
一切赞颂全归椰帝2022-10-04 11:39:543条回答


小厨 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
take a walk in Central Park
空念_0591 共回答了60个问题 | 采纳率
have a walk in the central park
XH桃花依旧 共回答了7个问题 | 采纳率
Go to the Cntral Park for a walk.


A.原核生物,有成形的细胞核 B.真核生物,无成形的细胞核 C.原核生物,无成形的细胞核 D.真核生物,有成形的细胞核
wang3758 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
The Central Park is ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ on weekends.
Monday is my mother's ____ ____ in a week.
I think they are ____ the thing ____.
I think Wang Lei is ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ in our class.
That is all ____ ____ you.
天YA飞天猪 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
The Central Park is _the_ _best_ _place_ _to_ __go__ ____ on weekends.
Monday is my mother's __busiest__ __day__ in a week.
I think they are __making/cooking__ the thing __up__.
I think Wang Lei is _one_ _of_ _the_ _most_ _talented/gifted_ _students_ in our class.
That is all _up_ _to_ you.
姜太公JJ 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
1.the perfect place for playing soccer
2.flying kite in centre park
3.write to one's pen-friend
哭着招人 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
I went to centre park with my friends today,and we were all had fun time.
highhander 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%



本题考点: 根据方向和距离确定物体的位置;路线图.

考点点评: 本题主要考查方向的辨别,注意找准观察点掌握基本方位.

fzn_1981 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率70%
go straight along Shengli Road,turn right at the second turnign,go across central Park,go down Kaizhou Road,take the first turning on the right,then you can get to People's Hospital.我本人就教初一go for it这本教材.
ywwxf 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
Minus45Degree 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
My name Li Hua, My group of students agreed on 9:00 Sunday gathering of small trees in the city park, would like to invite our foreign English teacher Sally, told her to Central Park to find our.
英语翻译中心公园是周末可去的最好地方Central Park is ______ ______ ______  ____
Central Park is ______ ______ ______  ______ ______ _____ on weekends
车游四海 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
the best place to go to
师欲共 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
The History of Central Park New York
Written by Sarah Waxman
New York's Central Park is the first urban landscaped park in the United States.Originally conceived in the salons of wealthy New Yorkers in the early 1850's,the park project spanned more than a decade and cost the city ten million dollars.The purpose was to refute the European view that Americans lacked a sense of civic duty and appreciation for cultural refinement and instead possessed an unhealthy and individualistic materialism that precluded interest in the common good.The bruised egos of New York high society envisioned a sweeping pastoral landscape,among which the wealthy could parade in their carriages,socialize,and "be seen," and in which the poor could benefit from clean air and uplifting recreation without lifting the bottle.
The Creation of "a Central Park"
After years of debate over the location,the park's construction finally began in 1857,based on the winner of a park design contest,the "Greensward Plan," of Frederick Law Olmsted,the park superintendent,and Calvert Vaux,an architect.Using the power of eminent domain,the city acquired 840 acres located in the center of Manhattan,spanning two and a half miles from 59th Street to 106th Street (in 1863 the park was extended north to 110th Street) and half a mile from Fifth Avenue to Eighth Avenue.In the process,a population of about 1,600 people who had been living in the rocky,swampy terrain--some as legitimate renters and others as squatters--were evicted; included in this sweep were a convent and school,bone-boiling plants,and the residents of Seneca Village,an African-American settlement of about 270 people which boasted a school and three churches.The members of AME Zion,Seneca Village's most prominent church,were scattered throughout the city,their community destroyed.Though the city did compensate the landowners with an average of $700 per lot of land,many residents estimated this far below the value of their property,which,despite the (until then) undesirable topography,contained their homes,their history,and their livelihoods.
The Vision
Chosen by the city and the park planners because its terrain was unsuitable for commercial building,the site for the new park offered rocky vistas,swamps which would be converted into lakes,and the old city reservoir.These varied elements would be refined,enhanced,diminished,and eradicated to create a park in the style of European public grounds,with an uncorrupted countryside appearance.To this end,Olmsted and Vaux's plan included four transverse roads to carry crosstown traffic below the park level.Architectural structures were to be kept to a minimum--only four buildings existed in the original plans for the park--and the design and building material of the bridges were chosen to assure that they were integrated as naturally as possible into their surrounding landscapes.
Building Central Park
Thousands of Irish,German,and New England-area laborers toiled ten-hour days under the direction of architect-in-chief and head foreman Olmsted for between a dollar and a dollar fifty per day.In the winter of 1858,the park's first area was opened to the public; December of that same year saw New Yorkers skating on the twenty-acre lake south of the Ramble.The final stages of the park's construction began in 1863,with the landscaping and building of the newly acquired area from 106th to 110th Streets.Due to budget constraints and the tight financial control that Andrew Green,the new comptroller,exercised,the area was less laboriously and meticulously designed,giving it a more untamed appearance.
The Park of the Wealthy
In the first decade of the park's completion,it became clear for whom it was built.Located too far uptown to be within walking distance for the city's working class population,the park was a distant oasis to them.Trainfare represented a greater expenditure than most of the workers could afford,and in the 1860s the park remained the playground of the wealthy; the afternoons saw the park's paths crowded with the luxurious carriages that were the status symbol of the day.Women socialized there in the afternoons and on weekends their husbands would join them for concerts or carriage rides.Saturday afternoon concerts attracted middle-class audiences as well,but the six-day work week precluded attendance by the working class population of the city.As a result,workers comprised but a fraction of the visitors to the park until the late nineteenth century,when they launched a successful campaign to hold concerts on Sundays as well.
The Park of the People
As the city and the park moved into the twentieth century,the lower reservoir was drained and turned into the Great Lawn.The first playground,complete with jungle gyms and slides,was installed in the park in 1926,despite opposition by conservationists,who argued that the park was intended as a countryside escape for urban dwellers.The playground,used mostly by the children of middle and working class parents,was a great success; by the 1940s,under the direction of parks commissioner Robert Moses,Central Park was home to more than twenty playgrounds.As the park became less and less an elite oasis and escape,and was shaped more and more by the needs of the growing population of New York City,its uses evolved and expanded; by the middle of the century,ball clubs were allowed to play in the park,and the "Please Keep of the Grass" signs which had dotted the lush meadows of the park were a thing of the past.
Central Park Today
In the sixties and seventies the park's maintenance entered a decline; despite its growing use for concerts and rallies,clean-up,planting,and general maintenance fell by the wayside.A 1976 evaluation by Columbia University found many parts of the park in sad disrepair,from the low stone wall which surrounded it to the drainage system that kept the transverses from flooding.During the early 1980s there was a massive attempt to involve New Yorkers in the upkeep of their beloved park,including the "You Gotta Have a Park" campaign and the formation of a private fundraising body,the Central Park Conservancy to fund repairs projects.Today,as the major site of most New Yorkers' recreation,the park hosts millions of visitors yearly engaging in such activities as roller blading,fine dining at the Tavern on the Green,watching free performances of Shakespeare in the Park,and relaxing and sunbathing in Sheep's Meadow.