A tremble of fear came over him ________his eyes wandered in

ee买爱2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

A tremble of fear came over him ________his eyes wandered in the direction of the grey object in the shadow.
A.at every time B.every time
C.every time when D.every time that


最爱楚留香 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%

A tremble of fear came over him是一个简单句,his eyes wandered in the direction of the grey object in the shadow.也是一个简单句,两个句子要用连词连接,四个选项中只有every time是连词,意为:每次。所以选B。


几道简单的非谓语He told us his story in a ______voice.(tremble)答案 tr
He told us his story in a ______voice.(tremble)
答案 trembling 但我觉得为什么不能用ed形式呢?
洛_洛ing 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率77.3%
I tremble at the very thought of it.怎么理解,帮我分析一下这句话
zhangmxiverson 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
Because they tremble at the thought of being seen in public
Because they tremble at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that
. Because they tremble at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion, they are always taken advantage of by the designers and the big stores 帮我分析一下句型,谢谢
xkpzhl 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%

因为她们想到:Because they tremble at the thought of

自己在公众场合穿着:being seen in public in

的衣服:clothes that
tremble at the thought of 是 “一想到…就发抖” 的意思.有木有跟这个类似的句型啊谢谢
invine 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
Shivers at the thought
lust at first sight
sad when thinking about
tired by looking at
英语阅读理解When you are swimming,you may tremble with cold as you
When you are swimming,you may tremble with cold as you come out of the water.That is especially true if there is a light wind.You wrap yourself up in a piece of cloth to keep warm.But still you tremble,ang your teeth knock together through cold.Water is changing into steam from your body ,and the change takes away heat.You tremble because the muscles of your body are trying to produce heat to put back the heatyou are losing.Most body heat is made in the muscles.When you exercise,your muscles are more active and produce more heat .When you are losing heat rapidly ,the best thing to do is to run slowly around.If you don't ,you'll tremble .That's the other way the muscles produce heat.Next time you tremble ,try running a bit ,you'll find that after two or three minutes the trembling is no longer needed to keep up your body temperature.In the first paragraph "through cold" means----?A.during the cold weather B .because of cold C.when a cold wind comes up D.if it is cold The heatyou need is produced in your ----?A.muscles B.blood C.brain D.thert3."When you exercise "means ----?A.when you do your homework B.when you take exercise C.when you do farm work or homeworkD.when you use ang part of your body to buildit4.When you come out of water ,you wrap yourself up in a piece of cloth as to ----?A.dry your body B.feel comfortableC.keep out the wind and stop the heat from going with the steam D.help you produce heat
joel66 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
1.C 2.A3.D4.C
英语翻译We flush with anger,tremble with fear or cry out in grie
We flush with anger,tremble with fear or cry out in grief or pain.
恩特瑞 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
这句英语语法对不对when does he see the boss ,he wil tremble as if see
when does he see the boss ,he wil tremble as if see a ghost
ermiaokevin 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
错误在于,逻辑上这句是陈述句,而被做成了疑问句.应该改为When he sees the boss,he...
我无言 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
1.he trembled suddenly when he saw a man running towards him with a biooding sword.颤抖,因为害怕、寒冷等
2.the tremendous monster has roared throughout the night for its baby was stolen by the human咆哮,
the economy of china has been roaring in the last 20 years.经济急速上升.
3.everyone is longing for a striking achievement成就
4.to achieve our goal,we should never give up as long as a ray of hope existed.取得
5.it is widedly acknowledged everyone owns incredible potential 潜力
651829 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
The boy excitedly stretches out that book which the hand takes himalways to want,both hands because of shivers.
He took off his coat and________long he began to tremble
sll9091 共回答了3个问题 | 采纳率
By this time her legs were beginning to tremble,so she sat d
By this time her legs were beginning to tremble,so she sat down and accepted a cup of very strong tea,while he telephoned the police.
怎么用accept tea
轻装驰骋 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
thrill tremble 有什么区别
357653984 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
thrill noun.
  1 [countable] a sudden strong feeling of excitement and pleasure,or the thing that makes you feel this
Winning first place must have been quite a thrill.
the thrill of (doing) something (=the excitement you get from something)
