译:the notes in the side columns model how to use the skills

zlceeh2022-10-04 11:39:544条回答

译:the notes in the side columns model how to use the skills and elements you read about on page 5


zswlulawds 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
清风小饮 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率
wingwing31 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
在第5页你读到的如何运用技巧和要素 在边框注释
男人的问题男人办 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率


Match the words in columns Aand B .Write the names of the jo
Match the words in columns Aand B .Write the names of the jobs 么意思
田鼠40 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
会计学的英文题目解释prepare the unadjusted trial balance columns of a
prepare the unadjusted trial balance columns of a 10-column worksheet for the year ended december 31.
这里的10-column worksheet是什么意思?要怎么准备?
xukeke456 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
需要包含10个栏目,例如Share Capital; Furniture & Fixture;Building; Creditor; Debtors; Cash; Sales; Cost of sales; General and Administration Expense 这些.具体情况具体分析
英语翻译put these words in the correct columns in the chart.(Som
put these words in the correct columns in the chart.(Some words can go in more than one column.)
gaoyang802 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
英语高手请指教22.Simple joints to tubular columns using flowdrill c
2.Simple joints to tubular columns using flowdrill connectors
Flowdrilling was initially limited to mechanical applications until Sherman investigated
the use of the process for structural steelwork joints,with investigations of
both the micro-structure [3] of the thread and the bolted endplate connection [4].
The findings by Sherman were promising,suggesting that the bolts could be used
with tubular columns.Further work by Banks [5,6] and Ballerini et al.[7,8] extensively
investigated the performance of the connectors and showed them capable of
withstanding the design tensile capacity of the bolt.
Whilst simple connections in steelwork frames are designed to resist only shear
loads they also possess both bending strength and rotational stiffness.For satisfactory
performance,simple connections must be ductile.The purpose of the tests undertaken
and reported herein was to investigate the strength and rotational stiffness characteristics
of these joints.To help in the selection of practical member sizes for the joint
tests,an economic study [9] was completed on typical buildings that may employ
the flowdrill system.It was found that the 200 serial size of SHS column member
would be suitable for many of the columns in a multi-storey frame of modest height,
typical of frames built in the UK.The decision was taken to adopt the 200 section
as this particular serial size also provided a large variation of tube wall thickness
for the tests.It was also decided to adopt the 356 UB as the benchmark serial beam
size.The 356 UB serial size was partly based on the study but was also influenced
by the practical limitations of the testing apparatus.
zxd0411 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
对于这些测试.这也决定采用356 UB作为基准串行梁
英语翻译over the years,we have written many columns describing t
over the years,we have written many columns describing the limitations of the traditional accounting model that has at its core a fixation nn recording assets at their acquisition cost and then systematically depreciating or amortizing them using unverifiable suppositions and speculations about asset life,salvage value and trends in value change over the years.
Adding insult to injury is the portfolio of alternative depreciation methods that can be used to produce highly different patterns of calculated book value changes and recorded income statement impacts over an asset's assumed life.We know the results of these preconceived mathematical operations are unreliable,nay,totally meaningless,because they are not observations of real changes in an asset's vahie.We have long supported fairvalue reporting that transparently reports real factual values and changes in them.These facts are not only logically more usefiil because they're reliable,but they're also more profitable for managers and auditors because they are demanded by statement users.
Every now and again we read something tbat provides new insights on these issues,usually as the result of looking at things from a different perspective.That was the case recently when we heard from a reader,(eff Koch,a CPA from Concordia,Kan.Jeff shared with us his perspective on fair value accounting and encouraged us to keep making our points.From his experience working with clients,Jeff is painfully aware of the traditional system's obvious,even glaring,limitations,and the huge benefits that come from reporting fair values.
