I traveled in a car for the first time in my life【英译汉】

zhchlsu2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答


djwh999 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
520DENNI 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率


I have ever traveled on a plane.(改为否定句)
七叶梅 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
I have never traveled on a plane.
英语问题连词成句:(1)you ever by have traveled air before ?(2)we go f
(1)you ever by have traveled air before ?
(2)we go for usually a out walk after upper .
(3)your were under book placed the table .
(4)he very at angry was
(4)he very at angry was we what said .
sm60 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
1 Have you ever traveled by air before
2 We usually go out for a walk after supper.
3 Your books were placed under the table.
4 He was very angry at what we said.
His fear of flying was _____ he always traveled by train.A)s
His fear of flying was _____ he always traveled by train.A)such that B)so that C)such as D)so far
His fear of flying was _____ he always traveled by train.
A)such that
B)so that
C)such as
D)so far as
jianbin317 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
C)such as
His fear of flying was such.
as he always traveled by train.
Jack had traveled six miles across the Channel _
Jack had traveled six miles across the Channel _____his engine failed and was forced to land on the sea .
A.when B.until C.after D.since
胡luobo 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%

when:and at this moment suddenly,正在这时突然,引导时间状语从句。故选A。
while traveled to Paris on a bus,i became very sick. 为什么把 tr
while traveled to Paris on a bus,i became very sick. 为什么把 traveled 改为traveling 原因语法谢谢
yinxinglin 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
While traveled to Paris on a bus,I became very sick.为什么把 traveled 改为traveling 原因语法谢谢 什么时候可以把主语省略?
答:此句的主句是I became very sick.前面为分词短语作状语,其逻辑主语应为主句的主语I,因为I与travel在逻辑上是主谓关系,是主动的关系,所以应该用现在分词而不是过去分词(后者表示被动).为了明确表示这个状语是时间状语,可以在分词traveling 前加上while,when,等词.
如:本句While ( I was ) traveling .,I .
又如:When (it is) heated,the water will become vapour.
If (it is) necessary ,I will come to help you.
答:在祈使句中,可以省略主语 you.一般情况下,主语不省略.
i recently traveled to san francisco 文章翻译
xiwang_1199 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率73.3%
把英语翻译成汉语 People from all over the world traveled to New York
把英语翻译成汉语 People from all over the world traveled to New York to give them a hand
左手yy右手yy 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
英文数学题.A person on a bike traveled 2miles south and then 9mil
A person on a bike traveled 2miles south and then 9miles east.The person realized she was lost,so she traveled 14miles north and 4miles east.Give the component form fot the vector that represents the over all path of the bicycle.
选项:A(16,5) B(12,5) C(5,12) D(5,16)
yan852963 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
根据选项,可知题目有误,最后应为14miles north and 4miles west
英语题 4道填空1.Mary traveled to Yunnan herself last summer vacati
英语题 4道填空
1.Mary traveled to Yunnan herself last summer vacation.(改为同义句)
Mary ____ ____ to Yunnan last summer vacation.
2.They often help the old people do some cheaning when they are fell.(改为同义句)
They often help the old people do some cleaning ____ ____ ____ ____.
3.She volunteers to work there once a week.(对划线部分题问)划线部分是once a week
_____ ____ _____she____to work there?
We are___ ____for those___ _____.
好强哥 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
travelled alone
in their spare time
How often does she volunteer
donating money ...homeless people
改错 The teacher told us that light traveled faster than sound
改错 The teacher told us that light traveled faster than sound.( )
徐沁然 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
把traveled 改为travels
between high-traffic and rarely traveled areas 怎么翻译
fehacker 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
Have you ever traveled to XXX?其中的 XXX 怎样念?
Have you ever traveled to XXX?其中的 XXX 怎样念?
Have you ever traveled to XXX?其中的 “XXX” 怎样念?
xiaoyan336 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
some place=sp.
He traveled to many mountain villages and saw many poor chil
He traveled to many mountain villages and saw many poor children out of school,which had ---
He traveled to many mountain villages and saw many poor children out of school,Which _______ his life.
