演讲when you are dead,how do you wish to be remember

2479029322022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

演讲when you are dead,how do you wish to be remember


梦德之心 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
一楼,是想怎样被记住吧?英文不是很好 不过建议可以从个人价值观说,或者看一些墓志铭,The rarest quality in an epitaph is truth.那上边都是每个人对自己一生的总结.e.g.a epitaph that "I can have a good sleep now",we know that he/she was a optimist.


how to introduce dumpling to my foreign friend 3分钟演讲
MJ5625 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
Dumpling is a kind of Chinese food.Not only is it a kind of traditional food in China ,but also it's a necessary food on New Year's Eve.Of couse ,the dumplings are dellicious. It is one of the most happy things to making together before Spring Festival.Usually,the work is done by the mothers and dauthers.Dumpling is made of flour.
英语范文How do you get along well with your roommates 2-3分钟演讲
英语范文How do you get along well with your roommates 2-3分钟演讲
超大娃娃鱼 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率100%
Getting Along with Your Roommates
Recently how to get along with your roommates has become a heated topic on campus.It has brought us a lot of bennefits but has created some serious problems as well.Some students have conflicts with their roommates and look down to them.Others just like to keep themselves alone and don’t like tocommunicate with other roommates.
A number of factors are accountable for this situation.One of the most common factors is that nowadays a family has just a only child and they have no sister and brother.They don’t know hoe to communicate with other people they had never known about.What’s more,They are not lack of a spirit of teamwork and not active to talk with people well.
To sovle the above–mentioned problem,we must try to communicate with your roommates actively which is the best way of getting along with your roommates.
3分钟英语演讲 do people want to have less stressed life
3分钟英语演讲 do people want to have less stressed life
why do people want to have less stressed life
hai-run 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
Why Do People Want To Have Less Stressed Life
As modorn society is bringing so much strees to people who want to just make a living,more and more people chosed to have less stress than high salery,glamorous life style and sometimes,fame.
So,why do people want to have less stressed life?Some may ask.
I think the main reason is almost every knows that stress is a great killer to health.Yes,if you are not even healthy,what are thease money for?It doesn't worth it!It is obvious,no one is not clear about that.
There are may be other reasons too.Some people who do cares about their families found they have less time to spend wirh people they love because of the work load caused by stress.The complain" I don't even know since when my little girl can call me dady!Stress has brought too much from my life!"
Of course,there maybe other reason for people getting away from stress,and i guess i don't have make a list of it.Because,each of you here may raise yourself the question:why do i want to have a less stressed life?And different version of the answer will just pop out your mind!
Everyone,please always remember:Seeking for a successful life is not wrong,but you should always judge the the thing you get and the thing you sacraficed.
英语演讲welcome to jinan
十二月的期待 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
Welcome to Jinan.Jinan is my home town.I was born and grow up here.I have a big family and a lot of friends.Jinan is also known as the Spring City.We have a lot of beautiful springs around the city.We can enjoy and even taste the spring.
英语作文演讲what are the responsibilities ofcollege student
英语作文演讲what are the responsibilities ofcollege student
求一篇在校大学生的英语作文演讲稿,题目是what are the responsibilities ofcollege student
k2877 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
Concretely speaking, being a current university student, we have the duty to ourselves,to our families,as well as to the society and our country.
The sense of responsibility for nowaday students has been raising clearly.
Though they have the higher standard on the development of self-design, self-realization,self-worth.There are still some problems. Such as unconscious of responsibility for family,love,marriage,work, collectivity,cooperation and other.
In one word, the sense of responsibility is being exalted, but the sense of social duty should be enhanced.
Below is the reason for the students lacking in responsibility:
First,the direct communication between the students and the society is less and less.
Second,the tache of communication between the students and society are not smoothly.
They can not understand the society well through the limited social activities they can get about.Therefore,they can not have the high sense of responsibility to the society.
Third,the sub-culture prevails on the campus. The multicultures and internet cultures are also coming into their own, many of them are literature and movieish production with dark color of individualism and latitudinarianism. Being into contact with them for long, you may get extreme ideology, for example, thinking too much of idio-success and idio-failure, individual recept, so as to ignore the collective advantage.
Being a current university student, you have already been and had to be the responsibility main body. Because you’ve had attainder and civic consciousness, you must have the duty consciousness and know the relation between the right and the duty.
