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whispering eyes歌词

歌曲名:Whispering....歌手:Comedian Harmonists专辑:Greatest Hits Vol. 2Evanescence - WhisperCatch me as I fallSay you"re here and it"s all over nowSpeaking to the atmosphereNo one"s here and I fall into myselfThis truth drives meInto madnessI know I can stop the painIf I will it all awayIf I will it all awayDon"t turn away(Don"t give in to the pain)Don"t try to hide(Though they"re screaming your name)Don"t close your eyes(God knows what lies behind them)Don"t turn out the light(Never sleep never die)I"m frightened by what I seeBut somehow I knowThat there"s much more to comeImmobilized by my fearAnd soon to beBlinded by tearsI can stop the painIf I will it all awayIf I will it all awayDon"t turn away(Don"t give in to the pain)Don"t try to hide(Though they"re screaming your name)Don"t close your eyes(God knows what lies behind them)Don"t turn out the light(Never sleep never die)Fallen angels at my feetWhispered voices at my earDeath before my eyesLying next to me I fearShe beckons meShall I give inUpon my end shall I beginForsaking all I"ve fallen forI rise to meet my endDon"t turn away(Don"t give in to the pain)Don"t try to hide(Though they"re screaming your name)Don"t close your eyes(God knows what lies behind them)Don"t turn out the light(Never sleep never die)

Merry me! Yes,I do 怎么翻译2


求暮光之城原声eyes on the fire ,possibility和leave out all the rest 歌词!!!

这首歌我第一次听是在电视剧《CSI拉斯维加斯第九季》I dreamed I was missing,我梦见我失去了踪影You were so scared.你恐惧万分But no one would listen但没有人愿意听你说"Cause no one else cared.因为没有别人在乎After my dreaming,当梦境中止I woke with this fear.恐惧依然没有消散What am I leaving,如果我要离开这世界When I am done here?我该怎么面对我所做的一切So if you"re asking me I want you to know;所以如果你问我 我想让你知道的是When my time comes,当我的大限到来之时Forget the wrong that I"ve done.请忘记我曾犯过的错Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed.帮我留下让人想念的理由And don"t resent me,不要怨恨我And when you"re feeling empty,当你感觉空虚之时Keep me in your memory.请将我保存在你的记忆里Leave out all the rest.其余的不重要Leave out all the rest...其余的不重要...Don"t be afraid,不要害怕I"ve taken my beating我已调整好我的节奏I"ve shared what I made我已分享我的成果I"m strong on the surface,表面上我是如此坚强Not all the way through.其实却并非一直如此I"ve never been perfect,我从不是完美的But neither have you.但你也一样So if you"re asking me I want you to know;所以如果你问我 我想让你知道的是When my time comes,当我的大限到来之时Forget the wrong that I"ve done.请忘记我曾犯过的错Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed.帮我留下让人想念的理由And don"t resent me,不要怨恨我And when you"re feeling empty,当你感觉空虚之时Keep me in your memory.请将我保存在你的记忆里Leave out all the rest.其余的不重要Leave out all the rest...其余的不重要...Leave out all the rest...其余的不重要...Forgetting All the hurt inside you"ve learned to hide so well.遗忘所有小心隐藏起来的伤痛Pretending Someone else can come and save me from myself.假装有人可以帮我拯救自己 I can"t be who you are...我不能够成为你When my time comes,当我的大限到来之时Forget the wrong that I"ve done.请忘记我曾犯过的错Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed.帮我留下让人想念的理由And don"t resent me,不要怨恨我And when you"re feeling empty,当你感觉空虚之时Keep me in your memory.请将我保存在你的记忆里Leave out all the rest.其余的不重要Leave out all the rest...其余的不重要...Forgetting All the hurt inside you"ve learned to hide so well.遗忘所有已经小心隐藏起来的伤痛Pretending Someone else can come and save me from myself.假装有人可以帮我拯救自己 I can"t be who you are,我不能够成为你I can"t be who you are...我不是你...

帮我看一下这段话有没有错。my favorite animal is a cat .its very cute .its eyes are very big.

你那个 Its 貌似没打飘

猜一猜的英文l look like a cat,but lam not a cat. l am strong.lhave big eyes and a long tail


my money’s on yes.

my money"s on yes.翻译:我的钱是肯定的。


I ate an apple yesterday.后面的,把an apple适当替换就ok

Look,there is a cat.____(it)eyes are big.


the cats have big eyes 为什么cat后加s



eye指“眼睛”,是可数名词,为单数,eyes是复数形式,所以谓语用复数形式are; nose指“鼻子”,也是可数名词,为单数,所以谓语动词用单数形式is. o(∩_∩)o...,没关系啊,做家长的也不是全能啊,很羡慕现在的家长能够和孩子一起学习,一起成长啊!现在的小孩就是幸福啊!

