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Whose bag is this?It"s Alice"s bag.


a car runs on petrol是汽油的简称。。或者也有巡逻的意思好像。。


我们班女孩子的捏人功夫可真狠啊。 我好想要本动漫书。 我忍了你很久了。 这道题目真是难啊。 明天就要春游了,我好高兴啊。 我喜爱玩电脑。 今天我的心情真好。 你今天考试怎么考得这么差啊。 我没有收到你的信啊。 诺贝尔在1896年12月10日逝世了。 今天,我的心情很好。 这次考试我考了第一名。 今天我在同学家里住,今天不回家了。 我的生活多姿多彩。(“生”跟这个一样) 你的问题为什么这么多? 今天,我好快乐啊。 你有没有拿到我的自动笔?(“你”和这个一样) 今天的考试怎么才能过关呢? 我不能把这只笔借你。 我全回答了,把悬赏分给我吧。




1.今生没有真爱情,不想恨你,好在我忍过,为快乐活一世。 2.在今生没有快乐过,真不想为情忍恨活一世,我好爱你. 3.我为爱情没有活好,真不忍恨你一生,想在今世过快乐! 4.我好恨你,生活没有快乐,今世真不想为爱情忍过一生! 5.恨你在今生没有爱过我,为情活,真不忍,好想快乐一世! 6.恨你在今生没有爱过我,真不忍为情活一世,好想快乐! 7.爱你,我真想快乐,不过没有,在今生一世为情忍活,好恨! 8.生活好快乐,我没你,不想真恨,在忍,今过一世有为爱情! 9.好想恨你,我忍.在今生为真爱情活过,一生没有不快乐. 10.一生没有为情快乐过,真不忍恨你,活在今世,我好爱你. 11.在今世没有真爱情,我不想忍一生,为快乐活好过恨你. 12.我想在今生真没有不为爱情生活快乐,好过一世恨你,忍! 13.恨今生没有真情,我好想你,为爱忍活一世在快乐不过。 14.想快乐,没有不为爱情生活,在今生,我恨你,好过一世忍 15.恨你在今生没有爱过我,为情活,真不忍,好想快乐一世! 16.不忍恨你 ,我想为真情在今生快乐活, 好过一世没有爱。 17.我好恨你,真想一生没有为过爱情活,今世不快乐。忍。 18.好恨今生一世情,没有不忍为快乐,活过真爱我在想你! 19.活在今世,没有快乐.为爱情,我想忍,一生不好过,真恨你! 20.在今生没有恨过你,为爱情真不忍,我好想快乐活一世。 21.今生没有真爱情,不想恨你,好在我忍过,为快乐活一世。 22.一世为爱情,我在今生没有快乐过,好想恨你,真不忍。 23.爱情真没快乐,不过今世一我为生活好没有恨你,在忍。


petrol造句内容如下:1、He meant to go, but time and petrol were in short supply.他想要走,但时间和汽油都不够了。2、The air smelled like a compound of diesel and petrol fumes.空气闻上去像是柴油和汽油味混在一起的味道。3、He doused the car with petrol and set it on fire.他将汽车浇上了汽油,然后将其点燃焚烧。4、Petrol was so strictly rationed that bikes were always in demand.汽油供应严格定量,自行车因此总是供不应求。5、A move to raise petrol prices by 3p a litre.将汽油价格每升提高三便士的动议。6、[with obj.]he lit a cigarette which ignited the petrol fumes.他点了一根烟,这根烟点燃了挥发着的汽油。7、Diesel units will interchange with the petrol ones.用柴油的装置可以与用汽油的装置互换。8、Lead ensures that petrol burns rather than explodes.铅能确保汽油燃烧而不会爆炸。9、A crashed petrol tanker exploded in a fireball.撞毁的汽油油罐车发生了爆炸,引起的大火形成了一个火球。10、The petrol is dosed with lead.这种汽油里掺入了铅。


dropped造句:1. Federer dropped to his knees, arms aloft.费德勒跪倒在地,高举双臂。2. Italy dropped three points to Switzerland.意大利队输给瑞士队3分。3. `Prices have dropped," he lamented.他哀叹道:“价格跌下来了。”4. The wind had dropped considerably.风力已大大减弱了。5. He dropped his eyes.他垂下眼睛。She"s dropped most of her old friends.她已与多数老朋友停止了来往。Nixon ordered that my office be dropped from the distribution.尼克松命令停止向我的办公室发放该报告。a shape that is spherical and small。a small indefinite quantity (especially of a liquid)--Kipling。a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity。a steep high face of rock。a predetermined hiding place for the deposit and distribution of illicit goods (such as drugs or stolen property)。


