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意思是 加括号里的英语的意思 就是后面的


都可以,看语境,如果前文已经交代了就不需要加头发了,egshe treated her hair thoroughly,including nursing,coloring and shamppoing.


汽车上 应该是备用轮胎的意思


1.the elected head of a republican state(共和国的)总统,国家主席2.the head ofa society or council etc.(学会的)会长3.the head of certain colleges(某些学院的)院长4.[北美]the head of a university大学校长the head of a company,etc.(公司等的)总裁5.a person in charge of a meeting,council,etc.(会议,理事会等的)主持人,主席


The cities of Italy prospered during the late Middle Ages, serving as trading posts connecting Europe to the Byzantine Empire and the Moslem world via the Mediterranean Sea. Commerce enriched and empowered regions in which the feudal system had not taken a strong hold, especially in northern Italy. The most prosperous of these cities—Florence, Venice, and Milan—became powerful city-states, ruling the regions surrounding them. Further south, the Papal States, centered in Rome, gradually grew to rival the wealth of the northern cities, and as the seat of the papacy, exerted a tremendous influence over Italian life and politics. Along with a few other minor centers of wealth and power, including Urbino, Mantua, and Ferrara, these four regions became the cradle of the Renaissance, beginning in the fourteenth century to undergo political, economic, and artistic changes.The beginning of the Renaissance in the mid-fourteenth century was marked by a turn from medieval life and values dominated by the Church toward the philosophical principles of humanism. The Italian people, especially the educated middle class, became interested in individual achievement and emphasized life in this world, as opposed to preparation for life in the next world, which was stressed by religion. They believed strongly in the potential for individual accomplishment in the arts, literature, politics, and personal life. Individuals began to be encouraged to excel in a wide range of fields and showcase their talents. Renaissance thinkers decried medieval life as primitive and backwards, and looked further back in history, to the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans, for inspiration.One of the earliest and most prominent humanist writers was Francesco Petrarch, often known as the founder of humanism. Many historians cite April 6, 1341, the date on which Petrarch was crowned Poet Laureate upon the Capitol in Rome, as the true beginning of the Renaissance. Petrarch believed that true eloquence and ethical wisdom had been lost during the Middle Ages, and could only be found by looking to the writings of the ancients, especially Virgil and Cicero. Petrarch wrote extensively, producing poetry, biographies of historical figures, and wrote scores of letters, many of which were eventually published and widely read. One of his most popular letters, "The Ascent of Mount Vertoux," describes his journey to the summit of a mountain, but more importantly, it is an allegory comparing the hardships of the climb to the struggle to attain true Christian virtue.



人类学用英语解释 急啊!!!



tone [英]təʊn [美]toʊn n. [语]声调,语调;[画]色调,色泽,明暗;[乐]乐音,全音,全音程;[医... vt. 使更健壮;定调;使变调子;[摄影术]给…上色 vi. 带有某种腔调;呈现某种色彩;(颜色)调和(与 with 连用) [例句]The change of tone was stark. 这一语气的变化十分明显。 Noun: the quality of a person"s voice; "he began in a conversational tone" "he spoke in a nervous tone of voice"(linguistics) a pitch or change in pitch of the voice that serves to distinguish words in tonal languages; "the Beijing dialect uses four tones"(music) the distinctive property of a complex sound (a voice or noise or musical sound); "the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely" "the muffled tones of the broken bell summoned them to meet"the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people; "the feel of the city excited him" "a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting" "it had the smell of treason"a quality of a given color that differs slightly from another color; "after several trials he mixed the shade of pink that she wanted"a notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound; "the singer held the note too long"a steady sound without overtones; "they tested his hearing with pure tones of different frequencies"the elastic tension of living muscles, arteries, etc. that facilitate response to stimuli; "the doctor tested my tonicity"a musical interval of two semitones the quality of something (an act or a piece of writing) that reveals the attitudes and presuppositions of the author; "the general tone of articles appearing in the newspapers is that the government should withdraw" "from the tone of her behavior I gathered that I had outstayed my welcome"Verb: utter monotonously and repetitively and rhythmically; "The students chanted the same slogan over and over again"vary the pitch of one"s speech change the color or tone of; "tone a negative"change to a color image; "tone a photographic image"give a healthy elasticity to; "Let"s tone our muscles"

用英语解释各种产品(家电,服装 食品等)

家电:电视机a television set; a TV set; a television receiver 空调an air conditioner 洗衣机a washing machine; a washer 冰箱an icebox; a refrigerator; a fridge; an ice chest 微波炉a microwave oven 电扇an electric fan 电灯an electric light or lamp 电脑a computer 服装: 裙子 skirt 裤子trousers; pants 毛衣a woolen sweater; a sweater; a cardigan 衬衫shirts; blouses 牛仔裤jeans; blue jeans围巾a scarf; a muffler; a neckerchief 帽子hat 手套gloves; mittens袜子socks; stockings 食品: 饼干a cracker; a cookie; a biscuit 面包bread 米饭rice; cooked rice; boiled rice 牛奶milk 蛋糕cake 茶tea 咖啡coffee三明治sandwich 汉堡hamburg东西太多了,没有范围,也不知道你要些什么




