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孤独的欣赏者用英文:Lonely viewer






cartoonistHis cartoon is so cool!


各种天气的英语单词大全  frost 霜  hail 冰雹  snow 雪  thunder 雷  wind 风  mist 雾  cloud 云  haze 霾  rain 雨  downpour, shower 暴雨  storm, tempest 暴风雨  lightning 闪电  land wind 陆风  hurricane 飓风  cyclone 旋风  typhoon 台风  whirlwind 龙卷风  gale 季节风  gust of wind 阵风  breeze 微风  fog 浓雾  dew 露水  humidity 潮湿  freeze 冰冻  snowflake 雪花  snowfall 降雪  waterspout 水龙卷  dead calm 风平浪静  Indian summer 小阳春  drought 干旱  AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴  AM Showers=上午阵雨  AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪  AM T—Storms=上午雷暴雨  Smog=雾霾  Mist=薄雾  Mostly Clear=大部晴朗  Mostly Cloudy=大部多云  Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风  Mostly Sunny=晴时多云  Partly Cloudy=局部多云  Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风  PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风  PM Light Rain=下午小雨  PM Showers=下午阵雨  PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪  PM T—Storms=下午雷雨  Clear=晴朗  Cloudy=多云  Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风  Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴  Drifting Snow=飘雪  Drizzle=毛毛雨  Dust=灰尘  Fair=晴  Few Showers=短暂阵雨  Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪  Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风  Fog=雾  Haze=薄雾  Hail=冰雹  Heavy Rain=大雨  Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨  Heavy Snow=大雪  Heavy T—Storm=强烈雷雨  Isolated T—Storms=局部雷雨


weather 天气, 气候, 气象, 处境 adj. 迎风的, 露天的 vt. 使受风吹雨打, 侵蚀, 使风化, 经受住 vi. 风化, 受侵蚀, 经受风雨 基本解释 weather n. 天气; 气候; 恶劣天气 (某种)处境, 状况 [常用复](不管某人命运的)盛衰 fine weather 好天气 windy weather 有风的天气 expect some weather 预计天气要变坏 run into rough weather 陷入困境 习惯用语 April weather 四月里变化无常的天气; [喻]一会儿哭一会儿笑; 反复无常 be [feel] under the weather [口]身体不舒服, 有点不爽 酒醉 经济困难 broken weather 变化无常的天气 in all wea ,这个答案,希望你满意。


如此坚强伟大见识卓远的母亲令人佩服So strong a great insight into the mother"s admiration 注:admiration 英 [ˌædməˈreɪʃn] 美 [ˌædməˈreʃən] n. 钦佩,赞美; 引人赞美的人或物; 怀着对…的赞美; [例句]I have always had the greatest admiration for him我始终对他最为钦佩。

纸箱包装中:数量 1 台 英文怎么说?谢谢

QTY:1 Set




should be regarded as a different matter


Army 陆军 General of the Army 五星上将 (usa)General 上将 Lieutenant General 中将 Major General 少将 Brigadier General 准将 Colonel 上校 Lieutenant Colonel 中校 Major 少校 Captain 上尉 First Lieutenant 中尉 Second Lieutenant 少尉 Chief Warrant Officer 一级准尉 Warrant Officer 二级准尉 Master Sergeant 军士长 Sergeant First Class 上士 Sergeant 中士 Corporal 下士 Private First Class 一等兵 Private 二等兵 Basic Private 三等兵 Air Force 空军 General of the Air Force 五星上将 General 上将 Lieutenant General 中将 Major General 少将 Brigadier General 准将 Colonel 上校 Lieutenant Colonel 中校 Mayor 少校 Captain 上尉 First Lieutenant 中尉 Second Lieutenant 少尉 Chief Warrant Officer 一级准尉 Warrant Officer 二级准尉 Master Sergeant 军士长 Technical Sergeant 技术军士 Staff Sergeant 参谋军士 Airman First Class 一等兵 Airman Second Class 二等兵 Airman Third Class 三等兵 Navy 海军 Fleet Admiral 五星上将 Admiral 上将 Vice Admiral 中将 Rear Admiral 少将 Commodore 准将 Captain 上校 Commander 中校 Lieutenant Commander 少校 Lieutenant 上尉 Lieutenant Junior Class 中尉 Ensign 少尉 Commissioned Warrant Officer 一级准尉 Warrant Officer 二级准尉 Chief Petty Officer 军士长 Petty Officer First Class 上士 Petty Officer Second Class 中士 Petty Officer Third Class 下士 Seaman First Class 一等兵 Seaman Second Class 二等兵 Apprentice Seaman 三等兵 Marine Corps海军陆战队 General 上将 Lieutenant General 中将 Major General 少将 Brigadier General 准将 Colonel 上校 Lieutenant Colonel 中校 Major 少校 Captain 上尉 First Lieutenant 中尉 Second Lieutenant 少尉 Commissioned Warrant Officer 一级准尉 Warrant Officer 二级准尉 Master Sergeant 军士长 Technical Sergeant 技术军士 Staff Sergeant 参谋军士 Sergeant 中士 Corporal 下士 Private First Class 一等兵 Private 二等兵 英军军阶一览 Army 陆军 Field Marshal 元帅 General 上将 Lieutenant General 中将 Major General 少将 Brigadier 准将 Colonel 上校 Lieutenant Colonel 中校 Major 少校 Captain 上尉 Lieutenant 中尉 Second Lieutenant 少尉 Warrant Officer (Class I) 一级准尉 Warrant Officer (ClassII) 二级准尉 Staff Sergeant 上士 Sergeant 中士 Corporal 下士 Lance Corporal 一等兵 Private 二等兵 Recruit 新兵


