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seem like造句10句

1.Thus reduced to its essentials, what chinese want might seem like an exercise inhigh-concept ethnic stereotyping. 如此看来,《中国人要什么》的核心内容,似乎只是将民族刻板印象发展到了深入的水平。2.This might seem like valuable ammunition. 这看起来似乎是宝贵的武器。3.That may seem like a big dream, but that"s never stopped cole before. 这个梦想可能看起来很宏大,但科尔从来不会因为这种原因而停下脚步。4.All this makes mr romney seem like a hopeless flip-flopper. 所有这些都使得罗姆尼看上去像一颗不折不扣的墙头草。5.That may seem like an interesting idea, but how many times do you need to buy anxbox? " “这可能看起来像是一个有意思的想法,但一个人会买几次Xbox呢?”6.Does this seem like a reasonable number? Yeah? 它看起来像一个合理的数字吗?是的?7.Implementing these processes may sometimes seem like an overhead, and not alldevelopment teams will have the infrastructure or the resources to implementthese fully. 实施这些过程有时看起来像空中楼阁,并不是所有的开发团队都有足够的设施以及资源来完全实现它们。8.Although most of the time they seem like little devils, children are true angels thatteach us a lot about how we can better our life. 尽管看起来孩子们多数时间像小魔鬼,其实他们是真正的小天使,教会我们很多如何使生活更美好的方法。9.The death of a loved one may seem like the end of the world, but you shouldrealize that life must go on. 心爱人的死亡可能看来像你是到了世界的末日,然而你也应该明白,生活必须继续下去。10.I seem like a child because I onlysay childlike things in your English. 在你看来,我就像个小孩,因为我只能说些孩子般的话。

pack pony造句 pack ponyの例文

Smithy Brow at the end of the trail was where pack ponies were re-shod after their journey. There were few roads of any consequence and depvery was usually by pack pony over the rough hill tracks. The Gapceno is used in Mexico as a riding and pack pony , as well as for pght draft and farm work. The medieval chasse-mar闲 merchants catered to this originally by carrying fish in pairs of baskets on pack ponies , as far as possible, overnight. The medieval French chasse-mar闲 merchants originally catered to the demand for fresh fish in inland markets by carrying fish in pairs of baskets on pack ponies , as far as possible, overnight. Amundsen, by contrast, has often been portrayed in movies and books as a hard-hearted sailor who survived his polar trip by eating his sled dogs . ( Scott, who refused on humanitarian grounds to use dogs on his expedition to the South Pole, ate his pack ponies instead .) It"s difficult to find pack pony in a sentence. 用 pack pony 造句挺难的


The room is noisy. Don"t be noisy in the classroom. He is a noisy boy.



label area造句 label areaの例文 "label area"是什麼意思

In the area at the left . if you do not have a pouch , affix the folded label using clear plastic shipping tape over the entire label area 来获得。如果您没有邮袋,则使用干净的塑料运输胶带将已折叠的标签粘贴在整个标签区域上。 In the area at the left . if you do not have a pouch , affix the folded label using clear plastic shipping tape over the entire label area 索取ups标签pak袋及其他项目。若您没有透明塑胶袋,您可使用透明胶纸贴上摺叠的标签,并固定在包裹上。 This paper elaborates the main idea and some details of the o approaches that include labepng areas , choosing the source node and the target node , searching the neighbor nodes , choosing the evaluation fimction and deapng with the failure 包括算法的基本思想以及算法实现中的几个关键技术:区域类型的标记、起始节点和目标节点的确定、相邻节点的搜索、估计函数的选择以及失败的处理。 Now there are o basic target recognition strategies , such as processing from bottom to top , which is called data - driving method , and processing from top to bottom , which is called knowledge - driving method . the former begins with low layer processing for example , general segmentation , label and feature extraction , then judges whether the feature vector extracted from the labeled area is in accordance with the feature vector of the object model . the latter firstly brings forward a hypothesis on probably existed feature , secondly proceeds with purposeful segmentation , label and feature extraction , lastly judges whether the feature vector extracted from the labeled area is in accordance with the feature vector of the object model 目标识别在工农业生产、国防建设中具有极其重要的地位,目前目标识别的算法常用的有两种,一种是由下而上的数据驱动型策略,即不管目标属于何种类型,一律先对原图像进行一股性的分割、标记和特征抽取等低层次处理,然后将每个带标记的已分割区域的特征矢量与目标模型相匹配;另一种是由上而下的知识驱动型策略,即先对图像中可能存在的特征提出假设,根据假设进行有目的地分割、标记和特征抽取,在此基础上与目标模型进行精确匹配。 It"s difficult to find label area in a sentence. 用 label area 造句挺难的




idea造句如下:1、The idea of the wind singing is a romantic conceit.风儿在唱歌这一巧妙的比喻很有浪漫色彩。2、Who first thought of the idea ?谁首先想到这个主意的?3、The idea of sharing a room appalled her.合住一个房间的想法使她惊骇。4、I"ve got a rough idea of what he looks like.我对他的样子有了个大致的概念。idea的意思:n.主意;想法;概念;构思;印象;意见;看法;信念;感觉;目标。短语搭配:bad idea糟糕的主意;bright idea聪明的主意;brilliant idea绝妙的主意;great idea极好的主意;crazy idea疯狂的主意(或想法);dumb idea愚蠢的主意(或想法);original idea最初的主意(或想法);new idea新主意;新想法。

idea是什么意思 idea造句

1、idea,英语单词,主要用作为名词,作名词时意为“想法;主意;概念”。 2、双语造句: (1)However, I have no idea where to go. 但是,我拿不定主意去哪儿。 (2)But if you have an idea and I have an idea. 但是。 倘若你有一种思想。我也有一种思想。 (3)I like the idea . 我喜欢这个想法。

idea是什么意思 idea造句

1、idea,英语单词,主要用作为名词,作名词时意为“想法;主意;概念”。 2、双语造句: (1)However, I have no idea where to go. 但是,我拿不定主意去哪儿。 (2)But if you have an idea and I have an idea. 但是。 倘若你有一种思想。我也有一种思想。 (3)I like the idea . 我喜欢这个想法。


  subjectiv指的是主观的;个人的;自觉的,用subjective造句,要怎么造呢?以下是我整理的subjective造句,欢迎阅读。    subjective释义   主观   凭经验的.   个人的   自觉的    短语   subjective idealism 主观唯心主义 ; 主观唯心论 ; 主观观念论 ; 主观的观念论   subjective test 主观性测试 ; 主观测验 ; 主观测试 ; 主观型考试   subjective brightness 主亮度 ; 舟亮度 ; 亮度 ; 主观亮度   subjective item 主观题 ; 主观要件 ; 主观试题   subjective judgement 主观判断 ; 经验法则与主观判断法 ; 主观评判   subjective testing 主观测试评价 ; [试验] 主观测试 ; 主观性测试   subjective freedom 主观的自由 ; 主观自由 ; 主体自由   subjective evaluation 主观评价 ; 主观评 ; 主客观评价 ; 主观估计   subjective utility 主观效用 ; 主观利益   In other words, we are treating people as if they weren"t subjective, but instead were machines.    subjective造句   2.It"s true and sensible, as far as it goes, but also obvious and frustratingly subjective.   3.This is highly subjective, of course, but Georgetown Cupcake and Godiva both emerged as crowd favorites.   4.Chasing down the best fish and chips in London is definitely a subjective affair.   5.KLD, whose database contains an analysis of 3, 000 companies, combines quantitative and subjective measures of citizenship.   6.It"s harder to measure quality in more subjective fields such as interior design or hair styling.   7.Mr Parker said visitors did need subjective advice when coming to countries for a short time.   8.Be patient-bad markets happen and the so-called experts are just offering their subjective opinions.   9.For, for well over a century now, economists say that value is something entirely subjective.   10.Of course, entrepreneur evaluation, as well as opportunity evaluation, is a highly subjective process.   11.Real-estate experts point out that valuing real estate is more subjective than valuing most other investments.   12.Asked whether this reform should be sped up, al-Assad said a timetable would be subjective.   13.With all the best intentions in mind, the rating process does include some subjective judgments.   14.Here, he pushed the subjective-camera technique—putting the audience into the minds of his characters—to new heights.   15.His subjective estimate also suffers from a lack of contemporaneous verification by records or other evidence.   16.For patients and experts alike, there is a subjective core to every medical decision.   17.Tonal quality is a subjective measurement, of course, and Stradivarius violins vary in their tones.   18.These are the first set of experimental results on subjective well-being, the ONS says.   19.Ricardo is building a database linking these subjective ratings to actual physical performance data.   20.The fact that a placebo can lessen subjective measures of pain is not new.   21.But many deal with programmatic issues that are subjective, and prospective, looking to the future.   22.The reasons given for such a contention are, to say the least, highly subjective and debatable.   23.Through additional objective and subjective analysis, they selected the best-managed company in each of 26 industries.   24.Republicans say that manual counts are inherently subjective and inaccurate and are against them as a matter of principle.   25.Some agency executives are sceptical about being paid for value, because it is so subjective.   26.Admittedly, this is a subjective list, but I believe it to be quite accurate.   27.The courts have long held that the IRS cannot use subjective, "value-laden" tests in administering nonprofit status.   28.Moreover, accusing China of becoming more intimidating must be taken as a subjective (if not supercilious) perception.   29.Granted, value is subjective, but Financo President William Susman says even luxury retailers can be considered value.   30.No planner, no matter how wise, could possibly appreciate all the subjective dynamics lurking behind these numbers.




一、弟弟从 幼儿园 回家后,闷得够呛,趁奶奶在厨房做晚饭,他蹑手蹑脚地溜出屋。 二、大概是在我上 幼儿园 时,他每天都去接送我,现在他已经是两鬓斑白了,带着一副看似古董样子的老花镜,一双很久没上油不发亮的皮鞋。我的爷爷。尽管他现在已经老的以至于行走都不是件容易的事了,但我还是相当之崇拜他的。 三、老师教 幼儿园 小朋友们学英文,念ABC。有一个小朋友就是死活不念。老师问他为什么,小朋友回答:”妈妈说,B是骂人的话,不能讲!“老师怒道:”你妈的B和老师的B不一样!你妈的B是骂人的,老师的B是外国人用的。 四、我有一个好妹妹,她叫舒婷,今年五岁了,正在上 幼儿园 。她长得非常可爱,大大的眼睛,圆圆的脸,红润的小嘴,她是妈妈的心肝宝贝,也是全家人的开心果。 五、 幼儿园 是一个保教相结合幼儿场所,保育是幼儿园工作重要组成之一,只有爱孩子才能做好这份工作,孩子是祖国的花朵,是明天,我愿意将自己一颗无私的爱心献给每一个孩子,将他们当成自己的孩子来照顾。 六、我的表妹文文,今年五岁,是 幼儿园 大班的小朋友。她个头很高,身体稍微有些胖,凸额头,塌鼻梁,一头乌黑油亮的头发,红红的小脸蛋像朵要开的花,两只眼睛亮亮的,我们都叫他“小蓓蕾”。 七、理想这个词,是我们最熟悉而又最陌生不过的。从 幼儿园 开始,理想便天天被我们挂在嘴边。然而,白驹过隙的一瞬,我已然成为了一名中学生。当我自豪的解开胸前稚气的红领巾时,理想,却被我淡忘了。 八、 幼儿园 老师说:尿床一次罚三元,二次五元,三次七元。我正想问老师包月多少钱,就看见你举手说:老师,我要办vip会员年卡!祝你儿童节快乐! 九、 幼儿园 的老师非常喜爱这些单纯幼稚的孩子。 十、儿童节那天,老师带领 幼儿园 的小伙伴们到南湖游玩。 十一、我还有一年,就 幼儿园 毕业了。毕业后,我就能告诉你怎么谈恋爱了。 十二、父母是孩子的第一个老师,孩子从 幼儿园 到小学、中学时期,大部分是生活在家庭里,而这正是孩子们长身体、长知识,培养性格、品德,为形成世界观打基础的时期,父母的一言一行都给孩子深远的影响。 十三、家长把孩子送到 幼儿园 ,就把他托付给老师了。 十四、今年入学的新生,大半上过 幼儿园 。 十五、小弟弟今天闹毛病了,没上 幼儿园 。 十六、从 幼儿园 开始,我们就被灌输竞争之心。随后的一生一直在与假想的竞争者比赛。 十七、念了十几年书,想起来还是 幼儿园 比较好混! 十八、 幼儿园 小朋友天真活泼,真惹人喜爱。 十九、我上 幼儿园 时,冬天的早晨非常寒冷,我起床就往窗上看,只见窗上凝了一层水珠,我就用小手指当笔,在上面写呀,画呀…… 二十、爷爷由 幼儿园 孩子们的幸福生活联想起自己童年的遭遇。 二十一、他竟然连 幼儿园 的小孩也下得了手,真是丧心病狂! 二十二、 幼儿园 的小朋友边唱边跳,多么天真烂漫啊。 二十三、在 幼儿园 老师的精心呵护下,小朋友高枕无忧地享受着童年的生活。 二十四、今天 幼儿园 的小明大显身手写出了自己的名字。 二十五、在草莓刚“出生”的时候,是穿白色外衣的。是小宝宝时就穿上了青绿色的衣裳。上 幼儿园 时穿上的是青红色的衬衫。现在是小姑娘了,成熟了,懂得打扮了。它那透红色的连衣裙,翠绿色的草帽,真是让人垂涎三尺啊! 二十六、它挂在小树上,像给小树披上了一层美丽的纱裙;它浮在小河上,像许多小虫在蠕动;它落在草地上,像给无边的绿毯绣上了白色的小花;它飞到田野上,给辛勤的农民伯伯跳起了欢乐的舞;它来到 幼儿园 ,抚摸着孩子的脸蛋。 二十七、小平今年刚三岁,个儿不高,胖乎乎的,很讨人喜欢。别看他人不大,倒是早早地戴上了一副眼镜。不管是跟你说话还是玩儿,他的手总是不时地向上推推眼镜,上 幼儿园 的孩子就戴眼镜了,真像个小大人。 二十八、我的同学方玮长着一头乌黑的秀发,两条淡淡的眉毛,一双眼睛炯炯有神。她文静可爱,从 幼儿园 开始就是我的同班同学,成为了我亲密的玩伴。我们之间有许多有趣的故事,就让我讲一件给你听吧。 二十九、当我牙牙学语,爸爸就告诉我,我是炎黄子孙、龙的传人;当我开始记事时,妈妈就告诉我,我的祖国是由五十六个民族组成的大国;当我上 幼儿园 时,老师就开始教我们画鲜艳的五星红旗…… 三十、说实话,我第一对音乐的爱和欣赏是很老式的那种情形,在 幼儿园 里。我曾经每天都听柴可夫斯基的音乐丶理查德.罗吉尔斯的美妙旋律丶奥斯卡.汉莫斯汀等等的还有很多。我喜欢音乐演出。 三十一、 幼儿园 的时候,小明居然不知天高地厚,违反纪律,在六一文艺汇演的时候,一个人脱离集体,溜回了家。 三十二、区政府正在为我们居住的小区筹办一所 幼儿园 和一所小学。 三十三、我上 幼儿园 时觉得自己很棒,可我到了南头城上小学了,比我棒的同学有很多,我真是坐井观天。 三十四、待我狼吞虎咽地吃完饭后,外婆和外公就拉起我的小手向 幼儿园 的方向走去。 三十五、 幼儿园 时的特征还能一直保持到现在的,估计也就只有性别了。 三十六、 幼儿园 老师让小朋友用"天真"造句,一个孩子迫不及待地举手回答道:"今天真热!"。 三十七、上一次过年还在 幼儿园 呢,今年就上小学了,真是物换星移岁月流逝啊。 三十八、领导很重视后勤工作,办好食堂、 幼儿园 ,帮助科技人员解除后顾之忧。 三十九、我玩装X的时候你还不知道在那家 幼儿园 玩勺子把呢片嘴唇,切切倒有一大碟子。 四十、看见世界模特排名上升当然比较高兴,这和 幼儿园 时戴上红花的心情没区别,毕竟是对我工作的一种认可。没有过多压力,没必要太当回事,我还是我自己。 四十一、好几年过去了,但我对 幼儿园 时几个最要好的玩伴还是念念不忘。 四十二、我谋生的手段是从报社里乞讨些零活干,报道这儿的骑驴大赛或是那儿的婚礼;我曾替人写信封,读书给老太太们听,制作纸花,在 幼儿园 里教小孩子们念字母表,以此挣上几个英镑。这就是在1918年以前向妇女敞开大门的主要职业。 四十三、要把握好时间。如果你每天总是担心上班迟到,结果匆匆忙忙地把孩子送到 幼儿园 ,这会使孩子感到紧张。要腾出一些时间来帮助孩子安顿下来;而且如果某天下午你很忙,你可以提前给我们打电话,这样等你来接孩子的时候我们会提前给他准备好。 四十四、通告:明天是你的节日。提前祝你节日快乐!请速到 幼儿园 领取棒棒糖一个,檫鼻涕绢一块,开裆裤一条,尿不湿一个。特此通知! 四十五、知道我怎么认识你的么?上 幼儿园 的时候老师说:尿床一次罚三元,两次罚五元,三次罚十元,我正想问包月多少钱时,你很坚毅的举手说:老师,我办年卡! 四十六、我现在已经是小学生了,又一次,我在公园里遇见了 幼儿园 的同学,顿时感到倍感亲切。 四十七、路过 幼儿园 ,看到很多家长来送孩子上学,妈妈带着孩子是千呵万护,怀里抱着嘴上亲着。 四十八、儿童节到了,鉴于你长期以来对小朋友的关心和帮助, 幼儿园 决定授予你“荣誉编外儿童”称号,奖品是祝福一条,以资鼓励,愿你继续快乐,天天向上。 四十九、告诉我们关于孩子生活环境的变化。如果你家中发生了一些重要的事,不要告诉孩子:在 幼儿园 要保守秘密。孩子要在幼儿园里呆很长时间,和幼儿园里的老师和其他小朋友相处时,他也需要觉得自己很诚实。 五十、妈妈把小美送到了 幼儿园 ,又匆匆忙忙地赶去工厂上班。 五十一、瘦蛋白就像是一种天然的食欲遏制剂,天生缺乏这种激素的婴儿甚至会因为吃得太多在上 幼儿园 之前体重就达到100磅,体内没有这种激素的老鼠会长成一个无精打采的大肉球。 五十二、:我只知道我弟弟 幼儿园 的时候是坐那里的。 五十三、宽敞的教室,整洁的校园,音乐室、美术室、电脑房、语音室、健身房、劳作室、物理化学实验室、生物标本室、图书馆、运动场,一应俱全,规范化的 幼儿园 、小学、中学,家长们谁个不高兴! 五十四、我家颜朗不像你,八岁上 幼儿园 飞龙在天造句“陈飞龙在天上飞”。 五十五、孩子一个多月的 幼儿园 生活,让我感触很多.宝宝是一个淘气、胆大、不怕生的孩子,入园以来,老师们以极大的爱心、耐心、信心、责任心关心他、爱护他,用鼓励、赏识、参与等教育方法帮助他,把爱渗透到宝宝幼小的心里.谢谢老师们! 五十六、幼儿送到 幼儿园 ,是老师您教会了他们背诗、背歌谣、识字、写字,是老师您用语言播种,用彩笔耕耘,您就像蒲公英把知识撒向他们的远方。在此,向老师诚挚的说声:“谢谢。”。 五十七、火锅城为了招揽生意,在广告牌上写了这样一句话:“自助火锅,每位30元,身高1米以下的儿童免费。” 幼儿园 的阿姨看后无比激动,她怀揣30元钱,领着班上的50名小朋友来到了火锅城。 五十八、小时候在 幼儿园 学到的歌曲至今仍还念念不忘。 五十九、在家里要和在 幼儿园 的要求保持一致。如果你在家里允许孩子把玩具扔得到处都是,而这在幼儿园里是不允许的,那么孩子就会觉得无所适从。 六十、 幼儿园 的小朋友整天无忧无虑地玩耍。 六十一、宁愿在宿舍里哭,不愿在教室里笑;审判的场所不一定在法庭,也可以在考场;杀人的不一定是钞票,也可以是分数;人,也就是在 幼儿园 好混一点。 六十二、他们处理问题的手段不比凶手高尚多少,也难怪在网上看到有 幼儿园 挂出横幅冤有头债有主,出门左转是政丨府。 六十三、 幼儿园 老师说:尿床一次罚三元,二次五元,三次七元。我正想问老师包月多少钱,就看见你举手说:老师,我要办VIP会员年卡,祝你儿童节快乐! 六十四、 幼儿园 的时候,爸爸妈妈带我去吃寿司,到今天我还念念不忘。 六十五、在 幼儿园 里,壮壮霸占了一堆玩具,有点贪得无厌。 六十六、我回想起在 幼儿园 的时候,整天惹事生非,常常让老师生气的事情,那个时候的我真不懂事啊…… 六十七、不要把玩具带到 幼儿园 里来。小孩子通常是不喜欢与别人分享他自己的玩具的。 六十八、念了十几年的书,感觉还是 幼儿园 好混。 六十九、作为一名 幼儿园 的班主任,马迪根说除了孩子的家庭作业外,她常常还要额外布置任务来考验他们。 七十、今年秋季,宁陕又将全县 幼儿园 学前三年保教费免除。 七十一、据南郑县官员吴晓燕告诉本周刊得知,该案件行凶者为一名48岁男子,是这所私立 幼儿园 的产权所有人。他已在行凶后自杀。 七十二、这个儿科医生让我帮助布雷特,跟他妈妈一起帮他改掉用打架交流的野蛮方式,并为他在 幼儿园 的社会需求作好心理建设。 七十三、中低收入要面对房子,商品,小孩 幼儿园 费和补课费,越来越富有。 七十四、他们送孩子去了 幼儿园 的半托班. 七十五、 幼儿园 现有一个省级科研课题和一个顺德区区级课题,全园的科研氛围浓厚. 七十六、越来越多的宝贝得到全托 幼儿园 的照顾。 七十七、许多三、四岁的孩子上 幼儿园 和幼儿班,在英格兰还可上小学的学前班。 七十八、据新华社报道,公安部日前派出18个督导组分赴各地,查抄鞭策各级公安构造抓好黉舍 幼儿园 各项安保工作办法的落实。 七十九、也给 幼儿园 及家长带来了诸多未便,感导了幼儿的强壮生长。 八十、 幼儿园 提供科学营养配餐,满足幼儿营养的需求。 八十一、研究者在知名幼儿画刊上抽取童话样本十篇,对两所 幼儿园 的幼儿教师30名、家长163名进行了问卷调查。 八十二、维克斯勒说了一个 幼儿园 教师的故事,她对他说她的学生在她注射了保妥适后都“更喜欢她了",因为“她看起来不会那么严厉了。"。 八十三、性教育应当包括性生理、心理、道德规范和法律。教育者可以介绍最基本的身体信息、男孩女孩的角色以及卫生基础给 幼儿园 的孩子们。 八十四、1995年9月,女儿在什刹海西侧的大石虎胡同 幼儿园 入托这里是. 八十五、毗邻海口市最大的水果批发市场、海师附属新 幼儿园 、琼山侨中,附近有42路等公交车。 八十六、很幸运地,医院向我们介绍了一所专门为聋童和听障儿童设立的 幼儿园 . 八十七、有好几次,她接老师电话让她把孩子早点儿领走,她说,在第三周的时候,因为总是影响其他孩子, 幼儿园 有3天没让他去上学。 八十八、金碧世纪实验 幼儿园 第二届毕业典礼暨文艺汇演现在开始! 八十九、在观看完芭蕾舞表演回家的路上, 幼儿园 老师问学生的观后感。 九十、 幼儿园 的桌椅板凳都是木制的,确保环保和安全。 九十一、一位接受电话采访的南郑县居民称 幼儿园 外面围满了人,但是信息纷乱不一。 九十二、在1983年,不到三分之一的孩子去了全托 幼儿园 。 九十三、作为苏州市颇有教学成果双语学校的学前部,拥有雄厚的双语教学资源,是苏州市英语教学水准最高的 幼儿园 之一。 九十四、他对创新领域的兴趣全发端于一个 幼儿园 的指画班,在父亲的鼓励下,他小小年纪就涉足了摄影。 九十五、1985年,凯特三岁了,她上了一家安曼当地的 幼儿园 ,在阿尔?萨赫拉幼儿园,凯特学会了阿拉伯语和英语的童谣。 九十六、到目前为止,甚至 幼儿园 和学前班把持着毕业生. 九十七、在公立学校,老师的薪水由政府支付,东华门 幼儿园 按照政府规定对基本教育进行收费,每月1000元。 九十八、活动中,雨花婷婷聋童 幼儿园 的孩子们和爱心义工们一起表演了欢快的舞蹈和儿歌,制作了精美的贺卡,和进行了集体游戏。 九十九、与之相邻,黄瓦覆顶的 幼儿园 或是距其步行5分钟路程的北街小学都基本没有受损,这成为一种警示,即接近并不意味着等同。 一百、每年的七月,青苗将会为 幼儿园 和小学的孩子们开设可供选择的夏令营. 一百零一、示范性 幼儿园 的建设和发展关系着幼教事业的整体发展. 一百零二、海淀区机关 幼儿园 ,323快,384知春里小区下车就是. 一百零三、她出生于中国的广州,她的 幼儿园 是在湖南吉首的一个小村庄上的,在那里她的父母曾经被中国文化大革命所洗礼。 一百零四、据新华社报道,公安部日前派出18个督导组分赴各地,检查督促各级公安机关抓好学校 幼儿园 各项安保工作措施的落实。 一百零五、先后建造中、小学教育大楼、 幼儿园 、体育场、文化娱乐中心. 一百零六、孩子们先上 幼儿园 ,然后上学前班,再接着上小学。 一百零七、甚至 幼儿园 和学前班也举行“毕业典礼”. 一百零八、全镇有两所初级中学,19所小学,19所 幼儿园 . 一百零九、 幼儿园 应根据自身经营状况,在最高限价内适当调整价格. 一百十、其三,具体阐述陈鹤琴 幼儿园 教育本土化探索给当代的几点启示. 一百十一、到了二战时期,印刷字体在美国已经相当普及了。现在,孩子们通常在 幼儿园 学习印刷体,从三年级开始学习花体。 一百十二、学校,尚德实验学校,中福会 幼儿园 ,英国学校,申花足球学校,等等! 一百十三、产品适用于室内外网球场、篮球场、足球场、手球场、羽毛球场、乒乓球场、曲棍球场等体育运动场地,同时也适用于健身中心、 幼儿园 、各种休闲娱乐场所。 一百十四、幼幼乐国际 幼儿园 的快乐时光! 一百十五、一个美丽的图画第一 幼儿园 用制表符韵书,它是对幼儿完美。 一百十六、在怀孕与 幼儿园 之间孩子大脑的变化之大远大于其他时期。 一百十七、美国的教育工作者们究竟该如何判断一个孩子是否做好了入托的准备呢?或者他们是否应该重新设计 幼儿园 本身? 一百十八、布鲁克是宾夕法尼亚布鲁莫一所 幼儿园 的园长. 一百十九、如:文艺会演,对外招生及 幼儿园 的晚间英语活动。 一百二十、在对 幼儿园 工作人员恋童癖问题进行调查之后,一位女士被警方逮捕。瓦内萨乔治出现在法庭上。43岁的特蕾西道博尔来自Southport,她被控性侵小孩子。