A.would changed B.had changed
C.was to change D.was changing
thinger 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
首先这是一个过去时态,这是在过去发生的事.如果你选B的话,表示过去的过去,已经发生的事.应该选C,因为be to do 表示将来时态,又因为是过去式,所以选C.意思是:他去了去多山村,看到许多没有上学的穷孩子,这将影响他的一生.希望楼主采纳!
选择We traveled all night to London and got there ( ) Sunday m
选择We traveled all night to London and got there ( ) Sunday morning. A.for B.on C.at D.in 为什么?
仰若晨星 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
答案:B (on)
huizhongxuexiao 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
well-traveled,well-travelled ['wel'trævəld]
也可以翻译的诗意点 浪迹天涯
Another group traveled to Mississippi to organize creative a
Another group traveled to Mississippi to organize creative activities for homeless children
weilling 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
1,we traveled together as far as chicago,__wesaid goodbye to
1,we traveled together as far as chicago,__wesaid goodbye to each other
a,which,b when cwhy d where
2,i will remember the time__we spent together in yhe country
a that b when c during which d at which
3 perhaps this is the only clothing store __you can get such beautiful clother
a that b of which c by which d where
有the only为什么不选a,
4there is a house __the roof is worm——easten
awhose b of which c its d that
萧紫凝 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
D 1,定语从句:我们在芝加哥互相道别,关系副词where = in which(Chicago),在从句中作地点状语
A 2,定语从句:关系代词,代替先行词time,作从句中谓语动词spent的宾语
D 3,分析思路同第一题:在那里可以买到.和the only没有关系(它只是干扰成分,诱使你选that,你可不能上当)
B 4,语法上of which = whose,但具体用的时候,要看句子结构,如:the room whose windows face south = the room of which the windows face south(窗户都朝南的房间).这与whose修饰的对象没有关系.
So far,no man traveled father than the Moon.
So far,no man traveled father than the Moon.
真实如风 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
so far,no man has traveled farther than the moon
1.Do you travel a lot?Have you ever traveled to South Africa
1.Do you travel a lot?Have you ever traveled to South Africa?
Yes,a lot of___.And I spent alot of___there this summer.
A.times;times.B.time;time C.times;time
2.Let's go for a walk,Jim!
Sorry.I'm___my homework.
A.depending on B.working on C.caring for
wlh43210 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
1、C ——你旅游过很多次么?你去过南非么?
The dirt road made our car jump as we traveled to the Millen
The dirt road made our car jump as we traveled to the Millennium Village in Sauri, Kenya. We passed the market where women sat on the dusty ground selling bananas. Little kids were wrapped in cloth on their mothers’ backs, or running around in bare feet and torn clothing. When we reached the village, we walked to the Bar Sauri Primary School to meet the people. Welcoming music and singing had almost everyone dancing. We joined the dancing and clapped(鼓掌)along to the joyful, lively music. The year was 2004, the first time I had ever been to Sauri.
The Millennium Village project was created to help reach the Millennium Development Goals, which were set by the United Nations in 2000. The plan is to get people out of poverty, assure(确保)them of access to health care and help them stabilize the economy and quality of life in their communities. The goals are supposed to be met by 2015; some other targets are set for 2025. But our first sight of Sauri showed us there was plenty of work to do.
On that day in 2004, we followed the village leaders into Yala Sub-District Hospital. It wasn’t in good shape. The rooms were packed with patients who probably wouldn’t receive treatment, either because the hospital did not have it or the patients could not afford it. There was no running water or electricity in the hospital. It is hard for me to see people sick with preventable diseases who are near death when they shouldn’t have to be. I just get scared and sad.
Malaria(痢疾)is one disease, common in Africa, which is preventable and treatable. Mosquitoes carry malaria, and infect people by biting them. Kids can die from it easily, and adults get very sick. Mosquitoes that carry malaria come at night. A mosquito net, treated with chemicals that last for five years, keeps malarial mosquitoes away from sleeping people. Each net costs $5. There are some cheap medicines to get rid of malaria too. The solutions are simple, yet 20,000 kids die from the disease each day. So sad, and so illogical. Mosquito nets could save millions of lives.
