weather是第三人称单数?为什么?不是只有he she it吗?

whw36862022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


luckgang 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
他是不可数名词,不可数名词,动词ing,不定式作主语时,谓语都是用单数的,这是主谓一致的知识概述  1) 语法形式上要一致,即用作主语的名词中心词和谓语动词在单、复数形式上一致 2) 意义上要一致,即主语和谓语的一致关系取决于主语的单、复数意义.3) 就近原则,即谓语动词的单复形式取决于最靠近它的词语,[编辑本段]典型例题  1 并列结构作主语时谓语用复数   Reading and writing are very important.   注意: 当主语由and连结时,如果它表示一个单一的概念,即指同一人或同一物时,谓语动词用单数,and 此时连接的两个词前只有一个冠词.   The iron and steel industry is very important to our life.   The League secretary and monitor ___ asked to make a speech at the meeting.   A. is B. was C. are D. were   答案B. 注: 先从时态上考虑.这是过去发生的事情应用过去时,先排除A.,C..本题易误选D,因为The League secretary and monitor 好象是两个人,但仔细辨别, monitor 前没有the,在英语中,当一人兼数职时只在第一个职务前加定冠词.后面的职务用and 相连.这样本题主语为一个人,所以应选B.   2 主谓一致中的靠近原则   当there be 句型的主语是一系列事物时,谓语应与最邻近的主语保持一致.   There is a pen, a knife and several books on the desk..   There are twenty boy-students and twenty-three girl-students in the class.   总的来说,在由not only…but also…, not just…but…, or, either…or…, neither…nor…连接主语的句子中及在there be句型中,谓语动词的单复数按就近原则处理,即按与谓语动词最靠近的那个主语来确定谓语动词的单复数形式.如:   Not only John but also I am going to Shanghai next week.    Either you or she is to go.   Here is a pen, a few envelops and some paper for you.   3 谓语动词与前面的主语一致   当主语后面跟有with, together with, like, except, but, no less than, as well as 等词引起的短语时,谓语动词与前面的主语一致.   The teacher together with some students is visiting the factory.   He as well as I wants to go boating.   4 谓语需用单数   1) 代词each和由every, some, no, any等构成的复合代词作主语,或主语中含有each, every, 谓语需用单数.   Each of us has a tape-recorder.   There is something wrong with my watch.   2) 当主语是一本书或一条格言时,谓语动词常用单数.   The Arabian Night is a book known to lovers of English.   是英语爱好者熟悉的一本好书.   3) 表示金钱,时间.距离.价格或度量衡的复合名词作主语时,通常把这些名词看作一个整体,谓语一般用单数.(用复数也可,意思不变.)   Three weeks was allowed for making the necessary preparations.   Ten yuan is enough.   5 指代意义决定谓语的单复数   1) 在代词what, which, who, none, some, any, more, most, all等词的单复数由其指代的词的单复数决定.   All is right. (一切顺利.)   All are present. (所有人都到齐了.)   2) 集体名词作主语时,谓语的数要根据主语的意思来决定.如family, audience, crew, crowd, class, company, committee等词后用复数形式时,意为这个集体中的各个成员,用单数时表示该个集体.   His family isn't very large. 他家不是一个大家庭.   His family are music lovers. 他的家人都是音乐爱好者.   但集合名词people, police, cattle, poultry(家禽).militia(民兵).vermin等在任何情况下都用复数形式.   Are there any police around   3)有些名词,如variety, number, population, proportion, majority 等有时看作单数,有时看作复数.   A number of +名词复数+复数动词.   The number of +名词单数+单数动词.   A number of books have lent out.   The majority of the students like English.   6 与后接名词或代词保持一致   1) 用half of, part of, most of, a portion of 等词引起主语时,动词通常与of后面的名词,代词保持一致.   Most of his money is spent on books.   Most of the students are taking an active part in sports.   2) 在一些短语,如 many a 或 more than one 所修饰的词作主语时,谓语动词多用单数形式.