Many people would say, it is clear that student's responsibilities are to make sure to learn well all different subjects and be a good learner. It is correct but not enough. The responsibilities of students are far more than study. We have to pay close attention to job market. If what we are learning means difficult to get a job, then we either to change a subject or take another. We have to do investigation about the house market to get a clear picture where to work and live. Otherwise we may be stuck in a large city and become a bee-like worker with no idea which cell to live. As girl students we have to look around us to find a good boyfriend otherwise we can be a single for the entire life. So you see we have a lot of responsibilities.
lf l were a musicer英语演讲
506597241 共回答了2个问题 | 采纳率50%
英语演讲The Internet is a good thing,we can use it to learn,piay
The Internet is a good thing,we can use it to learn,piay games,watch cartoons,listen to music and so on.But,we usually use it to play games,not to learn,so,sometimes our parentspunish us.Why?Because if we play a lot of computer games,our eyes will be bad and our study will be bad too,We are students,the main task is to learn,and,the network is still a dangerous fantasy world.So,we should use the Internet to help study.
The Internet is a good thing,we can use it to learn,play games,watch cartoons,listen to music and so on.But,we usually use it to play games,not to learn.so,sometimes our parents punish us.Why?Because if we play a lot of computer games,our eyes will be bad and our study will be bad too.We are students,the main task is to learn,and,the network is still a dangerous fantasy world .We are also a small,easily addicted to Internet games .So,we should use the Internet to help study.
夏珂 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
The Internet is a useful,modern and electrical tool.It has a wide application.We can use it to seach for knowledge,play games,watch cartoons,listen to music and so on.However,some students always indulge themselves in computer games;they didn't use the Internet properly.As a result,the parents will not be satisfied with their children.They even punish their children for the indulgence.They have sufficient reasons.Too much computer games will have a bad effect on our eye sight and study.They say that,as students,our main duty is study.The Internet is a fabricated and alluring world.There may be some hidden dangers on the Internet.Sometimes we are too young to distinguish right and wrong.We are apt to be addicted in computer games.So we need to recognise this point.I believe we have the necessity to use the Internet properly.
英语演讲why do think ads important?How do they affect our lifes?
英语演讲why do think ads important?How do they affect our lifes?
gzvibom 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
lead ourself give us better understanging of the goods
give us better choice distinguish us to find the thing we want to catch up the fashion
英语演讲幽默短文A woman wanted to reach her husband on his mobil pho
A woman wanted to reach her husband on his mobil phone but discovered that she was out of credit ;she instructed her son to use his own phone to pass across an urgent message to daddy who is at the construction site.
After her son had called ,he got back to mummy to infrom her that it was a lady that picked up daddy's phone the three times he tried reaching dad on the mobile .Women!She watied impatiently for her husband to return from the construction site .The moment she sighted him,she gave him a very hot slap.While the man was trying to ask why ,she repeated the slap.People from neighborhood rushed around to know the cause of his .
The man asked his son to tell everybody what the lady said to him when he called,he said,"The number you are trying to call is not reachable at the moment.Please try again later".
宝贝蛋20 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率75%
该名男子问他的儿子告诉大家什么夫人对他说,当他呼吁,他说:“你的人数正在通话无法到达的moment.Please稍后再试” .
英语作文演讲how to make our school greener
飞叶- 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
In order to make our campus green and harmonious to live and study in, it is suggested that we students
should do many things, which can be listed as follows.
First of all, never destroy the flowers and trees in our school. Besides, we should keep the school
environment neat and clean, thus throwing away the waste should be forbidden. Meanwhile, try to save
water if necessary and never forget to turn off the lights in the daytime or when the classroom is empty.
What's more, regular exercise can help us stay healthy and build up our body. We should also be polite
to others, and try our best to get on well with each other.
In short, whatever you do, please remember to lead a green and healthy life. If you understand it, you'll
necessarily benefit a lot from it.
kaleli 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
As you slowly open your eyes,
look around ,notice where the lightcomes into your room;
listen carefully,see if there are new sounds youcan recognize;
feel with your body and spirit,and see if you can sensethe freshness in the air.
Yes,yes,yes,it's a new day,it's a different day,and it's a bright day!
And most importantly,it is a new beginning for your life,
a beginning where you are going to make new desicisions,
take new actions,make new friends,
and take your life to a totally unprecedented level!
In your mind's eye,you can see clearly the things you want to have,
the paces you intend to go,the relationships you desire to develop,
andthe positions you aspire to reach.
You can hear your laughters of joy and happiness on the day when
everything happens as you dream.
You can see the smiles on the people around you when the magic moment strikes.
You can feel your face is getting red,your heart is beating fast,
and your blood is rushing all over your body,to every single corner of your being!
You know all this is real as long as you are confident,passionate and committed!And you are confident,you are passionate,you are committed!
You will no longer fear making new sounds,showing new facial expressions,
using your body in new ways,approaching new people,and asking new questions.
You will live every single day of your life with absolute passion,
andyou will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take.
You will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of
your life.You will never succumb to challenges of hardships.
You will never waver in your pursuit of excellence.
