prepare的用法是prepare for doing sth还是prepare to do sth有何区别

一片春愁待酒浇2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


天下2007 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
prepare sth.准备某事
prepare for sth.调整自己,让自己准备好迎接某事
prepare to do sth.也是调整自己去做某事
(prepare for doing sth = prepare for sth,因为doing sth是一个动名词,可以看成sth.)


给我写一篇题目为prepare for a travel的英语作文急用!
凌宝贝 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
I am very excited as next week,my parents are bringing me to Singapore.I had made a list what to bring for the trip.I had packed those things I have at home into the luggage.I also going to buy certain items tonight.As Singapore is a warm place,I need not carry any winter clothing,instead I will wear t-shirts and shorts.I am also going to wear slipperss for my walking.I had also made a list of what to buy in Singapore.To find out more about Singapore,I had surf the internet for information about Singapore and where are the places of interest.
It’s better for you to take some time to prepare your annual
It’s better for you to take some time to prepare your annual (年度的) performance _____ carefully, which will decide whether you will get a promotion next year.
A.revision B.remark D.request
伊文love 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%

Make the worst prepare before you act
Make the worst prepare before you act
半雅 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
prepare lunch with uncle ,talk and enjoy a
prepare lunch with uncle ,talk and enjoy a
nice lunch ,
talk and play
enjoy the birthday cake
老师好 请问这分别是什么意思 
jeemustbemine 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
prepare lunch with uncle 和叔叔一起准备午餐
talk and enjoy a nice lunch 交谈和享受这一顿丰盛的午餐talk and play 谈话和玩耍
I have to well prepare for the math test tomorrow.为什么是well p
I have to well prepare for the math test tomorrow.为什么是well prepare for...,而不是 prepare well for...
tiantang13 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
都可以, 但最好是:
I have to【 be well prepared 】for the math test tomorrow

prepare oneself
g2667062 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%
Thinks oneself condition is also good,wants to go to look for the placepractice,but thought should prepare fuller,therefore today has not gone,again separates a day.
they did not find [] to prepare for the worst conditionsthey
they did not find [] to prepare for the worst conditionsthey might meet.求翻译加详解
A worth their while B it worthwhile C it worth D it worthy
lzh007 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
先看下这三个词的区别,就知道选什么了:一,搭配不同 worth sth./ worthy of sth./of being done/to be done worthy to do/of doingIt be worth (one's) while doing/to do 举一个例子就简...
Hope for the best,prepare for the worst,and take whatever co
Hope for the best,prepare for the worst,and take whatever comes.中文意思
skyintai 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
tool prepare的翻译
不是有tt 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
Pls prepare the goods as soon as possible.The invoice we hav
Pls prepare the goods as soon as possible.The invoice we have confirmed to you and inform us so we
bfrth 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
英语同义句转换Let's prepare for thatLet's _________ _______thatHe d
Let's prepare for that
Let's _________ _______that
He doesn't hate the driver any longer
He ________ ___________ hate the driver
Maria is not as brave as Helen
Helen is __________ __________Maria
童正 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
1.get ready for longer
3.braver than
prepare答案改成了preparing为什么不可以改成to prepare
prepare答案改成了preparing为什么不可以改成to prepare
改错 I do a lot of exercises prepare for the college entrance examination.
igd9e 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率96.2%
could you please prepare the picures from the word document
could you please prepare the picures from the word document I send you last Sunday? let me know if you have quesiton.
chenjuan20015 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
可以准备上星期天我寄给你 的picures word文档吗?是让我知道如果你有质疑。
求英语小演讲:How to Prepare for Earthquakes?
求英语小演讲:How to Prepare for Earthquakes?
elenaaa 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率84%
1Check for hazards inside your home:
Make sure shelves are fastened securely to the walls.
Place large, heavy objects on lower shelves or on the floor. They might fall. You can also screw them onto things, such as on desks.
Place breakable items (bottles, glass, china, etc.) in closed cabinets that have latches. Make sure to board them up so that the cabinet doors won't fly open.
Heavy pictures and mirrors should be hung away from beds, couches, and anywhere that someone might sit.
Overhead light fixtures should be braced to prevent falling.
Evaluate your electrical wiring and gas connections and repair if needed. During an earthquake, these can become potential fire hazards. Additionally, turn them off and unplug them, so the outlet is not neat the metal part of the cord.
Secure your water heater by strapping it to wall studs (not just the drywall) and bolting it to the floor.
If you have any deep cracks in the ceiling or foundations, repair these immediately. You might need to consult an expert if there are signs of structural weakness.
Store flammable products in closed cabinets with latches on the bottom shelf.