Having found Jeff's discussion both clear and persuasive,we decided to let it speak for itself.Here is what Jeff had to say:
"I operate a CPA firm in an area with a focus in production agriculture.Many of our clients are required to prepare or have prepared fair market value balance sheets for their lenders in connection with a renewal of their farm operating note agreements and in connection with obtaining term notes for financing equipment and land on an annual basis,fhe lenders for these agricultural businesses halong ago learned that a well-cared-for 1967 lohn Deere 4020 tractor is fully depreciated for tax and book purposes,but still likely has a fair market value equal to or greater than its original cost.Also,these lenders understand that a piece of land purchased by a farmer in 1984 at $500 per acre is today worth four tinies that much in our area and has additional value to lend against and an economic carrying cost for the farmer far beyond its GAAP basis.Tlierefore,the financial statements tbat we prepare based on GAAP or the tax basis of accounting are meaningless,while fair value accounting has significant meaning.这是一个英文报纸上的话,翻译后定追+分!
大家都不是S B 明显的用在线翻译工具的就省省吧!翻译的好的会多追加的!
miner1113 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
Over the years, we have written many columns describing the limitations of the traditional accounting model that has at its core a fixation on recording assets at their acquisition cost and then systematically depreciating or amortizing them using unverifiable suppositions and speculations about asset life, salvage value and trends in value change over the years.
Adding insult to injury is the portfolio of alternative depreciation methods that can be used to produce highly different patterns of calculated book value changes and recorded income statement impacts over an asset's assumed life. We know the results of these preconceived mathematical operations are unreliable, nay, totally meaningless, because they are not observations of real changes in an asset's value. We have long supported fairvalue reporting that transparently reports real factual values and changes in them. These facts are not only logically more usefiil because they're reliable, but they're also more profitable for managers and auditors because they are demanded by statement users.
Every now and again we read something that provides new insights on these issues, usually as the result of looking at things from a different perspective. That was the case recently when we heard from a reader, (eff Koch, a CPA from Concordia, Kan. Jeff shared with us his perspective on fair value accounting and encouraged us to keep making our points. From his experience working with clients, Jeff is painfully aware of the traditional system's obvious, even glaring, limitations, and the huge benefits that come from reporting fair values.
Having found Jeff's discussion both clear and persuasive, we decided to let it speak for itself. Here is what Jeff had to say:
不时的,我们读到一些就这种问题提出的新见解,通常是从不同的角度看待事物.下面是最近我们从一个读者Jeff Koch那听到的,他是一名来自堪萨斯州Concordia的注册会计师,Jeff Koch与我们分享了他对公允价值会计的看法,并鼓励我们作出我们的论点.从他与客户的经验中,Jeff Koch深深地认识到传统体制的明显局限性,甚至超明显,以及报告公允价值带来的巨大利益.
"I operate a CPA firm in an area with a focus in production agriculture. Many of our clients are required to prepare or have prepared fair market value balance sheets for their lenders in connection with a renewal of their farm operating note agreements and in connection with obtaining term notes for financing equipment and land on an annual basis, fhe lenders for these agricultural businesses have long ago learned that a well-cared-for 1967John Deere 4020 tractor is fully depreciated for tax and book purposes, but still likely has a fair market value equal to or greater than its original cost. Also, these lenders understand that a piece of land purchased by a farmer in 1984 at $500 per acre is today worth four tinies that much in our area and has additional value to lend against and an economic carrying cost for the farmer far beyond its GAAP basis. Tlierefore, the financial statements tbat we prepare based on GAAP or the tax basis of accounting are meaningless, while fair value accounting has significant meaning.
英语翻译m+1 columns of B constitute a basis in the space of vect
m+1 columns of B constitute a basis in the space of vectors Pj.
cc81875 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
write the words in right columns的意思?
fuzi001 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
Put the words in the correct columns in the chart.
