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IBM的X3650 M3显示 imm initializing imm memory initialized imm kernel loading imm kernel runing


IBM X3650 M3服务器开机出现IMM Memory initialized



hydrolyzedv.水解( hydrolyze的过去式和过去分词 )hydrolyzed是hydrolyze的过去式和过去分词(不算不及物动词),hydrolyze才是及物动词。hydrolyze英 ["hau026adru0259lau026az] 美 ["hau026adru0259u02cclau026az] vi.水解第三人称单数: hydrolyzes 现在分词: hydrolyzing 过去式: hydrolyzed 过去分词: hydrolyzed双语例句The enzyme has no effection on raffinose, but could hydrolyze inulin andpartially hydrolyzed sucrose. 酶底物研究表明,酶水解菊粉,但不水解棉子糖,水解蔗糖活性较低。希望对你有帮助

各位前辈normalized to GAPDH是什么个意思

以GAPDH的表达做对照,得到一个deltaCt 值。

各位前辈normalized to GAPDH是什么个意思

normalized 英["nu0254:mu0259lau026azd] 美["nu0254:mu0259lau026azd] v. (尤指国家间的关系) (使)正常化,恢复友好状态( normalize的过去式和过去分词 ); [网络] 正常化; 标准化; 均一化; [例句]Our relationship has been normalized.我们的关系正常了。[其他] 形近词: normalizer normalised formalizes 双语例句 柯林斯词典 百度知道GAPDH或G3PDH是甘油醛-3-磷酸脱氢酶( glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase )的英文缩写。中文名甘油醛-3-磷酸脱氢酶外文名 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 简 称GAPDH性 质糖酵解反应中的一个酶分子量146kDa

resulpherized steel???的意思??

resulfurized carbon steel 加硫碳钢resulfurized steel 加硫钢

请问special, speicialized, specific, specifical的区别,请谈心得!


下面这句话中“are being squeezed”替换为“are squeezed”有语法错误吗?为什么不用后者呢?

The pediatricians" appeal而不是 The pediatricians appealessentially every life而不是eve life skillpediatricians,儿科医生(复数形式)squeeze意思是 挤压 首先这是一个被动语态,其表达的基本意思 被动 are squeezed是被动语态的基本形式。are being squeezed的是被动语态的进行式,表达意思是 正在被挤压as kids are being squeezed by increasing academic demands at school and the constant invasion of digital media.由于小孩子们正受学校的学习要求和持续的电子媒体的双重挤压,....

led灯珠规格书中Normalized Flux VS Forward Current是什么意思

Normalized Flux VS Forward Current即光通量-正向电流的变化曲线。

I realized to my horror that I had forgotten the present.


glazed over是什么意思?


Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) product classification 是什么意思?



itemizedv.列出清单( itemize的过去式和过去分词 )〈美〉分条开列 逐项;编位号的;逐项列举的双语例句 1The Expenses view is used to report your incurred costs as an itemized list. 2Deductions are either standard or itemized. A standard deduction reduces taxable income by a fixed amount. 扣除分为标准扣除和分项扣除。标准扣除是从应税所得中减去一个固定数额。

