All the athletes want to a____ to break the world record

孟呆呆2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

All the athletes want to a____ to break the world record
i will go see you if time_____(permission)


siruochen 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%


英语翻译In a competition where athletes remove their silver meda
In a competition where athletes remove their silver medals,feeling they have somehow been cheated out of gold ,or when they act so proudly in front of their competitors ,it is nice to watch an underdog ,a man that gave his all-knowing that he had no chance ,but competed because of his determination and the spirit of the games.
angel2632 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
302 gold medals will be given to the best athletes.
接龙814 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率100%
Athletes from around the world can take part,no matter what
Athletes from around the world can take part,no matter what language they speak.(改写句子,句意不变)
Athletes from around the world can take part,________ _________ they speak
balanbalan 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
whatever language
I want to d() a bus for the athletes
微蓝蓝 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
I want to d() a bus for the athletes
【Me YC真诚为你解答此题,
what I did was part of the effort to make athletes feel at h
what I did was part of the effort to make athletes feel at home during their stay there.
what I did was part of the effort to make athletes feel at home during their stay there.
翻译 和讲解语法
lilulovejerry 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
这里的 what I did 是主语从句,作句子主语.was是系动词,后面是表语,其中 to make...不定式结构修饰名词effort
55.2at this Olympics our athletes achieved very good results
at this Olympics our athletes achieved very good results,and we all___pride____being Chinese
chandou1979 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
take pride in=be proud of
翻译下面文章The thoracolumbar spine in young elite athletes. Curre
The thoracolumbar spine in young elite athletes. Current concepts on the effects of physical training.
Due to the increased interest in physical fitness and to the fact that athletes start their training at younger ages the risk for injuries to the growing individual has increased. The spine, as with the rest of the skeleton, is at greater risk of injury during growth, especially during the adolescent growth spurt. Back pain is more common among athletes participating in sports with high demands on the back than other athletes and nonathletes. Disc degeneration, defined as disc height reduction on conventional radiographs and reduced disc signal intensity on MRI, has been found in a higher frequency among wrestlers and gymnasts than nonathletes. Abnormalities of the vertebral bodies including abnormal configuration, Schmorl's nodes and apophyseal changes are common among athletes. These abnormalities are similar to those found in Scheuermann's disease. Athletes with these types of abnormalities have more back pain than those without. Spondylolysis has been found in higher frequencies than expected among athletes representing many different sports. Spondylolysis has been reported in up to 50% of athletes with back pain. Scoliosis has been found in up to 80% of athletes with an asymmetric load on the trunk and shoulders, such as javelin throwers and tennis players. The scoliosis, however, is a small curvature and does not cause back pain.
huaxuyu 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
年轻的精华运动员的 thoracolumbar 背骨.在体育的效果上的现在观念.
适当的到那增加在实际的健身中感兴趣和到运动员让他们的训练从在较年轻的年龄开始危险的事实为对成长的个体伤害有增加.背骨,当做由于其余的骨骼,在生长期间是在受伤的较棒危险,在青春期的生长期间尤其喷出.背痛是比其他的运动员和非运动员更通常的在运动员之中在背面上用高的要求参与运动.被定义如在传统的 X 光照片上的圆盘高度减少而且减少圆盘信号在磁共振成像上的强度圆盘退化,在摔交选手和体操教员之中的较高频率方面已经被发现比较非运动员.包括 abnormal 结构,Schmorl's 的节和 apophyseal 变化的椎骨身体的反常在运动员之中是通常的.这些反常与那些类似在 Scheuermann's 的方面发现.有反常的这些类型的运动员有较多的背痛比较那些没有.Spondylolysis 比在运动员之中期望表现许多不同的运动在较高的频率方面已经被发现.Spondylolysis 在有背痛的达到 50% 的运动员已经被.Scoliosis 在有在树干和肩,像是标枪 throwers 和网球运动员上的一个不对称负荷的达到 80% 的运动员已经被发现.scoliosis,然而,是一个小的屈曲并且不引起背痛.
The news __ our athletes won another gold medal was reported
The news __ our athletes won another gold medal was reported in yesterday's newspaper
A.which B.that A为什么不对,为什么同谓语从句只能用that引导
为什么不是定语从句,“运动员赢得又一块金牌”的新闻 不是修饰吗?
lxgs31 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
定语从句相当于形容词 而同位语从句则是同等词性和地位的两个成分
就这句话来说 看到类似news notice 等等 表示“什么”的含义 一般都使用同位语从句 而同位语从句只有一个连接词 that 这个记住就好啦 没有为什么啦
Thousands of athletes _______ in many countries competed ___
Thousands of athletes _______ in many countries competed ________ medals in the 2008 Olympic
Games in Beijing.
[ ]
A.will involve ; in
B.involving; by
C.involved; against
D.involved; for
ellen0614 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
Although there were only five athletes ____ in the race, it
Although there were only five athletes ____ in the race, it was a rather exciting one.

