but from the debate,we can learn w___ people keep pets and w

sdzaz2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

but from the debate,we can learn w___ people keep pets and what problems there may be with pets.


sgfsd131 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%


recently we had a debate on weather students sho
recently we had a debate on weather students sho
ld beforbidden to use smart phones in school.The results are as fowllows
wdtylt1 共回答了33个问题 | 采纳率87.9%
The incident gave ______ to an endless debate on whether gen
The incident gave ______ to an endless debate on whether genetically modified food can be consumed.
gtly_1966 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
填空题吧,应该天rise,词组give rise to 是引起的意思,句意是:这个事件引发了关于转基因食品是否应该进入消费市场的无休止的辩论.
提问一道GRE填空Some paleontologists debate whether the diversity o
Some paleontologists debate whether the diversity of
species has _______ since the Cambrian period,or whether imperfections in the
fossil record only suggest greater diversity today,while in actuality there
has been either ________ or decreased diversity.BE/CD
Blank (i)
Blank (ii)
A change
D stasis
B declined
E escalation
C increased
F discontinuity
不明白为何whether...,or...不表示对比,即greater diversity与空格能形成对比吗?另外请翻一下此句,
moshizhi 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
答案应该是CD,首先while 表示对比,和while之前的那句话在意思上形成对比所以,空格的词语应该和前面的意思不同,同时也与decrease 不同,再者,注意only,暗示greater 和之前空格的意思是一样的,都表示增长,since 表示自从,是时间状语,应该是这样吧.至于翻译...我只能说出大概的意思:就是说她们怀疑的是是自从cam时代之后开始增长还是仅仅是现在才增长,或者是根本就是相反面的东西
The debate over bilingual education centers on the issue of
The debate over bilingual education centers on the issue of whether the United States should forster the idea of a single common language,an idea,some believe,that has in the past (been crucial in binding diverse constituencies together.)
在这里我想问,be crucial to bind diverse constituencies together可不可以呢?be crucial in doing是习惯用法么?什么时候用be crucial in doing?什么时候用be crucial to do?
水水心 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
正常情况下,to do 优先于 for doing
be crucial to sb/sth
in doing sth
遇到这种题,我也没办法,我也会选to do 的.
弱问一个语法~到底是there is a debate over 还是说a要去掉?
弱问一个语法~到底是there is a debate over 还是说a要去掉?
到底有没有a啊?真心纠结中啊.顺便问个over 后面是只能接名词还是能接从句呢?比如一个句子:there is a debate today over the phonomenon of college school students' doing a part-time job.over后面的部分可不可以改成over whether a college student should do a part-time job?
wuyan121532 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
我觉得需要加a,举个简单的例子,There is an apple on the desk.如果没有a 就不通.over whether a college student should do a part-time job 这样改也没有问题,whether 后面的句子可以看成一个名词,
英文辩论会(debate) 一开始的致词、自我介绍
英文辩论会(debate) 一开始的致词、自我介绍
要怎么说呢?Good morning to .?
ceevv3 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
how to debate the problem of students work part-time
ca224 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
it's good because the students can gain working experiences. The students will then appreciate their parents' hard work.
However, It is harmful because it takes time, this may affect the students' studies.
there is considerable debate about这句话中为什么不加冠词a呢,像there has b
there is considerable debate about这句话中为什么不加冠词a呢,像there has been a considerable concern with product ...这句话里不可数名词concern前面就加了a,另外这种句式中省么情况下家a什么情况下不加a
combi 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率70.6%
我觉得这不是语法,而是习惯的问题,我网上可以查到不少文献有用 "a considerable debate" 的说法,比如:
"...there has been a considerable debate in contemporary analytic metaphysics in connection with the notion of truthmaker as attempting to capture a basic insight into the way truths depend on reality."
"There have been three kinds of cases,which have generated considerable debates in recent years:indeterminacy,meta-metaphysics,and contextualism/relativism,particularly in connection with practically significant issues regarding gender,race,and sexuality."
如果你谷歌搜索 concern ,你会同样找到
has been considerable concern
has been a considerable concern
对我来说(英语是我第一语言),对抽象不可数名词如 concern,anger,consternation,等等,
there has been considerable anger
there has been considerable consternation
个人偏好是 不用 冠词 a ,但这仅是个人看法.
