
飞来飞去的我2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


wlq0811 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%


1.时刻保持微笑 2.说话的时候要看着对方眼睛 3.聆听的时候要点头
天天逛八卦 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Dear Mike
I am very happy to receive your letter.I know you have a little problem to get along with other.Here is some of my advice.Firstly,Have a smile on your face.Secondly,Look at her/his eyes when you are talking with her/him.Thirdly,nod when you listen ( Don't always talk about yourself).Fourthly,(be confident in yourself) raise your head when you walk.And stand still and relax.
Hope you'll get along with others better.
Liu Ning
好朋友刘宁过年后要转到别的学校去了临走时我用( )的诗句来安慰他
好朋友刘宁过年后要转到别的学校去了临走时我用( )的诗句来安慰他
舒克和贝吉塔 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
11598177 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%


本题考点: 熔化和凝固的温度—时间图象.

考点点评: 此题主要考查了晶体的熔化图象.要学会从图象中找出与晶体有关的信息.关键是掌握晶体的熔化特点:吸热但温度保持不变.

第十九支烟 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
Establishing good relationship with classmate
School can often come with various challenges that you don't face in the workplace. People cut you off in the hallways, someone cheats off you during a test, or you are the victim of the football team's jokes. How can you get along with classmates, especially the ones that are really difficult? Here are some tips that may help:
Tip # 1 - Relax
If someone does something that bothers you or offends you, take a moment to relax and just breathe before you relax. Reacting on raw emotion can often make the situation worse. Take 3 deep breaths and count to ten while you breathe in and out, this will help to calm the nervous system and provide you with clarity before you react to something. Giving yourself time to think will also help you think about the consequences for your actions. This can help you make a good decision and avoid making the situation worse.

Tip # 2 - Exercise
One of the best ways to get along with others is to exercise. Exercise helps to release tension and this allows you to be a better friend because you have a positive mood. Exercise also boosts your self-esteem and self-confidence, both of which can help you survive the hallways of school. Take an exercise class at school and interact with your classmates during this time. This is a great way to get to know them better and you share a common interest which is to take good care of your physical body.
Tip # 3 - Talk
If you have issues with some of your classmates, talk to them about it. Discuss some ways you can make your relationship better. Perhaps you have a classmate that likes to cheat off you during tests, talk to this person about doing their own work or talk to the teacher about moving you to a different seat. When you confront the other person about their behavior, many of them will be willing to change to make your relationship better.
Tip # 4 - Listen
Almost every argument or disagreement in any relationship is caused from miscommunication and lack of listening. When your classmates are talking to you, make the time to actually listen to what they are saying. Give them your full attention by giving them eye contact, repeating some of the things they are saying, and avoiding distractions. When you actually make the time to listen to your classmates, you will draw closer to them and this could develop into a great friendship.
Tip # 5 - Make Changes
When it comes to getting along with your classmates, you may need to make a few changes to your personality. If you are having trouble getting along with others, determine what the roadblock is. Why are your classmates rejecting you? Do you have annoying habits that you can work on to make your relationship better? You don't have to completely change who you are, but you need to be open to change. If you are the friend that tends to hold everyone else back, stop being this friend and try branching out of your comfort zone.
Getting through the school years is tough for anyone. There is a lot of pressure to fit in and be socially accepted by your classmates. Be true to who you are and make friends with the people that you get along with. Give your classmates respect and expect the same from them in return. If there are situations that need attention from school administration make sure to bring those situations to their attention (like underage drinking or illegal substances at school.)
要求:1. 字数100左右
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯
xucongling 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率73.3%
Dear mark,
How are you recently?
I have got a solution to your problem with communication. You should improve your body language. I believe it can make a big difference to your social skills. First, keep smiling when you are with people. The friendly expression will make people feel closer to you. Second, keep eye contact to create a better communication with people around you. Third, when they are talking, don’t forget to nod once in a while to show that you are listening. At last, stand straight, keep your head up and relax your body. Those postures will make you look less nervous, and help you express yourself more confidently.
Best wishes!
Liu Ning

Dear Song Wei,

Yours sincerely,
Liu Ning
jiajutuangou94 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
Dear Song Wei,
I haven’t heard from you for a long time. How is everything going with you? I have been missing you since I got to this strange city.
To be honest, I am not used to the food here and the weather always makes me feel uncomfortable. For that reason, I find it difficult to concentrate on my studies. The new teachers are friendly but they speak too fast and with a certain accent that I cannot quite understand. This often discourages me in class. What’s worse, I always feel lonely after school since I don’t have good friends here. I really want to go back to my previous school, studying with you and playing together.
I’m very worried. Can you give me some help and good suggestions? I’m looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Liu Ning