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lorry是英式单词,指卡车,而truck是美式单词,也是指卡车。就像英国人把糖果叫sweet而美国人叫candy一样。 此外,英国人也用truck这个词,但意思相当于美国人的car,指的是火车上用来装载货物和动物的车厢。 可参考剑桥高级词典CambridgeAdvancedLearner"sDictionary

求《knowledge and wisdom》的朗读材料 谢谢!!!

Knowledge and WisdomBertrand Russell--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most people would agree that, although our age far surpasses all previous ages in knowledge, there has been no correlative increase in wisdom. But agreement ceases as soon as we attempt to define `wisdom" and consider means of promoting it. I want to ask first what wisdom is, and then what can be done to teach it.There are, I think, several factors that contribute to wisdom. Of these I should put first a sense of proportion: the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a problem and to attach to each its due weight. This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and complexity fo the specialized knowledge required of various kinds of technicians. Suppose, for example, that you are engaged in research in scientific medicine. The work is difficult and is likely to absorb the whole of your intellectual energy. You have not time to consider the effect which your discoveries or inventions may have outside the field of medicine. You succeed (let us say), as modern medicine has succeeded, in enormously lowering the infant death-rate, not only in Europe and America, but also in Asia and Africa. This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply inadequate and lowering the standard of life in the most populous parts of the world. To take an even more spectacular example, which is in everybody"s mind at the present time: You study the composistion of the atom from a disinterested desire for knowledge, and incidentally place in the hands of powerful lunatics the means of destroying the human race. In such ways the pursuit of knowledge may becorem harmful unless it is combined with wisdom; and wisdom in the sense of comprehensive vision is not necessarily present in specialists in the pursuit of knowledge.Comprehensiveness alone, however, is not enough to constitute wisdom. There must be, also, a certain awareness of the ends of human life. This may be illustrated by the study of history. Many eminent historians have done more harm than good because they viewed facts through the distorting medium of their own passions. Hegel had a philosophy of history which did not suffer from any lack of comprehensiveness, since it started from the earliest times and continued into an indefinite future. But the chief lesson of history which he sought to unculcate was that from the year 400AD down to his own time Germany had been the most important nation and the standard-bearer of progress in the world. Perhaps one could stretch the comprehensiveness that contitutes wisdom to include not only intellect but also feeling. It is by no means uncommon to find men whose knowledge is wide but whose feelings are narrow. Such men lack what I call wisdom.It is not only in public ways, but in private life equally, that wisdom is needed. It is needed in the choice of ends to be pursued and in emancipation from personal prejudice. Even an end which it would be noble to pursue if it were attainable may be pursued unwisely if it is inherently impossible of achievement. Many men in past ages devoted their lives to a search for the philosopher"s stone and the elixir of life. No doubt, if they could have found them, they would have conferred great benefits upon mankind, but as it was their lives were wasted. To descend to less heroic matters, consider the case of two men, Mr A and Mr B, who hate each other and, through mutual hatred, bring each other to destruction. Suppose you dgo the Mr A and say, "Why do you hate Mr B?" He will no doubt give you an appalling list of Mr B"s vices, partly true, partly false. And now suppose you go to Mr B. He will give you an exactly similar list of Mr A"s vices with an equal admixture of truth and falsehood. Suppose you now come back to Mr A and say, "You will be surprised too learn that Mr B says the same things about you as you say about him", and you go to Mr B and make a similar speech. The first effect, no doubt, will be to increase their mutual hatred, since each will be so horrified by the other"s injustice. But perhaps, if you have sufficient patience and sufficient persuasiveness, you may succeed in convincing each that the other has only the normal share of human wickedness, and that their enmity is harmful to both. If you can do this, you will have instilled some fragment of wisdom.I think the essence of wisdom is emancipation, as fat as possible, from the tyranny of the here and now. We cannot help the egoism of our senses. Sight and sound and touch are bound up with our own bodies and cannot be impersonal. Our emotions start similarly from ourselves. An infant feels hunger or discomfort, and is unaffected except by his own physical condition. Gradually with the years, his horizon widens, and, in proportion as his thoughts and feelings become less personal and less concerned with his own physical states, he achieves growing wisdom. This is of course a matter of degree. No one can view the world with complete impartiality; and if anyone could, he would hardly be able to remain alive. But it is possible to make a continual approach towards impartiality, on the one hand, by knowing things somewhat remote in time or space, and on the other hand, by giving to such things their due weight in our feelings. It is this approach towards impartiality that constitutes growth in wisdom.Can wisdom in this sense be taught? And, if it can, should the teaching of it be one of the aims of education? I should answer both these questions in the affirmative. We are told on Sundays that we should love our neighbors as ourselves. On the other six days of the week, we are exhorted to hate. But you will remember that the precept was exemplified by saying that the Samaritan was our neighbour. We no longer have any wish to hate Samaritans and so we are apt to miss the point of the parable. If you wnat to get its point, you should substitute Communist or anti-Communist, as the case may be, for Samaritan. It might be objected that it is right to hate those who do harm. I do not think so. If you hate them, it is only too likely that you will become equally harmful; and it is very unlikely that you will induce them to abandon their evil ways. Hatred of evil is itself a kind of bondage to evil. The way out is through understanding, not through hate. I am not advocating non-resistance. But I am saying that resistance, if it is to be effective in preventing the spread of evil, should be combined with the greatest degree of understanding and the smallest degree of force that is compatible with the survival of the good things that we wish to preserve.It is commonly urged that a point of view such as I have been advocating is incompatible with vigour in action. I do not think history bears out this view. Queen Elizabeth I in England and Henry IV in France lived in a world where almost everybody was fanatical, either on the Protestant or on the Catholic side. Both remained free from the errors of their time and both, by remaining free, were beneficent and certainly not ineffective. Abraham Lincoln conducted a great war without ever departing from what I have called wisdom.I have said that in some degree wisdom can be taught. I think that this teaching should have a larger intellectual element than has been customary in what has been thought of as moral instruction. I think that the disastrous results of hatred and narrow-mindedness to those who feel them can be pointed out incidentally in the course of giving knowledge. I do not think that knowledge and morals ought to be too much separated. It is true that the kind of specialized knowledge which is required for various kinds of skill has very little to do with wisdom. But it should be supplemented in education by wider surveys calculated to put it in its place in the total of human activities. Even the best technicians should also be good citizens; and when I say "citizens", I mean citizens of the world and not of this or that sect or nation. With every increase of knowledge and skill, wisdom becomes more necessary, for every such increase augments our capacity of realizing our purposes, and therefore augments our capacity for evil, if our purposes are unwise. The world needs wisdom as it has never needed it before; and if knowledge continues to increase, the world will need wisdom in the future even more than it does now.

1.自行车车架中pivot是什么意思 谢谢



Pivot, 枢轴量. 枢轴量方法是初等统计学中最常用的方法. 采用此种方法,主要通过对指数分布和均匀分布中未知参数的置信区间的求算,找出两种连续型随机变量未知参数的区间估计.