後藤真希的《Eyes》 歌词

歌曲名:Eyes歌手:後藤真希专辑:爱言叶「EYES」作词∶BOO作曲∶饭冈隆志歌∶後藤真希すべり込んだ今夜 止まり降りたベースラインうねる鼓动 ざわめく肌 軽い期待にわたしにはわかる あるがままのフィーリン飞び越えた リズムがいま 高鸣り弾けたらEYES まだまだ 刹那スピードをアゲルならLOVE 视线を 大胆に感じLIES しぐさで ハート 巻き上げたトルネイド眠らない街 见つめる瞳「かまわないの」なんて 闻かずに夺ってよ强引な落とし方で 満たされたいの本気のまなざし くちびるの诱惑駆け上がる 胸の奥を 踊らせ 重ねたらEYES まだまだ 知らないわたしをアゲルからLOVE アナタも 最高潮に感じTIGHT 近づく ハート みなぎってボルケイノまわした腕 见つめる瞳求めてる、もっと奥に、そうCRAZY合図 见抜いて 二人が近づくタイミングGAME ルールはわたし次第RISE まだまだ 刹那スピードがアガルまだLOVE アナタを 最高潮に感じEYES トドメの 言叶言わせたい気分なの络めた指 见つめる瞳ララ EYES ララ EYES【 おわり 】


eyes [英]"au026az [美]"au026az n. 眼睛( eye的名词复数 );视力;眼状物;风纪扣扣眼 eye [英]au026a [美]au026a n. 眼睛;视力;眼状物;风纪扣扣眼 vt. 定睛地看;注视;审视;细看


eyes on me


eyes读音发音英语:[au026az]。eyes英[au026az]美[au026az]。1、词典:eye的第三人称单数和复数。2、例句:1、Dontstrainyoureyesbyreadinginpoorlight.别在光线差的地方看书把眼睛给伤了。2、My eyes were straining to see through the murk of the rainy evening.我努力透过昏暗的雨夜张望。3、He gave his eyes time to adjust to the thickness of the fog.他等了一会儿才使眼睛适应了浓雾。4、When I read about his arrest my eyes popped out on stalks.当我从报纸上看到他被捕的消息时,我简直傻了眼。5、Icould see his eyes shining in the light of the fire.我能看见他的眼睛在火光前闪闪发亮。6、Over the next few weeks all eyes will be on the pound.今后几周里,英镑将是公众关注的焦点。




1、eyes英[a?z]美[a?z]。2、n.眼睛; 有…眼睛的; 有…只眼的; 视力; 眼力;3、v.注视; 审视; 细看;4、[词典]eye的第三人称单数和复数;5、[例句]Dont strain your eyes by reading in poor light.别在光线差的地方看书把眼睛给伤了。6、[其他]原型: eye。


是[ais] 这个是看发音音素,在清辅音后发/s/ ,在浊辅音后发/z/. 清辅音:送气强,声带不振动.浊辅音:几乎不送气,声带振动.(送气指从喉咙向口外送出气流) 以下是成对的辅音,前清后浊(你可以试试它们的区别,比如b和p,它们发音的口型、舌位、唇形都是完全一样的,但是你如果声带不振动,怎么都只能发出p,如果振动了,你会发现就是b):p b t d k g t∫ dз f v θ δ s z ∫ з 以下是单个的辅音:h 轻辅音 r 浊辅音 m,n,浊辅音,鼻音 l 浊辅音,舌侧音以下的非清浊辅音,只是辅音:w,j 半元音,介于元音与辅音之间(元音仅声带振动,无气流与发音器官的摩擦,气流不受阻碍;辅音有摩擦,气流受阻碍.而半元音既振动又摩擦).前面加辅音的辅音改变的是:/p/在s后浊化成/b/,如spring,speak,space;/t/在s后浊化成/d/,如stay,stand,steady.另外,美语中,如果/t/出现在非重读音节中,且位于两个元音中间时,也要读成/d/,这是美音和英音的重要区别之一.比如water,forty,better./k/在s后浊化成/g/,如sky,skate,skull.“跟在元音后面的”我不知道你指的是什么,如果是双元音,可以说是元音后面跟了另一个元音,这样的话仍然不变;如果是辅音跟在元音后面,那么所有辅音中,只有一个读音要改变,就是舌侧音l:l在元音前,称清晰舌侧音,此时舌尖抵上齿龈,舌前部向硬腭抬起使气流从舌的两侧泻出.发音时声带振动,是浊辅音,如land; l在辅音前或者元音后、词的末尾,是含糊舌侧音.舌尖紧贴上齿龈,舌前下陷,舌后上抬,舌面形成凹形,气流在凹形中产生共鸣,发音响亮.比如:ball,fulfil 这里[ai]没震动声带,发[s]的音




