they are the thieves.the police caught them.两句合为一句.

laughlee2022-10-04 11:39:545条回答

they are the thieves.the police caught them.两句合为一句.
they are the thieves _____ the police caught.如果不省略掉,关联词可以用that/ whom/who 中的哪些?


剑过不留情 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
木桫椤 共回答了92个问题 | 采纳率
gaoyoudan 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率
that/who/whom .说明: that 可以用来指人和物的主格和宾格,who可以用来指人的主格和宾格,whom只能指人的宾格。题目中的关联词在定语从句中作宾语又是指人,所以三个都可以用。
线人1975 共回答了8个问题 | 采纳率
枫叶情深 共回答了2个问题 | 采纳率


-What do you think of the movie"Thick as Thieves"yesterday?V
-What do you think of the movie"Thick as Thieves"yesterday?Violent?
A.lots of
B.sorts of
C.a type of
D.masses of
云颜思雨_hh 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
Violent,你对昨天看的电影《Thick as Thieves》有什么感想?
非诚勿扰~he saw two thieves rush out "of" a shop and run towards
he saw two thieves rush out "of" a shop and run towards a waiting car
请问 如果去掉这个of 句子还是否正确?还有不明白为什么要在这地方加个OF呢?感觉不加的话句子也成立,这个OF在句子中的作用是什么?
sonick0818 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
可以说是固定担配,rush out of: 奔出;冲出;从……冲出,rush out of sp: 冲出…地方
也可以说of作为一个介词,在这表示从……的意思,用于某些动词后,后接动作所涉及的人或事物,rush out是个动词短语,表冲出、突然出现及涌出等意思,不用of也要用from等.
关于名词所有格读法的问题名字所有格读法和名词复数读法一样吗?比如说thieves's的读法不变[θi:vz] 呢 还是读
比如说thieves's的读法不变[θi:vz] 呢 还是读成[θi:vs] 或者[θi:vziz]
fq881808 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率78.3%
酥胸 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
Gary and jerry were thieves
Gary and jerry were thieves
The Stupid Thief
Gary and Jerry were thieves.Every day,they looked for places to rob.One morning,
they walked past a clothes shop.They couldn't believe that there was a big pile(堆)of money in the shop window.Next to the money was a sign.It said,“We'll steal the money tonight.”
“What a great chance,”Jerry said,“We'll steal the money tonight.”
“But boss—”Gary said as he looked closely in the window.
“Be quiet,we have to make a plan,”Jerry said,“Let's go.”
At jerry's house,the thieves started their plan. Late that night,they went back to the shop.
“Are you ready?”Jerry asked Gary.
“Be quiet,”Jerry said,“Let's get started,Now!”
Then,Gary broke the window with a metal(金属的)pipe.Gary quickly put the money
in a bag.The two thieves ran away.Back at Jerry's house,they took the money out of
the bag.
“Hey,”Jerry said,“this money looks strange.”
“I tried to tell you before,”Gary said.“You didn't wear your glasses
“So what?”
“So,you didn't see the money clearly.Like I was trying to say,the money is
“Of course.No shop would put real(真的) money in their window.”
“Why not?”Jerry asked.
“Because somebody might try to steal it,”Gary said.
( )1.What's the relationship between the two thieves?
A.They're brothers. B.They're cousins.
C.Gary is Jerry's boss. D.Jerry is Gary's boss
( )2.What did the two thieves do in the morning?
A.They robbed the shop.
B.They made a plan.
C.They went shopping.
D.They looked for another shop to rob.
( )3.How many times did Gary try to warn Jerry?
A.One B.Two C.Three. D.Four.
( )4.The thieves got the money by .
A.breaking the window B.opening the window
C.going through the front door D.using a gun
( )5.Jerry made a big mistake because he didn't .
A.wear his glasses B.know how to count(数数)
C.believe Gary D.take off his glasses
MOTO E6 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
1 D
2 D
3 B
4 A
5 A
ykyx001 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
Anyone may have abadday.Two young thieves were walking in the street -on a cold,dark winter evening together.