但由more than… of 作主语时,动词应与其后的名词或代词保持一致.   Many a person has read the novel. 许多人都读过这本书.   More than 60 percent of the students are from the city.百分之六十多的学生都来自这个城市.   主谓一致中的"表里不一"现象   和主语必须在人称和数上保持一致,最基本的原则是:单数主语用单数动词,复数主语用复数动词.但在实际使用当中情况比较复杂,现在学生常犯的主谓一致错误归纳整理如下   1,"more than one +名词"作主语时,谓语动词常用单数.例如:   More than one teacher gets the flowers. 不止一个教师得到了花.   2, "many a +名词"作主语时,从意义上看是复数,但谓语动词常用单数.例如:   Many a student has been sent to plant trees. 很多学生被派去植树.   3,"half of, the rest of, most of, all of及百分数或分数+of 等后接名词"作主语时,谓语动词形式根据of后的名词而定.例如:   Three fourths of the surface of the earth is covered with water.地球表面四分之三为水所覆盖.   4,all指人时,动词用复数;all指物时,动词用单数.例如:   "All are present and all is going well." 所有人全部到场了,一切进展顺利   5,what引导的主语从句,谓语动词可视表语而定:表语是单数名词时,动词用单数,相反,则用复数.例如:   What they want to get are a number of good books.他们想得到的是大量的好书.   6,and连接的两个单数名词前若用each,every,no修饰,该名词短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式.例如:   No book and no pen is found in the schoolbag.书包里没有书和钢笔.   7,当主语后面有as well as, with, along with, together with, but, like, rather than, except等引导的短语时,谓语动词要与最前面的主语保持一致.例如:   My father as well as his workmates has been to Beijing. 我父亲和他的同事曾去过北京.   8,each作主语的同位语时, 谓语动词由主语来决定,与each无关.例如:   They each have a bike. 他们每人有一辆自行车.   9,动词不定式,动词-ing形式短语作主语时,谓语动词常用单数.例如:   Going out for a walk after supper is a good habit.晚饭后出去散步是一个好习惯.   10,the following作主语时,谓语动词的数与后面名词的数保持一致.例如:   The following are good examples下面是一些好例子.   11,以-ics结尾的学科名词,如politics,physics,mathematics等作主语时,谓语动词用单数.以-s结尾的名词news, works, plastics等同属此类.例如:   Politics is now taught in all schools. 现在各学校都开设政治课.   当以-ics结尾的学科名词表示"学科"以外的意义时,用作复数,如:mathematics(运算能力)politics(政治观点)economics(经济意义)等   12,有些用来表示由两个对应部分组成一体的名词复数(trousers, glasses,shoes.shorts.scissors.scales等)作主语时,前面若有"一条","一副","一把"之类的单位词,动词用单数;若没有单位词或单位词是复数,则谓语动词用复数.例如:   The shoes are all right. 这些鞋子都很合适.   还有一些以-s结尾的名词通常用复数:arms(武器).clothes.contents.minites(记录).remains(遗体).thanks等   13,"one and a half +名词"作主语时,谓语动词要用单数.例如:   One and a half apples is left on the table. 桌子上有一个半苹果.   14,"One or two more +复数名词"作主语时,谓语动词用复数.例如:   One or two persons are sent there to help them do the work. 要派一两个人到那儿去给他们帮忙.   15,"one of+复数名词+ 定语从句"结构中,定语从句的谓语动词要用复数;而在"the only one of +复数名词+定语从句"的结构中,定语从句的谓语动词要用单数.例如:   He is one of the students who get there on time.他是准时到达那里的学生之一.   16,表示时间,距离,金钱等的复数名词作主语表达一个整体概念时,谓语动词常用单数,但若强调数量,谓语动词可用复数.例如:   One million dollars is a lot of money. 一百万美元是一大笔钱.   四、以-s结尾的名词作主语的主谓一致问题   英语可数名词的规则复数形式是在词尾加-s或-es,但是有一些以-s结尾的名词并不是可数名词.它们用法多样,造成了实际使用上的困难,以下详述了以-s结尾的名词作主语的主谓一致问题.   (一)以-s结尾的疾病名称作主语的主谓一致问题   (二)以-s结尾的游戏名称作主语的主谓一致问题   (三)以-s结尾的地理名称作主语的主谓一致问题   (四)以-ics结尾的学科名称作主语的主谓一致问题   (五)其它以-s结尾的名词的主谓一致问题   (一)以-s结尾的疾病名称作主语的主谓一致问题   以-s结尾的疾病名称作主语的主谓一致问题,如:arthritis,bronchitis,diabetes,mumps,phlebitis,rickets,这类以-s结尾的疾病名称作主语时,谓语动词通常用作单数.   