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薰衣草名乃源自拉丁文lavare,意即「洗」。薰衣草是一种常绿的芳香灌木,原产于南欧,尤其是地中海一带。大多数做商业生产的薰衣草,栽植于法国、西班牙、保加利亚与俄罗斯。塔斯马尼亚也有生产,英国的诺福克(Norfolk) 薰衣草工业规模虽小却欣欣向荣。 薰衣草可以在相当高的山区生长,单株植物长到一公尺时,会变得非常坚硬庞大。细窄的叶片呈灰色绒毛状,花朵是灰蓝色,长在细长的茎上,油脂腺为星形的细发状,满布在叶子、花、茎上,用两指搓揉花或叶,会挤出一些油来,但其香味不持久。

关于薰衣草的几个传说 英文的

Flower lavender - Wait for Love Lavender is a fragrance of violet blue flowers. It"s like the same location it has romantic feelings. That Adams was born in the French Provence Flower & P, there is a beautiful love story: One legend: Ancient beauty of Provence has a girl, one day, she alone in the cold in the mining of the Moon Valley of the flowers, on the way to go home, met a traveler from afar injured road to her question. Girl holding a bouquet of flowers with, soulful eyes at the handsome youth, at thatAs soon as checks on, she has been the heart of passionate young people occupied smile. Regardless of family objections, insisting that young girls to stay at home until the full recovery of the healing rooms. Day by day as the day of the past, young people"s leg has been good, they are also the feelings of the rapid heating.Micro cool in a morning, bid farewell to young people want to leave, but girls do not want to have to object to their families as young people go a long way to distance the youth full of roses ... the village home of the grandmother in adolescent girls before they leave, shake with a lavender flowers open in early, so infatuated with this girl lavender flowers open in early youth the true test ... It is said that the aroma of lavender flowers make unclean thing ... is that the Valley edition of the morning full of lavender, While the hands of young girls readyPulls travel, the girls will be hidden in a coat of lavender flowers, throwing them at young people, it is so, then a purple Smoke Poly ... then scattered and vague valley of blow wind blow could be heard, such as young people ... I am theChanting in a low voice you want to travel the hearts of young girls ah ... lone figure left alone ... not long melancholy, girls have disappeared, someone said that she follow the flowers are young people go to look for, and someone said that she has been young people, turned into a journey into the disappearance of Smoke in the valley ... ... This one appears on the flower represents the love and commitment as it is the same as the Flower, Wait for love. Two legends: Lavender can be stylish these groups favor, because they are also much better romantic meaning. Lavender has a great deal of content, hiddenyun the right attitude to life. Lavender has been considered to be pure, clean, protect, a symbol of thanksgiving and peace. Lavender also means "Wait for love." Legend that one day Mary would wash the baby clothes of Jesus, hanging on in the lavender, lavender then be given the symbol of paradise on the meaning of taste. It was also noted that the direct use of Mary are soaked in lavender water to wash the baby clothes of Jesus, which is perhaps why the last person so to enjoy lavender washing clothes with the reasons for it. But someone said that the Virgin Mary had been at prayer lavender, lavender therefore not only have continued to leave the smell, the ability to have the expulsion of the Devil. "Lavender on behalf of true love" is the most representative of the time Elizabeth lyrics. Therefore, at that time will be popular lavender lovers give each other gifts to an IM conversation. In this period, Charles I of England is also a sentimental Han, Nell Gwyn in the pursuit of him when he will be a bag of dried lavender, golden line on the ribbon, to the people loved him. Provence is a love of poetry, no one could live in this rather than moving. As there is a folk custom is to use lavender incense bride dress. In Ireland, local people are at the bridge will be tied lavender in order to pray for the arrival of good luck. Fang is said to kill one of the lavender sachet in the body, allowing you to find her dream lover. And separation of lovers when you can be in possession of a sprig lavender lovers inside the book, at your next get together, then take a look at the color lavender, the smell of lavender smell to know how love you lover. Up at the wedding, you canSprinkles lavender flowers, you can bring happiness to your marriage. Three legends: Lavender Flower is waiting for the love, there is such a touching story: It is said that a long time ago, an angel with a woman namedWorld of mortals theFumigates the clothes love. For her to leave the first drops of tears, as her wings off an angel every day whileIs enduring the severe pain , but they are still very happy. Happiness can be a very short Angels were recaptured the kingdom of heaven, that he delete theFumigates the clothes happy time that was down underWorld of mortals tear before he left, tears into a butterfly to accompany him the most beloved girl.and still waiting for him to come back and accompany her only only butterflies. The days and nights at the park waiting for Angel to leave, finally, into a grass.Will start out lavender flowers each year. They fly around, looking for that to be derogatoryWorld of mortals under the angel. PlantThat people called "Lavender." Legend of four: Remember that one of the people called Andy said: "As long as you go the Provence, they will not want to leave. Because there"s something you want to have." Since this sentence is also to enable him to find their own happy. Years later, Andy is still clearly remember the first go-Provence summer. Yes, you might see vast wilderness, the sky deep lofty, low wind breeze, the distant valleys vaguely heard the bell sound of a flock of sheep, dense and quiet. The weather in June, the boundless from delicate lavender light green mature into dark purple. 