We walked over to see the farmers. Their crops started to die because they could not afford the necessary fertilizer(肥料)and irrigation. Time and again, a family will plant seeds only to have an outcome of poor crops because of lack of fertilizer and water. Each year, the farmers worry: Will they harvest enough food to feed the whole family? Will their kids go hungry and become sick?
Many kids in Sauri didn’t attend school because their parents couldn’t afford school fees. Some kids are needed to help with housework, such as fetching water and wood. In 2004, the schools had minimal supplies like books paper and pencils, but the students wanted to learn. They all worked hard with the few supplies they had. It was hard for them to concentrate, though, as there’s no midday meal.
Great changes have taken place in these years. Today, Yala Sub-District Hospital has medicine, free of charge. Water is connected to the hospital, which also has a generator(发电机)for electricity. There are no school fees, and the school now serves midday meals for the students. The attendance rate is way up. All this is encouraging supporters of the Millennium Villages project.
There are many solutions to the problems that keep people poor. What it will really take is for the world to work together to change poor areas forever. When my kids are my age, I want this kind of poverty to be a thing of history. It will not be an easy task. But Sauri’s progress shows us all that winning the fight against poverty is achievable in our lifetime.
小题1:In Paragraph 1, the writer describes the kids’ clothes to show that _________________.
A.local children spent a lot of time outside
B.local parents were not responsible
C.local villagers were very poor
D.local villagers were very friendly Zxxk
小题2: What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 3?
A.Medical conditions. B.Agriculture.
C.Education. D.Economy.
小题3:What does the underlined word “minimal” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?
A.Many. B.Few. C.Colorful. D.Various.
小题4:Because there was no midday meal in school, __________________.
A.kids lacked energy to study attentively
B.many kids dropped out of school
C.kids made more efforts to study hard
D.many kids had to go back home for lunch
小题5:This story is mainly about _____________________________.
A.the education in an African village
B.the schools and hospitals in an African village
C.the poverty and the progress of an African village
D.the author’s car journey to an African village
夏天咖啡屋 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%

1、Albert Einstein traveled to the main cities of Italy,_____
1、Albert Einstein traveled to the main cities of Italy,______ he came back with some ideas.
A.which B.there C.where D.that
2、He has not quite solved the problem yet,but he is ________ it.
A.making of B.working on C.clearing up D.trying out
小小兽医 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
1)选C.定语从句,先行词是the main cities of Italy,它在定语从句中做状语,还原到从句中就是he came back with some ideas( from the main cities of Italy状语)他从这次意大利之旅中带回(得到)了很多灵感.
Which hotel did they live in whey they traveled in Paris?
Which hotel did they live in whey they traveled in Paris?
这句话错在哪里 应如何改正
wxh324 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
Which hotel did they live when they traveled in Paris
I traveled on the 8:40 a.m.train from Glasgow to London King
I traveled on the 8:40 a.m.train from Glasgow to London King’s Cross.
拽头儿 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
If 3 cars have traveled a total of 180,000 miles and the dis
If 3 cars have traveled a total of 180,000 miles and the distance traveled by each car differs by at least 1 mile from the distance traveled by either of the other 2 cars,what is the minimum possible number of mile traveled by the car with most mileage?
宁采尘 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率73.9%
就是有三辆车,一共开了18000miles,每辆车与其他两辆车之间距离的差距起码是1 mile,求开的距离最多的那辆车的距离最短的可能值
I took the one less traveled by,and that has made all the di
I took the one less traveled by,and that has made all the difference
90253210 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
I took the one less traveled by,and that has made all the difference.
完成句子 we traveled by night _ _ _by day
完成句子 we traveled by night _ _ _by day
great how about 11:00 tomorrow moring
11:00 in the moring i think people have dinnner in the evening
ha i say it is dinner because_____4_____._____5_____when we have a rice meal
oh i see .See you tomorrow then
on mew year's eve the family get t____ for dinner everyone eats d___new year'scakes and other god f___ how d___ they are
完成句子 we traveled by night _ _ _by day
tian_85 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
great how about 11:00 tomorrow moring
11:00 in the moring i think people have dinnner in the evening
ha i say it is dinner because_____it____ _____is_____when we have a rice meal
oh i see .See you tomorrow then
on new year's eve the family get __together__ for dinner.everyone eats _delicious___ new year's cakes and other good __food__.how __delightful_they are.