例如:   Arthritis causes great pain in the joints of the patient.   (二)以-s结尾的游戏名称作主语的主谓一致问题   以-s结尾的游戏名称作主语时,谓语动词通常用作单数.   例如:   Darts is basically a easy game.   但当Darts,Marbles等的意义为游戏器具而非游戏名称时,谓语动词通常用作复数. 例如:   Three darts are thrown at each turn.   All nine skittles were brought down by the good throw.   (三)以-s结尾的地理名称作主语的主谓一致问题   某些以-s结尾的地理名称,如果是国名,如the United States,the Netherlands等,因其是单一政治实体,所以谓语动词用作单数. 例如:   The United States was hit by the Great Depression in 1930s'.   In early January 1996 the Netherlands was hit by its worst storm since 1976.   但如果是群岛、山脉、海峡、瀑布等地理名称作主语,谓语动词用作复数.例如:   The West Indies are commonly divided into two parts.   (四)以-ics结尾的学科名称作主语的主谓一致问题   某些以-ics结尾的学科名称作主语时,如physics,mathematics,mechanics, optics, acoustics, politics statistics, economics, linguistics, athletics等, 谓语动词通常用作单数. 例如:   The third world economics is promising.   Athletics is a required course for students of all grades.   但如果这类名词表示学科以外的其它含义,可作复数用. 例如:   Athletics have been greatly encouraged at this college.   (五)其它以-s结尾的名词的主谓一致问题   A.以-s结尾的由两部分组成的物体名称作主语   英语中有一些通常以-s结尾的由两部分组成的物体名词,如glasses, pincers,pliers,scissors, shorts,suspenders,trouse等


it's horrible weather改为反意疑问句
rqq1104 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
it's horrible weather,isn't it?
what weather do you like?怎么回答
what weather do you like?怎么回答
My wife Jane is a nurse and w_____in No.1 Hospital.
They like going s____________and buy things for us.
what weather do you like?为什么不能回答成l like rainy?为什么填________?
江南镜子 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
My wife Jane is a nurse and w_____in No.1 Hospital.
答:“my wife Jane”是主语,后面的is是指a nurse,and后的谓语根据主语来判断,用第三人称单数“works”。
They like going s____________and buy things fo...
He would rather sit there because of the hot weather(否定句) He
He would rather sit there because of the hot weather(否定句) He would()()sit there because of
鱼翅捞饭 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率80%
e would rather sit there because of the hot weather(否定句)
He would(rather)(not)sit there because of the hot weather
would rather do 的否定是would rather not do
英语翻译谷歌翻译是"Look at the terrible ghost weather" 总觉得语气不够强烈不够地道,
谷歌翻译是"Look at the terrible ghost weather" 总觉得语气不够强烈不够地道,请问能把damn这个词加进去吗?
576890 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
可以,look at the damned ghost weather 或者 look at the f**king damned bad weathe
how strange the weather is等于什么(感叹句)
chaishing 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率75%
What strange weather it is !
No one can change the weather. Nobody can control the weathe
No one can change the weather. Nobody can control the weather. But if we read correctly the signs around us, we can tell what the more important changes in the weather will be. This way of telling what the weather will be like on the following day or two is called weather forecasting.