英[au026az]。美[au026az]。释义:n.眼睛(eye的复数)。n. (Eyes)人名;(英)艾斯。例句:His eyes glittered with greed.他眼睛里闪现出贪婪的神色。近义词:eyesight英/u02c8au026asau026at /美/u02c8au026asau026at /n.目力,视力短语1、poor eyesight视力差;视力很差;视力不佳;视物不清或夜盲。2、failure of eyesight视力减退;目力减退;目力消退。




eyes 英["au026az] 美["au026az] n. 眼睛( eye的名词复数 ); 视力; 眼状物; 风纪扣扣眼; [例句]Something has got into my eyes.我眯了眼了。[其他] 原型: eye


so easy




eyes[英]["au026az][美]["au026az]n.眼睛( eye的名词复数 );视力;眼状物;风纪扣扣眼双语例句1.She had bleary red eyes from lack of sleep.她由于缺乏睡眠而双眼昏花,布满血丝。2.He smiled, his eyes crinkling .他眯着眼睛笑了。3.Ruth was the cynosure of all eyes.鲁思吸引了所有的目光。4.She dabbed her eyes and blew her nose.她轻轻擦了几下眼睛,擤了擤鼻涕。5.After a few minutes our eyes got used to the darkness.几分钟后我们的眼睛就适应了黑暗。


蓝天u 忽醒忽睡, 我又e挣扎q了z一j夜。 窗外透进, 几m丝光线, 空荡的房间, 留著你的照片8。 幸福的感觉, 索然无o味。 无u心2唱歌, 却又k拨断琴弦。 所有的事, 留给明天m。 感情的善变, 挖空心6思遮掩。 谁能用真心6, 说抱歉。 我陷在爱里面, 渐渐疲惫的脸。 彷佛是退不d出, 又h走不i进你的世界。 我陷在爱里面, 是谁停住时间。 越过了l重重的心7墙, 有一v整片4蓝天e。 就陷在爱里面, 一x张无v辜的脸。 彷佛是退不o出, 又k走不q进你的世界。 我陷在爱里面, 谁停住了q时间。 越过了k重重的心1墙, 有一x整片6蓝天h。 wぁy姬jeΞs选m亍m亍v




人的眼睛一个分为8种颜色,其中世界上最多的眼睛颜色分别是棕色(55%至79%),蓝色(8%至10%),淡褐色(5%),琥珀色(5%),绿色(2%),灰色(<1%),紫色或红色(<1%),异色(<1%)。黑色:这个最多,中国人大多是黑眼睛,还有非洲人蓝色:欧美人绿色 :绿色眼睛多见于北欧人棕色:亚洲人种为棕色和深棕色褐色:亚洲人种黄琥珀色: 亚洲人种灰色 : 欧美人等浅紫色:紫色很少见,著名演员伊丽莎白.泰勒就以其紫眼闻名




Rogue Wave--Eyes 游逛着——眼睛Missed the last train home, 错过了最后一班火车回家Birds pass by to tell me that I"m not alone. 鸟儿飞过,告诉我并不孤独Overpushing myself to finish this part,一切都似乎在逼我赶紧结束 Handle a lot, 有太多烦人的琐事要处理One I thing I miss,有样东西,我已经失去It"s in your eyes, 我能看到,它在你的双眼中In your eyes (6) 在你的双眼中Have you seen this film?你看过这部电影吗? It reminds me of walking through the avenues. 它让我回想起往昔一幅幅画面:在林荫大道上散步Washing my hands, 清洗双手Attachment scared,惊吓 Land on the Ground,回归现实One thing I miss, 有样东西,我已经失去It"s in your eyes,我能看到,它在你的双眼中 In your eyes (6)在你的双眼中 ps: Attachment scared,这句不是很懂

eyes是什么意思 英语eyes是什么意思

1、eyes意思:n. 眼睛(eye的复数);n. (Eyes)人名;(英)艾斯。 2、例句:He ran his eyes down the page and found his name at last.他的眼睛顺着这一页往下看,终于找到了他的名字。


  eyes /au026az/ n. 眼睛(eye的复数)  /au026a/:与 汉语拼音 ai 相同 。  /z/:与 /s/ 相对应 的 浊辅音,发音口型 完全 和 /s/ 相同,发音 时 声带需 震动。




eye的复数,眼睛的意思如:Her eyes are very beautiful 她的眼睛非常漂亮


eyes [英]["au026az][美]["au026az] n. 眼睛( eye的名词复数 );视力;眼状物;风纪扣扣眼 双语例句 1. She had bleary red eyes from lack of sleep. 她由于缺乏睡眠而双眼昏花,布满血丝. 2. He smiled,his eyes crinkling . 他眯着眼睛笑了. 3. Ruth was the cynosure of all eyes. 鲁思吸引了所有的目光. 4. She dabbed her eyes and blew her nose. 她轻轻擦了几下眼睛,擤了擤鼻涕. 5. After a few minutes our eyes got used to the darkness. 几分钟后我们的眼睛就适应了黑暗.