“达人”的第一个意思是“在某一领域非常专业、出类拔萃的人”.英语可以译为 expert, talent, geek.例如:   1. 这位美丽达人在护肤、护发、健康、时装潮流、整容、服装、化妆和化妆品等方面提供咨询.   The beauty expert provides advice on skin care, hair care, health, fashion trends, plastic surgery, wardrobe, makeup and cosmetic products.   2. 最近我心里很纠结,想请一位情感达人来帮忙.   As I have been entangled in my mind recently, I"d like to ask a relations expert for help.   “达人”的第二个意思是“通达事理的人”.英语可以译为 wise man.例如:   3. 达人知命.   A wise man is aware that all things depend upon the will of Heavens.   “达人”的第三个意思是“豁达的人”.英语可以译为 open-minded person.例如:   4. 这位达人总是什么事情都想得开.   This open-minded person is always looking on the pight side of things.   “达人”的第四个意思是“事业成功,并有一定财富的人”.英语可以译为 successful person.例如:   5. 这位达人不仅事业有成,而且拥有许多财富.   This successful person has not only made achievements in his career, but also owns a great deal of wealth.

ferry 用英语解释

A ferry is a boat that transports passengers and sometimes also vehicles, usually across rivers or short stretches of sea.






mouth-watering adj describes food that looks as if it will taste good。eg:1.Look at those mouth-watering cakes. 2.a mouth-watering display of cakes


hop的英语解释是:单脚跳;用啤酒花调味;使兴奋;刺激等。一、详细释义:v.单脚跳;用啤酒花调味;使兴奋;刺激;跳跃;跳过;齐足跳;跃过;作快速旅行;n.跳跃;单脚跳;霍普舞;蛇麻草;忽布;啤酒花;短途旅行;短距离;忽布干花;啤酒。二、短语搭配:1.hip hop 嘻哈音乐。2.hop it (用于命令)走开。3.hop in 跳入汽车。4.hop out 跳出汽车。5.hop back 啤酒花滤槽。6.hop the twig 突然离开。7.trip hop 迷幻嬉蹦舞曲。8.hop up 跳起来,跳动起来。三、例句:1.Hop down here toot sweet and let"s have a look at it.马上从这儿跳下来,让我们看看它。2.First of all,that I"m in hip hop,you know what I"m saying.首先,我喜欢嘻哈乐,你知道我的意思的。


hop英语解释单足蹦跳。v. 单足跳跃〔跳行〕vt. 搭乘vi. 双足或齐足跳行n. 蹦跳,跳跃;跳舞;一次飞行的距离n. (Hop)人名;(中)合(广东话·威妥玛)1. 谐音“好抛”----喜欢把自己抛起来、喜欢把自己抛向空中。----自己抛自己肯定就是“跳跃”了。2. grasshopper => hop.3. jump, leap, skip => hop.请点击输入图片描述中文词源hop 跳,跳行来自古英语hoppian,跳,弹,跳舞,来自Proto-Germanic*huppona,跳,来自PIE*keub,弯,转,词源同hoop,cubit,cooper.


hop英语解释如下:1、v. 单足跳跃〔跳行〕。2、vt. 搭乘。3、vi. 双足或齐足跳行。4、n. 蹦跳,跳跃;跳舞;一次飞行的距离。5、n. (Hop)人名;(中)合(广东话·威妥玛)。hop的基本意思是通过“蹦”“跳”“跃”动作移动或前行,主要指动物持续地、小而快地跳跃,有时含有举止不端或急动的意思。hop也可用于人,主要指孩子用单足跳。hop既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。hop的过去式和过去分词均为hopped。短语hip hop嘻哈;玩味世界风;希普霍普;狂爆兔子舞。hop step 小跳步停球;跳步;垫步;单脚跳点步。Hop count 跳数;跳计数;跳跃数。Hop Race 青蛙跳跃;折纸青蛙挑战赛;纸青蛙跳跃。Rear hop 后轮腾空侧向;后轮腾飞向天空侧向。Front hop 前轮腾空侧向;前轮腾飞向天空侧向。electro hop 电音嘻哈;电子嘻哈。


hop英语解释为跳,跳行。来自古英语hoppian,跳,弹,跳舞,来自Proto-Germanic*huppona,跳,来自PIE*keub,弯,转,词源同hoop,cubit,cooper.hop 基本解释:vi. 跳上[下];单足蹦跳;齐足(或双足)跳行;摘葎草花。vt. 跃过;登上(飞机、汽车、火车等);在…跳来跳去;加啤酒花于。n. 跳舞;蹦跳;(棒球等的)弹跳;(非正式)舞会。vt.& vi. 换来换去,不断更换。hop 用法和例句:I have a film called hop coming out easter weekend of next year .有一部叫做“跳跃(hop)”的电影明年复活节周末上映。Do you hop into bed still wearing your mascara ?你是否眼睛还挂着睫毛膏呢,就蹦上床睡觉?He must have had to bunny hop all the way up to gryffindor tower .他肯定是像兔子那样一路蹦跳着上楼,进入格兰芬多城堡的。