[ ]

A. competing
B. having been competed
C. to compete
D. to be competed
wu心伤害 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
Jockeys(职业赛马骑师) are the smallest athletes. They are rarely o
Jockeys(职业赛马骑师) are the smallest athletes. They are rarely over five feet six, or 120 pounds. The lighter the weight on the horse, the faster it can go.
Riding fast horses on the track is tough on the small jockeys. The jockey doesn’t“sit”on the horse. He leans forward on his legs. The strain is on his thighs(大腿) and calf(小腿) muscles. As jockeys age, their legs“go”first. Jockeys also need arm strength. It’s a strain holding a 1000-pound racehorse.
On muddy days, jockeys get a pounding of mud. The mud comes flying off the hooves(蹄) of the horses in front. “It feels like someone is punching you all over,”says one rider.
And a jockey can be hurt. A jockey can have a leg jammed between two horses. Or it can get caught between horse and the rail. The worst accidents are from falls. A horse may fall on his rider. Or horses behind may trample if he hits the track. In one year about 240 riders are hurt badly. That’s one out of six jockeys.
But the jockeys are well-paid. A jockey keeps about ten percent of the money his horses win. Jacinto Vasquez, a five-foot-three comer, has ridden horses to $7,000,000 in wins in the last eight years, which means he does almost $100,000 a year.
Why do some jockeys do better than others? “It isn’t the way a boy sits on a horse or uses the reins or the whip,”says Conn McCreary. McCreary was a top jockey of the 1950’s. He rode two Kentucky Derby winners. “Most jockeys do this the same. It’s the ‘feel’ he has for the horses.”
“When you come right down to it, it just seems that horses run better for some riders,” McCreary says. “A real good jockey doesn’t lose with the best horse. And sometimes he’ll win with the second or third best.”
Many Latin-American riders, like Jacinto, seem to have the knack . “Maybe it’s because we grew up with horses,”says Jacinto. “Maybe it’s because we like to ride. There was a strike at Aqueduct last year. We, Jorge Velasquez, and Angel Cordero (two other top Latin riders) went to a park. We rented horses, and rode around the bridle path(骑马专用道)!”
小题1:The main idea of Paragraph 1 is about ______________.
A.the size of jockeys. B.the age of jockeys
C.the size of the horse D.the speed of the horse
小题2:When a jockey is riding a fast horse, he doesn’t __________.
A.really sit on the horse B.lean forward on his legs
C.use much arm strength D.get any mud on wet track
小题3: The most dangerous problem for a jockey arises __________________.
A.when his leg is jammed between two horses
B.when his clothes are splashed over with mud.
C.when the jockey’s horse falls on the jockey
D.when the jockey is not well paid
小题4:A really good jockey can often win a race ____________.
A.only when he rides on the best horse
B.even when he rides the second best horse
C.when he rides on a rented horse
D.if the horse is just a Kentucky Herby
小题5: The underlined word “ Knack ” in the last paragraph probably means__________________.
A.special skill B.dangerous hobby
C.riding culture D.excellent horses.
susie33 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%