John Tesh的《Angel Eyes》 歌词

歌曲名:Angel Eyes歌手:John Tesh专辑:Power Of Love Vol. 1Angel EyesShe blinded me with her lightIt"s such a beautiful sightThe way she moves like an angelShe"s got me walking on airAngel eyesRays of hope that hypnotiseThey"re a blessing in disguiseLightning up my lifeWe can playin our secret hideawayWe can go there everydayTime is on our sideChorus: She blinded me with her lightIt"s such a beautiful sightThe way she moves like an angelShe"s got me walking on airAngel eyesThere will be no compromisenow that I have realisedwhat they mean to meOh year...Chorus: She blinded me with her lightIt"s such a beautiful sightThe way she moves like an angelShe"s got me walking on airShe brought heaven to mejust like a symphonyThe way she talks like an angelA language out of this worldI"m not a superstitious mindnot the spiritual kindBut she became a revalation to meShe made me believeChorus: She blinded me with her lightIt"s such a beautiful sightThe way she moves like an angelShe"s got me walking on airShe brought heaven to mejust like a symphonyThe way she talks like an angelA language out of this worldOutro:She"s the sun that makes the rainbowShe"s the blue sky when it"s cloudy in my mindShe"s the thunder, she"s the lightningShe"s the weather that keeps blowing troughout timeShe"s the sun that makes the rainbowShe"s the blue sky when it"s cloudy in my mind(Music: Jascha Richter and Remee. Words: Ashley Mulford)

Her mother is of mixed blood.So she has brown hair but black eyes and yellow skin.


the abyss of your eyes 歌词

歌曲名:the abyss of your eyes歌手:Stratovarius专辑:visions(Tolkki/Kotipelto)I feel like I"m drowningTrying to catch my breathDon"t know what is happeningThere"s no sense of timeDeep underneath my skinFeeling the pain within hear my cryI feel drawn towards you can"t resistI don"t know whyMy life is changing I cannot recallStratovariusWhere I"ve been before - the abyss of your eyesMeaning so much more, am I losing my mindThe sun isn"t shiningBut your eyes light my wayI"ve found what I"ve been searching forMy love won"t go astrayDeep underneath my skinFeeling the pain within hear my cry (hear my cry)I feel drawn towards you can"t resistI don"t know why (I don"t know why)My life is changing I cannot recallWhere I"ve been before - The abyss of your eyesThe sun isn"t shiningBut your eyes light my wayI"ve found what I"ve been searching forMy love won"t go astraySo many years my drifting heart has wandered aroundDon"t turn on me won"t you stay by my sideMy life is changing I cannot recallWhere I"ve been before - The abyss of your eyesMeaning so much more, am I losing my mindWhere I"ve been before - The abyss of your eyesMeaning so much more, am I losing my mindWhere I"ve been before - The abyss of your eyesMeaning so much more, am I losing my mind

yes,daddy,i promise课文译文




You are the apple of my eyes是什么意思?出自哪里?

You are the apple of my eyes.你是我最珍贵的人。  "apple of one"s eye" 这一词最早出现於圣经里:诗篇17:8:Keep me as the "apple of the eye" , hide me under the shadow of thy wings;《申命记》三十三章的第十节:In a desert land he found him, in a barren and howling waste. He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the "apple of his eye"。  跟东方一样,在西方,人们也一直都把苹果视为一种吉祥的水果。不是还有另一句英文谚语:"An apple a day, keeps doctor away"。所以"apple of one"s eye"就是指「珍贵的东西」,也就常被引申为「珍爱的人或物」。  所以说You are the apple of my eye,意思就是指说:你是我的挚爱,或是同等意思。请采纳

you are the apple of my eyes 什么意思


you are the apple of my eyes到底什么意思

apple of one"s eye这是一个名词短语,其历史比较久远,在西方国家甚至非英语国家也有类似的说法.苹果在西方人的心目中是一种像征吉祥的水果.他们认为苹果可以给人带来好运.常食苹果可以使人身体健康.英语中与苹果有关的短语很多.如人人都知道的谚语 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.(一天一苹果,医生远离我.)就说明了西方人对苹果的珍视.由于以上的原因,人们就用 apple of one"s eye 这一短语来表达这样的意思:something or someone that is adored; a cherished person or object,汉语的意思就是『珍贵的人或物』.e.g.Charles is the apple of his mother"s are the apple of my eyes意思是你是我的珍宝

you are the apple in my eyes..更深的意思是什么?

在我眼中你就是苹果:你是我心中最珍贵的人 "apple of one"s eye" 这一词最早出现於圣经里:诗篇17:8:Keep me as the "apple of the eye" ,hide me under the shadow of thy wings;《申命记》三十三章的第十节:In a desert land he found him,in a barren and howling waste.He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the "apple of his eye".   跟东方一样,在西方,人们也一直都把苹果视为一种吉祥的水果.不是还有另一句英文谚语:"An apple a day,keeps doctor away".所以"apple of one"s eye"就是指「珍贵的东西」,也就常被引申为「珍爱的人或物」.   所以说You are the apple of my eye,意思就是指说:你是我的挚爱,或是同等意思.