用英语解释illness sickness ailment有什么不同

First, illness means an unhealthy condition of body or mind.For the word sickness, it means a disordered, weakened and unsound condition; a specific disease. Finally, ailment means a bodily disorder or chronic disease. It means light and slight disease. 不太确定= ="

courage是什么意思 courage英语解释

1、courage,勇气,读音:美/ˈkɜːrɪdʒ/;英/ˈkʌrɪdʒ/。 2、释义:n.勇气;胆量。n.(Courage)人名;(英)卡里奇;(法)库拉热。 3、例句:He showed courage in adversity.他在逆境中显示出了勇气。

honesty和truthfulness有区别么 还有dishonesty和lying. 用英语解释··

honesty = 诚实 truthfulness = 真实, dishonesty = 不诚实 lying = 撒谎


Connected with or like the countryside

therefore英语解释 therefore什么意思

1、therefore,因此,读音:美/??erf??r/;英/??e?f??r/。2、释义:adv.因此;所以。3、例句:He was too young and therefore he went to hospital accompanied by his parents.他还太小因此只能由父母陪同去就诊。


brightbrightAHD:[brºt] D.J.[bra!t]K.K.[bra!t]adj.(形容词)bright.er,bright.est Emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts; shining.发亮的:放射或反射大量光的;照耀的Comparatively high on the scale of brightness.亮度较高的Full of light or illumination:明亮的:a bright sunny day; a stage bright with spotlights.阳光灿烂的一天;被聚光灯照得通亮的舞台Characterizing a dyestuff that produces a highly saturated color; brilliant.鲜亮的:能印染出饱和浓度高的色彩的染料的;鲜亮的Glorious; splendid:显赫的;辉煌的:one of the bright stars of stage and screen; a bright moment in history.舞台和银幕上一颗璀璨的星辰;历史上的辉煌一刻Full of promise and hope; auspicious:前景光明的,充满希望的;兴盛的:had a bright future in publishing.出版业拥有光明的未来Happy; cheerful:幸福的;欢快的:bright faces.欢快的面容Animatedly clever; intelligent.机灵的;聪慧的High and clear:清晰嘹亮的:the bright sound of the trumpet section.喇叭吹奏部分高亢的声音


Coined in English 1387, the word hero comes from the Greek "ἥρως" (heros), literally "protector" or "defender". It is thought to be cognate with the name of the goddess Hera, the guardian of marriage.


dry [drai] n.a reformer who opposes the use of intoxicating beveragesv.1. remove the moisture from and make drydry clothes dry hair 2. become dry or drierThe laundry dries in the sun adj.1. free from liquid or moisture; lacking natural or normal moisture or depleted of water; or no longer wetdry land dry clothes a dry climate dry splintery boards a dry river bed the paint is dry 2. humorously sarcastic or mockingdry humor 3. lacking moisture or volatile componentsdry paint 4. opposed to or prohibiting the production and sale of alcoholic beveragesthe dry vote led by preachers and bootleggers a dry state 5. not producing milka dry cow 6. (of liquor) having a low residual sugar content because of decomposition of sugar during fermentationa dry white burgundy a dry Bordeaux 7. without a mucous or watery dischargea dry cough that rare thing in the wintertime a small child with a dry nose 8. not shedding tearsdry sobs with dry eyes 9. lacking interest or stimulation; dull and lifelessa dry book a dry lecture filled with trivial details 10. used of solid substances in contrast with liquid onesdry weight 11. unproductive especially of the expected resultsa dry run a mind dry of new ideas 12. having no adornment or colorationdry facts rattled off the facts in a dry mechanical manner 13. (of food) eaten without a spread or sauce or other garnishdry toast dry meat 14. having a large proportion of strong liquora very dry martini is almost straight gin 15. lacking warmth or emotional involvementa dry greeting a dry reading of the lines a dry critique 16. practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverageshe"s been dry for ten years


Dry means not wet at all (“DRY”的意思是一点也不湿润)


