英语翻译Louis Braille1:Louis Braille was from a small town calle

苯苯的猪2022-10-04 11:39:543条回答

Louis Braille1:Louis Braille was from a small town called Coupvray ,near Pairs-----he was born on January 4 in 1809.Louis became blind by accident,when he was 3 years old .Deep in his Dad’s harness workshop,Louis tried to be like his Dad,but it went very wrong;he garbbed an awl,a sharp tool for making holes,and the tool slid and hurt his eye.The wound got infected(感染),and the infection spread and soon,Louis was blind in both eyes .2:All of a sudden,Louis needed a new way to learn .He stayed at his old school for two more years ,but he couldn’t learn everything just by listening.Things were looking up when Louis got a scholarship to the Royal Insititution for Blind Youth in Paris,when he wa s10.But even there ,most of the teachers just talked at the students .The library had 14 huge books with raised letters that were very hard to read .Louis was impatient .3:Then in 1821,a former soldiers named Charles Barbier visted the school .Barbier shared his invention called “night writing” a code of 12 raised dots that let soldiers share top-secret information on the battlefiled without even having to speak .Unfortunately ,the code was too hard for the soldiers,but not for 12-years-old Louis!4:Louis trimmed Barbier’s 12 dots into 6,ironed out the system by the time he was 15,then published the first-ever braille book in 1829.But did he stop there?No way In 1837,he added symbols for math and music .But since the public was skeptical ,blind students had to study braille on their own.Even at the Royal Institution,where Louis taught after he graduated,braillse wasn’t taught until after his death .Braille began to spread world-wide in1868,when a group of Bratish men,now known as Rayal National Insititute for the Blind,took up thecause.


亲爱的妖 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
1,Louis Braille于1809年1月4日出生在巴黎近郊的Coupvray 小镇,3岁时的一次意外事故使他双目失明,当时在他父亲的马具工厂里,他想模仿他爸爸做活,太幼稚了,他拿起一把扎孔用的尖锥子,锥子脱手,刺中了他的眼睛,伤口迅速感染,扩散,使他双目失明. .2:突然的变故,使他只能改用新的途径学习知识,但他只能通过听力了解一切,当louis获得巴黎皇家学院青年盲人奖学金的时候,一切都有了好的转机,到他10岁时,那里的老师大多都是语言授课,图书馆里的14部盲文(突出字体)巨著很难读懂,louis很烦躁(苦恼), 3:后来在1821年一个叫charles barbier的退役军人参观了这所学校,barbier 把他发明的由12个突出的点组成的夜间书写法传给了louis,用这种方法战士们在战场上不用出声就可了解高级机密信息,尽管这种书写方法对有视力的士兵们不方便,但是对12岁的louis却非常有用.4:在他15岁时 Louis 把 Barbier的12个凸点减少到6个,并使其系统化,在1829年出版了历史上第一本盲文书籍,但他并没有停止对盲文的研究,1837年,他又加入了数学和音乐的盲文符号,用于人们对此持怀疑态度,盲人学生只能自学盲文,甚至在louis毕业后留校任教的皇家学院也是一样,直到他死后盲文才被列为教学内容,到1868年盲文才在世界范围内传播,当时一伙英国人,现在知道是皇家学院盲人教育专业的,他们采用了这种盲文.,
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路易:路易斯Braille1盲文出身于一个小镇附近,被称为Coupvray作案- - - - - -他来自出生在1809年1月4日。路易成了盲人是偶然,当他三岁时开着他爸爸的.Deep利用车间、路易想成为像他的爸爸就很错的;他garbbed锥子,一个锋利的刀具上作孔的,并且这些工具滑,伤害了他的眼睛。伤口有感染(感染),并且感染和传播的很快,路易斯是双眼失明的盲人:突然,路易需要一个新的学习方式。...