pearlized ivory 是什么颜色

pearlized有珍珠光泽的ivory象牙色pearlized ivory有珍珠光泽的象牙色,叫做珍珠象牙白

Lenny Kravitz的《Baptized》 歌词

歌曲名:Baptized歌手:Lenny Kravitz专辑:BaptismBaptizeTVアニメ「圣痕のクェイサー」OP2作词:YUI作曲:橘 尭叶编曲:橘 尭叶歌:妖精帝国冬(ふゆ)の蕾(つぼみ)花咲(はなさ)く顷(ごろ)空(そら)の色(いろ)は银(ぎん)に辉(かがや)く大気(たいき)は奋(ふる)え风(かぜ)は花弁(かべん)を羽根(はね)のように吹(ふ)き散(ち)らす诱(さそ)い诱(さそ)え彼(か)の场所(ばしょ)へと金(きん)に辉(かがや)く桃源郷(とうげんきょう)は全(すべ)て饮(の)み込(こ)む天(てん)か地狱(じごく)か冻(こお)ったままの刻(とき)の中(なか)孤独(こどく)に耐(た)えて谁(だれ)を待(ま)つ神(かみ)よ私(わたし)は罪(つみ)ですか碧(あお)い瞳(ひとみ)は何(なに)を映(うつ)すの古(いにしえ)の物语(ものがたり)でも彼(かれ)を奋(ふる)わせられない深(ふか)く深(ふか)い氷(こおり)の下(した)には生(う)まれたての圣(せい)なる光(ひかり)どうか彼(かれ)を导(みちび)いて生(せい)に缒(すが)り赦(ゆる)しを乞(こ)い天(てん)の遣(つか)わす恵(めぐ)みの露(つゆ)全(すべ)て饮(の)み干(ほ)す慈悲(じひ)か悪意(あくい)か堕落(だらく)した思考(しこう)のまま生(い)きる希望(きぼう)谁(だれ)に托(たく)す神(かみ)よ私(わたし)に赎(あがな)いを白(しろ)い大地(だいち)を覆(おお)う冷気(れいき)は染(し)みついた赤(あか)い秽(けが)れを瞳(ひとみ)の奥(おく)に堕(お)とす夺(うば)い夺(うば)う死闘(しとう)の痛(いた)みは大切(たいせつ)な人(ひと)を失(な)くした终末(しゅうまつ)の痛(いた)みと知(し)る融(と)けた刻(とき)の中(なか)孤独(こどく)を抱(だ)いて朝(あさ)を待(ま)つ神(かみ)よ私(わたし)に真実(しんじつ)を赤(あか)い瞳(ひとみ)は何(なに)を赦(ゆる)すの吹(ふ)き荒(すさ)ぶ胸(むね)の岚(あらし)を鉄(てつ)の刃(やいば)に変(か)えて背负(せお)う罪(つみ)が広(ひろ)がる速(はや)さに祈(いの)りの密度(みつど)を高(たか)めて覚悟(かくご)の名(な)で诫(いまし)めてBaptize终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3490071

Zed的《Goodman》 歌词

歌曲名:Goodman歌手:Zed专辑:SilencerAndrea Martin - Good ManNow weWe had a long good timeTo get alongI"m okay, I"m alrightCause the chance has come againIts better then its ever beenNever thought like thisMany reason to live again, many reason to smileI had my life on pause for a whileGoodbye loveI love yout oo much to ever love againHoping these feeling would go withoutCause even though i lost one manI gained a good man in the endJust when i thought i was at a lossHolding a broken heart in the darkDoesnt mean the same thingwhen you gain a good man in the endDidnt think it would ever workBut your hereFor all its worthNever been this close to heavenCause you hear this song of mineWe fear it every timeYou sprung me with what your givenMany reasons to love againmany reasons just to smileI had my life on pauseDont know whyGoodbye loveI loved you too much to ever love again,Hoping these feelings would go withoutcause even though i lost one manI gain a good man in the endJust when i thought i was at a lossHolding a broken heart in the darkDoesnt mean the same thing .When you gain a good man in the endI would have trade in, trade you for anythingWhat i mean isI got him in the endGoodbye loveI loved you too much to every love again,Hoping these feeling would go without,Cause even though i lost one manI gained a good man in the end.Just when i thought i was at a loss,Holding a broken heart in the dark,Doesnt mean the same thingWhen you gain a good man in the end.http://music.baidu.com/song/8337661

有英语语法高手吗,realized feel like think figured suppose assumed有什么不同

realize意识到,了解到feel like觉得think认为figure有个词组figure sth out弄明白,计算出,理解,弄清楚suppose假定,猜想,推测assume假定,认为,假设

