Negative potential frequency beauty and health equipment man

好想拥抱你2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答

Negative potential frequency beauty and health equipment manufacturers
Guangzhou kaikang Electronic Technology Co., a high frequency of negative potential manufacturers of beauty care equipment Negative potential frequency beauty and health equipment manufacturers manufacturers


kands 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
Guangzhou kaikang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is a high frequency of negative potential beauty care instrument manufacturer, the negative potential of high frequency beauty care equipment, its use of advanced technology combined with high-tech potential of the essence of refined traditional Chinese medicine, is a feature unique green physical therapy, health care Beauty equipment, the product set of high-potential, negative ions, low voltage, light, local treatment, infrared moxibustion, beauty and other functions into one, the prevention of modern diseases, to eliminate sub-health, relief and other cardiovascular diseases have a unique effect, is an ideal safe and easy operation of modern high tech physical therapy equipment.
毛毛雨888 共回答了143个问题 | 采纳率
负电位频率 美容及健康仪器制造商


求助几个矩阵里面的概念特征值在open right half plane是什么意思,nonnegative left e
特征值在open right half plane是什么意思,nonnegative left eigenvector应该怎么理解
中年人的浪漫 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
open right half plane——右开半平面
nonnegative left eigenvector即“非负的左特征向量”,非负就不用说了,说一下左特征向量
let out your anger back to the negative person.翻译
撒嘎 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
原句:let out your anger back to the negative person
back to 返回到
英语翻译来自论文:Experimental effect of positive urgency on negative
来自论文:Experimental effect of positive urgency on negative outcomes from risk taking and on increased alcohol consumption——Cyders,Melissa A.; Zapolski,Tamika C.B.; Combs,Jessica L.; Settles,Regan Fried; Fillmore,Mark T.; Smith,Gregory T (2010)
The current pair of experimental studies sought to further validate the role of positive urgency (acting rashly when in an extreme positive emotional state) as a risk factor for impulsive and maladaptive behavior.
深圳shi 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
积极的紧迫性的实验效果,负面的考虑结果,从风险和增加酒精消费 - Cyders,梅利莎答; Zapolski,塔米卡CB,梳子,杰西卡L.;落户,里根炒;菲尔莫尔,马克T.史密斯,格雷戈里T(2010)
2.What are the positive and negative effects of a virtual li
2.What are the positive and negative effects of a virtual life
xy1200 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率77.3%
Every coin has two sides,so a virtual life also have its posotive and negative effects.we believe in really life historical,but we can't deny that maybe we had a mistake,there is another life exist,th...
这是个褒义词/贬义词.可以说,it's a positive / negative word
y9tcc 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
What is negative face?
What is negative face?
the problem in linguistics
思极红笺无色 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率88%
negative,positive face 就是他们的字面意思吗?
我是不是主要看 realizations of politeness strategies in language 这一大章?
以后提问题要注明引用的出处,在这个例子中,你应该指出“negative and positive face”的出处并同时提供语境.
在“Looking out for number one:Euphemism and face”一文中,作者明确定义“negative face”为“the situations which threaten interlocutors' desire for autonomy”,并指出,请求某人做某事是对其“negative face”的威胁,显然,以“Would you open the window?”为委婉语代替“Will you open the window?”诸如此类的例子跟你现在要研究的委婉语没多大关系,所以可忽略.而你研究的委婉语一般都是为了维护“positive face which threaten interlocutors' desire to be positively regarded by and connected to others”.
Brown & Levinson的经典著作“Politeness”一定要仔细研读,只要是跟委婉语使用相关的,都要阅读,并做笔记.
Is laowai a negative term英语文章翻译
spy2000cn 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
英语翻译Negative in the Ames tests of the chloroform-soluble ext
Negative in the Ames tests of the chloroform-soluble extractives from Polyethylene terephthalate.
我爱蓝色 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
求 Negative Still Alive 中文歌词!
求 Negative Still Alive 中文歌词!