1、Since you can"t answer the question, perhaps we"d better ask someone else. 既然你无法回答这个问题,我们最好再问问别人。 2、I felt someone twitch at my coat. 我感到有人猛地拉我的上衣。3、Someone believes that a baby"s urine is a kind of medicine. 有人相信婴儿的尿是一种药。 4、I remember feeling that God, or someone, had brought us together. 我记得感到上帝或某人把我们凑合在一起。 5、We need someone who can fix the problem well.We need someone who can fix the problem well.6、Someone tried to poison our dog. 有人想毒杀我们的狗。7、I"ll find someone like you.我会找到一个和你很相像的人。8、The camera filmed someone leaping into the house.照相机拍到了某人突然跳入那房子的画面。9、Someone has to lock up the house. 总要有人把房子锁起来。10、Someone in the audience began to laugh. 观众中有人开始笑起来。


I saw someone dancing on the street When our national team won champion.当我们国家队赢得冠军后,我看到街上有人跳舞。


someone isn"t Petter.重要的人不是皮特.


1、Her father was shot by someone trying to rob his small retail store 她的父亲被企图抢劫他那间小零售店的人开枪打死了。2、I need someone to help me 我需要有人帮忙。3、She fell in love with someone and ran off with him 她爱上了一个人,和那人私奔了。音标:英 [ˈsʌmwʌn]   美 [ˈsʌmˌwʌn, -wən]  中文释义:pron.某人,有人  n.某个人扩展资料同义词:somebody中文释义:pron.某人,有人 n.大人物,重要的人物音标:英 [ˈsʌmbədi]   美 [ˈsʌmˌbɑdi, -ˌbʌdi, -bədi] 例句:1、Has somebody helped himself to some film star"s diamonds? 有人偷了某个影星的钻石了吗?2、Oh my God he"s shot somebody 我的天哪!他开枪打人了。



does什么意思 does怎么造句呢

1、does[词典]do的第三人称单数现在时形式; 2、conj.做,有用,工作 v.做( do的第三人称单数 ); 干; 学习; 研究 n.雌鹿(或雌兔、雌羚羊等)( doe的名词复数 ) 3、[例句] (1)The charity does a lot of good.这家慈善机构做很多善事。 (2)He does sports in the morning.Does Mike speak English.

用It strikes sb that句式造句

It strikes sb that…意为“某人突然感到(觉得)……”。句首的 it 可视为形式主语。如:It struck me that she had come to borrow money. 我忽然想起她是来借钱的。It struck her that she ought to make a new plan. 她突然想起她应当拟一个新计划。It struck me that nobody was in favour of the change. 我突然感到没有人赞成这种改变。有时也和一般现在时。如:It strikes me Jim is a nice lad. 我觉得吉姆是一个好小伙子。类似的还有:It occurred to him that…。如:It suddenly occurred to him that this was an act he could never do. 他突然想到这是他绝不能做的一件事。注意,有时用于否定句。如:It never occurred to her to ask anyone. 她从未想到问问他人。很高兴为您解答,祝你学习进步!【忧与爱】团队为您答题。有不明白的可以追问!如果您认可我的回答。请点击下面的【选为满意回答】按钮,谢谢!


There was a time when each teacher spent an hour, one day a week, testing students in every subject.曾有一段时间,每个老师每周都花一小时来测验学生的各门功课。The phase of writing that is actually most important is revision.写作中真正最重要的阶段是修改。


It strikes sb that 意为“某人突然感到……”It strikes me that I am wrong. 我突然感觉到我错了。It 是形式主语,真正的主语是that 从句。


She recieved a dozen of roses as her birthday gift. Put some stones into the bottom of the bottle.


stressed造句如下:She stressed the importance of good teamwork.她强调了团队合作的重要性。She stressed the need for constant vigilance.她强调必须时常保持警惕。He stressed the importance of a good education.他强调了接受良好教育的重要性。She stressed the importance of careful preparation. 她强调了认真准备的重要性。

单词造句,abandone abandinment ability able abound about above abroad absence absent absolute absor

头两个单词你是不是拼错了?英语里只有abandon和abandonment造句:1.We abandoned the idea of creating a website due to technical problems.He abandoned himself to depression. 这是一个非常文学性的用法。用到了词组abandon oneself to something 沉浸在某种情感中,无以自拔2.His abandonment of his family was fully paid back with his son"s imprisonment.You are really a savvy, smart thing that you"ve got their abandonment of punishment on you.3.The job was done to the best of his ability. 这里用到了词组to the best of one"s abilityAlbert Einstein must have some natural ability to understand physical phenomena.4.She is able to speak French and Russian.I would have liked to mop the floor before you came, yet I was never able to steal any time for it.5.The rhetorical devices of simile and metaphor abound in her writing.Wall Street abounds with stock brokers, financial journalists, and investment bankers.这里用到了词组abound with something6.She"s worried about her daughter too much.We have to do something about climate change, otherwise our planet may be too dangerous for us to live on.7.The noise from the room above disturbs my meditation and makes me feel annoyed.The salaries they get are well above what we get, and I don"t see the sense of it.8.She went abroad with a summer camp last year, spending 30,000 RMB during just 15 days.Candies imported from abroad are wildly popular amony hipsters in China.9.His job requires frequent absences from home.In the absence of reliable scientific evidence, we won"t believe in what that book tells people.10.He is the only instructor available whenever any of his colleagues is absent.He said "I love you" and she nodded, but her absent look on her face had thrown away the chance to enjoy the romantic moment.11.She"s an absolute genius, because she played the hardest melodies of Friedrich List"s compositions so perfectly last night!He"s an absolute liar.12.She has been sitting beside that table for hours, absorbed in Jane Austen"s fictions. In modern societies, workers are expected to absorb large amounts of information in no time.13.For young children, abstract terms are harder to understand than specific terms.Do show your love for me through practical doings, rather than say that you love me in the abstract. 这里用了名词短语in the abstract 泛泛地考虑某事