250ml glass beaker add 250lm of deionized water是什么意思



finalize英 [u02c8fau026anu0259lau026az] 美 [u02c8fau026anu0259u02cclau026az]vt.完成; 使结束; 使落实vi.定案; 把…最后定下来网络结束; 方法; 定妥第三人称单数: finalizes 现在分词: finalizing过去式: finalized 过去分词: finalized这句话应该少了主语,我就先补个 it 吧。It will be finalized after you are on boardIt will be finalized是主句;after you are on board做时间主语从句。翻译就是:等你上船/上飞机/上火车,它(根据你实际要描述的主语来翻译)就将结束/完成。draft的英语例句1. Officials have now been delegated to start work on a draft settlement.现在已经委派官员着手起草解决方案。2. When the first draft was completed, Nichols typed it up.当初稿完成以后,尼科尔斯将它打印了出来。3. The money was payable by a draft drawn by the home.这笔钱可凭国内承兑的汇票支付。4. Ten days later Carmen received a bank draft for a plane ticket.10天后卡门收到了一张用于购买机票的银行汇票。5. You pay for the car by banker"s draft in the local currency.以本币银行汇票支付车款。6. I"m supposed to have handed in a first draft of my dissertation.我本该把论文的初稿交上去了。


分类: 电子数码 问题描述: 在往PC上传照片的时候有过一两次停电,然后传照片没问题,传完之后再想照相的时候,按快门显示"!CARD NOT INITIALIZED" 谁知道是怎么回事 如何解决? 急! 解析: CARD NOT INITIALIZED=卡没有被格式化请在相机或电脑上格式化您的SD卡

我编的有关画图方面的c语言提示“graphics not initialized”为何按照上面的修改还是不可以用啊

BGI Error: Graphics not initialized (use "initgraph")BGI 错误: 图象没有初始化 (调用"initgraph")需要在使用画图的过程之前调用initgraph函数.例如#include <graphics.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <conio.h>int main(void){ /* request auto detection */ int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode; /* initialize graphics mode */ initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, ""); /* read result of initialization */ errorcode = graphresult(); if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */ { printf("Graphics error: %s ", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); printf("Press any key to halt:"); getch(); exit(1); /* return with error code */ } /* draw a line */ line(0, 0, getmaxx(), getmaxy()); /* clean up */ getch(); closegraph(); return 0;}




Bespokeadj. 定做的;预定的vt. 预约,显示出 customizedn. 自定义;客制化;自定义级别v. 定制;按特别订货生产(customize的过去式和过去分词)adj. 定制的;用户化的 这两个词当形容词的时候,都有定制的,定做的意思,但是,customized,做名词和动词,就和bespoke不同了,而且当动词使用时,还有过去式和过去分词的用法,整体来说用法上不同。



Circumsized 是什么意思?

  是这个吧?  circumscissile  [7sE:kEm5sisEl]  adj.  [植]周裂的  还有这个:  circumsized :  The end result of being circumcised, meaning having the foreskin cut off since it is an unncessary tag of skin which, when tightly binding the glans or tip of the penis, may cause infection and even disease.  "I was happy that my parents, who provided food and drink when I couldn"t and gave me shelter without consulting me, took all their responsibilities seriously and had me circumsized."  "Counter to anticirc opinions, being circumsized or not has nothing to do with sexual pleasure according to a detailed study of many men, both intact and cut, in the New England Journal of Medicine."  网页简单翻译为:  circumsized  最终的结果被割礼,这意味着有包皮切断,因为它是一个unncessary标记的皮肤,当紧紧约束力的龟头或提示的阴茎,可能会导致感染,甚至疾病。  “我很高兴我的父母,谁提供的食物和饮料,当我不能给我的住房没有征询我,采取了一切,他们认真负责,并已我circumsized ” 。  “反anticirc的意见,正在circumsized或不完全没有与性快感根据一项详细的研究,许多男人,无论是完整的和削减,在新英格兰医学杂志” 。  希望有帮助!