(1)Thousands of athletes come together every four years and
(1)Thousands of athletes come together every four years and take part in {individual} and team sports.
(2)用stand for造句
(3)What do you think of the Olympic motto "faster,higher,stronger?"(回答问题.最好多些个人想法)
stand for(是用象征的意思造句
sumengze 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
1 People want to be treated an individuals.
2 Red rose always stands for love.
3 It praises people to face challenges and continually improve ourselves.
.It is true that at times even the most talented athletes lo
.It is true that at times even the most talented athletes lose their motivation.
你是在有道词典看的吧 不对!有谁知道请告诉我下 紧急!
ygqfzj 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
we know that the ancient Greek athletes used hand weights,wh
we know that the ancient Greek athletes used hand weights,which were the "technology"of that time
hand weights 此处是啥意思?
mxbcaams 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
For professional athletes, ________ to the Olympics means th
For professional athletes, ________ to the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter the history
[ ]
gf1218 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
英语 句型转换1.At the ancient games,the athletes were all men and
英语 句型转换
1.At the ancient games,the athletes were all men and they had to compete wearing no clothes.
At the ancient games,the athletes were ( ) and they had to compete wearing no clothes.
2.Did you know that perhaps the most famous boxer of all time first came to public attention during the 1960 Rome Olympics?
Did you know that perhaps the most famous boxer of all time first ( ) ( ) ( ) during the 1960 Rome Olympics?
3.Haile Gebrselassie from Ethiopia is widely recognized as the greatest distance runner of all time.
Most people ( ) Haile Gebrselassie from Ethiopia ( ) ( ) the greatest distance runner ( ) ( ).
dwf0309 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
2.became world famous
3.consider to be in history
All the athletes competed _____ each other for gold medals i
All the athletes competed _____ each other for gold medals in the Olympic Games.
A.against B.for C.between D.over
fengxing31 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%

翻译 英语句子1he said many top athletes worry they will be exploit
翻译 英语句子
1he said many top athletes worry they will be exploited for their skills by their coach
2electric cars may be whirring through your neighborhood.These quiet,clean,battery-powered vehicles can be charged in a wall outlet.
3the stations(charging stations) are boxes about the size of a parking meter.
再远都走 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
英语翻译The news ____ our athletes won another gold medal was re
The news ____ our athletes won another gold medal was reported in yesterday's newspaper.
A.which B.whether C.what D.that
xiongjun1981 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
The news= our athletes won another gold medal.
请问下面这段英语有哪些语法?请问下面这段有哪些语法?Some athletes also take drugs norm
Some athletes also take drugs normally used to relieve stress in patients who suffer form high blood pressure or who have heart problems. Snooker players, archers and those who shoot in competition all need steady hands and cool nerves. It is believed that some athletes have taken these"calmers" for these reasons.
链接的链接的链接 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
take drug固定用法,表示吃药
relieve stress减轻压力
suffer from一般后面是加疾病,表示因病受苦
in competiton在比赛中
It is believed..正如大家相信的...
for some reasons出於..原因
To those disabled athletes, the most important thing is ____
To those disabled athletes, the most important thing is _______ win a gold, ______take part.
A.not only; but also B.either; or
C.both; and D.not to; but to
aii_17 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%

Liuxiang is one of the most famous running athletes.He is go
Liuxiang is one of the most famous running athletes.He is good at running and 110 meters hurdles.
peterbetter 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
英语翻译It is no secret among athletes that in order to improve
It is no secret among athletes that in order to improve performance you’ve got to work hard.However,hard training breaks you down and makes you weaker,It is rest that makes you stronger.Improvement only occurs during the rest period following hard training.This adaptation is accomplished by improving efficiency of the heart and certain systems within the muscle cells.During recovery periods these systems build to greater levels to compensate for the stress that you have applied.The result is that you are now at a higher level of performance.
If sufficient rest is not included in a training program,imbalance between excess training and inadequate rest will occur,and performance will decline.The “overtraining syndrome(综合症)” is the name given to the collection of emotional,behavioral,and physical symptoms due to overtraining that has persisted for weeks to months.It is marked by cumulative exhaustion that persists even after recovery periods.
The most common symptom is fatigue.This may limit workouts and may be present at rest.The athlete may also become moody,easily imitated,have altered sleep patterns,become depressed,or lose the competitive desire and enthusiasm for the sport,Some will report decreased appetite and weight loss.Physical symptoms include persistent muscular soreness,increased frequency of viral (病毒性的) illnesses,and increased incidence of injuries.
The treatment for the overtraining syndrome is rest.The longer th
n0cfed5r 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
earlier you said that athletes are invited from all over the
earlier you said that athletes are invited from all over the world 句子结构
qdzhb2008 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
宾语that (athletes are invited from all over the world)从句
Many athletes are clear that the Olympic Games are the only
Many athletes are clear that the Olympic Games are the only time ________ they will be watched by thousands of millions.
A.that B.which
C.where D.when
斌俊雅奇 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%