18-year-old Andy was here all the deep attention. Him carrying a backpack, walk alone in the village between the streets and fields, Provence was a paradise, it is entirely false picture of the different Paris, everywhere is full of freedom and fresh air. He secretly thought, until suddenly a vision of romantic, like a vast ocean of purple lavender. He hurriedly ran to the display of this, did not pay attention to the arm has been bitten by an insect. Discrepancies in the actual pain of a hit, he can not help but stopped. "Rubbed with lavender essence of what the fine."Supple a voice came from the side, Andy found a small roadside inn sitting under the windows of a purple linen skirt wearing girl, she took out a bottle of cream, saying that it was Tiger Balm Provence, mosquito bites or scratches can drop a few drops of anti-inflammatory. When she gently wipe for him, he had a faint smell of lavender fragrance is very intoxicating. I do not know the role of drug or psychological, Andy had the wound does not hurt immediately. At the meeting, he knew that this small girl is the daughter of hotelier named Sofia. What he did not read the book, but there is a deep lavender interest. "You can guide me to do it? I am thinking to take a look at the hills in front of that. ""I, I. . . . . "Sofia"s blood red" in my childhood, my legs in a traffic accident in the loss of consciousness, can only sit here all day long look into the distance far from the ocean Almost purple. "Andy is found that Sofia was wearing a long skirt and ankle, to cover her legs. Him for his bold are very sorry, but it becomes incoherent; "ah? I"m sorry, I had太粗心." "In fact, it may not necessarily enjoy Provence day to day go barefoot at lavender flowers in ah! "Sofia smiled," far to appreciate the beauty of her, maybe give themselves more room for imagination! "" Well, you get to see me back it. "Andy epiphany:" look open heart you lookTurning one"s thoughts toward a loved one the Kingdom of the lavender. "Sofia surprised at first, and then took to a touching. When they finally arrived at the top of the hills, Sofia against Andy solid shoulder, shouted: "I saw, they would also like to than I imagined beauty, each one is a bud of shaking dance Yat Elven purple. " In the next few days to get along in Sofia feel Andy can be said to be a lavender expert. Andy at her bedside to help put a lavenderSachet , so that full house is full of faint scent that can ease emotional anxiety, sleep safely. She also put olive oil or vinegar bottle Lavender 12, fills the air with warmth of summer can make the Permanent Italy. . . She also said that if at the time of the advent of winter, put on dry lavender burning fireplace will be overflowing fragrance. Andy finds himself more and more like the girl, and she kind of lively and attracts him deeply. However, he found that he had fallen into a love being able to extricate themselves, he is sweet. At the same time also feel confused, because he knew he could not give this beautiful girl any commitment. The evening, silver-white moon hung in a dark blue sky, air dry, warm and filled with the smell of lavender. Adams is also quiet, filled with the smell of lavender, alsoRecites lightly wind. Andy talked about his home: "My family in Paris, with an investment company, the parents hope that I can cause them to inherit. And so I graduated from university, I will expand on in the market." Sofia looked gentle vision, he can not help but kiss her, love her like lavender him as calm and elegant, but he can not imagine that one day, when the elite become a shopping mall, the legs with a disability at theCountry girl dinner Cup staggered discs appeared on the scene. Sofia clever that his hesitation, he deliberately said to him: "I do not like big cities you go, here is my home. Every day sitting in the doorway, watching the distant hills on the lavender, that is, I am most happy to do ah. me away from my homeland. "Andy silent. Finally to the departure date. Sofia, do not put a lavender shirt in his pocket on, smiling at him: "In fact, people do not have to love aMornings and evenings . Must enjoy Provence is not to go barefoot in the day day of lavender flowers. Any time, any place, as long as the chance to see the ray of sunshine, a ray of fragrant smell can be aRipples purple hearts at the field. "Andy"s heart a sting that he hurt her so, and he has not the slightest resentment Instead, for his rescue. He hurriedly left the beauty of this field, there is no looking back, he saw her tears of fear. Andy returned to his own world, leaving the Provence has been a decade. The sea of hard to let him becomeSupercilious . But at the same time feel tired. The aromatic lavender purple skirt girl has been gradually fading out of his living circle. Her parents started to worry about his marriage, he and those who flirtDemure door, but he did not want to get married, because after each business, he will feel a sense of emptiness, he sometimes encountered by those enchanting aroma Miss will stop and sniff the smell on them. Sprinkle them with violets and red roses perfume, but he usually will not find the sense of lavender fragrance and irritability. Andy, when 34-year-old Paris has become the president of a large company, and he was prepared to invest in Provence a production base flavor. At the same time, a desire to have him, that is the hope of finding Sofia, regardless of whether she was married, he must tell her all these years, his only favorite lavender flower.Time flies enough to be a lot of things therein non-person, when he rushed to where, when the roadside near a small hotel long gone, replaced by a modern farm. 因文字数量限制,上述也许不够全面,还望采纳!