配变只用两种:Dyn11或Yyn0。照明性质负荷用前一种,动力性质负荷用后一种。1) Dyn11结线,具有输出电压质量高、中性点不漂移、防雷性能好等特点。在箱变低压侧三相负荷不平衡时,由于零序电流和三次谐波电流可以在高压绕阻的闭合回路内流通,每个铁心柱上的总零序磁势和三次谐波磁势几乎等于零,所以低压中性点电位不漂移,各项电压质量高;同样由于雷电流也可以在高压绕阻的闭合回路内流通,雷电流在每个铁心柱上的总磁势几乎等于零,消除了正、逆变换过电压,所以防雷性能好但存在非全相运行问题,可在低压主开关加装欠压保护装置。 2) Yyn0接线,当高压熔丝一相熔断时,将会出现一相电压为零,另两相电压没变化,可使停电范围减少至1/3。这种情况对于低压侧为单相供电的照明负载不会产生影响。若低压侧为三相供电的动力负载,一般均配置缺相保护,故此不会造成动力负载因缺相运行而烧毁。

求nino的solo どこにでもある呗 的罗马音!谢谢~

どこにでもある呗。作词u30fb作曲: 二宫和也何が正解で*何が间违いでだから大丈夫、なんて言っちゃってその言叶が自分を消してくから、それが一番怖いことだから命いっぱい叫べ、ここにいるよって证のように仆らはそんな弱くはないでも强くもないからだから、泣いていいんだ耻ずかしいことじゃない明日がある人しか出来ないことだから明日への合図だから泣いて、求めて、転んで、また泣いて君はそうして、大人になって伤つくことを恐れてずっと泣くのを我慢してたら笑えなくなってた気づいたら一人になって、怖かったそのとき差し出してくれたあなたの声がいたいほど优しくて泣いていた力**あんたが泣き虫だって言うからあんたもだよなんて言ってみたら楽になってた、笑ってたいつもみたいに、ふざけたこと言い合って懐かしいなんて言わないで、今をそこにある今を握り缔めてほら、息を吸って吐いて、生きている一歩一歩、歩いているただそれだけでいい大丈夫、仆らはずっとここにいるよだから全て、さらけ出してみてさあ、胸を张って言えばいいんだそれが仆らだずっと、ずっと、ずっと======================================Nani ga seikai de Nani ga machigae deDakara "daijoubu" Nante icchatteSono kotoba ga jibun wo Keshiteku karaSore ga ichiban kowai koto dakaraMeippai sakebe "Koko ni iru yo" tte akashi no you niBokura wa sonna yowaku wa nai Demo tsuyoku mo nai karaDakara naite iinda Hazukashii koto janaiAsu ga aru hito shika dekinai koto dakara Asu e no aizu dakaraNaite Motomete Koronde Mata naiteKimi wa Soushite Otona ni natteKizutsuku koto wo osorete Zutto naku no wo gaman shitetara warae nakunattetaKidzuitara hitori ni natte kowakattaSono toki sashidashite kureta anata no koe ga itai hodo yasashikuteNaiteita sou shitara "anta ga nakimushi da" tte iu kara"Anta mo da yo" nante itte mitara Raku ni natteta WarattetaItsumo mitai ni Fuzaketa koto iiatteNatsukashii nante iwanai de ima wo Soko ni aru ima wo nigiri shimeteHora, iki wo sutte haite IkiteiruIppo ippo aruiteiru Tada sore dake de iiDaijoubu bokura wa zutto koko ni iru yoDakara subete sarake dashite miteSaa, mune wo hatte ieba iinda"Sore ga bokura da"Zutto Zutto zutto

JJ英文版《ALWAYS ON LINE》叫什么?拜托了各位 谢谢

Always Online的英文版叫做Cries in a distance,歌词如下: Cries in a distance - 林俊杰 在远处哭泣 Can"t stop the tremble 止不住的颤抖 I"m just awaiting my turn 我只是在等待我的轮回 Hiding will never Save me forever 躲藏不能让我永远安全 The guns gonna get me for sure 枪支使我马上确信到这一点 Dear God I pray why won"t you be my friend 亲爱的上帝 我祈祷为何你不是我的朋友 Come to me and take my hand 过来握住我的手 Like mama would say 像妈妈说的那样 Everything will be okay 一切都会好起来的 All I hear is 3 2 1 我听到的全是 3 2 1 The scream from the guns 枪支的扫射声 And then 1by1 然后,人们一个接一个(冲上前去) No one gets to run 没有人退缩 Someone"s dad or mom 是谁的爸爸妈妈 Sister, brother and son 兄弟姐妹与孩子 No…no… 哦,不…… All I feel is 1 2 3 我感觉到的全是 1 2 3 My tears start to bleed 我的眼眶开始湿润 Smell of roses on my feet 嗅到我足上的玫瑰(血迹) I feel sore… 我感到痛心 I fall… 我坠落 I call… 呼喊 I crawl… 缓缓的前行

请问林俊杰是不是有一首always online有英文版,去哪找。谢谢

请问林俊杰是不是有一首always online有英文版,去哪找。谢谢 Always Online的英文版叫做Cries in a distance,歌词如下: Cries in a distance - 林俊杰 在远处哭泣 Can"t s the tremble 止不住的颤抖 I"m just awaiting my turn 我只是在等待我的轮回 Hiding will never Save me forever 躲藏不能让我永远安全 The guns gonna get me for sure 枪支使我马上确信到这一点 Dear God I pray why won"t you be my friend 亲爱的上帝 我祈祷为何你不是我的朋友 Come to me and take my hand 过来握住我的手 Like mama would say 像妈妈说的那样 Everything will be okay 一切都会好起来的 All I hear is 3 2 1 我听到的全是 3 2 1 The scream from the guns 枪支的扫射声 And then 1by1 然后,人们一个接一个(冲上前去) No one gets to run 没有人退缩 Someone"s dad or mom 是谁的爸爸妈妈 Sister, brother and son 兄弟姐妹与孩子 No…no… 哦,不…… All I feel is 1 2 3 我感觉到的全是 1 2 3 My tears start to bleed 我的眼眶开始湿润 Smell of roses on my feet 嗅到我足上的玫瑰(血迹) I feel sore… 我感到痛心 I fall… 我坠落 I call… 呼喊 I crawl… 缓缓的前行 林俊杰的Always Online英文版谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 always online 英文版 就是Cries in a distance 好吧 Cries in a distance Can"t s the tremble I"m just awaiting my turn Hiding will never Save me forever The guns gonna get me for sure Dear God I pray why won"t you be my friend Come to me and take my hand Like mama would say Everything will be okay It‘s all I hear is 3 2 1 The scream from the guns And then 1by1 No one gets to run Someone"s dad or mom Sister, brother and son No…no… It‘s all I feel is 1 2 3 My tears start to bleed Smell of roses on my feet Feel sore… I fall… I call… I crawl… Cries in a distance Can"t s the tremble I"m just awaiting my turn Hiding will never Save me forever The guns gonna get me for sure Dear God I pray why won"t you be my friend Come to me and take my hand Like mama would say Everything will be okay It‘s all I hear is 3 2 1 The scream from the guns And then 1by1 No one gets to run Someone"s dad or mom Sister, brother and son No…no… It‘s all I feel is 1 2 3 My tears start to bleed Smell of roses on my feet Feel sore… I fall… I call… I crawl… It‘s all I hear is 3 2 1 The scream from the guns And then 1by1 No one gets to run Someone"s dad or mom Sister, brother and son It‘s all I feel is 1 2 3 My tears start to bleed Smell of roses on my feet Feel sore… I fall… I call… I crawl… Feel sore… I fall… I call… I crawl… 遥远的哭泣声 无法阻止那战栗 无奈地等待著我的命运 躲藏无法 永远保护著我 枪声终究将带我走 亲爱的上帝,为什麽你不是我的朋友 来到这里然后牵起我的手 就像妈妈说的 一切都会好起来的 我听到的只是3 2 1 那尖叫伴随著枪声 然后,一个一个 没有人能够逃脱 父亲或者母亲 姐妹、兄弟或孩子 不…… 感觉到的只是1 2 3 我的泪滴血般喷涌 脚上的玫瑰还散著香气 我感到心痛…… 心在下沉…… 我呼唤…… 缓缓的前行 …… 林俊杰 always online 英文版 下载地址? 给邮箱我传给你 林俊杰的有一首歌副歌有英文 AlwaysOnline 作词:林怡凤 作曲:林俊杰 变色的生活 任性的挑拨 疯狂的冒住了头 单方的守侯 试探的温柔 还是少了点什么 遥远两端 爱挂在天空飞 风停了也无所谓 只因为你总说 Everthing wiill be okay 准备好了 three o one I"m always online 和你one to one 爱开始扩散 我们连结了 穿越 天空 银河 oh~~ 开始倒数 three o one 删除我的孤单 more and more尽是深刻 爱亮了 爱笑了 I"m always online 变色的生活 任性的挑拨 疯狂的冒出了头 单方的守侯 试探的温柔 却还是少了点什么 遥远两端 爱挂在天空飞 风停了也无所谓 只因为你总说 Everthing Will Be okay 我准备好了 three o one I"m always online 和你one to one 爱开始扩散 我们连结了 穿越 天空 银河 oh~~ 开始倒数 three o one 删除我的孤单 more and more尽是深刻 爱亮了 爱笑了 I"m always online 准备好了 three o one I"m always online 和你one to one 爱开始扩散 我们连结了 穿越 天空 银河 oh~~ 开始倒数 three o one 删除我的孤单 more and more尽是深刻 爱亮了 爱笑了 I"m always online 爱亮了 爱笑了 I"m always online 求林俊杰的always online中文版空间链接谢谢 你好 你要的链接我已经发到你的百度hi了 如果可以用 请及时采纳 谢谢 请确认百度ID 浩131 哪儿有林俊杰的always online英文版的下载链接啊? Always online同音乐的英文名字不叫Always online,二十同张专辑里的《cries in a distance》 :darkwing.uoregon.edu/...20DISTANCE.mp3 林俊杰是不是有胃病啊? 恩,有的,但是已经好了很多了 记得采纳啊 林俊杰是不是有一首歌歌词是"小城的爱在……" 那是王力宏的《大城小爱》,歌词是:小小的爱在大城里好甜蜜~ 林俊杰的Always online英文版除了他自己还有谁唱过? 《Crise in a distance》 目前还没有人翻唱过