大年夜 全家人一起吃晚饭.每个人都吃着美味可口的新年蛋糕和其他好吃的食物.他们多开心啊
完成句子 we traveled by night _in_ _stead _ _of _by day
1.---Have you traveled to any foreign countries so far?
1.---Have you traveled to any foreign countries so far?
---___________,but I have a plan for it.
A.Ever since B.Not yet C.Later on D.From then on
2.It's your turn _________ the blackboard.
A.for clean B.to clean C.cleaning D.cleans
3.My mother _______ a soldier for three days.
A.has become B.has been in C.became D.has been
4.----Have you done your work______,Jim?
----Yes,I 've done it_______.
A.already;already B.already;yet
C.yet;already D.yet;yet
xx_nn209 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
第一道B 问句是完成时 回答not yet 是完成时的否定 故选择B
第二道B 不定式(不知道是不是这个知识点,或者是固定的be one's turn to do sth)
第三道D been 是延续性动词,其他的都是暂短性动词 不能用于完成时的句子
这里只能用延续性动词,因为后面有“for three days”
第四道C 基础知识点 没什么好说
_________they traveled at seven miles per second,it still to
_________they traveled at seven miles per second,it still took the astronauts three days to reach the moon.
A.Even though B Except that C.In case D.Now that
snowfox 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
Even though 虽然 与still对应.Except that 除了 In case 万一 Now that 既然
完形填空!Some time ago,my wife and l traveled to Sydney to visit
Some time ago,my wife and l traveled to Sydney to visit my sister.We had taken more clothes than we needed and struggled onto the train.
cmzyzth 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
Some time ago,my wife and I traveled to Sydney to visit my sister.We had taken more clothes than we needed and struggled onto the train.
In front of us,in a face-to-face seat,__1__ six young men in their early 20s.They were strong and__2__,and I disliked them immediately.They were laughing loudly,obviously__3__themselves and they__4__a foreign language.
As we went quickly__5__the countryside,I kept an eye on them as they joked around.Sometimes they took a look in our direction.When two of them got__6__,I relaxed a little.The rest of them__7__to laugh and joke in their own language.
When we finally arrived at our__8__,only one of them was left on the train.He was obviously
__9__too and as I struggled towards him with my heavy luggage,he reached out and asked in English:“Want a hand with that,mate?”
He__10__the heavier bag up the station steps for us.We were pleasantly surprised and very grateful.
1.A.sat B.stood C.lay D.lived
2.A.polite B.quiet C.lazy D.noisy
3.A.helping B.enjoying C.teaching D.devoting
4.A.told B.spoke C.said D.talked
5.A.above B.onto C.over D.through
6.A.off B.up C.along D.on
7.A.wanted B.started C.stopped D.continued
8.A.house B.hotel C.station D.shelter
9.A.bored B.worried C.excited D.frightened
10.A.carried B.left C.brought D.bought
1.A 根据 “in a face-to-face seat”可知应是A.
2.D 根据上下文意思,得出答案D.
3.B enjoy后接反身代词.
4.B 说某种语言用“speak”.
5.D 是指从“countryside”的里面穿过去.
6.A固定短语.get off意为“下车”.
7.D 根据句意可知他们继续玩.故选D
8.C 根据句意可知应为到站.
9.C 根据上下文可知他也兴奋.故选C.