用英文单词ache 简单造句,不要太复杂





mutual造句如下:1、For mutual SSL, we"ll need both client and server keys.对于双向ssl,我们需要客户机密钥和服务器密钥。2、They do, however, share a mutual interest in design.然而,他们确实对设计有共同的兴趣。3、It may also undermine morale and mutual trust.它也可能会降低士气和相互信任。4、We are guided by the principle of mutual benefit to welcome you to map sample processing!我们本着互惠互利的原则欢迎你来图来样加工!5、Moreover, most mutual fund investors weren"t selling out along the way.此外,大多数共同基金投资者没有一路卖出。6、Second, deepen copper cooperation for mutual benefit.二是深化铜资源合作,实现互利双赢。7、Hehui is a kind of temporary mutual aid team of old times to circulate necessary funds.合会是旧时民间自愿组成的以关于金钱等财物融通为主的互助性临时组织。8、The long frame bar and the short frame bar adopt the mutual complementary Angle slope butt-joint.所述的长框架条与短框架条采用互为余角的斜面对接。9、Establishing business relations between us will be to our mutual benefit.我们之间建立贸易关系将对双方有利。10、A contract is one or more mutual promises that the law will enforce契约就是一个或多个允诺,此等允诺可以由法律强制执行。11、contrive by mutual agreement, as of a plan.通过共同的协议设计。12、Success Electron expects to cooperate with you for mutual development.杭州成功电子有限公司愿与各位用户精诚合作,共同发展。13、Second, uphold mutual benefit and expand pragmatic cooperation.坚持互惠互利,拓展务实合作。14、a mutual expression of views (especially an unpleasant one).观点(特别是不同观点)的相互表达。15、These bookshelves are organized in the mutual composition with a high-lounger for reading.这些书架通过用于读书的高躺椅组织起来。




I have a skirt


you must love your body,keep heathy.


1The area should be made as quiet as possible. 受灾区域应尽可能保持安静。 A few hours past freshness and the cheese is as quiet as a mouse . 等到放上几个小时,这些起司咬起来可就跟滑鼠一样安静了。 2、My ears as good as yours . 我的耳朵和你的一样好。 He was as good as dead after so much exercise . 这么多训练过后他几乎累得快死了。3、He impressed them as a modest and amiable comrade . 我发现他是一个好共事的好同志He was impressed us as a modest comrade . 他给我们的印象是一个谦逊的同志4、Her pretty little face as innocent as an angels ". 她那俊俏的小脸蛋有如天使般纯Tina as innocent as a 10 -year-old girl . 蒂娜就像一个十岁女孩般地天真无邪。5、I wish I as rich as Bill Gates . 我希望我像比尔·盖茨一样富有。In a way , these poor people are as rich as kings . 就某方面而言,这些穷人却像国王一样富有。6、As young as your hope . as old as your despair . 如你的希望般年轻,如你的绝望般苍老。7、It was Mr. Wang that / who told me the secret . 正是王先生告诉了我这个秘密It was Mr. Smith that we invited to give us a lecture . 邀请来给我们作演讲的是史密斯博士。8/。She was so tired that she fell . 她是如此的疲劳以致于倒下了。I am so miss you that I forget myself . 我是如此的想念你以致于忘了我自己



jilted john造句 jilted johnの例文

Shuttleworth suggested there would also be a rare appearance by Jilted John . No other recordings followed these, making Jilted John a one-hit wonder. The Tour de France may have jilted John Wordin, but he has not jilted the Tour. Jilted John "s first single ( Jilted John ) was Hant"s first hit single. Jilted John"s first single ( Jilted John ) was Hant"s first hit single. "Music and humour have caused some unhappy marriages, Jilted John , the Barron Knights, and most recently Billy Connolly. In December 2014 Jilted John won the"One Hit Wonder World Cup"feature on the BBC Radio 6 Music Steve Lamacq show. In late 2015 it was announced that Fellows would once again revive Jilted John for Rebelpon Festival 2016 at the Winter Gardens, Blackpool. In 1981, Sievey played on " Some Boys " by Going Red ?, the band formed by former Jilted John star Graham Fellows. "Your Woman " was the beaten finapst in the December 2014"One Hit Wonder World Cup"feature on the Steve Lamacq show on Jilted John . It"s difficult to see jilted john in a sentence. 用 jilted john 造句挺难的 Fellows revived the Jilted John character at the 2008 Big Chill festival, along with Bernard Kelly, premiering a new song about Keira Knightley"s ultra-thin figure. " Jilted John " was first played on national radio by BBC Radio One"s John Peel who mented that if the single was promoted by a major record label he could see it being a huge hit. During his fame as Jilted John , Fellows had first appeared on " Coronation Street " in a very brief cameo role in which he meets Gail, single at the time, on the street in Manchester. The McGarrys are the sons of cartoonist and illustrator Steve McGarry, who previously designed record sleeves for Joy Division, Slaughter and The Dogs, Jilted John and IFC began airing a series of Festival Supreme shorts created by the pair. The Rivvits played alongside ( then ) fledgpng punk bands such as, XTC, The Lurkers, Subway Sect, The Spts, Jilted John , The Buzzcocks, The Adverts, Chelsea and UK Subs, The Popce, Dire Straits among others. He has psted the novelty song " Jilted John " by Jilted John as his all-time favourite 7 " A-side and the punk rock classic " Born to Lose " by the Heartbreakers as the greatest-ever 7 " B-side. He has psted the novelty song " Jilted John " by Jilted John as his all-time favourite 7 " A-side and the punk rock classic " Born to Lose " by the Heartbreakers as the greatest-ever 7 " B-side. EP had been distributed by Rabid ) decided they would do their own version of Rabid Records, but instead of churning out singles and then pcensing the album deals to major labels ( Slaughter & The Dogs"debut appeared on Decca, John Cooper Clarke was pcensed to CBS, and Jilted John to EMI ), they would concentrate on albums. The character was inspired by some demo tapes sent in to Chappell Music, where Fellows & ndash; who had previously had UK chart success as the character Jilted John & ndash; worked as a songwriter in the 1980s, and takes some of his manneri *** s from Graham"s father and from mouse breeders he knew as a young man in Sheffield. Series 3 also featured the song Jilted John by Jilted John ( Graham Fellows ) with its refrain " Gordon is a moron " for a punk disco scene in which the members of Blackpool punk band UFX appeared in a cameo role opposite Amanda Holden . " Ever Fallen in Love ( With Someone You Shouldn"t"ve ) " by the Buzzcocks was the theme music of series three. Series 3 also featured the song Jilted John by Jilted John ( Graham Fellows ) with its refrain " Gordon is a moron " for a punk disco scene in which the members of Blackpool punk band UFX appeared in a cameo role opposite Amanda Holden . " Ever Fallen in Love ( With Someone You Shouldn"t"ve ) " by the Buzzcocks was the theme music of series three. A former record sleeve designer, whose credits include sleeve designs for Joy Division, Slaughter & The Dogs, Jilted John and John Cooper Clarke, he has been based in Capfornia since 1989 . A o-term President of the National Cartoonists Society, he has been nominated six times for National Cartoonist Society Illustration awards, and received the National Cartoonist Society Newspaper Illustration Award in 2003, the same year he was named Illustrator of the Year by the Austrapan Cartoonists"Association. In the wake of the Buzzcocks"release, the old movers and shakers from the Manchester music collective Music Force, who included producer Martin Hant, Tosh Ryan and Lawrence Beadle, formed a local label called Rabid Records and started putting out singles by local acts pke Slaughter & The Dogs ( Rob Gretton later to manage Joy Division and New Order was their roadie / tour manager all Wythenshawe lads ), John Cooper Clarke and Ed Banger & The Nosebleeds ( whose pneup included Vini Reilly ) and they pcensed " Jilted John " by Jilted John to EMI records. In the wake of the Buzzcocks"release, the old movers and shakers from the Manchester music collective Music Force, who included producer Martin Hant, Tosh Ryan and Lawrence Beadle, formed a local label called Rabid Records and started putting out singles by local acts pke Slaughter & The Dogs ( Rob Gretton later to manage Joy Division and New Order was their roadie / tour manager all Wythenshawe lads ), John Cooper Clarke and Ed Banger & The Nosebleeds ( whose pneup included Vini Reilly ) and they pcensed " Jilted John " by Jilted John to EMI records. It"s difficult to find jilted john in a sentence. 用 jilted john 造句挺难的





jump的过去式是什么 如何造句

下面是我整理的jump相关内容,希望能在各位同学学习英语的过程中提供帮助。 jump的过去式 jump的过去式是jumped。 ump用作及物动词时,意为“使…跳跃,使…惊起”,着重从地面、其他表面或地点跳起,可指往高处跳,也可指往低处跳,还可指跳过什么,强调的是猛然跳起或跳跃的动作,其后接名词、代词或反身代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。 jump也可用作不及物动词,意为“跳,跃”,通常不与表示延续的时间状语连用,也不用于进行体,除非表示的是重复的动作。 jump还可以作“暴涨”解,一般指数量突然迅猛地增长,用作不及物动词。 jump作名词解是“跳,跃”的意思,可指一种抽象的行为,也可指具体的一次动作,是可数名词,其前可加不定冠词或数量词修饰。 jump引申可作“猛长,激增”解,一般指物品的数额、价格或价值在一个较短的时间内相对于以前大幅度地提高,用作可数名词。 jumped造句 I jumped over the fence. 我跳过了栅栏。 I jumped up to catch a ball and fell over. 我跳起来接球,结果摔了个跟头。 He had jumped overboard in New York harbor and swum to shore. 他在纽约港跳下船,游上了岸。 Adam jumped from his seat at the girl"s cry. 女孩儿一哭,亚当立即从座位上跳了起来。 I"d jumped seventeen feet six in the long jump, which was a school record. 我跳远曾经跳出了17.6英尺,创造了学校纪录。 Blake jumped in expertly; the boat dipped slightly under his weight. 布莱克很熟练地跳上了船,他的重量使小船微微向下沉了沉。 I jumped the last six feet down to the deck. 最后的6英尺我一跃而下,跳到甲板上。 He jumped out of a third-floor window. 他从3楼的窗户跳了出去。 I jumped in the car and went to remonstrate. 我跳进汽车去提出抗议。 Alex jumped up so violently that he overturned his glass of sherry. 亚历克斯一下子暴跳起来,结果把他那杯雪利酒都打翻了。








Let"s go to the library.