After all,you arethe best,and you deserve the best!
As your coach and friend,
I can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you,
but the key to that door is in your hand.
You must do your part,you must faithfully follow the plans you make
and take the actions you plan,you must never quit,you must never fear.
I know you must do it,you can do it,you will do it,and you will succeed!
Now stand firm and tall,make a fist,get excited,and yell it out:
I must do it!I can do it!I will do it!I will succeed!
I must do it!I can do it!I will do it!I will succeed!
I must do it!I can do it!I will do it!I will succeed!
口语演讲happiness moment
口语演讲happiness moment
以happiness moment为话题,搞个口语演讲素材,词数160左右即可
明天21日就要用,上午9点前来取稿,素材好的另送100分(因个人时间较忙,所以...) 没什么好的素材啊......算了...此稿继续征集........对于***的送你句话:
suck my dick!
chat13 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
Wouldn’t you love to always be happy?
Happiness comes from within,and is the choice of the individual.Negativity and hatred are also a choice,and each person leads the way to their own well being.It is easy to except when we accomplish something great and gain happiness,but hard to grasp the concept that when something goes wrong we must take responsibility.This is because often times it feels that things are so bad that we could have never have brought it upon ourselves,but it is not what you choose in the present that shows up immediately,it is the residual of your past choices.We are constantly living in our past.The choices we have made are who we are currently,and the choices we make today are already shaping our future.
Thoughts heavily influence out choices.Millions,if not billions,of thoughts are flooding our head every single day,some we are unaware of and some we have total control over.Each thought,or bundle of thoughts,have an emotion,and just as we show our thoughts through choice,we show are feelings through our thoughts.You know the days when you wake up in the morning and stub a toe while getting out of bed,and because of the incident everything goes wrong,traffic is horrible,work is pilled up on your desk,lunch is still sitting on the kitchen counter at home and you have no money?The thoughts in your head were negative when you stubbed your toe,and as a result you made a choice to have the rest of your thoughts that day be negative.A few negative thoughts are not going to create a life of hell,but what if you made a conscious effort to try and think positive?Just for a whole day try and be optimistic seeing the light in everything and everyone.When you got up in the morning and stubbed your toe,instead of getting upset,you just took a deep breath and made a conscious decision to let it go,maybe even laughed at yourself a little.Think about how much better you would feel that day just from a single choice.
Now along with optimism,we must also have gratitude to make happiness.For the beautiful and fulfilling opportunities in life to come to us we must first be grateful for the beautiful and fulfilling things we already posses.It is a simple task that can give you so much,and yet most people take for granted.You can just take five minutes out of your day,maybe right before you go to bed,to list anything and everything you respect and are grateful for in your life.When you acknowledge your gratitude it shows,and people respect you in return.This is an important lesson especially for young adults to learn because if they take the time to be thankful their community sees them as mature and valuable instead of just another nuisance.
Small steps to thinking positive and becoming happy are profoundly beneficial because when you feel satisfied with how you are living life you want to reach out to others.You want to give other people and communities the opportunity and power to be happy as well and live better lives that maybe they can not do on their own.Happiness is also salutary in friendships and all relationships in that when you’re nice to the people around you their nice in return.It’s the golden rule at its finest.With just a small change inside of yourself,you can lead the way to a happy life for yourself and others.With the power of prosperity you could change the world.It all starts with your happiness.
how dou you feel about your parents growing older?2分钟演讲
how dou you feel about your parents growing older?2分钟演讲
PSGY2006 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
那要看你的语速了 就演讲的语速来看 大约在200字左右
我觉得应该从你对父母的感觉入手 比如说小时候感觉父母就像无所不能岿然不动那种吧 突然有一天某件事或某个动作让你感到父母are growing older 突然就有了什么感觉 外国这种一般喜欢以爱和感恩之类的作为主题 不要把主题拔太高 要以细节处让人感动为目标吧
djshang 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率88%
Hello,everybody,today my topic is how to learn English well.
We have learned English for years.Do you ever think how to learn English well?I think first we should study well in class.Because learning from the teacher is very important and after class ask question at first time.Don't leave any question to next day.Second we should speak English.Because it can help us memorize more words.I hope it can help you in learning English.That's all,Thank you.
What is your favourite holiday and why?一分钟英语演讲
What is your favourite holiday and why?一分钟英语演讲
小溪_之花 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
I really love the summer holiday, which I have lost for ten years. Why? after such a long time of fighting for material life, I feel a big lack in mind. That's the difference between our chinese and the western guys, The sense of worth for us is suffering first and then enjoying life, but for them always is while working to pleasure. and that's also the difference in the social welfare. Dare you spend the incoming of a whole year in a vacation? but they dare. Now I'm willing to, but have got no time.
exerpence is the best teacher英文演讲
exerpence is the best teacher英文演讲
思佳佳 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
英语演讲 what can i do for my school
xiangxuan 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
what can i do for my school?i always ask myself.have you ever asked yourself about this?from the first year i came to this school; from the first teacher i saw in the campus; from the people who sat next to me on the first day of school.i have remembered you all,my school ***(school name),my teachers,and my friends.就给你起个头,没有什麽灵感去写.有问题再留言.