有志者事竟成 where there is a will there is a way

"ferry"在英英词典里是什么意思? 用英语解释“ferry”这个单词

n. 1. 渡船2. 渡口vt. 1. 渡运, 运送




初三复习解释句子1-10单元 1. look forward to doing 期望做某事2. He is in prison=He is in the bars3. Don"t stop him doing what he wants= Let him stop doing what he wants4. The river is 100m deep/wide=The depth/width of the river is 100m5. the weight/height/length of the desk is…=the desk is …heavy/high/long6. He went to HK, He didn"t go to Beijing= He went to HK instead of going to Beijing7. The book cost me 10 yuan=I paid 10 yuan for the book=I spent 10 yuan on the book=I bought the book for 10 yuan8. It took sb 5 hours to do sth=sb spent 5 hours in doing sth9. How much do you weigh= How heavy are you?=what is your weight?10. I came to /left shenzhen 8years ago=I have been in/away from shenzhen for 8 years11. I bought /borrowed the book 8 weeks ago= I have had/kept the book for 8 weeks12. The meeting started 30 minutes ago= the meeting has been on for 30 minutes13. the old man died 10 years ago=the old man has been dead for 10 years14. as a result=because of that15. be suitable for=be right for16. He prepared for the meeting=He got ready for the meeting=He has got prepared for the meeting17. I decided to do sth= I made up my mind to do sth18. applied for=asked for19. look throught= read quickly20. How do you like =what do you think of21. is made up of=consists of22. He used to smoke= He usually smoked before23. as well as=and24. Don"t forget=Remember25. failed=didn"t pass26. You will fail to catch the first bus= You won"t catch/will miss the first bus27. what happen to you? =what"s the matter with you?28. is full of=is filled with29. Tom is the most careful boy in his class=Tom is more careful than any other boy in his class30. I don"t know= I have no idea31. I don"t know where I will go= I don"t know where to go32. My baby doesn"t cry unless she"s hungry=My baby doesn"t cry if she isn"t hungry33. I don"t" know what to do= I don"t" know what I will do34. what"s the weight of that ship?=how heavy is the ship?35. The war broke out=The war happened/took place36. succeed in doing sth37. admit/deny doing sth38. It"s important/essential/vital for sb to do sth39. How often/ How soon40. heard from=got/recieved a letter from 41. for the time being= for the moment1. heard from=got/recieved a letter from 2. for the time being= for the moment3. belong to= have=own4. be unaware of= don"t know 5. NO:10双语报6. Tom has the same weight/ age/height/ as Jack= Tom is as heavy/ old/high as Jack7. Tom is too young to go to school= Tom is so young that he doesn"t go to school8. I heard you sing a song = You were heard to sing a song9. He didn"t go to school because he was ill/ hurt his leg= He didn"t go to school because of illness/ hurting leg10. be made from/of/ in 11. instead/ of12. They are able to finish the work on time=…can..13. it"s very kind of you to help me=To help me is very kind of you14. It is too hard for them to climb the mountain=it is so hard that they can"t climb the mountain= to climb the mountain is very hard for them15. to get to school on time is necessary for us= it"s necessary for us to get to school on time16. I am busy doing/with something.17. He has the same height as his brother=He is as tall as his brother18. The boy is as heavy as his father=The boy has the same weight as his father19. what do we use the knife a lot for?=why do we use the knife a lot?20. what do you think of the food here?=How do you like the food here?21. without water, the fish dies= The fish dies if there is no water22. which would you prefer?=which would you like better?23. Jill prefers swimming to skating= Jill like swimming better than skating24. The dog is different from that that one=The dog is not the same as that one25. I use pen to write letter=I write letter with pen26. if there were no water, humans would die=Humans would die without water27. How do you like the environment here?=what do you think of the environment?28. we will use cloth bags instead of plastic bags=we will use cloth bags, and we won"t use plasic bags29. I have no idea where I will go= I don"t know where to go30. You look like your father= You are like your father31. Actually=in fact32. He is always forgets things=He always forgetful33. The pen is useful, so I plan to buy one= I plan to buy the pen because it"s useful34. The box is too heavy for me to carry=the is so heavy that I can"t carry it35. Mary often helps her brother study maths=…with…36. Mr Li left Japan three years ago=Mr Li has been away for three years ago初三复习解释句子1-10单元(2)1. heard from=got/recieved a letter from 2. for the time being= for the moment3. belong to= have=own4. be unaware of= don"t know 5. NO:10双语报6. Tom has the same weight/ age/height/ as Jack= Tom is as heavy/ old/high as Jack7. Tom is too young to go to school= Tom is so young that he doesn"t go to school8. I heard you sing a song = You were heard to sing a song9. He didn"t go to school because he was ill/ hurt his leg= He didn"t go to school because of illness/ hurting leg10. be made from/of/ in 11. instead/ of12. They are able to finish the work on time=…can..13. it"s very kind of you to help me=To help me is very kind of you14. It is too hard for them to climb the mountain=it is so hard that they can"t climb the mountain= to climb the mountain is very hard for them15. to get to school on time is necessary for us= it"s necessary for us to get to school on time16. I am busy doing/with something.17. He has the same height as his brother=He is as tall as his brother18. The boy is as heavy as his father=The boy has the same weight as his father19. what do we use the knife a lot for?