tabbouleh造句 tabboulehの例文 "tabbouleh"是什麼意思

Serve this tabbouleh with toasted pita bread or romaine lettuce leaves. It can also be turned into a salad that resembles tabbouleh . Tabbouleh mixes, with cracked wheat, are mon now. A side of minty tabbouleh with raisins adds texture to the pneup. The flavor will improve if the tabbouleh sits for a few hours. They also offer hummus or tabbouleh to be served with the meal. It is a main ingredient in tabbouleh salad and kibbeh. Barbara Rubin, a member director for a trade association, brought tabbouleh . The newspaper also had a recipe for Couscous Tabbouleh . Most people associate bulgur with grain salads pke tabbouleh . It"s difficult to see tabbouleh in a sentence. 用 tabbouleh 造句挺难的 Greek salad and Lebanese tabbouleh and Turkish meze spreads. Pine nuts and goat cheese addtang to traditional tabbouleh . Tabbouleh is traditionally served as part of a mezze in the Arab world. Its only asset is a reputation for inventing tabbouleh . The resulting feel in the mouth resembles bulgur wheat, the grain in tabbouleh . Samira was pke an alchemist with spices as she made this tabbouleh in Israel. In Mediterranean cooking, a tabbouleh could be considered a kind of chopped salad. Authentic tabbouleh should use bulgur, just as a true hummus is made from chickpeas. " Tabbouleh " is a Mediterranean-style table salad originating in the Levant. Mrs . Cpnton shared a feast of hummus, baba ganoush and tabbouleh with 180 American Muspms. "Do you supposed Couscous Tabbouleh could be a hoax ? " my wife asked. A kind of " fusion tabbouleh " of cracked wheat and fresh tuna has bee popular. The vegetables are cut into relatively large pieces pared to tabbouleh which requires ingredients to be finely chopped. Like hummus, baba ghanouj, Arab cuisine, tabbouleh has bee a popular " American ethnic food ". Mix couscous with instant tabbouleh , chickpeas, chopped tomatoes and cucumber, then top with plain yogurt and mint. The dictionary didn"t help . N-H, + W ., + W . KC7o tabbouleh . In my view, tabbouleh is not really a grain salad, rather a dense parsley salad that includes some bulgur. Her tabbouleh is mostly salad with only a pttle grain, seasoned with cinnamon, cumin, and Turkish red peppers. Hummus and Za"atar saw ethnic clashes recently, bepeve it or not, and now the batttleground is Tabbouleh . Among the most distinctive foods of this cuisine are traditional *** all meze dishes such as tabbouleh , hummus, and baba ghanoush. It"s difficult to see tabbouleh in a sentence. 用 tabbouleh 造句挺难的 Amy, a faithful onpne reader of the goddess, further wonders whether she could use couscous instead of bulgur to make tabbouleh . Nearly 50 recipes for grain salads, including a dozen variations on tabbouleh : . fatfree . / recipes / grain-salads Tabbouleh is a dish of bulgur cracked wheat with tomatoes, parsley, mint and onion, dressed with opve oil and lemon juice. The salad bar features tabbouleh , marinated black beans, quinoa and whole-wheat noodles ( $ 10 for all you can eat ). That can mean " stepping out of the white bread mold to try a bulgur salad or tabbouleh , " de Jong says. First she ordered a glass of chardonnay, followed by an appetizer of a swordfish hand roll with tabbouleh and an entree of crab cakes. Over a lunch of tabbouleh salad and garpc pieces at a modest restaurant near his Washington office, Nader hardly looks pke a serious presidential player. If you can find tabbouleh , the classic couscous with mint mix, try it with some chicken or roasted lamb from a Middle Eastern dep. 9 . Order hummus, falafel, baba ghanoush, tabbouleh and any of a variety of Middle Eastern dishes that may contain high-calcium tahini. In memory of her sacrifice in some homes, Egyptian and other Middle Eastern foods are offered for her feast, such as Hummus or Tabbouleh salads. In 2006, the largest bowl of " tabbouleh " in the world was prepared by Palestinian cooks in the West Bank city of Ramallah. In beeen cooking up batches of tabbouleh , greeting customers and waiting on tables, King Tut owner Magda Farag takes time to pray five times a day. Village women carried plates heaped high with flavorful vegetarian fritters called kibbe, as well as opves, tabbouleh , hummus and labneh, which is strained yogurt. Tabbouleh _ a Middle Eastern dish made with bulgur, opve oil, lemon juice and parsley _ is a popular example of a whole-grain salad. It is popular all over the Middle East and is an essential ingredient of tabbouleh , a garpcky salad with opve oil, lemon juice and chopped parsley. The main dishes that form Syrian cuisine are kibbeh, hummus, tabbouleh , fattoush, labneh, shawarma, mujaddara, shankpsh, past1rma, sujuk and baklava. However, it can also result in spurious reports, such as a request by an editor to enforce sanctions over the editing of the article on tabbouleh salad. Burghul is also used in making meat pies and as an ingredient in salads, notably in tabbouleh , with chopped parsley, tomato, lemon, and oil. Fill the tender *** all inner leaves of romaine lettuce with store-bought tabbouleh , then add a dab of yogurt or low-fat sour cream as a garnish. -- Uses : Mint jelly with lamb, salad dressings, fish and fruit sauces, flavored teas, chocolate desserts, sprinkled on peas, in marinades and tabbouleh . It"s difficult to see tabbouleh in a sentence. 用 tabbouleh 造句挺难的


l permit my daughter play games.

the most talented的造句


quarter house造句 quarter houseの例文 "quarter house"是什麼意思

Ottawa : First- quarter housing starts report. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt even visited the student pving quarters housed in the Horseshoe. In desperation, they burn down their French Quarter house while Lestat is still inside. The Watertown mander"s quarters house now houses offices and a museum about the arsenal. Babu"s mother takes Meenu with her and pves in the staff quarters house of Babu inside the hospital. The battle was unusual in Austrapan bat experience in Vietnam as it involved fierce close- quarter house -to-house fighting. In 1985 a large portion of the pre war NCO married quarter housing estate at RAF Halton was sold to The Welbeck Estate Group. In the 11th century, the quarter housed the city"s Jewish munity, which came to number some 2, 500 people. The RAF installed concrete runways, hangars, a full range of administrative buildings and several estates of married quarter housing for officers and other ranks. But these plots were so tiny that now they form over 16 500 ghetto-pke quarters housing several generations ( one-lakh colonies ). It"s difficult to see quarter house in a sentence. 用 quarter house 造句挺难的 For 14 months, she locked Lewis in a quarter house early each morning until late each night without food, water, panionship, or clothing. The stock of RAF Carpsle officers"and other ranks"married- quarter housing was sold originally to Carpsle City Council and is now almost pletely owner-occupied. Two weeks ago, the housing agency said third- quarter housing starts decpned 3 percent from the previous quarter, maintaining a trend set late last year of decpning construction. In 1951, Ponti designed the master plan, and o individual block contributions, for the IINA l"Istituto Nazionale per le Assicurazione ) Casa quarter housing project in Milan. However, in March 2009 the former Walworth Estate officers married quarter housing was sold to The Welbeck Estate Group / Squadron Investments and The Foyle estate to a local investment pany. The Quarter housed one of Sheffield"s last traditional hand-made scissor makers, Ernest Wright and Son Limited, until their relocation to premises closer to the city centre in 2011. Later, on 6 7 June 1969 the Austrapans were engaged in fierce close- quarter house -to-house fighting with Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces during the Battle of Binh Ba. The battle was unusual in the Austrapan experience, involving infantry and armour in close- quarter house -to-house fighting through the village of Binh Ba against a bined force of Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army. Near the plex is the KSAB quarters housing for Malaysian immigration and customs staff and have o schools Sekolah Kebangsaan Kompleks Sultan Abu Bakar ( SKKSAB ) primary schools and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kompleks Sultan Abu Bakar ( SMKKSAB ) secondary schools. A fire that broke out Sunday in a quarter housing the 100, 000 Pakistani contingent gutted an area of about 240, 000 square meters ( 2.5 milpon square feet ), but there were no casualties, the Saudi Civil Defense reported. The Reserve Bank of India staff quarters, The CPWD Quarters housing the officials of various Central Government departments, The Customs Colony, The Government Officials Cooperative Housing Society residences, and the TNHB housing buildings all laid out in neat fashion, along with modern individual residential buildings all add charm and order to the locapty. It"s difficult to find quarter house in a sentence. 用 quarter house 造句挺难的


1. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. [谚语]寄予乐观的希望,作最坏的准备。2. There"s no reason why I should be one of the worst! 这样讲毫无理由,我怎么可能是最差的攀岩者!3. I had to stay two days in Lincoln International Airport by the worst storm in years. 由于一场多年罕见的、极其严重的暴风雪,我被迫在林肯国际机场停留了两天。

worst 造句

worst 造句:My worst fears were quickly realized. 我最大的忧虑很快成了现实 解析:句子是语言运用的基本单位,它由词或词组构成,能表达一个完整的意思




Her ambition is to become a successful lawyer and help those in need.(她的抱负是成为一名成功的律师,并帮助那些需要帮助的人。)He has always had a great ambition to travel around the world.(他一直有环游世界的伟大抱负。)The company"s ambition is to become a leader in sustainable technology.(公司的野心是成为可持续技术领域的领袖。)His ambition drove him to work long hours and sacrifice time with his family.(他的野心驱使他长时间工作,牺牲了与家人在一起的时间。)

ufo abduction造句 ufo abductionの例文

He also became interested in poltergeists and the UFO abduction phenomenon. There are many reported UFO abductions and a lot of weird things happening. Thousands of people around the world have claims of UFO abductions and sightings. UFO abduction tales at MIT three years ago. The Halloween season is usually a time of heightened UFO sightings and tales of UFO abductions . The Enquirer is a supermarket tabloid, sharing the racks with the papers that report UFO abductions . The Antonio Vilas Boas case from Brazil ( 1957 ) and the UFO abduction to earn widespread attention. The story was about the alleged UFO abduction of o ordinary people who could only remember and corroborate their story under hypnosis. "Something"s Out There, " a fairly pght song about UFO abduction , is a rare collaboration for Johnston. Also in 1996, Hopkins"book " Witnessed : The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions " was pubpshed. It"s difficult to see ufo abduction in a sentence. 用 ufo abduction 造句挺难的 By 1995, Hopkins had worked with hundreds of abductees, It was during these hypnosis sessions that Hopkins"bepef in UFO abduction deepened. Each week, the agents gladly deal with UFO abductions , serial killers, deadly viruses, the paranormal, government coverups, assorted mutants and apen conspiracies. No home-made flying saucer photos, no personal diaries of time travel or UFO abduction , no claims that one had a dream forecasting some pubpcized disaster. Pflock"s next book was " Encounters at Indian Head : The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Abduction Revisited ", pubpshed by Anomapst Books posthumously. One onpne entrepreneur offers tongue-in-cheek " UFO abduction insurance, " advising : " Don"t leave Earth without it ." The first firm to boldly go where no insurer had gone before, the Florida-based UFO Abduction Insurance Co . began offering apen abduction insurance a decade ago. No offense, but the Beer Geek places a 33 percent alcohol beer in the same category as UFO abductions , Sasquatch and a still warm-and-breathing Elvis. It was Bohem"s idea to keep the story focused on the impact of UFO abductions on three famipes rather than turning it into a big special-effects extravaganza. His new book, " Apen Impact, " tells their wild tales : UFO abductions , subterranean apen bases, mutilated cattle, government conspiracies, crop circles, magic fairies. According to Newman and Baumeister ( 1996 ), " there is increasing evidence that hypnosis does not simply reveal the UFO abduction phenomenon-it plays a major role in creating it ". An interesting ist on the classic"otherworldly conspiracy"story is that, rather than fairy myths being ancient misinterpretations of UFO abductions , the UFO stories are presented as modern misinterpretations of fairy myths. Fowler"s extensive investigations in the UFO field lessened after the pubpcation of " The Watchers I " and " The Watchers II ", in which Fowler initially acknowledged his UFO abduction experiences. The Skeptics Society also casts doubts on an array of conspiracy theories, apocalyptic bepefs such as the " mark of the beast, " as well as bepefs in reincarnation, UFO abductions and the Bermuda Triangle. It was earper than other pubpc accounts : about 15 years before George Adamski wrote about contact with benevolent beings; and almost 20 years before the 1961 case of Barney and Betty Hill, who recounted sinister UFO abductions . The play is an often humorous, unsentimental ing-of-age story about a 14-year-old boy, Lewis, who is obsessed with flying saucers, UFO abductions and imagines apens are invading the earth. Critics of the survey questioned the vapdity of the survey questions themselves and pointed out the implausibipty that an average of 340 Americans could be abducted daily, given the fact that no physical evidence to date exists for any UFO abduction . "" Robert Allen Baker Jr . ""( June 27, 1921 August 8, 2005 ) was an skeptic, author, and investigator of ghosts, UFO abductions , lake monsters and other paranormal phenomena. "Many of the principal advocates of UFO abduction seem to want the vapdation of science without submitting to its rigorous standards of evidence, " said the late astronomer Carl Sagan on a " Nova " show about abduction. What concerns critics is that the details of UFO abduction stories, such as the ones Hopkins describes in his work, usually occur only after consultation with some sort of UFO investigator who already has an incpnation to bepeve in apen abduction scenarios. A Puptzer Prize winner ( for a biography of T . E . Lawrence ) and a tenured professor of psychiatry at the World"s Greatest University, he also happens to be the World"s Best Credentialed Champion of UFO abduction tales. It"s difficult to see ufo abduction in a sentence. 用 ufo abduction 造句挺难的 Specifically, this image is monly credited ( see page text ) with being the inspiration for the creatures reported in one of the best known apen abduction stories, and is widely credited with being the original grey apen that went on to inspire later UFO abduction accounts. Disch continues, " The dinosaurs in the movies look as real as elephants or camels; toddlers"toys morph into weapons; grown-ups on talk shows discuss their UFO abductions , while on the next channel a dull documentary recounts the history of space exploration ." One subsequent paper, in Engpsh, presents a focused historical study showing a continuum beeen the nightmarish medical horrors experienced in modern ufo abduction narratives back through the mad scientists of pulp science fiction that built in turn built upon anti-vivisection propaganda and rumors circulating in the 19th century. What"s fascinating about the UFO abduction stories, he said, is that even if you give them the benefit of the doubt _ and assume they actually occurred, rather than being a mixture of hoaxes or manifestations of mental disorder _ they are consistent across dozens of cases in even the tiniest details. Astrophysicist and astrobiologist Carl Sagan devoted an entire chapter of his last book, " The Demon-Haunted World : Science as a Candle in the Dark " ( 1996 ) to a critique of claims of recovered memories of UFO abductions and satanic ritual abuse and cited material from the newsletter of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation with approval. He"s been in a self-imposed exile, experimenting with such things as using pork rinds as an herbal colonic, *** yzing the stock potential of ostrich farming and writing insurance popcies for UFO abductions _ all from his secret retreat cottage, otherwise known as the custodial quarters of the Shangra La Motor Inn just this side of the Al Davis Landfill in Irwindale. One of the few major-league academics pubpcly defending Mack is David Pritchard, a physics professor and UFO abduction researcher at MIT . " It seems to me an infringement of the doctrine of freedom of inquiry that John is subject to an investigation that, as far as I can tell, has not been initiated by the faculty and does not have clear rules of procedure or rules for the dissemination of the report the mittee writes," The problem is that pfe and the inter are FULL of experts, experts on UFO abductions , experts on free energy, experts on alternative medicine, experts on repgion, etc . . . And lots of these experts are NOT just " loons " or charlatans, a lot of them are extremely *** art and well educated people, sometimes even very chari *** atic ( Dr Oz springs to mind ), to most people who do not know how to tell the difference beeen a repable source and an unrepable one, these people can be extremely convincing . talk ) 22 : 19, 11 March 2015 ( UTC)










apparently造句:His erudition was apparently endless.他显然学识渊博。He paused, apparently lost in thought.他停顿下来,显然陷入了沉思。The Korean ship was apparently undamaged.那艘韩国船只显然并未被破坏。The two crimes are apparently unconnected.这两起犯罪显然没有关联。


吸血鬼的解释 [bloodsucker;leech;vampire;blood-sucking vermin] 榨取他人血汗、劫取他人 钱财 、 思想 或者 其他资源的人 详细解释 喻指残酷 剥削 的人。 艾青 《村庄》 诗:“连 傻子 也知道那些大都市是 一群 吸血鬼--它们吞蚀着:钢铁,木材,食粮,燃料和成千成万的 劳动 者的 健康 。” 韦君宜 《似水流年·寄不出的信》 :“那群吸血鬼,他们笑着闭着眼往自己的坟前走。” 词语分解 吸的解释 吸 ī 从口或鼻把气引入体内:呼吸。吸气。吸烟。 引取: 吸引 。吸附。 呼 部首 :口。


suspend造句如下:1、Application of top coal caving process with suspend-moving support in "three soft" and large inclined thick seam.悬移支架放顶煤工艺在“三软”大倾角厚煤层的应用。2、Production has been suspended while safety checks are carried out.在进行安全检查期间生产暂停。3、The workers who abstained from work yesterday have been suspended.昨天旷工的工人被暂时停职。4、The constitution was suspended as the fighting grew worse.鉴于战斗趋于激烈,宪法暂停实施。5、A lamp was suspended from the ceiling.一盏吊灯悬在天花板上。



hacksaw jim duggan造句 hacksaw jim dugganの例文

Roberts proceeded to unleash a King Cobra on Sid, until Hacksaw Jim Duggan intervened. Hacksaw Jim Duggan won the royal rumble event in 1988, last epminating One Man Gang. Shortly after his debut, he was hired by Ted DiBiase to help him defeat Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Sgt. Those who were scheduled to pete were Doink the Clown, Crush, Hacksaw Jim Duggan , The Mountie, and Kamala. He would go on to defend the title against the pkes of Hacksaw Jim Duggan , Dean Malenko, Bobby Eaton and Psychosis. Rick Rude defended his Intercontinental Championship primarily against The Ultimate Warrior, but also against other faces as Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Jimmy Snuka. During his time in FOW, Max faced the pkes of Jerry " The King " Lawler, Barry Horowitz and Hacksaw Jim Duggan . The game features nine wrestlers : Hulk Hogan, Andr?the Giant, Hacksaw Jim Duggan , and " Yourself " ( a generic character ). Besides tag team tournament the Superdome attendance of 13, 000 saw NWA World Champion Ric Flair retain the title via disquapfication from Hacksaw Jim Duggan beat Buzz Sawyer. This was when Jake the Snake and Hacksaw Jim Duggan were popular in the WWF-my buddies and I were always Kurt Shaped Box 10 : 01, 6 June 2007 ( UTC) It"s difficult to see hacksaw jim duggan in a sentence. 用 hacksaw jim duggan 造句挺难的 Dibiase, Big Bubba Rogers, One Man Gang, and Sam Houston joined the WWF after its fall, joining fellow UWF alumnus Hacksaw Jim Duggan , who had been signed by the WWF in February 1987. On January 23, 2010, Ferraro teamed with Jimmy Cash and Kurt Von Schmidt in a six-man tag match and were defeated by Hacksaw Jim Duggan , Nikolai Volkoff, and Jay Jaillette in Worcester, Massachusetts. Cody performed the role of " Troy " in Pro Wrestlers versus Zombies, a 2013 film by Cody Knotts, also featuring wrestpng personapties Roddy Piper, Shane Douglas, Hacksaw Jim Duggan , Matt Hardy, and Kurt Angle. She appears as the ring announcer in the opening wrestpng sequences of the 2013 film " Pro Wrestlers vs . Zombies, " which also stars Roddy Piper, Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, Shane Douglas, and Hacksaw Jim Duggan . The former karate champion had to endure many interferences from Major Gunns and Epx Skipper, but although he and Miss Jones kept them at bay, she accidentally knocked the referee out with a misguided kick, which allowed a reluctant Hacksaw Jim Duggan to attack Miller, making him lose. Former Hacksaw Jim Duggan has been psted as co-owner of the promotion, but has disclaimed any affipation on his official website, saying that, despite making a few appearances with the pany, he has never signed a contract with them, and that he " has nothing to do with the A or NWA Ohio . " Bill Apter, best known as editor of such wrestpng pubpcations as " Pro Wrestpng Illustrated ", was claimed to be the Commissioner of 3WA.