-Have the police caught the thieves____the bank last week?
-Have the police caught the thieves____the bank last week?
-Yes,they were caught yesterday.应该选什么A.that robbed,B.which robbed C.who have robbed .为什么?
xiongzangwen 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
A.that robbed
先行词是人作主语可以用who和that,时间状语是last week说明是一般过去时.
英语翻译Holidays are fun but they also give thieves a lot of opp
Holidays are fun but they also give thieves a lot of opportunities to steal things.Follow my advice and you sill be safe during the coming Christmas and New Year holidays.
Even though you mightbe busy shopping and buying gifts for your family and friends,always stay alert and be aware of what is going on around you.You never know when someone might be trying to steal something from your pockets or from your bag.You should never carry large amounts of cash.Pay with checks or credit cards whenever opssible.Always keep your purse close to your body and if you use a wallet,put it in the front pocket of your pants or in the inside pocket of your coat.In order to protect your car,make sure you park it in a well-lit area so people will notice if someone tries to break into it.Also,make sure you close the windows lock the car.It's a good idea not to leave packages or boxes in your car where a thief could see them.Look them in the trunk of the car.
It's also important to take care of your home during the holidays.Many people leave their homes and travel during the holidays.Thieves know this and are always looking for homes to steal things from.Therefore,always lock your doors and windows when you leave even if it is only for a few minutes.You can use special timers that make your lights turn on in the evening to make it look like there is someone at home.Also,make sure that cameras,computers or purses cannot be seen through the windows of your house.
Follow these rules and keep yourself safe from crime over the holidays.
fqraaaa 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
Holidays are fun but they also give thieves a lot of opportunities to steal things.Follow my advice and you sill be safe during the coming Christmas and New Year holidays.
Even though you might be busy shopping and buying gifts for your family and friends,always stay alert and be aware of what is going on around you.You never know when someone might be trying to steal something from your pockets or from your bag.You should never carry large amounts of cash.Pay with checks or credit cards whenever opssible.
Always keep your purse close to your body and if you use a wallet,put it in the front pocket of your pants or in the inside pocket of your coat.In order to protect your car,make sure you park it in a well-lit area so people will notice if someone tries to break into it.
Also,make sure you close the windows lock the car.It's a good idea not to leave packages or boxes in your car where a thief could see them.Look them in the trunk of the car.
It's also important to take care of your home during the holidays.Many people leave their homes and travel during the holidays.Thieves know this and are always looking for homes to steal things from.Therefore,always lock your doors and windows when you leave even if it is only for a few minutes.
You can use special timers that make your lights turn on in the evening to make it look like there is someone at home.Also,make sure that cameras,computers or purses cannot be seen through the windows of your house.
Follow these rules and keep yourself safe from crime over the holidays.
Don't___ ___ ___thieves,the police will help you
don't___ ___ ___thieves,the police will help you
4发 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
应填be afraid of (害怕)
His house was ( ) last night.Thieves broke in and stole seve
His house was ( ) last night.Thieves broke in and stole several valuable pictures.
为什么答案是填robbed 而不是stolen
sanbian24 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
从后问看贼损坏了很多东西 所以应该是抢而不是单纯的偷 所以用ro
he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a wait
he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car 变从句,急啊!
LIOTI 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
he saw that two thieves had rushed out of a shop and (had这个可以承前省))run towards a waiting car

The two thieves fled the town separately ,___a bag
The two thieves fled the town separately ,___a bag
A.each carrying B.whose that watch is C.whose watch is that D.whose watch is
3510751 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
Thieves_______jewellery worth over $ 10000 last night.A.stea
Thieves_______jewellery worth over $ 10000 last night.A.steal B.stole C.stolen 选哪个?为什么?
黛眉伤 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
即:Thieves stole jewellery worth over $ 10000 last night.