10.A 根据句意:他为我搬了更重的包.应选A.
little-traveled where a dimand little-traveled trail led eas
where a dimand little-traveled trail led eastward through the pine forest.就是这句话里的,
情系双子 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
Little-traveled 很少有人路过的(地方)
Once Mr.white traveled to Texas.It was his first time to go
Once Mr.white traveled to Texas.It was his first time to go there .On the plane,he sat neixt to a woman who 47—— TexasThe woman told him that everything was 48—— and better in the city.When Mr.white arrived,he found a 49—— and decided to spend the night there 47,Acame fromB heart from Clooked at D arrived at 48,AsmallerBnewerColderDbigger 49,AmuseumBrestaurabtChotelDsupermarket要翻译谢谢
在地狱中挣扎着 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
Once Mr.white traveled to Texas.It was his first time to go there.On the plane,he sat next to a woman who came from Texas,The woman told him that everything was newer and better in the city.When Mr.white arrived,he found a hotel and decided to spend the night there.
we traveled all night to london and got there on sunday
we traveled all night to london and got there on sunday
还有这道题填什么 为什么?—__________ did you have the party last night?
—In the park.
A.What B.Why C.When D.Where
蓝精灵04 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率100%
we traveled all night to london and got there on sunday
选D 问地点 (看回答就知道了)
my father has traveled to many ______ places in the world.
my father has traveled to many ______ places in the world.
A.the other B.another C.other D.others
lhj3819 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
As a volunteer teachen,I traveled a long way to a small vill
As a volunteer teachen,I traveled a long way to a small village..
merry066 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
SAT IS No sooner had Andrea del Sarto traveled to France to
No sooner had Andrea del Sarto traveled to France to work for the French king (but his wife persuaded him to return) to Italy.
C) than he was persuaded by hsi wife that he will return
E) than his wife persuaded him to return
During the American Civil War,American Red Cross founder Clara Barton ministered to soldiers on the (battlefields,at Antietam,so close was she to the actual fighting) that a bullet pierced her sleeve.
D)battlefields; at Antietam,she was so close to the actual fighting
C)battlefields,being so close to the actual fighting at Antietam so
(Because their flight was missed,the bride's parents ran) frantically to another part of the airport to catch another plane that might still arrive in time for the wedding.
A) Because their flight was missed,the bride's parents ran
E) Their flight was missed,which eventually caused the bride's parents to run
Men and women leave the village before sunrise to hike four miles up steep,precarious trails to the (forests,to be returning by late afternoon) with 70-pound loads of firewood on their backs.
A) forests,to be returning by late afternoon
B) forests,and it is late afternoon that they return
E) forests to have returned by late afternoon
爱上你是我错了吗 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
1、E.persuade sb to do sth 是个常见的搭配,如果硬要改成 persuade...that...的话,that从句里的时态也应该随着persuade的形式做适当调整,C选项中,从句里用一般将来时是不正确的.
2、D.so close was she to the actual fighting that a bullet pierced her sleeve是主谓完整的另一句话,应该以适当标点符号与上一句分开,D选项使用分号是没问题的,C选项虽然以分词短语形式也解决了这个问题,但是so...that结构的用法(so...so that)不正确,多写了一个so.
4、我认为选B.描述一个常规现象的后半段过程,可以用to return或returning,也可以用and另接一句话,但是用to be returning和to have returned的用法很不常见,不仅啰嗦而且逻辑上也不大能说通为什么要用进行或完成时.
英语翻译Last summer,l traveled by airpiane for the first time.Th
Last summer,l traveled by airpiane for the first time.The moment l got on the plane at the airport,everything was done for me.First,a beautiful lady directed me to my seat.Then other people and l were told to fasten our seat belts.A few minutes later,magazines and newspapers were given earphones to music and told that a movie would be shown aften dinner.Dinner was put on a plate.It was excellent.After dinner,we were shown a now Hollywood movie.When l felt cold,l was given a blanket and when l felt sick,l was given a disposal bag.Everything was done for us.When the plane arrived,l was almost sorry to get off and had to start doing things for myself again.
归去来兮兮兮 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率100%
判断此不定式在句中成分It has been an honor for me to have traveled so m
It has been an honor for me to have traveled so much in your country.不定式在此句子中做什么成分 是定语吗 还是同位语 请详解 ctrl+v 勿进!
cilin0531 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
---Have you ever traveled abroad?
---Have you ever traveled abroad?
---Sure. I in a small town in the USA with my grandparents.