英语演讲笑话Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents.
Good Boy
Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?"
"I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered.
"You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?"
"She is the one who sells the candy."
不是中文翻译 - -
vivien_fu 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
set your self goal in life英语演讲,3分钟以上
kaiqu42 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
Everybody has his goal in life .such as succeeding in passing the test,becoming a scientist,finding a good job and so on,and so do they.Only by set an goal in life can people have the motives to do many things.
However,does having a goal in life make it possible for people to do everything successful?The answer is"No".The reason why only having a goal is not enough is that we should base our goals on the reality.That is to say,we should make our goals meet with the reality.
In a word,only reasonable goal can make it possible for us to be successful.
这个演讲非常精彩. The speech ________________The fans were ___

这个演讲非常精彩. The speech ________________
The fans were ____ to know the death of their favorite singing star Whitney Houston
A.glad B.angry C.excited D.surprised
Hello,mum.Are you still on Lushan Mountain?-----Oh,no.We are back home.We ___ a really good journeyA.have B.had C.are having D.will have
If you ___ for your favorite TV programs,you will feel sleepy.
A.stay up B.set up C.stay at D.pick up
f8t8ru 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率93.1%
这个演讲非常精彩.The speech __is very wonderful (wonderful,形容词,精彩的)_.
The fans were _D___ to know the death of their favorite singing star Whitney Houston
A.glad B.angry C.excited D.surprised
Hello,mum.Are you still on Lushan Mountain?-----Oh,no.We are back home.We _B__ a really good journey A.have B.had C.are having D.will have
If you _A__ for your favorite TV programs,you will feel sleepy.
A.stay up B.set up C.stay at D.pick up
选A.stay up,固定短语,stay up的意思;set up是设置的意思;stay at是呆在某个地方的意思;pick up是接送某人/捡起某个东西的意思.句子的意思是:如果你熬夜看你喜欢的电视节目的话,你白天会觉得很困的.显然选A
英语演讲比赛主题happy school days happy Olympic
whc6390 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
Everybody knows the 29th Olympic Games will be held in Bejing.
We feel it a great pleasure to hold the Games.All the Chinese people are happy to get this chance.
In November,the official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games were unveiled.Like the five Olympic Rings from which they draw their colours and inspiration,the Five Friends will serve as the official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games,carrying a message of friendship and peace—and blessings from China---to children all over the world.
Beibei is the Fish,Jingjing is the Panda,Huanhuan is the Olympic Flame,Yingying is the Tibetan Antelope and Nini is the Swallow.When you put their names together -- Beijing Huan Ying Ni,which means “Welcome to Beijing.”
In 2008,we will have grown up.We can do many things for the Games.I want to be a guide,because this job can describe China to people.When they say “Oh,China is wonderful!” I will feel happy.
I hope the 2008 Olympic Games can make the Games even more popular!
The earth our home 英语演讲
The earth our home 英语演讲
十万火急!谁有The earth our home的英语演讲词?
by011432 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
Earth - our home planet
Save our earth
英语演讲a song in my heart
kfwu 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
wx_800206 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
Different people have different hobbies.I used to listen to pop music in my spare time.Listening to pop music helped me relax when I was tired.It also brought me happiness.But my interests are changing all the time .I used to wasn't interested in sports at all.Now,my hobbies are sports like play basketball and swimming.I think playing basketball can makes me strong.Swimming is a good way to keep healthy,and it can help to keep my hear and lungs healthy.
What hobbies do have?Can you tell me?
关于英语演讲,idea on shopping
关于英语演讲,idea on shopping
06p7mwza 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
Nowadays with the ever rapid development and increasingpopularity of the information technology ,shopping on the internet has been a fashion especially among the youngsters.
Online shopping has made our daily life more convenient and comfortable.For example ,shopping on the internet can save students a great deal of time on the way between home and store,so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on theiracademic work.The internet has shorten the distance between manufacturers and consumers and thus we can even buy goods in other countries .On the other hand ,lack of the face to face deal makes online shopping less reliable and trustworthy.What’ s more the delivery will increase the risk of items’ damage.
In my opinion,shopping on the internet is a irreversible trend.More and more people will be accustomed to it.It will be much more popular in the near future.And at the same time we should take some measures to make it perfect.