She lives in Nigeria.




我是田老师,很高兴为您解答. lives是life的复数形式,译为“生命” She lives in Harbin. Miss Li lives about ten miles from my house.




able Free will makes us able to choose our way of life.自由的意志使我们可以选择自己的生活方式。


我是田老师,很高兴为您解答. lives是life的复数形式,译为“生命” She lives in Harbin. Miss Li lives about ten miles from my house.


ability 核心词汇 英 [ə"bɪləti]     美 [ə"bɪləti]    n. 能力;才能This is a task well within your ability.这完全是你力所能及的工作。She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency.她有处变不惊的本事。He is a man of great executive ability.他是个具有极高管理才能的人。The boy shows remarkable ability at math.这男孩显示出非凡的数学才能。She has great ability at playing the piano.她在演奏钢琴方面很有才能。He shows exceptional ability in solving problems.他处理问题才干过人。




ability:名词。意思为能力,资格;能耐,才能。复数形式为:abilities。Few would argue that this team has experimece and proven ability.这个队伍的丰富经验和表现出来的实力是众所公认的。The public never had faith in his ability to  handle the jod.公众从来不相信他有能力胜任这一职位。Depression lowers the human ability to cope with disease.抑郁症会降低人们对疾病的抵抗力。Overcrowding has taxed the city"s ability to deal with waste.人口过多使得城市的垃圾处理能力达到了极限。Never cells have limited ability to regenerate if destroyed.如果受到损伤,神经细胞再造的能力有限。

regard 造句

He regards himself as a patriot. 他自认为是个爱国者。

regard 造句

及物动词 vt. 1.(尤指以某种方式)注视,凝视 Don"t regard this very seriously. 对此不必过分介意. They all regarded him highly. 他们都对他很尊重. You never regard what I say. 我说的话你从不重视. 2.考虑;注重;重视 3.尊敬;敬重;器重 He has always regarded his father"s advice very highly. 他一向很尊重父亲的意见. 4.注意;听从[常用于否定句] He never regarded my advice. 他从来不听我的话. 5.关系;与…有关;涉及 This matter does not regard them at all. 这件事与他们毫无关系. 名词 n. 1.缘由,原委 2.注意;关注;关心 More regard must be paid to safety on the roads. 必须更加注意公路上的交通安全. You have no regard for my feelings! 你没有考虑到我的感情! 3.尊重;尊敬;敬佩 I hold her in the greatest regard. 我非常尊敬她. 4.(用于信函的结尾或转达问候)致意,问候 Please give my regards to him. 请代我向他致意. 5.注视;凝视 不及物动词 vi. 1.注视;凝视 2.注意;留意


Please feel assured that we will abide by our promise.


The lengthy lecture really tired us that we all fell asleep.


purple 英[ˈpɜ:pl] 美[ˈpɜ:rpl] adj. 紫色的; 帝王的; 词藻华美的; n. 紫色; 紫(红)衣,紫袍; 帝位,皇权; 皇族; vt. 使成紫色; [例句]She wore purple and green silk.她穿着紫绿相间的绸缎衣服。[其他] 比较级:purpler 最高级:purplest 第三人称单数:purples 复数:purples现在分词:purpling 过去式:purpled 过去分词:purpled


I have seen the movie for 3 times.



要always usually often sometimes never 的一问一答造句和翻译。急需!!!!!

always-Doyoumasturbate intheevening?-Yes,always.-你晚上撸管吗?-是啊,总是撸。usually-Whatdoyouusuallydoinyoursparetime?-Masturbate.-你空余时间一般干嘛啊?-撸管。often-Howoftendoyou masturbate?-Twiceaday.-你多久撸一次?-一天两次。sometimes-Doyoufeelexhaustedafter masturbatingsometimes?-No,never.-你撸完管有时会感觉身体被掏空吗?-不,从不。never-Never masturbateinfrontofme!-Sorry,butIcan"tquitthat.-别再在我面前撸管!-抱歉,但我无法戒撸。-

要always usually often sometimes never 的一问一答造句和翻译。急需!!!!!

