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Darling/Honey, Merry Christmas to you!


I wish you an early


To Mr. Song, Merry Christmas




pressure .


平安夜用英文怎么说  平安夜用英文可以表示为Holy Night、Christmas Eve、Silent Night,这三种都是标准的英语平安夜说法,但是其中,以Christmas Eve使用最为普遍。  圣诞节是基督教徒纪念耶稣基督(Jesus Christ)诞生的日子,对西洋国家来说“平安夜”就是指圣诞节前夕,也可说 Christmas Eve, 但就宗教群体也常称“平安夜”为“Silent Night”,特别是有一首歌曲叫做“Silent Night”特别出名,而“Holy Night”则指宗教里的圣夜,相对来说使用较少。  例句:  1.Christmas Eve is on December 25th.  平安夜是在12月24日,而圣诞节是在12月25日。  2.There are many beautiful Christmas songs, such as "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". "Jingle Bells"," Silent Night"," White Christmas" and "Joy to the World".  有很多动听的圣诞歌曲,如《恭祝圣诞》,《铃儿响叮当》,《平安夜》,《白色圣诞》,《普天同庆》。  3.It began as "Hallow Evening" meaning "holy night".  刚开始的时候,它叫做“神圣夜”,意思是“神圣的夜晚”。  平安夜相关英语词汇  Christmas Eve 平安夜  midnight mass 子夜弥撒  Christmas season 圣诞节日  snowman 雪人  sleigh bells 雪橇铃  Chirstmas greetings 圣诞祝福  Santa Claus/Father Christmas 圣诞老人  reindeer 驯鹿  chimney 烟囱  fireplace 壁炉  stockings 长筒袜  roast turkey 烤火鸡  Jesus Christ 耶稣基督  Candy Cane 拐杖糖  Chritmas Pudding 圣诞布丁  Ginger Bread 姜饼


Double Reduction Policy

你太客气了 用英语怎么说









订阅Subscribe 动词Subscription 名词


11月24日 用英语说是November 24th。1、一月:Jan.:January2、二月:Feb.:February3、三月:Mar.:March4、四月:Apr.:April 5、五月:May.:May 6、六月:Jun.:June 7、七月:Jul.:July8、八月:Aug.:August9、九月:Sept.:September10、十月:Oct.:October11、十一月:Nov.:November12、十二月:Dec.:December性质:月是历法中的一种时间单位,传统上都是以月相变化的周期作为一个月的长度,一个月(太阴月)的长度大约是29.53日,即一轮“朔望月”。在旧石器时代的早期,人类就已经会依据月相来计算日子。迄今,朔望月仍是许多历法的基石。一年分为12个月;中国农历一年也为12个月,农历的闰年为13个月,多出的一个月称为闰月。








d e s t i n y


September 21st.

适当地 英语怎么说



很明显英语为clearly读法:英 [ˈklɪəli]  美 [ˈklɪrli] adv. 清晰地;明显地;无疑地;明净地短语1、clearly understand 清楚地懂得 ; 清醒地认识 ; 清楚地了解 ; 明了2、clearly forseen 可预见的3、Clearly true 镜头偶然说明真 ; 孙明明真4、clearly frivolous 胡搅蛮缠5、indicate clearly 清楚地表明 ; 比较确切地表明6、Clearly languages 明确的语言例句:I still remember very clearly the scene of our first meeting. 咱俩初次见面的光景我还记得很清楚。扩展资料clearly近义词:obviously读法:英 [ˈɒbviəsli]  美 [ˈɑːbviəsli] adv. 明显地;显然地短语1、visual obviously 视觉很明显 ; 视觉显然2、Obviously opened 明显地张开3、hook obviously 显而易见地挂住4、attempt obviously 明显地尝试5、shade obviously 明显地遮蔽例句:The character was obviously wrong but he didn"t pick it out. It shows how careless he was. 这么明显的错字他都没看出来,可见他很粗心。


抛光砖polished tile;polished;Polished Tiles;nfdm我司加工销售的陶瓷产品主要有:抛光砖,釉面砖等。 Ceramic products includes polished tile, glaze tile, etc.