四月胡杨 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
难理解句型Large waves pay very little attention to the columns-th
Large waves pay very little attention to the columns-they divide right and left and reunite after passing each column,much as a regiment of soldiers would if a tree stood in their road;it is almost as though the columns had not been there.
much as,would if等等
小爱的小ww 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率100%
much as非常像
much as a regiment of soldiers would if a tree stood in their road这句中的would if不是一个意群的,应该在would后有一个停顿,实际是在would后省略掉了do.整个句子是说:非常像一队战士遇到前方路上有一棵树的时候会做出的反应一样.
rule seven columns on a double sheet of paper.
rule seven columns on a double sheet of paper.
a double sheet of paper.是什么意思?double sheet?
tpo24e_6_wh692b 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
关于as从句的问题:it will display all columns and rows as they appea
关于as从句的问题:it will display all columns and rows as they appear in the table的含义?
lotus1977 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
输出的句子是没有顺序要求的,在as 语句中,默认table的顺序,与你的语句输入应该是没有关系的
及其相应的语法点有哪些啊?this book grew out a series of columns.
wanghaibo 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
grow out of ==be made up of :由- - - -组成.
a serious of + 名词复数 一系列- - -
Put the words in the correct columns in the chart
Put the words in the correct columns in the chart
单词有hard-working run fast quiet serious jump high smart
填到What people are like
What people can do
1982010581120000 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
What people are like:hard-working ,quiet ,serious ,smart
What people can do:run fast ,jump high
英语翻译Would you like to read only closely prited columns of ne
Would you like to read only closely prited columns of news in your daily paper?
F2LIXIN1 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
这段话里,注意两点:1,columns of news,专栏的意思.
最主要的是 closely,这个单词是修饰read,还是 printed?(not prited)?
显然,closely 在这里修饰printed,翻译成密密麻麻比较好.
注意,二楼的翻译应该可以,但是,这句话里用的是,would you like...什分礼貌的句型,而你翻译的变成了轻视,显然你受了这句话里的only影响,为什么不取掉它而考虑整个文句内容的转换呢,不必那么死板的.
英语翻译The large number of columns in the design matrix will ca
The large number of columns in the design matrix will cause integer overflow.The large number of columns may be due to too many levels in one or more factors,or to higher-order interactions among factors with many levels.It may also be due to too many factors.
三里 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
矩阵设计中过多的列会导致整数溢出.过多的列可能是由于在一个或多个因变量上的水平数太多,或者是由于因变量间各水平的交互作用很显著,一个较高级的命令在各因变量之间相互影响.也可能是由于有太多的因变量 .
英语翻译两句话 Would you like to read only closely printed columns
两句话 Would you like to read only closely printed columns of news in your daily paper?
We must not forget,either,that advertising makes a positive contribution to our pockets.Newspapers,commercial radio and television companies could not exist without this source of revenue
二子星 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
1) need to be able to sort various columns.
1) need to be able to sort various columns.
2) no admin ability selection.meaning we need to have the ability to only allow certain admin to have access only to certain stuff.
osuoai 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译The columns shall be ordered such that the columns for t
The columns shall be ordered such that the columns for the measure with the highest number of errors over all Production Steps are leftmost.
li9920648 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
这些列 需要被这样排列 :代表 "产品步骤中 措施的 最高错误数量" 的列要放在最左边
路十二 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
一定要两个都对 并且后面一项正确解释前面一项
英语翻译2.Short columns under Combined Axial Force and Moment Wh
2.Short columns under Combined Axial Force and Moment
When a member is subjected to combined axial compression N and moment M ,such as in Figure 4.28a it is usually convenient to replace the axial load and moment with an equal load N applied at eccentricity e = M / N ,as in Figure 4.28b .The two loadings are statically equivalent .All columns may then be classified in terms of the equivalent eccentricity .
(1) Failure modes of columns
Under the combined actions of axial force and moment ,there are two types of failure modes of column (a) balanced failure ,(b) compression failure ,when the neutral axis is outside the section ,causing compression throughout the section ,and (c) tension failure ,when the neutral axis is within the section ,developing tensile strain on the left of the neutral axis .
Balanced failure
Under this mode of failure ,yielding of the tensile steel on the far side of the column occurs simultaneously with the attainment of limit compressive strain of 0.0033 in concrete .