There are those days
when I can get no sleep
Im so tried Id like
to fall inte Sleep
I fall in my Bed
but still Im Alive
These questions in my
mind are so much
bigger than Life
I have to leave
them behind
I have to try to forget
that I am still in my bed
In my deepset fears
Im losing you
Even if somebody
tried to stop my heart
Im still Alive
I will never give up
Just turn off the lights
Dont wanna
see me die
I look like Im dead but
when you look at me
I am still alive
Just open your eyes
Dont wanna see me cry
Im right here where you
want be to be fighting
with myself
All I need to feel is your
breath on my skin
This endless longing
between You and me
We cant give up now
were gonna make it
In my Sweetest Dreams
Im with you
even if somebody
tried to stop my heart
m still alive
I will never give up
Just turn of the lights
Dont wanna see me die
I look like Im dead but
when you look at me
Im still alive
Just open your eyes
Dont wanna see me cry
Im right here where you
want be to be fighting
with myself
80723 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
还有那些日子里,我可以不睡im受审id喜欢秋天inte我睡觉 属于我的床,但仍活着的IM这些问题在我心中有那么多比我生活 要离开他们的背后,我曾试图忘记,但我仍然在我的床上,我 deepsetim害怕失去你,即使有人试图阻止我的心im还活着,我决不退让 刚关灯dont希望看到我死,我好像im死亡,但是当你看看 在我来说,我还活着刚刚睁开眼睛dont想见到我哭imright这里你 想办法应该是打我只需要感觉到你的呼吸在我的皮肤这无尽螺 安溪之间你和我,我们cannot放弃现在gonnamakeitsomehowinmysweetestdreamsimwi th你即使有人试图阻止我的心m还活着,我永远不会放弃只是之交 灯光dont希望看到我死,我好像im死亡,但是当你看我的IMsti ll活着刚刚睁开眼睛dont想见到我哭imright这里你想办法应该是无花果 事myself
on the phenomena of the negative transition in the translati
on the phenomena of the negative transition in the translation 怎么翻译
andres_tz 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
smile4182 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
Modern lifestyle have many negative effects!
Modern lifestyle have many negative effects!
列举一些 要点式的,能够写作英语作文里面的
dream_kong 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
1) busy study and work leads to less rest
2) entertainment to later time leads to less sleeping time
3) more cabon dioxide emmission due to consttruction,production,transportation,and so on leads to more deseases
____ too often will have a negative influence on the languag
____ too often will have a negative influence on the language learning of students.
A. Correct students B. Being corrected
C. To correct D. Corrected
梧桐夜雨001 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
be negative about sb有这个词组吗?
伤逝的青春 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
有啊 说某人的不是,对某人心存反感
1.No one said anything negative about God,though there were hints.
2.Twenty years on,half of Russia's people feel negative about America.
"positive" "/" "negative" 两个单词的及物动词是什么?
"positive" "/" "negative" 两个单词的及物动词是什么?
"positive" "negative"
" "negate"
前者的及物动词是什么?posite positie 这两个好像都不对,主要想表达“肯定,接受,承认”,和“否定,拒绝,“否认”.
yukuei1314 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
只有negate吧,positive的那个没听说过..肯定的话就support、confirm 好了,否定的话就disagree,refuse,reject,deny好了.口语的话都无所谓..
Positive and Negative Respects of Sports 写一作文
漂亮树袋熊 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
Sports do us good in many respects (TS).It goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength.In collective sports like basketball,volleyball,or football,we will learn the importance of cooperation.While taking part in sports game,we will try our best to win and arouse ourselves the competitive spirit.Sports can also help us relax after a period of exhausting work.However,as the saying goes,"there are two sides to everything",and sports is without exception.We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities.What's more,excessive or severe training can do harm to our health.My participation in sports tells me that sports can make us healthy both physically and psychologically.It is also a good way for people to know each other and can promote friendship between people.So long as we are carefully enough,sports can do us nothing but good.
Mast be non-negative and less then the size of the collectio
Mast be non-negative and less then the size of the collection.
木小仙 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率85.2%
negative 和 passive的区别?