凶猛用英语怎么说 我在做作业告诉我一下

severe英 [sɪ"vɪə(r)],美 [sɪ"vɪr]    adj. 严厉的;严重的;剧烈的;严格的;严峻的短语:1、severe black dress 朴素的黑裙子 2、severe illness 严重的疾病 3、severe test 严峻的考验 4、severe discipline 严格的纪律扩展资料:近义词firm  英 [fɜːm],美 [fɜːrm]    n. 公司;商行adj. 坚定的;结实的;坚固的;严格的v. (使)变得坚实;确定adv. 稳固地;坚定地短语:1、establish a firm 开商行 2、manage a firm 经营商行 3、operate a firm 经营商行 4、run a firm 经营商行


good for you


无聊的英语是boring或bored。bored英[bɔ:d]美[bɔrd]。adj.无聊的;无事可做的;厌烦的。boring或bored。它们都是形容词。boring英[ˈbɔːrɪŋ]美[ˈbɔrɪŋ]。adj.无聊的;乏味的;无趣的。例句:1、Are all your meetings this boring?你们的会议都这么无聊吗?2、He"s a boring teacher.他这个老师特没劲。3、The coach was there,with its bored driver.车停在那儿,还有那个无聊的司机。4、Take a seat,"he said in a bored tone.“坐吧。”他用厌烦的声调说道。5、I was so bored I fell asleep.我无聊得都睡着了。6、I was bored.我厌倦了。7、I am very bored with this entire business.我对整件事都感到厌倦了。


译文:Severe closed syllable重点词汇:closed英[kləʊzd]释义:adj.关着的;不公开的v.关;结束;接近(close的过去分词)短语:Case Closed未公开的案件;结案扩展资料:词语使用变化:Severeadj.(形容词)1、severe的基本意思是“严厉的”,指完全没有松弛、轻浮、柔软可言,可形容人及其面容、行为、思想、言论,也可形容与人有关的事物,如作风、法律、刑罚等,偶尔也可形容天气,指气候恶劣、严寒。2、severe还可指“朴素的”,例:a severe literary style(朴素的文体)。




1、描述[miáo shù]用英语的说法:describe; represent。2、用再多的盛赞之辞也难以描述这本书。Its hard to find enough superlatives to describe this book.3、本书继而描述了他在部队的经历。The book goes on to describe his experiences in the army.


describe (动词),描述、形容




圣诞节快乐英文说法:Merry chirstmas 。例句:祝愿你拥有更多的爱与幸福,圣诞节快乐。Wish you lots of love, joy &happiness. happy christmas.感觉圣诞节逐渐临近的那种愉悦心情,当人们打开门时,对着陌生人微笑并衷心地祝愿“圣诞节快乐”的那些时光,现在,你都通通回想起来了吗?That time when people opened doors for others, and smiled at strangers, and warmly wished them “Merry Christmas”. Is it all starting to come back to you now?圣诞节英语名字叫Christmas,在这一天,人们发出的祝福语是merry Christmas(圣诞节快乐),西方常见的习俗是举办圣诞PARTY、吃火鸡大餐、在准备好的圣诞树、圣诞袜、圣诞帽等上面藏礼物制造惊喜。




教育部官方译法:Techonlogy and Instruments for Measuring and Control


sensitivity[5sensi5tiviti]n.敏感, 灵敏(度), 灵敏性susceptivity[9sQsep`tIvEtI]n.敏感, 感受性have a thin skinv.脸皮薄, 敏感

敏感性的英语翻译 敏感性用英语怎么说

翻译如下:敏感性根据语境susceptibility; sensibility; sensitiveness; susceptiveness都可以。例句:敏感性膀胱让你有尿频感。A sensitive bladder can make you feel the need to pass water frequently.

