ the Great Wall.
A.is B.are C.was D.were
qdleao 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%

【解题思路】本句的主语是sight其前后都是修饰成分,one of the wonders of the world是插入语,所以谓语动词用is。
daniel8899 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
impressive [ im'presiv ] adj.感人的;令人钦佩的;给人以深刻印象的
[比较级more impressive 最高级most impressive ]
It was an impressive list of achievements.
This is a most impressive piece of writing.
The most impressive are the resources groups.
This in my opinion is a very impressive landscape photograph.
impressed adj.印象深刻的;外加的;受感动的;了不起的
常见的是be impressed
impress [ im'pres,'impres ] vt.盖印;强征;传送;给予某人深刻印象
[过去式impressed或-prest 过去分词impressed或-prest 现在分词impressing ]
impress1 [im'pres; 'impres]
例句:to impress one's seal on a letter
to impress a stamp
to impress clay with a die
例句:She did not impress me at all.
to impress something in one's memory
例句:to impress a motion upon a ball
例句:an impressed current
Investors also seem to be impressed.
What impressed me most is his honesty.
It impressed me that she remembered my name.
My father impressed on me the value of hard work.
以The most impressive English text you have read的英语口语对话
liliguoxp 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
  What is the most impressive English text you have read recently ?
  A:I read the book that the movie ―the Deer Hunter‖ was based on, about the war in Vietnam, and it made a very deep impression on me. It was the first thing I’d ever read that made war seem real to me, It was quite a shock.
what do you think is the most impressive cultural difference
what do you think is the most impressive cultural difference between China and the West?
yangguang366 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
impressive the compete in and they they are all European eve
impressive the compete in and they they are all European events 连词成句
anvajiang 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率100%
They compete in all the European events and they are impressive.
英语翻译Impressive as the record is,it fades next to the story o
Impressive as the record is,it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.
1、我想知道it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.这个句子的句子结构,有点混乱.
2、next to 在文中如何翻译?
lzx253544 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
It fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.
缩句之后就是:It fades.- 它渐渐褪色(被人遗忘了),next to ...后面的全部都是状语.next to表明it fades 发生的时间排在the story of Armstrong's struggle against disease 后面,所以应该翻译为“在..之后,..后” 我翻译没有把这个“..后”翻出来是因为为了追求中文的通顺.你还是可以看出来it fades 是在the story of...后面发生的
diamonds do not look very impressive as they are mined钻石刚开采时
diamonds do not look very impressive as they are mined钻石刚开采时并不光彩照人.
这里为什么是do not 而不是are not
忧游边界 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
新概念英语3第41课Few things could be more impressive than the peace
Few things could be more impressive than the peace that descends on deserted city streets at weekends when the thousands that travel to work every day are tucked away in their homes in the country.
如果你不认识我 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
主语:Few things 谓语:could be more impressive 宾语:the peace
后面一堆都是修饰the peace 的定语从句.
什么样的peace呢?the peace that descends on deserted city streets at weekends 在周末降临在城市街道的peace
weekends发生了什么呢?when the thousands that travel to work every day are tucked away in their homes in the country.当大家都回乡下去了(随便翻译的,意思明白就好).
Here are some of the world’s most impressive subways
Here are some of the world’s most impressive subways
The Tokyo Metro and Toei Lines
Features: The Tokyo Metro and Toei lines that compose Tokyo’s massive(庞大的)subway system carry almost 8 million people each day, making it the busiest system in the world. The system is famous for its oshiya— literally, “pusher”— who pushes passengers into crowded subway cars so the doors can close. And you think your commute (上下班路程) is hell.
The Moscow Metro
Features: The Moscow Metro has some of the most beautiful stations in the world. The best of them were built during the Stalinist era and feature chandeliers(枝形吊灯), marble moldings and elaborate murals(精美的壁画). With more than 7 million riders a day, keeping all that marble clean has got to be a burden.
The Hong Kong MTR
Features: The Hong Kong MTR has the distinction of being one of the few subway systems in the world that actually turns a profit. It’s privately owned and uses real estate development along its tracks to increase income and ridership. It also introduced “Octopus cards” that allow people to not only pay their fares electronically, but buy stuff at convenience stores, supermarkets, restaurants and even parking meters. It’s estimated that 95 % of all adults in Hong Kong own an Octopus card.