Army 陆军Field Marshal 元帅 General 上将 Lieutenant General 中将 Major General 少将 Brigadier 准将 Colonel 上校 Lieutenant Colonel 中校 Major 少校 Captain 上尉 Lieutenant 中尉 Second Lieutenant 少尉 Warrant Officer (Class I) 一级准尉 Warrant Officer (ClassII) 二级准尉 Staff Sergeant 上士 Sergeant 中士 Corporal 下士 Lance Corporal 一等兵 Private 二等兵 Recruit 新兵 Air Force 空军 Marshal of the Royal Air Force 元帅 Air Chief Marshal 上将 Air Marshal 中将 Air Vice Marshal 少将 Air Commodore 准将 Group Captain 上校 Wing Commander 中校 Squadron Leader 少校 Flight Lieutenant 上尉 Flying Officer 中尉 Pilot Officer 少尉 Warrant Officer (Class I) 一级准尉 Warrant Officer (Class II) 二级准尉 Flight Sergeant 上士 Sergeant 中士 Corporal 下士 Senior Aircraftman 一等兵 Leading Aircraftman 二等兵 Aircraftman 新兵 Navy 海军 Admiral of the Fleet 元帅 Admiral 上将 Vice Admiral 中将 Rear Admiral 少将 Commodore 准将 Captain 上校 Commander 中校 Lieutenant Commander 少校 Lieutenant 上尉 Sublieutenant 中尉 Acting Sublieutenant 少尉 Warrant Officer (Class I) 一级准尉 Warrant Officer (Class II) 二级准尉 Chief Petty Officer 上士 Petty Officer First Class 中士 Petty Officer Second Class 下士 Leading Seaman 一等兵 Able Seaman 二等兵 Ordinary Seaman 新兵 Marine Corps 海军陆战队 General 上将 Lieutenant General 中将 Major General 少将 Brigadier 准将 Colonel 上校 Lieutenant Colonel 中校 Major 少校 Captain 上尉 Lieutenant 中尉 Second Lieutenant 少尉 Warrant Officer (Class I) 一级准尉 Warrant Officer (Class II) 二级准尉 Colour Sergeant 上士 Sergeant 中士 Corporal 下士 Marine First Class 一等兵 Marine Second Class 二等兵 Recruit 新兵