You are the apple of my eyes 是什么意思?


you are the apple of my eyes 什么意思啊


You are the apple of my eyes.的来历

这个说法在《圣经》中屡次出现,中文版翻译成“眼中的瞳仁”。例如诗篇17:8:Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings,求你保护我,如同保护眼中的瞳仁。将我隐藏在你翅膀的荫下, 所以:You are the apple of my eyes直译:你是我眼中的瞳仁。引申:你是我心中挚爱。 参考资料:

You are the apple of my eyes.这是什么意思?


with his eyes focused on中为什么要用focused,而不是用focusing


一首男声英文歌 歌词高潮有i love you yes i do 这是哪一首啊?


东方神起Clap、Deakness eyes、Trick、Together、五束线的中文歌词

去下载有中文字幕的MV啊~~~ 或者演唱会上都有中字的~~~ 告诉你个博客~ 你要是喜欢神起 你也一定会喜欢这博客的

接到上级命令以后除了说yes sir以外还可以说什么??

yes madam

YES NO N/A 里面的N/A是什么意思?

not available.


反意疑问句的回答用yes或no,但是当陈述部分是否定式,疑问部分是肯定式时,答语中使用yes或no则应根据事实来决定。事实是肯定的用yes,事实是否定的就用no。如:They don"t work hard, do they?他们工作不太努力,是吗?Yes, they do. 不,他们工作努力。No,they don"t. 是的,他们工作不努力。注意答语中不可出现:Yes, they don"t.或No, they do.等类似的答语。反义疑问句类型1、陈述部分的主语是I,疑问部分要用aren"t I.、如:I"m as tall as your sister, aren"t I?2、陈述部分的谓语是wish,疑问部分要用may+主语。如:I wish to have a word with you, may I?3、陈述部分用no, nothing, nobody, never, few, seldom, hardly, rarely, little等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定含义。如:The Swede made no answer, did he/she?Some plants never blown(开花), do they?4、含有oughtto的反意疑问句,陈述部分是肯定的,疑问部分用shouldn"t/oughtn"t+主语。如:He ought to know what to do,oughtn"t he?/shouldn"t he?5、陈述部分有have to+v.(had to+v.),疑问部分常用don"t+主语(didn"t+主语)。如:We have to get there at eight tomorrow, don"t we?6、陈述部分的谓语是usedto时,疑问部分用didn"t+主语或usedn"t+主语。如:He used to take pictures there, didn"t he?/usedn"t he?


反意疑问句的回答用yes或no,但是当陈述部分是否定式,疑问部分是肯定式时,答语中使用yes或no则应根据事实来决定。事实是肯定的用yes,事实是否定的就用no。如:They don"t work hard, do they?他们工作不太努力,是吗?Yes, they do. 不,他们工作努力。No,they don"t. 是的,他们工作不努力。注意答语中不可出现:Yes, they don"t.或No, they do.等类似的答语。反义疑问句类型1、陈述部分的主语是I,疑问部分要用aren"t I.、如:I"m as tall as your sister, aren"t I?2、陈述部分的谓语是wish,疑问部分要用may+主语。如:I wish to have a word with you, may I?3、陈述部分用no, nothing, nobody, never, few, seldom, hardly, rarely, little等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定含义。如:The Swede made no answer, did he/she?Some plants never blown(开花), do they?4、含有oughtto的反意疑问句,陈述部分是肯定的,疑问部分用shouldn"t/oughtn"t+主语。如:He ought to know what to do,oughtn"t he?/shouldn"t he?5、陈述部分有have to+v.(had to+v.),疑问部分常用don"t+主语(didn"t+主语)。如:We have to get there at eight tomorrow, don"t we?6、陈述部分的谓语是usedto时,疑问部分用didn"t+主语或usedn"t+主语。如:He used to take pictures there, didn"t he?/usedn"t he?


反意疑问句的回答用yes或no,但是当陈述部分是否定式,疑问部分是肯定式时,答语中使用yes或no则应根据事实来决定。事实是肯定的用yes,事实是否定的就用no。如:They don"t work hard, do they?他们工作不太努力,是吗?Yes, they do. 不,他们工作努力。No,they don"t. 是的,他们工作不努力。注意答语中不可出现:Yes, they don"t.或No, they do.等类似的答语。反义疑问句类型1、陈述部分的主语是I,疑问部分要用aren"t I.、如:I"m as tall as your sister, aren"t I?2、陈述部分的谓语是wish,疑问部分要用may+主语。如:I wish to have a word with you, may I?3、陈述部分用no, nothing, nobody, never, few, seldom, hardly, rarely, little等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定含义。如:The Swede made no answer, did he/she?Some plants never blown(开花), do they?4、含有oughtto的反意疑问句,陈述部分是肯定的,疑问部分用shouldn"t/oughtn"t+主语。如:He ought to know what to do,oughtn"t he?/shouldn"t he?5、陈述部分有have to+v.(had to+v.),疑问部分常用don"t+主语(didn"t+主语)。如:We have to get there at eight tomorrow, don"t we?6、陈述部分的谓语是usedto时,疑问部分用didn"t+主语或usedn"t+主语。如:He used to take pictures there, didn"t he?/usedn"t he?