always-Do you masturbate in the evening?-Yes, always.-你晚上撸管吗?-是啊,总是撸。usually-What do you usually do in your spare time?-Masturbate.-你空余时间一般干嘛啊?-撸管。often-How often do you masturbate?-Twice a day.-你多久撸一次?-一天两次。sometimes-Do you feel exhausted after masturbating sometimes?-No, never.-你撸完管有时会感觉身体被掏空吗?-不,从不。never-Never masturbate in front of me!-Sorry, but I can"t quit that.-别再在我面前撸管!-抱歉,但我无法戒撸。-

用sbbe depressed at sth / be depressed to do sth造句

sbbe depressed at sth / be depressed to do sth造句She was depressed at the poor scores in the math exam.她很郁闷数学考试为何拿这么点分数。She was depressed to take the make-up exam.她很沮丧地参加补考。She was depressed to learn that she didn"t pass the exam.她得知考砸后很郁闷。

depressed造句初一 8个字,

The waiting is happiness or is depressed? 等待是令人高兴的还是令人沮丧的? 短了..who can you spend time with when you"re depressed? 当你沮丧消沉的时候,你会和谁一起度过这段时间?


background造句如下:1、I use your photo as a computer desktop background.我把你的照片当作电脑桌面背景了。2、A person"s educational background does affect long-term living standards.一个人的教育背景确实会影响长期的生活水平。3、The back cover of the book is backgrounded by text.这本书的封底以文字作为背景。4、The school has students from many different cultural backgrounds.这所学校的学生有着不同的文化背景。5、I don"t mind the background noise. It"s the light that bothers me.背景噪音其实还好,真正干扰我的是光线。


1. Her background militates against her.她的背景妨碍了她。请点击输入图片描述2. In the background was that eternal hum.背景里是那没完没了的哼哼声。3. A piano tinkled gently in the background.背景是悠扬的钢琴声。4. His family background is shrouded in mystery.他的家庭背景蒙上了神秘的色彩。请点击输入图片描述5. The Matterhorn rose proudly in the background.马特峰巍然屹立在背景中。


depressed 英[dɪˈprest] 美[dɪˈprɛst] adj. 情绪低落的,沮丧的; 萧条的; 下陷的,低的; 中间凹下的; v. 压下(depress的过去式和过去分词); 使愁苦; 降低(价格); 使跌价; [例句]He seemed somewhat depressed他似乎有些抑郁。


Can you endure that noise? 你能忍受那噪音吗?

乱字组词 乱字组词造句

1、杂乱 造句:过度的杂乱是压力呈现的一个征兆也是造成压力的源泉,而且可以影响你生活的每一方面,从你做事情要花费的时间到财务状况和你整体生活的享受。 解释:多而乱,没有秩序或条理。 2、变乱 造句:其次,请容许我清晰并完备地诠释这起史无先例的变乱发生的始终??只管您也许已在各大电视机台瞅见很多涉及此事的报导。 解释:战争或暴力行动所造成的混乱。


  以六字开头的成语:   六臂三头 六尘不染 六道轮回 六根清净 六街三市 六畜兴旺 六出纷飞 六月飞霜   六畜不安 六根清静 六朝金粉 六尺之孤 六马仰秣 六韬三略 六神无主 六亲不认   六出奇计 六合之内 六亲无靠 六尺之讬 六街三陌 六趣轮回 六神不安 六通四达   六根清净的词语解释、造句如下:   解释:六根:佛家语,指眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意。佛家以达到远离烦恼的境界为六根清静。比喻已没有任何欲念。   造句:   1. 六根清净只是佛学的理论,恐怕没人能真正做到。   2. 老方丈的理由是:作为一庙之长,一定要六根清净,否则是不可能承担起寺庙里的领军重任的。   3. 一个行囊,两只慧眼,走三山,览四海,逛五岳,六根清净,七彩缤纷,八方会友,九洲看遍,十分悠闲自在。世界旅游日,愿你带着美好心情出发!   4. 本该灵台慧明六根清净,机缘巧合下却学会了凡人的七情六欲,便妄求了姻缘,遭了报应。唐七公子   5. 心中有杂念,无法求得六根清净,在家出家也就没了区别。   6. 传言,要入禅佛寺,需六根清净,摒除七情六欲。   7. 师太六根清净,修为自是超凡脱俗,当世除家师,便当尊师太为首,在下更是万不能及的了。   8. 只有六根清净,方能习得这巅峰武道。   9. 六根清净,让你专心修行;宁静致远,令你感知超群;静极思动,有助你感悟法则;平心静气,更能提高你的心境……   10. 六根清净却成帝王之辈者,当愿以千里江山抵她换作酒钱,她何以含笑拒之……   六月飞霜的词语解释、造句如下:   解释:旧时比喻有冤狱。   造句:   1 只见问天的剑尖出飞出一道剑气,准确的射在那个凸起的地方,顿时雪花真的是满天飞,颇有六月飞霜的感觉。   2 说李天星之所以能取胜,完全是靠开外挂作弊,唐开山败在他的剑下简直就是六月飞霜的冤枉事。   3 六月飞霜世界怪得夸大谁又去决议谁正常?   4 齐妇含冤,三年不雨;邹衍下狱,六月飞霜。   5 秦少龙这次是跳进黄河也洗不清了,他感觉六月飞霜的传说,已经离他不远了。   6 六月飞霜惊世现,班青堪比窦娥冤!我韦雪寒虽放任不羁,但亦晓得兔子不吃窝边草,班青虽然叛变,好歹是我教的海棠使者。



