Underline the sentence and copy it

biz0352022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


断翼_鸟 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%


这个英语句子的for怎么理解?I hope that this accident will underline the
I hope that this accident will underline the need for better safety meatures.这里的for是什么成分?是修饰整个句子还是只跟need有关?
琉琉 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率76.2%
for 是对need 进行补充说明的.
请帮我加句话更好的连接上下文Please underline useful words and expressions
Please underline useful words and expressions whileyou are listening,and after that I will explain in brief.We should payattention to the following expressions like:Your price is on the high side(你们的价格太高
要求:在that I will explain in brief后加句话可前后衔接更紧密,不用很长,
三也 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率71.4%
well ,as you can see .
III.Underline the topic sentence(s) in each of the following
III.Underline the topic sentence(s) in each of the following paragraphs.(4 X 5; 20%)
20.Studies indicate that human beings use two kinds of memory,short term and long term.When we use short-term memory,we retain information for a brief period of time.For example,we use short-term memory,when we look up a phone number and remember it only long enough to dial.When we use long-term memory,we retain information for a considerable length of time.A young child,for example,may memorize a poem and remember it for the next twenty years.
21.Some students prefer a strict teacher who tells them exactly what to do.Others prefer to be left to work on their own.Still others like a democratic discussion type of class.No one teaching method can be devised to satisfy all students at the same time.
22.The cowboy’s work was hard and unromantic.From dawn to dark they performed their duties,rounding up the cattle,branding them for identification,and repairing equipment.A small group of cowboys had full responsibility for a herd of thousands.They had to cope with harsh weather and to protect the herd against cattle thieves,Indian fighters,and angry farmers,who feared the ruin of their crops.
23.Since you receive interest on your insurance contract,a revised Federal Income Tax law now requires you to furnish us with your correct taxpayer identification number.Therefore,please write your social security number on the tear-off portion of this notice,sign on the line indicated,and mail it back to us immediately after.If you don’t send us your correct number,we will withhold tax at a 20 percent rate.In addition,you may be subject to a $50 penalty imposed by the Internal Revenue Service.
24.For thousands of years,people have believed that the position of the stars affects our lives.This may or may not be true,but there is no doubt that astrology itself does affect our lives.Most newspapers print horoscopes,and in the United States about fifty million people read them every day.Many young people plan to marry at a time when their horoscopes will be favorable,while others decide not to marry because their signs are not harmonious.Some companies have hired astrologers to advise them,and one well-known businessman prefers to do his most important work at 3 A.M.because he was told that it is his most favorable hour.
IV.Write a paragraph or a short essay of about 120 English words on any ONE of the following four topics (30%):
What Can We Benefit from Hobbies?
My View on Transportation in Big Cities
Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Chatting
爱尔771225 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
20.Studies indicate that human beings use two kinds of memory,short term and long term.
21.No one teaching method can be devised to satisfy all students at the same time.
22.The cowboy’s work was hard and unromantic.
23.Since you receive interest on your insurance contract,a revised Federal Income Tax law now requires you to furnish us with your correct taxpayer identification number.
24.This may or may not be true,but there is no doubt that astrology itself does affect our lives.
What Can We Benefit from Hobbies?
almost every one has his own hobby,and he must get benefits from it.
first,no matter you are a student or a graduated,you have to do your major work,and when you do it time by time,you will find it was too dull.at this time you could do some other things instead,by doing this,you will release yourselve from the long time work.
second,hobbies such as play chess ,will inprove your analyse ability,though it will not show at once,it will benefit you in dealing something at the key time.
third,you could get a lot of friends thanks for your hobby,and you may have lots in common among communition.
1.The teacher asks us to underline important phrases _____ (
1.The teacher asks us to underline important phrases _____ (用) colour pens.
2.He will give me a call when he ____(到达)Japan.
3.Why were you in a hurry ____(leave)your office yesterday?
我生本无乡 共回答了159个问题 | 采纳率32.7%
with ,reaches,leaving
translate the underline sentenc into Chinese中文
nobodyknowme 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
1,underline words with the long a sound(a in cake).
1,underline words with the long a sound(a in cake).
put a circle around the letters that make the long a sound.
wave catch away takes geat
ask eight stand said they
always afraid prey than playing
2,fill in the missing word .
takes ask always catch eight afraid away stand prey
said than great they playing