解析:因为这句话的时间状语是last night,明显的过去时间,所以谓语动词用过去式.
drove the bus straight at the thieves.这句话里的straight什么词性?修饰什么
drove the bus straight at the thieves.这句话里的straight什么词性?修饰什么的?高手进
飞舞在梦想里 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%

~~~~回答简明扼要,欢迎追问.(*^__^*) ~~~~
英语单选The world without thieves is a bery moving film.I it twi
英语单选The world without thieves is a bery moving film.I it twice already
英语单选The world without thieves is a bery moving film.I ()it twice already
will see
have been
小小飞牛 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
选择have seen
he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a wait
he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car .run为什么不用ing形式?
晶妞 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
I saw Li Ming playing basketball yesterday.
I saw Li Ming run into his classroom.
he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards waitin
he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards waiting car.这句话中 有三个动词 但是一个句子只能有一个动词做谓语 后面的有AND连接能理解 那前面的 SAW 和RUSH 是什么结构?
1楼的 我想知道为什么它不在RUSH前面加TO或着在SAW后面加THAT?
molotto 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards waiting car. 这句话中 有三个动词 但是一个句子只能有一个动词做谓语 后面的有AND连接能理解 那前面的 SAW 和RUSH 是什么结构?
see sb (to) do sth 看见某人做某事情.rush做see的宾语补足语
I heard Jean singing this morning.
句子中的Jean显然是宾语.但是主语I听到的并不是Jean,而是Jean singing.singing 是句子中的宾语补足语.它和宾语之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,也就是说从逻辑上来讲,是Jean执行了singing的动作.
I find learning English difficult.(difficult是形容词做宾补)
I saw the kite up and down. (up and down是副词做宾补)
Tom made the girl cry. (cry是省略不定式符号to的动词不定式)
see hear notice watch hear feel observe(感官动词)
make have let(使役动词)
"主+谓"结构: 句子由主语和谓语两部分构成,谓语动词是不及物动词.

如果宾语和宾补是逻辑上的动宾关系,则宾补须用过去分词形式.如:Jenny hopes that Mr.Smith wil suggest a good way to have her written English improved in a short period.
while my frident was reading in bed,two thieves climbed into
while my frident was reading in bed,two thieves climbed into his kitchen.
这里可以用现在完成时吗 had climbed into 可以吗
shayatou 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
不可以,这里while 引导的时间状语从句,表示主从句的动作是同时发生的,所以时态上应保持一致,都应该使用过去的时态.
而使用过去完成时,表示在床上读书之前就已经闯进了厨房.表达的意思与原句完全不同.而且和while 的从句时态矛盾
另外现在完成时是 have/has+过去分词
had climbed into 这是过去完成时.
Two thieves got out of the car和Two thieves got out the car有什
Two thieves got out of the car和Two thieves got out the car有什么不一样吗
Two thieves got out of the car

Two thieves got out the car有什么不一样吗
qzmz 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
get out 不能接宾语
they saw two thieves in the street.they were surprised.(合并一句
they saw two thieves in the street.they were surprised.(合并一句)
wangxiaojing 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率100%
They were surprised to see two thieves in the street.
They were surprised that they saw two thieves in the street.
Roy drove the bus___at the thieves.
Roy drove the bus___at the thieves.
A.directiy B.immediately once D.soon
为什么不能选b 请不要靠猜测回答问题~
光环qwer 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
friends are thieves of time
挪威的森林1974 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
Friend are thieves of time朋友是时间的窃贼
they find that thieves had taken almost everything away from
they find that thieves had taken almost everything away from their house
MR.White found his car ! He is very happy ,and he examined it carefully to see whether it had been broken,but found twoo tickets and a letter on one of its seats.The letter said:"We're very sorry.We took your car because we had all emergency(紧急情况)
Mr.White went to the movie in the evening and enjoyed himself.When he came back from the cinema, he found that thieves(小偷) had taken almost everything awagy from their house
现在有个选择题:Which of the following is true?