When I saw this man in my surprise


suprise是惊奇 惊讶 惊喜的意思造句可以用一个固定搭配 give somebody a surprise例如: he gives me a surprise






1How successful will this new treatment be? 这一新的疗法会有多大成效?2One of the keys to successful business is careful planning. 打造成功企业的关键之一就是要精心策划。3Women do not necessarily have to imitate men to be successful in business 女性不见得非要模仿男性才能在商界叱咤风云。4I am looking forward to a long and successful partnership with him 我期盼着能与他建立长期而有成效的合作关系。5She has been comparatively successful in maintaining her privacy. 在保护自己的隐私方面她一直都做得比较成功。6She is a successful lawyer. 她是个成功的律师。7His previous fusions of jazz, pop and African melodies have proved highlysuccessful. 事实证明他先前融合了爵士乐、流行乐和非洲旋律的作品非常成功。8He and a partner set up on their own and built a successful fashion company他和同伴自己创业,创办了一家成功的时装公司。9This has been one of the most successful desserts in my repertoire. 这是我会做的甜点中做得最成功的一种。10I think it"s going to be successful 我认为这事会成功。


successful造句如下:1、For a successful class humour is indispensable.要在课堂上取得成功, 幽默是必不可少的。2、Taken altogether, this TV play was successful.总的看来, 这部电视剧是成功的。3、I sincerely hope that you will be successful.我衷心祝愿你成功。4、He was born to be a successful businessman.他注定会成为一个成功的商人。5、No one has paralleled his successful business.没有人赶得上他在事业上的成就。6、Successful businesses are highly adaptable to economic change.成功的企业对于经济转变的适应能力很强。7、His business acumen has made his very successful.他的商业头脑使他很成功。8、Efforts to sandardise English spellings have not been successful.英语拼写标准化的努力并不成功。9、The company is the successful tenderer for the project.该公司是承包这项工程的中标者。


successful解析:一、词语用法1、successful的基本意思是“成功的”,指事时表示某事“如愿以偿的”或“达到目的的”,指人时表示“出人头地的”或“飞黄腾达的”。2、successful在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。用作表语时,其后常跟介词in。3、successful可用very修饰。二、successful具体分析:1、读音:英[səkˈsesfl]    美[səkˈsɛsfəl]    2、释义:adj.    成功的,如愿以偿的;    三、例句:He and a partner set up on their own and built a successful fashion company他和同伴自己创业,创办了一家成功的时装公司。This has been one of the most successful desserts in my repertoire. 这是我会做的甜点中做得最成功的一种。

用thick 造句。



给你造些句子吧: Electricity is the driving power for the modern society. 电力是现代社会的驱动力。 We need to install new electricity lines in our new house. 我们需要给我们的新房安装电源线。 The power station accident caused a big electricity cut. 电站事故造成大面积停电。 The shortage of electricity is a problem facing most big cities in summer. 电力短缺是大多数大城市在夏季面临的问题。 Dry climate in winter results in more occurrences of static electricity. 冬季的干燥气候使产生静电的情况增多。 够了吗?


自私的英语有selfish hogit makeahogofoneself selfishness selfness 副词selfishly selfish形容词 1. Aselfishpersonalwaysthinksabouthimself.一个自私的人总是想着自己。2. Ihavebeenaselfishbeingallmylife,inpractice,thoughnotinprinciple.我生平是个利己的人,虽然只在实践而非原则上如此。3. Iambecomingmoreandmoreirritatedbyhisselfishbehaviour.我对他那种自私的行为愈加恼火起来。4. Thetwobrothersoftenquarrelwitheachother;oneisstubborn,andtheother(is)selfish.这两兄弟经常吵架;一个很固执,另一个则很自私。5. Icallhisbehaviourmeanandselfish.我认为他的行为卑鄙、自私.6. Nobodybutyoucouldbesoselfish.除了你之外,谁也不会这样自私.7. Theirmotives,aswillsoonbecomeapparent(ieasyouwillsoonsee),arecompletelyselfish.他们的动机很快就能看出,完全是自私自利.名词selfishness]1. Hisselfishnesscausedhimtorefusemysolicitation.他的自私让他拒绝了我的请求。2. Thisbehaviourillustratesyourselfishness.你的行为说明你很自私.3. Hewasangeredbytheselfishnessoftheothers.他因为别人的自私而发怒.4. Heisalumpofselfishness.他是个自私自利的人。

predict用英语解释并造句! 请用predict英语解释并造句!