D 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,“________they will be watched by thousands of millions”为定语从句,先行词为time,空处在从句中作时间状语,所以用关系副词when。
填空/求大神详解,必采纳 Most athletes with poor eyesight find glasses i

Most athletes with poor eyesight find glasses inconvenient and _(6)_ to wear contact lenses. Now some baseball stars in the US are experimenting with a new kind of contact lens that could give them a significant _(7)_ over their opposing team . The lenses, which are orange in color, block out blue light, so it is easier for players to see the red stitches on a baseball. _(8)_ , when players wearing these lenses come to bat, they generally find _(9)_ easier to see and hit the ball . So far the manufacturers have only produced lenses _(10)_ for sports with fast action. They are now working on lenses in other colors for slower paced sports such a golf.

(8)At least/As a result/Above all/Up to now
乱世VS琳儿 共回答了8个问题 | 采纳率25%
觉得戴眼镜不方便 所以肯定prefer戴隐形眼镜 6选C 打baseball的肯定要注意眼睛安全和防护措施 所以7选C 这款隐形眼镜可以过滤某些光线 所以作为结果 当players戴上它们时就能更容易击球 所以8选B 短语find it +adj. to do sth固定搭配 所以9选D 现在只有为速度运动专门设计的隐形眼镜 所以10选A
Some athletes are doing ______ (jump) jacks before the sport
Some athletes are doing ______ (jump) jacks before the sports meeting begins.
刀笔吏 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
jumping jacks 跳爆竹
1,Athletes from all over the world got a very friendly r___i
1,Athletes from all over the world got a very friendly r___in beijing during the Olympic games
2,To e__you have good health,pay attention to your diet
3,If you want to be energetic,you should a____sleep
4,we should have vegetables,fruits and dairy p___to be healthy
5,Trees take many years to reach their full g____
6,We often clean our house t____before the Spring Festival.
mmmlin888 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
1.reception 接待
2.ensure 确保
4.products 产品
5.growth (full growth 长成)
6.thoroghly (clean...thoroughly 大扫除)
The athletes will have to go flat-out, all out.运动员们一定要全力以赴.这
The athletes will have to go flat-out, all out.运动员们一定要全力以赴.这句话中“all out”什么意思?
五叶神5908 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
flat out和all out一样意思都是全力以赴,歇尽全力.
句子用了flat-out和all out两个副词起着强调的作用.
Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their
Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors
爱吃饺子的鱼 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
Only athletes (who have reached the agreed standard for their event) will be admitted as competitors.
主语当然是athletes,谓语就是动词就是will be admitted as,宾语competitors.
The news __ our athletes won another gold medal was reported
The news __ our athletes won another gold medal was reported in yesterday's newspaper.
A.which B.that
沉砂来了 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
这句话是同谓语从句 只能用that引导 这不是一个定语从句 news的内容是后面的内容 平起平坐 没有修饰的作用
sat 平行结构的问题most endurance athletes find that regular trainin
sat 平行结构的问题
most endurance athletes find that regular training is essential (to improve) race times,but athletic talent also plays a big role in determining hos fast an athlete will be on race day.
What is wrong with the phrase bracketed?Does it have anything to do with parallel structure?
2518960chen 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率96.2%
但也偶有例外,以下句子中就有 “both 不定式 and 动词”:
The following brief notes are indications as to how one might use drama both to stimulate and support work in specific curriculum areas.
The approach was collaborative:teachers were invited to work with the team as equal partners in the attempts both to investigate and find solutions to the GIST problem.
The critics argued that some cut-back or restraint in spending or provision was necessary,both to fund tax cuts and allow for the concentration of resources on the most needy.
(3例均来自British National Corpus)
After winning a big game,athletes are often asked how they f
After winning a big game,athletes are often asked how they feel.Usually athletes say how 36 it is
rewrewhg 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
赢得一场大的比赛后, 运动员常常被问及此时的感受. 他们经常说 有多么多么感谢谁谁.
—Do famous athletes and entertainers
—Do famous athletes and entertainers such high salaries?
—Well, at least I think scientists should be paid more.
A.tolerate B.consult C.deserve D.survive
xiaolei_520 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%

