He gets lots of presents ( ) his birthday.A.on B.in C.at

binbindaren2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答


18946274 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
只影向谁去 共回答了337个问题 | 采纳率


She is g________ to give me so many presents.
She is g________ to give me so many presents.
He has worked in the company for 3 years and he is very p________ about these matters.
The twin sisters not only look the same but also have s___________ tastes in clothes.
She is very m__________ about her success.
l________,the girl was taken to safety before the building burnt down.
Does he know that I have ___________(原谅) him for his fault?
He hurried into the classroom,___________(传递)the newspaper to his desk—mate and left without a word.
This girl is polite and ________(文雅) .We all want to make friends with her.
We _________(庆祝) our National Day on October 1st.
Human beings are _________(有创造力)animals of all.
Mr Li always thought of good ideas to make his classes ________ (live).
You should spend your money ________(wise).
He decided ___________(not argue ) with me any more.
We all think Tom is __________(suitable ) person to be the monitor in our class.
It's ________ (fair ) to other workers if you let him go first.
Five years ago my dream is to own a __________ (person) questions.
On that day they reached the top of the mountain ________.They _______in collecting many plants .(success)
Linda spends a lot of time __________ (explain) the problem to me.
We _________ (divide) into four groups to finish the project already.
You should not worry about ________(not have) the chance to meet Jackie Chan.
deal with ; dream about ; get angry ; give up ; pay attention to details ;
Please give me some advice on how to ________ such problems.
It's meaningless to _________ becoming rich without working hard.
She always worries too much and _________________.
If I pull the cat's tail,it ____________ soon.
Don't _________ your dream ,I believe you can succeed.
1.He is happy now because he has made __________ mistakes in the test than last time.
A.much more B.more many C.much fewer D.even less
2.He would not mind _________ the windows._______ you agree _______me?
A.to close ; Do; to B.close ; Are ; to C.close; Are ; to D.closing ;Do ;with
3.Our monitor is very kind and helpful.He ________ to play with.
A.often asks B.never asks C.is never asked D is often asked
4.Never ______ dreaming no matter how difficult you are ________ trouble.
A.give up ; in B.give out ; in C.give off ; on D.give to ; on
5.It's good ___________ you to practice _________ English every day.
A.for; to speak B.for; speaking C.of; to speak D.of ; speaking
6.I know the boy _________ our teacher is talking .
A.who B.to who C.to whom D.to whose
7.I will give ________ students ________ minutes to finish their exercises .
]A.the other ; other two B.the other ; two more C.other ; another two D.other; two other
jxh99 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
She is 【going】 to give me so many presents.
He has worked in the company for 3 years and he is very 【profession】 about these matters.
The twin sisters not only look the same but also have 【similar】 tastes in clothes.
She is very 【modest】 about her success.
【Luckily】,the girl was taken to safety before the building burnt down.
Does he know that I have【 excuse】(原谅) him for his fault?
选词填空:she will buy some silk ( )as presents for her friends.
选词填空:she will buy some silk ( )as presents for her friends.
272337921 共回答了195个问题 | 采纳率67.2%
B scarf 围巾 复数是scarves
Tom and David want to b_____ him some presents请问空格怎么填
不说对你说 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
短语:buy sb sth.给某人买礼物
A:Did you get the presents?B:Yes,I got______.A.them B.it C.t
A:Did you get the presents?B:Yes,I got______.A.them B.it C.they
爱上小白兔的萝卜 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
选A,问题当中的presents是复数,所以回答也要用复数形式,选项B被排除,另外回答中I 是主语,got是谓语,后面需要一个宾格形式的做宾语,C被排除~
是l will buy some presents to you.还是l will buy some presents
是l will buy some presents to you.还是l will buy some presents for you.
想做蛇 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
for you
This is one of the presents ______ he gave me.A.which B.that
This is one of the presents ______ he gave me.A.which B.that C.as D.what B .A为什么不对
曰三石 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
1 This is one of the presents THAT he gave me.
2 This is one of the presents WHICH he gave me.
3 This is one of the presents ___/___ he gave me.
英语翻译这是一段计算机相关的英文:For content that presents a recognizable di
For content that presents a recognizable division or sub-division within a document,
For content that presents a recognizable division or sub-division within a document,enclosure or calendar the
tag is to be the primary tag used for structural coding and the tag is to be used sparingly when it is clear that a
tag is not appropriate.
FGY0911 说的意思很像
hylan13 1年前 已收到2个回答 举报