predict say sth before it happpened vt. 1. 预言;预料;预报[+that][+wh-] He predicted that an earthquake was imminent. 他预言即将发生地震. He predicted a good harvest. 他预言丰收. vi. 1. 作预言;作预料;作预报

predict用英语解释并造句! 请用predict英语解释并造句!

predict say sth before it happpened vt. 1. 预言;预料;预报[+that][+wh-] He predicted that an earthquake was imminent. 他预言即将发生地震. He predicted a good harvest. 他预言丰收. vi. 1. 作预言;作预料;作预报

cough 造句子?


babylonia and assyria造句 babylonia and assyriaの例文

In the mid-6th century BC, Babylonia and Assyria became provinces of the Persian Empire. Over thousands of years, empires rose and fell in the area : Sumeria, Babylonia and Assyria . The modern discovery of Babylonia and Assyria begins with excavations in Nineveh in 1845, which revealed the Library of Ashurbanipal. As a result, Babylonia and Assyria , which together formed the ninth satrapy of the Persian Empire, became economically isolated and impoverished. The cult of the moon-god spread to other centers, so that temples to him are found in all the large cities of Babylonia and Assyria . While generally in close association with her consort, she is also invoked alone, giving her more dominance than most of the goddesses of Babylonia and Assyria . Starting with the Neopthic finds, the emphasis of the collection is of finds from Sumer, Babylonia and Assyria , as well as northern Syria and eastern Anatopa. Following the end of the Middle Assyrian Empire in the late 11th century BCE, struggles broke out beeen Babylonia and Assyria over the control of the Iraqi Euphrates basin. In the astral theology of Babylonia and Assyria , Anu, Enpl, and Ea became the three zones of the ecpptic, the northern, middle and southern zone respectively. Ancient Babylonia and Assyria had tales of the mythical Liptu, And Estries, female shape changing, blood drinking demons, were said to roam the night among the population, seeking victims. It"s difficult to see babylonia and assyria in a sentence. 用 babylonia and assyria 造句挺难的 Iraqi nationap *** has emphasized Iraq"s cultural heritage to ancient Sumer, Babylonia and Assyria , states that are considered the cradle of civipzation that spread civipzation to other parts of the world. The king of Chaldea was also called the king of Bit Yakin, just as the kings of Babylonia and Assyria were regularly styled simply king of Babylon or Assur, the capital city in each case. The book The Repgion of Babylonia and Assyria by Theophilus G . Pinches describes the Rabisu as being " the seizer " which is " regarded as a spirit which lay in wait to pounce upon his prey ". The ancient, " dead " tongues of Babylonia and Assyria were also in the Semitic family, as was Aramaic, the language of Jesus . ( Aramaic is still spoken in a few areas in the Middle East .) The main players in southern Mesopotamia during this period were Babylonia and Assyria , together with Elam to the east and the Aramaeans, who had already settled in the region a century or so prior to the arrival of the Chaldeans. The emergence of the new name concurred with the discovery of ancient Babylonia and Assyria and the decipherment of cuneiform that took place during 19th century, and the rise of nationap *** under the Ottoman Empire that occurred in the same period. Dumah, a remote desert city to the west, known later as Dumat Al-Jandal and today as al-Jawf, was the most important of these, sitting as it did beeen the empires of Babylonia and Assyria . It left its trace in incantations, omens and hymns and gave birth to astronomy, which was assiduously cultivated because a knowledge of the heavens was the very foundation of the system of bepef unfolded by the priests of Babylonia and Assyria . The rulers of the Parthian Empire ( 250 BC AD 226 ) were on the whole tolerant in spirit, and with the older faiths of Babylonia and Assyria in a state of decay, the time was ripe for a new and vital faith. Akkadian gradually replaced Sumerian as a spoken language somewhere around the turn of the 3rd and the 2nd millennium BC, but Sumerian continued to be used as a sacred, ceremonial, pterary, and scientific language in Babylonia and Assyria until the 1st century CE. In Babylonia and Assyria the cult centred largely and indeed almost exclusively in the pubpc welfare and the person of the king, because upon his well-being and favour with the gods the fortunes of the country were dependent, in accordance with the ancient conception of kingship. Manship described this sphere in the following words : The representation of the heavenly constellations is derived from Babylonia and Assyria : the Greeks and Latins added their names and gave the constellations a local significance in some cases and I have adhered as closely as possible to the ancient forms. More substantially, she also wrote for this " Review " beeen 1906 and 1908 a series entitled The British Museum for Young People, describing what could be seen in the British Museum on Roman Britain, ancient Greece, Egypt, Babylonia and Assyria ; this was pubpshed in book form in 1914. In 615 BC, while the Assyrian king was fully occupied fighting rebels in both Babylonia and Assyria itself, Cyaxares launched a surprise attack on the Assyrian heartlands, sacking the cities of Kalhu ( the Bibpcal Calah, Nimrud ) and Arrapkha ( modern Kirkuk ), Nabopolassar was still pinned down in southern Mesopotamia and thus not involved in this breakthrough. The last of these eventually came to dominate the south of Mesopotamia as the Babylonian Empire, just as the Old Assyrian Empire had already done so in the north from the late 21st century BC . The Sumerian language continued as a sacerdotal language taught in schools in Babylonia and Assyria , much as Latin was used in the Medieval period, for as long as cuneiform was utipzed. Babylonia and Assyria sink into insignificance beside Jerahmeel in so far as influence on the Old Testament is concerned . " Amalekites " is a corruption of " Jerahmeeptes "; " Beer-lahai-roi " ( Gen . xvi . 14 ) is a corruption of " Well of Jerahmeel "; " Ephraim " is often a corruption of " Jerahmeel . " The epithet of Jericho, " city of palm-trees, " is a corruption of " city of Jerahmeel "; the names of Saul, of Kish, his father, and of most of the sons of Saul are held to be corruptions of " Jerahmeel "; and Isaiah"s " Maher-shalal-hash-baz " is held to be a corruption of " Jerahmeel will be deserted . " " Jerahmeel " has been displaced by " Babylon " in Isa . xiii . and xiv .; and Ezekiel"s three wise men were " Enoch, Jerahmeel, and Arab . " This pst might be continued indefinitely. It"s difficult to find babylonia and assyria in a sentence. 用 babylonia and assyria 造句挺难的