董世 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
The king and certain
Once,the king George iii XunXing Windsor house.A small caught his eye,he asked the small also doing something."I'm in a manger help," the boy answer,"but they only gave me with food and clothes." The king say:"satisfying!I get more than you."
The force of the statue JinKouYuYan,a little zhuangzi's theory of all things,means that seemed quite philosophy.He means:whatever wealth straw,qing phase stooges,camp servants at the results,only for meals,night,for a night,body more also just a suit.
Investigate actually,George iii just because he wouldn't raise to certain and tell the FengLiangHua feigning broad-minded.Certain eat bread,and how the spelt with Windsor house of royal board compared to?Certain wear sackcloth coarse watch how again and Sacramento luxuriant gown par?Really want parodying zero-degree wang xizhi "lanting set preface sentence,take these cool attitude to criticize thin once:" a Li feast for XuDan qi,WangTong for news!"
Want to deep layer,and feel the king with certain do actually is similar to work,they contribute to the country's par indeed
真实的玉镜 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
A scientific explanation of rainbow
The rainbow's appearance is caused by dispersion of sunlight as it goes through raindrops. The light is first refracted as it enters the surface of the raindrop, reflected off the back of the drop, and again refracted as it leaves the drop. The overall effect is that the incoming light is reflected back over a wide range of angles, with the most intense light at an angle of 40°–42°. The angle is independent of the size of the drop, but does depend on its refractive index. Seawater has a higher refractive index than rain water, so the radius of a 'rain'bow in sea spray is smaller than a true rainbow. This is visible to the naked eye by a misalignment of these bows.[2]
The amount by which light is refracted depends upon its wavelength, and hence its colour. Blue light (shorter wavelength) is refracted at a greater angle than red light, but because the area of the back of the droplet has a focal point inside the droplet, the spectrum crosses itself, and therefore the red light appears higher in the sky, and forms the outer colour of the rainbow. Contrary to popular belief, the light at the back of the raindrop does not undergo total internal reflection and some light does emerge from the back. However, light coming out the back of the raindrop does not create a rainbow between the observer and the sun because spectra emitted from the back of the raindrop do not have a maximum of intensity, as the other visible rainbows do, and thus the colours blend together rather than forming a rainbow.
A rainbow does not actually exist at a particular location in the sky. It is an optical illusion whose apparent position depends on the observer's location and the position of the sun. All raindrops refract and reflect the sunlight in the same way, but only the light from some raindrops reaches the observer's eye. This light is what constitutes the rainbow for that observer. The position of a rainbow in the sky is always in the opposite direction of the Sun with respect to the observer, and the interior is always slightly brighter than the exterior. The bow is centred on the shadow of the observer's head, or more exactly at the antisolar point (which is below the horizon during the daytime), appearing at an angle of 40°–42° to the line between the observer's head and its shadow. As a result, if the Sun is higher than 42°, then the rainbow is below the horizon and cannot be seen as there are not usually sufficient raindrops between the horizon (that is: eye height) and the ground, to contribute. Exceptions occur when the observer is high above the ground, for example in an aeroplane (see above), on top of a mountain, or above a waterfall. A rainbow can be generated using a garden sprinkler but to get sufficient drops they must be very small.
彩虹的出现是由于分散的阳光,因为它经过雨滴.根据首先是因为它折射进入表面的雨滴,反映了后面的下降,并再次折射,因为它使辍学.的总体影响是,即将上任的光反射回了广泛的角度,以最强烈的光的角度40 ° -42 ° .角是独立的规模下降,但并不取决于它的折射率.海水中有较高的折射率比雨水,所以半径的一个rain'bow的浪花小于一个真正的彩虹.这是肉眼可见的错位这些弓箭. [ 2 ]
彩虹实际上并不存在某一地点在天空.这是一种错觉,其明显的立场取决于观察的位置和地位的阳光.所有雨滴折射和反映了阳光以同样的方式,但只能根据一些雨滴达到观察员的眼睛.鉴于这一点是什么构成的彩虹为观察员.的立场彩虹天空中总是在相反方向的太阳与尊重观察员,以及内部总是稍微亮度比外表.船头是集中在阴影中的观察员的头,或更确切地说在antisolar点(这是地平线在白天) ,出现在角40 ° -42 °之间的界线,以观察员的头部和自己的影子.因此,如果太阳高于42 ° ,那么彩虹的地平线下,不能被看作是通常没有足够的雨水之间的地平线(即:眼高)和地面,作出贡献.例外情况发生时,观测高空,例如在飞机(见上文) ,在一个山头,或以上的瀑布.彩虹可以生成使用花园洒水,但获得足够的下降,他们必须非常小.
zhanlm 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Different people have different lifestyles. They do the same things from morning to evening every day. Usually, they write their plans on paper. But sometimes they remember what things they will do in their minds. I also have my own lifestyle. It is wonderful! I get up early on weekdays, and do the school things then. But at the weekend, I never get up early. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. One day, I stayed in bed very late. It was a weekday. The clock rang. It was six thirty. But I didn't hear it. I stayed in bed until seven o'clock. I looked at the clock and jumped from the bed to the floor. I was afraid, "Oh, my God, I will be late." I shouted. So I didn't have breakfast. I put on my shoes and took a taxi to the school. I was in good luck that day. I wasn't late for school. I was pleased that time. I think I should get up earlier on weekdays or I will be late. I believe you get up earlier on weekdays. Best wishes for you.
