You rock .You rule 口语都可以表示你太棒了,你太牛了吗?表示对对方的称赞.

猪头咩蛋2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


free66 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%


中源一 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
I hope I can speak Eenglish as a native.(我希望我能象个地道的英语说话者) so that I can communicate with foreigners without any trouble when I am travelling abroad.No language problems will stop my tra...
英语作文 80字 复制死马 假如你叫Ann 非常想把英语学好 但进步缓慢 尤其是口语
英语作文 80字 复制死马 假如你叫Ann 非常想把英语学好 但进步缓慢 尤其是口语
英语作文 80字 复制死马
假如你叫Ann 非常想把英语学好 但进步缓慢 尤其是口语 经过认真思考之后 你决定发电子邮箱给《学生新报》的编辑 把自己的困惑告诉他们 希望得到他们的指点
你的困惑1.害怕在课堂上讲英语;2.在分组或派对活动时格外紧张 担心比别人差;3.碰到外宾时 更是害怕因错误而受到嘲笑
Dear Editor
i want to improve my English and i know that one of the best ways to learn English is to speak English as much a possible.but… 后面就自己写了 八十字 写了就给悬赏
zhaowei1002004 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
...but I don't think I'm quite ready with that.
The fact is that I'm afraid of speaking English during lessons. That's probably because I'm afraid of making stupid mistakes and get laughed at by everyone. And during role plays and parties related to speaking English, again I'm worried about my English level. When I meet foreigners, my fear is at its most. How hard it is to speak a word in English, when I'm so concerned about some mistakes being made fun of by them!
I would say, the crucial point of this whole English phobia is that I'm afraid of making mistakes.
I will appreciate that if I can be pointed to some sort of a direction by you people.
momoweini1120 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
my favorite sport、song、essay 之类的就行了吧
unforgettable experience也行
My hometown诸如此类
苍龙侠 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
I don't wanna lie.
老懒虫啦 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
Old Man Yu Moves the Mountains
Once upon a time,there were two mountains that stood right beside each other.The first was name,揟ai-Ying?and the second was named,揧ellow House.Both were over ten-thousand feet high,and together,they were four-hundred miles wide.
Facing the mountains lived Old Man Yu,who was over eighty-years-old and also known throughout the county for his foolishness.Every morning,as Old Man Yu walked to the village,his wife would shake her head as she saw him make yet another detour around the two mountains.As the years went by,he found it a great inconvenience to make these daily detours.So one day,Old Man Yu finally decided that the twin mountains would have to be moved.
He then called a family meeting and told his wife,sons,daughters,and their families of his intentions.揑 will move these two mountains,Old Man Yu cried,揳nd you will all help me do it!Old Man Yu抯 sons and grandsons thought it was a terrific idea.They cheered and gave him their undying support.Old Man Yu抯 wife sneered,揧ou are a foolish old man indeed!Just how would you go about moving two big mountains like Tai-Ying and Yellow-House?she continued,搉ever mind two mountains,I do not think you can even move two piles of cow-dung!And even if you could move the mountains,just where would you dispose of the dirt and rocks from the mountains?Huh?!she cried.
The old man thought for a moment,and without backing down answered her,揑 will throw out the dirt and rocks into a faraway place.I will throw them into the sea!Once again,Old Man Yu抯 sons and grandsons thought that it was a terrific idea to throw the dirt into the sea.They cheered a second time and pledged to him their dying support.Even the neighbouring widow抯 son named,Little Turnip Boy,gave the old man his support although he was only eight-years-old.
Off went Old Man Yu,his three sons,his many,countless grandsons,and Little Turnip Boy to work on removing Tai-Ying and Yellow House.It was such grueling work that in a year抯 time,Little Turnip Boy was only able to make one trip to the sea to dispose of the dirt and rocks.Nonetheless,no one lost their enthusiasm,as they all held steadfast to Old Man Yu抯 dream of having the two mountains removed.