要噢噢 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
虽然二者都有消极意义,但negative强调负面性的和否定的内容,如negative gravity反重力,negative effect负面效应等
而passive更多则强调被动意义,如passive action 被动行为,passive respond被动反应等.
write four sentences using the negative simple past continuo
write four sentences using the negative simple past continuous(was/werenot+verb-ing)to talk about sports
7361690 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率100%
He wasn't running when I got home.
I was taking some exercise as he saw me.
Weren't they climbing a mountain on April 30 in the morning?
you were jogging at that time.
She was swimming yesterday afternoon.
put these positive statements into negative statrments.
put these positive statements into negative statrments.
You drink a lot of tea.
L live in beijing.
Ann speaks Japanese well.
We go to the beach in spring.
They walk to work.
Jin does a lot of sport.
JIANP0912 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
You do not drink a lot of tea.
I do not live in beijing.
Ann does not speak Japanese well.
We do not go to the beach in spring.
They do notwalk to work.
Jin does not do a lot of sport.
求两个英语句子的翻译.The best way yo defeat a negative self-image(自我形象
The best way yo defeat a negative self-image(自我形象)is to step back and decide to play up your successes.
If your initial instinct(原始本能)is to put down that you get good grades,...
rreeww 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
PS: play up 有“吹嘘,高声说出”之意,此处可理解为“高奏,高喊出.”
帮我翻意In order to estimate the negative relationship between i
In order to estimate the negative relationship between initial commitment and voluntary turnover with greater statistical accuracy and efficiency than with correlations and t-tests,the survival analysis analog to regression was calculated.In agreement with traditional methods,the survival coefficient indicated a significant negative effect of initial commitment on voluntary turnover (b=.42,Z=-5.47,p
dennisliu 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
为了估计负面关系初步的承诺和自愿营业额以更大的统计精度和效率的相关性比和T -试验,模拟的生存,以回归分析,计算.在与传统方法相比,生存系数表明了重大负面影响的初步承诺自愿更替(b=42,z=-5.47 ,p< 05 ) ,以及对...
Fill in the blank with assertive,non-assertive or negative w
Fill in the blank with assertive,non-assertive or negative words
I’m trying to persuade him to come but I’m getting ________.
danny8320 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
8500313 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
I was given some sweets
I was not given some sweets
generally speaking these changes are somewhat negative in na
generally speaking these changes are somewhat negative in nature.这里的in的用法.
限量装眼药水 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
Negative Heart lock on!Open heart!
1xqoczxx 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
请问老师we make positive and negative sentences.
请问老师we make positive and negative sentences.
中的positiveand negative是什么意思
心飞翔50 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
laurexuan 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
1.agent:a representative who acts on behalf of other persons or organizations
3.current:occurring in or belonging to the present time
4.negative:a reply of denial
5.neighbor:a person who lives near another
6.considerate:showing concern for the rights and feelings of others
7.quality:a degree or grade of excellence or worth
深秋景色 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率96.3%
英语翻译Japan,China very negative about each other:poll(Kyodo) _
japan,china very negative about each other:poll
(kyodo) _ japan and china hold "very negative" opinions of each other,with only 28 percent of the japanese and 21 percent of the chinese having positive views,the pew research center said tuesday in a global survey report.
the washington-based think *** cited rivalry between the two neighboring asian nations with "long histories of conflict."
in the united states,meanwhile,a narrow majority,or 52 percent,of americans have a favorable opinion of china,up from 43 percent last year,and 66 percent hold a positive view on japan,up from 63 percent,according to the poll conducted among nearly 17,000 people in 15 countries between march 31 and may 14.
the favorability rating of the united states came to 63 percent in japan,down from 72 percent in the last available 2002 poll,and 47 percent in china,up from 42 percent last year.
but overall,the poll showed that image continued to decline and support for the war on terrorism has fallen even among close u.s.allies like japan.
while global concerns about iran's nuclear program increased sharply,u.s.presence in iraq "was cited at least as often as iran -- and in many countries much more often -- as a danger to world peace," the report said.advertisement
"the war on iraq is a continuing drag on opinions of the united states,not only in predominantly muslim countries but in europe and asia as well," it said.
support for the war on terror is either flat or has declined in most countries,with only 26 percent of the japanese favoring the u.s.-led war on terror,down sharply from 61 percent in 2002.
the war on terror drew majority support in just two countries --65 percent in india and 52 percent in russia.
yeer_lover 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
Do ads play a positive or negative role in our society?