“更不用说 了”用英语怎么说




主动的 被动的 ------用英语怎么说



k seaman, and brisker man of bus


1、experiment读音:英[ɪkˈsperɪmənt],美[ɪkˈsperɪmənt]。释义:n.实验,试验;尝试。v.尝试;试验;进行实验。例句:Experiments with silicon are under way.硅的实验正在进行中。变形:过去式experimented,过去分词experimented,现在分词experimenting,第三人称单数experiments,复数experiments。2、test读音:英[test],美[test]。释义:n.测验,考查;测试;检验;化验。v.测验;化验,检查;试验,测试;考验。例句:I will announce the passing list of this class test later.稍后我将宣布本次课堂测试的通过名单。变形:过去式tested,过去分词tested,现在分词testing,第三人称单数tests,复数tests。3、tentative读音:英[ˈtentətɪv],美[ˈtentətɪv]。释义:adj.试验性的,暂定的;踌躇的。n.假设,试验。例句:This tentative experiment has been carried out for half a month.这项试验性的实验已经进行了半个月。变形:比较级more tentative,最高级most tentative。4、experimentation读音:英[ɪkˌsperɪmenˈteɪʃn],美[ɪkˌsperɪmenˈteɪʃn]。释义:n.实验;试验;实验法;实验过程。例句:This is an experimentation on magmatic activity.这是一个关于岩浆活动的实验。变形:复数experimentations。5、trial读音:英[ˈtraɪəl],美[ˈtraɪəl]。释义:n.试验;审讯;努力;磨炼。adj.试验的;审讯的。例句:Sunday is a great day to look forward to, because the pup will trial on sunday.周日是一个值得期待的好日子,因为小狗将在周日参加比赛。变形:过去式trialled或trialed,过去分词trialled或trialed,过去式trialling或trialing,第三人称单数trials,复数trials。




do an experiment




  财富,指具有价值的东西就称之为财富,包括自然财富、物质财富、精神财富等。不过其实对于每个人来说,身体健康才是最大的财富。那么你想知道财富用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来财富的英语说法和例句,欢迎大家一起学习。   财富的英语说法1:   wealth   英 [welθ] 美 [wɛlθ]   财富的英语说法2:   fortune   英 [ˈfɔ:tʃən] 美 [ˈfɔrtʃən]   财富的英语说法3:   money   英 [ˈmʌni] 美 [ˈmʌni]   财富相关英语表达:   spiritual wealth   精神财富   wealth of the society   社会财富   natural wealth   自然财富   财富英语说法例句:   关键在于你的财富是怎么来的。   What matters is how you created your own wealth.   他是如何积累财富的呢?   How had he amassed his fortune?   赚取巨额财富的美好前景   The glittering prospect of untold riches   财富并不一定带来快乐。   Money doesn"t always bring happiness.   幸福和财富不能混为一谈。   One cannot identify happiness with wealth.   如果他身体这么糟,那么他的所有财富对他毫无用处。   All his riches are of no good to him if he is so ill.   成功和财富改变了他的性格。   Success and wealth transformed his character.   财富为智者所用;傻子所财富驱遣。   Riches serve a wise man but command a fool.   你是否想过富人们是怎样赚得他们的财富并且让财富保持增长?   Have you ever wondered how the rich got their wealth and then kept it growing?   有健康而无财富比有财富而无健康更好。   Health without riches is preferable to riches without health.   贫富国家间的财富鸿沟   The great disparity of wealth between rich and poor countries   国民财富在很大程度上取决于一个国家的 教育 水准。   National wealth depends to a high degree on a country"s educational standard.   社会等级是指按照血统,阶级,财富等严格区分的社会制度。   The caste refers to social system based on rigid distinctions of birth, rank, wealth, etc.   她的财富与生活方式之间几近荒谬的不相称   The almost absurd incongruity between her wealth and her lifestyle   家庭在以各种各样的资产形式积累财富。   Households accumulate wealth across a broad spectrum of assets.   经济改革给农民带来了相对的财富。   Economic reform has brought relative wealth to peasant farmers.   他们不赞成我把他的财富扯进话题。   They disapproved of my dragging in his wealth.   更加平均地分配国家财富的政策   Policies that spread the state"s wealth more evenly   财富将他们与现实隔离。   Their wealth had insulated them from reality.   虽然现在还没有任何银行挤提的迹象,但更大的经济恐慌可能会吓得意大利人把财富转移到海外。   Though there haven"t been any signs of bank runs, the risk is that a bigger economic panic could scare Italians into putting their money elsewhere.