Shanghai Metro
Features: Shanghai is the third city in China to build a metro system, and it has become the country’s largest in the 12 years since it opened.Shanghai Metro has 142 miles of track and plans to add another 180 miles within five years. By that .point, it would be three times larger than Chicago “L”. The system carries about 2.18 million people a day.
The London Metro
Features: Londoners call their subway the Underground, even though 55 percent of it lies above ground. No matter when you’ve got the oldest mass-transit system in the world, you can call it anything you like.Trains started in1863 and they’ve been running ever since. Some 3 million people ride each day, every one of them remembering to “Mind the gap”.
小题1:Which one can provide the riders some wonderful decorations at the stations?
A.The Tokyo Metro and Toei Lines B.The Moscow Metro
C.The London Metro D.The Hong Kong MTR
小题2:________ is done with the purpose of making money.
A.The Tokyo Metro and Toei Lines
B.The Moscow Metro
C.The London Metro
D.The Hong Kong MTR
小题3:We can learn from the passage that Shanghai Metro____________.
A.carries the most people each day
B.is the world’s largest
C.may be larger than the Chicago “L” in the future
D.is the busiest in the world
小题4:What do we know about the Hong Kong MTR?
A.It is not owned by state.
B.It has become the country’s largest subway since it opened.
C.It carries the most people every day.
D.It is the busiest system in the world.
wind330 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%

小题1:细节题根据第2部分2,3行The best of them were built during the Stalinist era and feature chandeliers(枝形吊灯), marble moldings and elaborate murals(精美的壁画).可知B正确。
小题2:推理题。根据第三部分2,3行one of the few subway systems in the world that actually turns a profit.可知是为了获得利润D正确。
小题3:细节题。根据第4部分第4行By that .point, it would be three times larger than Chicago “L”.可知C正确。
小题4:细节题。根据第三部分第2行It’s privately owned可知A正确。
英语翻译oh,my God.This is impressive work是应国外朋友要求,把他们的英文网站,翻译成了中
oh,my God.This is impressive work
zj19790501 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
She serves as an impressive reminder of the great ships of t
She serves as an impressive reminder of the great ships of the past.这句话如何翻译呀
我是这么翻译的 她充当 历史上的大船的 令人印象深刻的提醒物 完全不懂啥意思
Californiasunny 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%

What was yuor most impressive experience in the vacation?
s_qinshijian 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率86.2%
老外说 impressive 到底是平庸的印象深刻,还是确实很有夸奖的意思?
老外说 impressive 到底是平庸的印象深刻,还是确实很有夸奖的意思?
写Personal statement 要用
童年的小脚丫 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
Few things could be more impressive than the peace that desc
Few things could be more impressive than the peace that descends on desert..
Few things could be more impressive than the peace that descends on deserted city streets at weekends .
the peace that descends on deserted city streets at weekends .是同位语从句吗
chenyifeng--9802 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
i think i should call math teacher a really impressive one翻译
i think i should call math teacher a really impressive one翻译以下句子,并说一下call的意思和句型
baozi84 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
call 称呼,称之为
call sb.sth把某人称为.
用attract,attractive在同一个句子里造句。同上要求用impress,impressive;tire ,tiresome ;trouble ,troublesome 造句,谢谢
军玲天下 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率78.3%
1,That attractive girl attracts me 。那位极具魅力的女孩吸引了我。
2,She was an impressive teacher for me, her kindness to me impressed on my mind.她是一位让我印象深刻的老师,我心里记着她对我的好。
3,This kind of tiresome game comple...
It can't be more impressive and has brought us a wonderful e
It can't be more impressive and has brought us a wonderful experience. 讲解
翻译,为啥此处填more impressive ,不是so impressive
wj4056943338 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
It can't be more impressive and has brought us a wonderful experience.再也没有比这个更令人记忆深刻的事情了,它带给我们非凡的体验.这里其实用到一个句式:A can't be more +adj:“没有比A更……的了”.是用于...
(2013·江西抚州五校高三一模)The most impressive sites of Chishui Danxia
(2013·江西抚州五校高三一模)The most impressive sites of Chishui Danxia are its various waterfalls, ________ the Shizhang Waterfall is the largest one.