  振作起来短语   1. Cheer up!/Buck up!   振作点儿吧!   2. This good news will hearten you.   有个好消息可以让你振作起来!   3. Keep your chin up.   别灰心!   4. Pull yourself together. Try again.   振作起来,再试一下。   5. I wish we could do something to make him take heart.   我希望我们大家做些努力让他振作起来。   6. Don"t give up. Hang in there.   别放弃。坚持住!   7. Take heart and go on trying!   鼓起勇气,再试试吧!   8. Show some backbone!   拿出你的勇气吧!   9. Go for it. I know you can make it.   好好干吧,我知道你能行。   10. Don"t let us down.   不要让我们失望。   让你重新振作起来的英文爱情小故事   1. Today, my dad came home with roses for my mom and I. “What are these for I asked?” He said that several of his coworkers were complaining about their wives and children today. He realized how lucky he was that after 20 years of marriage, and raising a daughter for the last 17 years, he still had nothing to complain about.   2. Today, when I asked my grandfather for some relationship advice, he said, “Honestly, the moment I stopped trying to find the right woman, and started trying to become the right man, your grandmother walked up to me and said, ‘Hello."”   3. Today, it"s been 10 years since I told my best friend Diego that I wouldn"t be able to attend the prom with him because my family was struggling to make ends meet and couldn"t afford to buy me a ticket or a dress. Diego ended up buying me a dress and a ticket, and helping my folks out with money by helping my dad, who had been unemployed for six months, find a good job. Ten years, a marriage, and one kid later, Diego still.   4. Today, on our 50th wedding anniversary, my husband took out an old envelope and handed me back the love note I wrote him in the 7th grade.   5. Today, it"s been over ten years since I was a bag boy at a local grocery store. On Sunday mornings I held the front door open for our customers and greeted them. One particular older woman loved me for it. She actually told me on several occasions that one day I would make a lovely husband. This afternoon, I walked into that grocery store holding my wife"s hand and the same old woman was on her way out. She held the door for us, winked and said, “I told you so.”   6. Today, my wife and I sat down and watched the same movie at the same time. Despite being 9,000+ miles apart overseas on active duty, I felt like she was sitting right by me and I suddenly didn"t feel so alone.   7. Today, it"s been five years since I adopted a puppy from a high kill shelter that had no time left. Since then I have developed a moderate case of a neurological disease that causes seizures. Believe it or not, the dog is able to detect my seizures before I know. She starts barking hysterically, and keys me into my episode before it starts. So today she is my service dog. The life I saved is saving me every day.   8. Today, it"s been 28 years since a firefighter saved my life when he rescued me from a burning condo building. In the process he suffered a leg injury that doctors said would leave him unable to walk normally for life. This evening, he put down his cane and slowly walked our daughter down the aisle. My husband of 27 years always.   9. Today, I finally stopped being foolish and called an old best friend I hadn"t talked to in over a year. He singlehandedly got me threw one of the toughest times of my life, and in my depression I lashed out at him and dropped him from my life for selfish reasons. He answered the phone with: “Ready to pick up where we left off?” It instantly made me smile. Jason, you.   10. Today was my little sister"s 14th birthday. She has Down Syndrome and doesn"t have many friends. My boyfriend picked me up for dinner with flowers, but said they weren"t for me. He came inside and handed them to my sister. She was so excited. He then took us both out to dinner to celebrate.   11. Today, I am a poor student, struggling to afford groceries and all the luxuries I was accustomed to. But every time I get a letter in the mail from my poppa telling me how much he loves me, or a phone call from my best friend just because she was thinking about me, I feel like the richest person in the world - in those moments I feel like I have everything I need.   12. Today, my mom and dad are recovering heroin addicts. They still go to their support groups, but both of them have been clean for 17 years, since the day they found out my mom was pregnant with me.   13. Today, my grandmother passed away. It was really hard on my entire family. She was the glue that kept our family together through many hard times over the last decade. One of my close friends from college showed up at her ceremony. She paid her respects like everyone else, and gave me a huge hug before she left – a sincere hug that helped calm me inside. The interesting thing is, she never met my grandmother before, but she said she came today because, in her words, “Your grandmother is important to you, and you are important to me.”   14. Today, my biological mother is deceased due to a drug overdose when I was only 3-years-old. But today I can also proudly say I have the privilege of calling a beautiful woman, who has no blood relation to me, my Mom. She is not my stepmom or official adopted parent. She is my best friend"s mom who loves me enough to call me her daughter, and has for as long as I can remember.   15. Today, I got a phone call from my daughter"s kindergarten teacher. She asked me why I wasn"t providing lunch for my daughter over the past few days. Confused, I hung up the phone and asked my daughter what she was doing with her lunches. She said, “Katie"s mom is in the hospital and hasn"t been able to make any meals for the last week, so I gave a few of my lunches to her.”   16. Today, after we all watched her blow out the ridiculous number of candles on her giant 100th birthday cake, my grandmother looked up at all 27 of us – her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and extended family – and said, “Look what I started. This family. I am so proud to be a part of your lives.”   17. Today, it"s been about two years since my ex-step-father tried to set my mom on fire, leaving her with burn scars on her face. Every week my little brother and I anonymously write a letter to her saying how we think she"s the most beautiful woman in the world (the truth), and we put it in the mailbox. She doesn"t know it"s us. But she cries when she opens them, and she just told us over dinner that the letters she"s been receiving are helping her look up on days when she feels down.   18. Today, I helped make food for the homeless. The man I was giving the sandwich to said he didn"t want it. I asked why and he pointed to his friend behind him and said, “I want the birthday boy here to have two sandwiches on his special day. It"s the only gift I have to give.” His friend was elated. People who have nothing and still give.   19. Today, my best friend"s new girlfriend, who he"s had a crush on for a long time, finally admitted verbally that she “hates” me. He came up to me today, looking pretty upset, and told me what she said. And then he said, “So I broke up with her. Because if she doesn"t respect you, she obviously doesn"t respect me either.”   20. Today, I walked past a woman walking two dogs. One dog was missing a leg, but they were both limping. I asked what happened. She smiled and explained that the injured dog had lost his leg in a dog fight before she adopted him, and that her other dog oftentimes “mimics him so he won"t feel alone and different.”   21. Today, after he finished giving his valedictorian commencement speech at his college graduation ceremony, he walked off the stage directly over to me, hugged me for a minute straight, and said, “Thank you for adopting me when I was five, and being the biggest inspiration a child could hope to have in a dad.”   22. Today, while playing with my 20-month-old daughter, I pretended to be sleeping. She covered me with a blanket, patted my back, then kissed me gently on the mouth - which is exactly what I do when I tuck her in at night. How closely our children watch us, and what they learn from our actions.   23. Today, after my two-year-old daughter, who can"t swim well, fell into our pool and began panicking, the stray dog I rescued from the pound last month, jumped into the pool and pulled my daughter to the shallow steps… all in under 10 seconds before I could make it from my lawn chair on the patio to edge of the pool.   24. Today, my baby sister wears her hair short, just like me. I"m fighting leukemia. My hair is short because of my chemo treatment. Her hair is short because she told my mom, “I want to be beautiful like my big sis.”   25. Today, I waited at my boyfriend"s house for half an hour before going home. As I angrily walked inside, I heard laughter. My clinically depressed brother, who hasn"t cracked a smile in two months, was grinning as he watched a video on YouTe. Sitting next to him was my boyfriend holding the laptop. We had a miscommunication about where to meet, but when he saw my brother sitting alone he decided to stay and keep him company. His kindness.   26. Today, at the nursing home I work at, I watched an elderly couple eat together as they do everyday. They have been married 63 years. She had a stroke and can"t stand, eat, talk or do anything for herself. He doesn"t need to live in a nursing home, but he does just to be with her. Everyday he eats his food, feeds her, and sits next to her looking at her like he must have the day they were married. His unconditional, undying love and loyalty.   27. Today, he"s driving to my college apartment to spend my last week of school with me. This will be the first night of the rest of our lives. After 3 years dating long distance, a 12 month deployment to Iraq, and the rest of the time spent 3 states apart due to his serving in the Army, we are finally going to be together, permanently, in one place. Waiting this long for each other, and finally getting to start our life TOGETHER makes me happy and.   28. Today my Ex husband asked me to marry him, I said yes. We were married when I was 19, divorced later on and then our lives somehow lead our hearts back together. We are going to be married in 2 weeks, on what could have been our 16th wedding anniversary. Our children cried with joy when we told them today.   29. Today, when you dropped me off after we hung out, you called out to me as I stepped out of your car. You said, “Take care of yourself, okay?” and I responded with an absent-minded, “Sure.” But then your voice changed tone. “I"m serious, Jess. You"re important to me. Take care of yourself,” you repeated. You have no idea how much I needed that. Your true friendship.