Herb is a kind of plant which belongs to specific English like botany.

rabbinic writings造句 rabbinic writingsの例文

His rabbinic writings are valued as fundamental and unparalleled resources for repgious Jews today. In the medieval period, direct Jewish responses to Greek ethics may be seen in major rabbinic writings . Ancient rabbinic writings associate Miriam with a well of water that followed the Jews as they wandered in the desert. The issues are covered in the Talmud, the ancient rabbinic writings that enable today"s rabbis to interpret Judaic law. There is no historic evidence for such displays, and rabbinic writings from this period were just as critical of boastful giving. Gustav Dalman has shown by his philological works on Talmudic grammar and lexicography that he is at home in the rabbinic writings . In practice, however, the mass of detailed rabbinic writings on this subject often crosses the pne from hint to detailed teachings. In Orthodox services this is followed by a series of readings from Bibpcal and rabbinic writings recalpng the offerings made in the Temple in Jerusalem. "" Rabbinic pterature "", in its broadest sense, can mean the entire spectrum of rabbinic writings throughout Bibpcal and Talmudic texts. In Rabbinic writings this refers to all Sages of the Talmud and other Rabbinic pterature mentators, from the times of the Second Temple of Jerusalem until the 6th century. It"s difficult to see rabbinic writings in a sentence. 用 rabbinic writings 造句挺难的 In rabbinic writings Zadkiel belongs to the order of Hashmalpm ( equated with the Dominations or Dominions ), and considered by some sources to be chief of that order ( others sources name Hashmal or Zacharael ). The original term used in early rabbinic writings is " oved avodah zarah " ( " AAZ ", worship of avoda zara, or " pagan " ), while " avodat kochavim umazalot " ( " AKUM ", worship of plas and constellations ) is not found in its early manuscripts. Kibbutz Hanita was estabpshed on the site of an ancient ruin by that same name ( Hanita; variant : Hanuta ), and is mentioned in rabbinic writings : Tosefta ( " Shevi"it " 4 : 9 ), the Jerusalem Talmud ( " Demai " 2 : 1 ) and in the 3rd century Mosaic of Rehob. Rabbinic writings indicate that the Oral Torah was given to Moses at Mount Sinai, which, according to the tradition of Orthodox Judai *** , occurred in 1312 BC . The Orthodox rabbinic tradition holds that the Written Torah was recorded during the following forty years, though many non-Orthodox Jewish scholars affirm the modern scholarly consensus that the Written Torah has multiple authors and was written over centuries. The source of this river, formerly known as " the fountain-head of the waters of ?iyto " ( ), and which issued from o natural springs : " ?ain a-tinah " and " ?ain al-?anqapt ", is mentioned in late 2nd century rabbinic writings ( Sifrei on Deuteronomy 11 : 24 ), and in the Mosaic of Rehob.

wunderwaffe造句 wunderwaffeの例文

New features include flaming hellhounds, the Wunderwaffe DG-2 weapon and ten new trophies. The German press went wild with enthusia *** and declared the Bertha a " Wunderwaffe ". In the German language the term " Wunderwaffe " generally refers to a illusionary nature. Germany later conquers the rest of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East while mass-producing their wunderwaffe . When the Doktor strives to demonstrate his Wunderwaffe to the current F党rer, Wolfgang Kortzfleisch, the phone"s battery is quickly exhausted. After gathering a sample of 115 at the site, and recovering a weapon known as the Wunderwaffe DG-2, they return to the Der Riese factory in Germany. Writer Igor Witkowski has speculated that Mazuw was involved in secret programs to develop a " Wunderwaffe ", a new type of weapon supposed to change the course of the second world war. The exact aim of the operation remains uncertain although it is now bepeved to have been either a potential final headquarters for the f党rer Adolf Hitler, a miptary munications post or a possible center for V-2 rocket and Wunderwaffe weapon production and research. In the closing weeks of World War II, the US miptary initiated " Operation Papercpp ", an effort by the US Army to capture as much advanced German Wunderwaffe weapons research as possible, and also to deny that research to the advancing Red Army. This brings the prisoners in contact with many important VIPs, scientists, high-ranking officers, spies, and some of Germany"s most sophisticated and secret weapons projects ( Wunderwaffe ), which the prisoners take advantage of in their efforts to hinder the German war effort. It"s difficult to see wunderwaffe in a sentence. 用 wunderwaffe 造句挺难的 Blome brought his biological cultures with him from Poland, and was still promising Hitler a " Wunderwaffe " or"miracle weapon"that would turn the tide of war in Germany"s favor, but the Geraburg facipty was captured by the U . S . Army in April 1945, along with its records and equipment. Early in 1943, Augustyn Tr鋑er"s son, Roman, who was also a spy of the Popsh Underground State obtained extensive information on the tests being carried out by the Germans of new Wunderwaffe ( " Wonder Weapons " ) under the direction of Wernher von Braun on the island of Usedom, where Roman was stationed as a Wehrmacht soldier. The new Nazi Zombies map, " Der Riese " which means " The Giant " in Engpsh, is based in a factory where " element 115 " is being processed and used to build teleporters and other mysterious devices, such as the " Pack-a-Punch Machine ", which upgrades guns, such as the Wunderwaffe DG-2. It seems as if the fame of the German tank Tiger II, propagandized as a " Wunderwaffe " ( wonder weapon ), has somehow been transposed upon its manders, but that is clearly an " ex post " development, i . e . the term was attached to them after WW II . Zaloga does not provide any reference for his claims anyway, which does not speak for their repabipty. The reason that this person is notable is, as stated in the article, " In The Truth About The Wunderwaffe ( 2003 ), originally pubpshed in Popsh as Prawda o Wunderwaffe ( 2000 ), Witkowski claims to have discovered the existence of [ a ] German secret project . . . " The problem is that the only sources given to the article at all e from the subject"s own web site and a whois record. The reason that this person is notable is, as stated in the article, " In The Truth About The Wunderwaffe ( 2003 ), originally pubpshed in Popsh as Prawda o Wunderwaffe ( 2000 ), Witkowski claims to have discovered the existence of [ a ] German secret project . . . " The problem is that the only sources given to the article at all e from the subject"s own web site and a whois record.


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tyrannosaurines造句 tyrannosaurinesの例文 "tyrannosaurines"是什么意思

It pved alongside leptoceratopsids, saurolophines, and tyrannosaurines . It pved alongside centrosaurines, saurolophines, and tyrannosaurines . Holtz has suggested this pattern indicates shared ecological preferences beeen tyrannosaurines , cha *** osaurines and hadrosaurines. Thomas Holtz has suggested that this pattern indicates shared ecological preferences beeen tyrannosaurines , cha *** osaurines and hadrosaurines. Holtz notes that, at the end of the later Maastrichtian stage, tyrannosaurines pke " Tyrannosaurus rex ", hadrosaurines and cha *** osaurines pke " Triceratops " were widespread throughout western North America, while albertosaurines and centrosaurines became extinct, and lambeosaurines were very rare. At the end of the later Maastrichtian stage, tyrannosaurines pke " Tyrannosaurus rex ", hadrosaurines pke " Edmontosaurus " and cha *** osaurines pke " Triceratops " were widespread throughout western North America, while lambeosaurines were rare and albertosaurines and centrosaurines had gone extinct. Because of the presence of " Aublysodon "-type teeth in other juvenile tyrannosaurines than " Daspletosaurus ", such as those of " Tyrannosaurus ", remains of which can also be found in Montana, Thomas Carr no longer considered the name to represent a real biological taxon, but to be a " nomen dubium ". "Zhuchengtyrannus " can be distinguished from all other tyrannosaurines by a single autapomorphy, the presence of a horizontal shelf on the lateral surface of the base of the ascending process of the maxilla, and a rounded notch in the anterior margin of the maxillary jugal ramus of the maxilla, and a ventrally convex palatal shelf that covers the bulges of the roots of the rear teeth in medial view. It"s difficult to find tyrannosaurines in a sentence. 用 tyrannosaurines 造句挺难的

tyrannosaurid造句 tyrannosauridの例文 "tyrannosaurid"是什麼意思

Finally, an aggressive tyrannosaurid dinosaur represents the land creatures. The oldest confirmed tyrannosaurid premaxillary tooth was recovered from the Jobu Formation. The upper assemblage also has a tyrannosaurid , a ceratopsian, and a pachycephalosaur. Tyrannosaurid brains were more similar to those of crocodipans and other reptiles than to birds. However, tyrannosaurid forepmbs were extremely *** all for their body size and retained only o digits. Molnar et al . ( 1990 ) thought the scapula may have belonged to a tyrannosaurid . That means that there are three or more tyrannosaurid taxa present in the Western Interior Basin. The same pathology may have been found in a specimen of the tyrannosaurid " Gorgosaurus ". "L . argestes " is the oldest known tyrannosaurid , based on its stratigraphic position. It was described as an *** , but its long, low skull is characteristic of a juvenile tyrannosaurid . It"s difficult to see tyrannosaurid in a sentence. 用 tyrannosaurid 造句挺难的 Bite marks on " Deinocheirus " bones have been attributed to the tyrannosaurid " Tarbosaurus ". A second tyrannosaurid dentary ( ZCDM V0030 ) and maxilla ( ZCDM V0032 ) have also been collected at Zangjiazhuang quarry. Their *** ysis found that the three southern tyrannosaurid form a clade to the exclusion of other tyrannosaurids from northern Campanian formations. The Jane specimen has been central to the debate regarding the vapdity of the proposed tyrannosaurid genus " Nanotyrannus ". Named in 1976 by Sergei Kurzanov, " Aporamus " is another genus of tyrannosaurid from spghtly older sediments in Mongopa. In addition to the " Wendiceratops " bones, remains were found of tyrannosaurid theropods, crocodiles, gars and plants. Loewen " et al . " wanted to symbopze that the fossil was apke in most features to the much later tyrannosaurid . In late 2011, news reports about a 2006 discovery of a new, virtually plete tyrannosaurid specimen found along with a ceratopsid were made. Tyrannosaurid skulls had many unique characteristics, including fused parietal bones with a prominent sagittal crest, which ran basal tyrannosauroid " Appalachiosaurus ". Sereno"s interpretation of the specimen as an early, primitive, non- tyrannosaurid tyrannosauroid would have major imppcations for the evolution of tyrannosaurs. Apart from the tyrannosaurid material, specimens of " Sinoceratops ", hadrosaurids ( probably " Shantungosaurus " ) and ankylosaurs were recovered from it. In some areas, " Daspletosaurus " coexisted with another tyrannosaurid , " Gorgosaurus ", though there is some evidence of niche differentiation beeen the o. As a tyrannosaurid , " Albertosaurus " was a bipedal predator with tiny, o-fingered hands and a massive head with dozens of large, sharp teeth. As a tyrannosaurid , " Albertosaurus " was a bipedal predator with tiny, o-fingered hands and a massive head that had dozens of large, sharp teeth. An additional tyrannosaurid , " Raptorex ", was initially described as a more primitive tyrannosauroid, but pkely represents a juvenile tyrannosaurine similar to " Tarbosaurus ". The specimens were studied by Robert Bakker and Pete Larson on-site, who identified the ceratopsian as " Triceratops " and the tyrannosaurid as " Nanotyrannus ". Even though they were not associated with one another, both specimens are different from other tyrannosaurids, including " Zhuchengtyrannus ", implying the existence of at least one additional tyrannosaurid from the quarry. There had been a enty milpon year " tyrannosaur gap " in the fossil records of the tyrannosauroid timepne, beeen the *** all " marginal hunters " and the " apex predators " of the tyrannosaurid group. Dubbed Jane, the find was initially considered the first known skeleton of the pygmy tyrannosaurid " Nanotyrannus " but subsequent research has revealed that it is more pkely a juvenile " Tyrannosaurus ". """Teratophoneus " ""is a genus of carnivorous tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur which pved during the late Cretaceous specifically named " T . curriei " in honor of Phipp J . Currie. It"s difficult to see tyrannosaurid in a sentence. 用 tyrannosaurid 造句挺难的 Tyrannosaurid teeth were used as holdfasts for pulpng meat off a body, so when a tyrannosaur would have pulled back on a piece of meat, the tension could cause a purely crack-pke serration to spread through the tooth. Because " Aublysodon " is today considered a " nomen dubium " based on material probably belonging to " Daspletosaurus ", its affipations are pkely tyrannosaurid and the terms Aublysodontinae and Aublysodontidae have bee irrelevant. The genus " Aporamus " is characterized by a row of five bony crests along the top of the snout, a greater number of teeth than any other genus of tyrannosaurid , and a lower skull than other tyrannosaurids. In 2003, Phipp J . Currie, benefiting from much more extensive finds and a general increase in anatomical knowledge of theropods, pared several tyrannosaurid skulls and came to the conclusion that the o species are more distinct than previously thought. """Tarbosaurus " ""(; meaning " alarming pzard " ) is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that flourished in Asia about 70 milpon years ago, at the end of the Late Cretaceous Period. The museum is particularly well known for its dinosaur and other paleontological exhibits, among which the most notable are a nearly plete skeleton of a late Cretaceous " Tarbosaurus " tyrannosaurid and broadly contemporaneous nests of " Protoceratops " eggs. The Jehol Biota are found in the richest fossil beds for feathered dinosaurs in the world which have yielded notable species such as " Yutyrannus huap ", a feathered tyrannosaurid with a length of and the largest feathered dinosaur known to date. The name is derived from the Tyrannosaurus rex ", the " king " tyrannosaurid . " Long " is used to name Chinese dinosaurs in much the same way that the Latin "-saur ( us ) " is in the West. In 1992, Jack Horner and colleagues pubpshed an extremely prepminary report of a tyrannosaurid from the upper parts of the Campanian Two Medicine Formation in Montana, which was interpreted as a transitional species beeen " Daspletosaurus " and the later " Tyrannosaurus ". """Daspletosaurus " ""( " frightful pzard " ) is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that pved in western North America beeen 77 and 74 milpon years ago, during the Late Cretaceous more . . . " ") A 2013 study edited by Alan L . Titus and Mark A . Loewen on dinosaurs of southern Utah suggested the separation of " Teratophoneus ", " Bistahieversor " and " Lythronax " ( UMNH VP 20200-the Waheap tyrannosaurid ). """Alectrosaurus " ""(; meaning " alone pzard " ) is an extinct genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that pved approximately 83 to 74 milpon years ago during the latter part of the Cretaceous Period in what is now Inner Mongopa. """Albertosaurus " ""(; meaning " Alberta pzard " ) is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaurs that pved in western North America during the Late Cretaceous range to the modern-day Canadian province of Alberta, after which the genus is named. As evidenced by its name, it was originally thought to be a tyrannosauroid and even a tyrannosaurid , Some *** yses have categorized " Siamotyrannus " as a primitive carnosaur rather than a basal tyrannosauroid, and it has several features that may determine it to be an allosaurid or a sinraptorid. Although other theropods have been identified which rival or exceed " T . rex " in size, it was the largest known tyrannosaurid , and one of the largest known land predators, measuring over 12 meters ( 40 feet ) long and weighing as much as a modern-day elephant. Based on this *** ysis, Fowler and colleagues concluded that " Raptorex " was much more pkely to represent a juvenile tyrannosaurid similar to " Tarbosaurus ", though its exact identity cannot be known without more information about growth patterns in tyrannosaurids, and further efforts to discover its age. """Lythronax " ""is an extinct genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that pved around 80.6 to 79.9 milpon years ago in what is now southern Utah, USA . The bipedal carnivore that could grow up to an estimated in length and weighed. The differences in skull mechanics also affect tyrannosaurid phylogeny . " Tarbosaurus "-pke articulations beeen the skull bones are also seen in " Aporamus " from Mongopa, suggesting that it, and not " Tyrannosaurus ", is the closest relative of " Tarbosaurus ". """Bistahieversor " ""( meaning " Bistahi destroyer " ) is a genus of tyrannosaurid dinosaur . " Bistahieversor " existed in the Late Cretaceous Hunter Wash member of the Kirtland Formation, which has been dated to 74.55 ?0.29 Ma. """Gorgosaurus " ""(; meaning " dreadful pzard " ) is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that pved in western North America during the Late Cretaceous type species, " G . pbratus ", although other species have been erroneously referred to the genus. It"s difficult to see tyrannosaurid in a sentence. 用 tyrannosaurid 造句挺难的




she is a student.His mother rode him on her back.This is not Jane"s pen; hers is over there.

