英语翻译When Holy Name Hospital decided to change ist way findin

vajoiva98792022-10-04 11:39:543条回答

When Holy Name Hospital decided to change ist way finding system,it used an unusual philosophy:Think about the sings last."IF you think of signs first,that's all you are going to think of,"says Wayne E.Kinder,FASHE,Holy Name's VP of facilities management.Kinder suggests that if interior planners directing people around the hospital solely with interior finishes and icons,then also put signs up,the way finding system is more successful.“Signs are only one element.They should reinforce pathways,not be the only guide,”agrees Annette Ridenour,whose San Diego firm,Aesthetics Inc.worked on the project.People often don’t read signs when they are looking for landmarks.Located in the New York City suburb of Teaneck,N.J,the hospital’s interior was some 20 years old and needed updating.The 360-bed Holy Name was ready to make drastic changes to help patients and visitors negotiate its 20 elevators and seven floors.For starters,it walled off a confusing double corridor near the main lobby.By blocking off one corridor,visitors could access elevators form only one side,making for a simpler journey to patient units.
Holy Name also renamed all elevators after trees and plants and put large icons in the floor to mark those elevators on every level.Forinstance,the "oak" elevators have an icon showing acorns and ork leaves.
Hospital staff also figured out which elevators would lead to the shortest path to a patient unit,stopping unnecessary traffic form adding noise near patient rooms.Hallways acquired street name to differentiate them,and this has made it possible for the hospital to produce printed directions for visitors to a unit.
Some way finding changes are so subtle,many visitors aren’t consciously aware of them,Kinder adds.For instance,on a med-surg unit,every patient room has a dot at its entrance in the hallway denoting that it’s somewhere a visitor would stop.
Kinder estimates that wayfinding elements cost a third of the $350,000 price of Phase 1."It would have been less costly just to make the hospital look nice,but we would’t have gained anything functionally."
Anecdotal evidence tells Kinder that the new pathways are working."We have a lot less people asking directions,"he says.


small_lei 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
当圣名医院决定改造它的指路系统时,它采用了一种非同寻常的理念:把路牌作为最后之选.“如果上来就想着路牌,你也就想不到别的主意了”,该医院负责设施管理的副总裁金德(Wayne E.Kinder,FASHE)这样说.金德的建议是,室内设计们应该先设法仅借助室内装饰和图标来为人们在医院里指路,然后再进一步加上路牌,这样指路系统则会更加成功.“路牌只是一种元素,它们的作用应该是帮助找路,而不应成为唯一的指导”,Annette Ridenour 同意这种观点,她在圣迭戈的公司Aesthetics Inc 承接了此项目的工程.人们寻找地标的时候常常不去读那些路牌.该医院位于新泽西州Teaneck一带的纽约市郊,其室内装修已经约20年时间了,需要更新.设有360张床位的圣名医院准备进行大规模改造来帮助病人和来访人员找到其20部扶梯和7个楼层.改造的起点是封闭了大堂附近的一个容易让人迷惑的双路走廊(中的一路),封闭其中的一条通道后,来访者只能从一侧走向电梯,这使去往门诊部的路线更加简单清楚.
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当圣名医院决定改变它的指路系统时,它采用了一种非同寻常的理念:把路牌作为最后之选。“如果上来就想着路牌,你也就想不到别的主意了”,该医院负责设施管理的副总裁金德(Wayne E.Kinder, FASHE)这样说。金德的建议是,室内设计们应该先设法仅借助室内装饰和图标来为人们在医院里指路,然后再进一步加上路牌,这样指路系统则会更加成功。“路牌只是一种元素,它们的作用应该是帮助找路,而不应成为唯一的...