=why do we use the knife a lot?20. what do you think of the food here?=How do you like the food here?21. without water, the fish dies= The fish dies if there is no water22. which would you prefer?=which would you like better?23. Jill prefers swimming to skating= Jill like swimming better than skating24. The dog is different from that that one=The dog is not the same as that one25. I use pen to write letter=I write letter with pen26. if there were no water, humans would die=Humans would die without water27. How do you like the environment here?=what do you think of the environment?28. we will use cloth bags instead of plastic bags=we will use cloth bags, and we won"t use plasic bags29. I have no idea where I will go= I don"t know where to go30. You look like your father= You are like your father31. Actually=in fact32. He is always forgets things=He always forgetful33. The pen is useful, so I plan to buy one= I plan to buy the pen because it"s useful34. The box is too heavy for me to carry=the is so heavy that I can"t carry it35. Mary often helps her brother study maths=…with…36. Mr Li left Japan three years ago=Mr Li has been away for three years ago1. heard from=got/recieved a letter from 2. for the time being= for the moment3. belong to= have=own4. be unaware of= don"t know 5. NO:10双语报6. Tom has the same weight/ age/height/ as Jack= Tom is as heavy/ old/high as Jack7. Tom is too young to go to school= Tom is so young that he doesn"t go to school8. I heard you sing a song = You were heard to sing a song9. He didn"t go to school because he was ill/ hurt his leg= He didn"t go to school because of illness/ hurting leg10. be made from/of/ in 11. instead/ of12. They are able to finish the work on time=…can..13. it"s very kind of you to help me=To help me is very kind of you14. It is too hard for them to climb the mountain=it is so hard that they can"t climb the mountain= to climb the mountain is very hard for them15. to get to school on time is necessary for us= it"s necessary for us to get to school on time16. I am busy doing/with something.17. He has the same height as his brother=He is as tall as his brother18. The boy is as heavy as his father=The boy has the same weight as his father19. what do we use the knife a lot for?=why do we use the knife a lot?20. what do you think of the food here?=How do you like the food here?21. without water, the fish dies= The fish dies if there is no water22. which would you prefer?=which would you like better?23. Jill prefers swimming to skating= Jill like swimming better than skating24. The dog is different from that that one=The dog is not the same as that one25. I use pen to write letter=I write letter with pen26. if there were no water, humans would die=Humans would die without water27. How do you like the environment here?=what do you think of the environment?28. we will use cloth bags instead of plastic bags=we will use cloth bags, and we won"t use plasic bags29. I have no idea where I will go= I don"t know where to go30. You look like your father= You are like your father31. Actually=in fact32. He is always forgets things=He always forgetful33. The pen is useful, so I plan to buy one= I plan to buy the pen because it"s useful34. The box is too heavy for me to carry=the is so heavy that I can"t carry it35. Mary often helps her brother study maths=…with…36. Mr Li left Japan three years ago=Mr Li has been away for three years ago*******1. why not…=why don"t you…2. be full of=be filled with3. make a promise=promise to do 24. what do you think of…= How do you like…5.How do you deal with= what do you do with1. if …not= unless2. without your help=> unless you help me 3. it"s necessary to do sth= to do sth is necessary4. you forget what you will do=you forget what to do.. 5. …be surprised at the news= be surprised to hear the news6. ….so that we remember the words= in order to remember the words7. No living thing can live if there is no air =No living thing can live without air8. I will phone you if I finish my work =I won"t phone you unless I finish my work1. happened=took place=broke out2. …no longer= not..any longer3. ….is the most popular=…is more popular than any other….