2Identify safe places both indoors and outdoors. Examples include: under sturdy furniture, against an inside wall (where the other side is not exposed to the outdoors), away from mirrors or windows, or in the open away from buildings and trees. If you don't need them anymore, you can throw them away.
3Seek to educate yourself and those in your family about the best place to go during an earthquake and what they can do if you are incapacitated. Children should know how and when to call 9-1-1 and someone besides yourself should be able to shut off your dwelling's gas, water, and electricity.
4Obtain disaster supplies that are in a central location
Flashlight with extra batteries (preferably one for each individual)
Portable, battery-operated radio with extra batteries
Purchase and use "Self Powered Radios" and "Self Powered Flashlights". Batteries will be hard to find, if you can find them. Some models will charge cell phones, but the cell phone towers may be damaged, even destroyed.
Purchase and use "Glow Sticks". These are SAFER than candles, since you will be dealing with ruptured gas lines, flammable, explosive gas.
First aid kit and manual
Emergency food and water (some sources say you should have up to 2 weeks worth of extra food on hand in case rescue workers cannot reach your location)
Nonelectric can opener
Essential medicines
Cash and credit cards
Sturdy shoes for each family member
5Create an emergency communication plan that is known by every member of the family. You should determine a central meeting place, in case you are separated before or during an earthquake. Also, ask an out-of-state family member or friend to serve as a central contact (and maybe you can be their contact too). Make sure everyone memorizes this person's phone number. Don't rely on cellular phones or radios for contact.
6Help your community to prepare. It can be as simple as printing this article and circulating it, or more elaborate like creating community meeting places and central food stores.
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edit TipsAlways have connection with family members.
Confusion is the first thing after an earthquake. Try to eliminate confusion and worry by developing a communication plan that does not rely on cell phones, radios, or other portable devices.
Try to develop routes and methods for getting home after an earthquake has occurred. Since there is no precise time of day when an earthquake might strike, you may be at work, at school, on a bus, or in a train when one strikes. It is highly likely that you will need to know several ways to get home since roads and bridges will likely be obstructed for long periods of time.
If at all possible, avoid living near fault lines and large mountains in an earthquake-prone region. Not only will the damage to your home be more severe, but it will be more likely that you cannot get to your home if you are away from it.
Make sure all gas lines are completely tightened. And do not turn any lights on after an earthquake!
Have a plan for any natural disaster.
Consider keeping a pair of shoes, a flashlight and an energy bar under your bed.
Make sure the kit is in a place that can be easily accessed
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Wierd 6 Pack Getting TipsGet serious, you dont' get six pack abs by doing crunches & situps...
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edit Things You'll NeedFlashlight with extra batteries
First-aid kit
Portable radios with extra batteries
Clothes (enough for a minimum of 3-5 days)
Bottled water (enough for 1 gallon per person)
Non-perishable food able to eat with minimal heat (ex. cereal bars)
Any non-electrical source of entertainment
Phone numbers of possible shelter if a cell phone is available and working
"Self Powered Radios" AND "Self Powered Flashlights", glowsticks. Batteries will not be available and candle use forbidden due to ruptured gas lines, you smell gas. Find these radios at the local Radio Shack, these lights, glowsticks at the local Wal*Mart. Get these AHEAD of time.
prepare后可加双宾语吗?能说 prepare sb sth
注册哟 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
Mom prepares dinner for us every night.= Mom prepares us dinner every night.
The chef prepared us a delicious meal last night.
prepare for it. prepare是不及物动词吗?
prepare for it. prepare是不及物动词吗?
prepare for it. prepare是做 不及物动词吗?
1.这里,是不是,prepare 作不及物动词,后面跟for 是固定的用法?
it,能不能看做是, preparing for 的宾语? 也就是,把
prepare for 整体看做是一个,及物动词哦,
.prepare for it 后面的for it,能不能当作状语来看了? 我对,宾语,还是状语有点糊涂啦.呵呵. 有些句子中,
不及物动词后面的 介词+sth 可以做状语的.
大网猴 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
1.prepare既及物又不及物.记得上中学时老师就教了prepare sth和prepare for sth的区别.
prepare sth是准备某物.prepare for sth是为某物做准备
其中细微的区别只能意会不能言传呀.你可以把prepare for sth做为一个固定搭配来记,表示为某物某事做准备
3.宾语还是状语,要看这个成分修饰的是什么.修饰动词就是状语,修饰名词就是定语.在这里for it是修饰prepare的,所以是状语,表原因.
my mom prepare a blind date for me in next,Miss.zho
my mom prepare a blind date for me in next,Miss.zhou,with me!的汉语是什么
dgdgfdfgf 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率71.4%
she____get up early to prepare breakfast for her son,because
she____get up early to prepare breakfast for her son,because her husband can do that.