1.Borderline - 齐豫 [薰衣草 电视原声带] 2.The Prayer - 金祖龄 [薰衣草 电视原声带] 3.Torn - As One [薰衣草 电视原声带] 4.The Greatest Love Of All - 顺子 [薰衣草 电视原声带] 5.Big Bad World - The Real Group [薰衣草 电视原声带] 6.Love Is Love - 杜德伟 [薰衣草 电视原声带] 7.True Colors - 万芳 [薰衣草 电视原声带] 8.Just When I Needed You Most - 周华健 [薰衣草 电视原声带] 9.Dande Voy - 齐豫 [薰衣草 电视原声带] 10.Wa Su Re Na Gu Sa [薰衣草 电视原声带] 11.Moon River - 杨乃文 [薰衣草 电视原声带] 12.幸福的瞬间 - 许绍洋 [薰衣草 电视原声带] 13.爱我不爱我 - 许绍洋 [薰衣草 电视原声带] 14.花香 - 许绍洋 [薰衣草 电视原声带]




薰衣草的起源自古以来,薰衣草即因其高雅的芳香与医疗功效而为人所爱用,薰衣草名乃源自拉丁文lavare,意即「洗」,所以罗马人在洗澡水中加入薰衣草,到了十二世纪,薰衣草成为极受重视的植物,十三、十四世纪时,是欧洲医学修道院园圃中的栽种植物。一五六八年,海尔幅夏(Hertfordshire)地区开始种植薰衣草,一八二三年后薰衣草用途转至商业使用,十八世纪时,雅德莉(Yardley)香水公司在萨里的密契(Mitcham)栽种薰衣草,用薰衣草制造肥皂及香水,而精油业者也以薰衣草命名城镇或街道,如伦敦南区的薰衣草山,而法国的普罗旺斯,尤其是格拉斯附近的山区也以遍野的薰衣草闻名。而在过去,薰衣草都是被混合蒸馏,直到一七六0年起,各种薰衣草的特性才开始被分门别类做区隔。 薰衣草是一种常绿的芳香灌木,原产于南欧,尤其是地中海一带。大多数做商业生产的薰衣草,栽植于法国、西班牙、保加利亚与俄罗斯。塔斯马尼亚也有生产,英国的诺福克(Norfolk)薰衣草工业规模虽小却欣欣向荣。薰衣草可以在相当高的山区生长,单株植物长到一公尺时,会变得非常坚硬庞大。细窄的叶片呈灰色绒毛状,花朵是灰蓝色,长在细长的茎上,油脂腺为星形的细发状,满布在叶子、花、茎上,用两指搓揉花或叶,会挤出一些油来,但其香味不持久。薰衣草有若干种类,主要有安古薰衣草(L.angustifolia),头状薰衣草(L.stoechas),穗状薰衣草(L.spica)。而薰衣草精油是萃取自L.angustifolia,或称L.officinalis(药用薰衣草)与真正薰衣草L.vera,即荷兰薰衣草。薰衣草精油的颜色从深黄色到深黄绿色不等,香味十分浓郁。精油的成份与品质因气候、土壤与高度有极大的差异。一般认为,法国的薰衣草比英国的好,比方说,法国薰衣草所含的乙酸芳樟酯比较多,此成份能产生较具水果味的甜香,比起芳樟醇含量较高的英国樟脑味薰衣草,更怡人讨喜。另外薰衣草的茎也可萃取精油,只是香味并不及花朵的淡雅。


真不巧 我英文名叫也 LEO 呵呵 Maggie 是AMaggieKK: []DJ: []n.1. 玛姬(女子名,涵义:珍珠)

薰衣草 Various Artists QQ音乐推荐的,这首歌是谁唱的,最好告诉我歌词

ti:Baby][ar:Justin Bieber & Ludacris][al:My Worlds][by:huigher] [00:02.57]Ohh wooaah[00:06.32]Ohh wooaah[00:09.97]Ohh wooaah[00:14.32]You know you love me,I know you care[00:17.93]Just shout whenever, And I"ll be there[00:21.67]You want my love, You want my heart[00:25.63]And we will never ever ever be apart[00:29.27]Are we an item? Girl quit playing[00:33.22]Were just friends, What are you saying[00:36.67]Said theres another, Look right in my eyes[00:40.34]My first love broke my heart for the first time,[00:44.55]Baby, baby, baby ohhh[00:47.74]Like baby, baby, baby noo[00:51.41]Like baby, baby, baby ohh[00:59.26]Baby, baby, baby