英语演讲:how to make your college life wonderful and colourful
英语演讲:how to make your college life wonderful and colourful
dd青年刘某人 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率100%
You conquer your bad hiabits,shortcomings,frailties,etc.,and you concern about your study,your life,as well as the country,then you are casting your own college life.
英语演讲比赛if l were.
风里男人 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率89.7%
if i were industrious,...i would have been a man of 10 houses,9 limousines,8 dogs that can written remarks,7 wife-like second-level women,6 children studying in Harvard university,5 kilogram shark-fin for me to eat everyday,4 body-gard for me to use,3 cats,2 friends,1 top of the world dream...
共回答了个问题 | 采纳率
程鱼子 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
why so many people enjoy travelling?3分钟演讲
why so many people enjoy travelling?3分钟演讲
godzephyr 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
firstly, travelling could enrich the view of everyone. you could learn many knowledges in your journey and you could learn more about your destinations than what you read in books. Secondly, you could relax yourself and fresh your mind. you could enjoy many beautiful scenes and have a good time with the nature. At last, you could make many friends from all over the world and touch their life. Besides, you could think about your life through this process.
There _____ an English speaking contest(演讲比赛) for middle sch
There _____ an English speaking contest(演讲比赛) for middle school students in our city in early July.
A.is going to B.will be C.will have D.is
xsg691588 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率96.2%

根据句子的意思应用一般将来时,这是一个一般将来时的There be 句型。
fafa97 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
the advantage and the disadvantage of group travel 英语2分钟演讲
askdufgkesgt 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
The advantage and disadvantage of group travel
Hello,everyone!My name is XX(姓名).Today I’m extremely pleased to share my opinion of group travel with you.
As we all know,every coin has two sides.(这是名言,用上会加分哦~travel can not only improve our communication skills,but also help us find more friends.Pleasure lies in the exchange of intelligence.This means when you’re communicating,you may gain a variety of ideas which will expand your vision.
However,when it comes to disagreement,many adverse events could take place.For example,argument or discrimination.Besides,we might depend on others instead of ourselves.
As a matter of fact,what we acquire from group travel depends on our attitudes towards it.So,I prefer us keeping high spirits and trying it first to avoiding it.Then you can judge whether group travel matches your standards.
That’s all.
Thanks for your.attention.(演讲的礼貌性结尾~)
英语演讲主题puppy love
英语演讲主题puppy love
我们即将会有英语演讲,我写了一些有关puppy love的观点,我是持支持态度去演讲的,此次演讲至少一分钟,而且可以采用幻灯片,也由下面同学提问.
nuidans64 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Puppy love (also known as a crush or calf love) is an informal term for feelings of love between young people during childhood and adolescence, so-called for its resemblance to the adoring, worshipful affection that may be felt by a puppy. The term is often used in a derogatory fashion, describing emotions which are shallow and transient in comparison to other forms of love such as romantic love.
The term (also commonly described as a "crush") can also be used to describe the fondness of a child for an adult. For example, students’ being attracted to their teachers, or children to older celebrities, could be considered puppy love.
The term "puppy love" is often met with fierce resistance from the people whose affections it is used to describe.[citation needed] The term is commonly perceived to be patronizing and belittling of genuine emotion.[citation needed] Use of this term might also be seen as an invalidation of the person's feelings.
举手+演讲=胆量 作文
月408 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
英语即兴演讲!do you think parents have made great important on chi
do you think parents have made great important on children's life?why
6句以上 ,
Ajur 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
Yes,I definitely think that parents have made great importance on children's life.Parents teach children how to behave.They take the responsibility of taking care of the children until they become independent.They pay for their children's food,housing,education,and many other expenses.Besides all these,parents also have a great impact on the children's future.For most of the time,children want to become like their parents after they grow up.
英文演讲How I learn English
56人生 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
How To Learn English!
Here are some tips which may help you to master the English Language!
Speak without Fear
The biggest problem most people face in learning a new language is their own fear.They worry that they won’t say things correctly or that they will look stupid so they don’t talk at all.Don’t do this.The fastest way to learn anything is to do it – again and again until you get it right.Like anything,learning English requires practice.Don’t let a little fear stop you from getting what you want.