节俭出财富economical is wealth




英语中文是chinese chinese,记住chinese


daily routine/work


成中文 用英语_有道翻译翻译结果:Translated in Englishenglish_有道词典english英 ["iŋɡliʃ]美 ["iŋɡliʃ]n. 英语;英文;英国人;英格兰人adj. 英文的;英国的;英国人的vt. 把…译成英语更多释义>>[网络短语]English 英语,语言,英文



感恩 用英语怎么说啊

feel grateful英文发音:[fiːl ˈɡreɪtfl]中文释义:感恩;感激例句:We feel grateful for our family and the things that we have.我们对家人以及拥有的事物感恩。词汇解析:1、feel英文发音:[fiːl]中文释义:v.觉得;感到;体会到;(通过触觉)注意到例句:I feel this is getting to be a distraction from what I really want to do我觉得这开始让我无法集中精神做我真正想做的事情了。2、grateful英文发音:[ˈɡreɪtfl]中文释义:adj.感激的;表示感谢的;(尤用于书信或正式场合提出请求)感激不尽,请例句:She would be grateful for their company on the drive back有他们做伴开车陪她回去,她会很感激的。扩展资料feel的用法:1、feel的基本意思是“摸”或由“摸”引起的感觉。可指触摸者对触摸部位的感觉,也可指被触摸者对被触摸部位的感觉。可表示肉体的感觉,也可表示内心的感觉。2、feel侧重于肉体感觉时,一般可译为“摸”“摸着像是〔大概是〕”“摸起来有…的感觉”“摸索着进行试探”“摸索到某物”等。3、feel侧重于内心的感觉〔受〕时,一般可译为“感到”“认为,觉得,相信”等。4、feel用作及物动词的基本意思是“触摸,感觉到”,引申可作“蒙受,遭受”“相信,认为”“直接感觉到”解。5、可接名词、代词作宾语,也可接由that、疑问词或as if引导的从句作宾语。6、feel还可接复合宾语,其宾语补足语可由“(to be+) n./adj./prep. -phrase”充当,也可由动词不定式、现在分词或过去分词充当。


感谢的英语:thanks/grateful/gratitude/cheers/appreciate/(be) much obliged。例句:I deeply appreciate your concern.我非常感激你的关心。1. many thanks 不说thanks a lot,就说many thanks吧。它们两个都是“多谢”的意思哦。Many thanks for the hospitality you showed me.非常感谢你对我的款待。2. thanks a million 这句话和thank you very much的意思一样,表示非常感谢。"I"ve done what you asked." "Thanks a million!"“你要我做的事我已经做完了。”“非常感谢!”在口语里,a million是很常用的夸张表达。①be one in a million 是千里挑一的人,是无与伦比的人Thanks again - you"re one in a million!再次感谢——你真是个难得的好人!②one in a million 可能性极小的Don"t worry - the chances of anything going wrong are one in a million.别担心——出问题的可能性极小。③look/feel like a million dollars(通常指享受奢侈品时)看上去/感觉非常好"You look like a million dollars in that dress, honey!"“你穿那件衣服真棒,亲爱的!”3. grateful这个形容词很常见,意思是感激的,表示感谢的。I"m so grateful (to you) for all that you"ve done.你为我做了这一切,我(对你)真是感激不尽。4. gratitudegratitude是感激之情,感谢的意思,表达感谢就是display/show/express one"s gratitude。She showed me her gratitude by inviting me to dinner.她邀请我吃饭以表示她的感激。5. cheers想不到吧,cheers也有“thank you”的意思,不过多用于英式口语里。"I"ve bought you a drink." "Cheers, mate."“我给你买了杯酒。”“谢谢,老兄。”6. I owe you (one)大家都知道,owe的意思是欠债;欠账,这句话的意思不是欠钱,而是欠人情。Thanks for the help, Bill - I owe you one.谢谢你的帮助,比尔——我欠你个人情。7. you shouldn"t have当别人送你礼物的时候,你总得客套一下吧,比如:Flowers! You shouldn"t have!“给我的鲜花!你不必送的!”所以说,这是一种表示感谢的特殊方式。8. appreciate除了欣赏;赏识,appreciate也有感激的意思。要表示感谢,就可以说I/we appreciate...,意思是我/我们对…非常感谢。We really appreciate all the help you gave us last weekend.你们上周末给予我们大力帮助,我们非常感谢。I deeply appreciate your concern.我非常感激你的关心。


