For best reliability & performance,please change the stand a

天鸷语2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

For best reliability & performance,please change the stand alone如题


sw_1 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
IDe安装错误 主从盘的问题,不过这样的问题还未见识过, 设一下主从,或都单挂,完了都调成主, 线上是不是也有问题~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 把硬盘的跳线(就是硬盘和光驱背面接数据线的位置,有一个小装置,可以套在两根针上的)设为MASTER,光驱的设为SLAVE,对照硬盘和光驱上的说明很容易的. 接线的一头连主板,另外一头分为两个接头分别连硬盘和光驱,切记!两个头里面第一个头是MASTER用的,也就是要接硬盘,中间那个头是SLAVE用的,接光驱,一定不能错,你需要把机箱里面硬盘和光驱的位置调整好,不然同时装上是有困难的. 如果IDE上就一个设备,请将此设备接IDE线的终端(非中间那个端口); 如果IDE上有两个设备,请看看跳线有没有问题,接IDE线的终端设备是主驱动器,接中间那端的设备是从驱动器,两个驱动器的跳线设置是不同的,且根据类型和品牌各异,请查阅相关资料.


Please help to distinguish validity and reliability.Thank yo
Please help to distinguish validity and reliability.Thank you.
下辈子天使- 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
英语翻译Use of technology to improve the reliability of DC power
Use of technology to improve the reliability of DC power supply rectifier
“Use of rectifier parallel operation technology to improve the reliability of DC power supply”百度翻译的
princeton567 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
Improve the security of DC(direct-current ) supply by using current rectifier
gao5290117 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
sohu7176 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
I can assure you the reliability of the news .
英语翻译In fact,in practical engineering reliability analysis of
In fact,in practical engineering reliability analysis of mechanical and other systems is probably less interesting than an optimization of those systems with or without reliability constraints
还有,is probably less interesting than
小可0210 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
事实上,在实际机械和其他系统里的工程可靠性分析,可能要比 有或者无可靠性约束的系统优化枯燥/没劲.
is probably less interesting than
英语翻译翻译下这个句子Monitoring-Based Fatigue Reliability Assessment o
翻译下这个句子Monitoring-Based Fatigue Reliability Assessment of Steel Bridges:Analytical Model and Application
snjscz 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
英语翻译The second aspect ofresponse is the reliability of sched
The second aspect of
response is the reliability of scheduling.One way the German machine industry
has maintained its competitiveness despite having the word’s highest labor costs
is through reliable response.This response manifests itself in reliable scheduling.
German machine firms have meaningful schedules ----and they perform to these schedule.
Moreover,the result of these schedules are communicated to the customer and
the customer can,in turn,rely on them.Consequently,the competitive
advantage generated through reliable response has value to the end customer.
芒刺的刺 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
ATTENTION!The reliability of this hard drive is within accep
The reliability of this hard drive is within acceptable limits so far,but its performance and/or reliability have fallen to an average level and it does not allow you to use your hard drive to the maximum extent and leads to a further gradual decline in its condition.It is recommended to schedule replacing the hard drive.
忆云77 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
reliability 和 durability 有什么区别
Flora_Tsui 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
eliability 可靠性,可信度(可指人,也可以指事物)
What is the relationship of validity and reliability?
peems 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
Reliability is the prerequisite of validity, but not a necessary condition. A measuring instrument should both possesses reliability and validity.
Chances are you're attracted to the value and reliability as
Chances are you're attracted to the value and reliability associated with the brand value it gives.
这个句子是主系表结构吗?还是Chances are是个固定用法?
Ψ饕餮Ψ 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
you're attracted to the value and reliability 表语补足语
anne912 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
关于会计学方面qualitative characteristics的问题.求懂英语的会计学方面的人解答
逍遥蓝麦田SKY 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
额 你看一眼 给个分呗
英语翻译structural reliability theory is concerned with the rati
structural reliability theory is concerned with the rational treatment of uncertainties in structural engineering and with the methods for assessing the safety and serviceability of civil engieering and other is a subject which has grown rapidly during the last decade and has evolved from being a topic for academic research to a set of well-developed or developing methodologies with a wide range of practical applications.
uncertainties exist in most areas of civil and structural engineering and rational design decisions cannot be made without modelling them and taking them into account.many structural engineers are shielded from having to think about such problems,at least when designing simple structures,because of the prescriptive and essentially deterministic of most codes of practice.this is an undesirable situation.most loads and other structural design parameters are rarely known with certainty and should be regarded as randow variables or stochastic processes,even if in design calculations they are eventually treated as deterministic.some problems such as the analysis of load combinations cannot even be formulated without recourse to probabilistic reasoning