____amazed me most was that the young

选D,what amazed me most 表示“最使我感到惊奇的是”,做整个句子的主语,句子谓语是was,that 引导后面的从句the young boy。。。如果要用it,句子应改写为 It amazed me most that the young boy。。。it 做形式主语,后面从句是真正主语。其他两个词没有这种用法

Reporting Service添加用户出错:The user or group name is not recognized

就是系统或应用程序出错时弹出的 错误报告,编程人员根据这个报告的内容可以判断是哪一段程序代码出问题了。

我的BlazeDTV 6.0播放器,重装系统后,失去了扫描卫星功能。为什么?谢谢您。

你没有装对驱动 去管网选择对的驱动 注意型号 和你自己的电脑系统 分XP WIN7等



decent-sized install base如何翻译


civilian noninstitutionalized population应该怎么翻


求歌词翻译!!Zedd - Clarity(Remixes)!!速度求解!!是Remixes的!!

Clarity(Remixes)(Remixed by Zedd)High dive into frozen waves坠入刺骨深海Where the past comes back to life昨日回忆再次涌现Fight fear for the selfish pain我竭力抵抗着私心爱意带来的痛楚迷惘It was worth it every time因为我觉得那是如此值得Hold still right before we crash彼此火化前分手Cause we both know how this ends是我们无可回避的结局A clock ticks till it breaks your glass生命时钟应该滴答悠走,却骤然停留在有你的那刻And I drown in you again无力抗争,我又沦陷Cause you are the piece of me你已融我生命I wish I didn"t need令我弃之不能Chasing relentlessly我不屈不挠地追随你的脚步Still fight and I don"t know why但依旧迷惘挣扎不知路在何方If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?旧爱成伤,为何独你可给我救疗?If our love is insanity, why are you my clarity?身陷痴狂,为何只你可赐我澄净?If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?旧爱成伤,为何独你可给我救疗?If our love is insanity, why are you my clarity?身陷痴狂,为何只你可赐我澄净?Walk on through a red parade,and refuse to make amends脚下情路道阻且长,我依然义无反顾It cuts deep through our ground and makes us forget all common sense曾经伤痛刻碎了我们的王国,让我们理智不再Don"t speak as I try to leave, ‘cause we both know what we choose别说的好像是我要离开,毕竟彼此心知肚明此番决定If you pull, then I"ll push too deep and I"ll fall right back to you如果你肯退让一步,我定补送深拥,傍依你的肩头Cause you are the piece of me你已融我生命I wish I didn"t need令我弃之不能Chasing relentlessly我不屈不挠地追随你的脚步Still fight and I don"t know why但依旧心绪纷乱不知路在何方If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?旧爱成伤,为何独你可给我救疗?If our love is insanity, why are you my clarity?身陷痴狂,为何只你可赐我澄净?Why are you my clarity?为何只你可赐我澄净?Why are you my remedy?为何独你可给我救疗?Why are you my clarity?为何只你可赐我澄净?Why are you my remedy?为何仅你是此情解药?If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?旧爱成伤,为何独你可给我救疗?If our love"s insanity, why are you my clarity?身陷痴狂,为什么只有你可送还我心中平静?



The clerks were at work so ____ that nobody realized it was already lunch time.

答案D 考查副词用法分辨析, accurately意思是:准确地; absently心不在焉地; aggressively:有闯劲地;attentively意思是:专心地。 查看原帖>>

求解中文意思 08. May, 2012 | Uncategorized0Date of departure from Shenzhen airport (由深圳出发) Depa

2012年5月8日并不是从深圳机场出发的确定日期。I 是is。好难猜。

Caused by: java.lang.reflect.MalformedParameterizedTypeException


Zedd的beautiful now的MV是在说什么

快结尾的几个特写留意下就懂了,水坑里的自己,刀刃中的自己,以及镜子里的自己。其实每个人都有犯过错误,或者说是面临困境,我们很抗拒它,我们要坚持自己的信念,不要屈服。那几个特写,就是他们都看见到了一个不同的自己。 老人从那水滩里看见了一个疲惫不堪,却又是那个年轻的自己,这里诠释了坚持。男孩从镜子中看见那个不畏危险保护家人的自己,从这里我们看到了勇敢以及亲情。gay从镜子中看到那个因为冲动杀害自己的恋人的那个自己,开始有些如梦初醒。这里看出她醒悟了一些东西。小偷从刀刃中看到了那个疯狂的自己,于是开始有些迷途知返。以上说明,其实每个人的人生中,都会做错事情,或者是面临困难绝境。我们要坚持自己的信念,勇敢的面对哪些险境,不要屈服于这些困境之下。 这个MV我感觉特别正能量,刚看感觉有点暴力和迷糊,但是越看越有味道,越看越有深意。我是看了很多遍最后发现那几个特写才恍然大悟。

