But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something su

heweiwei5552022-10-04 11:39:542条回答

But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese.


豆二混 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率96.3%
当然 could 1 比较婉转,语气弱
ge2hy 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率


what motivates you to succed?这句特殊疑问句为什么没有助动词do
what motivates you to succed?这句特殊疑问句为什么没有助动词do
qdwmail 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
听下面一段材料,回答第1至3题。 1. What motivates the man to employ local p
1. What motivates the man to employ local people?
[ ]
A. To help the local business.
B. To increase the local employment rate.
C. To reduce the number of workers from other places.
2. What motivates the man to employ local people?
[ ]
A. To help the local business.
B. To increase the local employment rate.
C. To reduce the number of workers from other places.
3. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?
[ ]
A. Supplier and customer.
B. Manager and secretary.
C. Interviewer and interviewee.
等你爱你到最后 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率85.2%
1-3: ACC
菜鸟机器勿入!it is great deal easier to motivate employee in a gro
it is great deal easier to motivate employee in a growing organization than a declining one
更正:是It is a great deal............................
diiaojq 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率75%
What can managers do to motivate people who do not have,or d
What can managers do to motivate people who do not have,or do not want ,responsibility at work?根据这个写一段两分钟英文稿,十万火急,
2004200311 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率89.7%
Employees' performance has been established to be directly related to employees' motivation.This assertion was corroborated by different management theories since the works of Frederick Taylor on 'The Principle of Scientific Management' in 1911 and Henry Gantt on 'Works,Wages and Profits' in 1913.Modern employees' motivation management methods have evolved which discredited Taylor's "differential rate piece-work" and Gantt's "task and bonus wage" systems.
The modern methods are employees' oriented and more effective.This research work was to ascertain from the employees the motivating factors that can 'adequately' motivate them to work tirelessly and to achieve results.It found out that employees can be adequately motivated and are best suited to determine what can collectively motivate them.
Motivation is the catalyst that spurns employees' eagerness to work without pressure.To motivate is to provide employees with a motive to do some tasks.It is to cause or provoke somebody to act either positively or negatively.To say that nobody can motivate employees at work is like saying there are no influential leaders,there are no effective managers,there are no motivational speakers,the psychologists in sports management teams are useless and that motivation is not achievable.Motivation has been used by effective managers to prompt ordinary people to achieve uncommon results in all fields of endeavours.
If you doubt there is motivation,read "I have a dream",the public speech by Martin Luther King,Jr.,when he talked of his ambition for an America where blacks and whites,the poor and the rich,the educated and uneducated,the youths and the old and others would co-exist harmoniously and peacefully as equals on August 28,1963 from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial (Lucas and Medhurst,1999).Managers who have been able to motivate their employees successfully realised how easy it is to achieve tasks with motivated employees.
what motivates you to succed?
what motivates you to succed?
讲解一下这个句子的语法 ,为什么motivate用单三的形式呀
叶萍 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
英语翻译Strategies to motivate students in a high school include
Strategies to motivate students in a high school include rewarding academic excellence by designating scholars of the months,or by issuing articles of clothing,such as school letter jackets formerly given only to athletes.
unlike 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
SAT作文这样写可以吗?[What motivate people to change?From OG test 1]M
[What motivate people to change?From OG test 1]
My family is located in the Yangtze River.One day at dusk,when I was on a rocking chair enjoying the fresh air and the magazine when I suddenly ran over my brother,an 11 years old boy.”BOA,what do you think contributed to people's changed?” “What?Why did you suddenly asking such a question?” I was very surprised.“It’s homework.Oh,I really do not understand that…..” “All right” I questioned his teacher secretly in my heart,while sympathetic to my brother,but I know this is a good opportunity to teach him.
“I think it should be the relentless and innate desire for self-improvement.Just look at the Yangtze River” He looked down my fingers,the direction of the river”Would you like to know why water is always in the stream?You can put water as human,while those lower-lying areas are the inadequacies of people.Water continuously flow to fill the lowlands,the same goes for people,they also need changing to make up for their own shortcomings,which is the reason why people continuously change,water constantly flow.”
He nodded indefinitely; I know he was thinking something.”But…..”