Former guardian


阿弥陀佛 Buddha 字典: 1.[Religion] (of Buddhism) Amitabha Buddha2.May Buddha preserve us.3.merciful Buddha






阿弥陀佛Amitabha更多释义>>[网络短语]阿弥陀佛 Amitābha;Amitabha;Amitabha Buddha阿弥陀佛 阿弥陀佛阿弥陀佛协会 Amitabha Foundation


hung up


  伤心,是心里非常痛苦,难过至极。每个人都会有伤心难过的时候,那么你知道伤心英文怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来伤心的英文说法,欢迎大家学习。   伤心的英文说法1:   sad   英 [sæd] 美 [sæd]   伤心的英文说法2:   grief   英 [ɡri:f] 美 [ɡrif]   伤心的英文说法3:   broken-hearted   伤心相关英文表达:   伤心旅店 Heartbreak Hotel   伤心童话 Sad Fairy Tale   伤心探戈 sad tango   感到伤心 feel sad   我伤心 I am sad   伤心的英文说法例句:   1. "There you go again, upsetting the child!" said Shirley.   “瞧,又来了不是?又惹孩子伤心!”雪莉说。   2. It really breaks my heart to see them this way.   看到他们这个样子可真让我伤心。   3. All that money brought nothing but sadness and misery and tragedy.   那笔钱带来的只有伤心、痛苦和悲剧。   4. Was your daddy heartbroken when they got a divorce?   他们离婚时你爸爸是不是很伤心?   5. I was grieved to hear of the suicide of James.   听到詹姆斯自杀的消息,我非常伤心。   6. He had been deeply affected by the sudden death of his father-in-law.   岳父的猝死使他十分伤心。   7. He let out a long sigh, mainly of relief, partly of sadness.   他长叹一口气,主要是因为如释重负,也有一部分是因为伤心。   8. We expressed in the clearest possible way our disappointment, hurt and anger.   我们清楚明白地表达了我们的失望、伤心和愤怒。   9. Her comments can only be hurtful to Mrs Green"s family.   她的话只会使格林夫人的家人感到伤心。   10. Recent events had obviously been a heartbreak for him.   最近发生的一系列事件显然让他伤心不已。   11. She burst into tears, stung by the harshness of his words.   他那番严厉无情的话让她伤心得大哭起来。   12. Joan still mourns her father.   琼仍在为父亲的死伤心。   13. He was too distressed to talk.   他伤心得讲不出话来。   14. Teresa was devastated, her dreams shattered.   特雷莎伤心欲绝——她的梦想彻底破灭了。   15. On May 23rd, unhappily, the little boy died.   令人伤心的是,5月23号,那个小男孩死了。


are by far the most lasting p




神权统治thearchy;theocracy更多释义>>[网络短语]神权统治 thearchy;theocracy;rule of the Roman Catholic Church打破了神权的统治 Divine right of rule breaking

毛毯 英文怎么说 不是地上铺的?



thick woolen scarf


毛衣用英文是sweater词汇解析:sweater常用词汇英 ["swetə(r)]     美 ["swetər]    n.毛衣;出汗者This woolen sweater may keep you warm in winter.这件羊毛衫在冬天可以保暖。light〔warm〕sweater 轻便〔暖和〕的毛线衫new〔red〕sweater 新〔红〕毛衣词汇的同近义词garment常用词汇英 ["ɡɑːmənt]     美 ["ɡɑːrmənt]    n.衣服vt.给...披上衣服;覆上...This garment should be washed carefully.这件衣服应该小心地洗涤。hire a garment 租一件衣服mend〔wash〕a garment 补〔洗〕衣服


双面呢大衣英文翻译如下:Double woolen coat双语例句:She wore in a double woolen coat.她身穿一件双面呢大衣。


是毛呢面料吧 woolen fabric





“调节性” 英文怎么说?


可调整大小的戒指 英文怎么说

A ring with variable diameter


亚非作家协会的英文:Afro-Asian Writers"" Associationafro是什么意思:1. 圆蓬式发型Special emphasis was put on the importance of Afro - Asian solidarity.大家特别强调了亚非团结的重要性。Arabic belongs to the Afro-Asiatic language family.阿拉伯语属于亚非语系。Special emphasis was laid on the importance of Afro-Asian solidarity.大家特别强调了亚非团结的重要性。asian是什么意思:n. 亚洲人adj. 亚洲(人)的For West Asians, being kept 对西亚人来说,Most of Asians are yellow.大多数亚洲人都是黄皮肤的。Asian fruit similar to litchi.类似荔枝的亚洲水果。 writers是什么意思:n. 作家,记者,撰稿者,抄写员Contemporary writers are often influenced by writers of the past.当代作家往往受到以前作家的影响。She is a nationally known writer.她是全国知名作家。The writer wishes to remain anonymous.作者希望姓名不公开。


亚洲金融危机的英文:1. Asian financial crisis参考例句:The Asian financial crisis, the Chinese stock market assumed the task of relief for the state-owned enterprises.亚洲金融危机爆发之际,中国股票市场承担了为国企解困的任务。Chaos and an economic downturn have followed this development in the wake of the Asian Financial Crisis.而在亚洲金融危机开始时,取代经济增长的是混乱和经济低迷。The Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 contradicted these simplified convictions.这种简明的信念由于1997年7月开始的亚洲金融危机而遭受了沉重的打击。asian是什么意思:n. 亚洲人adj. 亚洲(人)的For West Asians, being kept 对西亚人来说,Most of Asians are yellow.大多数亚洲人都是黄皮肤的。Asian fruit similar to litchi.类似荔枝的亚洲水果。 financial是什么意思:adj. 财政的,金融的Financial Management Executive with nearly ten years of experience in banking and international trade, finance, investments and economic policy.在银行融资、国际贸易、金融、投资和经济政策方面有近10年工作经验的财务管理执行员。Article 22 An auto financing company shall adopt relevant accounting rules for financial institutions第二十二条 汽车金融公司应当执行相关的金融企业财务会计制度。The Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration shall review the annual budget estimate and the financial statement presented by the Director-General and make recommendations thereon to the General Council. The annual budget estimate shall be subject to approval by the General Council.预算、财务与行政委员会应审议总干事提交的年度概算和决算,并就此向总理事会提出建议。年度概算应经总理事会批准。 crisis是什么意思:n. 危机;紧急关头;突变;小说中的关子Weather a crisis.平安渡过危机 The crisis peaked in July 1974.那场危机在1974年7月达到巅峰。 The country weathered the energy crisis.该国渡过了能源危机。