a)An octoputs used its ________tentacles to catch ________to eat.
b)It _______a long time to _________my dog to give him a bath.
c)My little sister is _________ __________ of thunder and lightning.
d)________were ________football at the park.
e)Marcus _______his hand and_________ "Goodbye“
f)You must ________ far ___________from the camprire.
g)Will you ________mother for a __________big ice cream sundae?
紫竹根 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
c)afraid of
d)They playing
e)waved said
f)stand away
g)ask greatly
Listen and underline the words you hear
lesli2003 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
"Underline the mistake in each sentence and then correct
"Underline the mistake in each sentence and then correct
知止而后有 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
英语翻译then,look at the missing sentences and underline the lin
then,look at the missing sentences and underline the linking words,e.g.first of all
lxf316sd 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
然后,看着缺少部分的句子,并且用划线的词连词.例子:first of all
you may wish to circle the vivid verbs and underline the con
you may wish to circle the vivid verbs and underline the concerte details as you go.这句英文是什么意思
rendez-vous 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
一道英语问题一.Underline the mistake in each of the following sente
一.Underline the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it in the blank.
1.How are your parents go to work every morning?
2.Now it was very cold outside.You had better put on your coat.
3.I hope everything go well.
4.Either of them like Japanese food.
5.I will wait until she finished her work.
6.I will give the book to Tom when he will come here.
7.My brother has bought a new car tomorrow.
8.Does he his homework every day?
9.Did he do his morning exercises every day?
纳兰八十四若 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率63.6%
1.How do your parents go to work every morning?
2.Now it is very cold outside.You had better put on your coat.
3.I hope everything goes well.
4.Either of them likes Japanese food.
5.I would wait until she finished her work.
6.I will give the book to Tom when he come here.
7.My brother has bought a new car today.
8.Does he do his homework every day?
9.Does he do his morning exercises every day?
Underline the verb and the subject for each sentence
Underline the verb and the subject for each sentence
1.Was the purpose of the Chicago world's fair to highlight scientific discoveries?
2.Along Lake Michigan were four hundred acres of exhibits.
3.There were displays from cultures around the world.
4.Did many people attend the fair?
5.In the library are many books about the fair.
kitelost 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
1.Was the purpose of the Chicago world's fair to highlight scientific discoveries?
主语subject:the purpose of the Chicago world's fair
2.Along Lake Michigan were four hundred acres of exhibits.
主语subject:four hundred acres of exhibits
3.There were displays from cultures around the world.
主语subject:displays from cultures around the world
4.Did many people attend the fair?
主语subject:many people
5.In the library are many books about the fair.
主语subject:many books about the fair
14.It’s not proper to underline a word or sentence_____one h
14.It’s not proper to underline a word or sentence_____one has any question.
A.at which B.about which C.at where D.the place
答案给的是B,A项at which
7.This is a quite town where_______expect to be disturbed at all.
A.anyone would not B.no one would C.not anyone would D.anyone not would
答案给的是B,A项可以吗?如果A项该成anyone who would not B项no one 后要不要加who no one who would
2.She has the habit of reading English______.So our English teacher often invites her to read the text in English class.
A.loudly B.loud C.aloud D.louder
单双1981 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
14,A项不可以,have question about sth,而不能是at sth
怎么翻译?1.underline the sentences from the reading that mean th
1.underline the sentences from the reading that mean the same thing
2.Decide whether the underlined works in the sentences are werbs or nouns.Then write another sentence using the underlined work in the other from.
RTTTTTT 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率100%
read the passage again and underline all the different words
read the passage again and underline all the different words that are used instead of "said ".
z14151 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率88%
dailiu626 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
underline [,ʌndə'lain,'ʌndəlain]
[ 过去式underlined 过去分词underlined 现在分词underlining ]
请告诉我这句话的意思Please underline the word with a different vowel s
请告诉我这句话的意思Please underline the word with a different vowel sound.
作回低调 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
Underline the mistakes and correct them 的中文意思
Underline the mistakes and correct them 的中文意思
lygzhuzhu 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率75%
划线于的...下面, 强调, 着重指出; 使突出
Find and underline the two words which need to change piaces
Find and underline the two words which need to change piaces to make sense.
Can you turn volume the down?
gongsile 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
the 和 volume需要换位置
英语提问Underline the main subject for each of the following sen
Underline the main subject for each of the following sentences.You must underline your answer very clearly.Even one word missing will be regarded as incorrect.