“Ok,I know,there are too many examples of that,the convincing degree are not strong,right?But have you heard about this?” I showed him the ‘Scientific American’ magazine in my hand”of course,so what…” “Well,I mean,for this problem,scientists have done studies on the same!At that time,scientists studied the history of many famous people,and invited a number on the Forbes billionaires list celebrities to an exclusive interview and found most of them people have the habit of probing,they are not satisfied with the status quo.You know,Albert Einstein not satisfied with the given Newton's laws of mechanics,and thus proposed special relativity; Watt was not satisfied with the level of productivity and thus invented the steam engine.In the end,scientists have come to what I just said the same conclusion.”
“That’s cool!Let my name on the Forbes billionaires list is my dream ah!” he giggled.” Same here,” I smiled and thought,fortunately,this magazine is not in vain set.
“But don't biased," I added,"Sometimes people are forced to change; this is another matter,a minority after all.So you still keep in mind that some others had constantly changing,societies have continuous improvement to a large level all because the kind of desire to continue to tend to a perfect.”
“Well,that’s no one better than you,brother.I don’t have to worry about my essay now.”
“Nothing,Arrangement of God that I am your brother does?” I smiled.
The golden sunset scattered in our faces.
tzyanyan 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
这种故事版的很有难度 如果能写的完美无敌 当然推荐 但是很难达到这种境界的 一般中国人还都是 议论文的类似于托福的很多的例子为妙 具体的可以问我啊 O(∩_∩)O~
Desires Motivate My Oral English Parctice这句话怎么翻译?
月蒂 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
What motivates you?Being praised for doing a good?Money?Reco
What motivates you?Being praised for doing a good?Money?Recognition?Awards publicly given?
橙子的记忆 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
I have always wanted to be rich.I want to live a life filled with luxuries.I want to be the envy of others.In my opinion,wealth is something that could buy a lot of things.Money can bring you happiness.However,I do not deny that there are many things that money cannot buy.In fact,I believe that there are other more important things in life than money.
I am born into a middle class family.My family is neither poor nor rich.We are able to afford basic necessities and some luxuries.Also,I am blessed with parents who care a lot for me.They work hard to provide for me and my brother.My brother and I are able to lead a carefree life.I am thankful for all that I have.However,I do not deny that I want more.I want to be truly rich.I want to be able to afford everything that I want.
Being rich can make my life more comfortable.I will be able to buy a big house with servants.I will be able to afford luxurious cars with chauffeurs.I will be able to dine in expensive restaurants.I will be able to afford a private jet in which I can visit all the beautiful countries.Pretty girls will flock to me.I will be able to enjoy relaxing spas.People will look up to me.I believe that money will make me a happier person.I may sound superficial.But these are things that truly only the rich can afford and I to be the rich.If you were given a billion dollars right now,I am sure that you will be a happier person.
I believe that money can buy many luxuries.However,I feel that health is still the most important.I would rather be healthy than wealthy.If you are rich but do not have the health to enjoy spending your money,then money is truly useless.This is common sense.Thus,in order to be happy,a person has to be healthy and wealthy.
Although it is important to be rich,I feel that we should not work too hard to be rich.A person can be wealthy if he works long hours every singe day.However,he will not have the time to enjoy spending his money.Furthermore,he will be less happy working so hard.Hence,I feel that we should try to find ways that allow us to be rich without working too hard.People might feel that there is no way a person could get rich without working hard.However,I feel that by utilizing our powerful minds,we will be able to get rich without working too hard.There are many real life examples.I hope to be able to achieve this.
Thus,I do not deny that I am greedy.I want to be rich and so money is the motivation of me to work harder.
the problem lies in isolating precisely what motivates peopl
the problem lies in isolating precisely what motivates people to have in particular way
寻找猎物 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
《How to Motivate and Retain Konwledge Workers in Organizatio
《How to Motivate and Retain Konwledge Workers in Organizations:A Review of the Literature》
LT_long 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
this site is designed to help motivate you to reach your goa
this site is designed to help motivate you to reach your goals to exercise.翻译
simao886 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
The plan is designed to _____ the students. A. motivate B. i
The plan is designed to _____ the students. A. motivate B. inspire C. activate D. excite
rongll 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
B.inspire 激发
英语翻译“Able to manage,motivate and build teams to achieve high
“Able to manage,motivate and build teams to achieve high levels of quality standards”翻译成能洽当的中文
young_wing 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
What motivates people to change is a relentless and innate d
What motivates people to change is a relentless and innate desire for self-improvement.Rarely ever has history seen a man or society kick back,relax,and say “Well that about does it.Not much else to do here!” Within every person is the potential to achieve greatness in some form; be it athletically,mentally,spiritually.This inherent potential demands that people continue to explore and change both their environments and themselves throughout their life’s course.