Now on one of their trips to the sea,they met a man who lived along the Yellow River,who was known throughout the county for his cleverness and his arrogance.The clever man,who lived by the Yellow River mocked Old Man Yu saying,揧ou foolish old man!I have seen you,your three sons,your many,countless grandsons,and even Little Turnip Boy making trips to the sea to dispose of the dirt and rocks from the mountains.Do you think that you can actually remove two whole mountains?And look at you!You must be over ninety-years-old and closer to the grave as each day passes.How do you expect to move two mountains in your lifetime?
Old Man Yu looked upon the Yellow River Man with pity.揧ou are known throughout the entire country as a clever man.Yet,you are a man lacking in vision.Regarding this matter,even Little Turnip Boy has more wisdom than you.Old Man Yu continued,揧ou are correct in saying that I am an old man who is closer to the grave as each day passes.But I have three sons,and many,countless grandsons.In time,my grandsons will bear their own children,who,in turn,will bear even more children.So in time,my dream of removing these two mountains will become a reality.As each day passes,my dream can only increase,as these two mountains can only decrease.
One of the hottest topics arousing general concern is whether college students should deal with stocks.Please state your own opinions on it.
emu6616 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
in my opinion,college students shouldn't deal with stocks.1,you have to spend a lot of time paying attention to your stocks,so it will affect your study.
2,you have to spend much money on your stocks,which is not easy for a sthdent to get so much money if their family is not rich enough
3,If you lost your stocks,you will feel upset for a long time,then you will have no mood to study
lin15607 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
cf菲雪 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
To communicate well with people,which is more important,knowledge about other cultures or speaking English well?
鸬鹚1120 共回答了33个问题 | 采纳率78.8%
To communicate well with people, which is more important, knowledge about other cultures or speaking English well?
A:Which do you think is more important in communicating with other people? knowledge about other cultures or English ability?
B: Personally speaking, to communicate well, culture is more important to be concerned. Because different people from all over the world have different traditions. They have their own gestures and social rules.
A: That's right. But from my point of view, we have to master basic English communication ability first. Great language knowlege helps us to overcome our shyness and embarass. Without knowlege skills, we don't even know how to talk, isnt it?
B: I agree with you. They are both fairly important if we want to communicate well with people.
_utc_y5c5af4e_d3 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
London is a wonderful city. It is very large. The Thames River(泰晤士河)runs through the city from west to the east. So the city has two parts: the South and the North. In the North are important buildings, shops and interesting places.
The weather in London is good. In winter it is not very cold and in summer it is not very hot because the city is near the sea. People say that London is a foggy city and it often rains. It is true.
Last year when I was in London, I met one of the thickest fogs in years. You could hardly see your hand in front of your face. Cars and buses moved along with their lights on when evening fell, the weather got even worse. The fog was as thick as milk. So the buses and cars stopped.
ghost鬼 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
1.Good morning boys and girls. your book to page xx. your hands please.
4.follow me/read after me.
5.spell ( teacher t-e-a-c-h-e-r teacher)
6.check your answer.
7.Do you have any questions? me your homework/picture.
9.let me see your exercise books now
10.speak louder and repeat.
11.look at the blackboard.
12.I say words,and you spell it.
13.look at me do action,and you guess it.
15.triangle"one two begin".
very good!Ecactly,completely correct;you're right;good answer;wonderful;excellent.
sorry,i don't think you're right.
I don't think so.
yy家也没余粮阿 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
Living in the present
“Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is mystery.Today is a gift.That’s why it’s called present.” Who put it so?I’m not sure,nor do I care,but I do like it.Why?Because I’ve tasted the real flavor of the saying through my own experience.
Back to the first days I entered my college,I was more sad and lost than excited.Seeing so many of my former classmates enrolled in famous high schools,I was much distressed and down-hearted.I kept thinking of the past days when at junior high school.How I regretted the time I wasted that I should have studied.But it was only too late.Life and future are not easy for a vocational graduate in the present society.