A.has got to B.doesn't have to C.has to D.doesn't have got to
小鱼想飞 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
英语翻译Prepare the environment for the cocoon.Caterpillars spin
Prepare the environment for the cocoon.Caterpillars spin cocoons for themselves using a silk-like substance coming from their bodies.The caterpillar attaches this cocoon to a leaf or twig and wraps its body around it.That's why it's best that you provide a hanging stick or branch where the cocoon could be attached to.The best way is to have the caterpillar live on an indoor plant.
白脸惨笑 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
我说下大概意思 不一定翻得很有水准 这是一段指导性的文字 告诉人们蚕是如何吐丝做茧并怎样为它们提供场所
翻译 The students began to prepare for Band 4 Exam long before
翻译 The students began to prepare for Band 4 Exam long before the actual day.
annkaluo 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
be perpared for prepare for和prepare的区别
ooo94 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
e perpared for,过去分词 prepared 用于系表结构,意思为“为……做好准备;打算”,强调准备好的状态.
prepare for意为“为……作准备”,for后面的宾语是准备的目的,即所要应付的情况.
prepare sth.意为“准备某事”强调准备的过程或动作,宾语必须是这一动作的直接承受者;另有“配置、调制”之意.
英语翻译Jim prepare commercial Term Sheet and off-take Term Shee
Jim prepare commercial Term Sheet and off-take Term Sheet with the Term sheet
千寻无痕 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
check and prepare the copy for the printer 翻译
jack19liu 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率75%
how do you prepare for exams?what kind of test do you prefer
how do you prepare for exams?what kind of test do you prefer,open or close?w
魅力冰河 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
I prefer open exams because they are better at testing our abilities,but not our memory.I seldom prepare for exams,because I do not want to recite what the teacher or the textbooks tell us,I want to learn how things work.
50mm by 6mm 在一篇国外文献中看到这样一句话 prepare specimens with dimension
50mm by 6mm
在一篇国外文献中看到这样一句话 prepare specimens with dimensions 50mm by 6mm (2 0.25 in.) by product thickness.
dswrb 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
这里的 by 相当于我们常说的 乘.50mm by 6mm 就是50mm 乘 6mm,也就是50mm x 6mm x 产品厚度.
the doctors must prepare a lot before they operate on the bo
the doctors must prepare a lot before they operate on the boy(改为一般疑问句)
清风卷叶 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%

Must the doctors prepare a lot before they operate on the boy?
What do you prepare _May Day?l prepare _some spicy
What do you prepare _May Day?l prepare _some spicy food.A.for,/ B.with,for C.for,for D./,for
eaipian 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
What do you prepare for_May Day?l prepare /_some spicy food
we are.busy.___(prepare)for.
Coltl 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
The teacher made some ________(suggest) to prepare us for th
The teacher made some ________(suggest) to prepare us for the exam.
十万火急mm 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
He worked late into night,( ) a speech.选哪个选项 A prepare B pre
He worked late into night,( ) a speech.选哪个选项 A prepare B prepare for 理由
的确如网友所言,这道问题的正确形式应为:He worked late into the night,a speech.A preparing B preparing
prepare sth.意为“准备某事”强调准备的过程或动作,宾语必须是这一动作的直接承受者;另有“配置、调制”之意。
prepare for意为“为……作准备”,for后面的宾语是准备的目的,即所要应付的情况。
prepare "准备什么事情" She is preparing the food.(她在准备食物)
prepare for "为什么事情做准备" She is preparing for their supper.(她在为他们的晚餐作准备)
"perpare"后的"the food"就是准备做的东西
"perpare for"后的"their supper"不是准备的直接作用的东西,她为晚餐做准备,可能是买菜,洗菜,炒菜...做这些的一切是为了"supper".所以要加for
小果果爱猫 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
正确答案B prepare for
因为prepare是准备的意思,而for是‘为了’的意思.所以选着B 为了准备一篇演讲.句子的意思是“他为了一篇演讲,工作到很晚(或很晚才睡).”
--- What shall we prepare for our picnic this weekend?
--- What shall we prepare for our picnic this weekend?
--- Well, let’s discuss it ______ lunch. B.with C.over
badboiess 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%

I‘d like to prepare(for)my exams为什么填for,
candy_xie 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
we are busy ( )our lessons these days.a ,prepare!b,preparing
we are busy ( )our lessons these days.a ,prepare!b,preparing c,to prepare d,prepared
lawyerdy 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
e busy doing是固定用法 表示忙于做某事
eg:They are busy getting in the potatoes now.