A Someone borrowed his car to do something important.
B The thieves made MR.White leave their house by giving them two tickets
现在问一个问题(上面不要了)feed 的过去式是什么?
我爱五子棋 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
feed 的过去式是fed.
朋友的价值Friends are thieves of time 作文
xiaofu1978 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
I think everyone needs friends. A friend is just like a soft wind, or rather a beautiful beam of sunshine. To be exact, he can give you many things you want. When you are happy, you can share your happiness with your friends; when you are not happy, your friends will also can to help you.Your friends may be of many different kinds. Some of them may play happily with you; some others may have a pleasant talk to you, and of course you may talk to some of them hear to hear. We can’t say which kind of friends we need most, as each kind is necessary.Once I got an old saying which goes like this: “Friends are thieves of time”。 I wondered. I couldn’t understand it exactly, as I thought it was a joke that friends had something to do with thieves. Then I asked my foreign teacher about it. She told me that was because someone thought everyone work most of the time, and friends might take up your time, so they were thieves of your time. I thought it was funny. I even wanted to ask them, “Don’t you think you are happy when you are staying with your friends? Isn’t happiness an important thing?”If one lives without friends, I can’t imagine his life in the world. And if one has good friends, even only one, I think he may be the luckiest one in the world.翻译我认为每个人需要朋友。 一位朋友很正直喜欢软的风, 或相当阳光的美丽光线。 到是精确的,他能给你你的许多事物。 当你很快乐的时候,你能与你的朋友分享你的快乐;当你不快乐的时候,你的朋友也将会将帮助你装于罐头。你的朋友可能是有许多不同的类型。 他们其中的一些可能快乐地和你玩;一些其它可能对你有愉快的谈话,而且当然你可能和他们其中的一些说话。 我们不能哪一类型的朋友我们需要大部分,如同每个类型是必需的一样。已经我得到了一个变相似这的旧叙述: "朋友是时间的小偷" 。我。 我不可以它完全地,如同我一样它是一个朋友与小偷有关的笑话。然后我向我的外国老师询问它。 她告诉我那是因为某人每个人操作大部份时间,而且朋友可能着手进行你的时间,因此,他们是你的时间小偷。我它是好笑的。 我更甚至他们,"当你正在你的朋友家逗留的时候 , 你不认为你很快乐吗? 快乐不是一件重要的事物吗?”如果一不需要朋友就能居住,我不能想像世界的他生活。 而且如果一有好朋友 , 平坦的唯一,我认为他可能是世界的一个最幸运的。
英语翻译Friends are thieves of time.The best mirror is an old fr
Friends are thieves of time.
The best mirror is an old friend.
If you can buy a person's friendship,it's not worth having.
True friends have hearts that beat as one.
xiefan 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
Steven and Alan were thieves.Eachday,the
Steven and Alan were thieves.Eachday,they looked for places to rob.One af_teroon,they waked by a clothes store.They could't believe it.In the window,there was a big pile of money.Next to the money was a sign.In said,"Big Discounts(打折)"
"What a great chance,"Alan said."We'll steal the money tongiht.""But boss……"Steven said as he looked cosely in the window."Quiet,we have to make a plan,"Alan said."Let's go."
At Alan's house,the thieves planned their crime(犯罪).Later that night,they returned to the store."Are you ready?"Alan aske Steven."Yes,boss,but……""Quiet,"Alan said."Let's get it start_ed.Now!"
Then,Steven broke the window with a metal pipe.Alan quickly put the money in a bag.The two thieves ran away.Back at Alan's house,they took the money out of the bag.
"Hey,"Alan said,"this money looks strane.""I tried to tell you nefore,"Steven said."You didn't wear your glasses today,right?""So what?""So,you didn't see the money cearly.I was trying to say the money is fake(假的)!""Fake?"
"Of course.No store would put real money in their windows.""Why not?"Aan asked.
"Because somebody might try to stea it,"Steven said.