disoriented, disordered, discouraged,disorganized的区别

disoriented,英语单词,主要用作形容词、动词,作形容词时译为“分不清方向或目标的;无判断力的”,作动词时译为“使……迷惑(disorient 的过去式和过去分词)”。disordered adj. 混乱的;害了病的动词disorder的过去式和过去分词.v. 阻拦; 阻止; 劝阻; 使灰心; 使泄气; 使丧失信心; discourage的过去分词和过去式; adj. 泄气的; 心灰意冷的; disorganized,英语单词,主要用作形容词,作形容词时译为“紊乱的;无组织的”。

Rihanna的《hypnotized》 歌词

歌曲名:hypnotized歌手:Rihanna专辑:HotnessRihanna - HypnotizedSomething bout the way that you workin" meTeasin" me, pleasin" me, easily boyI"m addicted to youGot a have ya for all the things that you do (Aaah)Something bout this feeling, it"s crazyAmazing that stays with me all night and day,Makes my temperature riseBoy your love has got me so hypnotizedI"m feeling something that I can"t understandIt"s like i"m captured by the touch of your handIts so vibe it"s your styleIt"s the way the that u smileGet a little rush when I hear your nameIt"s all magnetic with your hand next to meHoldin" me close happens so naturallyWe connect, its electric, this felling insideDidn"t know that even if I triedSomething bout the way that you workin" meTeasin" me, pleasin" me, easily boyI"m addicted to youGot a have ya for all the things that you do (Aaah)Something bout this feeling, it"s crazyAmazing that stays with me all night and day,Makes my temperature riseBoy your love has got me so hypnotizedYou got me spinning like a merry go roundFeels like I"m flyin" but I ain"t off the groundFallin" fast I"m a afraid can"t escape there"s no wayNever had a feeling like this beforeSomething bout the way that you workin" meTeasin" me, pleasin" me, easily boyI"m addicted to youGot a have ya for all the things that you do (Aaah)Something bout this feeling, it"s crazyAmazing that stays with me all night and day,Makes my temperature riseBoy your love has got me so hypnotizedIt"s amazing how you drive me crazyBoy keep doin" what you"re doin"Cause you"re really gettin through to meDay and night babe you know I can"t fight itJust one look into my eyes and you know you got me hypnotizedSomething bout the way that you workin" meTeasin" me, pleasin" me, easily boyI"m addicted to youGot a have ya for all the things that you do (Aaah)Something bout this feeling, it"s crazyAmazing that stays with me all night and day,Makes my temperature riseBoy your love has got me so hypnotizedKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!http://music.baidu.com/song/708904


Hypnotized[chorus:]Something "bout the way that you workin" me,Teasin" me, pleasin" me, easily boyI"m addicted to youGot a have ya for all the things that you do (Aaah)Something bout this feeling, it"s crazy,Amazing that stays with me all night and day,Makes my temperature riseBoy your love has got me so hypnotized[Verse 1:]I"m feeling something that I can"t understandIt"s like i"m captured by the touch of your handIts so vibe it"s your styleIt"s the way the that u smileGet a little rush when I hear your nameIt"s all magnetic with your hand next to meHoldin" me close happens so naturallyWe connect, its electric, this felling insideDidn"t know that even if I tried[chorus:]Something "bout the way that you workin" me,Teasin" me, pleasin" me, easily boyI"m addicted to youGot a have ya for all the things that you do (Aaah)Something bout this feeling, it"s crazy,Amazing that stays with me all night and day,Makes my temperature riseBoy your love has got me so hypnotized[Verse 2:]You got me spinning like a merry go roundFeels like I"m flyin" but I ain"t off the groundFallin" fast I"m a afraid can"t escape there"s no wayNever had a feeling like this before[chorus:]Something "bout the way that you workin" me,Teasin" me, pleasin" me, easily boyI"m addicted to youGot a have ya for all the things that you do (Aaah)Something bout this feeling, it"s crazy,Amazing that stays with me all night and day,Makes my temperature riseBoy your love has got me so hypnotized[bridge:]It"s amazing how you drive me crazyBoy keep doin" what you"re doin"Cause you"re really gettin through to meDay and night babe you know I can"t fight itJust one look into my eyes and you know you got me hypnotized[chorus:]Something "bout the way that you workin" me,Teasin" me, pleasin" me, easily boyI"m addicted to youGot a have ya for all the things that you do (Aaah)Something bout this feeling, it"s crazy,Amazing that stays with me all night and day,Makes my temperature riseBoy your love has got me so hypnotized