a dult ."du "重读

target是什么意思啊 target英语解释

1、target,目标,读音:美/ˈtɑːrɡɪt/;英/ˈtɑːɡɪt/。 2、释义:n.目标,指标;(攻击的)对象;靶子。v.把...作为目标;面向,对准(某群体)。n.(Target)美国塔吉特公司。 3、例句:What is our target market?我们的目标市场是什么?

收银员英语怎么读 收银员英语解释

1、收银员,cashier。读音:美/kæˈʃɪr/;英/kæˈʃɪər/。 2、释义:cashier n.出纳员;司库;收银员;vt.解雇;抛弃。 3、例句:My mom works as a cashier in a supermarket.我妈妈在一家超市做收银员。

收银员英语怎么读 收银员英语解释

  1. 收银员,cashier。发音:beauty /k æˈʃɪr/;英语/k æˈʃɪər/。   2. 定义:cashier;财务主管;收银员;Vt.解雇;放弃。   3.例如:我妈妈在一家超市当收银员。My mom works as a cashier in a supermarket.


hop是什么意思_hop翻译_发音_用法_翻译2019-03-05 15: 45: 11同义词库VIP的hop,hop英文单词推荐,hop英文解释,hop相关单词,hop英文短语是什么意思?英国口音,美国口音【中文解读】跳上[跳下];单脚跳;单脚(或双脚)跳;采摘_草花;跃过;登上(飞机、汽车、火车等)。);在?里跳来跳去;将啤酒花添加到;舞蹈;跳;(棒球等的)弹跳;(非正式)舞蹈;Vt。& vi。变化,不断变化;【英文定义】名词:跳跃的动作;向上或向前跳跃(特别是用一只脚)缠绕的多年生植物,有心形的叶子和锥状穗状花序;这这种植物的干花被用来酿造啤酒,以增加啤酒特有的苦味一种演奏流行音乐的非正式舞蹈动词:轻盈地跳跃从一个地方快速移动到另一个地方乘飞机、公共汽车等旅行。;"她跳上了去芝加哥的火车""他骑马跑遍了全国"像短途飞机旅行一样穿越;“飞跃太平洋”跳过去;"他跳过了灌木丛"向前或向上跳[hop相关词]希望,期望;希望的东西;寄予希望的人、事、情;希望的理由;对未来的希望期待;【俚语】相信,思考;六。希望,希望,期待;充满希望的;给人希望;有成功希望的人;满怀希望地;突出地;希望如此;无望的。无可救药,无可救药;没有希望的;凄凉;无望;不可能;绝望;瘾君子,瘾君子;喝醉了;古希腊的重装步兵;漏斗;漏斗;单脚跳投;跳虫;存储者;Hopgrass的蚱蜢,蚱蜢;粗棉布,带席子图案的黄色厚麻袋布;跳房子;跳房子1.【写】书面文字(即与/经济/高考/教育/合同/法律/等相关。)——无论普通话还是方言(各地区),“媳妇”的含义是:儿子的妻子。2.【口语】普通话口语(即国家交流)——媳妇在普通话里的意思是:儿子的老婆。3.口语方言(即地域文化、地域交流)-海外/兰音话/西南话/粤语/湘语/赣语/客家话/闽语/吴语/中原话/胶辽话/部分晋语等。(约8亿人)。口语媳妇的意思(读作森卜、辛宝等。)是一种:儿子的老婆。-东北话/京话/陆机话/部分晋语(约三亿人)口语方言中的媳妇有两种含义:答:没有语调后缀的媳妇是“儿子的老婆”。b:有语调结尾的(如快乐分享,老婆等。)都是“自己的老婆”。——其他几亿人的口语方言里没有“媳妇”这个词。他们对“儿子的妻子”有其他的说法。4:为什么有些人把“媳妇”当成“自己的老婆”——一些南方人和西方人把“北京话”和“普通话”混为一谈。学习普通话时,他们不会发“华二音”的音,也听不出来。于是,他们就把“北京话老婆”当成了“普通话老婆”。【注:北京话的媳妇是儿子的老婆】(就像有些南方人和西方人混淆了“角”和“角”的区别一样)。5:“媳妇”和“媳妇”都是指“儿子的老婆”= = = = = = = = = = = = = =“女婿”和“女婿”都是指“女儿的丈夫”= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =“儿子”和“儿子”都指“亲生男性”中国永远不可能回到部落国家,所以“文字——判决/修正/契约等。”整个国家。都是以《国家文体委发布的规范字》和《司法解释》为标准。*****************************************************************************1.国家语委(中国社会科学院语言研究所)《现代汉语词典》:现代汉语书面语标准的出版者,高考修订的评判标准【媳妇:儿子媳妇】。各种考卷对“媳妇”二字的唯一解释是“儿子的老婆”。二。最高人民法院司法解释:法院判决的判断标准【媳妇:儿子媳妇】在法庭上,对“儿媳妇”这个书面词的唯一解释是“儿子的妻子”。第三,并非所有口语方言都可以音译为书面普通话:1.有些方言口语应该[解释]成书面普通话。2.北方方言口语中的“喜儿喜儿”在书面普通话中不能音译为“媳妇”,应直译为“老婆”。-[文字中“媳妇”的意思是儿子的妻子,而不是“自己的妻子”]3.在一些地方方言中,“海子”不能音译为“孩子”,应该直译为“鞋子”。——“孩子”在书面语中的意思是孩子或小孩,而不是“鞋子”]四:“儿子的妻子”有很多名字:1:【儿子的妻子】有很多称呼:媳妇、媳妇、半个女儿,等等;2:【媳妇】(文字)的唯一含义:儿子的妻子。五:称谓和意义的叠加亲属称谓是有指定意义的单个词,不是意义的叠加,中间不能加一个“的”字(其实任何词中间都不能随便加一个“的”字):1.媳妇是一个有特定含义的词(儿子的老婆),不能理解为“儿子的媳妇”[媳妇是儿子的老婆,媳妇也是儿子的老婆];2:女婿是一个有特定含义的词(女儿的丈夫),不能理解为“女人的丈夫”【丈夫是女儿的丈夫,女婿也是她的丈夫】;3:儿子是有特定含义的词(亲生男性),不能理解为“儿子的儿子”【儿子是亲生男性,儿子也是亲生男性】;4.其他:阿姨(我叔叔的妻子,不是我叔叔的母亲)叔叔(阿姨的丈夫,不是阿姨的父亲)阿姨(叔叔的妻子,不是叔叔的母亲)侄女(兄弟的女儿,不是侄子的女儿)孙的媳妇(孙媳妇,不是孙媳妇)祖父(父亲的父亲,非祖先的父亲)等等。回答1号楼2016-03-06 11:31IP地点:浙江你陪着任芳少年粉丝1回复二楼2016-06-04 13:33提示地点:浙江你陪着任芳少年粉丝1一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com


神乎~~~The myth of Pandora is ancient, appears in several distinct Greek versions, and has been interpreted in many ways. In all literary versions, however, the myth is a kind of theodicy, addressing the question of why there is evil in the world.其他的断了~

fruit英语怎么读 fruit英语解释

1、fruit,读音:美/fruːt/;英/fruːt/。 2、释义:n.水果;产物。vi.结果实。vt.使……结果实。n.(Fruit)人名;(法)弗吕;(英)弗鲁特。 3、例句:The fruit of this tree is inedible.这棵树的果实是不能吃的。