waterboy81 幼苗

共回答了21个问题采纳率:85.7% 举报




瀚海漂流叶 幼苗

共回答了16个问题 举报

作为 文档中 表示一个可识别的区域 或 再分区域的 内容,


waterboy81 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
英语作文birthday presents
beckysusu 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
people in the west make_ a rule to buy christmas presents fo
people in the west make_ a rule to buy christmas presents for their relatives and friends .
people in the west make it a rule to buy christmas presents for their relatives and friends .
新太阳WW 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
it 作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式.
乱鸭 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
英语选择题:The presents make him ____ excited.
英语选择题:The presents make him ____ excited.
A.feel B.feels C.feeling D.to feel
深绿儿 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
12._________,lack of clean fresh water presents an even grea
12._________,lack of clean fresh water presents an even greater threat.
A.As bad as the air can be B.The air can be as bad
C.Bad as the air can be D.As the air can be bad
婉怡2004 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
我觉得应该是C吧,好像是什么as引导状语从句,adj提前,比如young as he is.
英语翻译The second column of Table 2 presents the OLS regression
The second column of Table 2 presents the OLS regression results and incorporate White-corrected
standard errors to correct for heteroscedasticity.The results show that the more capacity a firm
commits the less aggressively it bids in an auction.The effect of backlog on bids is small but consistent with the theory in Pitchik and Schotter (1988) that attributes less aggressive bidding to
budgetary restrictions.It is also consistent with the findings Jofre-Bonet and Pesendorfer (2000).
Looking at the afternoon bidding dummies,we find that firms that win in the morning bid more
aggressively in the afternoon.However,it is probably the case that our measure of backlog is not fully
controlling for differences in firm efficiencies and that the negative coefficient on this variable reflects
differences in overall efficiencies (winners vs.losers) as opposed to differences in the bidding
behavior in the morning and afternoon.To correct for this potential,we estimate the model withfirm-time period effects.As discussed above,these effects should control for differences in
unobserved heterogeneity across firms on a given auction day.In contrast to the OLS results which
exploit cross firm variation in bids,the fixed effects results allow for a comparison of bidding
behavior in the morning and afternoon for a given bidder.The results are presented in column 3.The
findings suggest that,on average,those firms that lost in morning sessions bid more aggressively,
relative to their morning bid,than those firms that won at least one project.The winners of early
auctions are typically the stronger bidders and conditional on the outcome of early auctions,the weak
bidders (i.e.the morning losers) adjust their strategies and bid more aggressively in afternoon
auctions.In addition,the fixed effects results suggest that the more competitive the set of rivals a firm
faces the more aggressively the firm bids.These results are consistent with the prediction in Maskin
and Riley,(2000,proposition 3.5) which suggests that if a weak bidder faces a strong bidder rather
2 than another weak bidder he will bid more aggressively and vice versa.
cse1kq9 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率73.7%
改正的标准误差为heteroscedasticity. 结果显示那更多容量企业
做它在拍卖积极地出价的较少. 积压的作用对出价是小的,但是一致与理论在那的Pitchik和的Schotter (1988)归因于较不积极出价
预算制约. 它与研究结果Jofre-Bonet也是一致的和Pesendorfer (2000).
积极地下午. 然而,它大概是实际情形积压我们的措施不充分地是
行为早晨和下午. 为这潜力要改正,我们估计式样withfirm时间期间作用. 如上所述,这些作用应该为区别控制
横跨企业的未受注意的非均匀性在一特定拍卖天. 与OLS结果对比
行为一位特定投标者的早晨和下午. 结果在专栏3.被提出.
相对他们的早晨出价,比赢取至少一个项目的那些企业. 优胜者及早
拍卖. 另外,固定的作用结果建议越竞争套敌手企业
越积极地面对确定报价. 这些结果与在Maskin的预言是一致的
并且建议那的赖利, (2000年,提议3.5),如果一位微弱的投标者宁可面对一位坚强的投标者
1.He's ____ some presents.A.shop B.shopping C.shops for D.sh
1.He's ____ some presents.A.shop B.shopping C.shops for D.shopping for
gexu1010 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
选D shopping fo
Children often get presents ___ Christmas and ___ their birt
Children often get presents ___ Christmas and ___ their birthdays.
秋叶飞舞 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
at Christmas,on Christmas Eve是固定搭配.Birthday前面用on,因为是特定的一天."
以The presents for my parents为题写一篇英语作文(初二)
sivar 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
tina has got a lot of presents from her friend(否定句)
奖励419 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
Tina hasn't got any present from her friend.