the thrill of travelling at high speeds
Even though I've been acting for years,I still get a thrill out of going on stage.
It gave Pat a thrill to finally see the group perform live.
a thrill of excitement/anticipation/fear etc
She felt a thrill of pride as her son stepped forward.
do something for the thrill of it (=do something for excitement and not for any serious reason)
2 thrills and spills also thrills and chills informal
the excitement and danger involved in an activity,especially a sport
3 the thrill of the chase/hunt
the excitement you feel when you are trying to get something that is difficult to get,especially when you are trying to get a romantic relationship with someone
thrill verb
[transitive]to make someone feel excited and happy[↪ thrilling]:His music continues to thrill audiences.
thrill to something phrasal verbto feel excited and happy about something:In the 1960s,the public thrilled to the idea of space exploration.
trem‧ble [intransitive]
1.to shake slightly in a way that you cannot control,especially because you are upset or frightened:
His lip started to tremble and then he started to cry
tremble with anger/fear etc
Greene was on his feet now,his body trembling with rage.
2.to shake slightly:
The whole house trembled as the train went by.
➔ see usage note shake1
3.if your voice trembles,it sounds nervous and unsteady
4.to be worried or frightened about something:
I tremble to think what will happen when she finds out.
tremble noun [countable]If someone trembles,their body shakes with very small movements,especially because they are angry,afraid,or excited
when he heard the news ,his voice----with excitement(tremble
when he heard the news ,his voice----with excitement(tremble)
枫言雨 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率73.7%
when he heard the news ,his voice-was trembling---with excitement(tremble)
几个高中难度的英语问题1.I began to shake and tremble with cold.with怎么回事
1.I began to shake and tremble with cold.with怎么回事?
2.I have him ready for lunch.have one's ready for
darenqu 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
1 shake 和tremble在这里是一个意思,都是颤抖,发抖.用两个一样意思的词是为了强调.英语中常用这种用法.
2.句意:我让他准备好午饭.have sb+形容词这种结构中形容词是做宾语补足语的.意思是让某人怎样 eg:
the good news had/ made him excited.
shiver 和tremble的区别?
shiver 和tremble的区别?
the naughty boy ___ in his shoes when he saw the cane in his father's hand.
A.Shivered B.Trembled
唯独Shiver词条下有个Shake Slightly
He shivered/trembled at the thought of...
chung 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
shiver v.打颤,发抖
shiver == tremble
Eg:His hands are trembling.
He is shivering with cold.
Eg:His trembling voice betrayed his secret.他颤抖的声音泄漏了他的秘密.
所以the naughty boy ___ in his shoes when he saw the cane in his father's hand.
英语翻译The earth shall tremble,graves shall open ,they shall co
The earth shall tremble,graves shall open ,they shall come among the living ,as messengers of death and there shall be ,the nights of terror.profooy of the Black Spider
应该是profeey of the Black Spider
lgy128828 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
地球在颤抖,坟墓会开启,他们会在生命之中走来,就想死神要来一样,恐怖的夜晚,profooy(这个单词我没见过而且也查不到) 的黑蜘蛛.
英语翻译Her chin started to tremble and her breathing became hea
her chin started to tremble and her breathing became heavy.“i never liked goodbyes.my life had been full of it...it came to a point when even i considered not having relations with other people anymore,to not be close to someone else.what’s the point,anyway.you’d share wonderful memories with them only to bid farewell in the end.”she continued,trying hard to keep a straight face though her tears never stopped from streaming down...
“but one thing i learned while i was in ***ei and though we never got to converse,this i realized because of the actions your friend.that what’s important is the now,how you relish your moments together.it doesn’t matter what the future may bring as long as you’re aware that at that very instance,you gave it your all.”
儋州鹿 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
英语翻译Her chin started to tremble and her breathing became hea
her chin started to tremble and her breathing became heavy.“i never liked goodbyes.my life had been full of it...it came to a point when even i considered not having relations with other people anymore,to not be close to someone else.what’s the point,anyway,you’d share wonderful memories with them only to bid farewell in the end.”she continued,trying hard to keep a straight face though her tears never stopped from streaming down...
“but one thing i learned while i was in ***ei and though we never got to converse,this i realized because of the actions your friend.that what’s important is the now,how you relish your moments together.it doesn’t matter what the future may bring as long as you’re aware that at that very instance,you gave it your all.”
lm027 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%