Use all of your Resources
Even if you study English at a language school it doesn’t mean you can’t learn outside of class.Using as many different sources,methods and tools as possible,will allow you to learn faster.There are many different ways you can improve your English,so don’t limit yourself to only one or two.The internet is a fantastic resource for virtually anything,but for the language learner it's perfect.
Surround Yourself with English
The absolute best way to learn English is to surround yourself with it.Take notes in English,put English books around your room,listen to English language radio broadcasts,watch English news,movies and television.Speak English with your friends whenever you can.The more English material that you have around you,the faster you will learn and the more likely it is that you will begin “thinking in English.” .
Listen to Native Speakers as Much as Possible
There are some good English teachers that have had to learn English as a second language before they could teach it.However,there are several reasons why many of the best schools prefer to hire native English speakers.One of the reasons is that native speakers have a natural flow to their speech that students of English should try to imitate.The closer ESL / EFL students can get to this rhythm or flow,the more convincing and comfortable they will become.
Watch English Films and Television
This is not only a fun way to learn but it is also very effective.By watching English films (especially those with English subtitles) you can expand your vocabulary and hear the flow of speech from the actors.If you listen to the news you can also hear different accents.
Listen to English Music
Music can be a very effective method of learning English.In fact,it is often used as a way of improving comprehension.The best way to learn though,is to get the lyrics (words) to the songs you are listening to and try to read them as the artist sings.There are several good internet sites where one can find the words for most songs.This way you can practice your listening and reading at the same time.And if you like to sing,fine.
Study As Often As Possible!
Only by studying things like grammar and vocabulary and doing exercises,can you really improve your knowledge of any language.
Do Exercises and Take Tests
Many people think that exercises and tests aren't much fun.However,by completing exercises and taking tests you can really improve your English.One of the best reasons for doing lots of exercises and tests is that they give you a benchmark to compare your future results with.Often,it is by comparing your score on a test you took yesterday with one you took a month or six months ago that you realize just how much you have learned.If you never test yourself,you will never know how much you are progressing.Start now by doing some of the many exercises and tests on this site,and return in a few days to see what you've learned.Keep doing this and you really will make some progress with English.
Record Yourself
Nobody likes to hear their own voice on tape but like tests,it is good to compare your tapes from time to time.You may be so impressed with the progress you are making that you may not mind the sound of your voice as much.
Listen to English
By this,we mean,speak on the phone or listen to radio broadcasts,audiobooks or CDs in English.This is different than watching the television or films because you can’t see the person that is speaking to you.Many learners of English say that speaking on the phone is one of the most difficult things that they do and the only way to improve is to practice.
Have fun!
There will be lecture (演讲) in half an hour.The meeting room
There will be lecture (演讲) in half an hour.The meeting room with people.
A.is full B.is crowded C.crowded D.full
西门0无树 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%

初一英语演讲 自我介绍
玛瑙皇后 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
I am so happy to be here . today is a beautiful day ,and i hope i and do that i can do best .now i to introduce myself to you .my name is XX.i am XX years old.i have a happy family,there areXX people in my family ,my Xx.myxx……they all love me .i love them too .i am good atxx 【】hope we can be good friend .and i can have a perfect achievements
thank you a lot
【】这个地方你可以加一些 自己的爱好 和擅长什么
泪眼千睡 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
Is Failure a Bad Thing Failure is a common thing in our daily life.As students,we sometimes fail to get high scores in our exams.When we play games,we might be beaten by others.And there are times when we fail to do work well.All these failures happen naturally and almost every one of us has such experiences.However,there are different attitudes towards failure.Some people lose heart when they fail; they think the world is at its end.Some people don‘t take failure seriously but just let it be,while some others learn much from failure,and therefore see the light of hope through failure.In my opinion,what is really important is not failure itself,but what we think of failure and what we do after failure.As long as we don‘t give up,keeping believing in ourselves,and at the same time learn something from failure,we‘ll certainly make our mark in the end.So I am never afraid of failure,for I believe that failure is not a bad thing.Rather,“Failure is the mother of success.
qjl1024 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
Traveler mentality of English
There ______ an English speaking contest (演讲比赛) for middle s
There ______ an English speaking contest (演讲比赛) for middle school students in our city in early July.
[ ]
A. is going to
B. will be
C. will have
D. is
laofish5 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
changes in china 演讲3分钟
jzkdl 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
Now I will show some tips about changes in China to you:
1.x05In China's shift to a market economy,one key marriage player has been phased out:the work-unit boss.For 50 years,the boss was a de facto sergeant inside state-run enterprises.He or she policed behavior among the sexes,assisted with family problems,often helped set up single women approaching the unofficial "spinster" age of 30,and approved all matches.