Do ads play a positive or negative role in our society?
please show me what you want to say
酸奶卡拉 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
First,some ads like KFC's and Coca Cola's are creative and they may a poxitive role in our society on the one hand,I think.Everytime I these ads,I will get fresh about them although I won't buy their ...
英语翻译In a sense,the product fg must be negative at least as m
In a sense,the product fg must be negative at least as much as it is positive over the interval of interest.
其中over the interval of interest是什么意思?
the product fg是说f和g的乘积,
pigwoodz 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
In a hotel,What are the example of negative body language?Es
In a hotel,What are the example of negative body language?Especially for the staff.
要的不是这句话的翻译 而是这句话的相应的答案 谢谢啦
zhongfeng1210 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
在酒店业中,特别是对于相关的工作人员来说,消极的肢体语言有哪些?(问题) (我所想到的答案) Here are some examples of negative body language to avoid:- 1.Lack of eye contact – this indicates that the st...
英美文化基础教程What were the positive side and the negative side of
What were the positive side and the negative side of the Industrial Revolution in Britain?
课肯 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
Change these sentences from the positive to the negative.
上kk文彦 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语原创作文 一百字左右what are the negative impacts of being addicted
英语原创作文 一百字左右
what are the negative impacts of being addicted to the internet?
zjcool61 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
Internet is a great invention but if misused,it can also bring negative impacts.First,the most direct negative impact is the harm to our eyes after a long time use of the computer.I found that when I go on to the internet,I tend to 'stare' at the screen.I blink a lot less than when I read a book or newspaper.Long time use of the internet also makes my eyes dry.
Another draw back is that it makes the distance between people become farther rather than closer.Children nowadays have an easier access to the internet than they used to.Internet attracts not only the adults but also the young ones.Unlike the older generations,young people today would rather chat or hang out with their friends through the internet.The lack of interaction through meeting face to face can be a major problem for people's growth and psychological health.
It is a negative effect on families and societies that tradi
It is a negative effect on families and societies that traditional foods are replaced by fast foods
In many countries,traditional foods are being replaced by international fast foods.This is having a negative effect on both families and societies.To what extend do you agree or disagree?
橘红色的灯 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
Traditional food could be one of the most important representatives of one nation's culture.Like our Chinese traditional food:dumplins,spring rolls,Peikin duck,behind each of those food,there are many fantastic stories.Those stories not only bring us many happiness and interests while we are having them but also could be another way of reflection of our history.
2.6 positive/negative assurance report中文是什么意思
到唯吾德馨 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
英文:2.6 positive/negative assurance report
求回答 What are the negative impacts of bein
求回答 What are the negative impacts of bein
求回答 What are the negative impacts of being addicted to the Internet?
水凉 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率70.6%
Harold Black and the negative-feedback amplifier - IEEE Cont
Harold Black and the negative-feedback amplifier - IEEE Control Systems 的翻
烟烟86 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
Harold Black and the negative-feedback amplifier - IEEE Control Systems.
注:哈尔德布莱克(Harold Black)是一个非常了不起的人物.他提出的“反馈”概念,在模拟电路中成为广泛应用,并且非常奏效的技术.
nevertheless,the theory should support a negative interrelat
nevertheless,the theory should support a negative interrelationship of intrinsic and extrinsic factors at all levels,since it makes the rather general prediction that the greater the extrinsic rewards,the less likely is the individual to infer that he is intrinsically motivated.