  浪漫,意为纵情;浪漫;富有诗意,充满幻想;不拘小节(常指男女关系而言)。那么,你知道浪漫的英语怎么说吗?   浪漫的英文释义:   romantic   romance   浪漫的英文例句:   有些诗人,如济慈和雪莱,写的是浪漫主义的诗歌。   Such poets as Keats and Shelley wrote Romantic poetry.   她写了很多浪漫小说,质量很差。   She churns out romantic novels.   有人告诉我说,西班牙是个浪漫的国家。   I was told that Spain is a romantic nation. 浪漫英语怎么说   古修道院的废墟在月光下显得颇有浪漫气息。   The old abbey ruins look very romantic in the moonlight.   他是个非常浪漫的人。   He is a very romantic person.   她认为看浪漫小说是虚度时光。   She thought that reading romantic novels was a frivolous way of spending her time.   浪漫的女主人公往往难以捉摸。   Romantic heroines are often capricious.   浪漫与现实总是说不同的语言(浪漫与现实总是大不一样)。   Romance and reality always speak different languages.   旅行中你会有浪漫的机遇。   Pleasure trips will promote new romantic encounters.   到何处度过浪漫假日呢?   Where would you go for a romantic holiday?   你们应该做些浪漫的事。   You have to do something romantic.   大雨冲坍了帐篷后学生们对 野营 所抱的浪漫幻想破灭了。   The students became disillusioned about the romance of camping once the heavy rains collapsed their tent.   但是在影片进行一段时间后,我们才意识到她非但没有尖叫,似乎对任何浪漫也都不抱兴趣。   But after a while, we realise that not only is she not screaming, she also appearsto have no romantic interest whatsoever.   我不知道如何越过随便的友谊进入到任何浪漫的关系,根本没有任何主意。   I had no idea how to get beyond casual friendships to anything romantic, no ideaat all.   我们去餐馆,吃上一顿浪漫的晚餐。   We go to the restaurant, have a romantic dinner.   不管浪漫是如何被表达的,她都是真实的,是永恒的,因为那是一种最真诚的表达。   But regardless of how it is expressed, romance is truthful, and it is timelessbecause of that authenticity.   就象我在那本书中所说的那样,我讨论的那种爱是通过行动表现出来的,不是浪漫的那种。   As I said in the book, I"m talking about the kind of love that shows itself throughactions, not the romantic kind.   男人们也许不会做这些事儿,但是许多男人做的事儿比这些更浪漫:他们会将爱人永远记在心里。   Men may not do these things, but many men do something more romantic than all that: they keep their love in their hearts forever.   但诗歌、美丽、浪漫、爱情,这些才是我们活着的意义。   But poetry, beauty, romance, love -- these are what we stay alive for.   爱情是,当你拿走了这份感情的时候,在你们的关系中依然有着的那种激情和浪漫,会发现你还在关心着这个人。   Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, and the romance in arelationship and find out that you still care for that person.   在我看来,它是那样地浪漫。   It seemed to me so romantic.   真挚浪漫的爱情一旦开始,它就成为了地球上最强大的动力之一。   But once romantic love begins in earnest, it is one of the strongest drives onEarth.   能否利用这些可爱物件本身的浪漫显然取决于识别什么才是可爱的。   Taking advantage of the intrinsic romance in cute things obviously depends uponrecognizing which things are cute.   如果没有浪漫爱情的相互依恋,我们的社会可能因此而完全变了样,更像是一些(不是所有的)动物世界里那样的社会圈。   Without the attachment of romantic love, we would live in an entirely differentsociety that more closely resembled some (but not all) of those social circles inthe animal world.   我们将就此话题分别采访三代人,问问他们这个有关爱和浪漫的节日对他们意味着什么。   This week on our program, we ask threegenerations of people what the holidayfor love and romance means to them.   如果你的另一半想要做爱,即使气氛不够浪漫,你要么就屈从于他的欲望,要么就该承担不这样做的后果。   So if your guy wants sex even though the mood is far from romantic, you eithergive into his wishes or bear the consequences.   写在沙滩上:没有什么比在沙滩上画个心形里面写上你们的名字或者“我爱你”更浪漫的事了。   Say it in Sand: There"s nothing more romantic at the beach than to write yournames in hearts in the sand or the words I love you.   从朋友或者图书馆那借一些老的浪漫电影,然后看看,依偎在沙发上。   Borrow old romantic films from friends or the library and watch them, snuggled upon the sofa.   对于有些人来说,把钱放置到某种像泥土一样能触摸到东西,有一种浪漫的感觉和消遣的意义。   For some, there is a sense of romanticism and relief at the idea of putting moneyinto something as tangible as dirt.   男人大概不会做这些事情,但是很多男人做了比这更浪漫的事情:他们将爱永存在他们心中。   Men may not do these things, but many men do something more romantic than allthat: they keep their love in their hearts forever.