It was very hot yesterday, but it is _______ today. 请问这里为什么不能用much more hot?


Yes,he is very hot。的对应提问是什么?

这句话的对应提问句子应该是下边这个。Is he very hot?这个英文句子的意思是:他很热吗?希望能够帮到你,祝你学习进步。

the cats have big eyes用the cat改写?

The cat has big eyes.

they cat have a big eyes对吗?

the cat have two big eyes改丿错


求keep eyes on与keep an eye on的区别

没有这种词组:keep eyes on 但有这个词组:keep one"s eyes open/peeled 固定词组;keep an eye on sth/sb. "留意某物,照看某物"

My Eyes 歌词翻译

my eye我的眼睛life of agony 苦闷的生活A little older, a little wiser 更成熟一点,更有学问一点With every breath I learn just a little more我每次呼吸都能学到更多And with all I"ve seen , I"ve finally made up my mind并且用我所看到的一切,我终于做出了决定Enough of this world受够了这个世界Enough blood in these eyes这些眼睛里有太多的血So, so, so sick of this life对生命这么这么这么这么的厌恶It"s about time that I realized。Release this hate from inside到了我发觉要将所讨厌的释放出来的时候Enough blood in my eyes我的眼里有太多的血Call it what you will随你把这叫做什么Call it suicide把它叫做自杀Disregard how you feel不理睬你自己的感觉I"m just freeing my mind我不过是在解放我的思想Clench my teeth as I sleep我睡觉的时候咬牙切齿So so so sick of this life对生命这么这么这么这么的厌恶Cannot take, cannot fake不能承受,不能假装Can"t shake this blood from these eyes不能将血从这些眼睛中甩去All I have and all I will be我有的一切和我将来会变成的Nevertheless I"ll live for all eternity虽然如此,我会永远的活着"Cause you can"t erase my words, can"t erase my mind因为你不能把我的话擦去,不能把我的思想擦去You can"t wipe out my thoughts你不能把我的想法抹去Can"t shake this blood in my eyes不能将血从我的眼中甩去So so so don"t even try所以所以所以就连试都不要试 Just give me one good reason to live只要给我一个很好的活着的理由I"ll give you three to die我数到三你就得死Let"s leave this world behind我们把这个世界留在身后吧

"do you marry me?" "yes,l do."


“how would I say mine eyes be blessed”出自哪里?

How would I say mine eyes be blessed made.该如何表达,何其幸运My looking on thee in the living day.明亮的双眼,能够在灿烂白昼中将你凝望Of all days are nights to see till I see thee.不能将你凝望,则生命沉入永夜The night days when dreams do showthee me.若在梦中出现,永夜就化为晴日Will you marry me?你愿意嫁给我吗?- - 刚看了小时代4,唔……我也特别喜欢这段话的,采纳哈。

你愿意嫁给我吗 她回答 yes i do 前面是Do you marry me ?还是Will you marry me?

应该是:Do you marry me ?记得采纳啊

"Will you marry me? "可以用"yes.I do"回答不?还是必须要用"yes.I will"回答才可以


为什么Will you marry me的对答是Yes,I do而不是Yes,I will


Do you like sausages?回答为什么是yes,I do.而不是yes,I like.

His eyes are filled with tears filled能不能改成filling


USB Flash disk Tyest是什么意思


yes,go ahead.可以用于回答什么问题.

Go ahead 1.有下列几种常用的用法 2.继续.3.上!上!上 4.随便你 5.去吧 Go ahead.1.继续.2.老师说 3.催促对方说话或行动时.4.您请

The boy is enjoying the sunshine with eyes_____


英语美文:善意的眼神(Eyes of Kindness)