Front door
finerain167 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
1.D.第二段:"But boss……"Steven said as he looked cosely in the window.
2.D.第一段Steven and Alan were thieves.Eachday,they looked for places to rob.One af_teroon,they waked by a clothes store.
4.A.第五段:Then,Steven broke the window with a metal pipe.
两道英语时态题1、These monkeys are such quick thieves that they ____
1、These monkeys are such quick thieves that they _______ your bananas when you realize what has happened.
A、will enjoy
B、are enjoying
C、have been enjoying
D、will be enjoying
2、In this experiment,they are wakened several times during the night ,and asked to report what they_______.
A、had just been dreaming
B、are just dreaming
C、just dreamt
D、have just been dreaming
ok06 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
句子的前半部分“These monkeys are such quick theives that”不是解题的关键 可以无视
主要看they ___________ your bananas when you realize what has happened.
首先排除掉的是C,因为just做状语的时候,谓语必须使用完成时态,必须和just now(过去时)区分开;
接着我们排除掉A.相信这也是许多学生会选择的答案.过去完成时表示的是“过去的过去”,动作发生于句子当中另外一个过去动作之前.但注意:句子另外一个动作are wakened是一般现在时,因此使用过去完成时太不恰当.
答案为D,have just been dreaming,现在完成进行时时态.现在完成进行时有两种意义:1.到说话的时候动作还在持续进行中,2.到说话时,持续了一段时间的动作正好结束.被实验的人被叫醒的时候,他们的梦刚刚结束,因此符合这种时态的第2个用法.故选B.
he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a wait
he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car,One of them was carrying a bag
这句话里面 为什么one of them_________a bag 要填 was carrying.难道不应该填过去式么
清风show 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
因为是当时拿着一个包,所以要用was carring.
完形填空 完型填空.每题2分) It is in Paris.One night two young thieves a
完形填空 完型填空.每题2分) It is in Paris.One night two young thieves are walking
red246 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
给文章啊 不给怎么写
When he (read)in bed,two thieves (climb)up into his house.动词
When he (read)in bed,two thieves (climb)up into his house.动词适当形式
阿克琉斯之踵 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率66.7%
When he (is reading )in bed,two thieves (climb)up into his house
或者 When he (was reading )in bed,two thieves (climbed)up into his house
One day,thieves might be easier to catch.Why?In the near fut
One day,thieves might be easier to catch.Why?In the near future,a face recognition system(面部识别系统)will start to w______ in China.The new system was i______by Professor Su Guangda og Tsinghua University.It can look t______ 2.56 million faces per second.To get the picture of a person's face,th system will have c______ in piblic places.It also can r______ pictures from mobile phones.The system checks the distance f______ of the eyes,how the cheekbones look,and so on.It often compares these features against a computer database of pictures to find a match.Even if a person's face is dirty,has make-up,or glasses are t______,the system still can recognize him or her.
cai_p 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
work istablished through caught read forms thick
. Don’t leave the window open—it’s ________ thieves to enter
. Don’t leave the window open—it’s ________ thieves to enter.
A.inviting B.advising C.persuading D.getting
zxx1001 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%

脑筋急转弯;which three letters are thieves most afraid of ?
怎么那么难注册 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
The answer to the riddle(谜底是):I C U.
原因:音同 I See You .我看见你了
Which four letters are thieves afraid of?
sm_bd00 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
小偷怕哪四个字母?我做过的,应该是3个.ICU(I SEE YOU)我看见你了
The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the thro
The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.什么意思?
訫訫缃咿 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
he noticed two thieves come out of a shop notice/come都是动词 怎么
he noticed two thieves come out of a shop notice/come都是动词 怎么一句话出现2个动词呢?还有see sb do/doing sth 也是一样 为什么有2个动词出现(see/do) xiexie
来自山东tyf 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
Two thieves got out of the car,of是作什么用的?
ytqj980 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
get out of...从...出来 (固定搭配).
Her father is a _____, so thieves don’t like him. [
Her father is a _____, so thieves don’t like him.