Compression failure
Compression failure of the column occurs when (a) the relative eccentricity e0 / h0 is small ,or (b) although the relative eccentricity e0 / h0 is large ,the tension reinforcement ratio is large .Columns having small relative eccentricity are generally characterized by compression over the entire concrete section ,but section .Columns of this type fail by crushing of the concrete and compressive yielding of the steel on the side near the load ,while the reinforcement on the side farthest from the load does not yield .See Figure 4.29b
Tension failure
Tension failure occurs when (a) the relative eccentricity e0 / h0 is large ,and (b) the tension reinforcement ratio is moderate .The longitudinal steel on the side farthest from the load yields first .Gradually ,with the increase of tensile strain ,the compressive strain reaches 0.0033 at the compressive edge and compression reinforcement yields .
(2) Capacity of short columns under combined axial force and moment Figure 4.29 Failure modes of columns
Under the combined actions of axial force and moment ,a strength interaction diagram (see Figure 4.30) generally describes the capacity envelope of a column .The strength interaction diagram defines the failure load and failure moment for given column for full ranges of eccentricity from zero to infinity .For any eccentricity ,there is a unique pair of value of (Mu ,Nu ) that will produce the incipient failure .That pair of values can be plotted as a point on a graph relating Mu and Nu .Any radical line represents a particular eccentricity e0 = M / N.Load demand points (M,N) from all load combinations must fall inside the (Mu ,Nu) capacity envelope ;otherwise ,the column is considered inadequate and should be redesigned .
happed 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率100%
当一个成员是受到诸如图4.28a为联合轴向压力N和弯矩M,它通常是便于更换,如图4.28b轴向负荷及力矩负荷N与平等适用于偏心距e = M / N可, .这两个静态等效荷载.所有列然后可以在同等条件分类偏心.
列压缩时出现故障(一)相对偏心的e0 / H0为小,或(b)虽然相对偏心的e0 / H0为大,拉力钢筋比大.列有小的相对偏心压缩一般特点在整个具体部分,但部分.这种类型的列不能由破碎的混凝土和抗压在靠近负载端降伏,而侧面加固从负载最远不会屈服.见图4.29b
紧张时发生故障(一)相对偏心的e0 / H0为大,(b)在紧张配筋率是温和的.侧面的纵向上最远从负载钢产量第一.逐步与拉伸应变的增加,在压缩应变达到压缩的压缩力和增强收益0.0033.
根据轴向力和力矩,一种力量交互图(见图4.30)一般描述了一个柱容量的信封.交互图的力量给予定义为从零到全系列列偏心破坏荷载和破坏的时刻联合行动无穷大.对于任何偏心,有一个值(亩,怒江)的独特一双会产生早期失效.这两个值可以被绘制为一个有关亩,怒江图点.任何激进路线代表特定偏心的e0 =米/全负荷的需求点,从所有的负载组合(M和N)必须属于内(穆,怒族)能力信封,否则,列被视为不足,应重新设计.
英语翻译The columns support the projected parts of the building.
The columns support the projected parts of the building.求解这里的support是什么意思,求整句话的翻译~
xichunfeng123 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语好的人来解答!(Put the family words in the two columns).把下列表示的家庭成
(Put the family words in the two columns).把下列表示的家庭成员的单词归类.
[sister uncle brother mother aunt grandmother son daughter wife father nephew husdand niece grandfather ]
Men Women
扒灰老鼠 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
就是我用一列数据算得一组数,但是显示的时候都是Columns 1 through 6 0.3229 0.3746 0.4
就是我用一列数据算得一组数,但是显示的时候都是Columns 1 through 6 0.3229 0.3746 0.4263 0.4781 0.529
m13csym 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
另外,如果你想利用这些数据进行处理的话,可以在variable editor 变量编辑区里复制这些数据,然后在窗口一粘贴 ,就自动变成矩阵形式了.