1. sonnet:The sonnet is one of the poetic forms that can be found in lyric poetry from Europe. The term "sonnet" derives from the Occitan word sonet and the Italian word sonetto, both meaning "little song". By the thirteenth century, it had come to signify a poem of fourteen lines that follows a strict rhyme scheme and specific structure. 代表人物:One of the best-known sonnet writers is William Shakespeare, who wrote 154 of them (not including those that appear in his plays). 2. epic:An epic (from Greek: ἔπος "word, story, poem"[1]) is a lengthy narrative poem, ordinarily concerning a serious subject containing details of heroic deeds and events significant to a culture or nation.代表人物:Homer3. neo-classicismNeoclassicism (sometimes rendered as Neo-Classicism or Neo-classicism) is the name given to quite distinct movements in the decorative and visual arts, literature, theatre, music, and architecture that draw upon Western classical art and culture (usually that of Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome). These movements were dominant during the mid 18th to the end of the 19th century. 代表人物: T. S. Eliot, Wyndham Lewis4. romantic(of music, literature, etc) marked by feeling rather than intellect; preferring wild nature, passion, etc to order and proportion 代表人物: William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge 5. Renaissance(period of the) revival of art and literature in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, based on classical forms.代表人物: Dante Alighieri (1265–1321) and Francesco Petrarca (1304–1374)6. humanism 1) a rationalistic system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. 2) a Renaissance cultural movement that turned away from medieval scholasticism and revived interest in ancient Greek and Roman thought.7. metaphysical poetryThe metaphysical poets were a loose group of British lyric poets of the 17th century, who shared an interest in metaphysical concerns and a common way of investigating them, and whose work was characterized by inventiveness of metaphor (these involved comparisons being known as metaphysical conceits). These poets were not formally affiliated; most of them did not even know or read each other. Their poetry was influenced greatly by the changing times, new sciences and the new found debauched scene of the 17th century.代表人物:George Chapman (c. 1559–1634),John Donne (1572–1631) 以上大部分来源于英文维基百科

游泳衣英语怎么读 游泳衣英语解释

1、游泳衣,bathe。读音:美/beɪð/;英/beɪð/。 2、释义: (1)bathe vt.沐浴;用水洗;vi.洗澡;沐浴;n.洗澡;游泳;n.(Bathe)人名;(德)巴特;(英)巴思。 (2)swimsuit n.游泳衣(女式)。 (3)bathing suit 泳衣。 (4)swimming suit 泳衣;游泳衣。 (5)swimwear n.游泳衣。

用英语解释下列名词,acute angle;right angle;obtuse angle;straight angle;reflex angle;round angle.

acute angle锐角 right angle直角 obtuse angle钝角 straight angle平角 reflex angle优角 round angle周角望采纳,谢谢!


Celery 西芹White cabbage 包心菜Sweetcorn 玉米Green pepper 青椒Redpepper 红辣椒Cherry tomato 樱桃番茄Mushroom 蘑菇Cauliflower 花椰菜 菜花Eggplant 茄子Asparagus 芦笋[əˈsparəgəs]Cucumber 黄瓜Broccoli 绿菜花 西兰花 [ˈbrɒkəli]Pepper 甜椒 柿子椒Cabbage 卷心菜 甘蓝Romaine lettuce 长叶莴笋[rə(ʊ)ˈmeɪn] 长叶生菜Leek 韭菜Sweet potato 红薯地瓜Radish 小红萝卜Beet 甜菜根Pumpkin 南瓜Summer squash 西葫芦Winter squash 笋瓜笋瓜;南瓜,倭瓜 K.K.[skwɑʃ, skwɔʃ]Pea 豌豆Snow pea 荷兰豆Bean 豆荚蚕豆Green bean 四季豆String bean 刀豆 豆角Mung bean 绿豆Rape 油菜Laver 紫菜Caraway 香菜Gourd 葫芦Wax gourd 冬瓜Towel gourd 丝瓜Lotus root 莲藕White fungus 银耳Balsam pear 苦瓜 [ˈbɔːlsəm pɛr]Bamboo 竹笋Day lily 黄花菜Fennel 茴香Mango 芒果Starfruit 杨桃Kiwi 奇异果 猕猴桃Lychee 荔枝Fig 无花果Coconut 椰子Red date 红枣Date 枣Chinese date 中国枣 枣 Honey date 蜜枣紫茄子。 亦称 eggplantYam 山药,甘薯Chillies 辣椒Eddoes 小芋头 芋根又称 taro 芋头Spinach 菠菜Beansprots 绿豆芽Springonions 葱Leeks 大葱Garlic 大蒜Ginger 生姜Greenbean 绿豆Redbean 红豆Silknoodles 粉丝Soy sauce 酱油Vinegar 醋Cornstarch 淀粉


1.refreshing the heart and refreshing the mind2.mentally refreshing3.refreshing

the melting pot用英语解释(一两句话)

The melting pot is a metaphor for a heterogeneous society becoming more homogeneous, the different elements "melting together" into a harmonious whole with a common culture. It is particularly used to describe the assimilation of immigrants to the United States; the melting-together metaphor was in use by the 1780s.不知道你说的是不是这个...