I am delighted that now I have tided over the river.I know it is useless and futile to dwell on the past.The past is past,it is dead,and it is not healthy for us to linger over it.We should live in the present instead of past.
Tomorrow is mystery.It is also useless and futile to worry about the future.As many of the things remains unpredictable or unable to control.And this kind of unpreventable future things can really ruin our lives if we worry too much about them.There is nothing we can do except living well in the present.
To live in the present,we should learn to cherish the gift given by God.This very gift is to the time today.We must fully awake that our time at school is more precious than any other period of our life,because it is the golden period for us to acquire knowledge and develop ourselves.If we allow these morning hours of life to slip away,we shall never be able to make up for the loss.But if we use them properly,they will yield us innumerable advantages.In this increasingly fast changing world where competitions are everywhere,time definitely means opportunity and success.What we can or should do is to make every day count.
We are alive,let us live.We have the ability to experience,let us experience.We have the ability to learn,let us learn.The meaning of life can be grasped in a moment.A moment so brief it often evades our perception.
The great leader Chairman Mao once wrote,“So many deeds cry out to be done,and always urgently.The world rolls on,time presses.Ten thousand years are too long,seize the hour,and seize the day!” Let us remember the famous remarks and live in the present.
Thank you.
美国警察常用口语比如抓犯人时:hands up 和行动时:move!move!/go!go!go/let‘s get o
比如抓犯人时:hands up 和行动时:move!move!/go!go!go/let‘s get out here!等.还有哪些?
yandu_love 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
(2)You are under arrest!你被捕了!
(3)I am taking you in.你被捕了!
(4)Hands up!把手举起来!
(5)Put your hands up!/Put you hands in the air.把手举起来!
(6)Put your hands on your head!把手靠在脑袋上!
(7)Take your hands out of your pockets slowly.把手慢慢从口袋里拿出来.
(8)Turn around slowly!慢慢转过身来!
(9)Break it up,guys.(informal) 别打了!(或住手!)
(10)You have the right to keep silent.你有权利保持沉默.
(11)Tell it to a lawyer.你跟律师说吧.
Tell it to the judge.你跟法官说吧.
(12)I don’t care who you are.我才不管你是谁呢!
(13) Don’t move!Get down on the floor.别动!趴到地上!
(14) Stay right where you are!站住别动!
(15) Drop the gun,or I’ll shoot.扔掉枪,不然我就开火了.
(16) Spread’em.分开四肢.
(17) Get in the car.上车.
(18) Put the car over to the side of the road.把车停到路边.
(19)Let’s me see your driver’s license.给我看一下你的驾驶执照.
(20)Give yourself up,there is no escape.投降吧,你已经无路可逃了.
newbright 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
melovehuina 共回答了30个问题 | 采纳率90%
come on!
耳熟吧,旺仔广告里的come on~babe~ 其实挺常用呢,我就发现外国人常常冒出这一句来,但场合不同,意思也不一样哦:
1)Come on,let's get going!快点,我们走吧!
2)Come on,you can do it!加油,你能行!
3)Come on,don't be so cynical!得了吧/算了吧,别这么讽刺.
go shopping 的口语对话要12分钟
央金藏药 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
顺便提一下 我现在学的ABC夭下口语的导师才和我提过 事实上想将英语学好是不难的!一定具有符合的研习空间和实习口语对象 外教水平很重要,口语标准非常重要,坚持经常口语练习 1对1针对性教学就有.好.的学习成果~课程结束后仍要复习听取课堂录音档,来进一步深化知识~实在是真的无对象可练习的情况,最好能去听力室或BBC获取课余教材阅读,多问多听很快的口语能力就提升起来,学习效益是必定快速显着的.Sales Assoc: , are you being helped? Karen: No, I'm not. I'm interested in some scarves. Sales Assoc: All our scarves are in ts section. What do you tnk of ts one here? It's made of silk. Karen: Hm, it looks nice, but I'd like to have sometng warm for the winter. Sales Assoc: Maybe you would like a heavy wool scarf. How about ts one? Karen: I tnk that's what I want. How much is it? Sales Assoc: It's...seventy-five dollars plus tax. Karen: It's a little expensive. Do you tnk it's possible to get a discount? Sales Assoc: Hm, since you like it so much, how about a 10 percent discount. That's the best I can offer. Karen: That's good. Could you wrap it up for me? Sales Assoc: Sure. Is there anytng else I can get for you? Karen: No, that should be it. Thank you.