B. buyer if payment is not stipulated in the contract time, the following treatment:By overdue time, dealt with separately (no accumulate)(1) past due 60 days, Zibenhetong stipulated payment date of the second day of the deadline until the actual full payment of payables, the buyer on a daily basis to pay the seller the overdue payables five ten thousandths of liquidated damages, continue to fulfill the contract; (2) after more than 60 days past due, the seller has the right to terminate the contract. The seller is entitled to terminate the contract, the buyer 5% of the accrued payments to pay liquidated damages to the seller. The buyer is willing to continue the contract through out the Vendor has agreed to continue to fulfill the contract stipulated payables Zibenhetong deadline the next day until the actual full payment of the date of payment for the buyer to the seller to pay daily overdue payables Wan per five (1) ratio (the ratio should be not less than) the liquidated damages.


英语小故事儿童英语小故事,英语小笑话,英语小故事短文,英语小故事文章,趣味英语小故事,幼儿英语小故事indextagstoryfunFablesportsfamilyculturerelationshipbusinessMode: Normal | List 英语双语故事:关于耶稣的圣诞故事Publisher:lthldm Date:2010-12-18The Story of the Christ Child and Christmas When Rome was a great Empire ruled by Caesar Augustus and Israel was governed by King Herod, in the village of Nazareth lived Joseph and Mary. Joseph was a carpenter and Mary was a young virgin who would become his wife. Mary told Joseph of a dream in which she was visited by an angel who told her she had been chosen to bear the Son of God and his name was to be Jesus........参考译文:当罗马帝国是一个伟大的奥古斯都凯撒和以色列统治被统治被希律王在拿撒勒村庄,住约瑟夫和玛丽。约瑟夫是个木匠,玛丽是一个年轻的处女谁将会成为他的妻子。玛丽说,她在其中一个是由天使是谁告诉她,她已被选定承担上帝的儿子,他的名字是耶稣约瑟访问梦想。……Tags: 圣诞节英语故事 , Christmas story , 关于耶稣的圣诞英语故事 , read more.. | Class:story | click: 0 英语双语:感恩节的由来 the history of Thanksgiving DayPublisher:lthldm Date:2010-11-25Most stories of Thanksgiving history start with the harvest celebration of the pilgrims and the Native Americans that took place in the autumn of 1621. Although they did have a three-day feast in celebration of a good harvest, and the local natives did participate, this "first thanksgiving" was not a holiday, simply a gathering. There is little evidence that this feast of thanks led directly to our modern Thanksgiving Day holiday. Thanksgiving can, however, be traced back to 1863 when Pres. Lincoln became the first president to proclaim Thanksgiving Day. The holiday has been a fixture of late November ever since.However, since most school children are taught that the first Thanksgiving was held in 1621 with the Pilgrims and Indians, let us take a closer look at just what took place leading up to that event, and then what happened in the centuries afterward that finally gave us our modern Thanksgiving. 参考译文:感恩与朝圣者和发生在1621年秋天举行的美洲原住民庆祝丰收的历史开始的楼层最多。虽然他们确实有一个好收成的庆祝为期三天的节日,和当地土人确实参与,这个“第一次感恩节”是不放假,只是一个聚会。很少有证据表明,这直接导致的感谢我们的节日感恩节假期现代化。感恩可以,但是,要追溯到1863年的时候普雷什。林肯成为第一位总统宣布感恩节。这个节日一直是11月下旬以来,夹具。然而,由于大多数学校教导孩子们第一次感恩节是在1621年举行的朝圣者和印第安人,只是让我们看看发生了什么导致这一事件仔细一看,然后又如何在数百年之后,终于发生了我们的现代感恩节。Tags: Thanksgiving Day , 关于感恩节的英语故事 , read more.. | Class:story | click: 7 My father 我的父亲Publisher:lthldm Date:2010-11-24My father was an exceptional man. He may not have been a perfect man. But he was a good man. And he loved us. All I wanted to do today was to give him a dignified…sending. Is that really so much to ask?So... Maybe... Maybe he had some things he liked to do. Life isn"t simple. It"s complicated. We"re all just thrown in here together in a world full of chaos(混沌,混乱) and confusion, a world full of questions and no answers, with Death always lingering(徘徊,沉思) around the corner.And we do our best. We can"t always do our best. My dad did it best. He always tried to tell me, you have to go for what you want in life, because you never know how long you"re gonna be here. And whether you succeed or you fail, the most important thing is to have tried. A parent can only drive you in the right direction. In the end though, you"ve got to run for yourself. You have to grow up yourself.So when you leave here today, I"d like you to remember my father for what he really was--a decent and loving man. If only(要是……多好) we could be as giving and generous and understanding as my father was. Then the world would be a far better place.