a usually molded or dipped mass of wax or tallow containing a wicke that may be burned (as to give light ,heat ,or scent or for celebration or votive purpose )


shame A painful emotion caused by a strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness, or disgrace.pity A matter of regret; Sympathy and sorrow aroused by the misfortune or suffering of another.rather To a certain extent; somewhat:practice To do or perform (something) repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill:such Of this kind: Of a kind specified or implied:exam An examination; a test.truth Conformity to fact or actuality.真理:符合事实或现实A statement proven to be or accepted as true.实话:被证明或公认为真实的陈述Sincerity; integrity.真诚;正直Fidelity to an original or a standard.忠实,忠诚:对原型或标准的忠实Reality; actuality.现实;现实性Truth Christian Science God. Truth 【基督教科学派】 上帝onto On top of; to a position on; upon:到…之上:在…顶端;在一位置上;在…上面:The dog jumped onto the chair.See Usage Note at on 这条狗跳到了椅子上面参见 onInformal Fully aware of; informed about:【非正式用语】 知晓:非常熟悉;了解:The police are onto the robbers" plans.警察局都清楚抢劫犯的阴谋adj.Mathematics (形容词)【数学】 Of, relating to, or being a mapping such that every element of the set referred to is the image of an element in another.映成的:一集合中的每一元素,经映象后为另一集合至少一元素的象的;与之有关的;或成为象的terrible Causing great fear or alarm; dreadful:可怕的:引起极大恐惧或惊慌的;骇人的:a terrible bolt of lightning; a terrible curse.可怕的闪电;可怖的诅咒Extremely formidable:极端的:极其令人敬畏的:terrible responsibilities.极重大的责任Extreme in extent or degree:极度的:极大的限度或程度的:“the life for which he had paid so terrible a price”(Leslie Fiedler)“他为之付出极大的代价的生活”(莱斯利·菲德勒)Unpleasant; disagreeable:糟糕的:令人不愉快的;令人厌恶的:had a terrible time at the party; terrible food.在晚会上过得极不愉快;讨厌的食物Markedly objectionable:可憎的:令人十分反感的:terrible hypocrisy.令人反感的虚伪realise To comprehend completely or correctly.体会,认知:完全地或正确地理解To make real; fulfill:实现:使之变成真实的;完成:He finally realized his lifelong ambition to learn how to play the violin.他最终实现了他毕生的理想——学会了拉小提琴To make realistic.使有真实感To obtain or achieve, as gain or profit:获得:去获取或达到。如目的或利益:She realized a substantial return on the investment.她在那次投资中获得了实在的回报To bring in (a sum) as profit by sale.赚得:通过销售而获得了作为利润的(一笔钱款)v.intr.(不及物动词)To exchange holdings or goods for money.变卖:将物产或货物换成现金virus Any of various simple submicroscopic parasites of plants, animals, and bacteria that often cause disease and that consist essentially of a core of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein coat. Unable to replicate without a host cell, viruses are typically not considered living organisms.mend To make repairs or restoration to; fix.shelf A flat, usually rectangular structure composed of a rigid material, such as wood, glass, or metal, fixed at right angles to a wall or other vertical surface and used to hold or store objects.solo Abbr. s.Music A composition or passage for an individual voice or instrument, with or without accompaniment.all together along with others or something else; accompaiedat the end of the contrary of "at the beginning of"take off To get into one"s possession by force, skill, or artifice, especially:取得:通过武力、技巧或欺诈而占有,尤指:To capture physically; seize:夺取:亲身获得;掌握:take an enemy fortress.夺取敌人的一个要塞To seize with authority; confiscate.逮捕,没收:运用权力剥夺;没收To kill, snare, or trap (fish or game, for example).杀,设陷阱捕捉:杀死,设陷井捕获或诱捕(如,鱼或猎物)Sports Games To acquire in a game or competition; win:【体育运动】 【游戏】 获得,赢得:在一场游戏或竞赛中获得;赢得:took the crown in horseracing.在赛马中获得冠军Sports Games To defeat:【体育运动】 【游戏】 击败:Our team took the visitors three to one.我们队以三比一击败客队Sports To catch (a ball in play), especially in baseball:【体育运动】 接住球:接住(比赛中的一个球) ,尤指在棒球中:at least According to the lowest possible assessment; not less than:pocket money Money for incidental or minor expenses.after all In spite of everything to the contrary; nevertheless:毕竟;仍然:We chose to take a plane after all.我们仍然选择乘飞机Everything else having been considered; ultimately:终究;最终:所有的事情都已经过考虑;最终:“How will that affect the Nicaraguan situation, which afterall must still be the main target of any regional plan?”(Martin Cohen)“那将怎样影响尼加拉瓜局势?它终究将是任何地区性计划的主要目标。”(马丁·科恩)hurry upTo cause to move or act with speed or haste:催促:使快速或仓促地移动或运动:hurried the children to school.催促孩子去上学To cause to move or act with undue haste; rush:使匆促,使草率:使过分仓促地移动或运动;使仓促行动:was hurried into marriage.被催着结婚了To speed the progress or completion of; expedite.See Synonyms at speed 加速,促进:加快(某事)的进程或完成;促进参见 speedn.(名词)【复数】 hur.ries The act or an instance of hurrying; hastened progress.匆忙,急忙:快速的行动或实例;加快的进程Activity or motion that is often unduly hurried; haste.See Synonyms at haste 急忙:通常过分仓促的活动或运动;仓促参见 hasteThe need or wish to hurry; a condition of urgency:急需:快速的需要或希望;急迫的情况:in no hurry to leave.不必着急离开




1. They are talking about what to do in this summer holiday.2. He is good at English and usually gets high scores.3. It has been 50 years since the old couple got married.4. The businesses were run very well by the boss.5. The headteacher was absent from the meeting for the parents.


to gain with effort.