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Suspects back to the detention center.Gao Hui photo
correspondent WASHINGTON,June 29 at noon,Chaoyang District,economici mbt scarpe,yellow cedar cottage village shop No.5 a cottage in a man whose body Jingxian.Police six hours that the detection of cases,suspects the dead man's girlfriend Xu Ping.Xu Ping,Robbers hit pedestrian downtown carjacking bolted three-car collision damage,nurses,lied for the dead to fight a flu vaccine,in fact,injection of a cardiac arrest can cause the drug to kill the deceased.
yesterday,Chaoyang Police said the suspect Ping Xu for
dissatisfied with domestic violence
two met after the divorce boyfriend
According Chaoyang police,the victim Li Qi Ping Xu large than 16 years,with the Shandong Zoucheng .They know when in 2006,Ping Xu has been married for 5 years and has one son.That has been subjected to beatings by her ex-husband,Xu and Li together.
2007,In October,Ping Xu divorce,and cohabitation in Beijing and Li Qi.
cohabitation,Leach has no decent job,according to Xu Ping as saying that he skeptical and alcoholism.In April 2008,because many parents live with from Shandong,Li Qi rent out the other.In June,Xu Ping,through relatives,to the Chaoyang District,a community health post to work as a nurse.
work,Xu Ping,Ye Wang met a married man,and together with him,but she concealed the matter and Ricci.
worry about romance exposed
defrauded injection kills lover
contacts at the same time and Ye Wang,Xu Ping,also because Leach alcohol disturbing actively help him constantly looking for new homes.
Finally,Xu Ping said she was disappointed for Leach completely,then break off the relationship.But Leach also often struggle not only agree with her,State-owned veterans bribes of thousands of yuan P,to her flat to make trouble.Afraid of Wang Ye,colleagues and family know,Xu Ping from the kill.
prescription of a medical center.
prescribe,Xu Ping,lied to their grandfather in the coal mines,down this occupational disease silicosis,diuretics and other perennial eat,lie the doctor opened the 30 agents.At the same time,she stole the three units and from 20 ml of injection and other injection equipment.
6 26 afternoon,Li Qi Xu Ping to the residence,injected flu vaccine for their trick.When pushed to two-thirds of the first injection,the Ricci straight asthma,said writings to get up the mountain air.Ping Xu Ren Ren him again,and to speed up the injection rate.
support when pushed to the second half,Leach has no perception of.Because they can not determine whether the death of Ricci,Xu Ping continues to push the second branch end,when Leach's face has blue,and Xu Ping This pull out the needle.
based phone book
six hours the police solve the case
According to investigators,on June 29,members of the public discovered the body the police.At that time,rental of stench,and Leach's body has decomposed.Because after committing the crime,Xu Ping the needles and other tools of crime,and Leach's cell phone,wallet,photo ID and all of them throw away,the police find it difficult to determine the identity of the deceased.
but the scene left a phone book,under which the police over the phone to find clues to the deceased's sister,in order to find the Ping Xu.18:30 the same day Hsu,Chaoyang police received only six hours after the alarm,put the suspects Xu Ping control.After interrogation,she confessed the murder of her boyfriend Leach process.
present,Xu Ping,on suspicion of murder by a criminal law,Chaoyang police custody.
(text characters are not his real name)
鈻 news
suspects accused of personality paranoid
Yesterday,Chaoyang Police announced the
colleagues:her normal work
unit,according to Xu Ping's colleagues,Xu Ping,and gas in units of man,life and work are good,no abnormal behavior,especially in her After committing the crime,until they are controlled,she also normal work,normal with people.
victim:his girlfriend is a doctor
victims Leach followed his girlfriend to Beijing,it has been without a stable job,done in September last year,a period of time security.According to the police,Leach has said his girlfriend outside a hospital doctor.
Ping Xu believes that some vanity Ricci has said she is a doctor.Even Leach's daughter thinks she is a big hospital doctor.
suspect:it is cheaper to kill individuals
Ping Xu claimed,because of dissatisfaction with her ex-husband's violence,she has swallowed more than 300 sleeping pills,but was later rescued over.Since then,she seems to have a new understanding of life.
in the police interrogation,she said,as he can come up with this solution out of Leach and happy.When the police asked her to buy Then,Xu Ping asked police:
police:the face of the trial was very calm
police,the police after the incident,just notice the news of death of Xu Ping,Li Qi,she burst into tears.When controlled,Xu Ping,and it looks clear thinking,to answer police interrogation fluent,and very calm.
responsible for the trial of police reports,in conversation with Xu Ping,Xu Ping,you can feel more paranoid personality,she has been simply that,if not Ricci in order not to break up,on several occasions to her unit cell to find her,donne mbt,threatening to expose their relationship,she would not kill it.
this series of articles written / reporter Liu Yang
correspondent Gao Hui
鈻 dialogue
Ping Xu:kill him like a dump the burden
Reporter:Before you decide to kill and ready to commit crimes Ricci eight days,the thought of giving it?
Ping Xu:no.I can come up with their own way to get rid of him this happy.
Reporter:After you kill Leach not afraid?
Ping Xu:that is not afraid,mbt scarpe,but felt very relaxed,especially comfortable,like removing a heavy burden.
Reporters:arrested,Sixty old man hacked his wife to household chores,you regretted it?
Ping Xu:regret.Feel sorry for Wang Ye,I especially love him in particular.