A.used to live B.was used to living
C.was used to live D.didn’t use to live
haoqideren 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%

英语翻译Rodgers and Simon were Americans.Once they traveled in S
Rodgers and Simon were Americans.Once they traveled in Spain(西班牙).One day they
came into a little restaurant for lunch.They did not know Spanish,and the
waiter did not know their American English,either.They wanted the waiter to
understand that they asked for some milk and bread.At first Rodgers read the
word “milk” many times.Then Simon spelled it on the table.But the waiter could
not understand them at all.At last Rodgers took out a piece of paper and began
to draw a cow.The waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant.
  “How clever you are!” Simon said to Rodgers,“He understood us at last!”
After some time,the waiter came back,he brought no milk with him ,but two
tickets for a bull-fight (斗牛)down on their table!
1.Rodgers and Simon went into a restaurant ______.
A.to buy two tickets for a bull-fight
B.to draw a picture of cow
C.to have lunch
D.to buy a cow
2.The waiter did not understand Rodgers and Simon,______.
A.because he ran out of the restaurant
B.because he did not know American English and they did not know Spanish
C.because they wanted some milk and bread
D.because they drew a cow on a piece of paper
3.Why did the waiter run out
A.He went to buy some milk for them
B.He went to buy tickets for a bull-fight for them.
C.He went to take their lunch.
D.He went to ask for help..
4.Why did the waiter give them two tickets for a bull-fight?
A.Because Rodgers drew a cow not a bull (公牛).
B.Because the waiter was foolish.
C.Because the cow drawn by Rodgers looked like a bull.
D.Because Rodgers drew a bull,not a cow.
5.How many people are there in the story
  A.Three.    B.Two.    C.Many.    D.More than three.
当果冻爱上猪猪 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
5.在故事中有多少人 A
英语翻译W:You’ve traveled all over theUSA haven’t you?S:yes I ha
W:You’ve traveled all over theUSA haven’t you?S:yes I have .I was working in the USA for a year and I traveled all around the countryW:What kind of work were you doing?S:I was working at a hotel in the beach.I was teaching sports-swinning and water skiing.W:Did you see any animals?S:Yes.One weekend,I was walking along the beach.I was a whale swimming in the oncean,It was very big and very beautiful.W:What was the best place you visited in the USA?S:The Grand Canyou.It’s amazing.It’s very big and the Colorado river runs through itW:Did you miss your family while you were in the USA?S:Yes,I missed them but I wasrnjoying my trip so much,I didn’t really want to come home!J:Hi Alex!How are you today?A:Great!J:You look very happy.A:Oh,yes.I am always happy when I’ve got a cake to eat.Here,have some It really tastes delicious!J:Thannks.It certainly looks very pretty,too.Mmm,you’re right,It is nice.A:And another good thing is ,my friend Ben is coming to stay.J; Oh,really?What is he like?A:he’s really friendly and kind.J:What does he look like?A:Well,he’s tall and thin.J:I’d like to meet him.Why don’t we go out somewhere together?A:OK,good idea!L:Did you like zoo?S:Yes!I was so excited to see the pandas..at last1 It was interesting to learn about the Wolong panda Reserve.:L:But it’s sad to think about all those animals in danger.Itmakes me sad.S:The surprising thing was to hear how many animals are in danger.Weneed to protect them better.L:And it just isn’t right to kill whales or elephants for their meatS:Absolutely,but it’s hard to stop the killing.L:And many animals have no place to live in.Our villages and farms are growing bigger,and we’re taking away their lands and forests.S:Also,often their waster isn’t good to drinkbecause we’ve made it dirty.L:It’s really awful!We need to help the animals live in peac.But many people decide not to think about it .What on earth can we do?