ohhh[01:02.51]Like baby, baby, baby noo[01:06.18]Like baby, baby, baby ohh[01:10.34]I thought youd always be mine mine[01:13.96]For you, I would have done whatever[01:17.35]And I just can"t believe, we ain"t together[01:20.78]And I wanna play it cool, But I"m losin" you[01:24.33]I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring[01:28.32]And im in pieces, Baby fix me[01:32.24]And just shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream[01:36.10]Im going down, down, down, dooown[01:39.46]And I just cant believe my first love would be around.[01:43.14]Baby, baby, baby ohhh[01:43.20]And I was like[01:46.79]Like baby, baby, baby noo[01:50.52]Like baby, baby, baby ohh[01:54.57]I thought youd always be mine mine[01:58.33]Baby, baby, baby ohhh[02:01.61]Like baby, baby, baby noo[02:05.26]Like baby, baby, baby ohh[02:09.20]I thought youd always be mine mine[02:09.28]I thought youd always be mine mine[02:12.47]Rap:[02:12.55]Rap:[02:12.91]Luda[02:13.57]When I was 13, I had my first love,[02:17.07]There was nobody that compared to my baby,[02:18.58]And nobody came between us or could ever come above[02:20.76]She had me goin" crazy,[02:22.84]Oh I was starstruck,[02:24.50]She woke me up daily,[02:26.48]Don"t need no Starbucks.[02:28.17]She made my heart pound,[02:30.11]And skip a beat when I see her in the street and,[02:31.84]At school on the playground,[02:33.76]But I really wanna see her on the weekend,[02:35.50]She know she got me gazin",[02:37.61]Cuz she was so amazin",[02:39.33]And now my heart is breakin",[02:41.19]But I just keep on sayin"...[02:42.76]Baby, baby, baby ohhh[02:45.91]Like baby, baby, baby noo[02:49.57]Like baby, baby, baby ohh[02:53.64]I thought youd always be mine mine[02:57.39]Baby, baby, baby ohhh[03:00.66]Like baby, baby, baby noo[03:04.36]Like baby, baby, baby ohh[03:08.37]I thought youd always be mine mine[03:11.04](I"m gone)[03:12.29]Yeah, yeah, yeah...(Now Im all gone, now im all gone, now im all gone)[03:23.93]Gone, gone, gone,(gone)[03:25.76]I"m gone. 然后我人工帮你翻译一下,电脑翻译不行.我自己翻译你需要给我点时间.