Asian people are not good looking亚洲人长得不好看(客观表达)Asian people are ugly亚洲人长得丑(侮辱性质)


亚洲太平洋地区理事会的英文:Asian and Pacific Council, ASPACasian是什么意思:n. 亚洲人adj. 亚洲(人)的For West Asians, being kept 对西亚人来说,Most of Asians are yellow.大多数亚洲人都是黄皮肤的。Asian fruit similar to litchi.类似荔枝的亚洲水果。 pacific是什么意思:n. 太平洋adj. 太平洋的China faces the Pacific on the east.中国东临太平洋。 This is the tiny Pacific island of Pohnpei.这是太平洋小岛波纳佩。The Atlantic is not as big as the Pacific.大西洋没有太平洋大。 council是什么意思:n. 会议;顾问班子;议事,商讨The Council of Minister is responsible to the Assembly.内阁须向议会负责。Councils of war never fight主战者不打仗a British Council scholar获英国文化协会奖学金的学生.


   通病的英文:   common fault   参考例句:   Having limited outlook and being ignorantly boastful are common failings of the people in opposition to the reform.   坐井观天,夜郎自大,是反对改革的人的通病。   Street crime is virtually endemic in large cities.   街头犯罪近乎是大城市的"通病。    common是什么意思:   adj. 普通的;一般的;通常的;通俗的;公共的,共有的;共同的   n. 普通;平民;公共地   international common   国际公地   Commonness is happiness.   平凡是福。   A common danger causes common action   同仇敌忾   The series uses common components and common interior electronics.   该系列采用普通的元件和内部电子器件。   Common fame is liar   盛名之下,其实难副    fault是什么意思:   n. 缺点;毛病;故障;过错;发球失误;断层   v. 挑剔;弄错;产生断层   Justifying a fault doubles it   护短是加倍的错误   Every man has some fault.   人孰无过。   The mineralization is localized by faulting and shearing   矿化受断层和剪切带的控制。   But you cannot fault the logic.   但你不能弄错逻辑。   No fault can be attributed to him.   不能把错误归咎于他。

一个毛毯是必须有的 这句话用英文怎么说

A blanket is must happen


酒店各种房间房型及英文:标准房 Standard Room   高级房 Superior Room 豪华房 Deluxe Room单人房 Single  Room       双人房 Double Room   三人房 Triple Room商务房 Business Room    市景房 City-view Room 特价房 Special Promotion

想要两间相邻的房间 用英文怎么说 差

想要两间相邻的房间 Want two adjoining rooms注:adjoining 英 [ə"dʒɔɪnɪŋ] 美 [əˈdʒɔɪnɪŋ] adj. 毗连的,邻近的; v. 邻近,毗连( adjoin的现在分词 ); [例句]The street erupted in a huge explosion, with secondary explosions in the adjoining buildings

木匠 用英文怎么说?


形容词英语怎么读 形容词用英文怎么说

1、adjective,英式读音为:[ˈædʒɪktɪv],美式读音为:美[ˈædʒɪktɪv]。 2、adjective,英文单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意为“形容词的;从属的”,作名词时意为“形容词”。 3、短语搭配: (1)Adjective Clause 形容词从句;形容词子句;形容词性从句;形容词性子句 (2)possessive adjective 所有格形容词;衣帽存放处;号码;先生 (3)subsidiary adjective 辅助;补充的 (4)irrevocable adjective 不可撤销的 (5)ambitious adjective 有雄心;有大志 (6)manual adjective 手工的;体力的 4、例句: (1)I am using this adjective not without reason.我用这样的形容词不是没有理由的。 (2)This is an adjective which means being concealed on purpose or something other than what can be seen.这是一个形容词这意味着被隐藏的目的,或以外的其他什么可以看出。


Please don"t mix batches during use.


Deposit is 30% of the payment, the balance will be paid after delivery of the goods and the inspection is done and .


You must then bedridden for three days without eat greasy food


母乳喂养[词典] breast feeding;[例句]主流科学家宣称母乳喂养的婴儿更聪明。Leading scientists claim breast-fed babies are intellectually bright