Dulcie Buter擅长于帮助人们与他们的问题如果你需要咨询有关困难的东西出现在你的生活中,写信给她。它可以是一个大问题,或者一个小的. Dulcie会向你提点忠告。 1。 亲爱的Dulcie 我十五岁了,我不得不合住一间房间与我九岁sister.she很乱,我必须打扫她乱喊“从没离开过我所有的东西,使我的抽屉,看着里面的东西…我已经是私人的. 另外,我也不允许我做我想做的事妈妈说我必须把收音机关掉晚上吵得我姐姐(妹妹)因清醒。 我能为您做些什么吗? 琳达。 2。 亲爱的Dulcie 我有一个问题. 我的父母总是跟我谈studying.what他们想要我做的是学习,学习,再学习,这样我就可以进入好大学,. 我知道功课很重要,但是我的父母把太多的压力对我请帮我向他们解释,我需要一些空闲时间。 亚当。 一。 亲爱的亚当。 这是一种常见的问题,你的年龄的人试着跟你的父母对你感觉如何…让他们知道你尊重他们也许你可以对付他们例如,让他们每星期休息一天去做你想做的事。 Dulcie B。 亲爱的琳达。 它不容易分享一个房间凌乱的小9 . 我认为她的年纪她自己的东西收拾…你为什么不与你的母亲把她的东西展示整齐的吗也许你可以找一个盒子,里面装着一个锁和钥匙锁定您的特别东西如果你有合适的收音机和足够的钱,你可以买些耳机,因为它那么你的小妹妹晚上不会打扰…最后,别忘了,当小姐姐长大,他们可以成为好朋友与他们的姐姐。 Dulcie 问题:你怎么看待Dulcie的建议吗?你有什么建议给琳达和亚当吗?自己去做吧,我翻译了


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请会日语的高手帮我翻译下 银魂昙天的歌词 就是很弱那种 例如谢谢 翻译成 阿里嘎多 →v→



perfect man (中文歌词) 完美男人(Perfect Man) (合)只要为你活一天 今生今世的纪念 cause you"re the one (min woo)昼夜无止尽在变 (我却永远不会变) 就让爱无悔 oh my love 还是需要一些些时间考验 期待明天的明天 (dong wan)也许感觉疲惫 因为在你身边 竟然有爱如此完美 无能为力 我给不了一切 你现在该快乐 拥有全世界 (合)只要为你活一天 今生今世的纪念 cause you"re the one oh 我的爱身边(没)有你 痛苦不再出现 只盼望你能够停留在我身边 rescue me,yeah woo (junjin)在你 离开 离开 的之前 (为什么都没发现) 是我 多么 多么 重要的蓝天 oh 但是我懂了 我来不及了 我原来那么爱你呀 你就唯一的人 (hye sung)可不可以帮我从痛苦中脱逃过来救救我好不好度日如年,数着分分秒秒无法承受煎熬我快受不了 (合)只要为你活一天 今生今世的纪念 cause you"re the one oh 我的爱身边(没)有你 痛苦不再出现 只盼望你能够停留在我身边 rescue me,yeah woo (rap : Eric) Ya , the perfect man is who I be, sittin on top with ya, but more swifter stronger than your nob liquor money hoes and clothes don"t let clues get ya .they not fear. (min woo)如果我在你的脑海里 都没有特怀念的回忆 morning coffee香气一般 渐渐淡淡远去 可不可以再给我一个机会 重新开始爱 (合)有多痛 有多苦 你明明白白我的心 我从来没离开过 call me... 是不是愿意接受我的改变 我的情 好渴望那个人就是你 是你 只要为你活一天 今生今世的纪念 cause you"re the one oh 我的爱身边(没)有你 痛苦不再出现 只盼望你能够停留在我身边

请问谁能发下《sweet but psycho》这首歌,百度网盘,谢谢


机械中roller 和 shaft 具体区别是什么?可以清楚解释一下吗!谢谢!

roller,滚轴,辊,滚轮shaft ,轴,传动轴roller强调能转动、滚动;shaft轴,有些轴是固定不转动的。

求post malone的psycho!谢谢

Yeah, my AP goin" psycho, lil" mama bad like Michael我的爱彼表太过耀眼 我的妹子就像迈克尔杰克逊歌里那样迷人Can"t really trust nobody with all this jewelry on you我的身价让我无法再轻易相信别人My roof look like a no-show,我的豪车没有顶棚Got diamonds by the boatload钻石可以填满一艘船Come with the Tony Romo for clowns and all the bozos不要担心周围的小丑们 我手里拿着枪(Tony Romo是NFL达拉斯牛仔队的传奇 职业生涯身穿9号球衣 而9这个数字可以指一种手枪)My AP goin" psycho, lil" mama bad like Michael我的爱彼表太过耀眼 我的妹子就像迈克尔杰克逊歌里那样迷人Can"t really trust nobody with all this jewelry on you我的身价让我无法再轻易相信别人My roof look like a no-show,我的豪车没有顶棚Got diamonds by the boatload钻石可以填满一艘船Don"t act like you my friend不要在我春风得意时When I"m rollin" through my end zone才假装是我朋友You stuck in the friend zone你只能做我朋友I tell her four, five, the fifth, ayy这句话我告诉了她无数次Hunnid bands inside my shorts, DeChino the shit, ayy我的短裤里装着大把钞票Try to stuff it all in, but it don"t even fit, ayy我想把它们都塞进去 可是装不下了Know that I been with the shits ever since a jit, ayy我从一开始就这样穿着 这是我的风格I made my first million,我赚到第一桶金之后I"m like, "Shit, this is it," ayy我高呼“我做到了”34 a walk through, man we had every slit, ayy现在我串个场就可以赚三四万刀Had so many bottles, gave ugly girl a sip买了不少酒 给那个丑姑娘喝一口Out the window of the Benzo, we get sin in the rent"吃颗药冷静一下And I"m like woah我有点飘了Man, my dash so goddamn cold踩下油门 仪表盘冲向极限Diamonds weigh my teeth so, so low我就连牙齿上也覆盖着珠宝I got homies, let it blow, oh, oh我哥们很多 让他们随便消费My money, that won"t ever fall哥从来不会缺钱She said, "Can I have some to hold?"她问我能不能拿点钱And I can never tell you no我从不会拒绝Yeah, my AP goin" psycho, lil" mama bad like Michael我的爱彼表太过耀眼 我的妹子就像迈克尔杰克逊歌里那样迷人Can"t really trust nobody with all this jewelry on you我的身价让我无法再轻易相信别人My roof look like a no-show,我的豪车没有顶棚Got diamonds by the boatload钻石可以填满一艘船Come with the Tony Romo for clowns and all the bozos不要担心周围的小丑们 我手里拿着枪(Tony Romo是NFL达拉斯牛仔队的传奇 职业生涯身穿9号球衣 而9这个数字可以指一种手枪)My AP goin" psycho, lil" mama bad like Michael我的爱彼表太过耀眼 我的妹子就像迈克尔杰克逊歌里那样迷人Can"t really trust nobody with all this jewelry on you我的身价让我无法再轻易相信别人My roof look like a no-show,我的豪车没有顶棚Got diamonds by the boatload钻石可以填满一艘船Don"t act like you my friend不要在我春风得意时When I"m rollin" through my end zone才假装是我朋友The AP goin" psycho, my Rollie goin" brazy我的爱彼表太过耀眼 我的劳力士也毫不逊色We"re hittin" lil" mamas, she wanna have my babies我的妹子们争着为我生猴子Sippy on the Panky, chain so stanky喝下那杯鸡尾酒 我的链子带了太久You should see the whip, promise I can take yo" bitch看到了我的车 你的妞就是我的人了Now we ridin" in an old school Chevy, it"s a drop top开上我的老式跑车 它是敞篷的哦Boolin" with a thot-thot, she gon" give me top-top带着妹子去兜风 她会为我效劳Just one swish, I can make the eyes drop (ayy)给我一次机会 我就能让她垂涎三尺Uh, take you to the smoke shop带你去烟店We gon" get high, we gon" hit Rodeo我们会很嗨 带你去奢饰品街Dolla Valentino, we gon" hit Pico买你最爱的华伦天奴 一路飙到市中心Take you where I"m from, take you to the slums再带你去我老家 梦开始的地方This ain"t happen overnight,记住这是一日游No, these diamonds real bright我的钻石太耀眼了Saint Laurent jean, still don"t let my fans though圣劳伦配Vans(歌词应是still in my vans though)All VVSs, put you in a necklace给你戴上闪耀的项链Girl, you look beautiful tonight你今晚真美Stars on the roof唯有天上的繁星They matching with the jewelry才配得上与这些珠宝相提并论Yeah, my AP goin" psycho, lil" mama bad like Michael我的爱彼表太过耀眼 我的妹子就像迈克尔杰克逊歌里那样迷人Can"t really trust nobody with all this jewelry on you我的身价让我无法再轻易相信别人My roof look like a no-show,我的豪车没有顶棚Got diamonds by the boatload钻石可以填满一艘船Come with the Tony Romo for clowns and all the bozos不要担心周围的小丑们 我手里拿着枪(Tony Romo是NFL达拉斯牛仔队的传奇 职业生涯身穿9号球衣 而9这个数字可以指一种手枪)My AP goin" psycho, lil" mama bad like Michael我的爱彼表太过耀眼 我的妹子就像迈克尔杰克逊歌里那样迷人Can"t really trust nobody with all this jewelry on you我的身价让我无法再轻易相信别人My roof look like a no-show,我的豪车没有顶棚Got diamonds by the boatload钻石可以填满一艘船Don"t act like you my friend不要在我春风得意时When I"m rollin" through my end zone才假装是我朋友