For many centuries and in all countries, people have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecasting. Rings around the sun are a sign of coming rain. That many people feel their joints(关节) hurt is a sign of wet weather. Some birds fly high if fine weather is coming, but they fly near the ground if rainy or stormy weather is on the way . If you see a rainbow during rainy weather, this is a sign that the weather will become clear and fine. Such rainbows come in the evening. If the stars twinkle clearly at night, then fine weather will continue. If a fog appears in the morning just above a river, then the day will be warm. If the sunset is mostly red in colour, then the following day will be fine. If a rainbow appears in the morning, rainy weather will probably come.
Most of the above sayings have been made by the people who have used their eyes and brains to make weather forecasting.
小题1:Which of the following can be used here to replace(取代) the underlined phrase “on the way”?
A.away B.gone
C.disappearing D.coming
小题2:When you see the stars twinkle clearly at night, the weather will be_________.
A.warm B.rainy
C.clear and fine D.cold
小题3:Which of the following signs can tell the weather will probably be rainy?
A.A rainbow appears in the morning.
B.Some birds fly high.
C.The stars twinkle clearly at night.
D.Fogs appear in the morning just above a river.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Nobody can control the weather.
B.If the sunset is red in colour, then the next day will be fine.
C.If many people feel their joints hurt, it may be a sign of wet weather.
D.People only use their eyes and brains to make weather forecasting.
小题5:Which of the following sentences can suitable according to the passage?
A.活到老,学到老。 B.朝霞不出门,晚霞行千里。
C.早起的鸟儿捉虫多. D.一日之计在于晨。
3384033 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%

天空雄将 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
How long will the bad weather last?
请教翻译the weather this year has benn quiet mild.请问说这句话时今年过完没?另
the weather this year has benn quiet mild.
另外顺便请教一下诸如this year 这种时间副词在句子中的位置有没有什么讲究?
as9bf 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
今年没过完,因为现在完成时has + done表示到现在为止……,说明没完,另外,用了this year今年,过完了不可能再说今年了.
this year不是状语,而是修饰the weather的定语,单个词修饰名词放名词前,短语修饰名词则放名词后.“今年的天气……”
this year 确实还可以放句首或者句尾,但这样就变成做状语了.“今年,天气……”
The weather is our ____ ____ of ____.天气是我们最喜欢谈论的话题
wwwpzh 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
favorite subject discussion
What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow?同意句是什么?
律光森林 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
how do your think the weather will be like tomorrow?
The weather is cool and dry ( )
The weather is cool and dry ( )
The weather is cool and dry ( ) ( ).英语填空,求解,谢谢,给好评。
吸你血 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
The weather is cool and dry ( in ) ( winter ).
天气预测和股价的问题.The weather report says that a devastating and un
The weather report says that a devastating and unexpected freeze is expected to hit Florida tonight,during the peak of the citrus harvest.In an efficient market one would expect the price of Florida Orange's stock to
A.drop immediately
B.increase immediately
fzy790423 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率70.6%
If we go swimming tomorrow depends on the weather.为什么depend加
If we go swimming tomorrow depends on the weather.为什么depend加s啊.求回答
kellon 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
主语是If we go swimming tomorrow一整句话
HOW’s the weather in your village? (改为同义句) _______the weathe
HOW’s the weather in your village? (改为同义句) _______the weather ________ 求学霸,一定会采纳
soonnoos 共回答了5个问题 | 采纳率60%
What's like
“今天天气怎样”用英语怎么说?是what is the weather today?还是how is the weath
是what is the weather today?
还是how is the weather?
cnguouu 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
What's the weather like today?
What's the weather like in winter?It's _____(snow)划关键词,写出理由
renyi10 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率73.7%
snowing/snowy 下雪的
How is the weather there?同义句是什么?
ququqqu1978 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
What is the weather like there?
The weather in GuangZhou in summer is___than that in Beijing
The weather in GuangZhou in summer is___than that in Beijing.They're difderent.