We have had a heated debate today on whether we should give
We have had a heated debate today on whether we should give money to beggars or we have different opinion .
Many people believe we should give money to beggars ,because many old people have no family and no work and begging can support themselves.Besides some students stop learning and the students think compared with the study ,the life is more important,because their family is very poor .what's more ,some of the inferior group can only support by begging .
On the contrary,a great many people don't agree with the idea above .In their opinion ,too many beggars are not true .The begging is only a method of making money for them .
All in all ,i think we should to our best help inferior group,but when you give money to beggars and you should consider.
zhaobiao1983 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
今天我们已经有一激烈辩论在是否我们应该给乞丐钱或者我们有和不同关于的意见上. 很多人相信我们将给乞丐钱,因为很多老在的人们没有家庭和没有工作和乞讨能独立谋生.除了中的一些学生停止学习和学生认为把和研究比较,生活是更对重要,因为他们的家庭更多是非常可怜.而且,某些下级按乞讨把罐仅有支持聚集在一起. 相反,很多人不确实同意用在.这之上的他们的关于的意见,太多乞丐不是的对的观念真实.The乞讨是仅一为他们用赚钱的方法. 最重要的,我认为我们向我们最好将帮助劣质组但是什么时候你给乞丐钱和你将考虑.
debate:there is no true friendship in the world?
debate:there is no true friendship in the world?
雾原筝 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率81.5%
英语翻译There is a public debate today that ...这个句式是什么意识,麻烦朋友们帮忙
There is a public debate today that ...
shw0618 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
there is a public debate today that
(比如:there is a public debate today that topic
英语翻译you had better not engage in serious debate or discussio
you had better not engage in serious debate or discussion unless you are willing to endure attacks.
linda_pan_1028 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译the students' union held an interesting debate on capita
the students' union held an interesting debate on capital punishment yesterday.怎样译阿
haoyimin001 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
-how was the televised debate last night?-Super!Rarely__so m
-how was the televised debate last night?-Super!Rarely__so much media attention
在did a debate attrack和attracked a debate中选哪个?
on the top of the hill___the old man once lived
这个的答案是does a temple stand where还是stands a temple where呢?
梅花剪刀 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
1.答案:did a debate attract
did a debate attract为部分倒装,而attracted a debate为全部倒装.
2.答案:stands a temple where
原句序为:A temple (where the old man once lived) stands on the top of the hill.
括号部分为定语从句,修饰句子的主语a temple.
How do a English debate start? My homework is to write the o
How do a English debate start? My homework is to write the opening speech for a debate on the question:‘Should the identities of children that kill children be protected?’I'm for in the debate.
woshazi 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
如果你是一辨,你就要立题,也就是上来先陈述自己的观点.开篇就说Our team strongly advocate that the identity of children who kill children should be protected.
然后你要确立你们team的在这个论题上对一些词的定义.比方说identity,here means that name and personal details of the kid.
又比方说be protected,in a sense that the identity of the children and the act of killing should never be disclosed to the public.And no record should be kept in the record of the kid for his later life.
blah blah blah
最后你要简单陈述下理由,examples like
1.Children are not fully responsible for the crime they have committed.Therefore,extenuating reasons should be considered.And the judgement of an adult should not be applie to a kid.
2.If the identity of the kid is disclosed to the public,he or she will bear a brand of being a criminal for his rest of the life.This will definitely devastate the kid's later life.
3.Protecting identities is effective for preventing social discrimination and bias.examples like blah blah blah...
4.Other reasons that you can think of .
There is a public debate today that 的意思
河洛志愿者 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
there is a public debate today that
(比如:there is a public debate today that topic
Iraq is at the heart of the debate.
ddssmm_0 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
Iraq is at the heart of the debate.的中文翻译_百度翻译
Iraq is at the heart of the debate.
英语翻译The students' union ___(hold) an interesting debate on c
The students' union ___(hold) an interesting debate on capital punishment yesterday.正确形式填过后,
lgm4299 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率100%
-How was the telivised debate last night?-Super!Rarely__so m
-How was the telivised debate last night?-Super!Rarely__so much media attention
-How was the televised debate last night?