妖精千年 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率92.6%
present 英['preznt] 美[ˈprɛznt]
[例句]The present is hard enough.
Jim gets many presents from his friends 同义句
随飞起舞 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
Jim‘'s friends sent many presents to Jim
I asked my friends whether they had brought presents for the
I asked my friends whether they had brought presents for their mothers
张骨头 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
I asked my friends whether they had brought presents for their mothers.
解析:注意brought 是 bring 带来的过去式,而bought 才是buy 买的过去式.
荫月 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
They opened their presents under the Christmas tree.
英语翻译This paper presents a study on the application of the pr
This paper presents a study on the application of the principles of language acquisition to music learning.
漂向我王yy 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
这份文件(this paper)展示了(presents)一份关于将"学习语言的原理(the principles of language acquisition)"在(to)音乐学习(music learning)中的应用(the application of)的研究(a study on)
有点乱..呵呵 不过再仔细看看就明白了
英文填字 Are____ presents here on the table for me?
sunrz2008 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
Are__these/those__ presents here on the table for me?这些或那些桌子上的礼物是给我的吗?
He thinks the book is ____(valuable) of all the presents
水1204 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
the most valuable
The presents are for their,they all like the presents.改错
柔情似水2005 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
虚拟万家 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
presents ['prezənts] 只能是名词或者动词第三人称单数形式.
1. 现在; 目前
2. 礼物,赠品
vt.出现; 出席; 显示;介绍;赠与; 交给
prepared [pri'pɛəd ]
vt.& vi.
1. 筹备,进行各项准备工作
2. 做好思想准备
choosing birthday presents
choosing birthday presents
daxiea 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
ever heard of the phrase "art of giving"?as we all think,giving is a good thing,to both the receiver and the giver.but this is on the presumption that the giver know the art of giving.giving is a kind of art.the basics to this statement is the giver should choose a gift in accordance with the prospective receiver's likes and dislikes.for example,if the receiver is allergic to flowers,but you get him or her flowers anyway.then the giving in this case is definitely not a good thing.or you simply buy someone something he or she doesn't like at all.in such kind of cases,your gesture of giving a gift makes the receiver think he or she is very unimportant to you since you don't even know or take into consideration their likes and dislikes.
so make sure you choose gift considering the receiver's interest,hobbies,tastes and more.
i have supper----------my presents on sundany.填介词
福光家庆 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
They are talk about their presents.(改错)
aslot 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
Cuold you tell us some other customs in giving presents in C
Cuold you tell us some other customs in giving presents in China or in other different countries?
ghrtgh 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
The following is a general list of the rules and customs that are followed when giving gifts in China.
1:Offer gifts that are best used by everyone in a family,if that happens to be the group you are presenting the gift to.Simple and inexpensive gifts are the best,as highly expensive gifts may be awkward and refused.Things like pen sets,a small product of food (grains,rice,etc),or similar,non-personal items are fine.
2:Wrap the gift in wrapping paper.Take your time and do a neat job of it.Don't leave the gift in a shopping bag.The gift should be wrapped in a color that is appropriate for the occasion.For example,a normal,happy occasion would require 'red' paper,a funeral would require black and white,and a wedding is best with gold and silver.
3:Expect the gift to be refused two or three times before accepted.This is customary,as it shows that the receiver is not being greedy.You,the giver,should offer it again after each refusal until the person accepts.If,for some reason that person continues to refuse it several times,then stop offering,as they really do not want it,and may not be in a position to accept it.
The following are the common customs for gift-giving in South Korea.
1:Do not offer an expensive gift to someone unless they are financially able to give you a gift of equal value.Gifts are always reciprocated,so be careful over what you choose,and when in doubt,pick something in expensive.
2:If you are invited to a home,a gift similar to what hostesses are given in the US are common.Flowers or a fruit basket are good,safe choices.