阅读理解 Li 阅读理解      Lisa,a middle-aged woman,went to prepare l
阅读理解 Li
Lisa,a middle-aged woman,went to prepare lunch,leaving her 3-year-old son,Barney,playing by himself in the backyard.
All of a sudden,a sharp cry of Barney came into the mother's ears,and Lisa rushed into the backyard
and found a big snake entwining(纠缠) the little child with its body and trying to swallow the boy.Lisa was terrified and quite angry.She made up her mind to save her son from the snake's mouth.
It was a fearless mother's love that made Lisa forget what she faced.She took up an old hatchet (斧头)from the ground and struck the snake with all her strength.
One...two...With the hatchet,Lisa hit the snake again and again,but she felt as if she were striking a
mass of solid rubber.The little boy's voice and breath were getting weaker and weaker.Lisa's heart was
broken and she nearly went mad.
Suddenly Lisa put aside the hatchet and threw herself on to the snake,opened her mouth and bit into its back,as if tearing a tough steak(牛排).Lisa was really mad.
A small piece of flesh was bitten off.Lisa picked up the hatchet again and hit at the wound in the
snake's back madly and savagely.
Stinking blood was spraying out of the snake's body.The snake was so badly wounded that it let go of Barney and moved back into the forest.It had never imagined that human beings had such terrible,sharp
teeth.Halfway home,the snake died.
1.What did Lisa find when she came into the backyard?
A.A big snake was swallowing her son.
B.Her son was playing with a poisonous snake.
C.Her son was in danger of losing his life.
D.Barney was fighting a big snake.
2.Why did Lisa fail in killing the snake at first?
A.Because she was afraid that what she did would hurt her son.
B.Because the hatchet was not sharp enough and the snake's skin was too hard.
C.Because the snake was even stronger than Lisa.
D.Because she was too astonished to do anything
3.________,so she bit the snake.
A.Lisa was really driven mad
B.Lisa thought her teeth were much sharper than the hatchet
C.Lisa couldn't refuse the temptation of the snake's meat
D.Lisa had not got any other way to deal with the snake
4.From the story,we learned that it was a mother's love that made___________ .
A.Barney brave
B .the snake frightened
C.Lisa mad and angry
D.the woman fearless
巧梅 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
1-4 CBDD
every student has to prepare his lessons and do his homework
every student has to prepare his lessons and do his homework,i __ that clear the first day of class
A.said B.thought C.required D.made
tymaja1015 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
make xxx clear 说清楚.
Don't worry about the exam.I________ ________ (prepare)for i
Don't worry about the exam.I________ ________ (prepare)for it carefully
上来吼两声 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
填写have prepared
i can prepare a secret drink that will change your husband i
i can prepare a secret drink that will change your husband into a loving man 的翻译
心碎海豚 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率90%
Fail to prepare,prepare to fail怎么翻释
Fail to prepare,prepare to fail怎么翻释
harsako↗ 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
Fail to prepare 没有准备好
prepare to fail 已做好失败的准备
prepare for和prepare
prepare for和prepare
Mother is __preparing for____ supper and the rest of the family are sitting at the table ___preparing___ it.
zsb962 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
v.准备,预备,有能力而且愿意 后面接宾语,为准备的对象
prepare for
v.准备,使有准备 后接宾语,为什么而准备,宾语并不是准备的对象,而是目的
prepare for the picnic
prepare for the picnic
会唱歌的狗 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
How to Prepare For a Picnic
A picnic is a pleasure trip in which food is taken to be eaten somewhere outdoors. It can either inelude or exclude barbecue. It can be on the beach, on the river bank or even in the woods. No matter where it takes place, it brings great joy.
For a picnic to be well organized, you should first prepare the necessary foods, including meat,bread, drinks and so on. Of course the picnic basket should also be taken into consideration. In addition, you should bring with you several disposable pieces of plastic tablecloth, which can serve as the table when spread out on the ground. If you plan to have a barbecue at the same time, you should also prepare a grill and fuel. Generally, the most desirable fuel is charcoal. It is a good fuel to use in the grill because it burns slowly and gives off great heat. You should also bring some slender pointed pieces of bamboo or iron so that small pieces of meat can be strung together for easy cooking.
The material preparation above is necessary, but it is not enough. Another important thing to think about is' how to dispose available manpower for the activity properly. In other words, you should appoint different people to be the leaders in charge of different things so that when the picnic begins, they can have a good cooperation, thus making the activity smooth and pleasant.