你可以 试试~
英语翻译concrete nominal cover of structural:beams,columns:40mm
concrete nominal cover of structural:beams,columns:40mm SLABS:40mm
快意蒹葭 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率90%
Ultrahydrogel columns 500,250,120 (Waters)
爱情32gg 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
Ultrahydrogel 这个单词应该是Ultrahydrogen
这个句子的意思是液态氢柱子 500,250,120(溶液)
penning columns什么意思. 在英语新闻里
zjxclbk 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
英语翻译Total down the columns for Total Value,Scrap Allow and N
Total down the columns for Total Value,Scrap Allow and Net Value to indicate the amount owed by Medela.Return the original Termination Claim form,copies of the High Point and Current Medela Supplier Supplier Schedule,along with supporting documentation to the Director of Supply Chain.
icedraco 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
自己的理解加查询 应该是对的 希望能帮到你
英语翻译1.1 Reinforced Concrete Column1.1.1 Types of columnsColu
1.1 Reinforced Concrete Column
1.1.1 Types of columns
Columns are defined as members that carry loads chiefly in compression .Usually columns carry bending moment as well ,about one or both axes of the cross-section ,and the bending action may produce tensile force over a part of the cross-section .Even in such cases ,columns are generally referred to as compression members ,because the compression forces dominate their behavior .In addition to the common type of compression member ,i.e.,vertical elements in structures ,compression members include arch ribs ,inclined rigid frame members ,compression elements in trusses or shell .
Columns may be classified based on the following different categories:
(1) Base on loading ,columns maybe classified as follows:
a.Axially loaded columns ,where loads are assumed acting at the centroid of column section .
b.Eccentrically loaded columns ,where the loads are acting at a distance e from the centroid of column section .The distance e could be along the x or y axis ,causing moments either about the x axis or y axis .
c.Biaxially loaded columns ,where the loads are applied at any point on the column section ,causing moments about both the x axis and y axis simultaneously .
(2) Based on length ,columns can be classified as follows :
a.Short columns ,where the column's failure is due to the crushing of concrete or due to the yielding of the steel bars under the full load capacity of the columns .
b.Long columns (slender columns ) ,where the bucking effect and the slenderness ratio must be taken into consideration in the design ,thus reducing the load capacity of the column relative to that of a short column .
(3) Based on lateral reinforcement ,columns can be classified as follows (Figure 4.24) :
a.Columns reinforced with longitudinal bars and lateral ties .
b.Columns reinforced with longitudinal bars and continuous spirals .
c.Composite compression members reinforced longitudinally with structural steel shapes ,pipe ,or tubing ,with or without additional longitudinal bars ,and various types of lateral reinforcement .
The main reinforcement in columns is longitudinal ,parallel to the direction of the load ,and consists of bars arranged in a square ,rectangular ,or circular pattern .
Lateral reinforcement ,in the form of individual relatively widely spaced ties or a continuous closely spaced spirals ,serves several functions .For one ,such reinforcement is needed to hold the longitudinal bars in positions in the forms while the concrete is being placed .For this purpose ,longitudinal and transverse steel are wired together to forms cages ,which are then moved into the forms and properly positioned before placing concrete .For another ,transverse reinforcement is need to prevent the highly stressed ,slender longitudinal bars from bucking outward by bursting the thin concrete cover .
wlwl29 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%
(1) 在载入上的基础,专栏也许依下列各项分类:
b.离开中心装载了专栏,负荷正在专栏区段的图心的距离 e 行动.距离 e 可能沿着 x 或 y 轴,引起片刻或关于 x 轴或 y 轴.
c.双轴地装载了专栏,负荷在专栏区段上的任何点被应用,引起关于的片刻两者的 x 轴和 y 同时地的轴.
(2) 基于长度,专栏能依下列各项被分类:
b.长专栏 (苗条的专栏) , 顽强反抗效果和苗条比一定进入设计的考量之内被拿,如此减少短专栏的与那相关的专栏的负荷能力.
(3) 基于侧面的增强,专栏能依下列各项(图 4.24) 被分类 :