3:All gifts should be wrapped neatly,and appear as if care was put into the presentation.The colors red and yellow are royal colors,and are a good option to use.Do not,however,wrap gifts in green,black,or white paper,and do not sign the card in red ink.When you do receive a gift,in the off chance that they wish for you to open it in their presence,do not tear the wrapping paper.
4:In Korea,similar to Japan,the number four (4) is considered unlucky,so no gifts containing four items,or coming in two pairs should be offered.On the other hand,the number 7 is considered lucky.
5:Offer the gift using both hands,and likewise receive any gifts using both hands.
6:The gift will not be opened in your presence,and you likewise should open your own gift in private.This is to 'save face' in case the gift ends up being offensive or embarrassing.
7:Do not present a gift to someone in front of a group.Offer the gift in private
英语翻译The financial statement that presents a summary of an en
The financial statement that presents a summary of an entity’s revenues and expenses for a specific period of time is called the income statement .
man_2008 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
( )( )( )( )receive your presents on my birthday.
( )( )( )( )receive your presents on my birthday.
wulingjun 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率100%
I was glad to
I was happy to
英语:重写句子.1.Mary bought them some presents.(重写句子)2.The boys an
1.Mary bought them some presents.(重写句子)
2.The boys and girls had a good time yesterday evening.(重写句子)
3.Do you want any food?(重写句子)
4.We're all new here.(重写句子)
wangy007 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率66.7%
1、Mary brought some presents for them
2、The boys and girls enjoyed themselves yesterday evening.
3、Would you like some food?
4、All of us are new here
Christmas is a time for buying and giving presents,having pa
Christmas is a time for buying and giving presents,having parties,and being with famliy.的意思
左边V 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率88%
圣诞节 是一个给父母买东西,有聚会,并且和家人呆在一起的时刻
jian5231 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
They opened the presents under the christmas tree.
What is the weather like in spring?
I want to be his pen friend.
Does it often rain in spring?
题库网I really wonder__he sent me so many presents__we worked t
题库网I really wonder__he sent me so many presents__we worked together.
倩倩和文子 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
I really wonder why__he sent me so many presents_when_we worked together.
梅尔和梅兰 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
She loves the presents from my mum.
Christmas won't be Christmas without and any presents presen
Christmas won't be Christmas without and any presents presents为何要用复数
scorpio_fn 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
Christmas won't be Christmas without and any presents presents理解翻译:没有礼物的圣诞就不是圣诞.但是这句话有些小问题,如果是这个意思,那么应该是这样:Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents (...
一,填空1.Children can't W_____ to open the presents on 圣诞节.2.Wh
1.Children can't W_____ to open the presents on 圣诞节.
2.What time is it?It's h_____ past seven.
3.He r_____a camera to take photos last week.
4.My sister likes to go to the m_____ to buy some clothes when she is free.
5.I believe ma dream will come t_____ in the future.
6.Jake did b_____in the competition and won the frist prize.
7.Many famous a_____ entered this competition last year.
8.What"s wrong with you?(同义句改写)= _____ _____ _____ with you?
9.If you still feel cold in you coat ,you had better look for s_____ warmer.
10.I _____(receive) several letters from ma aunt last year.
11.Deng Yaping e_____Tsinghua University.
12.He is a report n_____ Zhang Kuangbiao.
1.Li Yuandi is fmous _____a pianist _____playing music.
A.as,as B.for,as C,for,for D.as,for.
2.The woman like to be beautiful ,so she is always_____fashion.
A.out B.on C.in D .with
jordan2006 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
1.Children can't W_____ to open the presents on 圣诞节.wait 迫不及待
2.What time is it?It's h_____ past seven.half 七点半
3.He r_____a camera to take photos last week.rent 租
4.My sister likes to go to the m_____ to buy some clothes when she is free.mall 购物中心
5.I believe ma dream will come t_____ in the future.true
6.Jake did b_____in the competition and won the frist prize.best
7.Many famous a_____ entered this competition last year.athletes
8.What"s wrong with you?(同义句改写)= _____ _____ _____ with you?what's the matter
9.If you still feel cold in you coat ,you had better look for s_____ warmer.some