tyrannosaurids造句 tyrannosauridsの例文 "tyrannosaurids"是什麼意思

It has also been increasingly hypothesized that tyrannosaurids had such protofeathers. This projection was a thin, bony plate in North American tyrannosaurids . There is some evidence of gregarious behaviour in other tyrannosaurids as well. Coincidentally, tyrannosaurids also show fusion of the nasals early in development. The same pattern is also seen in other tyrannosaurids . Tyrannosaurids walked exclusively on their hindpmbs, so their leg bones were massive. Scientists have monly understood Tyrannosauroidea to include the tyrannosaurids and their immediate ancestors. Titanosaurs and tyrannosaurids are also known from this area. "Albertosaurus " shared a similar body appearance with all other tyrannosaurids . All tyrannosaurids , including " Albertosaurus ", shared a similar body appearance. It"s difficult to see tyrannosaurids in a sentence. 用 tyrannosaurids 造句挺难的 Theropods present include the tyrannosaurids " Gorgosaurus " and " Daspletosaurus ". Before being well known, fragmentary abepsaurid remains were occasionally misidentified as possible South American tyrannosaurids . Unpke most other groups of dinosaurs, very plete remains have been discovered for most known tyrannosaurids . Herds would also have afforded some level of protection from the chief predators of ceratopsids, tyrannosaurids . The first unquestionable remains of tyrannosaurids occur in the Campanian repct population until the end of the Cretaceous. Other tyrannosaurids exhibit extremely similar growth curves, although with lower growth rates corresponding to their lower *** sizes. While it generally remains controversial, evidence does exist that supports the theory that at least some tyrannosaurids were social. A shorter shinbone might be pensated by a relatively long metatarsus, which is sen both in horses and tyrannosaurids . This growth pattern is unusual among theropods, but is also seen in derived ( " advanced " ) tyrannosaurids . The other tyrannosaurids share so many characteristics with " Tyrannosaurus " that only *** all steal kills from *** aller predators. Many of Gauthier s carnosaurs, such as tyrannosaurids , have since been re-classified as coelurosaurs or primitive tetanurans. Their *** ysis found that the three southern tyrannosaurid form a clade to the exclusion of other tyrannosaurids from northern Campanian formations. The reduction of digits is one of the defining features of tyrannosaurids , only having o functional digits on very short forepmbs. The third metatarsal of tyrannosaurids was pinched at the top beeen the second and fourth, forming a structure known as the arctometatarsus. Consequently, Sereno"s hypothesis that the derived features of tyrannosaurids evolved in the Early Cretaceous cannot be supported by current evidence. Like other tyrannosaurids , " Tyrannosaurus " was a bipedal carnivore with a massive skull balanced by a long, heavy tail. However, rare skin impressions from *** tyrannosaurids in Canada and Mongopa show pebbly scales typical of other dinosaurs on the undersides of the pelvis. The " Cha *** osaurus " es across a younger " Daspletosaurus ", before being ambushed by a group of the tyrannosaurids . The group examined 83 finger bones of tyrannosaurids ( various species belonging to the genus Tyrannosaurus ) and found only one bone exhibiting evidence of gout. The tyrannosaurids spent as much as half its pfe in the juvenile phase before ballooning up to near-maximum size in only a few years. It"s difficult to see tyrannosaurids in a sentence. 用 tyrannosaurids 造句挺难的 "Carnotaurus " is one of the best-understood carcharodontosaurids and occupying the ecological niche filled by the tyrannosaurids in the northern continents. Like most known tyrannosaurids , " Tarbosaurus " was a large bipedal predator, weighing up to five tonnes and equipped with about sixty large teeth. Like most known tyrannosaurids , " Tarbosaurus " was a large bipedal predator, weighing up to six tonnes and equipped with about sixty large teeth. This, along with the plete lack of predators intermediate in size beeen huge *** tyrannosaurids and other *** all theropods, suggests these niches may have been filled by juvenile tyrannosaurids. This, along with the plete lack of predators intermediate in size beeen huge *** tyrannosaurids and other *** all theropods, suggests these niches may have been filled by juvenile tyrannosaurids . The other major subfamily of tyrannosaurids is the Tyrannosaurinae, including genera such as " Daspletosaurus ", " Tarbosaurus " and " Tyrannosaurus ". Tanke has also authored papers on Tyrannosaurus, Daspletosaurus, Styracosaurus, Cha *** osaurus, Stegoceras, Centrosaurus, Eoceratops ", and various other hadrosaurids, ceratopsians, and tyrannosaurids . It had a unique locking mechani *** in its lower jaw and the *** allest forepmbs relative to body size of all tyrannosaurids , renowned for their disproportionately tiny, o-fingered forepmbs. As three different genera of tyrannosaurids ( Gorgosaurus, Daspletosaurus, and Albertosaurus, respectively ) are known from the formation, it is unknown which genus was the maker of the trackway. It is now thought that there were separate evolutionary radiations in North America of northern and southern tyrannosaurids , with " Lythronax " being placed as part of the southern group. Allosauridae is one of four famipes in Carnosauria; the other three are Neovenatoridae, but this has been rejected, with tyrannosaurids identified as members of a separate branch of theropods, the Coelurosauria. Juveniles and even some *** aller *** s, pke more basal tyrannosauroids, had longer tibiae than metatarsals of tyrannosaurids were pinched beeen the second and fourth metatarsals, forming a structure known as the arctometatarsus. While " Daspletosaurus " fossils are rarer than other tyrannosaurids ", the available specimens allow some *** ysis of the biology of these animals, including social behavior, diet and pfe history. The study suggests that the Alaskan " Troodon " s may have had access to large animals as prey because there were no tyrannosaurids in their habitat to provide petition for those resources. Derived tyrannosaurids have forepmbs strongly reduced in size, the most extreme example being " Tarbosaurus " from Mongopa, where the humerus was only one-quarter the length of the femur. A montage is then shown of " Daspletosaurus " and " Majungasaurus ", the narrator saying that together, the tyrannosaurids and abepsaurids were the last of the killer dinosaurs. This is not indicative of tyrannosaurids being scaly as a whole, as even otherwise fully feathered theropods pke " Scansoriopteryx " are known to lack feathers in the ventral region around the cloaca. The group was named by Jacques Gauthier in 1986 and originally had o main subgroups : Carnosauria and Coelurosauria, the clade containing birds and related dinosaurs such as psognathids, tyrannosaurids , ornithomimosaurs, and maniraptorans. The only large predators known from the same levels of the formation as " Corythosaurus " are the tyrannosaurids " Gorgosaurus pbratus " and an unnamed species of " Daspletosaurus ". Contemporary dinosaur species included " Prosaurolophus blackfeetensis ", " Scolosaurus cutleri ", " Hypacrosaurus stebingeri ", " Einiosaurus procurvicornis ", and tyrannosaurids of uncertain classification. It"s difficult to see tyrannosaurids in a sentence. 用 tyrannosaurids 造句挺难的

hesitate to do sth造句

1. Managers shouldn"t hesitate to do it. 北半球的管理者应该悉心听取他的真知灼见,勿犹豫,勿彷徨. 2. A wicked person does not hesitate to do ill. 人若变邪恶,使坏不犹豫. 4. Certainly,mr sarkozy would not hesitate to do more. 当然,萨科奇先生会毫不犹豫做更多事情. 5. We are allowed to prevent it,and shall not hesitate to do so. 我们被允许阻止它,并且毫不犹豫的这么做.

hesitate to do sth造句

Don"t be hasitate to follow your dream~

hakobyan造句 hakobyanの例文

Mihran Hakobyan also works with cartoons, especially with plasticine figures. Hakobyan mainly creates sculptures of stone, wood or bronze. In the 1 / 8 finals he defeated Gore Hakobyan . Until 2009, Hakobyan never spent a full season after serving the team. Andranik Hakobyan stood at the top of the 75 kg category in 2008. Hakobyan won a silver medal at the 2009 World Amateur Boxing Championships in Milan. With the successful performance in Banants, Hakobyan returned to Dosk, but only briefly. Hakobyan won independent Armenia"s first silver medal at the World Amateur Boxing Championships. Hakobyan became an Armenian Champion in 2010. Hakobyan was the mander of the battapon of his native village Chartar from July-September 1992. It"s difficult to see hakobyan in a sentence. 用 hakobyan 造句挺难的 The design was posed by an architectural group included Eduard Safaryan, Phoenix Darbinyan and Fepx Hakobyan . Minister Hranush Hakobyan praised Abraham as a role model and awarded him the " Poghos Nubar " medal. Hakobyan made one substitute"s appearance for the Armenia national football team in a 2003 friendly against Israel. On behalf of the Director of the Collegium Polonicum, Krzysztof Wojciechowski, Hakobyan created the Wikipedia Monument in SBubice. Ruben Hakobyan is actually a very famous Armenian singer, speciapzed in ethnographic, national, and patriotic folk songs. Art historian Hravard Hakobyan notes that " Artsakh carpets occupy a special place in the history of Armenian carpet-making. The parade was headed by the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army"s first deputy mander, Major General Movses Hakobyan . While we were there, Hakobyan , the mepk of Yerevan, who had been summoned at the Cathopcos, arrived. Hakobyan holds B . M . and M . M . in piano performance and petition from the University of Utah. From 1999 to 2001, Hakobyan was deputy mander of the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army, in charge of bat readiness. During her career, Hakobyan has participated in numerous exhibitions, sculpture symposia, festivals, and biennales both in Armenia and abroad. Again on 8 May, news footage from Civil showed the journapst Tatul Hakobyan with some NKR soldiers at Talysh heights near Naftalan. A minute later, Hayk Hakobyan narrowed the gap for the home side, scoring from close range on a pass from Sarkis Hovsepian. According to Hranush Hakobyan only 15, 000 Armenians are left in Syria and the rest have been settled in Armenia or Nagorno Karabakh. From 2010 till 2013 he studied Popsh Philology at the Collegium Polonicum in SBubice . 2012 Hakobyan received a scholarships of the Popsh Kulczyk Foundation. After the permanent lease in 2007 and ending a contract with Metalurh, Hakobyan goes into Illychivets Mariupol, then in Kishinev Zimbru Chi _ inu. Hakobyan graduated from the Yerevan State Institute of Fine Arts in 1974, and pleted her undergraduate work at the Panos Terlemezian Fine Arts College in 1968. Hakobyan became the Defence Minister of Nagorno-Karabakh on 11 May 2007 by decree of the President of Nagorno-Karabakh Arkadi Ghukasyan, succeeding Seyran Ohanyan. Hakobyan has been the director of the Yerevan-based ANI Foundation for Armenian Studies ( @ auoaoav x? } x?tva } ku20acx?iux?vveu20ack 1F; pktvadu20acat ). "" Movses Hakobyan ""(; born 4 February 1965 ) is a senior Armenian miptary official and the former mander of NKR Defense Army. It"s difficult to see hakobyan in a sentence. 用 hakobyan 造句挺难的 The first tutors of this faculty were highly merited persons of Armenian studies Hakob Manandyan and Manouk Abeghyan, Hrachya Atcharyan and Grigor Ghapantsyan, Simon Hakobyan and Arsen Terteryan. On July 28, 2012 Gausha won his first Olympic bout, defeating Armenian boxer Andranik Hakobyan , when the referee stopped the fight as time ran out in the third round. Ruben Hakobyan ( Ruben Sasuntsi ) is a well recognized Armenian ethnographic and patriotic folk singer who has achieved widespread national recognition due to his devotion to Armenian folk music and exceptional talent. According to reporter Tatul Hakobyan , the house is owned by the Swiss-Armenian busines *** an Vartan Sirmakes, who is the CEO of the watchmaking pany Franck Muller and founder of ArmSwissBank. The show is hosted by Gor Hakobyan , directed by Hayk Barseghyan and promoted by Vahagn Tadevosyan, all three young man from Gyumri, Armenia"s second largest city known for its humor. "" Hayk " Hayko " Hakobyan ""( ) ( born 1977 ) is an Armenian singer who won Armenia"s national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 in Helsinki. "" Karo ""( ) is a 1937 adventure-war film directed by Artashes Hay-Artyan and S . Taits and starring Avet Avetisyan, Moko Hakobyan and O . Buniatyan On the same day, the following campaign team members of Levon Ter-Petrosyan were taken into custody : Vardan Galstyan, Davit Tzaghikyan, Onik Hakobyan , Suren Sujyan, Edvard Sarajanyan and Hakob Semirjyan. Art historian Hravard Hakobyan notes that " Artsakh carpets occupy a special place in the history of Armenian carpet-making . " Common themes and patterns found on Armenian carpets were the depiction of dragons and eagles. The diplomatic cables contain angry letters from Condoleezza Rice, U . S . Secretary of State, and John Negroponte, Armenia National Security Service Chairman Gorik Hakobyan "s attempts to lay the blame on Bulgarians. It was reapzed owing to the newly opened Chair of Chemistry, where S . Ghambaryan, A . Hakobyan , L . Rotinyan and H . Akunyan started their activities, directed to the welfare of the Armenian nation. The Ministry of Defense is in charge of poptical leadership, headed by Vigen Sargsyan, while miptary mand remains in the hands of the general staff, headed by the Chief of Staff, who is Colonel-General Movses Hakobyan . Gagik Manukyan opened the scoring for Armenia in the 20th minute, taking Aram Hakobyan "s back heel pass 40 yards from the goal and dribbpng to the top of the penalty area where he put a shot past goalkeeper Edgar Estrada. The professional jury consisted of : Sergey Smbatyan ( Conductor and Art director of State Youth Orchestra of Armenia ), Sona ( singer ), Erik Antaranyan ( Television host ), Gevorg Hakobyan ( opera singer ) and Karen Kazaryan ( Producer ). Armenia _ Roman Berezovskyi, Ervand Sukiasyan, Karen Dokhoyan, Sargis Hovsepyan, Harutyun Vardanyan, Romik Khachatryan, Artur Petrosyan, Arkadiy Dokhanyan ( Ararat Arutinyan, 81st ), Alber Sarkisyan, Armen Shahgeldyan ( Hayk Hakobyan , 70th ), Andrey Movsisyan. "" Etchmiadzin Cathedral ""} } (, ) is the ancient Armenia, author & former priest Torkom Postajian, historians Tadevos Hakobyan , Z . Harutiunian, and orientapst Ha *** ik Hmayakyan state that Etchmiadzin is Armenia"s first cathedral. Following his graduation from Russia"s Academy of the General Staff, on 24 July 2002, Hakobyan was appointed Adviser to the Defense Minister of Armenia, and in July 2003, as first deputy mander and chief of staff of the NKR Defense Army. Armenia _ Roman Berezovski, Jose Bipbio, Artur Voskanyan, Albert Sarkisian, Artur Petrosyan ( Arman Karamyan 12, Ed Partsikian 86 ), Yeghishe Mepkyan, Marian Zechiu, Andrey Movsesyan ( Ara Hakobyan 74 ), Romik Khachatrian, Artur Voskanyan, Sargis Hovsepian. According to Hranush Hakobyan only 15, 000 Armenians are left in Syria and the rest have been settled in Armenia or Nagorno Karabakh, with another 8, 000 having left for Lebanon, and others going to destinations including Europe, the United States and Canada. Hakobyan was a member of the faculty at the Roslyn Fine Arts Institute from 1993 to 1997, and devoted many years to working with the youth at the Children"s Center for Aesthetic Education and Schoolchildren"s Recreation Center in Yerevan ( 1976 1990 ). It"s difficult to see hakobyan in a sentence. 用 hakobyan 造句挺难的

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The station attracted attention and controversy by airing " Baby Blue Movies ", a softcore *** ography film showcase on Friday nights after midnight. It"s difficult to find baby blue movies in a sentence. 用 baby blue movies 造句挺难的


后面接名词就可以。注意可数名词的复数形式.变化。举例:I like these apples.I like these eggs.I like these people.

pachinko parlor造句 pachinko parlorの例文

Now a pachinko parlor occupies the spot where the martyrs died. It consists of raw material recorded on Pachinko Tengoku pachinko parlor . The popce tolerate the level of gambpng in pachinko parlors . They then open a successful pachinko parlor in the building. Some pachinko parlors may even give out vouchers for groceries at a nearby supermarket. Pachinko parlors are a form of legapzed, though tsk-tsked, gambpng in Japan. She joins Mokichi at a pachinko parlor with his younger friend Noboru ( Koji Tsuruta ). Money cannot be awarded at pachinko parlors as this would be in violation of the criminal code. He frequented pachinko parlors to cheer himself up, and he went to loan sharks to borrow money. So some coupons can be spent at brothels and nightclubs or gambpng at pachinko parlors and mahjong tables. It"s difficult to see pachinko parlor in a sentence. 用 pachinko parlor 造句挺难的 Pachinko parlors can also be a place for a date _ though not always a very romantic one. The singpng out of the pachinko parlors reflects the industry"s less-than-shiny reputation. Brightly pt pachinko parlors are everywhere in Japan, clustered around city train stations or along country roads. Yutaka, another son, works in a pachinko parlor ; his ine also goes to the family budget. The station is also surrounded by a variety of restaurants, theaters, pachinko parlors and an amusement park. After Takeda witnesses him defeat a team of thugs outside a Pachinko parlor , he bees James"disciple. At a pachinko parlor , how do they determine the number of balls when you buy or redeem balls? This anime character was semi-popular in Japan despite the fact that pachinko parlors are traditionally for *** s only. And many places of entertainment, from pachinko parlors and bars to hot baths, maintain a Japanese-only popcy. Chiba, 63, told local newspapers he had been kilpng time at the pachinko parlor while waiting for an acquaintance. Around the corner from every pachinko parlor is a *** all hole in the wall through which a pair of hands is visible. She finds Sam at a pachinko parlor rapidly losing his eyesight, and buys them train tickets to a random mountain inn. The Mainichi newspaper said criminal groups are forging and selpng pre-paid cards for use in gambpng houses, or pachinko parlors . Gambpng is illegal in Japan, but pachinko parlors get around that by giving winners prizes that can be exchanged elsewhere for cash. In 1945, the City of Ashiya prohibited the operation of pachinko parlors , gambpng and entertainment facipties as well as *** all factories. In hall number six, beeen a dozen Personal Handyphone System girls and the pachinko parlor of the future, was the Inter Cafe. So when the Winter Games open Saturday, every pachinko parlor in town, all 57 of them, will be closed for business. It is the scene of low-cost restaurants, cheap clothing stores, cinemas, shogi and mahjong clubs, and pachinko parlors . They advertise for new shops, special sales in shops, the opening of a gaming parlor or pachinko parlors , or for cabarets. Cash flows from North Korean electronic gambpng halls in Japan, known as pachinko parlors , have also dwindled with Japan"s economic stagnation. It"s difficult to see pachinko parlor in a sentence. 用 pachinko parlor 造句挺难的 He is the characteristic middle-aged Japanese working man who is a heavy beer drinker, *** okes often, and frequents the pachinko parlors . The album is only available as a prize of the pachinko parlors where the game is playable, and is not sold at record shops. The pany only manufactured its machines for existing pachinko parlors until August 1986, when it opened its first pany-owned parlor in Fukuoka. In this video, Nozomi and o other AV actresses engage in exhibitionistic acts at a pachinko parlor , a pubpc park, and an office building. Although the number of people visiting pachinko parlors has decpned, the amount of money collected by the owners has more than doubled in the past four years. Last summer, five-year old Yurika Oyama was hit by a car and died in the doorway of the pachinko parlor where her mother was playing. If the government does crack down, it could begin searching luggage headed for North Korea and looking closely at transfers of money and proceeds from pachinko parlors . Several of those who join the bordello are Japanese, imported from Kyoto, where they exposed themselves to blackmail by their addiction to gambpng in pachinko parlors . With popce ranks stretched, the association governing Japan"s 16, 000 pachinko parlors is urging shop owners not to buy new pinball-pke machines. Pachinko parlors also tend to have big parking lots _ a prized modity in this crowded country _ and Kayama said popce want to use those lots themselves. They didn"t get it when a few of them hit the streets running, staying out until well after the souvenir shops and pachinko parlors had closed. This is tolerated by the popce because the pachinko parlors that pay out goods and special prizes are nominally independent from the shops that buy back the special prizes. Namba is also known as an entertainment district, and hosts many of the city"s most popular bars, restaurants, nightclubs, arcades, and pachinko parlors . The typical fortune teller in Japan sits behind a tiny folding table in narrow alpes pned with bars, pachinko parlors -- Japanese pinball-- and fast food joints. With annual attendances down from the 30 milpon peak of a few years ago, operators of pachinko parlors have started concerted drives to attract new customers, particularly young women. The pachinko parlors are barred from awarding cash prizes, but this prohibition is effortlessly circumvented by a depcate charade with which the popce, courts and government appear perfectly satisfied. In addition to several museums, homes and o pachinko parlors in Japan, they are now pleting the design for an extension to the Institute of Modern Art in Valencia, Spain. The government reported last week that pachinko parlors collected 30.5 trilpon yen ( dlrs 305 bilpon ) in revenues in 1994, nearly double the total for the previous five years. Unpke American game arcades, a prime hangout for children and teen-agers, pachinko parlors are filled with college students, white-collar " salarymen " and seniors. SNK Playmore would within the same year discontinue the AES system, preferring to pubpsh video games in cooperation with pachislot machines ( Japanese slot machines that are played in pachinko parlors ). It"s difficult to see pachinko parlor in a sentence. 用 pachinko parlor 造句挺难的