  It was a bitter cold evening in northern Virginia many years ago. The old man"s beard was glazed by winter"s frost while he waited for a ride across the river. The wait seemed endless. His body became numb and stiff from the frigid north wind.   多年前,在北弗吉尼亚的一个寒冷夜晚,一位老人正等着有人把他带过河,他的胡子已经被这冬日的严寒冻得像块玻璃了。这种等待好像遥遥无期。他的身体在这寒冷的北风中被冻得麻木而僵硬。   He heard the faint, steady rhythm of approaching hooves galloping along the frozen path. Anxiously, he watched as several horsemen rounded the bend. He let the first one passed by without any effort to get his attention, then another passed by, and another. Finally, the last rider neared the spot where the old man sat like a snow statue. As this one draw near, the old man caught the rider"s eye and said, “sir, would you mind giving an old man a ride to the other side? There doesn"t appear to be a passage way by foot.”   他听到了一阵模糊而又持续的、有节奏的马蹄声正从上冻的小路上缓缓传来。他焦虑地注视着几个骑马者转过路弯。当他们一个一个过去时,老人没有做任何努力来引起他们的注意。最终,最后一个骑马者驶近,老人站在那里已经成了一个雪雕。当骑手慢慢接近时,老人看到了骑马人的眼神,他说:“先生,你能把我带过河吗?这里没有可以步行的路了。”   Reining his horse, the rider replied, “sure thing. Hop aboard.” Seeing the old man was unable to lift his half-frozen body from the ground, the horseman dismounted and helped the old man onto the horse. The horseman took the old man not just across the river, but to his destination, which was just a few miles away.   骑马人拉住缰绳,回答说:“可以,上来吧。”看到老人不能移动他冻僵的身体,骑马人下马帮老人骑上马。骑马者不但把老人带过了河,还把他送到了几英里以外的目的地。   As they neared the tiny but cozy cottage, the horseman"s curiosity caused him to inquire, “sir, I notice you let several other riders pass by without making an effort to secure a ride. Then I came up and you immediately asked me for a ride. I am curious why, on such a bitter night, you would wait and ask the last rider. What if I had refused and left you here?”   当他们接近了一个很小、但很舒适的村舍时,骑马者好奇地问老人:“先生,我注意到您让那几个骑马者过去了,却没有请他们带你过河。而我来到时,您立刻向我寻求帮助。我很好奇这是为什么,在这个寒冷的夜晚,您宁愿等待着去向最后一个寻求帮助。如果我拒绝了,把您留在那里,您怎么办?”   The old man lowered himself slowly down from the horse, looked the rider straight in the eyes, and replied, “I have been around these here parts for some time. I reckon I know people pretty good.” The old-timer continued, “I looked into the eyes of the other riders and immediately saw there was no concern for my situation. It would have been useless even to ask them for a ride. But when I looked into your eyes, that your gentle spirit would welcome the opportunity to give me assistance in my time of need.”   老人缓慢地下了马,目光直视着骑马人,回答道:“我徘徊在那里很久了。我看人是很准的。”老人又继续说道,“我望着他们的眼睛,立刻看出他们对我的处境没有丝毫关心。就算寻求他们的帮助,也只是徒劳。但望着你的眼睛,我看到了明显的善良和怜悯。当时我就知道,你仁慈的心灵会给予我所需要的帮助。”   Those heart-warming comments touched the horseman deeply. “I"m so grateful for what you have said,” he told the old man. “May I never get too busy in my own affairs that I fail to respond to the needs of others with kindness and compassion.”   这些感人肺腑的话深深触动了骑马人的心。“我很感谢您所说的话。”他告诉老人,“我绝不会再因为事务繁忙而放弃给别人提供善良和怜悯的帮助。”   With that, Thomas Jefferson turned his horse around and made his way back to the White House.   随即,托马斯·杰斐逊调转马头,奔向白宫。

Through The Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:Through The Eyes歌手:M. Pokora专辑:Mp3Through The EyesM. PokoraYou can watch disaster, yes, without painSee a million people standing homelessin the rainyou can read about about it be enragedyou can change the channel, turn the pageit is somebody"s problemnot your problem, noyou can try to forget itloose your wayslooking out through the eyesof a sweet baby girltry to see what she seesout of this crazy worldlooking out through the eyesof a sweet baby boytry to see what he seesin all what they distroyhey you, it"s time to look alivehey you, we got to help those kidsto survivelisten hey boy, can"t you seeit"s between you and mewe can change destinyyou and me, we must agreeto step out tragedyfind the way, set them freelooking out through the eyesof a sweet baby girltry to see what she seesout of this crazy worldlooking out through the eyeslooking out a sweet baby boytry to see what he seesin all what they distroyyou can make the differencethey don"t pretendyou can make the difference,open your eyesopen your eyeslooking out through the eyesof a sweet baby girltry to see what she seesout of this crazy worldlooking out through the eyesof a sweet baby boy "im not you"try to see what he seesin all what they distroy "the eyes"looking out through the eyesof a sweet baby girl "i see thru the eyes"try to see what she seesout of this crazy world "i see thru the eyes"looking out through the eyesof a sweet baby boy "i see thru the eyes"try to see what he seesin all what they distroy "i see thru the eyes"

求 中森明菜 《OH NO, OH YES!》的歌词,罗马音的!

