La commedia e finita是意大利文吗,如果是的话具体是什么意思

adas9492022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


紫陌ee 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
是意大利语 确切的写法是 la commedia è finita
la commedia 喜剧 (la是定冠词 用于阴性单数的名词前)
è finita(喜剧)结束了


英语翻译神曲(Commedia,Divine Comedy),欧洲古典四大名著之一.意大利诗人阿利盖利·但丁(Dante
神曲(Commedia,Divine Comedy),欧洲古典四大名著之一.意大利诗人阿利盖利·但丁(Dante Alighieri,公元1265-公元1321)的长诗.写于1307年至1321年,这部作品通过作者与地狱、炼狱及天堂中各种著名人物的对话,反映出中古文化领域的成就和一些重大的问题,带有“百科全书”性质,从中也可隐约窥见文艺复兴时期人文主义思想的曙光.在这部长达一万四千余行的史诗中,但丁坚决反对中世纪的蒙昧主义,表达了执着地追求真理的思想,对欧洲后世的诗歌创作有极其深远的影响.但丁·阿利基埃里以第一人称记述自己35岁时.误入一座黑暗的森林(象征罪恶).他竭力寻找走出迷津的道路,黎明时分来到一座洒满阳光的小山脚下.但此时有三只猛兽拦住去路,一只母狼(象征贪欲),一只狮子(象征野心),一只豹(象征逸乐).他在呼救时出现了古罗马诗人维吉尔的灵魂,对他说:“你不能战胜这三只野兽,我指示你另一条路径”.带领他穿过地狱、炼狱,然后把他交给当年但丁·阿利基埃里单相思暗恋的情人贝阿特丽切的灵魂,带他游历天堂,一直到见到上帝.
是谁呀 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率73.9%
神曲(Commedia, Divine Comedy),欧洲古典四大名著之一.意大利诗人阿利盖利·但丁(Dante Alighieri, 公元1265-公元1321)的长诗.写于1307年至1321年,这部作品通过作者与地狱、炼狱及天堂中各种著名人物的对话,反映出中古文化领域的成就和一些重大的问题,带有“百科全书”性质,从中也可隐约窥见文艺复兴时期人文主义思想的曙光.
Divine Comedy is one of the four great European classical works. It is an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). The poem was written between 1307 and 1321, through the dialogues between the poet and the various renowned characters in Hell, Purgatory and Paradise, the work reflects the achievements in the field of medieval culture and some major issues; it has the nature of an “Encyclopedia”, from which the first sign of humanism in the Renaissance can be glimpsed.

In this epic poem of 14,233 lines, Dante is adamantly against the obscurantism of the middle ages and he expresses his thought of the persistent pursuit of truth; this has a far reaching impact on the poetic creativity of later European generations. The poem is written in the first person and Dante is thirty-five years old; he is lost in a dark wood (symbolizing sin), and desperately searching for a right way, he finally reaches at the foot of a hill full of sunlight.

But he is assailed by three beasts, a she-wolf (symbolizing avarice), a lion (symbolizing ambition) and a leopard (symbolizing self-indulgence). When he is screaming for help, the soul of ancient Roman poet, Virgil tells him,” You cannot beat these three beasts; let me show you another way.” He leads Dante through Hell, Purgatory, and then hands him over to the soul of Beatrice, an unrequited lover of Dante, and she guides him through the various structures of Heaven until Dante meets the Triune God.

Divina Commedia怎么读?是什么文字?
Divina Commedia怎么读?是什么文字?

scl600 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
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