apologized[英][u0259"plu0252lu0259du0292au026azd][美][u0259"plu0252lu0259du0292au026azd]v.道歉( apologize的过去式和过去分词 ); 辩白; 例句:1.The colleague apologized profusely to her and her clients. 乔格卡斯的同事拼命向她和她的客户道歉。

Bran realized he was crying. Stupid baby, he thought at himself。 think at 这种用法有吗?

没有这种表示法。think是一个及物动词,它后面可以接宾语从句。如果后面街上单宾语的话,通常会和介词一起使用。例如可以说,think of/about,表示考虑什么认为什么的意思。也可有其他的一些搭配。think up虚构的意思。

be crazed doing something这是什么用法?还有其他的be 被动动词 doin


Lil Crazed Never Be Replaced歌词

  never be replaced  歌手:1st lady  Baby I love you and I"ll never let you go  But if I have to boy I think that you should know  All the love we made can never be erased  And I promise you that you will never be replaced  Baby I love you and I"ll never let you go  But if I have to boy I think that you should know  All the love we made can never be erased  And I promise you that you will never be replaced  I love you, yes I do  I"ll be with you as long as you want me to  Until (until) the end (the end) of time  From the day I met you I knew we"d be together  And now I know I wanna be with you forever  I wanna marry you, and I wanna have your kids  It can never compare to the feeling of your kisses  I can say I"m truly happy to this day  You`ve made me thank God that I live my life everyday  There"s never been a doubt, in my mind  That I regret ever having you by my side  But if the day comes that I have to let you go  I think there"s something I should probably let you know  Enjoy everyday, that I spend with you  And I will miss you cause I"m happy that I had you at all  Baby I love you and I"ll never let you go  But if I have to boy I think that you should know  The love we made can never be erased  And I promised you that you will never be replaced  Baby I love you and I"ll never let you go  But if I have to boy I think that you should know  The love we made can never be erased  And I promised you that you will never be replaced  You will never be replaced  I feel for you, boy, yes i do  I`ll be with you as long as you want me to  Until, the end, of time  最佳答案 Baby I love you and I"ll never let you go宝贝我爱你我永远不会让你离开  But if I have to boy I think that you should know 但是如果有个男孩我想你应该知道  All the love we made can never be erased 我们爱将永远不会抹去  And I promise you that you will never be replaced 我发誓你永远不会被取代  Baby I love you and I"ll never let you go 宝贝我爱你我永远不会让你离开  But if I have to boy I think that you should know 但是如果有个男孩我想你应该知道  All the love we made can never be erased 我们的爱将永远不会抹去  And I promise you that you will never be replaced 我发誓你永远不会被取代  I love you, yes I do我爱你,我愿意  I"ll be with you as long as you want me to 我会永远陪在你身边只要你愿意  Until (until) the end (the end) of time 直到时间停止  From the day I met you I knew we"d be together自从我见到你的那一天我知道我们将会在一起  And now I know I wanna be with you forever现在我知道我想永远跟你在一起  I wanna marry you, and I wanna have your kids我想跟你结婚生子  It can never compare to the feeling of your kisses跟你亲吻的感觉是无与伦比的  I can say I"m truly happy to this day 我敢说这天我真的很开心  You`ve made me thank God that I live my life everyday你让我每天都想感谢上帝  There"s never been a doubt, in my mind 毫无疑问,在我心里  That I regret ever having you by my side 从来就不后悔拥有你在我身边  But if the day comes that I have to let you go但是如果有一天你离开了我  I think there"s something I should probably let you know我想有些事情我应该让你知道  Enjoy everyday, that I spend with you享受我跟你在一起的每一天  And I will miss you cause I"m happy that I had you at all我会想你的因为跟你在一起很开心  Baby I love you and I"ll never let you go 宝贝我爱你我永远不会让你离开我  But if I have to boy I think that you should know 但是如果有个男孩我想你应该知道  The love we made can never be erased我们的爱讲永远不会被抹去  And I promised you that you will never be replaced 我发誓你将永远不会被取代  Baby I love you and I"ll never let you go宝贝我爱你我永远不会让你离开我  But if I have to boy I think that you should know 但是如果有个男孩我想你应该知道  The love we made can never be erased 我们的爱永远不会被抹去  And I promised you that you will never be replaced 我发誓你永远不会被取代  You will never be replaced 你将永远不会被取代  I feel for you, boy, yes i do 我爱你。男孩,我愿意  I`ll be with you as long as you want me to 我将永远跟你在一起如果你原意  Until, the end, of time直到时间停止  也不知道是不是啊……