歌名:Oh No!Oh Yes流浪汉 谁令你今天再荡来流浪汉 谁令你当天要走开知否我心不想因你再感慨明白你会再向我示爱长夜过了你会再离开流浪汉 无谓再花巧说未来无谓再 胡乱说今天你已更改不必低手插袋装作感慨门外雨里你说你后悔门后我冷笑说你活该Oh No!别望大门重开Oh No!不必再次扮悔改Oh Yes!做戏你永远那么精彩 Wo..Wo..Oh No!别望大门重开Oh No!不必再次扮悔改Oh Yes!旧戏已看厌已不精彩(Oh Yes!旧戏看厌了已不精彩)

求英语作文《the world in my eyes>

21, The beginning of the technological age. Technology has become an indispensable part of human beings, you may find that although we are closely linked with science and technology, environmental protection has become more and more land away from us? Many of the plants on Earth for the environment is of great benefit, we should know how to use it, not to destroy it. For example, the Yellow River and Yangtze River, our mother river, in recent years to watch the people do not know how to cherish her, but continued to throw rubbish into the river, and the middle reaches of the Yellow River on the Loess Plateau did not have the kind of trees, resulting in water and soil The loss of the sediment to the Yellow River are, on the ground formed a hanging river, prone to flooding. We gave the mother river of the damage. Yellow moisture on the Yangtze River since ancient times, our sons and daughters of China, why now is to destroy her? We should be to protect her and not to destroy her, so that we can be the mother river of permanent survive. For example, we are also the western part of Inner Mongolia Prairie, was originally a piece of green grassland, why can now be turned into a bald and have no life of a prairie it? Culprit was a joint venture of Japan in 1981, Erdos Cashmere Group! In 1981 before , Grassland no goats, goats in 1985 to start breeding doubled, and eat it too crazy, from 1990 to 2000 between the 10-year, is the most serious deterioration of grassland 10 years behind the rise in the Ordos is the degradation of the pastoral areas, The rapid deterioration of the ecological! Together with the people in recent years into a high-tech era, it is willfully to destroy our prairie, it will be more powerful countries in order to destroy our ecological environment? Earth - our mother, ah! Are you so you sit and watch the children go to the market without damage to the ecological environment? You would be willing to do so by your sons and daughters of the destruction of it? In the eyes of my mother Earth is not This, I believe you will certainly take heart, so that enlightened people on earth, and then do not damage the ecological environment. The most important thing is to not allow our soil erosion, planting more trees, so that we can long survive on Earth! Let us bring our mother decorate it with greater elegance!希望采纳

the road yesterday

2.when he saw --lying同学您好,如果问题已解决,记得右上角采纳哦~~~您的采纳是对我的肯定~谢谢哦


贝叶斯神经网络(Bayesian Neural Network)通过提供不确定来回答“Why Should I Trust You?”这个问题。实现上讲,贝叶斯通过集成深度学习参数矩阵中参数的Uncertainty来驾驭数据的不确定性,提供给具体Task具有置信空间Confidence的推理结构。一般的神经网络我们称为Point estimation neural networks,通过MLE最大似然估计的方式建立训练的目标函数,为神经网络中的每个参数寻找一个optimal最优值;而贝叶斯深度学习一种把概率分布作为权重的神经网络,通过真实数据来优化参数的概率分布,在训练的过程中会使用MAP最大后验概率集成众多的模型参数的概率分布来拟合各种不确定的情况,提供处理数据不确定性的信息表达框架。Transformer是一个符合Bayesian深度学习网络的AI架构,尤其是其经典的multi-head self-attention机制,该机制其实采用模型集成的思想来从工程角度落地贝叶斯深度学习网络;基于Prior先验信息的正则化效果,multi-head机制所表达的信息多元化及不确定性能够提供具有高置信度区间的回答 “Why Should I Trust You?”贝叶斯Bayesian Transformer课程片段1:线性回归及神经网络AI技术底层通用的贝叶斯数学原理及其有效性证明贝叶斯Bayesian Transformer课程片段2:人工智能算法底层真相之MLE和MAP完整的数学推导过程概率、对数、求导等以及MLE和MAP关系详解贝叶斯Bayesian Transformer课程片段3:语言模型Language Model原理机制、数学推导及神经网络实现贝叶斯Bayesian Transformer课程片段4:图解Transformer精髓之架构设计、数据在训练、推理过程中的全生命周期、矩阵运算、多头注意力机制可视化等贝叶斯Bayesian Transformer课程片段5:什么叫Bayesian Transformer,Bayesian Transformer和传统的Transformer的核心区别是什么?贝叶斯Bayesian Transformer课程片段6:Bayesian Transformer这种新型思考模型在学术和工业界的意义是什么,为什么说Transformer中到处都是Bayesian的实现?贝叶斯Bayesian Transformer课程片段7:贝叶斯Bayesian Transformer数学推导论证过程全生命周期详解及底层神经网络物理机制剖析

I don t wanna lose you yes I wanna hold you

prisoner of love

their eyes are open. They are blue.

their eyes are open. They are blue他们的眼睛睁开了。它们是蓝色的
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