他们的英语:they读音:英 [ðeɪ]     美 [ðeɪ]pron. 他们相关短语:1、they pron 他们2、They go 他们蜂涌而至3、they dance 他们舞蹈 4、They said 他们说常见句型:1、John and Susan phoned.They"re coming round this evening.约翰和苏珊打来电话,他们今晚要来。2、They tremble—the sustaining crags.它们颤动了,这些支撑着的岩石。3、If anyone objects, they can go.如果有谁不赞成的话,他可以离开。4、They are going to move to a new house next week.下星期他们将迁入新居。扩展资料:1、词源解说直接源自古斯堪的那维亚语的their,意为他们。2、词语用法they是第三人称的复数形式,无性别之分,代表已提到过的一些人或事,在句中多用作主语,通常放在它所指代的名词之后,偶尔也可放在它所指代的词之前。有时为了避免显露性别, they也可以代替he, she或it。they后可接whom等引导的定语从句。3、相近单词:them英 [ðəm] 美 [ðəm]pron. 他们;她们;它们;性别不详的人(代替him或her)例句:If anyone arrives early, ask them to wait.如果有人早到,就让他们等会儿。


You threat me?




be threated

威胁 英语怎么说

一般直接说threat somebody 我错了

放弃是必然的选择但并不是没有选择 用英语怎么说

Giving up is an inevitable choice,but there isn"t no choice.

不可避免的 用英语怎么说

@@@It"s not avoidably。




1到12月的英文是:一月:January;二月:February;三月;March;四月:April ;五月:May;六月:June;七月:July ;八月:August ;九月:September; 十月:October ;十一月:November ;十二月:December1、January 读法 英 [ˈdʒænjuəri]   美 [ˈdʒænjueri]词语用法:January是公历月份的第一个月,不可用于中国的农历,农历1月通常用the first moon来表示January一般可缩写为Jan.。如非用于特指意义,January等表示月份的名词前一般不加冠词。例句:It"s quite warm for January.就一月份来说,天气相当暖和了。2、February 读法 英 [ˈfebruəri]   美 [ˈfebrueri]词语用法:February是公历月份的第2个月,中国农历的第2个月不是February,而是the second moonFebruary泛指月份时不用冠词。February一般可缩写成Feb.。February可用作定语修饰其他名词。例句:The second month of the year is February.一年的第二个月是二月。3、March 读法 英 [mɑ:tʃ]   美 [mɑ:rtʃ]词语用法:March指公历一年中的第三个月份,农历中的3月是the third moon。March可缩写为Mar.。March在句中可置于其他名词前作定语。例句:They returned from Beijing to Haikou on Mar. 19.他们3月19日从北京回到了海口。4、April 读法 英 [ˈeɪprəl]   美 [ˈeprəl]词语用法:April是公历月份的第四个月,不可用于中国的农历,农历4月通常用the fourth moon来表示。April可缩写为Apr.。April在句中可用作定语来修饰其他名词,泛指月份时须用零冠词。例句:April is the time to plant trees.四月是种树的时候。5、May 读法 英 [meɪ]   美 [mei]词语用法:May的意思是“五月”,指一年之中处于四月之后的第一个月。May与其他表示月份的名词不同,没有缩略形式。May Day的意思是“五一”,前面不加冠词。例句:He will graduate from the school in May.他将要在五月份毕业。