It's also a rallying cry for athletes to come to the UK ,to
It's also a rallying cry for athletes to come to the UK ,to perform at their very best and to
inspire the world.(关于伦敦奥运会的,
zhongmc 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
英语翻译After the Summer Olympics are over,when all the athletes
After the Summer Olympics are over,when all the athletes and viewers have gone home and the television audience has switched off,another group of athletes and fans will arrive at the host city,and another competition will begin.After the Summer Olympics are over,when all the athletes and viewers have gone home and the television audience has switched off,another group of athletes and fans will arrive at the host city,and another competition will begin.She is a British athlete by the name of Tanni Grey-Thompson.Born with spina bifida(脊椎裂)which left her paralysed from the waist down,Tanni used a wheelchair from the age of 7.At first,she was not keen on sport,apart from horse riding,which gave her a sense of freedom.But in her teens,she started taking sports more seriously.She tried swimming,basketball and tennis.Eventually she found athletics,and never looked back.Indeed,Tanni’s athletic career took off.In 1984,when she was 15,she pulled off a surprise victory in the 100 metres at the Junior National Wheelchair Games.In 1988,Tanni went to her first Paralympic Games in Seoul.She won bronze in the 400 metres.Even greater success followed at the 1992 Barcelona Paralympics.Tanni won gold in the 100,200,400 and 800 metres relay,setting two world records in the process.In the same year she achieved the first of her six London Wheelchair Marathon victories.Tanni’s enduring success has been part motivation(动机),part preparation.“The training I do that enables me to be a good sprinter(短跑运动员),enables me to be good at a marathon too.I train 50 weeks of the year and that keeps me prepared for whatever distance I went to race...I am still competing at a very high level,but as I get older things get harder and I want to retire before I fall apart.” Indeed Tanni retired finally after the Visa Paralympic World Cup in 2007.Her wish is to coach young athletes for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.In spite of ups and downs,she never takes her fate lying down.In her splendid life,she has won an amazing eleven gold medals,four silvers and one bronze in a series of Paralympics—a top level athletic career covering two decades.She has won the London Wheelchair Marathon six times,more than any other competitor,and she has set over thirty world records.What advice does she have for young athletes?“Work hard at your studies,and then train,train and train again.”
顺其自然999 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
It's believed that many athletes and sports fans from all ov
It's believed that many athletes and sports fans from all over the world ________ to Beijing during the 29th Olympic Games to be held in the year 2008.
A.will invite
B.will be invited
C.have invited
D.are being invited
laijy8701 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
回答英语口语问题4.Do you consider star athletes good role models for
4.Do you consider star athletes good role models for young people?Give reasons.
5.Some students say that now that they are at college,it’s time to relax and have fun after the hard work in high school.Do you agree?Give reasons.
6.Talk about an event that happened on the campus recently and give the details.
7.Talk about the types of sports available to college students and how you feel about these sports.
8.Introduce a famous person you like and tell us some information about him/her.
9.How do you manage anger in daily life?Give some examples.
10.Do you know certain customs of any cultures or nationalities?Talk about them.
不爱我别烦我 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率100%
you have so many of them!
okok,here they are
6.Chinese Union recently hosted a dance on campus.The dance gathered students from 10 different universities and 20 different organizations.There was food and music throughout the entire event.Dress code was restricted to formal which means no jeans and tshirts were allowed.Everyone went seemed like they had a good time.
9.Anger is very bad for one's health,thus mananing it becomes a smart deal.Personally,the most effective way to sooth my anger is through working out.I go out and jog for 20 minutes if I get angry or feel stressed.Listeining to music is another good way to escape anger.Especially classic or piano music works the best.
Every four years, athletes from all over the world compete &
Every four years, athletes from all over the world compete the Olympic Games the honor of winning.; against; for C.against; in D.for; for
冰雾寒 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%