英文口语中读法问题s和th 连读时,应该怎样读?例如,As the;strikes three都读的话觉得舌头绕不过来,
s和th 连读时,应该怎样读?
例如,As the;strikes three
流浪炫篮 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率72.2%
本人英文不好,我朋友说你很(欢寻) 英文口语发音(欢寻)
绿叶缘 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
fashion 时尚
那校内网是翻译成INER SCHOOL.
ppman 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
网站:Website,Web Site,Site 网络服务商:net,network operations and service centers 校内网 建议为:School/College/Campus Intranet/Network 开心网,the Website of Kaixinwang,etc...
Topic 1:personality and career
Directions: You and your partner are talking about personality and career. Your conversation may include: what personality traits you have; what occupation you want to take in the future and why; what personality traits are important for the success of career and why; what different personality traits are needed for different occupations, etc.
Topic 3: Language
Directions: You and your partner are discussing language. Your conversation may include: what functions of language are; what different language you can speak and you language proficiency; what different forms language takes, how to interpret different body languages, etc.
zuoyongli 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
uu的心 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率80%
one thousand and forty-eight
3165:three thousand one hundred and sixty-five
2008:two thousand and eight
10007:ten thousand and seven
do u think sleep is an important way to relax 这是一个雅思口语的问题,我应
do u think sleep is an important way to relax 这是一个雅思口语的问题,我应该怎么回答?20S 以内的答
describe a day which you spent away from your work and study to relax?(where you spent your free time,with whom why you think it was the relaxing time?)
娴娴乐 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
of course,anything bothered me would disappear after my waking up.
sleeping can also relax my mind to help me having a smooth emotion.
ZR_KILLER 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
1. How is college different to high school?
2. Have you ever had, or would you like to have, a pet?
3. How does your family usually celebrate Chinese New Year?
4. Have computers improved our lives?
5. What motivates you to study ?
6. What do you like about China ?
7. Would you like to own a car ? Why or why not ?
8. In your opinion, what qualities are important in a friend?
9. Should rich people help poor people ?
10. Who was your favourite teacher in high school, and why ?
11. When did you last go on a holiday? What was it like ?
balanling 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
1.A college has more students than a high school.
2.Yes, I have ever had a pet.
3.We usually visit our relatives.
4.Yes, computers have improved our lives.
5.A longing for knowledge
Modern People’s Life Burden
Situation: student A and B are talking about life burdens in the current society, and they agree that
people, especially young people, bear heavy burdens.
Student A: talk about the burdens people bear, give examples; the advantages of having burdens,
say, can develop all-round abilities; keep improving life quality; discuss the ways to keep mental
and psychological health.

Student B: also talk about the examples of burdens; the disadvantages of burdens, say, suffer from
physical and psychological illness; do harm to social security, etc; discuss the ways to keep mental
and psychological health.
aihd1984 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
小蕊爱亚泰 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
destiny is destiny,importunity is no need.
谁的英语比较好的 急用!我叫杨 我来自高二(4)班 我热爱英语 因而更有兴趣参加英语俱乐部 我认为 它能锻炼我的口语 能
谁的英语比较好的 急用!
