1.The windmill moves quickly on a windy day.(改为一般疑问句)

luckyboyhao2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答


ec2vziag 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
Does the windmill move quickly on a windy day?
annydontcry 共回答了1246个问题 | 采纳率
Does windmill move quickly on a windy day?


I can make a windmill some paper.A.use B.of C.with
zhuwenjin 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
答案:C with 用.
英语翻译Take a Virtual Windmill Tour of Windmills - by by Peter
Take a Virtual Windmill Tour of Windmills - by by Peter Melville
Holland is famous for its windmills,so no one will be surprised to learn that the world’s tallest windmills are to be found here.However,few Dutch,let alone tourists,will be able to tell you where they stand.And people might not even believe it when told that they are not out in the fields,but in heart of the most densely populated areas on the globe,near the second largest port in the world.
Schiedam lies to the west of Rotterdam,from where it is easily reached by public transport.Surrounded by 20th-century commercial and residential areas is the small yet charming 18th century town center,looking like a pocket-size Amsterdam.At the western edge of Schiedam’s old center,lined up along the former outer canal,stand the world’s five tallest windmills.
Their location explains their height.
When the windmills were built,between 1770 and 1803,they stood in what was then the edge of town and the industrial area.They were built for the grinding of grain needed for the distillation of gin,then Schiedam’s main industry.To catch as much wind as possible,they were made to stand high above the city,which came to lie at their feet.
In those days the canal was a moat,and the other side of the moat only flat farmland.That area started being built early in the 20th century,and now it is a semi-urban area of little architectural distinction.The result of this development for the windmills is that they are now surrounded by buildings and are part of the urban landscape.The highest windmills in the world stand in the middle of town.
These five windmills are what remain of an original twenty,the others having been made redundant by steam engines.In 1880,those twenty mills ground grain for the nearly 400 distilleries that made the famous jenever of Schiedam,where more gin was produced than in any other city in the world.Schiedam can no longer make that claim,but two of the five remaining windmills do still grind grain for the jenever industry.The blades of the other three windmills still turn as well,but only for show.Three of the five can be visited to see the interior:one houses a shop,one a museum and the third a restaurant.
In 1981 the Schiedam Windmills Society was founded.The Society’s aim is to assist in the operation and maintenance of these unique windmills,which had previously been badly neglected.In celebration of the Society’s 25th anniversary,on April 28 and 29 the blades of all five windmills will turn non-stop for 25 hours.
Let’s take a walk along the five windmills in Schiedam.Join us for the World's Tallest Windmills Virtual Tour.
syd2370 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
以一个虚拟游览风车风车-由彼得梅尔维尔是荷兰著名的风车,所以没有人会惊讶地得知,世界上最高的风车是在这里找到.然而,很少荷兰,更不用说游客,将能够告诉你他们的立场.人们可能不相信,甚至当得知他们是不是出于领域,但在核心的人口最稠密的地区在地球上,附近的第二大港口在世界上.斯希丹在于西部的鹿特丹,从那里很容易达成的公共交通工具.四面20世纪的商业及住宅区是小而迷人的18世纪城市中心,看起来就像口袋大小阿姆斯特丹.在西边斯希丹的旧中心,排队沿运河前外,站在世界最高的5个风车.他们解释说他们的位置的高度.当建造风车之间,1770和1803年,他们为在当时边缘的城镇和工业区.他们建立了磨削的粮食需要蒸馏的杜松子酒,然后斯希丹的主要行业.为了赶上了尽可能风,他们提出了站在高空的城市,它来到位于脚.在那些日子里运河是一个护城河,和其他方面的护城河不仅平坦的农田.该地区开始建造20世纪早期,现在它是一个半城市地区的建筑区别不大.这样做的结果发展的风车是,他们现在周围的建筑物和一部分的城市景观.最高的风车在世界上站在中间的小镇.这5个风车的是保持原始21 ,其他已取得多余的蒸汽火车头.在1880年,这些工厂地面21的粮食近400家酒厂,使著名的斯希丹,那里有杜松子酒生产比在任何其他城市的世界.斯希丹再也不能让这种说法,但两个五年其余仍做风车磨粮食的产业.刀片其他三个风车仍然会以及,但只是表演.三五个可以参观看到的内部:一房屋一间店铺,一个一个博物馆和第三一家餐馆.在1981年的斯希丹风车协会成立.该协会的目的是协助运营和维护这些独特的风车,以前曾严重忽视.为庆祝协会25周年,于4月28日和29日的刀片的所有五个风车将转向非停留25小时.让我们走的五个风车在斯希丹.我们一起为世界上最高的风车虚拟游览.
There is __ wind.The windmill doesn't move.A.not B.no C.noth
There is __ wind.The windmill doesn't move.A.not B.no C.nothing
LGJ35 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