歌曲《姐姐妹妹站起来》英文版,歌名及歌词,谢谢!(应该不是sister sister)


即姐姐妹妹站起来的英文版,别乱给答案! 谢谢!



* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 1. Tornado和torpedo的单词记忆 Tor(转)+nad=nat(产生)+do(拟声,带有破坏力) 记忆方法: 一种通过气流旋转而产生的具有破坏力的风 → 龙卷风 Tor(转)+ ped(脚,走) +do(拟声,带有破坏力) 记忆方法: 边旋转,边朝前走的事物,并且具有破坏力的武器 → 鱼雷 当然,大家在查询词源词典会发现torpedo不是如此解释。。。但我们在这里提出来,希望同学们能记住更快就成!小平同志也说过:不管黑猫还是白猫,能捉住老鼠就是好猫! 2. Tornado和torpedo的用法 作名词时,我们更多注重它们常出现的短语即可 它们经常出现的场合: tornado cellar 或tornado cave 飓风避难地下室 torpedo boat 鱼雷艇 torpedo作动词时,表“用鱼雷袭击, 破坏” 如: torpedo efforts at reform. 毁灭改革的努力

Taylor Swift 中有没有一首歌音乐一开始就是OH OH OH OH ,很好听知道的告诉一下,谢谢

I Knew You Were Trouble是不是一声高一声低的oh oh我想找的是这首,刚刚找到,希望也是你想要的





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歌词 Good-bye Joe, he gotta go, me oh my oh He gotta go-pole the pirogue down the bayou His Yvonne the sweetest one, me oh my oh Son of a gun, we"ll have big fun on the bayou Thibodaux, Fontaineaux the place is buzzin" A Kin-folk come to see Yvonne by the dozen Dress in style the go hog wild, me oh my oh Son of a gun, we"ll have big fun on the bayou Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo Cause tonight, I"m gonna see my ma cher a mi-o Pick guitar, fill fruit far and be gay-o Son of a gun, we"ll have big fun on the bayou Settle down far from town get him a pirogue And he"ll catch all the fish in the bayou Swap his mon to buy Yvonne what she need-o Son of a gun, we"ll have big fun on the bayou Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo Cause tonight, I"m gonna see my ma cher a mi-o Pick guitar, fill fruit far and be gay-o Son of a gun, we"ll have big fun on the bayou Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo Cause tonight, I"m gonna see my ma cher a mi-o Pick guitar, fill fruit far and be gay-o Son of a gun, we"ll have big fun on the bayou Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo Cause tonight, I"m gonna see my ma cher a mi-o Pick guitar, fill fruit far and be gay-o Son of a gun, we"ll have big fun on the bayou



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我想要CNN Student News 主播 Carl Aruz 的简介 谁能给我呢 谢谢啊 越详细越好 不胜感激!!

下面是CNN网站的内容,足够权威了。Carl Azuz is the anchor of CNN Student News, a daily news program designed to bring current events into middle and high school classrooms. Having served in roles ranging from package producer, reporter and writer for the program, Azuz has covered every topic from the war in Iraq to the world"s most expensive ice cream sundae. He has also interviewed students for CNN"s "Fix Our Schools" series and explored the impact of technology on teenagers.In addition to his anchoring duties, Azuz appears as a contributor on CNN Newsroom. His focus has been on in-depth explanations of a range of stories, including the U.S. debt limit, the costs of college, the history of the U.S. Postal Service, the factors that drive gold prices, and the Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal.Azuz has participated in public speaking events across the country. His speeches have been heard at national conventions, workshops, charity events, and graduation ceremonies. Previously, Azuz worked as a writer and associate producer for CNN International, and his original reports have appeared on virtually every CNN platform.Azuz earned his bachelor"s degree in telecommunications arts production from the University of Georgia.