微信网页授权 {"errcode":48001,"errmsg":"api unauthorized, hints: [ req_id: 1QoCla0699ns81 ]"}



TPM安全芯片必须具有产生加解密密匙的功能,还必须能够进行高速的资料加密和解密,以及充当保护BIOS和操作系统不被修改的辅助处理器。TPM安全芯片用于存储、管理BIOS开机密码以及硬盘密码,对系统登录、应用软件登录进行加密,加密硬盘的任意分区解决方法:1,按F2进BIOS,在Security里把TPM的两个选项都关掉2,BIOS BUG 升级BIOS。3,相关设备坏了,关掉就可以。比如检测不到有线网卡,可能已经坏了!BIOS里把网络自检选项{NIC}关了。


crazed adj. 疯狂的, 癫狂的 crazy adj. 疯狂的, 狂热的, (指建筑等)不安全的

we opened/organized/attended a meeting这三种说法可以吗 在线等


如何评价德国DJ ZEDD和他的音乐作品?


如何评价德国DJ ZEDD和他的音乐作品

父母亲来自俄罗斯,在德国长大。2012年签约interscope。算是一个美国发展的DJ&producer。首先你要知道EDM的种类区分是不重要的, house, deep house, progressive house, trap, trance etc..who cares? 真正喜欢在这上面做文章的两种人,音乐记者和装B范。一首曲子完全可以是多种风格比如最近比较红的moombahton,110-120bpm,中间可以是任意风格。跑题了。。。Zedd的歌整体都比较偏流行化商业化一点相信你也听出来了,这不是坏事因为作为DJ来说有自己的影响力大于一切。Zedd真正被大家开始认识应该是从给lady gaga做歌开始,从这里也能看出他作为一个producer的音乐属性。但是从他自身的UMF, storm等等这些音乐节现场来看,作为dj,zedd确实也是很牛的,合理的set,完美的drop。。。作为一个人来说(我见过zedd并有聊天大概20分钟),可以感觉到他的勤奋和谦逊,加上他乐观的心态,我很看好他的未来。

请教大神:exclusive,customized,jointly exhibit,怎么翻译顺畅

exclusive customized jointly exhibit独家定制联合展join一般在经济学中翻译成联营,联合。单词拓展:exclusiveadj.独有的,排外的,专一的n.独家新闻,独家经营的项目,排外者经济学(专用性)customizen.自定义;客制化;自定义级别v. 定制;按特别订货生产(customize的过去式和过去分词)adj. 定制的;用户化的jointly adv. 共同地;连带地joint venture联营企业exhibitvt. 展览;显示;提出(证据等)n. 展览品;证据;展示会vi. 展出;开展览

zedd beautiful now 歌词翻译


英语A Globally Recognized Avatar怎么翻译?