何为“少女感”,媒体和网友又为何如此关注“少女感”? 一般来说,少女是指未成年的女孩,年龄大致在12-18岁之间。但是,“少女感”一词却不是用来形容少女的,而是表示女性元气饱满、靓丽青春、朝气蓬勃的状态,好似18岁的少女一样清新美好。 那么,在英语中应该如何表达 “少女感” 呢? Girlish 英文中,可以使用Girlish来形容“少女感”。 柯林斯词典中,Girlish的解释为“If you describe a woman as girlish, you mean she behaves, looks, or sounds like a young girl, for example because she is shy, excited, or lively. (Synonyms: youthful, feminine, childish).” 意为“像女孩子的;少女似的”。 ① She gave a littlegirlishgiggle.     她发出了一阵小女孩儿似的咯咯笑。② Agirlishgiggle that belies her 86 years.  她发出了少女般的笑声,完全听不出来已经86岁了。 Girlishness 为girlish的名词形式,可译作“少女感”。 类似的,可以使用boyish一词形容 “少年感” 。 Boyish ①boyishgood looks 小男孩般俊秀的外貌 ② At 45,he still had a trimboyishfigure.     45岁的他依然保持着男孩般匀称的身材。 “少女感”其实是一个美好的形容词,却在不断的人设营销中逐渐变了味。而这种对女性“少女感”的推崇也不禁让我们反思—— 只有“少女感”才能代表女性魅力吗? 答案当然是——NO! 法国著名演员伊莎贝尔·于佩尔(Isabelle Huppert)62岁凭借电影 Elle 再一次登上事业高峰,站在领奖台上的她,虽然脸上已经有了岁月的痕迹,青春不在,却释放出征服所有人的光彩。她说: “我们总是谈论女演员的悲剧命运。其实扼杀她们的不是电影,而是生活。(对于年龄认知的)愚昧是危险的,是我们生活噩梦的制造者……我们应该遵循自己的标准。难道你认为,作为女演员就必须始于15岁,终于20岁吗?” “We always talk about the tragic fate of actresses. It"s not movies that kill them, it"s life. Ignorance is dangerous and it"s the maker of nightmares. We should follow our own standards. Do you think that being an actress starts at 15 and ends at 20?” 在于佩尔身上,我们看到,她从来没有刻意去遮掩自己的皱纹和衰老,却依旧能让人感受到盎然的生命力,年岁的积淀让她的表演更加游刃有余,这是时间与皱纹馈赠给她的礼物。 著名电影演员惠英红曾在金像奖颁奖典礼上说:“我经历了20岁的风华正茂,30岁的落魄流离,50岁的我,仍能再获成功,这一切都是上天最好的安排。作为女人,我有自信,可以一直优雅老去。” 青春靓丽固然可喜,美人迟暮也并不需叹惜。作为女性,生命的每一个阶段都各有特色,童年的纯真、青春的活力、中年的优雅、老年的睿智,时间会赋予不同阶段以不同的魅力。 因此,少女感值得拥有,但绝不是女性唯一的魅力。 那么除了“girlish”,还能如何形容拥有多样魅力的女性们呢? 1 affectionate|关爱的;有爱心的 e.g. She was kind and affectionate, but very serious. 她仁慈,亲切,但非常严肃。 delicate  | 雅致的; 纤细的 e.g. The madam has a delicate type of beauty. 这位女士有一种纤细型的美。 2 3 glamorous |  富有魅力的; 独特的 e.g. For the lucky few, there"s the chance of being plucked from obscurity and thrown into the glamorous world of modelling. 只有极少数幸运儿才有机会从籍籍无名中脱颖而出,进入光鲜亮丽的模特圈。 sophisticated|精致 的;有品味的 e.g. I don"t think I have any books that would suit yoursophisticated tastes. 我认为我没有什么书能满足你那雅致的品位。 4 5 virtuous |有德行的;道德高尚的 e.g. She lived an entirely virtuous life. 她一生品行端正。 德国作家赫尔曼·黑塞(Hermann Hesse)在他78岁发表的散文《堤契诺之歌》中这样说道: “我比当年更优雅,更内敛,更深刻,更洗练,也更心存感激。我的眼光满足于所见事物,我学会了观察,世界也变美了。” “I am more delicate, more silent, more finely honed, better practiced, and more grateful. My eyes are satisfied with what exists, because they have learned to see. The world has become lovelier than before.” 任何年龄段都拥有着无法复刻的美丽 ,我们无须担心自己有一天会老去,那些因年龄而减损的,会由阅历增添更多魅力。




earn good marks; get good grades;

受益匪浅 英文怎么说?

You"ll benefit a lot from it.

受益匪浅 英文怎么说

受益匪浅benefit a lot from...

受益匪浅 英文怎么说?



black n.黑色, 黑颜料, 黑人adj.黑色的, 弄脏了的, 忧郁的vt.(使)变黑, 涂黑


adhesive tape

地址里的写字楼第几座 英文怎么说比如说A

building A - A号楼BLDG A - BLDG是building的缩写Building A 8th Floor Suite E - A号楼, 第八层,E 室或缩写为BLDG A 8TH FL STE E。 FL = Floor, STE = Suite


romantic [rE5mAntik] adj. 传奇式的, 浪漫的, 空想的, 夸大的 romantic ro.man.tic AHD:[r�0�5-m�0�5n“t�0�1k] D.J.[rou6m#ntik] K.K.[ro6m#nt!k] adj.(形容词) Of, relating to, or characteristic of romance. 传奇小说的:属于、有关或具有传奇故事色彩的 Given to thoughts or feelings of romance.See Synonyms at sentimental 浪曼的:赋予浪漫思想或感情的参见 sentimental Displaying, expressive of, or conducive to love: 罗曼蒂克的:显露、表现或传导爱情的: a romantic atmosphere. 罗曼蒂克的气氛 Imaginative but impractical; visionary: 幻想的:想象而不切实际的;梦想的: romantic notions. 异想天开的念头 Not based on fact; imaginary or fictitious: 虚构的:没有事实根据的;想象中的或不真实的: His memoirs were criticized as offering a fascinating but thoroughly romantic view of the past. 他的回忆录被指责为展示了过去美丽的向往但完全是虚构的 Often Romantic Of or characteristic of romanticism in the arts. 常作 Romantic 属于或具有浪漫主义特征的 n.(名词) A romantic person. 浪漫的人 Often Romantic A follower or adherent of romanticism. 常作 Romantic 浪漫主义者:浪漫主义的追随者或拥护者 French romantique 法语 romantique from obsolete romant [romance] 源自 废语 romant [浪漫故事] from Old French romans romant- [romance] * see romance 源自 古法语 romans romant- [浪漫故事] *参见 romance roman“tically adv.(副词) romantic [rE5mAntik] adj. 浪漫的, 风流的, 感情热烈的, 喜欢幻想的 传奇式的; 富有浪漫气氛的 空想的; 虚构的; 荒诞的; 夸大的 [常Romantic ]浪漫主义的, 浪漫派的 romantic tales [adventures] 传奇式的故事[冒险] romantic scenes 富于浪漫色彩的情景[景色] a romantic scheme 不现实的计划 a romantic report 夸大的报道 the romantic poets 浪漫派诗人 romantic [rE5mAntik] n. 浪漫主义者, 浪漫派诗人[艺术家] [pl. ]浪漫思想[行为]