dota 专业术语 和所有英雄英文简称 谢谢 一般人不了解的

A:晨之酒馆: 复仇之魂:vs 复仇 众神之王:zeus mk 山丘 矮子 魅惑魔女:EH 小鹿 变体精灵:Morphling 水人 水晶室女:CM 冰女 御姐1 流浪剑客:Sven 牛角?神力男? 娜迦海妖:NaGa 小naga 小那家.. 撼地神牛:ES 牛 隐形刺客:SA 隐刺 尾行男1 秀逗魔导师:Lina 火女 御姐2 德鲁依:LD 熊德 剑圣:由于对战游戏中的剑圣深入玩家所以他还叫bm,河道男 B:无名酒馆: 月之骑士:Luna 月女月骑,河道女 矮人狙击手:DS或者Sniper 火枪 矮子 巨魔战将:TW 巨魔 暗影萨满:SS 萨满 小Y 小歪 刚背兽:BB 断臂(背)猪 YD的小猪 背背猪 菊花猪 种猪中的战斗猪 周杰伦 快挥舞双节棍 熊猫酒仙:Panda 熊猫 半人马酋长:CW 人马,大屁 股?,臀男? 赏金猎人:BH 赏金 尾行男2 龙骑士:DK 龙骑 敌法师:AM或者Magina 敌法,偶尔有DH 黑暗游侠:DR 黑弓 全能骑士:OK 全能 C:日出酒馆 破法者:Silencer 破法,沉默 树精卫士:TP 老树,大树,大叔.. 谜团:Enigma 肉团,米团,蓝胖? 光之守卫:KOTL 光守 老头1 熊战士:UW 熊战,拍拍熊 食人魔法师:OM 蓝胖 修补匠:Tinker 修补,哥布林大号,机器人,导弹男 幻影长矛手:PL 长矛,猴子,长毛,长毛猴子 先知:Furion 老头2 山岭巨人:Tiny 小小,石头 哥布林工程师:Goblin 炸弹,哥布林兄弟..拉灯 圣骑士:Chen 先知 D:黎明酒馆: 兽王:BM 兽(好直接..一个字太有气魄鸟..) 双头龙:THD 蒜头,双头 炼金术士: 炼金 月亮女祭司: POM.虎女,虎妞,白虎(有人说月女..这个我觉得还是虎女比较有特色) 圣堂刺客:TA 圣堂 圣刺风暴之灵:RT 新熊猫,电熊猫,蓝熊猫神灵武士:圣灵 神灵仙女龙:仙女龙,精灵龙 天灾: E:夜之酒馆: 蛇发女妖:Gorgon 大naga,大那家..蛇女 暗夜魔王:NS 暗夜,尾行男3 夜魔 骷髅王:SK King 骷髅,大骷髅..好像也有叫SNK的 末日使者:Lucifer;Doom 末日,doom 地穴刺客:NA 小强 鱼人守卫:SG 鱼人 痛苦女王:QOP 女王,痛苦 骷髅射手:Bone 骨弓,小骨头,小骷髅 虚空假面:FV 假面,没脸,虚空 冥界亚龙:Viper 毒龙,亚龙 复仇电魂:Razor 电魂,电棍 发电机 食尸鬼:N"aix 小G,狗,小狗,小小狗,小小小狗 F:午夜酒馆: 灵魂守卫:Soul Keeper(叫SK?还是DH?) 魂守,灵魂,TB 受折磨的灵魂:TS 老鹿,灵魂 巫妖:Lich,51 这个..就lich吧 死亡先知:DP 恶魔巫师:Lion 恶魔 剧毒术士:Venomancer 剧毒,刺蛇 半人猛犸:Magnataur 猛犸,大象 死灵飞龙:Visage 死灵,死灵龙,40龙 混沌骑士:CK(Chaos Knight) 混沌 馄顿 狼人:Lycanthrope 狼人,育母蜘蛛:BM(好像3个叫BM的) 蜘蛛,母蜘蛛 幻影刺客:PA .. G:暮色酒馆: 遗忘法师:Pugna 骨法 潮汐猎人:TH 潮汐 痛苦之源:BE 痛苦 bane 死灵法师:Necrolyte 死灵法,死灵,40法 猥琐老头3

魔兽争霸英雄与怪的英文名字缩写?拜托了各位 谢谢

英文缩写: 人族 英雄: 大法师 AM(Archmage) 技能:暴风雪(B)、水元素(W)、辉煌光环(R)、群体传送(T) 山丘之王 MK(Mountainking) 技能:风暴之锤(T)、雷霆一击(C)、重击(B)、天神下凡(V) 圣骑士 Pal(Paladin) 技能:圣光(T)、神圣之盾(D)、专注光环()、复活(R) 血法师 BMG(Blood Mage) 技能:烈焰风暴(F)、放逐(B)、魔法吸取(N)、凤凰(X) 单位: 兵营(BB) 步兵FM 火枪手 RM 骑士74 圣地(BR) 女巫SOR 破法者 SB 车间(BW) 狮鹫笼 (BG) 狮鹫49 兽人部落 英雄: 剑圣BM(Blademaster) 技能:疾风步(W)、镜像(R)、致命一击(C)、剑圣风暴(B) 先知FS(Far Seer) 技能:连锁闪电(C)、透视(F)、野性灵魂(T)、地震(E) 牛头酋长 TC(Tauren Chieftain) 技能:冲击波(W)、战争践踏(T)、耐力光环(E)、重生(R) 暗影猎手 SH(shadow Hunter) 技能:治疗波(E)、妖术(X)、眼镜蛇守卫(W)、巫毒(V) 单位: 兵营(BB) 兽人步兵 大G 灵魂归宿 (BS) 萨满法师 SM 巫医WD 暗夜精灵 恶魔猎手 DH(Demon Hunter) 技能:法力燃烧(B)、献祭(L)、躲避(E)、蜕变恶魔(T) 丛林守护者 KOG(Keeper of the Grove) 技能:缠绕(E)、自然之力(F)、荆棘光环(R)、宁静之雨(T) 月亮女祭司 POM(Priestess of the Moon) 技能:侦察(C)、灼热之箭(R)、强击光环(T)、星落(F) 守望者 WD(Warden) 技能:刀扇(F)、闪耀(B)、暗影突袭(D)、复仇天神(V) 单位: 战争古树 BR 弓箭手 AC 女猎手 HT 知识古树 BL 利爪德鲁依 DOC 山岭巨人 MG 风之古树 BW 猛禽德鲁依 DOT 奇美拉憩木 BC 不死亡灵 英雄: 死亡骑士 DK(Death Knight) 技能:死亡缠绕(C)、死亡契约(E)、邪恶光环(U)、操纵死尸(D) 恐惧魔王 DL(Dread Lord) 技能:腐臭蜂群(C)、睡眠(E)、吸血光环(V)、地狱火(N) 巫妖Lich(不能算缩写) 技能:冰之新星(N)、冰盾(F)、黑暗仪式(R)、死亡凋零(D) 地穴领主 CL(Crypt Lord) 技能:穿刺(E)、尖刺护甲(S)、腐尸甲虫(C)、蝗群(L) 单位: 墓穴BC 食尸鬼 小G 地穴恶魔 CF 诅咒神庙 BT 男巫NEC 女妖BS 屠宰场 BH 中立英雄 英雄: 那加海巫 NAGA 技能:叉状闪电(F)、冰箭(C)、法力盾(N)、龙卷风(T) 黑暗游侠 DR 技能:寂静(E)、黑暗之箭(B)、吸取生命(D)、魅惑(C) 熊猫酒仙 PB 技能:喷火(F)、酒雾(D)、醉拳()、火土风暴(E) 兽王BM(Beastmaster) 技能:熊(B)、豪猪(Q)、鹰(W)、惊跑(T) 深渊领主 PL



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跪求as的用法,越多越好,还有must,have to,have got to的联系与区别,今天就要,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!!!

  as的用法:  as……as  AS +adj(原级)+AS  AS +adv(原级)+AS  as soon as 一……就  as soon as possible 尽可能快地  as early as possible 尽可能早的  as carefully as you can 尽可能认真地  as careful as you can 尽可能认真的  must,have to,have got to的:  一、must的用法  1)表示主观的义务和必要, 主要用于肯定句和疑问句, 意思为 “必须……,得……,要……”;由must引起的疑问句,肯定回答要用must或have to, 否定回答要用needn"t或don"t have to, 意思是“不必”;must的否定形式mustn"t表示禁止,意思是“不能,不许”。如:  We must find a good method to learn computer well.  我们必须找一个学好电脑的方法。  —Must I finish the task right now?  我现在必须完成这个工作吗?  —Yes, you must. / Yes, you have to. 是的。  (—No, you needn"t. / No, you don"t have to. 不,不必。)  You mustn"t come here without permission. 未经允许,你不能来这儿。  2)表示肯定的猜测,常用于肯定句中,意思为 “一定是, 必然……”。  注意must表示推断或猜测的几种情况:  Your sister must be a doctor in this hospital. (现在的猜测)  你姐姐一定是这家医院的医生。  He must be reading newspapers in the reading room now.  (正在进行的猜测)  他此刻一定正在阅览室读报。  It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. (过去的猜测)  昨晚一定下雨了,因为地面上是湿的。  二、have to / have got to 的用法  1)must表示一种主观的需要,而have to 表示一种客观的需要,意思是“不得不”。 如:  I have to attend an important meeting this afternoon.  今天下午我不得不参加一个重要的会议。  Mother is out, so I have to look after the shop.  妈妈不在家,因此我不得不照看商店。  2)have to 的否定形式是don"t have to, 相当于needn"t。如:  They don"t have to buy a computer at present.  他们目前没有必要买电脑。  3)have to 与have got to 常可以互换。



MANA的老婆是怎样的女人啊?拜托了各位 谢谢

天呐,绝对是贝利亚的原形啊~~像毙了~~ 8过偶还是8相信这是MANA的老婆,要说是BL还差不多吧~~ 不过和MANA很配...总觉得MANA很有女人味…… _ 壹万来呀! = [老鼠联盟]=[兔盟] === ※←Linking→

求Melissa McClelland. i blame you .歌词.谢谢..