[ ]
A. doctor
B. reporter
C. bank clerk
D. policeman
我要干掉豆豆 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译贼一看见警察就逃跑了 Thieves______ ______as soon as they saw the p
贼一看见警察就逃跑了 Thieves______ ______as soon as they saw the policemen.2今天早晨他很累,起床很困难.He was tired this morning ,It was difficul to_____ ______ _______bed .
wangiang 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
an away
get out of
not everything
10.The police set a _______ to catch the thieves.
10.The police set a _______ to catch the thieves.
A.plan B.trap C.device D.trick
伤得很深 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
The goal of most thieves is to steal something.(句子中 while 跟
The goal of most thieves is to steal something.(句子中 while 跟 but
The goal of most thieves is to steal something valuable enough to be worth their while but obscure enough to sell in the legitimate art market.
haijing009 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
worth someone's while
but 这个不用解释了吧,转折词,但是,却,又,而且
英语翻译翻译Those thieves took the stolen cars apart and sold the
翻译Those thieves took the stolen cars apart and sold the parts和 they thought highly of our research in this field
554514296 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
有两个贼用英语表示Has two thieves对么?还是there are two thieves对?还是两个都对?
cctt5 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
by 10:00 ten thieves were caught,and half an hour later ? wa
by 10:00 ten thieves were caught,and half an hour later ? was caught
选项:the eleven / eleventh/ an eleventh / the eleventh
要解释 为什么
丑猫zz 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
an eleventh

因为这里带有“又一个” 的意思, 此时,序数词要和不定冠词a/ an 连用

He noticed two thieves ____ out of a shop.
He noticed two thieves ____ out of a shop. come B.come C.are coming coming
KD5411 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
因为 notice sb .do sth注意到某人做某事
He saw two thieves rush out of a shop这里为什么有俩个动词一个是saw另一个是rus
He saw two thieves rush out of a shop这里为什么有俩个动词一个是saw另一个是rush
lsopener 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
see sb do sth/see sb doing看见某人经常/正在做.
He noticed two thieves __ out of a shop.
He noticed two thieves __ out of a shop. come B.are coming C.come coming
为什么选C .noticed 是过去时,怎么用come一般现在时?
djw0423 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
notice sth是指注意到某人做了某事,强调结果;而 notice sb.doing sth指注意到某人正在做某事,强调正在进行.
He noticed two thieves come out of a shop.在这里怎么是用come呢?notic
He noticed two thieves come out of a shop.在这里怎么是用come呢?noticed不是过去式吗,后面可用一般式吗
冬至无晓 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
notice see hear watch 等的用法一样 后面可加原形和ing形式 加原形表示整个过程 ing 表示当时正在进行的动作
Steven and Alan were thieves.Eachday,the
Steven and Alan were thieves.Eachday,they looked for places to rob.One af_teroon,they waked by a clothes store.They could't believe it.In the window,there was a big pile of money.Next to the money was a sign.In said,"Big Discounts(打折)"
"What a great chance,"Alan said."We'll steal the money tongiht.""But boss……"Steven said as he looked cosely in the window."Quiet,we have to make a plan,"Alan said."Let's go."
At Alan's house,the thieves planned their crime(犯罪).Later that night,they returned to the store."Are you ready?"Alan aske Steven."Yes,boss,but……""Quiet,"Alan said."Let's get it start_ed.Now!"
Then,Steven broke the window with a metal pipe.Alan quickly put the money in a bag.The two thieves ran away.Back at Alan's house,they took the money out of the bag.
"Hey,"Alan said,"this money looks strane.""I tried to tell you nefore,"Steven said."You didn't wear your glasses today,right?""So what?""So,you didn't see the money cearly.I was trying to say the money is fake(假的)!""Fake?"
"Of course.No store would put real money in their windows.""Why not?"Aan asked.
"Because somebody might try to stea it,"Steven said.

Front door
abigdog 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B