译文:see you tomorrow。重点词汇:tomorrow英 [tə'mɒrəʊ]释义:adv 在明天,在明日;在未来n 明天,明日; 未来,来日(尤指不久的将来)[ 复数 tomorrows ]短语:A Better Tomorrow 英雄本色 ; 无敌者 ; 明天会更好 ; 无籍者扩展资料:重点词汇用法:Tomorrown (名词)1、tomorrow用作名词是“明天”的意思,可用在句首作主语,也可用其名词所有格作定语。2、on the tomorrow的意思是“明天,翌日”,指从过去某一天的角度来说的“明天,翌日”,句中的谓语动词常用过去时。3、tomorrow修饰morning,afternoon,evening等在句中作状语时前面不可加介词。4、tomorrow常用在谚语中。


my parents hope me to be a swimmer when i grow up over


Blooms are not the quality of care




坚持不懈adhere to sth. unremittingly; hold on consistently and persistently; unremitting:作坚持不懈的努力 make unremitting efforts只要你坚持不懈,你自会成功。 Persevere and you"ll succeed.广大劳动人民坚持不懈地进行斗争,终于迫使清政府不敢公然和帝国主义续订新约。 The broad working masses were undaunted, and persisted in their struggle with the result that the Qing government did not dare to conclude a new treaty with the imperialists.




Thanks for you attendance !


mid-term examination:期中考试mid-termadj. 期中的examination英 [ɪg,zæmɪ"neɪʃ(ə)n; eg-]  美 [ɪg"zæmə"neʃən] n. 考试;检查;查问扩展资料短语1、the mid-term examination 期中测验2、hold mid-term examination 举行期中考试3、In a mid-term examination 在一次期中考试双语例句1、You must revise your English for the mid-term examination. 你必须为准备期中测验复习英语。2、Jim boasted that the mid-term examination was as easy as ABC to him . 吉姆夸口本次期中考试对他来说可谓小菜一碟。3、You did very well in all your subjects, in other words, you passed the mid-term examination. 你各科都做得很好,换句话说,你通过了考试。4、There is no mid-term examination, but unannounced quizzes on the reading assignments and films are always possible. 本课程不安排期中考试,但通常会不定时地安排一些关于阅读作业或影片的小考。5、Will soon for the mid-term examination, the old proverb: "that"s fast also, light." 马上就要进行期中考试了,俗语说:“临阵磨枪,不快也光。”

神 用英文怎么说

God 就是上帝的意思 咱们一般用小写的god来表示神




宝宝喝奶用的奶瓶,用英文怎么说?根据我们的Chinglish思维,肯定脱口而出:milk bottle! 然后上维基百科上搜了一下milk bottle的解释。。。 Milk bottles are bottles used for milk. They may be reusable glass bottles used mainly for doorstep delivery of fresh milk by milkmen. 也就是说,milk bottle其实是指下面这种装牛奶的瓶子: 那么,奶瓶用英文应该怎么说呢?正确的翻译是baby bottle,参见维基百科的解释: A baby bottle is a bottle with a teat (also called a nipple in the US) to drink directly from. It is typically used by infants and young children, or if someone cannot (as conveniently) drink from a cup, for feeding oneself or being fed. 另外,奶瓶上的奶嘴,英国人一般叫teat,老美一般用nipple这个词比较多。


make full use of the papers


  很多人只知道充足的英文是enough,其实除了enough,充足的英文还有adequate、sufficient等单词。下面是我为你整理的充足的英文,希望大家喜欢!   充足的英文   1.adequate   2.sufficient   3.abundant   4.ample   5.enough   6.plenty   adequate的常见用法   用作形容词   用作定语   ~+ n.   There was adequate rain and snow last winter.   去年冬天雨雪充足。   You ought to take adequate measures.   你应该采取适当的措施。   n. +~   They had money adequate for the cost of the journey.   他们的钱足够这次旅行的费用。   We found a solution adequate to the problem.   我们找到了解决这个问题的适当方法。   用作表语   S+be+~   The council"s provision for the elderly is barely adequate.   理事会对老年人的条款规定不充分。   S+be+~+ prep. -phrase   Is your time adequate for it?   你有足够的时间做此事吗?   The food is adequate for all of us.   这些食物足够我们大家吃的。   This is adequate for the purpose.   这足以达到目的。   sufficient的用法   用作形容词   用作定语   ~+ n.   We have gained sufficient experience to tackle this problem.   我们已经有了足够的经验来处理这个问题。   用作表语   S+be+~   A word to the wise is sufficient.   心有灵犀者一点就通。   S+be+~+ prep .-phrase   His income is sufficient for his needs.   他的收入能满足他的需要。   S+be+~+to- v   The rain was not sufficient to do any harm.