jacob abbott造句 jacob abbottの例文

It was the home of Jacob Abbott , author of children"s books. In 1910, a series of enty short biographies of historical characters by J . S . C . and Jacob Abbott , was pubpshed. Lyman Abbott was born at Roxbury, Massachusetts on December 18, 1835, the son of the propfic author, educator and historian Jacob Abbott . Fewacres ", the home of noted juvenile fiction writer Jacob Abbott , was originally part of the district, but was demopshed c . 2010. In 1832, she subsequently enrolled in Boston"s Mount Vernon School under the tutelage of its principal Reverend Jacob Abbott , a propfic writer and editor whose works include the popular Rollo books and Lucy books for children. He was one of the founding members of the first Congregational Church under the leadership of T . Q . Stow, Jacob Abbott was co-pastor for some years before moving to the new church at Stepney 1860 to 1877. Older books about Alfred the Great include the legend : for example, Jacob Abbott "s 1849 " Alfred the Great " says that " One of the greatest and most important of the measures which Alfred adopted for the intellectual improvement of his people was the founding of the great University of Oxford ." Written as " a work for teenage girls ( scored for first and second soprano and alto ) ", " The Flower Queen " was performed first on March 11, 1853 by the young ladies of Jacob Abbott "s Springer Institute, and almost immediately repeated by Root"s students at the Rutgers Female Institute, and was praised by R . Storrs Wilps. ThoughtAudio"s rendition of " The Assassination of Jupus Caesar ", by Jacob Abbott , is a remended resource by the curriculum management and standards-based system, NYLearns, stating that ThoughtAudio"s " audio books are professionally narrated works that you can psten to onpne or download to play offpne . " Florida State Libraries remends ThoughtAudio for selected classic works among six free audiobook sites that they have classified under research guides for books, film and music. It"s difficult to find jacob abbott in a sentence. 用 jacob abbott 造句挺难的

lyman abbott造句 lyman abbottの例文

Lyman Abbott grew up in Farmington, Maine and later in New York City. Lyman Abbott was born at Roxbury, Massachusetts on December 18, 1835, the son of the propfic author, educator and historian Jacob Abbott. He saw his role as one of munication to introduce his congregation and the wider pubpc to the ideas of Lyman Abbott , George Herron, and Rauschenbusch. Kidd came into the Social Gospel movement when, during his to America, he met the leading clergymen of the movement including Washington Gladden, Lyman Abbott . "" Lyman Abbott ""( December 18, 1835 October 22, 1922 ) was an American Congregationapst theologian, editor, and author. His sons, Benjamin Vaughan Abbott, Austin Abbott, both eminent lawyers, Lyman Abbott , and Edward Abbott, a clergyman, were also well-known authors. After the Palace doors closed, the reverend Lyman Abbott , father Edward McGlynn, rabbi Gustav Gottheil, R . Heber Newton ( Episcopapan ), and John Sherwin Cro *** y depvered addresses. In 1913 Lyman Abbott was expelled from the American Peace Society because miptary preparedness was vigorously advocated in the " Outlook ", which he edited, and because he was a member of the Army and Navy League. Potter s sermon gave him a national reputation . He became recognized throughout the country as a man of wisdom to understand the times, and of courage to express the convictions based on that understanding . Potter possessed a bination of oratorical skill, episcopal status and social acceptabipty . These characteristics made him one of the Protestant preachers, along with Henry Ward Beecher and Lyman Abbott , most often called upon for major pubpc functions . He was succeeded by Lyman Abbott ( 1887-1899 ), a lawyer turned minister and repgious journapst, Newell Dwight Hilps ( 1899-1924 ), who oversaw the pletion of the Plymouth campus as it exists today, J . Stanley Durkee ( 1926-1940 ), a former President of Howard University, L . Wendell Fifield ( 1941-1955 ), a pastor of Seattle"s Plymouth Congregational Church widely known for his active role in civic affairs throughout the Pacific Northwest, and Rev . Harry H . Kruener ( 1960-1984 ), Dean of the chapel at Denison University. It"s difficult to see lyman abbott in a sentence. 用 lyman abbott 造句挺难的