Should athletes be role models?Give your view and arguments
Should athletes be role models?Give your view and arguments 英语对话
听风的浪子 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
The spirits of Olympic Games is for the peace.And it is for humanbeings to be stronger,higher,faster.So the purpose of athletes is not only to be the champion all the world.He is the role models for the humanbeings,whatever which country,whatever which color.He is the model which guide our development.
英语语法改错··求高手··!I saw many athletes who always weared confiden
I saw many athletes who always weared confident smiles to prepare for their different challenges.
0629 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
Led by athletes from the host nation,all athletes ____c___ a
Led by athletes from the host nation,all athletes ____c___ around the stadi
高品质白领 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
填 circled
circle around the stadium 是“绕场一周”的意思,这是它的过去式.
We spent 16 glorious days in August ___the athletes’ joys an
We spent 16 glorious days in August ___the athletes’ joys and tears,and we we
a,shared b,toshare c,sharing dshare,
yuxiaogang 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
spend time (in)doing sth 固定用法.
how may countries_____(send) athletes to the 2000 Sydney Oly
how may countries_____(send) athletes to the 2000 Sydney Olympics?
藍彬 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
应该是many吧!这样后面由sending athletes to the 2000 Sydney Olympics是以ing形式(主动)修饰countries的.
The athletes tried their best to ____ their aims
The athletes tried their best to ____ their aims
一顿饱饭 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
Athletes can run faster jump higher and throw ______ (far) t
Athletes can run faster jump higher and throw ______ (far) than ever before.
Ann__wong 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
表示“更远”, 两者可以互换.再如:
I can throw the ball farther than you can. 这个球我能比你扔得远.
表示“进一步)用 further.
there has been a steady improvement in how fast athletes run
there has been a steady improvement in how fast athletes run,how high they jump and how far they are bale to hurl massive objects,themselves included,through space.的翻译是 运动员奔跑的速度,跳得高度,投掷重物的距离都在稳步提高.为什么翻译中没有把themselves included,through space.翻译出来?
李俊立 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
many olympic athletes hold that the most important thing
many olympic athletes hold that the most important thing
5.Many Olympic athletes hold that the most important thing is not to win but to participate,______ the most important thing in life is not the success,but the struggle. though B.just like
C.such as D.just as
zxc061 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
有份试卷谁能帮忙做下3.Athletesare often very ________.They try hard to
3.Athletesare often very ________.They try hard to win.
A.competitive B.impulsive C.creative D.private
5.We always go to New York on vacation.Next year,I _________go to Miami. to like C.would like to
6.I have to go and ___________ the examright now.
A.apply for B.take off C.get ready for D.take it easy
7.You can’t carry a lot ofthings if you have ______ arms.
A.long B.strong C.short D.narrow
8.I sometimes put_____ salt on my food.
A.a cup of B.a bit of C.a piece of D.a glass of
9.You need this medicine.______ three pills twice a day.
A.Give B.Take C.Eat D.Drink

Rewrite the sentencesaccording to the requirements (2*7’)

1.right/ straight / go / and / turn (unscramble the sentence)
2./please / you / would / me / lend / a dollar (unscramble the sentence)
3.classic/ fan / he’s / movies / a / of / big (unscramble the sentence)
4.go onvacation / sleep very late (write sentence with when)
5.Thetest is tomorrow so we should study now.(change the word so to because)
6.He can’tspeak French.(use the correct form of knowhow to in place of can’t)
7.Tim /use computers,be a programmer (write Tim likes to do and what he would like todo)
littlezzz 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
1.Turn right and go straight.
2.Would you lend me a dollar please?
3.He's a big fan of classic movies.
4.When goes on vacation,she sleeps very late.
5.We should study now becaus the test is tomorrow.
6.He doesn't know how to speak Frech.
7.Tim likes to using computers and what he would like to do is to be a programmer.