There is one more thing which you can never forget. You should always be aware of the need to protect the environment. To achieve this, you should avoid making a fire under the trees that can easily catch fire. At the same time, when the picnic comes to an end, collect the waste and throw it in the rubbish heap.
填介词let us prepare cleaning the home ②Some the women are teac
填介词let us prepare cleaning the home ②Some the women are teachers in Chinese
共回答了个问题 | 采纳率
feer的同义词 prepare的名词 catch的过去式 open的名词 study的
feer的同义词 prepare的名词 catch的过去式 open的名词 study的
去式 with的反义词 reply的过去式
manburenshenglu 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
用所给短语的适当形式完成句子.have confidence in;be proud of; prepare for;
have confidence in;be proud of; prepare for; make sure; as a result;be crazy about; have a bad effect on;be unsatisfied with
1.Sandy ______ herself.She is sure that she will win the match.
2.Zhai Zhigang succeeded in walking in the space.All the Chinese ___ him.
3.I got up late this morning._____,I missed the first bus.
4.Students are busy ___ the coming final examination.
5.________ that the door is locked when you leave the classroo,.
It's a fact that parents' bad habits ____ their children's behaviors.
7.He complained because he ______ the results.
8.Simon _____ football and spends a lot of time playing it every day.
azzzz_0 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
1.has confidence in
2.are proud of
3.As a result
4.preparing for
5.Make sure
6.have a bad effect on
7.was unsatisfied with crazy about
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst和hope for the bes
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst和hope for the best and be prepared for the worst
白色的海洋 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
对于你的演讲"Prepare for the Future"我们很是期待”的英语翻译如何写
黛尔 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
For your speech "Prepare for the Future" we are looking forward to
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Email: minima. nguyen@ castlecollege. ac. ok
Web: www. castlecollege. ac ok/international
Choose the best answer according to the advertisements.
小题1:One can choose all of the following programs in the "IMBA program" EXCEPT
A.Full-time MBA (Chinese) B.Part-time MBA( Chinese)
C.International MBA(English) D.Human Resource
小题2: If John wants to prepare for his A-Levels, when can he start his study at Castle College Nottingham?
A.Either September or January. B.September. C.January.
D.Any time when he is free.
小题3:Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Students all over the world can choose to study the IMBA program.
B.A student from Britain can enter
Castle College Nottingham to study a foreign language.
C.Li Ming, who will have a month’s vacation, can choose to study English at Castle College Nottingham.
D.The MBA program is the earliest in China.
小题4: Mr. Wu has the experience of management in a large company in China, so he can choose ______to learn some theories.
A.English as a Foreign Language
B.Pre-Programme at Castle College Nottingham
C.The IMBA programme at Renmin University of China, School of Business
D.Castle College Nottingham
小题5:As a Chinese, if you want to study abroad, you can email to ______to get more information.
A.www. castlecollege. ac. uk/international
B.minhha. nguyen@ castlecollege. ac. uk
C.www. rbs. org. cn/mfea/en
D.imba@ rue. edu. cn
fyuan33 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%

1. D 细节题的考查。定位到Program Choices,发现有International MBA (English), Full-time MBA (Chinese) 及Part-time MBA( Chinese)三种,D没有故选D。
2. B 根据Pre-Programme (September start)可知开始于九月,故选B。
3. A 根据文章第一句international students for China及下面接着列出的IMBA program可知来自国际的学生都可学习这个课程,换句话就是全世界的学生都可学,故A正确。
4. C 从题目Mr. Wu has the experience of management in a large company可知他有管理经验,故他可以学习IMBA program,而该课程开设的地址在School of Business, Renmin University of China,故选CV。
5. B 细节题。题目说study abroad(去国外学习),定位到第二个下面的网址Email: minima. nguyen@ castlecollege. ac. Uk,故选B。
xinxinllx 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
上面的动词后面都是接不定式 to do sth 下面的instruction,memory做名词有复数形式的 后面那个exm不知道是什么哦
prepare at least two contrasting movements 这句话的中文意思?
prepare at least two contrasting movements 这句话的中文意思?
A sonata or variations by Haydn,Mozart,Beethoven,or Schubert (for the recording,prepare at least two contrasting movements; for the live audition,prepare an entire work)
A twentieth- or twenty-first-century composition (for a multi-movement work,prepare at least two contrasting movements)
来自这两段中,我在想它的意思是不是弹一个快板乐章和一个慢板乐章。但看到后面那个近现代作品又提到了,于是就不懂了,还有这个for a multi-movement work的意思?
usher87313 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
回答这个问题:if i visit Britain what do you think i should prepare
回答这个问题:if i visit Britain what do you think i should prepare?
珊瑚的天空 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
speak your English in right will reduce trouble