金华宁 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
高中英语完形填空题请问第一句是I've had my share of some negative patterns,l
请问第一句是I've had my share of some negative patterns,like anger, distrust,envy,selfishness,and fear 的完形填空的答案是
leehomame 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
高中英语应试辅导篇:完形填空解析 As she walked round the large shop,Edith realized how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas __1__
c#中应用一个冒泡排序法,总是提示Index was out of range.Must be non-negative
c#中应用一个冒泡排序法,总是提示Index was out of range.Must be non-negative and less than the size
IList img_S = new List();
IList Tem = new List();
for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < c - i-1; j++)
if (img_S[j].Similarity > img_S[j + 1].Similarity)
Tem[0] = img_S[j];
img_S[j] = img_S[j + 1];
img_S[j + 1] = Tem[0];
c是 img_S的总个数,Tem是我建立的中间数列.出现的错误提示指示在第一个 Tem[0] 处
yuhuadong1985326 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
这个原子的名称是?Particles with no charge Particles with negative ch
Particles with no charge
Particles with negative charge
Particles with positive charge
怪事真多呀 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
Particles with no charge 中性粒子
Particles with negative charge 带负电粒子
Particles with positive charge带正电粒子
关于英语口语对话帮我写个呗话题是What are the positive and negative effects o
话题是What are the positive and negative effects of a virtual life?s时间为三分钟,两个人对话的形式还有个话题是FOR boys :Do you wish to marry a superwoman?Why or why not?/for girls:Do you think a good marriage is more important than a good career?Give your reasons.也是三分钟两个人对话的形式.
seeo 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
理论力学中力对轴的力矩是负的说明什么?下面这道题做参考,就是The negative sign
理论力学中力对轴的力矩是负的说明什么?下面这道题做参考,就是The negative sign
下面这道题做参考,就是The negative sign indiates that the sense…那句话,这个sense在这里是什么意思?
laotu1984 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率73.7%
谁告诉我单词的词性转换?narrow(ant.); failure(v.); negative(ant.); illeg
narrow(ant.); failure(v.); negative(ant.); illegal(ant.);valuable(n.);length(adj.);unacceptable(ant.);hostess(ant.);decline(syn.); traditional(n.);protection(v.);decision(v.);anger(adj.);succeed(n.);beauty(adj.);ancient(ant.);unfairly(ant.);excitement(v.);independent(ant.);homesickness(adj.)
ant.为反义词 syn.为同义词 adj.为形容词 v.为动词 n.为名词
当利用废 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
wide fail positive legal value long acceptable host(guest) refuse tradition protect decide angry success beautiful contemporary fairly excite dependent homesick
the positive and negative aspects of new classroom technolog
the positive and negative aspects of new classroom technology 急问
阮四少他爷爷 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
Technology in the classroom教室里的科技
In contemporary society,being media literate is essential.This includes being able to both interpret media products such as advertising and movies with a critical eye,as well as being able to personally function the various technology and software applications that are currently used in today’s workplace.While some students in both Canada and China find this way of thinking and learning new and challenging,there are resources at Huamei-Bond International College that facilitate teaching these essential skills.After teaching here for almost four months,I can’t help but draw some comparisons between Chinese and Canadian schools regarding the availability and reliability of technology in the classroom.
In Canada,many classrooms share one digital projector.This can cause a hassle for teachers who wish to incorporate information technology into their lessons,because there are often many teachers sharing the same equipment.I find this particularly frustrating,as I often use Power Point in my teaching.Using visuals is especially important when teaching English as a second language for students to be able to attain object-word recognition.For example,being able to show students an image of Niagara Falls,with the use of computer technology,is much more effective than simply trying to describe this famous Canadian wonder with words and sketching images on the chalkboard.Here at Huamei-Bond,I was pleasantly surprised by the audio/visual equipment available in each classroom.Knowing that I have a dependable digital projector and television set relieves the stress that I would have undergone in Canada over procuring the proper technology for any given lesson.Furthermore,the fact that there is one present in every classroom motivates me to make further use of the equipment,because I know I will not have to worry about its availability.As a result,students are exposed to more visual stimuli,and further enhancement of their understanding of the subject being taught.
To be competitive,it is imperative that teachers and students keep up with the latest skills and technology.These are considered necessary to the ever-changing work environment.It is also important to note that our students,when attending university in Canada,will be expected to have considerable computer and technological skills.Here at Huamei-Bond,the resources are well in place to guide our students towards this goal.
The positive and negative effects of CET
The positive and negative effects of CET
老陈212 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%