January 一月February二月March三月April四月May五月June六月July七月August八月September九月October十月November十一月December十二月


January February march April may June July August September October November December


do/make a survey


皮蛋Preserved egg


as a teenager, ...during your youth time, ...when u were young, ...


青少年teenager例句A teenager "s room has different needs than an adult one .青少年的房间与成人的房间比有一些不同的需求。Could you find a teenager to mow the lawn ?能不能找个十几岁的少年来帮你除草?

精彩回顾的 英语怎么说

精彩回顾的英语:Wonderful reviewreview 读法 英 [rɪ"vjuː]  美 [rɪ"vju] 1、n. 回顾;复习;评论;检讨;检阅2、vt. 回顾;检查;复审3、vi. 回顾;复习功课;写评论短语:1、performance review 服务表现检讨;业绩评价2、management review 管理评审,管理审查;管理评论3、annual review 年度复查;年度综论4、review board 审查委员会5、critical review 评论扩展资料一、review的词义辨析:journal, magazine, press, periodical, review这组词都有“出版物或定期刊物”的意思,其区别是:1、journal 本义为“日报”,现在可指定期发生的周刊、月刊、季刊等或指学术团体出版的刊物、杂志或学报。2、magazine 指刊登各种文章、小说、诗歌、评议的杂志。3、press 系报刊总称,也指报界或报业。4、periodical 通常指除日报以外的定期出版刊物。5、review 多指登载评论性文章或讨论重大事件的文章的刊物。二、review的近义词:presspress 读法 英 [pres]  美 [prɛs] 1、vt. 压;按;逼迫;紧抱2、vi. 压;逼;重压3、n. 压;按;新闻;出版社;[印刷] 印刷机短语:1、press release 新闻稿;通讯稿2、press in 压入3、press for 迫切要求4、press on 强加于;向前推进5、filter press 压滤机




问题一:减少用英语怎么说加to的 降低,减少:reduce; decrease;; cut down; run-down;,decrease, dwindle + to 例1.现在气温40度,但是夜间将会降低到20度。 reduce/drop to, decrease to: The temperature is 36 degrees,b ut it will be reduced to 20 degrees in the night. 或者 it will drop/decrease to 20 degrees in the night. 例子2: Mike watched his bank account dwindle down to almost nothing. 麦克看着自己的银行账户几乎空空如也。 cut down to Mike"s account has been cut down to almost nothing. 麦克的银行账户几乎空空如也。 希望能帮到你。 问题二:什么随什么的增长而降低用英语怎么说 ...... reduces along with the . ... growth 第一个省略号处填第一个什么 二 二 问题三:英语中,“你应该增加(减少)体重……”怎么说 You should put on/lose your weight 希望采纳 问题四:加和减用英语怎么说 plus and minus 问题五:英文加减怎么说?谢谢 plus 加 subtract减