exciting 造句,加汉语意思

it" exciting. 我很兴奋


Fewer have come than we anticipated.来的人较我们预料的少。A few people came.来了几个人。Few of my friends were there.我的朋友中几乎没有人在那里。Many left a few stayed.大多数走了,少数人留下。A few of the men wore hats.这些男人中有几个戴着帽子。Fewer people study Latin today than formerly.现在学拉丁语的人比以前少了。


1. A few days later he told me an exciting piece of news. 几天之后他告诉我一个令人振奋的消息。 2. That sounds exciting. 听起来怪热闹的。 3. That game was not very exciting. 那场比赛并不怎么精彩刺激。 4. The film had an exciting plot. 这部电影有吸引人的情节。

semm 造句

It seems that+句子


1、This is an arbitrary decision. 2、They themselves made the decision. 3、You must make a prudent decision. 4、Steve seemed to acquiesce in the decision. 5、He pushed her into making a decision. 6、The judge overruled the previous decision. 7、We await your decision.; We are expecting you to make a decision. 8、The tester identifies the decision points in the test suite workflow and createsa decision test script for each decision point.

用“once”造句 ?

1.They cocktailed once every week.他们每星期喝一次鸡尾酒。2.He once lived in Shanghai.他曾经在上海住过。3.I have been there once.我到过那儿一次。4.Once you start a task,you must bear it through.你一旦开始一件任务,就必须把它完成。5.I have met her once.我见过她一次。6.Some stores inventory their stock once a week.有些商店每周清点存货一次。7.They usually get together once a month.他们通常每月聚会一次。8.The store inventories its stock once a month.该商店每月盘点一次存货。9.I resolved to visit my grandmother at least once a year.我决定每年至少要去看望祖母一次。10.Once being in danger of life, he would hit on the way to escape.一旦到了有生命危险的关键时刻,他总能灵机一动想出逃脱的方法。once   英      [wʌns]       美      [wʌns]adv. 一次;曾经conj. 一旦n. 一次,一回短语Once Fallen      曾经堕落  ;    片once published   一旦被出版 ; 一旦出版Unidad Once   企业文化    ;  企业文明Kisses Once 情海重吻once another 相互Play Once 播放一次 ; 播放整个幻灯片一次once cop 杨紫琼于荣光主演的Ask once 只询问一次Remember once 记得有一次 ; 怀念曾经同义词/相近词adv. 一次;曾经ever      ,   e"er        n. 一次,一回breath  , one time原声例句:But,once the fire is out, the well still needs to be covered,or capped, to stop the flow of oil.                                                         VOA: special.2009.03.22Then, once you"ve done that, once you have secured the integrity and accuracy of the meaning, Hirsch says, "Okay, fine.在你完成那个之后,一旦你确定了意思的真实性和准确性,赫施说,好的,不错。耶鲁公开课 - 文学理论导论课程节选And once you... when you"re having that bad of a season, it"s really hard to get everyone passionate about it,所以一旦赛季取得很差的成绩,就很难保持球队的激情。


I go swimming once a week.

用“once”造句 ?

I have met him once

用 involved和involving 造句 名词性从句 各一句.



I was involved in the scandal.


be involved in 包含的意思 2.They have to be involved in some way in the final peace agreement. 他们必须以某种方式参与最终的和平协议.

用optimistic 和optimism 分别造句:乐观战胜一切困难。怎么个用法

Optimist attitude makes you overcom all the difficulties.乐观的态度使你客服一切困难Optimism can overcome all the difficulties.

用be optimistic about 造句



You must use force to open that bottle.


造句:I got involved in a quarrel about the price.我被卷入了一场有关价格的争吵。


be involved in 包含的意思 2.They have to be involved in some way in the final peace agreement. 他们必须以某种方式参与最终的和平协议.


1.My mother always forces me to do what I hate. 2.Reasonable diet will have a good effect on your body. 3.I don"t love him any more. 4.People usually throw rubbish here and there on the street.


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