2.x05"If you turned 28 and were still single,the danwei manager [or boss] would step in and help," says Yu Jiang,a single 27-year-old who recently quit a US-China joint venture.Now the work-unit boss no longer approves marriages; the position is disappearing along with state-run businesses.
3.x05Weddings in pre-1980 China were simple,short,and cheap.Today,70 percent of the weddings done by Purple House,a Beijing agency,are Western-style - vows,white dresses,churches,receptions,says Shi Yu.Mr.Yu is Purple House's "master of ceremonies." Weddings used to cost $40.Now they easily run $4,000 and are a status symbol.
4.x05Once married,Chinese couples are no longer choosing to live with parents at home,a huge change.Some 60 to 70 percent of couples no longer live with parents,and in the reporting for this article,virtually no young Chinese said they would live at home if they could afford not to."No way," says Jun Yaolin,who was married two years ago."We will fight." One counter-trend is to live a "bowl of soup" distance away - move to within a few blocks.This neatly supplements another new trend:full-time care of children by grandparents.
5.x05Divorce,once seen as antisocial,is now high by Chinese standards and increases yearly.In Shanghai in 2001,1 in 3 marriages failed,according to Xinhua news agency.
6.x05The maturing of the one-child policy,combined with the ability of couples to buy their own apartments,is creating its own "empty nest" condition.This means that older people are starting to experience an often terrible new loneliness.China is still a country with respect for elders.Yet a public-service ad on Chinese TV shows an elderly lady cooking all day.As she sets the table for dinner,the phone calls come one by one:"I can't make it.Can I come tomorrow?" The ad ends with a solitary figure sitting at a table of food - and the words,"Don't forget your parents."
7.x05"The traditional family has changed,become diluted,atomized," says Dong Zhiying,a scholar at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) in Beijing."It used to be assumed that kids would take care of parents.Now it no longer is.In the past,older people in the family were dominant.Young people had no choice but to respect them.Parents' authority was based on money and power; if you don't respect them,you lose favor.”
8.x05"Today,the intellectual and market development in China has come quickly,and transformed the family.Young people aren't worshipping elders.They can rely on their own ability - go to university,be independent,make their own choices."
余姚君 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
Introducing Public Speaking 、 Selecting a Topic 、 Making Analysis 、 Writing a Speech Thesis
、 Constructing Basic Structure of a Speech 、Organizing Your speech 、 Beginning and Ending the Speech 、 Speaking to Inform 、Speaking to Persuade 、Speaking on Special Occasions 、 Using Evidence to Enhance Your Speech 、 Making Impromptu Speeches 、 Choosing Words Wisely 、Delivering the Speech 、 Answering Impromptu Questions 、Assessing a Speech
高中英语演讲短文I feel so happy to have the chance to make a speech.
I feel so happy to have the chance to make a speech. The title of my speech is Protect the Environment, Protect Ourselves. I hope you will like it.
Everybody knows waste paper and used coke cans are discarded everywhere. You might have seen plastic bags flying in the sky and getting caught in the trees when the wind blows or maybe you have seen old cans floating in the rivers and polluting the water. Our environment is the place in which we live, but it is being ruined by us.
There is a story about house and trees. It is said that a man’s house was surrounded by a lot of trees. Though the wind was strong, that man could have a good rest under the trees. How comfortable the life was! One day, that man wanted to enlarge his house, so he cut down all the trees. Then the autumn came without the protection. The strong wind blew the roof of the house into the sky. The whole house was gone with the wind. What a pity! But that’s the price people have to pay for destroying in the ecology balance. People shouldn’t be short-sighted. Protecting the environment is everyone’s task.
As you know, there are four kinds of pollution. They are air pollution, water pollution, waste pollution and noise pollution. But what can we do to solve the pollution? I think, firstly, we can make cars that don’t pollute the environment. We can ask companies to use modern clean technology. In some big cities, we can limit the number of cars. Secondly, we can try to use less water and make sure that we do not pollute the water. We can tell factories that they are not allowed to pour waste water into the lakes and rivers. Thirdly, we should not throw rubbish in parks and cities. We can pick up rubbish if we see it. We can put more rubbish bins in our parks and cities. Fourthly, we can live far from the noise and make the laws to limit the noise.
grfe 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
antony3721 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
The Old Cat
An old woman had a cat.The cat was very old; she could not run quickly,and she could not bite,because she was so old.One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse.But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away,because the cat could not bite it.
Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse.She began to hit the cat.The cat said,"Do not hit your old servant.I have worked for you for many years,and I would work for you still,but I am too old.Do not be unkind to the old,but remember what good work the old did when they were young."