A.hoter B.much hoter D.hottest
帮忙看看选哪个  ?!我混乱了 
ff头歪歪 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率
30._______ the day went on,the weather got worse.
30._______ the day went on,the weather got worse.
A.With B.Since C.While D.As
31.You’ll be late _______ you leave immediately.
A.unless B.until C.if D.or
32.A:What was the party like?
B:Wonderful!It’s years ______ I enjoyed myself so much.
A.after B.when C.before D.since
1.He often reads while he is eating.(during)
2.Unless he practices more,he won’t pass the driving test.(if)
3.Mary’s father has never spent money although he is a millionaire.(in spite of)
4.Mary was hurrying in order to catch the bus.(miss)
最爱总是最远最难 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
31.除非你马上离开,否则你就会迟到!unless “除非”的意思,是个否定意义的词!
32.It’s years since sb.done sth.是个固定搭配,一定要记得啊!
1.He often reads duing eating.
2.If he doesn't practice more,he won't pass the driving test.
3.Mary’s father has never spent money in spite of
a millionaire.
4.Mary was hurrying in order not to miss the bus.
the weather is cold .the weather is snowy.(用and将两句话连成一句话)
akeyxxxx 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
The weather is cold and snowy.
Nanjing ,in,how,there,weather,the,is连成一个句子
逍遥9公子 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
How is the weather there in Nanjing?南京的天气怎么样?这个there应该是like比较好.既然题目给there 只能这么连了
英语翻译The weather there is often changeable,sunny or rainy.No
The weather there is often changeable,sunny or rainy.No matter what weather it is,it’s very hot there.So sunglasses,a hat,an umbrella and a swimsuit are the necessary thingss you should take with you.There are many different kinds of activities there.You can go fishing,swimming,diving,and surfing every day,if you like.If you want to relax yourself quietly,you can stay on the white beach.The beach is very beautiful,and you can enjoy the sunlight on it.
I hope what I have written will be of some help to you.
veronica_s 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
What is the weather like today怎么回答
BenSim 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
It's sunny(阳光充足的)/windy(多风的)/snowy(下雪的)/cold(寒冷的)等等
________ the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday very much. A
________ the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday very much.
A.As the result of B.In spite of C.Because of D.According to
门与非blue 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%

考查固定短语。A由于…;B尽管…;C 由于…;D 根据…;根据句意可知:尽管天气不好,我们仍然非常享受我们的的假期。
( )fine weather!
( )fine weather!
A.What a B.How a C.How D.What
爱小翠的人 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
Considering the foggy weather, we can’t _____the possibility
Considering the foggy weather, we can’t _____the possibility of the train coming late again.
[ ]
A. predict
B. discount
C. decline
D. reserve
bill_wen 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
how was the weather和同义句的区别
how was the weather和同义句的区别
另一句what was the weather like there 什么区别啊
dewangmeishi 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率84%
How was the weather there
初二英语范文 my favorite weather 求 急用
tingyi64 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
my favorite weather
My favourite weather is sunny.Because it's warm and I can enjoy the sunshine.The sun is source of lighe and warm.No one could live without sun.The sun is beautiful and also powerful.We can go out and have a picnic on a sunny day.We can fly a kite on a sunny day.
So why not enjoy sunny days?
先飞的鸟 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
What is the weather like?天气如何?(= How is the weather?)
It is your turn to clean the classroom.轮到你打扫教室了
一道初一英语填空题,The weather here in summer is hot and (d )
pengpeng0215 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
The weather here in summer is hot and (dry 干燥 )
变成定语从句,写出所有变体a:July is the month.b:The weather is usually ho
a:July is the month.
b:The weather is usually hot then.
一听音乐台 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
July is the month when the weather is usually hot then.
July is the month in which the weather is usually hot then.
英语翻译多好的天气啊______________________ weather!
hattieyoyi 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
what good weather!
本文有无语法错误Yesterday,the weather was fine.My classmates and l w
Yesterday,the weather was fine.My classmates and l were met at our school gate.We wanted to help the old in the Health Nursing House.We are very excited.When we got to the house,the old were very happy.They talked about their past and chated with us happily.