减少用英语怎么说加to的 降低,减少:reduce; decrease;; cut down; run-down;,decrease, dwindle + to 例1.现在气温40度,但是夜间将会降低到20度。 reduce/drop to, decrease to: The temperature is 36 degrees,b ut it will be reduced to 20 degrees in the night. 或者 it will drop/decrease to 20 degrees in the night. 例子2: Mike watched his bank account dwindle down to almost nothing. 麦克看着自己的银行账户几乎空空如也。cut down to Mike"s account has been cut down to almost nothing. 麦克的银行账户几乎空空如也。 希望能帮到你。 减少到与减少了用英语怎么说 Reduced to and reduced 重点词汇释义 减少reduce; decrease; lessen; cut down; abatement 降低难度用英语怎么说 reduced the difficulty 降低难度 解析: reduced [ri恭9;dju:st] adj. 减少的;简化的;缩减的 difficulty ["difikəlti] n. 困难,困境 [ 复数difficulties ] 减少排放用英语怎么说 reduce / decrease the carbon release 减用英语怎么说 minus 降低一个百分比用英语怎么说 decrease by one percent. 减小学习压力用英语怎么说 Relieve the pressure from study. 什么随什么的增长而降低用英语怎么说 ...... reduces along with the . ... growth 第一个省略号处填第一个什么 二 二 "速度降低20%" 用英文怎么说 the speed decreased by 20 percent。 减少到与减少了用英语怎么说 reduce to 减少到 reduce by 减少了


问题一:减少用英语怎么说加to的 降低,减少:reduce; decrease;; cut down; run-down;,decrease, dwindle + to 例1.现在气温40度,但是夜间将会降低到20度。 reduce/drop to, decrease to: The temperature is 36 degrees,b ut it will be reduced to 20 degrees in the night. 或者 it will drop/decrease to 20 degrees in the night. 例子2: Mike watched his bank account dwindle down to almost nothing. 麦克看着自己的银行账户几乎空空如也。 cut down to Mike"s account has been cut down to almost nothing. 麦克的银行账户几乎空空如也。 希望能帮到你。 问题二:减少到与减少了用英语怎么说 Reduced to and reduced 重点词汇释义 减少reduce; decrease; lessen; cut down; abatement 问题三:减少数量用英语怎么说 The number of people reduces/ed/ing 人数减少 population decrease(人口减少) 亲.这可都是我纯手动...有问题还可以追问我哦.... 问题四:减少 英文动词怎么说 减少 reduce cut down decrease 问题五:减少,英文怎么说 reduce; decrease; lessen; cut down; diminish; abate; curtail 问题六:适当减少 英文怎么说 decrease the amount as appropriate reduce appropriately ut down to suitable proportions 这些都可以表达 希望能帮到你:)

创建 用英语怎么说?

establish或 found


你好!他成功的建立了一个公司He succeeded in establishing a company.


1、客服人员用英语表示为:customer service personnel2、其中customer的英式读音为[ˈkʌstəmə(r)]   美式读音为[ˈkʌstəmɚ]  ,意思有:顾客,客户;主顾;。personnel的英式读音为[ˌpɜ:səˈnel]  美式读音为[ˌpɜ:rsəˈnel], 意思有:全体员工;(与复数动词连用)人员,员工,人事部门。拓展资料customer service personnel1. Please consult our sales agents and customer service personnel for detailed list of network hospitals.  医院列表和特色服务请咨询我们相关销售人员和服务人员.2. Adminstration devlopment and personnel management. Customer service follow up and web management.  负责公司行政与人事管理, 客户服务与网页维护等工作.3. Participate in service calls on customers. Maintain knowledge of key accounts and key customer personnel.  参与日常客户维护. 维护重要客户关系.4. Our service center has a regulation that reception personnel shouldn"t hang up first on a customer.  我们公司的客服中心有规定,接待员不允许主动挂断客户的电话.5. EPES Marketing personnel is assigned to service customer pertaining to new enquiries, pricing and logistics issues.  EPES指定行销与销售人员,在有关询问 、 估价和后勤物流事物方面为客户服务.6. Situational Service? is an interactive workshop appropriate to all personnel that manage the one - on - one customer interface.  情境服务 课程 是一互动的课程,它适用于所有处理一对一顾客接触的职员.




This is my favorate trousers/pantstrousers 和pants都表示裤子,两者皆可,但是一般用trousers


这个单词。用英语表示为。trousers 潮那死


罗老师比童老师严肃,的英文翻译_ 罗老师比童老师严肃,Luo Tong than teacher, 重点词汇老师teacher; schoolmaster严肃serious; solemn; grave; sober; harshness
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