-Super!Rarely__so much media attention.
a.a debate attracted
b.did a debate attract
c.a debate did attract
d.attracted a debate
2888497 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
洛浦风 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率60%
argue debate discuss dispute quarrel都含有一定的"争论"之意argue 指一方坚持自己的意见,立场和观点,通过争论企图说服对方(argue with sb. about/over sth.) debate 多指公开,正式场合进行的辩论或严肃的争论,双方各自陈述理由,"交锋""往返"的意味较强discuss 指为了解决问题或弄清对方的观点而进行的讨论,磋商 quarrel 争吵,争论,含与人发生口角的意思;argument,debate,argument的争论不一定能得到解决; debate常指分组或个人的争论,目的是为了辨清真理;quarrel是普通词汇,既可表示温和的争论,也可表示激烈的争吵。
英语六级作文,语法疑点请帮我分析一下几句话有没有错误.1.Recently,it is in hot debate th
1.Recently,it is in hot debate that should one expect a reward when dong a good dead?
其中 it is in hot debate 中的 in hot debate做表语行不行?
2.Good dead is needed to be done when is is necessary ,but not everyone is so highly moral that be willing to doing good deed when someone is in trouble.
句子中的so that 结构有没有问题?that 后跟be willing to doing 有没有错?
wanjua 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
1,in hot debate 可以作表语,介词短语作表语.这句话有错误,你用了形式主语it ,真正的主语是一个从句,但是你的从句不对,首先引导词错了,从句是个问句,应该用whether ,表“是否”,其次语序不对,这种名词性从句(主语,表语,宾语从句),语序应该是陈述语序:Recently,it is in hot debate whether one should expect a reward when dong a good dead.(注意标点符号,这不是疑问句,不用问号,你从中文角度考虑也是这样的.)
2,so that 结构没问题,但是that 后面错了,that 其实引导的是一个从句,结果状语从句,从句也必须是完整的,有主语和谓语,但是你的从句没有主语:that he or she is willing to do good deed (注意be willing to do sth )
English Debate~We have the topic as follow:Schools should be
English Debate~
We have the topic as follow:
Schools should be year-round with more short holidays throughout the year instead of a long summer holiday..
We are the opposition side..
plz help me to think about the point we may have to talk about and the points that the affirmative side may mention..
thanks a lot~
meiyan7 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
I believe schools should have long holidays rather than many short holidays.First of all,long holidays give students time to relax and prepare for the new upcoming year.The purpose of holidays are to give students time to relax,but if holidays are too short,it does not meet the original purpose,therefore it is not such a smart choice to make.Secondly,only long holidays provide students enough time to travel out of their city.Short holidays are too short,it would only give students enough time to have a holiday at home.But long holidays would give students the opportunity to step out of their house,and have a holiday in the wider world.Thirdly,long holidays get to use the weather effectively.For instance,there is a summer holiday because summer is a suitable time for out door activities.But if it is separated into short holidays,the summer would be no more use than to make students sleepy in classes.And this is also one of the reasons why summer vacation is necessary.The weather and temperature effects the student.The heat in summer would affect students,make them sleepy and obviously,they would not be able to concentrate on their studies.I believe that it is necessary to move the studying time to times when the weather is cooler,which has a more chance of students paying attention in class.For all the reasons above,I believe that a long summer holiday is necessary.
Another possible reason:
- Summer vacation gives the student time to practice organizing their own time,since the vacation is long.
English debate about cumpus love
小桌子A 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
将来时与一般现在时Are you going to listen to the debate?Well,It depen
Are you going to listen to the debate?
Well,It depends on the time.
为什么不用It will depend on the time?
ybluox 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
请帮我分析一下句子成分吧,that the debate about values at the core of Mr
that the debate about values at the core of Mr James's otherwise wide-ranging book is essentially a Western one thus remains one of its ultimate frustration
疏遍gg 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
While there has been public debate about whether running is
While there has been public debate about whether running is good for your health for a long time, experts agree that running has more benefits than the costs. Some people are concerned that the pressure on your knees and ankles can be detrimental . While this can be true, there are many things that you can do to reduce your risk of injury.