Knowing that you want your writing to accomplish (i.e.your goals) before you begin a draft will greatly simplify the task of deciding what to say and how to say it.

How much you need to explain,to describe,to persuade,and so on depends entirely on the audience you are addressing.
The most frequent error committed by novice technical writers - and the most serious - is to act as though all audiences were the same.
The unrelenting tension generated by the experience reduced many of the subjects to sweating,trembling,stuttering wrecks.
Some kinds of technical writing - especially formal proposals,journal articles,and research and development reports on technical topics - require substantial research in the technical literature.

杨晓容 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
the audience
technical writersthe experiencetechincal writing
underline the syllable which are stressed是什么意思?
帕拉丁大爷 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
underline 给...下划线
syllable 音节
stress 强调,重读
英语初二上册第10页1dread 1a and underline the sentences with the dir
read 1a and underline the sentences with the direct and indirect object structure.then follow the example to rewrite them
xxsuyu911 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
请问下面这句话是什么意思?Listen and underline the letters that make the
请问下面这句话是什么意思?Listen and underline the letters that make the sound.Then say the words.
湖里镜 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
英语翻译1.Find and underline the two words which need to change
1.Find and underline the two words which need to change piaces for each sentence to make sense.
2Fill in the crosswords so that all the given words are included.
白开水12 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
1 每个句子有两个单词需要改变位置才讲得通,请找出并划线
2 填写下面的纵横字谜,每个词都要包括进去
then underline the other letters that make the same sound 啥意
then underline the other letters that make the same sound 啥意思.要准.
ljflyk2006 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
underline the following phrases in the passage.w
underline the following phrases in the passage.w
ite your own sentencas
若筠0812 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
英语提问Underline the main clause of each of the following sente
Underline the main clause of each of the following sentences,and circle all the dependent marker words that mark the beginning of the subordinate clauses.In some case,there may be more than one dependent marker words:you need to circle them all.
1.On a larger scale,when a big mass of hot air meets a big mass of cold air,our hawk must take shelter from stormy weather.
2.Technical communications is the delivery of technical information to reader (or listeners or viewers) in a manner that is adapted to their needs,level of understanding,and background.
3.Varied interpretations of a work of literature may add to its universality,whereas more than one interpretation of a piece of scientific and technical writing would render it useless.
4.If you are writing a research report or a journal article,your readers will expect your review of there relevant literature to be exhaustive.
5.You should set those thought down on paper while the research is going on,before you forget them.
withdean 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
1.On a larger scale, when a big mass of hot air meets a big mass of cold air, our hawk must take shelter from stormy weather.
main clause: our hawk must take shelter from stormy weather.
suborinate clause words: on a larger scale
2.Technical communications is the delivery of technical information to reader (or listeners or viewers) in a manner that is adapted to their needs, level of understanding, and background.
main clause: Technical communications is the delivery of technical information to reader
suborinate clause words: in a manner
3.Varied interpretations of a work of literature may add to its universality, whereas more than one interpretation of a piece of scientific and technical writing would render it useless.
main clause: Varied interpretations of a work of literature may add to its universality
suborinate clause words: whereas
4.If you are writing a research report or a journal article, your readers will expect your review of there relevant literature to be exhaustive.
main clause: your readers will expect your review of there relevant literature to be exhaustive.
suborinate clause words: your readers
5.You should set those thought down on paper while the research is going on, before you forget them.
main clause: You should set those thought down on paper while the research is going on
suborinate clause words: before
ice198291 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
Teacher tell us making a underline to the difficult words and search for dictionary.
He said there is no need to cotain the details such like statistics.
Underline sentences from the passage with similar meanings t
Underline sentences from the passage with similar meanings to the ones below.这个句子为什么要用with?还有为什么要用to和the?
良知的声音 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
with 和, to (similar to 固定结构 ) 用the(后面有below,下面的东西是固定的)
underline . underneath .beneath 有什么区别啊
泡沫0064 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
the words from yours have three different answers.no part from them
英语翻译What does the underline part in the last but one paragra
What does the underline part in the last but one paragraph mean?
futeliu 你说对了,这个划线部分确实在倒数第二段,可是这个用法我还真没听说过,倒数第二段不应该是the last second paragragh吗
candy_dj 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
定语从句问题1/it is necessary to underline a word or sentence_____
1/it is necessary to underline a word or sentence________one has any question
A at which B about which C at where D the place
2/i saw some trees___the leaves were black with holes.
A where B of which C in which Dwhose
3/i'm afraid he won't be able to come_______you suggested last week
A at the time when B at the time that C at the time what D at the time of
津津有味123 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
大学英语1第二次作业(Unit 11) Match each underline
(Unit 11) Match each underlined part of the sentences in Column A with an explanation in Column B.
11.Please _wait dinner for_ me. I have some good news.()
12.Don't _wait up for_ me. I'll be very late.()
13.She _waited on tables_ to earn some extra money.()
14.His wife _waits on him hand and foot_. ()
15.We _waited around_ at the stage door to see the stars.()
A. to wait for someone to return before you go to bed
B. to delay a meal until someone arrives
C. to stay in a plac
icespring2490 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
11- B 12-A 13- D 14-E 15-C