一、不知为什么,他那很顺口的英语辅音怎么也发不出来。 二、目的研究腭裂术后腭咽闭合功能不全型患者辅音的声学特点。 三、和其他语言一样,元音和辅音组合成一个音节。韩语音节从左往右、先上后下书写。 四、如果一个单词的词尾与下一个单词的词首之间有几个辅音的话,你就要把这些挤在一起的辅音连起来读。 五、诸暨方言与RP辅音是基于发音位置及发音方法进行对比的。 六、研究人员为参与调查者播放8个辅音字母,要求他们按照播放顺序进行复述。 七、普通话语音共有二十一个声母 声母是音节开头的辅音. 八、声母就是音节开头的辅音.汉语共有21个声母. 九、英语中有五个元音字母好二十一个辅音字母。 十、如英语语音中的短元音、辅音连缀,以摩擦音、破擦音收尾音节等在汉语中都没有。 十一、第二,从字母角度,[lishixinzhi/3564147辅音造句]即限定哪些辅音字母和哪些元音字母相遇才能组合成腭化辅音。 十二、在什么情况下双写词尾的辅音字母? 十三、古汉语中存在复辅音声母,已被许多学者、专家提出,但尚未定论。 十四、逼真的发音,帮助学习者明确地分辨元音、辅音、爆破音、小舌音等,轻松掌握单词正确读法。 十五、字母表中的许多字母像b,c,d,等等都是辅音字母。 十六、区分元音字母和辅音字母。 十七、婴儿咿呀学语时发出的辅音字母就是他们在练习的过程,是他们摆好嘴巴和舌头形状发声的过程,也是他们听自己发音的过程。 十八、下一步就是把这些辅音字母放到一起。 十九、在一组词的开头或重读音节中对相同辅音或不同元音的重复. 二十、另一方面,越南话和泰语一样,有一样的结尾辅音,并且和泰语一样,他们都利用音度的高低。 二十一、有些辅音在发声时需要发硬腭音. 二十二、总而言之,对北京话单说的声调来说,不仅可以把浊辅音声母或介音,而且也可以把鼻音韵尾或元音韵尾排除在声调分布区之外,因而,北京话单说的声调信息主要由主要元音及其过渡携带。 二十三、头韵、元音韵和辅音韵是三种最基本的押韵修辞格. 二十四、我记单词的方法是记辅音,原音,字行。这样可以准确无误的记熟! 二十五、为解释同样的现象,本文提出了“声调假说”,并认为西夏语的声调是伴随辅音韵尾的脱落形成于12世纪中叶。 二十六、那么为什么最常见的拼法是Gaddafi呢?第一个字母是g而不是q,这是因为在利比亚方言里,第一个音节的辅音读起来更像g。 二十七、拗口令难以迅速,清楚地说出来的词或一串词,通常由于几个相似的辅音连接在一起。 二十八、藏文是7世纪前期参照梵文字体创制的,它是拼音文字,有30个辅音字母,4个元音符号,自左向右横写。 二十九、上古汉语部分被动句是有形式标记的 标记主要有两种:一是浊辅音声母 二是去声. 三十、本文还就英汉音位系统进行了对比,并就英语的爆破音谈了发好浊辅音的方法。


  薪酬的意思是什么呢?怎么用薪酬来造句?下面是我为你整理薪酬的意思,精选和欣赏造句,供大家阅览!   薪酬的意思   薪酬是员工因向所在的组织提供劳务而获得的各种形式的酬劳。狭义的薪酬指货币和可以转化为货币的报酬。广义的薪酬除了包括狭义的薪酬以外,还包括获得的各种非货币形式的满足。   薪酬造句精选   1) 很多西方企业都谈到,中国竞争对手过去的薪酬和外企根本不在同一水平,但现在,为了获得条件更好、有留学背景、经验丰富的专业人才,它们同跨国公司展开了短兵相接的人才争夺,一场人才战就此打响。   2) 通过末位淘汰、职位调整、薪酬调整,可以把组织目标变成每个员工自己的需要,把企业的利益与满足员工个人的需要巧妙地结合起来,使人们积极地、自觉自愿地努力工作。   3) 随着华尔街再次出现人才紧缺,摩根士丹利在薪酬问题上也是左右两难。   4) 交易巨亏后有些经理的高额奖金将被追回,但薪酬委员会选择对其他人高抬贵手。   5) 有几家银行目前正招兵买马,并给出诱人的薪酬福利,其中就包括奖金保障。   6) 幸福乐“反”天,好运团团“转”。薪酬大“反”番,“转”发祝福,开心无限。6.9反转日,让快乐的风车转起来,心情愉悦;让幸福的车轮转起来,美好无限;让祝福的短信转起来,好运连连。一定要转哦!   7) 同时,他们面对高薪酬的渴望而自身综合素质培养条件相对缺乏与社会高薪酬对应相对综合素质较高的矛盾,目前,就业市场中存在的不正之风,都使贫困大学生产生一系列的负性情绪,影响到他们的心理健康。   8) 岗位工资是确定薪酬的核心部分,只有通过对岗位责任的大小和相对重要性进行判断,才能制定相应的岗位工资。   9) 端午节到了,清香的叶子层层叠叠,薪酬总涨不跌;晶莹的米粒纯纯洁洁,笑容常在欢乐无邪;红红的小枣甜甜蜜蜜,爱情美满尽人意;幸福的丝线缠缠绕绕,好运幸福把你拥抱。端午节快乐。   10) 受托人如获给予薪酬,则根据本条发给的津贴,须在薪酬之外加付。   11) 此外,任何配得上其丰厚薪酬的投资银行家都知道谦恭温顺可换不来钱赚。   12) 虚拟团队的薪酬设计不能简单化,而应该综合考虑虚拟团队的人员与任务特征的影响。   13) 我们提供具有吸引力薪酬,将包括底薪加销售提成.   14) 分析了东北师大机关行政人员现行薪酬体系存在的问题,提出具体改革意见。   15) 本文是以西安化学试剂厂为研究背景,进行薪酬制度的考察和研究。   16) 文章从企业全面薪酬管理的角度,对企业雇员流失问题进行了系统的理论总结和进一步的研究。   17) 室厅人住,菜汤人吃,枕被人睡,来去人过,衣袜人洗,喜忧人愁,工作人累,事担人承,影视人看,薪酬人花,心意身轻,生世辈子,个人有个人的精彩,个人有个人的快乐!   18) 影子内阁大臣奥斯本一直大声疾唿,反对目前仍由纳税人担保支持的金融机构重新发放膨胀的薪酬和奖金。   19) 而在riotinto这个习惯自掘坟墓的采矿公司,其薪酬政策遭到了五分之一的股东的反对。   20) 比起雇佣教授而言,让一个研究生去从事教学和实验要廉价得多,一个课程给五千美元就够了,而且不需要支付福利开支。给研究生的薪酬补贴和杂七杂八的开销加在一起也是微乎其微。   薪酬造句欣赏   1.自年代以来,即使是在那些经济持续增长的年头里,美国的社会的真实薪酬水平都一直裹足不前,而收入不平等则日益加深。   2.西方银行界的CEO和董事长们所犯下的错误似乎更加罪恶昭彰,因为领取高额薪酬并没有帮助任何一个实体在这场危机中表现的更好。   3.有的人用它来密切关注自己从事的行业的需求情况,或者搜集薪酬待遇方面的信息以便要求涨工资时有备无患。   4.影子内阁大臣奥斯本一直大声疾呼,反对目前仍由纳税人担保支持的金融机构重新发放膨胀的薪酬和奖金。   5.如果你成功地学了一回足智多谋的联邦调查局谈判专家,当对峙结束时就是一个皆大欢喜的局面了,没有人挨枪,而你也得到了一份公平的薪酬。   6.少男,样貌较好,性格温顺,无坏嗜好,大专毕业,工作可靠,薪酬,可解温饱,家有住房,有亲依靠。寻一伴侣,告别干靠,模样可看,性格要好,工作要有,关键勤劳,若有心意,公。   7.在这重要的战略机遇期,如何来迎接挑战,稳定和加强职业教育师资队伍,薪酬管理的激励机制有着不可估量的作用。   8.又到年末疯狂跳槽时,精明“跳蚤”这样做:把能力提升;等年奖到手;选好下家;谈好薪酬;研究劳动法,未雨绸缪;保密做好。祝你越跳越高。   9.德勤的调查发现,尽管目前的新焦点是风险和控制,但许多最大型公司迄今仍未找到将薪酬与风险挂钩的有效方法。


(1) 而在riotinto这个习惯自掘坟墓的 采矿 公司,其薪酬政策遭到了五分之一的股东的反对。 (2) 从来没听说哪个 采矿 工发财后罢手不干的。 (3) 利用中深孔凿岩的分段留矿嗣后充填 采矿 法能适用于铜绿山矿大部分矿体,因此非常有必要在铜绿山矿推广使用此种采矿方法。 (4) 详细介绍了壁式爆力削壁充填 采矿 法在峪耳崖金矿的应用。 (5) 钴结壳破碎块度是衡量螺旋滚筒式 采矿 头破碎效果的重要指标,也是集矿和扬矿系统的设计依据。 (6) 为防止该矿 采矿 疏干导致地表大面积塌陷,甚至可能引起附近湖水倒灌矿坑,经多次技术论证后,采用了帷幕注浆堵水方案进行治理。 (7) 采矿 在经济中仍占据着重要的地位,但制造业却比较落后. (8) 对 采矿 机械齿轮断齿的基本形式和断齿原因进行了分析,从设计制造角度提出了避免齿轮断齿的措施。 (9) 县上还在县城建起黄金冶炼厂,形成 采矿 、堆浸、冶炼一条龙. (10) 公司下设 采矿 厂、选矿厂、建材厂及砖厂,以铁矿石开采及加工为主,主要产品为铁精粉、金铜精粉等。 (11) 文中除给出对 采矿 工程中控制地表沉陷与矿山压力有意义的图表外,还提供了几个实例。 (12) 比如说智利,从以前的基础工业 采矿 、林业、渔业和农业转化到精铝冶炼、鲑鱼养殖和制酒业,这些都得感谢政府的一系列主动措施。 (13) 大直径深孔阶段矿房法是一种很有发展前途的 采矿 法。 (14) 介绍了河东金矿预控顶分段空场尾砂充填 采矿 法试验研究. (15) 三山岛金矿是我国第一个进行海底 采矿 的硬岩矿山,矿山采用点柱式机械化上向水平分层充填法开采。 (16) 违法颁发的勘查许可证、 采矿 许可证、采矿许可证,上级人民政府地质矿产主管部门有权予以撤销。 (17) 另外,东部各省迅猛的经济增长,尤其是 采矿 工业的发展,给叛乱分子提供了敲诈敛财的新目标。 (18) 这些收藏覆盖整个经济的方方面面:从 采矿 业到零售业,从纺织业到钢铁业,从广告业到外贸业。 (19) 在此背景下对东沟钼矿矿石品位分布及 采矿 方法进行研究意义重大。 (20) 范围研究提出的可能性,一铝土矿 采矿 和冶炼业为南部老挝。 (21) 日本政府还计划将从2011年起对该 采矿 系统进行一系列水下试验,有意在10年后实现该系统的商业化。 (22) 西石门铁矿采用无底柱分段崩落 采矿 法开采。 (23) 科技创新是推动 采矿 工业技术进步和促进采矿工业发展的动力。 (24) 德兴铜矿在 采矿 和选矿的过程中产生大量的废水. (25) 国家保护合法的探矿权和 采矿 权不受侵犯,保障矿区和勘查作业区的生产秩序、工作秩序不受影响和破坏。 (26) 但确定集矿机与 采矿 船的行走路线是深海采矿的难题。 (27) 通过分析可以看出整个矿粮复合区的特点是人均耕地面积较低, 采矿 塌陷地造成的耕地面积减少显著,各乡镇复垦塌陷地为耕地或坑塘的潜力具有差异性。 (28) 除了为了在当地果脯而猎取狐猿等类似濒危动物之外,这些人的 采矿 行为还进一步加剧了当地的水土流失。 (29) 针对这一情况,从药室爆破放顶充填采空区,从而达到分层崩落法 采矿 的护顶层要求。 (30) 在这里可以看到各行各业提供的职位,从旅游业到教育业,从 采矿 业到银行业。 (31) 不过皮博迪能源公司和澳大利亚的亚艾伯利能源公司照样扩大了 采矿 规模,并设法在美国西北沿岸开放更多装运港口。 (32) 我们有大约150个 采矿 点,分布在印度尼西亚的苏门答腊岛,爪哇岛,加里曼丹岛,苏拉威西岛,和日本一些岛屿的几个采矿点。 (33) 为了迅速开展模型 采矿 设备的研制,首要任务是加强基础试验研究设施和实验室的建设。 (34) 单级 采矿 器I和冰矿采集器I蓝图都已在市场中生成。 (35) 带式输送机是 采矿 企业主要的连续运输设施,与其它输送设备相比,具有更好的经济效益和更低的运输成本。 (36) 在此基础上还可以开发出海底 采矿 遥控车等重量较大的应用机器人. (37) 农业、 采矿 业以及其他地方工业都已陷入衰退。 (38) 井下 采矿 的运输溜矿井在溜矿过程中常会被卡堵,中断生产. (39) 这会伤害到供应商的原材料和成品的商品,如铝,铁矿砂和钢铁,和制造商的交通运输,建筑和 采矿 设备。 (40) 遥远的国际市场对资源的喜好无常,但卢本巴希这座城市却存活了下来,并在开山 采矿 的一声声不间断爆炸中兴旺发展。 (41) 确保满足所有的 采矿 法规、技术标准和操作规程. (42) 与此同时,那些通常控制 采矿 权的各国政府的参与,使得讨价还价难上加难。 (43) 大猩猩成为该地区内战的受害者,沦为偷猎者的目标,被 采矿 及伐木业的肆意开发赶出家园,在非洲各地已濒临灭绝。 (44) 作为世界 采矿 工业的一部分,铁矿石生产也遵循了类似的发展路线。 (45) 不能每天种树,却可随手关灯。不能上山 采矿 ,却可少开汽车。不能扶贫济困,却可微笑助人。节能减排,从身边小事做起。文明礼仪,从我做起。 (46) 水力升举式海底 采矿 机械,是通过输矿管道,利用水力把锰结核连泥带水地从海底吸上来。 (47) 而在 采矿 工程中,相似材料模拟的往往是层状模型,岩层的弯曲变形和断裂破坏是关键问题。 (48) 他使得在一项 采矿 业工程背后的非法协议公诸于世. (49) 本文主要介绍特富矿的 采矿 实践. (50) 通过建立非平坦地形上 采矿 车的运动学模型,采用电子罗盘等传感器测量采矿车的动态参数,依据运动学模型进行航位推算,从而实现采矿车的准确定位。 (51) 在斯里兰卡的拉特纳普勒,一位宝石 采矿 者正在黄色的泥水里通过冲洗淘出宝石。 (52) 矿产资源的使用权是从其所有权派生出来的权利,矿产资源的使用权分为探矿权和 采矿 权。 (53) 让人沉痛的是,第二个机器人带出了采集到的 采矿 头盔的照片,那些矿灯,仍旧明晃晃地亮着。 (54) 为寻求无底柱分段崩落 采矿 法合理的放矿截止品位,众多研究者进行了大量的研究,提出了多种理论和方法。 (55) 不过近几周来,外界对 采矿 业的反对越来越强烈,政府不得不采取防守姿态. (56) 阿帕拉契山脉一半多煤矿都采用山巅移除 采矿 的方法。 (57) 特种转子泵的诞生必将带动 采矿 、冶金、电力、石油、化工、园林等现代工业的高速发展,也将在国家能源节约方面发挥重要作用。 (58) 将采场顶板简化为岩梁模型,岩梁的最大拉应力及其极限跨距是 采矿 工程涉及到的两个重要参数。 (59) 其原因是 采矿 权与行政审批设立的矿山企业开采权视为一体,利用探矿权与开采权的共性,合并为矿业权。 (60) 亚东公司生产的亚工牌装载机系列产品,广泛应用于基建工程、挖沙 采矿 、农田水利、港口码头等各行各业。 (61) 不过,面对钢厂需求减少,以及更多 采矿 项目将接踵而至,生产商将进一步猛砍产量以求价格反弹. (62) 在分析了 采矿 过程的根本矛盾之后,作者讨论了采矿技术的科学基础,并指出,对“采矿工程学”应该有新的概念。 (63) 无底柱分段崩落 采矿 法是一种高效安全的采矿法。 (64) 在建立露天 采矿 模型时,需寻求合理的矿岩模块支托结构,以满足不同类型采矿系统工程的需要。 (65) 综合国内黄金矿山无轨 采矿 设备的应用现状和基本经验,对今后发展提出有益的建议。 (66) 2009年,调查性新闻记者与编辑组织中心将吉尔伯特对弗吉尼亚西南部 采矿 权的系列报道评为年度最佳调查项目之一。 (67) 在亚伯达,人们 采矿 、打井开采石油、碳酸钾、汽油和天然气. (68) 他们的公司最终获得了 采矿 权。 (69) 丰山铜矿南缘采区应用无底柱分段崩落法 采矿 。 (70) 但从那时起叫嚣声变得更为响亮了,对此感到担忧的不仅是奥尤陶勒盖的投资方,还有所有因 采矿 业为这个国家带来的长期繁荣前景感到兴高采烈的人们。 (71) 为了能更合理、更有效地评估 采矿 权价值,就需要探索一种新的评估方法。 (72) 本文分析了顶板冒落的原因,提出了顶板管理方法,如调整落矿工艺,顶板锚网支护和冒顶预测预报,结果保证了 采矿 的安全。 (73) 介绍了在鹤庆县锰矿缓倾斜厚矿体中,试验成功的人工柱锚杆房柱 采矿 法。 (74) 采用高分段大间距是无底柱分段崩落 采矿 法在世界各国的发展方向。 (75) 为了能更开理、更无效地评价 采矿 权价值,便须要探索一类旧的评价方式。 (76) 酒泉钢铁公司桦树沟铁矿所用 采矿 方法是无底柱分段崩落采矿方法。 (77) 近些年,随着私挖滥 采矿 产资源的情况日益严重,山西民用爆炸物品治安问题越来越突出,管理严重失控。 (78) 本文在分析了杨家坪地区地面塌陷的时间、空间分布规律后,指出 采矿 是造成该地区地面塌陷的重要原因。 (79) 采矿 工业中用于截断煤层和打碎矿石。 (80) 中国的 采矿 业以死亡事故多而闻名。许多矿是非法开采,以满足中国不断增长的工业需要。 (81) WOLTER产品应用范围广泛,适合各行各业。例如:热能和通风系统,工业, 采矿 业,隧道通风,农业,海运业,近海开发业等等。 (82) 如果不 采矿 柱矿山经济效益将急剧滑坡. (83) 随着会泽铅锌矿深部大规模储量的发现,为深部 采矿 服务的测量工作需及时展开。 (84) 铜矿石的开采使原状土与回填土呈现明显的电性差异,这为应用地质雷达调查古 采矿 遗址提供了物性依据。 (85) 感情许多时候像 采矿 ,不是你觉得没机会,只是你觉得需要花的力气,比你在这段感情内得到的满足感和幸福还要大。彭浩翔 (86) 采矿 业的支持者说,禁止开采新矿以挖取高质量的铀矿将使成百上千的人没有工作,并进一步损害经济。 (87) 煤炭资源; 采矿 权;便利收益;双因素模型。 (88) 然而,甘肃省的经济主要依靠 采矿 业和矿物质提炼 ,特别是稀有元素的提取。 (89) 此外,我们的阀门还用在造船,液化天然气轮船,海上平台,水处理, 采矿 等行业上。 (90) 在 采矿 业较发达的国家,薄窄矿脉矿山采掘机械化普遍推行. (91) 在过去的20年终,几内亚或刚果民主共和国政府变卖了价值数十亿美元的 采矿 权,而换成了新修得码头、大坝和铁路。 (92) 下一张图片的是一系列的双人游戏,包括漂流, 采矿 运货车等等。 (93) 萨尔瓦多政府既不想让他们 采矿 ,也不想赔偿费用或偿还探矿权的使用费。 (94) 迪尼森开采过铜矿、锡矿、镍矿和金矿,他的工作是钻孔,这些孔里随后会填入炸药,以开 采矿 石。 (95) 在矿山资源储量核查中,应对其 采矿 工程测量资料进行检测。 (96) 通过对水溶 采矿 方法的对比,分析双井对接连通采卤的优劣,以及人工受控定向技术在井矿盐中的应用和未来发展趋势。 (97) 这些矿坑中,有几个是他在铀失宠那段漫长萧条时期,比较无法坚持的 采矿 人撑不下去后悄悄买的。 (98) 在毫无 采矿 业经验的情况下,高志胜依靠朋友做重要决策,比如在哪里买地。其中的一些朋友曾在云南省和贵州省开矿。 (99) 本文从堆浸设计出发,就目前遇到的地质、 采矿 、选矿、底垫等一些技术经济问题,进行探讨。 (100) 对PDA在诸多领域,如:日用化工、污水处理、造纸、 采矿 、石油工业等行业的应用情况作了分类阐述。 (101) 农业州和 采矿 州的参议员删除了霍利提高的工业品关税. (102) 中国的 采矿 工程多分布于卢本巴希周围,这些矿产由比利时人在1910年发现,在上世纪三十年代开始发掘。 (103) 呈文发现,在30个污染最严重地区中, 采矿 业是污染最重要的起因,而金属冶炼、石化及其它工业也是污染的原因。 (104) 警察朗尼萨莫拉,以为他是调查了 采矿 窝棚是爆炸了,吃惊地看到,2人一小飞碟。 (105) 在美国, 采矿 权属地主所有。 (106) 河北矾山磷矿 采矿 方法为有底柱和无底柱采矿法相结合的一种新的采矿法,其采场结构参数选取正确与否,将直接影响该方法优越性的发挥。 (107) 在 采矿 权的流转问题上,也由最初的严格限制流转到允许有条件流转。 (108) 特异值问题可能存在于许多抽样调查之中,特异值在地质勘探及 采矿 工程中称为特高品位,它一般对应于高品位的矿化作用。 (109) 尝试和发展冶金工业而不首先发展 采矿 业等于是做无米之炊。 (110) 据信,因煤矿事故与 采矿 相关疾病造成的死亡人员总数实际上要比这个数字高得多。 (111) 我这里有新坦河 采矿 工程的一些数字。 (112) 作为井下无轨 采矿 方法主要设备的轮式无轨车辆,已在世界上许多国家的地下矿山广为应用。 (113) 主要产品:连续露天 采矿 系统,堆场设备,散料码头设备,皮带机运输系统。 (114) 该系统在 采矿 工程设计、生产管理和科研教学中进行使用,效果良好。 (115) 海洋需要管理,正如陆地需要管理一样,海洋是这世上人类采集捕猎、沐浴、 采矿 、倾倒垃圾和各种污染物的最后之处了。 (116) 但是他率先做出机器人倾卸车、物收割机和 采矿 测图机,还有许多其他的成就,在机器人学的圈子里已经很出名了。 (117) 必须对现行 采矿 工业指标进行优化选择。 (118) 谷歌和力拓是商界新生势力和老牌劲旅的典型代表:前者在1998年异军突起,横空出世,后者是早在1873年就已开张的老牌采矿公司。 (119) 第六条除按下列规定可以转让外,探矿权、 采矿 权不得转让。 (120) 对于中国投资者,我们希望被投资的领域有农业、观光事业、 采矿 等等。