A.for which B.in which
C.from which D.of which
mingmin920 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%

选D 考查“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句。句意:赤水丹霞给人印象最深的地方是各种各样的瀑布,其中十丈洞瀑布是最大的。the Shizhang Waterfall与various waterfalls之间为所属关系,故用of which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰waterfalls。
the Beijing Duck is impressive
the Beijing Duck is impressive
雪梨汁 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
The Beijing Duck is impressive.
求一篇An impressive thing 作文,急用
fuxiaonian 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
The Most Impressive Thing
National Day is coming,and we can have a seven-day.My family are going to the Dead Sea of xuling in sichuan.It's very interesting.
We go inside the black mud pool and Clearing the mud over our body.we become“black man” we are not know each other.we can see other's eyes.we feel very funny ,so we laughing for long time.
Then we swimming in the Dead Sea,we like fish swimming in the sea,we like bird flying in the sky.
We have a good time in the Dead Sea.
牛脚尖.diamonds,as they are found,do not look very impressive.其
diamonds,as they are found,do not look very impressive.
其中的they are found,它是个插入短语,如果硬给它分结构的话,怎么分?
they find.
they found
they been found
are found也不是什么短语?
cestlavie77 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
are found谓语表被动
英语翻译要准确,要用上impressive 这个词.
huihuang4409 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
1)that little girl is very impressive by her amazing ability which can make her jump as high as her brother
2)that little girl's ability is very impressive for that she can jump as high as her brothe
marksman33 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
impressed 作为形容词的时候,主语大多数是人.
impressive 主语是 事物,或者物体.本身单词是形容词形式
求单人英语配音素材 (女生)比赛用 希望impressive的那种
求单人英语配音素材 (女生)比赛用 希望impressive的那种
难度越大 语速越快 语调越夸张越好 英音美音不限
chuantse 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
15一道英语选择题15. The beginning of the movieis impressive,is the
15. The beginning of the movieis impressive,is the ending ,which leaves us much to think.
A.as B.what C.which D.that
15. The beginningof the movie is impressive, ----------is theending ,which leaves us much to think.
A.as B.what C.which D.that
友人a不错 共回答了32个问题 | 采纳率84.4%
The beginning of the movieis impressive,【as】 is the ending ,which leaves us much to think .
英语翻译The office site is shared with an impressive selection o
The office site is shared with an impressive selection of companies and organisations.
mengfei83529 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
帮忙看一下这篇作文能拿几分The Most Impressive Course in My CollegeThere a
The Most Impressive Course in My College
There are many courses in my college.But the most impressive course is Japanese.
Before I entered this college,I think it is difficult to learn Japanese well.but everything is changed since I met our teacher Mr.X.
At first I even can not read a word,for it’s difficult to remember phrase.so I ask my teacher for help.he told me to get up earlier and speak loudly.so I did as what he said.I really get great progresses in Japanese.
But some time later I think it is too boring to learn foreign languages like that way.so he told me an old saying as “ one man want to walk 100 meter ,he could only go 90 meter.”
And he also told me that when he was young ,he hated Japanese and Japan because of invasion.But when he went to Japan for education,his mind was changed.He found Japanese have good order in public place.and they are friendly to stranger.their streets are clean and neat.So he decided to Japanese well.
It impressed me a lot
250527157 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
The Most Impressive Course in My College
There are many courses in my college. But the most impressive course is Japanese.
Before I entered this college,I think it is difficult to learn Japanese well.but everything is changed since I met our teacher Mr.X.
At first I even can not read a word,for it’s difficult to remember phrase.so I ask my teacher for help.he told me to get up earlier and speak loudly.so I did as what he said. I really get great progresses in Japanese.
But some time later I think it is too boring to learn foreign languages like that way.so he told me an old saying as “ one man want to walk 100 meter ,he could only go 90 meter.”
And he also told me that when he was young ,he hated Japanese and Japan because of invasion. But when he went to Japan for education, his mind was changed. He found Japanese have good order in public place.and they are friendly to stranger.their streets are clean and neat. So he decided to Japanese well.
It impressed me a lot