I"ve got no one to blame, but you I"m as innocent as the truth I"m as sweet as a pea I"m as noble as a queen So don"t blame it on meI"ve had all I can take of regret I"ve done all I can do to forget you So if my simple plea is beneath you Let it be I"ll forgive you For what you don"t seeI"ve got no one to blame, but you I"m pure hearted So true and blue I"m as sweet as the honey From a honey bee So don"t blame it on meI"ve got no one to blame, but you I"m naive as the seeds of truth I"m as good as gold I"m an angel I"ve been told So don"t blame it Don"t you blame it on me

渡部笃郎10月31日NTV新SP《バカラ》有谁看过这部剧啊 中文名字是什么啊 谢谢


在steam上买的方舟:生存进化是英文 怎么设置中文?谢谢!


machine什么情况下用单数,什么情况下用复数? 麻烦举例说下.谢谢.

这个应该是可数名词,在大多数句子中a machine =machines ,如果句子中特意指到复数的话就要加s.另外,单数名词不能单独存在,前面一定要加冠词a ,an ,the


英国码应该是4拓展资料鞋子的尺码(Shoes Size),又叫鞋号,常见有以下标法:国际、欧洲、美国和英国。国际标准鞋号表示的是脚长的毫米数。中国标准采用毫米数或厘米数为单位来衡量鞋的尺码大小。如:255则表示的是以毫米为单位,而25.5则表示的是以厘米单位,实际上两者指代是一致的。换算公式:厘米数×2-10=欧制 (欧制+10)÷2=厘米数;厘米数-18+0.5=美制 美制+18-0.5=厘米数;厘米数-18=英制 英制+18=厘米数。女士尺码/ Women size男士尺码/ Men size所以,从女士尺码对照表里可以看出,女鞋36码对应的英国码就是4.


http://wenku.baidu.com/view/81df025677232f60ddcca1bb.html 给个链接算了,我自己水平有限。

提升正转 提升反转 牵引反转 牵引正转 英文怎么讲?谢谢!

Lifting and natural rotation, lifting and inversion




翻译: 无论如何,我很喜欢看见一些自大、不满,而且往往显然相当不文明的读者的观点,因为排字员拼错了些什么而歪曲,使一封也许本来是合情合理的读者来信变成废话。 句子结构分析: "Anyway,"(无论如何)是副词,用作全句的状语。 "I love it"(我很喜欢)是主句。 "I"(我)是主语。 "love"(很喜欢,此处不适合翻译为“爱”)是谓语。 "it"(它,指一种状态)是宾语,意思较虚,英语语法上需要,汉语不需要翻译出来。 "when..."(当……)一直到最后,是状语从句。 核心结构的意思,就是: 无论如何,当……的时候,我很喜欢。 现在分析 when 后面的那个发生事情,本身是一个完整句子。 "the views"(观点)是主语。 "of ... readers"(……读者的)是 the views 的定语。 pompous, dissatisfied and ... uncivilized(自大、不满,并且……不文明)为 readers 的定语。 其中逗号和 and 起了并列三个定语的作用 often clearly quite(往往显然相当)是 uncivilized 的状语。 "are misrepresented"(被歪曲)是谓语,被动态。 "because ..."(因为……)一直到最后,是状语从句,表原因。 "a typesetter"(排字员)是主语。 "has misspelt"(拼错了)是谓语,现在完成时。 "something"(一些东西)是宾语。 "and"(而)连接词,并列前后两个谓语。 "made"(使成为了)是谓语,现在完成时,与前面的 misspelt 共用 has。 "nonsense"(废话)是宾语。 "of what..." 一直到最后,是 made 状语,补充把什么东西变成废话。 (也可以把 "made nonsense of..." 看成固定词组,"使……成为废话"。) "what..." 一直到最后,是名词词组,就是成为废话的内容。 "what"(事物)是核心代词,同时是后面从句的主语。 "might have been"(也许本来是)是谓语,加了情态动词和时态。 "a ... letter"(一封……信)是动词 be 的表语。 "... sensible"(合情理的)是 letter 的定语。 "reasonably sensibly"(合理地、合情地)是 sensible 的状语。 (注:应该没有 sensibly 的吧,英语比较不喜欢 sensibly sensible 这种重复。) " to the editor"(至编辑的)介词词组是 letter 的定语。 (也可以把 "letter to the editor" 看成固定词组,对等汉语是 "读者来信"。) 按照分析翻译,再按照汉语习惯润饰,就变成上述译文。希望采纳


天空的雾来得漫无经心河水像油画一样安静和平鸽慵懒步伐押着韵心偷偷的放晴祈祷你像英勇的禁卫军动也不动的守护爱情你在回忆里留下的脚印是我爱的风景我要送你 日不落的想念寄出代表爱的明信片我要送你 日不落的爱恋心牵着心把世界走遍你就是晴天 你就是晴天我的爱未眠不落的想念 飞在你身边我的爱未眠爱的巴士总是走了又停微笑望着广场上人群我要把爱全都装进行李陪我一起旅行我要送你 日不落的想念寄出代表爱的明信片我要送你 日不落的爱恋心牵着心把世界走遍你就是晴天 你就是晴天我的爱未眠不落的想念 飞在你身边我的爱未眠祈祷你像英勇的禁卫军动也不动的守护爱情我要送你 日不落的想念寄出代表爱的明信片我要送你 日不落的爱恋心牵着心把世界走遍你就是晴天 你就是晴天我的爱未眠不落的想念 飞在你身边我的爱未眠英文Sun Shine In The Rain_日不落英文版When I"m in Berlin you"re off to LondonWhen I"m in New York you"re doing RomeAll those crazy nights we spend togetherAs voices on the phoneWishing we could be more telepathicTired of the nights I sleep aloneWishing we could redirect the trafficAnd we find ourselves a homeCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainEven if we call the highest powerWe can only do one town a timeWords are not enough action speaks louderSecond time aroundCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainOh oh la la laOh oh la la laWhen I"m in Berlin you"re off to LondonWhen I"m in New York you"re doing RomeAll those crazy nights we spend togetherAs voices on the phoneCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rain


the sun will never fall 日不落



turn up 意思 在线等 谢谢


求July的《My soul》mp3格式下载,谢谢

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1UIWAYkafQORdRg8P2qqTaA 提取码: 3e2q 作品相关简介:《My Soul》是July演唱的一首英文歌曲,收录在2003年9月发行的专辑《My Soul》中。


Work seriously, taking a proactive approach, able to bear hardships and stand hard; person responsible has the spirit of teamwork, hard effort. In practical ability, computer skills with an excellent advantage. Personality with good analytical ability, to quickly adapt to various environments, and integration of them..........相信我,答案是对的

日文这个发音是哪个字?? Shyo, kyo, lyo, jin, su 谢谢啦!