我叫杨 我来自高二(4)班 我热爱英语 因而更有兴趣参加英语俱乐部 我认为 它能锻炼我的口语 能培养我的写作能力等 我不会后悔来参加这次的面试 希望大家也能给我这次让我留在俱乐部 我一定会好好努力的
给我 标点符号好不好啊
面包熊 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
Hi,everybody,I am Yang,from Class Four,Grade Two.I love English,so I am very interested in joining the English Club.In my opinion,this program can strengthen my spoken English and improve my English writing skill.I will not regret having a interview here,and I hope you can give me an opportunity to let me in.I'll try my best.Thank you very much.
谁的英语比较好的 我叫杨 我来自高二(4)班 我热爱英语 因而更有兴趣参加英语俱乐部 我认为 它能锻炼我的口语 能培养我
我叫杨 我来自高二(4)班 我热爱英语 因而更有兴趣参加英语俱乐部 我认为 它能锻炼我的口语 能培养我的写作能力等 我不会后悔来参加这次的面试 希望大家也能给我这次让我留在俱乐部 我一定会好好努力的
tigergh 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
My name is Yang,I am a senior student from Class 4.I love English and I am interested to join this English learning club.I believe it will help me improve my spoken English as well as in written.I will never regret to participate in this interview.I hope I can stay in this club.I will do my best,thank you.
hermes520 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率69.2%
3精益求精,写文章时不断揣摩,修改,宁可写好一篇,不能随意写10篇.最好找专业士 咨询一下,进行指导.
问些很口语话的东西我休息会 怎么说顺便教我些很口语的小句子.中式英语就别来了.怕丢人.
雞蛋炒西紅柿 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
let me have a rest.
it's up to you.
Don't count on me.
一、please tell at lest 5 kind of movie styles and introdule one of your farorite movies.
二、please tell at lest 5foreign holidays and introduce one of your favorite foreign holidays.
三、do youlike traveling?which country will you choose as your dream destination when you plan to travel?why?
四、american TV series are so popular in china.talking about the difference between chinese TV series and american TV series.
五、the summer holiday is around the corner,and do you have any for the coming holiday?
日月流年 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
I likve love movies,mysterious movies,comedy movies,dramas,family movies,science fiction movies,action movies,history moivies,horror movies and so on.I think adventure plus action is my favourite kind of movie.Because I like to watch them for the stunts and fight choreography.Also,I think people need excitement.
Easter,mother's day,father's day,Valentine's Day,Christmas.I like Valentine's Day best,because Valentine's Day is your chance to finally tell someone close to you how much you love them.Or it's your chance to reinforce that love through a special act or a few heartfelt words.
Yes,I like travelling.If I am planning for a travel,I will choose Egpyt to go.Because I've been long facinated by the ancient Egpytian history.I want to see the pyamids and the Kings' Valley.Also,I'd like to have a cruise in the red sea.

the teacher was late the train was train这用口语都是用was过去式吗?
the teacher was late the train was train这用口语都是用was过去式吗?
the teacher was late ......the train was train这说什么人什么车迟the sb/sth was late过去式吗?没有the sb/sth is late?
有时候真没意思 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
请用口语的形式将下面句子的意思表达出来.我身体平安,唯脖子疼痛厉害,举箸提笔,诸多不便,大约大去之期不远矣.口语表述:( )
糖糖过家家 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
请教英语电影中“时间不多了”口语怎么说的?好像就两个单词,听着发音像take clock之类的.
请教英语电影中“时间不多了”口语怎么说的?好像就两个单词,听着发音像take clock之类的.
hy_lm 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
是说 tick tock 吧.那是指钟表走的声音,也可以表示时间快没了.
这句英语的结构是怎样的?看书,看到一句比较口语的话,但是结构有点混乱,请高手指点“Eating out isn't.if
看书,看到一句比较口语的话,但是结构有点混乱,请高手指点“Eating out isn't.if you're traveling in a foreign country,that is "书中翻译是:但是在国外旅游点餐可能有点麻烦.