这里的within every person is the potential to achieve greatness in some within是什么用法,意思?翻译一下这个句子.
绿云天黄叶地 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
英语翻译1.What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?2
1.What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?
2.Describe your “dream” job.
3.What is the most important feature to you in a job?
4.Please rank the following from most important to least:job duties,hours,distance from work,pay,work environment.
5.What has been your greatest accomplishment in a work environment and why?
6.How important are external deadlines in motivating you?
7.How do you feel about your present workload?
8.Give me an example of a situation where you had to go above and beyond the call of duty to get something done.
9.What do you do when things are slow at work?
10.What have you learned from your mistakes?
11.What two or three accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction?Why?
12.How can we best reward you for doing a good job?
13.Why do you think you’ll be successful in this job?
14.What makes you proud of your work?
15.Tell me about a time when you went “out on a limb” in a job.
16.How do you like to be managed?
17.What kind of supervisor is likely to get the best performance out of you?
18.How important is it for you to learn new skills?
19.What new skills would you like to learn?
20.Do you consider yourself successful?
21.What are the most important rewards you expect out of your career?
22.What is more important to you:the salary or the challenge?
23.What do you think determines a person’s success in a firm?
24.Tell me about a project that really got you excited.
25.Do you generally cleat your desk at the end of each day?
whyzn 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
1.What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?
2.Describe your “dream” job.
3.What is the most important feature to you in a job?
4.Please rank the following from most important to least:job duties,hours,distance from work,pay,work environment.
5.What has been your greatest accomplishment in a work environment and why?
6.How important are external deadlines in motivating you?
7.How do you feel about your present workload?
8.Give me an example of a situation where you had to go above and beyond the call of duty to get something done.
请举个例子,假设你不得不放下手头的工作去完成某件事情.(not sure)
9.What do you do when things are slow at work?
10.What have you learned from your mistakes?
11.What two or three accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction?Why?
12.How can we best reward you for doing a good job?
13.Why do you think you’ll be successful in this job?
14.What makes you proud of your work?
15.Tell me about a time when you went “out on a limb” in a job.
16.How do you like to be managed?
17.What kind of supervisor is likely to get the best performance out of you?
18.How important is it for you to learn new skills?
19.What new skills would you like to learn?
20.Do you consider yourself successful?
21.What are the most important rewards you expect out of your career?
22.What is more important to you:the salary or the challenge?
23.What do you think determines a person’s success in a firm?
24.Tell me about a project that really got you excited.
25.Do you generally cleat your desk at the end of each day?
1-:请问英语老师们,这里what motivates you?怎么正确理解?能举例一下类似的这样的句子吗?
1-:请问英语老师们,这里what motivates you?怎么正确理解?能举例一下类似的这样的句子吗?
What kind of work environment do you prefer?What motivates you?
逝水情缘lei 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
motivate: 是及物动词.及物动词后面可以直接加宾语,
意思是:1. 作为…的动机; 激发; 诱发
You have first got to motivate the children and then to teach them.
你首先得激发孩子的学习兴趣, 然后再去教他们.
No one really knows what motivated him to do so.
teaching is more about motivate students than anything else
teaching is more about motivate students than anything else
fanzyde 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
SAT作文题求例子Is it wrong to motivate people to learn on achieve
Is it wrong to motivate people to learn on achieve somethingby offering them rewards?
心之形_楠 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率70.6%
一道英语题目:For some people,____(help)people motivates them to ke
一道英语题目:For some people,____(help)people motivates them to keep ___(risk)their lives,……
:For some people,____(help)people motivates them to keep ___(risk)their lives, day after day.
wuyedehuli 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
第二个是固定用法keep doing