until fairly recently there has been a tendency for structural engineering to be dominated by deterministic thinking,characterised in design calculations by the use of specified minimum material propertise,specified load intensities and by prescribed procedures for computing stresses and deflections.this deterministic approach has almost certainly been reinforced by the very large extent to which structural engieering design is codified and the lack of feedback about the actual performance of structures.for example,actual stresses are rarely known,deflections are rarely observed or monitored,and since most structures do not collapse the real reserves of strengths are generally not contrast,in the field of hydraulic systems,much more is known about the actual perfomance of,say,pipe networks,weirs,spillways etc,as their performance in service can be relatively easily observed or determined.
匪兵227号 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
英语翻译The latter is a high-reliability,counterflow,plate-fin h
The latter is a high-reliability,counterflow,plate-fin heat exchanger that recovers the energy from the exhaust by heating air and directing it to nine combustor cans arranged radically around the circumference of the engine.the recuperator' s heat exchanger cores are made of 14-4 stainless steel developee by allied signal.preheating the combustion air by recovering waste energy from the exhaust improves cycle efficiency.
wumanman 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
North American Electricity Reliability Council请高手指教如何翻译?
kikikimo 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
North American Electric Reliability Council (北美电力可靠性委员会,简称 NERC)以及它的十个区域可靠性委员会(简称 RCs),是监察北美电网可靠性的主要组织
英语翻译The safety and reliability of concrete bridges and bridg
The safety and reliability of concrete bridges and bridges with concrete components depend on the ductility of reinforced and prestressed concrete,on the internal and external redundancy typical of concrete construction,and on concrete's demonstrated capacity to carry full design load while at the same time exhibiting severe cracking and the corrosion of embedded steel.
小老鼠会飞 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译In this context,methods of reliability led to more signi
In this context,methods of reliability led to more significant
techniques that have been advanced based on a more
rational evaluation of incurred risks.Such methods enable
quantitative evaluation of the default risk of a given tube by
considering uncertainties brought into play (loading,properties
materials,temperature,etc.),and to optimize tube design
for the considered risk [1].Considering dubious mechanical
analyses is an essential condition for an optimal and robust
dimensioning of structures.This objective led to the development
of probabilistic approaches for the mechanics of structures
for several decades.These methods make it possible to
study reliability of components or systems and the influence
of the variability of variables of design on the behavior of such
components or systems.Methods of coupling mechanicreliability
engineering must then integrate increasingly complex
mechanical modeling (behavior non-linear,dynamic,
tiredness,breaking process,etc.) to make studies on reliability
effective and exploitable.This necessary complexity causes
analyses to become increasingly demanding in terms of computing
time.Tubes made with high-strength low-alloy steels
are used to construct gas and oil pipelines for transporting
pressurized hydrocarbons over long distances.Pipelines are
subjected to high amounts of stress because of internal fluid
pressure,overlaying soil,surface traffic,and environmental
attacks that can lead to damage,especially under failed passive
protective coating.The main causes of such damage are
stress corrosion cracking,wall thickness reduction,and the
presence of stress concentrators [2].Moreover,during the
manufacturing process of the pipe,thermal and mechanical
deformations often produce residual stresses.Generated residual
stresses are often very high,sometimes approaching material
yield strength; however,their effects are not evident until
the structure is fully loaded or exposed to a service environment
[1,3,4].Tensile surface residual stresses are detrimental
because they increase susceptibility of the component to fatigue
damage,stress corrosion,and even fracture.
The objective of this work consists of coupling with the
mechanical model,an approximate model of probability obtained
by statistical training.The effectiveness of this model is
then measured by the number of mechanical calculations necessary
to build a robust substitute for the concerned analysis,
which is reliability or sensitivity.
雨蓓蕾 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
英文翻中文(追加50分!)ReliabilityLeading organizations,ISVs,and VARs
Leading organizations,ISVs,and VARs consistently turn to MySQL for their most demanding applications because of MySQL's superior reliability and dependability.This stability is to a large degree the result of open source development.With a huge and active user community MySQL continuously receives extensive feedback which is incorporated into the product in a timely manner.In a recent code inspection study Reasoning,inc.the leading provider of automated software inspection services concluded that the code quality of MySQL was six times better than that of comparable proprietary code.
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sdlds 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
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