独伴梨花 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
“Eating out”是主语,“isn't”是谓语,"if you're traveling in a foreign country”是条件状语从句,是复合句,主要结构是:主+谓+宾+从句.
英语口语 听voa的时候发现native读的时候经常一个句子里一个词不会完整发音 以前也听说过这个
英语口语 听voa的时候发现native读的时候经常一个句子里一个词不会完整发音 以前也听说过这个
听voa的时候发现native读的时候经常一个句子里一个词不会完整发音 以前也听说过这个是叫吞吐音还是什么音的 有这方面的总结吗?
享受__生活 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
对,/d/ /t/ /k/ /g/ /b/ /p/ 为结尾的单词后接辅音时,吞/d/等音
另外/d/ /t/ /k/ /g/ /b/ /p/作句子结尾,也吞音
比如最常见的 oh,my god 其实最后一个d是不发音的
楼主是来搞笑的 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
没有 背单词 才是学还英语最好的办法
飘飘82 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
1.Excellent in expressing,communicating,writing and computer.
2.Excellent in oral English.
3.Remarkable character:careful,patient,willing and good at dealling with complex issues.
英语口语考试对话两分钟 急主题是关于美国最好玩的节日(圣诞节或万圣节)对话形式两个人 每人大概说一分钟 共两分钟
agan513 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
A:Do you know the most interesting festival in America?
B:Um...Let me see...I don't know.Could you tell me?
A:I think it is Christmas Day.
B:Why do you think so?
A:Because I can see Christmas Father on that day.And I can get a gift nfrom him if I hang a stocking on my bed.Isn't it interesting?
B:Oh,yes ,yes.It is interesting.But you know the gift is given by their parents .
A:Yes,I know.But their parents are so kind.They do it on that day every year.
B:Yes,maybe they think it is their jobs and maybe they like doing it.
A:Maybe they think so.
在传统美国口语中what's up
woszhongyuhe 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
打招呼 就像 嗨 怎么了?一系列的.
请问各位有学之士这句英语口语怎么翻译啊"how can you not me "
xionghao1003 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
tttaco 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
coffee bought in south korea, tasts a little bit sou
mei_mei 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
i like to play basketball,would you tell me where is the basketball court
bec 口语的presentation那部分题目是
bec 口语的presentation那部分题目是
zhenxingfu 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
口试一共分3部分啊 第1部分是老师问你问题
第2部分是抽到一个话题 自己讲一段话 然后你的PARTANTER 问你一个相关问题
第3部分是一个对话 是你跟你的搭档就一个话题讨论
我不知道你说的是初级 中级 还是高级
这不是误会(三字口语)急A 有意见 B 没意见
mnemosyne6 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
me too more...如何翻译更准确?还是这只是单纯口语的说法?
雨里来 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
翻译成“对我来说太多了...”应该符合语境,在美剧《吸血鬼日记》中,曾出现过,应该是口语吧.把全局补充完整,应该是“It's too more for me .”
英文翻译 自古圣贤皆寂寞如题大家翻译的都有点差强人意啊,有没有地道的英文版啊。就像“我不信他”口语是“I don't b
英文翻译 自古圣贤皆寂寞
大家翻译的都有点差强人意啊,有没有地道的英文版啊。就像“我不信他”口语是“I don't buy it”而不是“I don't belieave it”
yyranhai 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
Sages are lonely
自古这里不必要照字面翻译,自古就是说什么时候都是这样 那就直接说 sages are lonely就行了 就好像我们说 things happen(什么事都会发生)就不用强调任何时候任何事情.
另外 saint 主要指基督教里面的圣徒 这里的圣贤应该是指圣人 或者学者之类 应该说sage
浪妓tt 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率76.2%
I always pratise english grammer with my classmates at the english corner in the classroom Firday afternoon.
必须说 用英语怎么讲比如我问某人一个问题然后he不肯回答我说:“必须说。” 没有那种口语点的吗?
kyml 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
Say it