You should always go to a doctor for advice before you begin any type of exercise program. Then, a good pair of running shoes can be helpful as your feet hit the ground. They will help protect your ankles by providing stability to your feet. So it is good idea to visit a specialty(专业) running shoe store. The staff there can suggest shoes which are ideal for your running style.
In order to learn the proper form, you may get some advice from a friend who has been running for some time, or even join a running club. They can provide good tips as well as some support and encouragement for you.
Lastly, it is important to start out slowly. When it comes to getting in shape and losing weight , short bursts of speed followed by periods of slower movement would be proper. Aim for around 30 minutes of exercise a few days a week. As you get better, you can increase your speed. Always allow your body to rest in between heavy exercise as your muscles need time to bring energy back.
Follow these instructions and your running experience will be a great one!
小题1:In the expert’s opinion,______________________.
A.running is good for your health as well as your mind.
B.you should buy running shoes in an expensive store.
C.running has more advantages than disadvantages for you.
D.you should go to the doctor if you have a running injury
小题2:The underlines word “ detrimental” in Paragraph 1 probably means___
A.harmful B.useful C.expensive D.rare
小题3:If you take up running, you should___________________
A.worry about the pressure on your knees and ankles
B.ask the shopkeeper for a pair of running shoes
C.take advice from friends whom you will start running with
D.join a running club so that you can get encouragement
小题4:What can we infer from the passage?
A.More and more people have become interested in running.
B.Good running methods can reduce the risk of injury.
C.It’s better to run as far as possible to lose weight.
D.The instructions in the passage are given by a famous doctor.
flfl758 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%

there is a heated debate
jiaoyanlisa 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
there is a heated debate over
i have never been to a debate so far
i have never been to a debate so far
这句话是什么意思, 高手帮忙分析下
李永红 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
have been to 意思是去过某地方,
debate 可译为 辩论会.
I have no idea where we will have a debate on the uniform ru
I have no idea where we will have a debate on the uniform rule.
lujunhot1 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
i don't know the place for the uniform rule debate
英语句法Recently there is a heated debate in our class on whethe
Recently there is a heated debate in our class on whether middle school students should take on part-time job on their weekends.(这句话中 take on part-time job的on是否需要去掉,我总觉得应该去掉,因为take on是固定短语,意思为“呈现--”)
zizhe11 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
take on 也可以,它有承担的意思.
take 也行.
There was a fierce debate about _____we should go on with ex
There was a fierce debate about _____we should go on with experiments on creating new life.
A.which B.whether C.that D.What
寒寒2000 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%

the popular debate is that whether should adults makes decis
the popular debate is that whether should adults makes decisions for their children or not
这句话有错吗?想请问一下,后半句,whether should adults makes
为什么用makes 而不是用make?
ALONI 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
adults呢……你可以这么理解,他代表一个群体 成年人这个群体,而群体是一个的 所以用单数 这个需要特别记
英语翻译It's very interesting to note where the debate about div
It's very interesting to note where the debate about diversity(多样化) is taking place.It is taking place primarily in political circles.Here at the College Fund,we have a lot of contact with top corporate(公司的) leaders;none of th em is talking about getting rid of those instruments that produce diversity.In fact,they say that if their companies are to compete in the global village and in the global market place,diversity is an imperative.They also say that the need for talented,skilled Americans means we have to expand the pool of potent ial employees.And in looking at where birth rates are growing and at where the population is shifting,corporate America understands that expanding the pool me ans promoting policies that help provide skills to more minorities,more women a nd more immigrants.Corporate leaders know that if that doesn't occur in our soc iety,they will not have the engineers,the scientists,the lawyers,or the busi ness managers they will need.
Likewise,I don't hear people in the academy saying.“Let's go backward.Let's go back to the good old days,when we had a meritocracy (不拘一格选人才)”(which was never true?we never had a meritocracy,although we've come closer to it in the last 30 years).I recently visited a great little college in New York w here the campus has doubled its minority population in the last six years.I tal ked with an African American who has been a professor there for a long time,and she remembers that when she first joined the community,there were fewer than a handful of minorities on campus.Now,all of us feel the university is better b ecause of the diversity.So where we hear this debate is primarily in political circles and in the media?not in corporate board rooms or on college campuses.