10.I _____(receive) several letters from ma aunt last year.received
11.Deng Yaping e_____Tsinghua University.entered
12.He is a report n_____ Zhang Kuangbiao.named
1.Li Yuandi is fmous _____a pianist _____playing music.d
A.as,as B.for,as C,for,for D.as,for.
2.The woman like to be beautiful ,so she is always_____fashion.
A.out B.on C.in D .with c
After having decide to take some presents to a children's ho
After having decide to take some presents to a children's hospital,the circus owner,Jimmy Gates,dressed up as Father christams and set off down the main street of the city riding an elehpant called Jumbo.在句中为什么是after having去掉having可以吗?
niuniuwawa 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
have decided是现在完成时 你去掉就变成过去时了 不能表达句子的原意 所以不能去掉
英语题,急啊~~~~~求速度1.( )There are many presents ______ in Beijing
1.( )There are many presents ______ in Beijing
A.to buy B.buy C.for buy D.buying
2.( )It will take you _____ hour ____ the station
A.half an,getting B.a half,getting to C.a half,to get D.half an,to get to
3.( )At christmas,parents buy lots of presents______ their children
A.for B.to C.with D.at
4.Most of us _____(live)in flats
5.My dream home is different from _____(she)
jzhu_2f0rh0886_ 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
2.选D,half an hour,半小时固定搭配,to get to 表目的,station是名词,get to
3.选A,buy sth.for sb.
求一篇写妈妈生日的英语作文要50词左右!最好用上:birthday parents friends presents l
最好用上:birthday parents friends presents like happy (用不上不勉强)
my mother's birthday
My mother's birthday is on the eighth of July .In the morning my father and I went shopping and bought a very nice cake .In the afternoon ,I gave a comb to mother ,my mother was very excited!
In the evening we sang the song "happy birthday to you "to mother.After supper ,we ate birthday cake.
we were very happy!
月光521 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
Do you still remember the time I didn't come home when shcool day's over juest because I was not allowed to watch TV before homework's done?It appears that I can know still hear the voice from you throast when you were looking for me all around.That night was the first time I've ever cried.And I sweared I'll love you more than anybody else from then on.
Here,your birthday's coming soon.As what I always do,I wish you to live a happy and healthy life forever.
Love from
改写句子,句子意思不变1.I’m going to buy Grandma some presents.I'm goin
1.I’m going to buy Grandma some presents.
I'm going to buy______ ___________ ________ _______you.
2.I'm going to tell you the news.
I'm going to tell_______ ______ ______you.
3.My brother is nine years old today
It's my_______ _______ ______today
维维芳 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率80.8%
some presents to Grandma
the news to
brother's ninth birthday
1.my parents often send presents————me 2.my hair clip is dif
1.my parents often send presents————me 2.my hair clip is different____my sister's
蓝色味道 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
1. to send...to...把……送给……
2. from be different from...与……不同
英语:His mother _____ to buy some presents _____ him.
英语:His mother _____ to buy some presents _____ him.
A. wants;to B.want;for C.wants;for
flyleaves_y 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
主语三单,一般现在时,所以用 wants
buy sth for sb 为某人买东西
People in China celebrate it"by giving presents".(对引号部分提问)
pantyhose17 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
What do people in China celebrate it?
Tommy company 是要用present 还是 presents?
冬日滴雨 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
Children s____ their presents怎么填
wcrystal 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
英文程度好的大哥大姐帮帮小弟!帮小弟翻译一下以下文字吧.Abstract - This paper presents o
Abstract - This paper presents object models and service models such as an I/O object,a control object,a broadcasting service and an event service for a distributed control system(DCS).And three types of distributed control systems based on CORBA,DCOM,and Tspace,are designed and implemented using the suggested object models and service models.They are applied to the Ball and Beam position control system and their response times are measured.It is known from these measurements that the CORBA-based DCS has shorter response time than both DCOM-based one and Tspace-based one.This paper suggests two advanced modules of broadcasting service and event service to reduce communication delays without modification of ORB structure.
这个是老师让翻译的东西,不知道讲的是什么东西。谢谢1楼的兄弟,我再研究下看看!文章题目是Design and performance analysis of middleware-based distributed control systems
ss15917221722 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%