爱xiao 共回答了7个问题 | 采纳率100%
女:你已经游遍了theUSA不是吗?史:是的,我有.我在工作在美国一年,我游遍了这个countryW:什么样的工作你在做什么?史:我正在一家饭店里海滩.我教sports-swinning和滑水. 女:你有没有看到什么动物吗?是的.一个周末,我沿着海滩散步.我是一头鲸鱼oncean游泳了,这是非常大的,非常漂亮.魏:最重要的是什么地方你访问美国吗?史:有大.太棒了.它很大,而且也很科罗拉多河贯穿itW:你有没有惦念你的家人,而你是美国人吗?是的,我想念他们,但是我wasrnjoying旅行了这么多,我并不是真的想要回家!杰森:嗨,亚历克斯!你今天好吗?很好!珍:你看起来很happy.A:噢,是的.我总是快乐的时候,我有一个蛋糕给它吃.这里,有一些,它真的很好吃! J:Thannks.显然,这看起来很漂亮,太.嗯,你说得对,它是好的.另外一个是一件好事,我的朋友本即将停留.吉姆:噢,真的吗?他喜欢吗?他是非常友好和善良.杰森:他长什么样子?嗯,他又高又瘦.杰森:我想见到他.我们何不出去某处在一起吗?好,好主意!李:你喜欢动物园吗?是的!我很兴奋看到了熊猫.有趣的是,我们在last1了解卧龙熊猫保护区.我:但是这很悲哀想想所有那些濒危动物.Itmakes我伤心. 史:吃惊的事情是听说许多动物濒临灭绝.Weneed更好地保护它们.李:那并不是权利或大象为他们捕杀鲸肉:当然了,但阻止猎杀很难.李:许多动物没有地方居住的村庄和农场的in.Our越来越大,我们夺走了他们的土地和森林.史:同时,通常不太好drinkbecause起用我们把水弄脏.李:真可怕!我们需要帮助动物生活在peac.但很多人决定不去想它.究竟我们能做什么?
By the end of next month, he will have traveled 1000 miles o
By the end of next month, he will have traveled 1000 miles on foot. 翻译
女儿你在何方 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
1、He traveled to many mountain villages and saw many poor ch
1、He traveled to many mountain villages and saw many poor children out of school.This experience _____ his life.
A would change B had changed
C was to change D was changing
likecoffic_123 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
若B,则改变他的一生的动作发生在traveled to.之前,与题意不符,应为将要改变,又∵是过去,∴用过去将来时
英语翻译the word sugar traveled halfway across the globe it came
the word sugar traveled halfway across the globe it came to endland.sugar ( )was called carkara in india the word moved west to asia minor and became sakkar in arabia sakkar moved to southern europe to spain and became azucar moving north to france the word became surce in middle english the word became sugre.
忆相逢 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
The boat had traveled to Shanghai.我想知道travel to 是
The boat had traveled to Shanghai.我想知道travel to 是
5鸿宴U 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
这里是时态的问题啦,单独的 travel to 是“去……”的意思,而句子用了完成时,意思是这艘船去过上海,已经回来了.
He said that light ____ much faster than sound. A.traveled B
He said that light ____ much faster than sound.
A.traveled B.travels C.is traveling D.had traveled
pig0yfm 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%

Sound travels in the same way as light___.AdoesBdoCtraveled
5677820 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
_________ I traveled by boat, I got seasick. A.After B.Each

_________ I traveled by boat, I got seasick.
A.After B.Each time C.The every time D.Each time when
emyzh 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%

Each timeevery time可以作为连词用“每一次…的时候”。句意:每一次乘船我都晕船。
No one has traveled farther than the moon so far 能不能用travele
No one has traveled farther than the moon so far 能不能用traveled 过去时.
luhechang168 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
填入适当的形容词或副词A foreigner traveled alone in a small red car in
A foreigner traveled alone in a small red car in India.One morning he left his car and went shopping.After shopping,he found the roof of his car was ____ damaged.
Some boys told him an elephant did it .They took him to a circus near there.The man found the owner of the elephant ___ and sid to him ____ ,'See what your elephant has done!'The owner said,'I' am ____sorry!My elephant has a big round red chair.He thought that your car was his chair and sat on it ____!'Then he said he was sorry and he would pay for all the damage.
_____,the foreigner left without saying anything.
myangle2 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
(easily) 很容易找到象主人
(angrily) 生气地说
(really) 确实很对不起