麻烦有能力的朋友帮帮忙 请不要拿软件直接糊弄好吗~
米多绿 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
我以为我会疯 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
argue 着重“说理”、“论证”和“企图说服”,如:
I argued with her for a long time,but she refused to listen to reason.
debate 着重“双方各述己见”,内含“交锋”的意思,如:
We have been debating about the issue.
dispute 指“激烈争辩”,含有“相持不下”或“未得解决”之意,如:
Whether he will be elected as chairman is still disputed.
恳求大侠提供一个debate about college studants find a job or postgrad
恳求大侠提供一个debate about college studants find a job or postgraduate when graduate.
英文的文本about which is better for college studants find a job or postgraduate when graduate.
wolfpzq 共回答了32个问题 | 采纳率90.6%
虽然没有悬赏分,我还是很认真的给你写了一篇,如果觉得还不错(个人觉得还不错,条理清晰、用词得当又不乏新意),给上5分亦可,权当是努力没有白费.首先呢,我给你改了一个题目:Go to work or further study
Good morning/afternoon/evening,as far as I'm concerned,nowadays,many college students have to choose either to go to work or further their study for the master’s degree after graduation because it's getting more and more competitive.For my part,I would like to find a job first when I graduate from college.
Before long,graduates don't need to make a choice between whether to go to work or study because few will further study after graduation.However,until recent years,graduates find that society competition is getting more and more intense and accordingly,some of them tend to further their study for a better job in the future.I can surely understand them but in my opinion,graduates should work as soon as they graduate from college.I hold my viewpoint for several reasons.
In the first place,graduates can live on their own and can even afford to support their whole family for the reason that after many years of study,their family is unable to support them to go on with education because of the high tuition and fees.Stepping into the society may lead them to be financially independent of their parents.
In the second place,the early they go to work,the early they will know about the social development tendency.As we know,the present society is never so ever-changing that even colleges have to give responsive courses to meet the requirement of the competitive society,let alone college students.By throwing themselves into work,they will soon find their own shortcomings and then improve them in real life accordingly.This,in turn,is also a process of self-study and self-improvement since society is the biggest school.
Last but not least,graduates have the ability to adapt themselves to the society.They have knowledge,they have passion,they have ambition,they can do what they want to do if they put their hearts in it.Besides,society needs them as well.Society needs all kinds of inter-disciplinary talents in all walks of life.Therefore,graduates' stepping into society will,for one thing,meet the needs of society; for another,will ease the burden of society's investments on education.In this case,why not to work.I am ready,are you ready?I can't wait to take my first job.
That's all.Thank you all.
劳驾区别一下argument ,quarrel,debate,contest
秋风宜雪 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
Let’s debate! 帮忙想想辩论的论据(用英语找论据!)
Let’s debate! 帮忙想想辩论的论据(用英语找论据!)
内容:Let’s debate! 用英语找论据!
If you have a holiday of 15 days, is it meaningful to go cycling like Wangwei and Wangkun? (向他们一样就是指整个假期都在旅行!)
正方是 要这样旅行
反方是 不要这样旅行(可以赞同花部分旅行)
正方反方各说出5点(共10点 帮忙想想! 当然是用英语了!)
nirvana_5cn 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%

spending too much time on travelling is a waste of time.we can do other meaningful things ,just like reading or studying.
travelling a lot often makes us very tired.
it's expensive to eat outside.we may be on a tight budget.
if we can't adapt ourselves to the weather,we will feel uncomfortable
all play and no work makes Jack a mere boy.

we can get a lot of knowledge through travelling.
we can relax ourselves
travelling can strengthen our bodies ,which is recognized by the public.
when we travel to a new place ,we can make lots of new friends there.
we can know more kinds of culture,what's more,we can bring our culture to different places
at the core of these debate lie employment practices中的lie 是什
at the core of these debate lie employment practices中的lie 是什么意思起什么作用
假装不在乎_ 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
晚上没有太阳 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
They are debating hot.
They are having a heated debate.
hot 和 heated 都是白热化,激烈的意思
请问a matter of some debate如何翻译
栀子花语 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
a matter of是关于.的问题 的意思.
some debate 是 一些争论,一些争议.
a matter of some debate就是 关于一些争议的问题.