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有点叼的熊 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
Read and write N for nouns and V for verbs for the underline
Read and write N for nouns and V for verbs for the underlined words
When‘s your interview?interview ( )
Did Jerry reply to your email?reply ( )
xzx999999 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
Read and write N for nouns and V for verbs for the underlined words
When‘s your interview?interview (N )Did Jerry reply to your email?reply (V)
Underline the qord that is not a prototype in each category.
Underline the qord that is not a prototype in each category.apple,pear,grape,pomegranate,banana.
bin8188 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Underline the Subject in each of the following sentences and
Underline the Subject in each of the following sentences and then translate the sentence into Chinese.Tell what is used as the Subject(a noun,an adjective,etc)
EXAMPLE:(Noun)Great thinkers have used creativity and imagination to change the world.
1.2008 is the year when the 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing,China
2.It was late in the evening when the accident happened at the corner of the street.
3."A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"is my favourite proverb.
4.It is quite entertaining to read these accounts of strange and unusual feats and facts.
秘密的ss1 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
3,词为A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Underline the correct word in each sentence的意思
晴空才草 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
Read the sentences and replace the underline words with the
Read the sentences and replace the underline words with the phrases in the box.用中文怎么翻译
yunyuntiantian 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
Then underline the sentences giving语法讲解为什么是giving详细点
hongliang3721 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
单从这句话来看 giving 换做 given 更合理
这是个词义题the underline word "pessimistic" in the last but one p
the underline word "pessimistic" in the last but one paragraph means"______"
十分困惑~什么叫in the last but one paragraph,此词出现在文章倒数第二段,就出现过一次
sailormu 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
英语翻译do the skimming with the news beiow and underline words
do the skimming with the news beiow and underline words which tell us the main idea.
前世闪灵 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
有个单词写错了 应该是below 不是beiow
The underline part in the word “hero es ” is pronounced as _
The underline part in the word “hero es ” is pronounced as ____.
A./Iz / B./z/ C./Is/ D./s/
xiaoxia0215 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%

windows中cirl+某字母是快捷键,这个字母的含义是什么?如:cirl+u 下划线其中u表示underline .
windows中cirl+某字母是快捷键,这个字母的含义是什么?如:cirl+u 下划线其中u表示underline .cirl +b 中b=bold.还有其他的快捷键表示什么含义
119119110 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
ctrl+o 打开 open
ctrl+n 新建 new
ctrl+x 关闭 exit
ctrl+s 保存 save
alt+o 选项 options
ctrl+f 查找 find
You can underline new words encountered in your reading.
You can underline new words encountered in your reading.
这里encountered 是不是动词变形容词?放在new words 前面行不行?为什么?
烟雾冉冉 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
这个【encountered】是过去分词,这里是过去分词做后置定语修饰new words,不是形容词,只有部分的过去分词是形容词,比如interested等.
那么能不能提前到new words前呢?是不能的.因为encountered in your reading在这里是短语,短语不能做前置定语,只能后置.
what's the mesning of the underline words?翻译
海边的小木头 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
Underline the mistakes and correct them.
Underline the mistakes and correct them.
1.Polly spent much time to watch the video plays.
2.I'm sorry I can't find your dog.Maybe it's not live.
3.Did you see him played the trumpet when you came back home?
4.Would you like to take part the sports meet?
踏雪寻梅168 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
Polly spent much time in watching the video plays
I'm sorry I can't find your dog.Maybe it's not alive.
Did you see him playing the trumpet when you came back home?
Would you like to take part in the sports meet?
Underline the mistake and correct them的意思?
无疆妩媚 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
在错误的地方划下线 再改正它们
Exercise 3.Underline the correct prepositions.
Exercise 3.Underline the correct prepositions.
Banks in a Small Town
It is surprising that Nelson has seven banks.Nelson is a small town (at,in,on) California.There are only about 36,000 people (at,in,on) this town.However,there are three banks,and each bank has at least two branches.The banks are National,First California,and Trust.National Bank has branches (at,in,on) 60 Green street and (at,in,on) Hanks Avenue.First California Bank has branches (at,in,on) Princeton Street and (at,in,on) Lee Road.Trust Bank has branches (at,in,on) 27 Temple Street,(at,in,on) Whispering Street,and (at,in,on) 445 Orange Avenue.No one understands why there are seven banks (at,in,on) a small town like Nelson,California.
孤剑ss草样年华 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
It is surprising that Nelson has seven banks.Nelson is a small town (in) California.There are only about 36,000 people (in) this town.However,there are three banks,and each bank has at least two branches.The banks are National,First California,and Trust.National Bank has branches (at) 60 Green street and (on) Hanks Avenue.First California Bank has branches (in) Princeton Street and (in) Lee Road.Trust Bank has branches (at) 27 Temple Street,(in) Whispering Street,and (at) 445 Orange Avenue.No one understands why there are seven banks (in) a small town like Nelson,California.