梁以熏(陈怡蓉饰)患有先天复杂性心脏病,从小体弱,甚至连体育课都被请在一旁纳凉。在这样孤单的日子里,只有一个人伸出援手,那就是默默守候他的同班同学季晴川(许绍洋饰)。两人两小无猜的行径,甚至被同学起哄。 小川要全家移民美国了,出国前一天,他别别扭扭的把阿熏叫出来,带着以熏到他的一个秘密基地---废弃花坊,给了以熏一个熏衣草瓶,并许下承诺,在阿熏20岁生日那天,两人约在小学见面。 转眼阿熏20岁了,在一家牧场的花房工作,在那里,她得知熏衣草的花语是“等待爱情”。以熏有3个死党,其中牧场小开小童(王建龙饰),是个阳光般的大男孩,偷偷爱慕着以熏。当他知道以熏希望盖一间四季开满熏衣[更多信息...]草的玻璃花坊时,便一直默默努力实现这愿望…… 电视上出现一个偶像明LEO,听说是国外回来的,不但长的帅,还非常有才气。还听说他非常地喜欢熏衣草,即将举办一场名为“寻找熏衣草恋人”的演唱会。回家的路上,阿熏终于看到这位传闻偶像的海报,他她一眼就认出他是当年的小学同学:季晴川,不确定的是,他想找的初恋情人是不是自己? LEO演唱会上,小童陪阿熏鼓足勇气去找他,却在门口被经纪人挡下来,无论阿熏怎幺解释她就是那个初恋情人,经纪人就是不相信,阿熏只好拿出当年小川送她的熏衣草瓶,请经纪人代为转交。经纪人虽然收下阿熏的东西,但马上就把它丢垃圾桶。阿熏在下大雨的晚上,等到演唱会结束,都没有看到小川走出来。 车上,LEO忽然想起,刚刚在后台随手写的歌词掉在化妆间,马上把车子掉头回去找。众人翻遍化妆间,都没找到歌词,LEO却从垃圾桶捡起了熏衣草瓶,马上冲到外面,下过雨的地面全是湿的,只留下一小圈浅灰色的地,LEO猜想,是阿熏,才刚走。 LEO和初恋情人缘铿一面的消息,很快被杂志社加以渲染。LEO想办法找到以熏着住址,准备对报上造成以熏的困扰say sorry的时候,却看到小童送以熏回家。小童调侃以熏现在变成偶像明星的初恋情人,以熏不甘示弱的回话,以后自己就飞上枝头当凤凰。两人玩笑般的对话,却被LEO当真,他悄悄地将车驶离,觉得心冷…… 经纪公司安排LEO到以熏工作的玻璃花坊和歌迷喝下午茶,刚好选中阿熏工作的花圃。经纪人叫阿熏来加水,阿熏不希望他认出自己,当作没听见,没想到经纪人发飙,故意摔破杯子,混乱中LEO终于发现阿熏,两人在众目睽睽相认,突然间,晴川亲了阿熏,并告诉他身为明星女友的光环感觉还不错吧!阿熏觉得好受伤,泼了LEO一杯水离去。两人的照片,又上了一次媒体封面。 国际知名的音乐教父小室敏雄来台,LEO希望能让他听听自己的创作,没想到评语是:“听这样没有感情的音乐,简直在浪费他的时间。”他要LEO去想想,谁是自己生命中想珍惜的人。的确,晴川到美国,遭遇家变后,个性整个都变了,他开始不相信人与人之间的真情,正因为如此,他对一切冷感,除了音乐。 而LEO和以熏共有的岁月,是LEO生命中唯一明亮的记忆,只是对这一段往事,他已经很久不能想起,直到他回来台湾。 以熏诧异晴川的改变,也知道自己跟偶像明星不可能有未来。即使这样,熏还是没办法把埋在记忆深处十年的男生忘掉。即使在路上看到他的海报在淋雨,熏都会下意识舍不得的帮这张海报撑伞。这样深情的举动,却让LEO不小心看到了,俩人开始交往…… LEO为音乐创作不受音乐教父青睐这件事,深深困扰着,阿熏见状,鸡婆地把录音带拿到唱片公司推荐,而这件事又上了娱乐新闻头版,让LEO十分地难堪,LEO下重话要以熏不要在出现在他面前…… 我英语不好这么难我还不会翻译。。。关于薰衣草:英文名字lavender Any of various aromatic Old World plants of the genus Lavandula, especially L. angustifolia, having clusters of small purplish flowers that yield an oil used in perfumery. 熏衣草:任一种产于欧洲的熏衣草 属芳香植物,尤指 狭叶熏衣草 ,开成串的紫色小花,其香精油可用于制香水。 更多英文介绍: Lavender Description Lavender is a hardy perennial in the Lamiaciae, or mint, family. The herb is a Mediterranean native. There are many species of lavendula which vary somewhat in appearance and aromatic quality. English lavender, L. augustifolia, also known as true lavender, is commercially valuable in the perfume industry and is a mainstay of English country gardens. French lavender, L.stoechas, is the species most probably used in Roman times as a scenting agent in washing water. The species L. officinalis is the official species used in medicinal preparations, though all lavenders have medicinal properties in varying degrees. This fragrant, bushy shrub has been widely cultivated for its essential oil. The tiny, tubular, mauve-blue blossoms grow in whorls of six to ten flowers along square, angular stems and form a terminal spike. These flower spikes stretch upward beyond the 12-18 inch (3.6-5.4 m) height of the shrub, blooming from June to August. The blossoms are well liked by bees and a good source of honey. The needle-like, evergreen, downy leaves are a light, silver-gray. They are lanceolate, opposite, and sessile, and grow from a branched stem. The bark is gray and flaky. The herb thrives in full sun and poor soil. Ancient Greeks and Romans used lavender blossoms to scent bath water, a common use that gave the herb its name, derived