英译汉,翻译句子?as the twentieth century progress the debate limped
as the twentieth century progress the debate limped on, but it was not until the early 1960s that the tunnel became a serious prospect again.
七夜左岸行走 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
英语翻译There has been much debate regarding whether or not Alex
There has been much debate regarding whether or not Alexandria’s genesis exists.It seems as though this condition is the result of an urban legend since no one with this disorder appears to exist today so far as the scientific community is aware.It also s There has been much debate regarding whether or not Alexandria’s genesis exists.It seems as though this condition is the result of an urban legend since no one with this disorder appears to exist today so far as the scientific community is aware.It also seems as though this condition could exist or it may have existed in the past,leading to further speculation.Is Alexandria’s Genesis real or just fictional?What is the story behind it?eems as though this condition could exist or it may have existed in the past,leading to further speculation.Is Alexandria’s Genesis real or just fictional?What is the story behind it?
luyaoyao_naruto 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
Final presidential debate (english to chinese)
Final presidential debate (english to chinese)
quick! find in [english street]
xyzter 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
英语翻译How Many Controller Servlets?There is a debate among MVC
How Many Controller Servlets?
There is a debate among MVC proponents about how many controller servlets an application should have.Should we use one servlet for each type of request (as in the template selection servlet approach),or a single front controller that handles all requests to an application or subsystem?Core J2EE Patterns terms the latter approach the Multiplexed Resource Mapping Strategy.If we use a single front controller,it should be generic,and should forward requests to a number of sub-controllers.
Many of the arguments against using a single controller servlet are unsound - such as the idea that it introduces a single point of failure (threads can die,not objects); or that it means that the controller will be too large (we can use a generic controller with many application-specific delegates,rather than one huge,all-knowing controller).One valid criticism is the need to duplicate the standard mapping of URL to request-handling class.While we can map URLs directly onto servlets in web.xml,when we use one controller to front many URLs we will usually map all URLs onto the controller,which must then use its own mapping format to route URLs among its sub-controllers.However,this isn't a real problem in practice.
The advantages of using a single controller include that it ensures consistency of control flow - for example,ensuring that necessary resources are available to all sub-controllers.It also means that each sub-controller doesn't have to be a servlet; an important point as we can allow sub-controllers to implement a less complex interface.
It's natural to ask what the performance implications are of the additional overhead in funneling requests through a single controller.A typical controller servlet implementation will need to do hash table lookups based on the URL of each request.Some frameworks use reflection (although an efficient framework should cache the results of reflection).Fortunately,the performance impact is negligible.Pretty much anything we do once per request will have no measurable effect on the overall performance of a web application.In profiling applications running in MVC frameworks,I've consistently found the framework overhead to be insignificant - even undetectable.
All the real frameworks I know of use a single controller servlet for a whole application or a set of related use cases.The controller servlet then delegates work to helper classes that implement a framework-specific interface or extend a base class provided by the framework.
Michael20071101 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
有多少控制器/ Servlets 有一个辩论的MVC倡议者多少控制器/ Servlets的应用应该有.我们是否应该使用一个Servlet的为每个类型的要求(如在模板选择Servlet的做法) ,或一个单一的前端控制器,处理所有的请求的应用程序...
英语翻译discuss the influence on debate in the public sphere of
discuss the influence on debate in the public sphere of the work of public communication professionals for the different sectors.Use a contemporary issue in the media to illustrate your discussion.
散鬃野马 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
探讨不同部门在公共通信专业工作的公共领域的辩论的影响.列举一个在媒体上的现代问题来阐明你的论述 .
英文疑惑.XXXX has sparked much debate. 查了一下 debate的复数不是debates吗?
XXXX has sparked much debate.
查了一下 debate的复数不是debates吗? 是个可数 为什么这里要用much + debate?
风中之尘echo 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
there is no debate that和there is no debating that ,哪一个才是“无可争
there is no debate that和there is no debating that ,哪一个才是“无可争议的是.”?
liwei0758 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
All that is left to debate is how he did it是定语从句么.left在本句中是动
All that is left to debate is how he did it是定语从句么.left在本句中是动词么,
sqklsm 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率73.3%
All (that is left to debate) is how he did it.
What is the exact meaning of 'debate'?
jideh123 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
vt.& vi.辩论;仔细考虑;思考;盘算