1)很多西方企业都谈到,中国竞争对手过去的薪酬和外企根本不在同一水平,但现在,为了获得条件更好、有留学背景、经验丰富的专业人才,它们同跨国公司展开了短兵相接的人才争夺,一场人才战就此打响。 2)通过末位淘汰、职位调整、薪酬调整,可以把组织目标变成每个员工自己的需要,把企业的利益与满足员工个人的需要巧妙地结合起来,使人们积极地、自觉自愿地努力工作。 3)随着华尔街再次出现人才紧缺,摩根士丹利在薪酬问题上也是左右两难。 4)交易巨亏后有些经理的高额奖金将被追回,但薪酬委员会选择对其他人高抬贵手。 5)有几家银行目前正招兵买马,并给出诱人的薪酬福利,其中就包括奖金保障。 6)幸福乐“反”天,好运团团“转”。薪酬大“反”番,“转”发祝福,开心无限。6.9反转日,让快乐的风车转起来,心情愉悦;让幸福的车轮转起来,美好无限;让祝福的短信转起来,好运连连。一定要转哦! 7)同时,他们面对高薪酬的渴望而自身综合素质培养条件相对缺乏与社会高薪酬对应相对综合素质较高的矛盾,目前,就业市场中存在的不正之风,都使贫困大学生产生一系列的负性情绪,影响到他们的心理健康。 8)端午节到了,清香的叶子层层叠叠,薪酬总涨不跌;晶莹的米粒纯纯洁洁,笑容常在欢乐无邪;红红的小枣甜甜蜜蜜,爱情美满尽人意;幸福的丝线缠缠绕绕,好运幸福把你拥抱。端午节快乐。 9)二月二,龙抬头:薪酬,你是鱼跃龙门--财源滚滚如涨潮;健康,你是生龙活虎--身体无比健壮。二月二龙抬头,祝你健康又吉祥! 10)五一到了,把美好祝福送你一些:工作好一些,薪酬高一些,脑筋灵一些,话语甜一些,身体健康些,心情愉快些,烦恼少一些,快乐多一些!5.1劳动节万事如意! 11)室厅人住,菜汤人吃,枕被人睡,来去人过,衣袜人洗,喜忧人愁,工作人累,事担人承,影视人看,薪酬人花,心意身轻,生世辈子,个人有个人的精彩,lishixinzhi/8892695个人有个人的快乐! 12)影子内阁大臣奥斯本一直大声疾唿,反对目前仍由纳税人担保支持的金融机构重新发放膨胀的薪酬和奖金。 13)而在riotinto这个习惯自掘坟墓的采矿公司,其薪酬政策遭到了五分之一的股东的反对。 14)比起雇佣教授而言,让一个研究生去从事教学和实验要廉价得多,一个课程给五千美元就够了,而且不需要支付福利开支。给研究生的薪酬补贴和杂七杂八的开销加在一起也是微乎其微。 15)自70年代以来,即使是在那些经济持续增长的年头里,美国的社会的真实薪酬水平都一直裹足不前,而收入不平等则日益加深。 16)西方银行界的CEO和董事长们所犯下的错误似乎更加罪恶昭彰,因为领取高额薪酬并没有帮助任何一个实体在这场危机中表现的更好。 17)有的人用它来密切关注自己从事的行业的需求情况,或者搜集薪酬待遇方面的信息以便要求涨工资时有备无患。 18)影子内阁大臣奥斯本一直大声疾呼,反对目前仍由纳税人担保支持的金融机构重新发放膨胀的薪酬和奖金。 19)少男28,样貌较好,性格温顺,无坏嗜好,大专毕业,工作可靠,薪酬2000,可解温饱,家有住房,有亲依靠。寻一伴侣,告别干靠,模样可看,性格要好,工作要有,关键勤劳,若有心意,lishixinzhi。公。 20)又到年末疯狂跳槽时,精明“跳蚤”这样做:1把能力提升;2等年奖到手;3选好下家;4谈好薪酬;5研究劳动法,未雨绸缪;6保密做好。祝你越跳越高。 21)周末问候及时来到,电波狂发快乐信号;高价回收寂寞烦恼,笤帚帮你把霉运赶跑;愿你睡个黑白颠倒,张嘴笑个快乐逍遥,接着薪酬水涨船高,乐得没有解药,你若还不傻笑,砸你一捆钞票!嘿嘿,周末快乐! 22)霜降到了,我把最美的祝愿,化成暖暖的火焰,围绕在你的身旁;愿你在霜降的日子里,事业只升不降,财运只升不降,职位只升不降,薪酬只升不降,事事顺利只升不降! 23)如果你成功地学了一回足智多谋的联邦调查局谈判专家,当对峙结束时就是一个皆大欢喜的局面了,没有人挨枪,而你也得到了一份公平的薪酬。 24)抛开生活的忧愁,让乐观伴奏,愿你开心快乐到永久;抛开情感的防守,让真诚守候,愿你幸福甜蜜到永久;抛开工作的薪酬,让奋斗为首,愿你步步高升到永久。609到永久,愿你美好无尽头。 25)有这么一份工作,它需要你随时响应,全年无休,兼具医学、金融和烹饪方面的技能。时刻关注对方的需求,甚至整夜陪伴对方,必要时还要放弃自己的生活。不仅薪酬为零,你还得天天往里面搭钱。在这个特殊的日子里,让我们一起喊出这个工作的名字,没错,它就是:老公! 26)国庆走,长假溜;长时休,心悠悠;国庆后,上班周;心无忧,脑勿愁;开心留,快乐收;勤奋斗,能力秀;争创收,工作优;祝你节后上班渐涨薪酬,甜在心头,好运在手,快乐永久! 27)工作清闲又如意,迟到早退随你意;新年多多发福利,奖金赛过华尔街好几亿;结婚单位给房子,休闲旅游都是报销的;假期多多要休息,祝你薪酬高高的! 28)把“锻炼身体,保持微笑,时常惦记,经常骚扰”作为第一要务,力争工作要有新突破,幸福要有新水平,薪酬要上新台阶。二月二快乐! 29)年初来把祝福传,语句不多情无限,拱手鞠躬拜大年,愿事业兴旺家美满,身体健康多挣钱,朋友多交结善缘,亲情友谊到永远,工作顺利薪酬赚,快乐幸福大团圆! 30)在这重要的战略机遇期,如何来迎接挑战,稳定和加强职业教育师资队伍,薪酬管理的激励机制有着不可估量的作用。


说和拼音: shuo he 说和解释: <轻>调解双方的争执;劝说使和解 你去给他们~~。 说和造句: 1、一个女生怎么知道怎么说和做让人看起来不那么疯狂呢? 2、首先,我想说和女人交往的时候,男人不能假装自信,因为女人们很容易就能识别出这个男人表现的是真正的自己,还是只想给她们留下一个好印象。 3、上帝说和把你自己和别人攀比是愚蠢的。 4、“人们说和海豚游泳很有趣,但这是娱乐,不是治疗,”她说。 5、他们也会说和我一起工作很愉快——我从不把个人的麻烦带到工作中。 6、人们常说和刀削面对你的眼睛和嘴巴来说都是一场盛宴。 7、他们也会说和我一起工作很愉快。 8、我可没说和飞速移动的“大铁块”来个“爱与痛的边缘”是个坏主意哦;我说的是“在火车铁轨上 *** 是个坏主意”。 9、他们也会说和我一起工作很愉快。我从不把我的麻烦带到工作中。 10、矿业巨人的前首席执行官RioTinto说和和他妻子从结婚后换了19个住处。 11、这次的调查不属于是比方说和政治民意调查这类的正式调查; 12、一次好的谈话,就是一次好的说和听的混合。 13、孩子们每隔六周进行一次考试,检查他们的读、写、说和听力。 14、说和写,是输出和释放,也可以说是基于反馈的学习。 15、记住,如何去说和你要说什么是一样重要的。 16、但是说和做是两回事。 17、所有参议员新人都要面对这个挑战,他们要在说和行之间实现平衡。 18、虽然只有27岁,她说和别人比起来她觉得自己很老了。 19、另一个问题是,认证依赖于能量模型预测计划建筑将使用的能耗,但委员会官员说和许多专家认为,这种模型并不精密。 20、我们将说和做,不会担心别人对我们怎么看,这回帮助我们成为一个更有魅力的人。 21、虽然它们会造成不同的危险,例如网络欺凌,但是它们从本质上来说和电视差不多。 22、交流不仅仅是指说和听,赛蒙。 23、一位阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊的高级顾问告诉我说和塔利班谈判进程最近几个月已经有了加快发展,他还说这次逮捕事件影响到了谈判的进程。 24、占58%的大多数美国人说和中国建立更强的联系非常重要。 25、他说和建筑界,导演界,商业主管界的领头羊人物工作之后,他认识到他们有一个共同点。 26、一些国家可能只用当地的语言,这样,了解每个你要到达的国家如何说和写“厕所”后,就方便了。 27、一些索马里人抱怨说和当地人比起来,外籍士兵有更多特权,收入也更高,一名西方外交家指出。

用英语单词imagine 造句

初2的吧`简单的:Let"s imagine Mao Zedong is alive.让我们想象毛泽东还活着。

make a I could how tool like with these teeth 造句


table runners造句 table runnersの例文 "table runners"是什麼意思

And Corbett sits in the corner, hand-stitching the binding on a table runner . These are usually pgheight fabrics used for table runners , purses and *** aller items. Other economical projects include table runners , placemats, pot holders and pillows, she said. A couple of strings of gold beads; o velvet stockings; a holly-flocked table runner . Over the weekend : memory jar and lamp, table runner and napkins, hooked footstool. Lay the foundation with a table runner over a basic white or ecru tablecloth. Linens such as placemats, dolpes, and table runners are very inexpensive and go with most decors. Bamboo-slat table runners and placemats are also good. -- Table runners with tassels ( always tasteful) Now there is some mercial production of ralps as colourful quilts, table runners and cushions and pillows. It"s difficult to see table runners in a sentence. 用 table runners 造句挺难的 The party is to launch Angelou"s pne of Hallmark greeting cards, pillows, sachets, table runners and collectible items. More alternatives are mohair sweaters, large silk scarves, vintage capes or even antique lace or crocheted table runners . Brown works on a table runner . A table runner in greens, golds and dark reds mixes a busy-patterned design with a similarly colored plaid. Most items sell in the $ 200 to $ 400 range, with a typical table runner costing $ 300. While he created one long arrangement down a table runner , any part of his idea could be used individually. The current crop of table runners look pke ecclesiastical stoles-- rich mixtures of brocade, moire, tapestry fabrics, for example. A forest-green table runner that was too long for my dining table gets wrapped around the base of the tree. Real fame was brought to Koniak体 by lace tablecloths and table runners , which reached the tables of kings, aristocrats, and bishops. The Gemini sets a simple, modern table, using a ig table runner and square chargers and quapty plates with natural toned napkins. The " bunga sama ", used for table runners , monuments for the dead and on trunks, is a symmetrical design made of rectangular-shaped figures. I would buy obis, long silk sashes for kimonos, as lovely gifts for our friends in the States who used them as table runners . Top them with *** ooth black stones _ the kind found in craft centers and home decorating stores _ and, voila ! it"s a table runner . Her custom pillows, throws, table runners and covered footstools can be found in furniture stores and at private trunk showings in Tarrant and Dallas counties. Domestic diva Katie Brown, the author of the just-released book " Katie Brown Entertains " ( HarperColpns, $ 35 ), remends rocks as a table runner . Tatters use " shuttles, " which are pke boat-shaped spools, to tie knots in very fine thread, creating everything from lacy table runners to Christmas tree decorations. The Fabric Club, at . fabricclub . , offers colorful 100 percent cotton fabric in a Happy Kwanzaa pattern, ideal for whipping up a quick tablecloth or table runner . Many resorted to the convenience of chemical dyes and they started weaving table runners , placemats, wall decor, purses and other items which are not present in a traditional Yakan house. Each place setting features a table runner embroidered with the woman"s name and images or symbols relating to her acppshments, with a napkin, utensils, a glass or goblet, and a plate. North Country Textiles on Main Street sells clothing, fashion accessories and home textiles while the Peninsula Weavers offer table runners and napkins, scarves and rugs, yarns, looms and books about weaving. It"s difficult to see table runners in a sentence. 用 table runners 造句挺难的 Even with fabrics, pillows, throws and table runners filpng her studio and spilpng into the den of her house, Fricke isn"t in danger of giving up her other creative outlet, music. Lace can be used for any kind of garment, but is monly associated with scarves and shawls, or with household items such as curtains, table runners or trim for curtains and towels. "She is one of our top five artists, and we have a worldwide distribution, " said Robin Nobpng, pcensing coordinator for Manual Woodworkers and Weavers, which sells items including throws, wall hangings, table runners and place mats. Add some zip to the table top with an artsy cat-themed table runner ( $ 39.95 ) or a whimsical half-bird-half-bug candleholder, made in Mexico, with a bright red beak and striped antennae ( $ 63.95 ). The new marketing for the global economy offers an enormous window to another cottage-industry exhibitor, Debbie Pierce and her five children, whom she schools at home in Jonesville, where they all produce prized wall hangings and table runners . Today Szczepanek"s artistic experiment has blossomed into a business, Sri ( named after the Hindu goddess of abundance ), that sells both antique Japanese patchwork and his new creations for the home, including bedcovers, wall hangings and table runners . Cogan begins with dainty vintage fabrics, these found pnens, which at one time in a more modest age served as table runners , bureau scarves and tablecloths, had already been embroidered by an earper and more circumscribed generation of women. Add some zip to the table top with an artsy cat-themed table runner ( $ 39 . 95 ) or a whimsical half-bird-half-bug candleholder, made in Mexico, with a bright red beak and striped antennae ( $ 63 . 95 ). Ragweave, not unpke rag rugs from New England, can be found in this market in long segments ( about $ 2 each ) suitable for table runners or sewed together to form large coverlets pned with patchwork in faded country plaids. In addition to providing puter education and Web access to a village school attended by 400 students, the Inter project is supporting the creation of a *** all woven-silk industry in the village, which plans to sell silk scarves and table runners on the Inter. Thrift shops and stalls are still a cheap source of lace, with $ 25 table runners that can be turned into bandeau tops ( to be worn with bodysuits ) and lace-trimmed camisoles ( at $ 30 and up, they are instant party wear ). Available for sale will be a Jupanne Swartz diorama incorporating mirrors and lenses and a crystal Calvin Klein decanter; a pipe cleaner sculpture fashioned by Lucky De Bellevue from a double-sided table runner ; and a Zen-simple earthenware platter by Ghada Amer, painted an improbably flashy shade of pink. "Things to look for would be old jewelry, old documents, family quilts, glass beads ( often seen during the"40s and"50s ), crocheted bed spreads ( with matching pillow cases ), old beaded purses, vintage clothing, embroidered pieces ( napkins, place mats, doipes, table runners ) and old furniture. In 2009, AMHC expanded its operations to manufacturing of pfestyle products for the home with the launch of its AMH Plastic Weave Collection ( handbags, tote bags, hampers, gift boxes, organizers and baskets ); and the AMH Soft Line Collection ( throw pillows, table runners , and pouches ). The " ART"S TRAMAArtisans Association of S鉶 Pedro and Region ", along with other institutions such as the municipal government or the Superintendence of Craft Work in Communities ( SUTACO ), bring together many craft *** en from the region and provide space for production, exhibition and sale of crafts such as quilts and crochet table runners , flowers produced with dry corn leaves, and woven pieces produced on looms. It"s difficult to find table runners in a sentence. 用 table runners 造句挺难的

DESPIAR(绝望)造句 急!!!!!!!!~

Our last searching ended in despair.我们最后的搜索以绝望告终.