from the Latin lavare, meaning to wash. General Use Lavender is best known and loved for its fragrance. The herb has been used since ancient times in perfumery. As an aromatic plant, lavender lifts the spirits and chases melancholy. Taking just a few whiffs of this sweet-smelling herb is said to dispel dizziness. Traditionally, women in labor clutched sprigs of lavender to bring added courage and strength to the task of childbearing. A decoction of the flower may be used as a feminine douche for leucorrhoea. The dried blossoms, sewn into sachets, may be used to repel moths and to scent clothing, or may be lit like incense to scent a room. Because of its fumigant properties, the herb was hung in the home to repel flies and mosquitoes, and strewn about to sanitize the floors. Lavender essential oil was a component of smelling salts in Victorian times. The essential oil of certain lavender species has a sedative, antispasmodic, and tranquilizing effect. Lavender has been long valued as a headache remedy. It can be taken in a mild infusion, or can be rubbed on the temples, or sniffed like smelling salts to provide relief from headaches caused by stress. Lavender oil is antiseptic, and has been used as a topical disinfectant for wounds. In high doses, it can kill many common bacteria such as typhoid, diphtheria, streptococcus, and pneumococcus, according to some research. The essential oil has also been used as a folk treatment for the bite of some venomous snakes. When used in hydrotherapy as part of an aromatic, Epsom salt bath, the essential oils of some species will soothe tired nerves and relieve the pain of neuralgia. They are also used topically on burns and have been shown to speed healing. It is also a fine addition to a foot bath for sore feet. Lavender essence makes a pleasant massage oil for kneading sore muscles and joints. Acting internally, lavender"s chemical properties increase the flow of bile into the intestines, relieving indigestion. Its carminative properties help expel intestinal gas. Lavender is an adjuvant and may be used in combination with other herbs to make a tonic cordial to strengthen the nervous system. A 2002 report from Korea showed that aromatherapy massage with lavender oil and tea tree oil on patients undergoing hemodialysis for kidney failure received relief from the itching the treatment often causes. ----------- 以上资料来源于美国传统词典以及Alternative Medicine Encyclopedia (医药百科词典)。 Wqofcn摘引。 薰衣草【基本资料】 名 字 【学名/拉丁名】lavandula pedunculata 【英文名】 Lavender 【别名】 香水植物,灵香草、香草、黄香草 科 属 界: 植物界 Plantae 门: 被子植物门 Magnoliophyta 纲: 双子叶植物纲 Magnoliopsida 目: 唇形目 Lamiales 科: 唇形科 Lamiaceae 属: 薰衣草属 Lavandula 【颜色】蓝色,紫色,蓝紫,粉色,白色 【形态特征】 薰衣草多年生草本或小矮灌木,虽称为草,实际是一种紫蓝色小花。薰衣草丛生,多分枝,常见的为直立生长,株高依品种有30~40厘米、45~90厘米,在海拔相当高的山区,单株能长到1米。叶互生,椭圆形披尖叶,或叶面较大的针形,叶缘反卷。穗状花序顶生,长15~25厘米;花冠下部筒状,上部唇形,上唇2裂,下唇3裂;花长约1.2厘米,有蓝、深紫、粉红、白等色,常见的为紫蓝色,花期6-8月。全株略带木头甜味的清淡香气,因花、叶和茎上的绒毛均藏有油腺,轻轻碰触油腺即破裂而释出香味。 薰衣草又分2个品种,是English lavender 和French lavender.不过并不是生长在哪里就叫什么.生长在法国普罗旺斯的薰衣草恰恰就是English lavender ,既耐寒性薰衣草 中文版


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