be characterized by是什么意思



一、IE浏览器本身的问题 当IE浏览器本身出现故障时,自然会影响到浏览了;或者IE被恶意修改破坏也会导致无法浏览网页。这时可以尝试用“IE修复”来修复(建议到安全模式下修复),或者重新安装IE。 二、病毒感染XP系统的应用层网关服务导致网页打不开解决方法: 出现只能上QQ不能开网页的情况,重新启动后就好了。不过就算重新启动,开7到8个网页后又不能开网页了,只能上QQ。有时电信往往会让你禁用Application Management服务,就能解决了。这是由于某种不明病毒感染XP系统的应用层网关服务(Application Layer Gateway Service)导致XP系统用户打不开网页,在病毒感染之后,该服务会在每次系统启动时自动启动,并在后台产生一个alg.exe的进程,只要手动关闭该应用层网关服务,即可解决该问题:单击“控制面板”--单击“管理工具”--双击“服务”图标--双击第二项“Application Layer Gateway Service”服务项--在启动类型中选择已“禁用”--单击“应用”--单击“停止”--单击“确定”--重启操作系统即可。 三、ADSL宽带,部分网页打不开 点击开始菜单里的"运行",输入"regedit"后回车,进入注册表。依次展开,会看到包含几个000X的子项,寻找含有键名为"DriverDesc",键值为"TCP/IP"的000X主键,该键里有该计算机的网络属性设置,如IP地址192.168.0.XX,网关192.168.0.1,子网掩码255.255.255.0等。在该键下新建"DWORD值",命名为"MaxMtu",修改键值为十进制的1450,设置完毕,重新启动计算机,客户机就可以访问原来访问不了的站点了。 四、网络设置不当引起无法打开网页 这种原因比较多出现在需要手动指定IP、网关、DNS服务器联网方式下,及使用代理服务器上网的,利用路由等无需设置IP的。仔细检查计算机的网络设置,不同情况不同设置。 另外,网络协议和网卡驱动的错误也会使得IE无法浏览,可能是网络协议(特别是TCP/IP协议)或网卡驱动损坏导致,可尝试重新网卡驱动和网络协议。 五、DNS服务器的问题 当IE无法浏览网页时,可先尝试用IP地址来访问,如果可以访问,那么应该是DNS的问题,造成DNS的问题可能是连网时获取DNS出错或DNS服务器本身问题,这时你可以手动指定DNS服务(地址可以是你当地ISP提供的DNS服务器地址,也可以用其它地方可正常使用DNS服务器地址。)在网络的属性里进行,(控制面板—网络和拔号连接—本地连接—右键属性—TCP/IP协议—属性—使用下面的DNS服务器地址)。不同的ISP有不同的DNS地址。有时候则是路由器或网卡的问题,无法与ISP的DNS服务连接,这种情况的话,可把路由器关一会再开,或者重新设置路由器。 还有一种可能,是本地DNS缓存出现了问题。为了提高网站访问速度,系统会自动将已经访问过并获取IP地址的网站存入本地的DNS缓存里,一旦再对这个网站进行访问,则不再通过DNS服务器而直接从本地DNS缓存取出该网站的IP地址进行访问。所以,如果本地DNS缓存出现了问题,会导致网站无法访问。可以在“运行”中执行ipconfig /flushdns来重建本地DNS缓存。 六、网络防火墙设置不当导致无法打开网页如果网络防火墙设置不当,如安全等级过高、不小心把IE放进了阻止访问列表、错误的防火墙策略等,可尝试检查策略、降低防

galvanized nipple是什么意思

英 [ˈgælvənaizd ˈnɪpəl] 美 [ˈgælvəˌnaɪzd ˈnɪpəl]镀锌套管接头galvanized英 ["ɡælvənaɪzd] 美 ["ɡælvənaɪzd]v.用锌镀(铁)( galvanize的过去式和过去分词 ); 激起某人行动起来 nipple英 [ˈnɪpl] 美 [ˈnɪpəl]n.乳头; <美>(奶品的)橡皮奶头; (枪炮的)火门; [机]喷灯喷嘴,螺纹接套复数: nipples
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