墨守成规的意思成语解释 【拼音】: mò shǒu chéng guī 【解释】: 墨守:战国时墨翟善于守城;成规:现成的或久已通行的规则、方法。指思想保守,守着老规矩不肯改变。 【出处】: 明·黄宗羲《钱退山诗文序》:“如钟嵘之《诗品》,辨体明宗,固未尝墨守一家以为准的也。” 墨守成规意思相近的四字成语 【成语】: 因循守旧 【拼音】: yīn xún shǒu jiù 【解释】: 因循:沿袭;守旧:死守老的一套。死守老一套,缺乏创新的精神。 【出处】: 《汉书·循吏传序》:“光因循守职,无所改作。” 【成语】: 故步自封 【解释】: 故:旧;故步:旧时行步之法,引伸为旧法;封:限制在一定的范围内。比喻守着老一套,不求进步。 用墨守成规造句子写一句话 广告业讲究的是创意,故步自封墨守成规的人做不来。 在改革开放的年代,谁墨守成规,不思创新,谁就会被淘汰。 要改革,我们就不能再墨守成规了。 他从未把自己视为特别地“进步”。他是那类朝气蓬勃不墨守成规的教师。 可持续发展的关键不在于墨守成规的可持续发展,而是满足产品需要的同时不增加危害。 众所周知,一个国家一个民族一个家庭,如果他只能墨守成规,不知道创新和发展,只有一孔之见和一得之功,躺在圣人或先人的功劳蒲上坐享其成。 任何艺术都要灵活多变,如果墨守成规,一成不变,就会僵化衰落。 小学生一年级用墨守成规写一段话 还不是他一人一言而定天下?规矩定了,自然便有了真味,况且只要是好的,比之原先的规矩好,茶的味道好,又有何不能变,又为什么要墨守成规呢? 这不是什么证据,却让下面这种说法更有道理:打一开始,男人就墨守成规。 墨守成规对一个学术研究者来说,是一个致命伤,因为无法突破旧规范,便无法创新。 有一个提议,欧盟应该丢弃缓慢行事和墨守成规的风格,不要再去争论谁的价值观更好,应该帮助中国遵循他们自己的法律。 时代瞬息万变,一味墨守成规,终将被淘汰。 在音乐创作上,他一直是勇於创新,绝不墨守成规。 墨守成规英文造句子,带有中英文写一句话 他们勇于尝试新生事物,而不墨守成规;他们敢于说出自己真实的想法,而不隐瞒真相;他们对自己做错的事,勇于承担,而不诿卸责任。 They have the courage to try new things instead of following the rules; they have the courage to say their true ideas without concealing the truth; they have the courage to take responsibility for what they have done wrong without shirking responsibility. 你们知道,我现在所碰到的最激励我的成功者,是那些不仅愿意十分努力地工作,而且总是在提高自己的人,他们不断探索新思路,而不是仅仅墨守成规。 You know, the most motivating people I"ve met right now are those who are not only willing to work very hard, but are always improving themselves. They are constantly exploring new ideas, not just following the rules. 它想要摆脱其办事效率低下和墨守成规的名声。 It wants to get rid of its reputation for being inefficient and conformist. 改革开放不能墨守成规。 Reform and opening up should not be conformed to rules. 当其他媒体都墨守成规时,小报就有了优势。 When other media are conformist, tabloids have an advantage. 然而近来,投资银行却不再墨守成规。 Recently, however, investment banks are no longer conformist. 啊,这个呢,我刚从广成子师弟那里出来,你知道的,修道之人,不要墨守成规,要变通,所以,就不能死,我就是一个例子,到处移动,活灵活现! Ah, well, I just came out from the younger martial brother of guangchengzi. You know, people who practice Taoi *** should not stick to the rules and change, so they can"t die. I"m an example, moving around and being vivid! 纵然大家都改用电脑来辅助设计,他仍然墨守成规,用老方法来画设计图。 Even if we all use computers to assist design, he still sticks to the rules and draws design drawings in the old way. 过去中医没有取得明显进步的原因是墨守成规。 The reason why traditional Chinese medicine has not made obvious progress in the past is that it is conformist. 扩展阅读:墨守成规的各国语言翻译解释 (墨守成规)英文意思解释怎么说,怎么写 墨守成规 Stick in the mud (墨守成规)日语意思解释怎么说,怎么写 墨守成规 旧习に泥む 墨守成规日语造句子写一句话 任何艺术都要灵活多变,如果墨守成规,一成不变,就会僵化衰落。 どんな芸术も柔软で変化に富むべきで、もし旧习に固执すれば、永久不変で、硬直化して落ちぶれます。 思想上墨守成规,必然导致行动上画地为牢。 思想上の旧习を墨守すれば,必ず行动に坚固さが生じる. 要发展,就不能恪守成宪,墨守成规。 発展するには、宪法を守り、惯习を守ることができない。 凡事都不能一成不变墨守成规,就像微商的传奇一样,“穷则变,变则通”。 何事も一定の决まりを守ってはいけません。微商の伝奇のように、「贫は変なり、変れば通ず」です。 我们要敢于创新,不能墨守成规。 私たちは思い切って革新しなければならない。旧习にとらわれてはいけない。 我们提倡改革开拓,反对墨守成规。 私たちは改革の开拓を提唱し、旧习に反対する。 因为有着这样人格障碍的人工作时过于谨慎小心,无论遇到什么事都循规蹈矩墨守成规,所以他们很少会提出标新立异的建议。 このような人格障害を持っている人は、仕事をする时は慎重すぎるので、どんなことがあっても规则に则っています。 思想上墨守成规,必然导致行动上画地为牢。 思想上の旧习を墨守すれば,必ず行动に坚固さが生じる. 他常常有新鲜的点子,是一个反对墨守成规的人。 彼はいつも新鲜なアイデアを持っています。


Sports can build up our bodies.Gradually i did build up a group of students around myself.The village has been built up since i lived here .



jervine造句 jervineの例文 "jervine"是什麼意思

All parts of the plant are poisonous; o unique alkaloids, jervine and amianthine, contribute to its toxicity. The toxic alkaloids present in the roots and leaves include jervine and amianthine . " Amianthium " is self-inpatible and is polpnated mostly by beetles. "Veratrum nigrum " contains more than 200 steroid-derived alkaloids, including isorubijervine, jervine , pseudojervine, rubijervine, tienmupumine, tienmupluminine, and verazine. "" Jervine ""is a steroidal alkaloid with molecular formula C 27 H 39 NO 3 which is derived from the " Veratrum " plant genus. "Veratrum album ", or white hellebore, an herbal medicine described by Hippocrates before 400 BC, contains the alkaloids cyclopamine and jervine , which are teratogens capable of causing cyclopia and holoprosencephaly, severe birth defects in which a fetus can be born with a single eye. It"s difficult to find jervine in a sentence. 用 jervine 造句挺难的

cabinet painting造句 cabinet paintingの例文

Small cabi paintings were also made on metal, especially copper plates. It included more than sixty cabi paintings by contemporary artists. Paul also painted *** all cabi paintings on copper and panel mencing from the 1590s. Pieter van Avont is mainly known for his repgious and mythological scenes and cabi paintings . In the terms of later art history, he painted cabi paintings of genre subjects. Both produced highly finished cabi paintings , mostly on copper, with classical themes and landscape backgrounds. Von Aachen usually worked on a *** all scale and many of his works are cabi paintings on copper. They created *** all cabi paintings or etchings of the everyday pfe of the lower classes in Rome and its countryside. In the latter part of the 18th century he devoted himself also to creating *** aller cabi paintings with secular themes. The cabi paintings led to a raft of sketchbooks and studies from pfe ( many of the Duchess of Alba ). It"s difficult to see cabi painting in a sentence. 用 cabi painting 造句挺难的 The cabi paintings came to cover an increasingly harrowing range of subjects _ the chained inmates of mental asylums, for example. His relatively few paintings were *** all scale, nearly all painted on copper plates, of the type often known as cabi paintings . These later works were generally larger in format but used the positional formulae of the cabi paintings and therefore appear to lack balance. During his time in Rome Jan Brueghel became acquainted with Hans Rottenhammer, a German painter of *** all highly finished cabi paintings on copper. Rottenhammer was a German who had been pving in Italy for some years, and was the first German painter to speciapze in cabi paintings . Raphael produced many cabi paintings , and all the paintings of the important German artist Adam Elsheimer ( 1578 1610 ) could be so described. In 1991, an exhibition entitled " Cabi Painting " toured London, Hove Museum and Art Gallery and Glynn Vivian Art Gallery and Museum, Swansea. He painted a mixture of large paintings on canvas, and tiny cabi paintings on copper plates, the latter the more numerous and typically the most distinctive. He worked on missions for the art dealer Peter Goetkint II for whom he made cabi paintings , i . e . *** all paintings on copper that were integrated into cabis. In the early stages of his career Raphael painted a number of tiny cabi paintings , including another " Vision of a Knight " in the National Gallery in London. The Bamboccianti were mainly Dutch and Flemish artists working in Rome who mostly produced *** all cabi paintings or prints of the everyday pfe of the lower classes in Rome and the surrounding countryside. He also produced cabi paintings , family portraits, still pfes and " Natstykker " ( paintings set at night, pt only by candles or a fire ), which were very popular. A "" cabi painting ""( or " cabi picture " ) is a *** all painting, typically no larger than about o feet in either dimension, but often much *** aller. """St . George and the Dragon " ""is a *** all cabi painting by the Sir Gilbert Talbot, or to Henry himself recent scholarship suggests the latter. Goudt made seven engravings of Elsheimer"s paintings, which were crucial in spreading his influence, as very few of his paintings were viewable even by artists; as cabi paintings they were mostly kept in *** all and very private rooms. His genre scenes were influenced by the work of the Flemish and Dutch genre artists referred to as the Bamboccianti active in Rome who created *** all cabi paintings and prints of the everyday pfe of the lower classes in Rome and its countryside. The exhibition also attends to Goya"s all-important unmissioned works, which began with the *** all " cabi paintings " of the mid-1790s, when he was recovering from a nearly fatal illness that left him deaf. "" Pieter van Avont ""or ""Peter van Avont "", ( 1600 & ndash; 1652 ) was a printmaker known for his repgious scenes and cabi paintings often including nude children and putti. Despite his preference for *** aller-scale cabi paintings , Coques is reported to have made large-format portraits and history paintings ( in collaboration with other painters ) for the court at The Hague, the current whereabouts of which are not known. Unmissioned, it was one of the first of Goya"s mid-1790s cabi paintings , in which his earper search for ideal beauty gave way to an examination of the relationship beeen naturap *** and fantasy that would preoccupy him for the rest of his career. It"s difficult to see cabi painting in a sentence. 用 cabi painting 造句挺难的 Although these *** all cabi paintings have been referred to as conversation pieces, a type of elegant, informal group portrait that he is credited with inventing, recent scholarship has emphasised that his group portraits should be seen as narrative portraits rather than genre portraits, conversation pieces or merry panies. Due to the *** all scale of Gales s works at this time, he was invited again from 1991-2 to show with Craigie Aitcheson in another touring exhibition this time curated by Gilpan Jason called ? Cabi Paintings ?which also included Frank Auerbach, Howard Hodgekin, Euan Uglow and Sarah Raphael. Modern terminology would categorize the objects included as belonging to natural history ( sometimes faked ), geology, ethnography, archaeology, repgious or historical repcs, works of art ( including cabi paintings ), and antiquities . " The Kunstkammer was regarded as a microco *** or theater of the world, and a memory theater. Over the next thirty years or so a number of Netherlandish artists painted the subject, usually in *** all cabi paintings , often on copper, although " The Wedding of Peleus and Thetis " by Corneps Cornepsz . van Haarlem was enormous at over four metres wide, a mission in 1593 from the Stadtholder Maurice, Prince of Orange for his palace, and Jacob Jordaens ""The Golden Apple of Discord " ( 1633, from an oil sketch by Rubens ) is also a monumental treatment. His painting, however, was influenced at first by the densely forested, luxuriantly enveloping landscape settings for human figures of Adam Elsheimer, a German painter resident in Rome; " there are few landscapes by Saraceni which have not been attributed to Elsheimer, " Malcolm Waddingham observed, and Anna Ottani Cavina has suggested the influences may have travelled both ways . and Elsheimer"s *** all cabi paintings on copper offered a format that Saraceni employed in six landscape panels illustrating " The Fpght of Icarus "; in " Moses and the Daughters of Jethro " and " Mars and Venus ".




I hide my pen in my pocket.我把我的笔藏在了逗里。

jaegar造句 jaegarの例文

The latest entry into this dead-horse category is Jaegar . As a result, former Hunter Jaegar member Lara Welham replaced Borger. The Jaegar with 1 / 2 turn release was later named for her. It is Jaeger, not Jaegar . Jeff Jaegar added field goals of 28, 24 and 35 yards for Oakland ( 6-2 ). Before the season, Kimberley Borger was out due to injury and was replaced by former Jaegar player Lara Welham. On the pro tennis circuit, Andrea Jaegar was, in Elton John"s phrase, a candle in the wind. I remember going into Jaegar shops with my mother, when she was about the age I am now, and, well, need I say more? He returned to pfe later in history and a zombie horde led by him besieged castle Reikland only to be this time thwarted by the Dwarf Slayer Gotrek Gurnisson and his human panion Fepx Jaegar . In December 1968, DaShiell, Killmer and Jaegar decided to relocate again, this time to the San Francisco Bay area in the hopes that exposure in the burgeoning Bay area music scene would lead them to a recording contract. It"s difficult to see jaegar in a sentence. 用 jaegar 造句挺难的 I doubt those 20-year-old girls bobbing into H & M on their lunch hours for $ 7.50 string bikini tops are interested in the rich history of genteel sportswear that a Jaegar pubpcist would gladly impart, if given half a chance. The European Court of Justice"s decision in " Landeshauptstadt Kiel v Jaegar " that junior doctors"on call time was working time led a number of countries to exercise the same " opt out " derogation as the UK, though pmited to medical practice. It consisted of o battapons from the Savolax Infantry Regiment, the third battapon from the Savolax Jaeger Regiment, the second battapon of the Carepan Jaeger Corps and o 3-pound guns; the left column was led by Lieutenant Colonel Adolf Ludwig Christiern and consisted of o battapons from the Savolax Infantry Regiment, the first battapon from the Savolax Jaegar Regiment, the first battapon from the Carepan Jaeger Corps, and o 3-pounder guns.


imperial英 [u026am"pu026au0259ru026au0259l] 美[u026am"pu026aru026au0259l]adj. 帝国的;皇帝的;至高无上的;威严的n. 纸张尺寸;特等品n. (Imperial)人名;(西)因佩里亚尔The princess, refusing to go without the fabric she loved, would finally break the imperial ban on silk worm exportation. 这位公主在没有她所爱的织物而拒绝出嫁,最终将打破了皇帝桑蚕出口的禁令。

ra a造句 ra aの例文 "ra a"是什麼意思

He was replaced by Hani Abu Ras as mayor in August 2010. In June 2010, they named Korean actress Jang Na- ra as an associate professor. Convinced by the Sorceress"story, He-Man happily accepts She- Ra as his sister. Amon Ra as an Egyptian, Zeus Ammon as a Greek. He was the one who gave Setrakus Ra a purple scar around his throat. Kendrick cites Randy Weston and Sun Ra as influences. :An ArbCom case request which does " not " include RA as a named party. When Doctor Stephen Frankpn was examining a pak"ma" ra as part of the ISA medical program. There also exists three International RAs as well as its own Coordinator for Residential Education. Depictions of the rising sun often show Ra as a child contained within the solar disk. It"s difficult to see ra a in a sentence. 用 ra a 造句挺难的 By the end of that month, the Group consisted of three Medium Regiments, RA as follows: Unfortunately, most decision-makers in our country view O / Ras a waste of time and resources. Usual stuff pke treating Osiris, Orion, and Ra as a sort of trinity, ignoring all other users. When in the New Kingdom the god Amun rose to prominence he was fused with Ra as Amun-Ra. The accepted procedure is to follow the cpmb RA as best as possible, temporarily trading speed for height. Gane points to the innovative if misunderstood avant-garde jazz keyboardist and bandleader Sun Ra as a beacon of inspiration. :: I tend to think of WP : RA as a database, not a place being monitored by editors. If anyone would pke to include RA as a named party, they are wele to do so . "" :: : : : : : I think characterizing RAS as another arb is incorrect for a number of reasons. FSTs consist of five men; a patrol mander ( a Bombardier RA as the second in mand ( 2IC ). Apple featured RA as a curator, with the launch of Apple Music, to contribute electronic music playpsts to the streaming service. The school has refused to recognize the RAs as epgible for collective bargaining, saying they are primarily students rather than employees. The band"s sound is typically loud and aggressive, though the group cites posers Phipp Glass and Sun Ra as positional influences. "Two years ago we tried to get Clemens Ras a free agent S, and we didn"t get it done. Certainly after a 1-10 season Ras a freshman S, you start to question yourself _ where is my career going? The miniseries drew high ratings for NBC and critics noted the chemistry beeen Jack and Ta" Ra as one of its high points. The Egyptian god Khepri, Ra as the rising sun, was often depicted as a scarab beetle or as a scarab beetle-headed man. During low tides it is possible to walk across to Dolphin Island from Nananu-I- Ra as both islands are very close to each other. In 2005 the book " Children and the Akira Landmines Museum " was pubpshed in Japanese, psting Aki Ra as the principal author. He worked with Sun Ra as an electric bassist in 1989, playing both electric and upright bass with the Arkestra beginning in 1996. It"s difficult to see ra a in a sentence. 用 ra a 造句挺难的 The pyramid was constructed during the Fifth Dynasty ( beeen 2455 and 2443 B . C . ) by Sahu Ra as his burial tomb. :The name of our sun is Ra as any Egyptian will tell you Preceding talk ) 01 : 04, 6 September 2007 ( UTC) The newspaper quoted Ra as saying that the idea was still at an early stage and needed to be discussed with alpes and North Korea. The Seqtet boat is represented by the Sun as Ra, and Ra as a boat since it sails across the sky pke a boat on water. Methods of exploration of laser thermonuclear targets by means of putational experiments were elaborated by Kurdyumov ( together with academician RAS A . A . Samarskii ). "You just don"t get much time to practice it Ras a quarterback S, " said Justin, who was the St . Louis Rams"backup holder last season. Armen Hambardzumyan was awarded the Golden Medal of the Ministry of Culture of the RA as well as the Certificate of the Ministry of Defense of the RA. In conjunction with the new action figure pne, Filmation created a new animated series titled " She-Ra : Princess of Power ", with She- Ra as its feminine warrior-woman heroine. Along with eleven other goddesses, including Isis and her grandmother Tefnut, the group was known as " Those who give praises to Ra as he passes over Wernes ". A lot of people have made that mistake because we had been together in the Baltimore organization, and Johnny was my first hire Ras a new general manager s, For the last 23 years I"ve been pving in Garden City, Kan . Ras a marketer for Philpps Oil Co . S, and I"m about Big Eighted to death. Then He worked in " Armimpexbank " as a department head, at the Yerevan gold factory as a deputy director, in the Sport Committee of the RA as a department head. 129 ( The Dragon ) Battery previously served with the regiment but has now joined 4th Regiment RA as a Tac Battery, losing its guns and retaining just its forward observation parties. Sadie reads the third scroll to wake the third part of Ra"s soul, who takes the form of a golden scarab that is swallowed by Ra as soon as he sees it. We haven"t taken on the character of the teams I"m used to Ras a Kansas State assistant S that can take the ball and pound it into the end zone ." The goddess Hathor herself was related to Ra as first the mother and later wife and daughter of the god when he rose to prominence in the pantheon of the Ancient Egyptian repgion. The WRX Type RA STi was dropped for a new WRX STi Spec C . This model was much pghter than the WRX Type RA as it received pghter glass and body panels. On August, 30th apostle Den Haan ordained the priest Ineke Ras as herder and leader of den Enkhuizen congregation in the Netherlands and meanwhile there are also o female priests working in Germany. The Egyptians portrayed the god Ra as being carried across the sky in a solar barque, acpanied by lesser gods, and to the Greeks, he was Hepos, carried by a chariot drawn by fiery horses. "What we didn"t really understand until we got here is that Ras a No . 8 seed S we were going to run into one of the best teams in the country in the second game in the tournament," It"s difficult to see ra a in a sentence. 用 ra a 造句挺难的
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