  汉语解释:摄影术传入中国之前,人们是靠“影像铺”这样的店家用传统的画像 方法 描绘自己的容貌。当时画人叫“小照”,画亡灵为“影像”。摄影术传入中国后,人们把这两个词连起来称为“照相”。想知道照相的英文怎么说吗?   照相[zhào xiàng]   照相的英文释义:   take a picture ; take pictures ; have one"s picture taken ; take photographs   网 络take pictures;take photos;photography;take a picture   照相的英文例句:   我买不起像特德那样的照相机。这要花好大一笔钱。   I can"t possibly afford to buy a camera like Ted"s. It costs the earth.   拍照时照相机不要晃。   Try not to jerk the camera when taking a photograph.   我可以给你照相吗? 照相的英文怎么说   May I take a picture of you?   轮流一个电影的卷物和你的照相机并且出去而且照相你看的。   Take a roll of film and your camera and go outside and photograph what you see.   他们到照相馆去照相。   They go to the studio to have their photo take.   照相平版印刷品由照相平版术制成的照片   A picture made by photolithography.   他们到照相馆去照相   They go to the studio to have their photo taken.   他和新婚妻子来到照相馆照相。   He came to the photo studio with his newly married wife.   在照相前,他调整了快门。   He adjusted the shutter before taking a photo.   1. I hate being photographed. 我讨厌 照相 。   2. For flash photography, set the aperture at f.5.6. 用闪光 照相 ,要把光圈孔径定为5.6。   3. They were photographed separately and then as a group. 他们先单独 照相 ,然后合影。   4. The camera just came apart the first time I used it. 我第一次使用这台照相机时,它就裂开了.   5. When it comes to photography, I"m not an adept. 要说 照相 , 我不是内行.   6. The family was grouped together for the photograph. 全家人聚在一起 照相 .   7. He is disinclined to be photographed. 他不情愿被人 照相 .   8. It"s getting too dark to take photographs. 对 照相 来说天太暗了.   9. The photographer priced himself out of the market and had to change his job. 摄影师要价太高,没有人来 照相 ,他不得不换工作.   10. He said photography and life in general were a lot like that. 他说 照相 ,还有整个人生都是这样的.   11. He sold the house and bought first - class equipment with the money. 他把那小房子买了,用那笔钱买了一套上好的 照相 器材.   12. She disengaged the film advance mechanism on the camera. 她松开了 照相 机上的送片装置。   13. The inventor of the daguerreotype is a French artist. 银版 照相 的发明者是位法国艺术家。   14. Of special interest is the photographic determination of altitudes of lunarformation. 最有趣的是用 照相 来测定月面结构物的高度.   15. The photographer posed the family before taking the picture. 摄影师在 照相 前先让一家子摆好姿势.   16. The joint use of professional photographic laboratories rarely works out well. 和职业 照相 室合用一间暗房是做不出什么好成绩来的.   17. She snatched the album from him and shut it with a bang. 她从他那儿抢过了 照相 本,砰的一声合上了.   18. Permanent floodlight to be used in photographical work should also beinstalled. 还应安装 照相 用的永久性聚光灯.   19. He also discovered how to take pictures using a short exposure. 他又发现了短暂曝光 照相 法.   20. Ions of different isotopes converge at different points on the photographicplate. 在 照相 底板上不同的同位素的离子会聚于不同点.



你为什么那么强英文怎么说 最通顺

Why you are so great!


“对您造成的不便我深感抱歉”用英文怎么说, 如何用英语说“对您造成的不便我深感抱歉”? 1、i"m very sorry for the inconvenience of what we give you 2、I"m sorry for bothering you 3、Inconvenience caused to you I am deeply sorry 4、i am really sorry for troubling you 5、I am deeply sorry for your inconvenience caused by me. 6、I feel so sorry that made you unfotable. 7、Creates to you inconveniences me to deeply feel the regret 8、"We apologize for the inconvenience" 给贵司造成的不便,我司深感抱歉的英文怎么说 Inconvenient creates which for the expensive department, our pany deeply feels the regret 为此给您带来的不便深感抱歉 英文怎么讲? Sorry for my bothering. 求大神翻译成英语: 对此带来的不便我深感抱歉 I feel deeply regreted for the inconvenience. 对由次带来的不便深感抱歉 愿这一年不再蹉跎,不再为一点小事伤心动怒,也不再为一些小人愤愤不平。失败不可怕,怕的是没有尽力,学会独立,告别依赖,对软弱的自己说再见,从容面对生活。踏实一些,你想要的,岁月统统会还给你。人生苦短,不必遗憾,若是美好,叫做精彩,若是糟糕,叫做经历。忘却一切烦恼,开心度过每一天。 给你们造成的不便我深表歉意! 用英语怎么说? I"m terribly sorry for the inconveniences it has caused to you. 由于网路问题而对您造成的不便我们表示十分歉意!请帮忙翻成英文,谢谢!急! 问题:应该是inconvenience !brought 比impose 好点,口语化而且包含广阔。 We are very sorry about the inconvenience we brought you due to the neork problems. 抱歉,英文怎么说? I"m sorry. So sorry, I"m very/really/terribly/awfully/extremely sorry.(十分抱歉) 我对此真的十分抱歉。 I"m sorry about that. 我感到十分抱歉. I am terribly sorry for it. 还有劳驾,不好意思,抱歉excuse me 深感抱歉Much to my regret


anti-crease device

女贼用英文怎么说 他的复数是什么 单数好像是woman thief

women thieves都采取复数,仅限于man、woman作修饰时这么用 比如女学生的复数只能是girl students而非girls students 仅供参考!





“清闲的,悠闲的” 英文怎么说?要高级一点的词汇,free什么的不算.

清闲的,悠闲的 at leisure leisurely carefree easygoing idyllic 供参
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