英语翻译Hello everyone.welcome to Oral English Competition.today

人在他乡002022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

Hello everyone.welcome to Oral English Competition.today will be a special day.because17个学院的代表将在今天角逐,展示才华,为自己学院争光.
获得三等奖的是:恭喜他们 让我们用热烈的掌声有请XX为他们颁奖


看灯火阑珊 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
Hello everyone.welcome to Oral English Competition.today will be a special day.because17 college representatives will compete in today to show their talent for their college glory. First, please allow me to introduce the teacher judges the scene today. They are: welcome you, also thank the students can come to watch this game. Let's enter today's game, first tell us about the competition process. Total is divided into two aspects of the game: SDI speech and answer questions. First for SDI speech, speech for 3 minutes. Finished, the player's speech for the judges to ask questions, players have one minute to answer each question. Requirements: language is simple and clear structure, focused, logical, articulate. Today's lecture topic is. . . . . . Well, here are your first college college representatives XX XX, please II players ready. Thank the players also like to thank the judges. The following players are on the 2nd, please, please count the first 3 well prepared. (After the 7th over) Let's see now, the first six players score. We can find, XX College lead. The following players had better fuel yo. Good, 8 players below, please bring us his speech. Please prepare for No. 9. Well, until now, all players have finished the game. So, below please XX of this competition in conclusion. There are good you please, the last five players score is: now the most exciting time is up, my hand is the final ranking of this competition, good, I declare this contest rankings: get third-class Prize is: Let us congratulate them with a warm round of applause please XX won the second prize for their presentation is: Let us also congratulate them on a warm round of applause please XX award first prize for them is: congratulations to them for We have a warm round of applause for their award, please let us XX with warm applause to congratulate them on their thank the teachers for the arrival of the judges, let us leave them farewell with applause.
(Computer Science, Academy of Fine Arts, Education and Science, Physical Education, Music, Literature and Communication, Electrical and Electronic Institute, Materials Science,)