In the afternoon,we helped the old to sweep the ground and map the floor.And then,we sang a song for the old and told some story.At last,we said goodbye to them at night.Yesterday is really unforgettful.A cat may look at a king.We should take care of the old very much.Do you agree with me?
maclin_lin 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Yesterday was fine, my classmates and i met at our school gate,in order to help the old in Health-care center,which made us so excited.When we arrived at the center,they were so happy that we chatted for a longer time about their past.
In the afternoon,we did some cleaning for them,told them stories as well as sang to dance for them.
At night,we said good-bye to the lovely old men.What's more,that day was really unforgetable for us.The old are weak,we should pay more attention to them,taking care of them,because we will also be the old in one day.Do you agree with me?
The clear sky p_____ fine weather tomorrow
chenliang077007 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
when the weather is clear and
在那片天空下 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
I think it - -(取决于)the weather.
I think it - -(取决于)the weather.
风过岚山 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
depends on
relies on
连词组句 like,what,the,Shantou,weather,is,in
连词组句 like,what,the,Shantou,weather,is,in
孙香香 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
What is the weather like in Shantou?
The weather in Shanghai _______ greatly in the early spring,
The weather in Shanghai _______ greatly in the early spring,doesn't it?(variety)说明为什么
爱玛 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
以weather 为题的英语小短文
以weather 为题的英语小短文
揭盘手88 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
Good morning!Here’s the weather report for some big cities across the world.Shenyang is sunny and warm.The high temperature will be 27.There’ll be beautiful sunshine in the day time.But the low temperature tonight will be 19.Please wear warm clothes at night when you go out … That’s the weather report for today.Thank you for listening .
sssaaa00125 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
可以用It's freezing cold.极寒冷.frozen通常指食物冷冻,人或身体部分冻僵,如The ground was frozen solid.地面冻得硬邦邦的.
【 】 the weather will get better.A.Maybe B.May be C.May
怎么不安 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
may be
The boy flew a kite in the park because the weather was wind
The boy flew a kite in the park because the weather was windy.一般疑问句和否定句.
MMWWLLLOVE 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
Did the boy fly a kite in the park because the weather was windy?
The boy didn't fly a kite in the park because the weather was windy.
The weather forecast warned of wind of up 60-miles-an hour t
The weather forecast warned of wind of up 60-miles-an hour today
两个of 分别包括什么,有这种用法吗?连着2个of有没有类似的例子,
warn of wind 于warn wind的区别
小薇子007 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
warn of是警告,固定搭配. 不能单独说warn,你后面要加内容,一定要加上of.除非用句子:warn that……
She is afraid of the dog of mine.
英语翻译外面的天气很好,令人很放松注意:是天气,我打错了我已经知道了:the weather outside are n
我已经知道了:the weather outside are nice,very relaxing
zgcaofeidian 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
The weather is good ,making people relaxed.
用he sunny does like not weather造句
我是鬼呀 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
He does not like sunny weather
I love ________ in autumn when the weather was good and cool
I love ________ in autumn when the weather was good and cool.
A. it B. one C. that D. this
oooljn 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
答案A 考查特殊句式.句译为:我喜欢秋天的天高气爽.it用于情感动词like,love,appreciate,hate等的宾语从句中,无意义,为特殊句式.查看原帖
英语谜题 What's the worst weather for mice?
独树风景 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
我的回答是下大雨When it's raining cats and dogs.
因为rain cats and dogs 字面意思是下猫和狗
the weather report ( ) it's going to rain tonorrow.
qli青青 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
单词排句in fall like the What’s weather is March to Spring from
in fall like the What’s weather
is March to Spring from May .
is Jinan in What season it in June
xxvito 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
1.What’s the weather like in fall 秋天天气怎么样
2.Spring is from March to May?从3月到5月是春天
3.What season is it in June in Jinan 济南的六月天气怎么样?