Shyo----しょ kyo----- きょ lyo-----りょ jin----- じん su-----す

公司中一般说的pull in、push out 是什么意思呢?谢谢

"Pull in"与"push out"都表示物体的移动,但它们的方向不同。"Pull in"表示向内拉或向内移动,通常是指将某物从外部移动到内部。例如,当你把一辆汽车停入车库时,你会用汽车的引擎将它拉入车库。"Push out"则表示向外推或向外移动,通常是指将某物从内部移动到外部。例如,当你要将一张桌子从屋子里推到外面去,你会用力将桌子向外推出门。


我觉得适合的~- Wendy / Wendi- Lauren- Wenda- Whitney- Willet- Winnie < - - - 好像有点幼稚- Gwen- Waverly- Wynta~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~知道的就这些了。~ 樱。



求和Wei rui or Wei wei 相似的英文名,马上就开学了. 帮帮忙.谢谢

Wakeley 潮湿的草原Wallis 华莉丝 苏格兰 异乡人wacky古怪的;疯疯癫癫的Winnie温妮(人名)(威尔斯)"美好"的意思。人们认为winnie是身材圆润的女子-心思单纯但有点急惊风,想到什么就说什么。



想知道一些音译名称的行星,比如 塞德娜、戴莫斯 这种,名字含义最好带有贬意,谢谢!

水星最接近太阳,是太阳系中第二小行星。水星的英文名字Mercury来自罗马神墨丘利。墨丘利也就是希腊神话中的Hermes (赫耳墨斯,为众神传信并掌管商业、道路、科学、发明、口才、幸运等的神) 。或许由于水星在空中移动得快,才使它得到这个名字。符号是上面一个圆形下面一个交叉的短垂线和一个半圆形(u263f)是墨丘利所拿魔杖的形状。在第5世纪,水星实际上被认为成二个不同的行星,这是因为它时常交替地出现在太阳的两侧。当它出现在傍晚时,它被叫做墨丘利;但是当它出现在早晨时,为了纪念太阳神阿波罗,它被称为阿波罗。毕达哥拉斯后来指出他们实际上是相同的一颗行星。中国古代则称水星为“辰星”。 金星是离太阳第二近,太阳系中第六大行星。在所有行星中,金星的轨道最接近圆,偏差不到1%。中国古人称金星为“太白”或“太白金星”,也称“启明”或“长庚”。古希腊人称之为Aphrodite(阿芙罗狄蒂),是希腊神话中爱与美的女神。而在罗马神话中爱与美的女神是维纳斯—Venus ,因此金星也称做“维纳斯”。也许是对古代人来说,它是已知行星中最亮的一颗。(也有一些异议,认为金星的命名是因为金星的表面如同女性的外貌。)金星的天文符号用维纳斯的梳妆镜来表示。金星的位相变化金星同月球一样,也具有周期性的圆缺变化(位相变化),但是由于金星距离地球太远,用肉眼是无法看出来的。关于金星的位相变化,曾经被伽利略作为证明哥白尼的日心说的有力证据。 地球是距太阳第三颗,它是太阳系类地行星中最大的一颗,也是太阳系第五大行星,行星年龄估计大约有45亿年(4.5×109)。地球是唯一一个不是从希腊或罗马神中得到的名字。Earth一词来自于古英语及日耳曼语。这里当然有许多其他语言的命名。在罗马神话中,地球女神叫Tellus-肥沃的土地(希腊语:Gaia, 该亚, 大地母亲)。直到16世纪哥白尼时代人们才明白地球只是一颗行星。 火星为距太阳第四远,也是太阳系中第七大行星。因为火星在夜空中看起来是血红色的,所以在西方,以罗马神话中的战神玛尔斯Mars(或希腊神话对应的阿瑞斯—Ares)命名它。火星在史前时代就已经为人类所知。由于它被认为是太阳系中人类最好的住所(除地球外),它受到科幻小说家们的喜爱。但可惜的是那条著名的被Lowell“看见”的“运河”以及其他一些什么的,都只是如Barsoomian公主们一样是虚构的。在古代中国,因为火星荧荧如火,故称“荧惑”。火星有两颗小型天然卫星:火卫一Phobos和火卫二 Deimos(阿瑞斯儿子们的名字)。两颗卫星都很小而且形状奇特,可能是被引力捕获的小行星。英文里前缀areo-指的就是火星。 木星是离太阳第五颗行星,而且是最大的一颗,比所有其他的行星的合质量大2倍(地球的318倍)。木星是天空中第四亮的物体(次于太阳,月球和金星;有时候火星更亮一些。木星是自转最快的行星。中国古代用它来纪年,因而称为岁星。在西方称它为朱庇特—Jupiter,是罗马神话中的众神之王,相当于希腊神话中的宙斯(Zeus)。 土星是离太阳第六远的行星。土星是一个巨型气体行星,是太阳系中仅次于木星的第二大行星。中国古代称之为镇星或填星。土星的英文名字Saturn(以及其他绝大部分欧洲语言中的土星名称)是以罗马神的农神萨杜恩命名的。希腊神话中的农神Cronus是Uranus(天王星)和该亚的儿子,也是宙斯(木星)的父亲。在1977年以前,土星的光环一直被认为是太阳系中唯一存在的;但在1977年,在天王星周围发现了暗淡的光环,在这以后不久木星和海王星周围也发现了光环。 天王星是太阳系中离太阳第七远行星,排列在土星外侧、海王星内侧,颜色为灰蓝色,是一颗巨型气体行星(Gas Giant)。以直径计算,天王星是太阳系第三大行星;但若以质量计算,则比海王星轻而排行第四。天王星的命名,是取自希腊神话的天神乌拉诺斯— Uranus, 应读成"YOORa nus" 。乌拉诺斯是古希腊神话中的宇宙之神,是最早的至高无上的神。他是该亚的儿子兼配偶,是Cronus(农神土星)、独眼巨人和泰坦(奥林匹斯山神的前辈)的父亲。 海王星为太阳系九大行星中的第八个,是一个巨行星。海王星是第一个通过天体力学计算后被发现的行星。因为天王星的轨道与计算的不同,1845年约翰 u2022可夫u2022亚当斯和埃班u2022勤维叶推算了在天王星外的一个未知行星可能的位置。1846年9月23日柏林天文台台长约翰u2022格弗里恩u2022盖尔真的在这个位置发现了一颗新的行星:海王星。目前海王星是太阳系内离太阳第二远的行星。海王星的名字是罗马神话中的海神涅普顿(Neptune)。古希腊神话中海神叫波塞冬 (Poseidon)。 冥王星是太阳系九大行星中离开太阳最远、最小的一颗行星,1930年被发现。因为它离太阳最远,因此也非常寒冷,这和罗马神话中的冥王普鲁托所住的地方很相似,因此称为“Pluto”。Pluto就是希腊人称之为Hades(哈迪斯)冥界之神。


1-5 ABAAB6-8 AAC9不知道, 你的题好象有问题10. B



EXCEL 用函数 怎么把142.8 显示成 140 呢?变整的,零头都去掉。谢谢


我的中介给我推荐Michigan State University 这个学校怎么样啊? 在Michigan的其他学校怎么样啊? 谢谢



NBA(全称National Basketball Association)是美国第一大职业篮球赛事,代表了世界篮球的最高水平,其中产生了迈克尔·乔丹、魔术师约翰逊、科比·布莱恩特、姚明、勒布朗·詹姆斯等世界巨星。该协会一共拥有30支球队,分属两个联盟东部联盟和西部联盟;而每个联盟各由三个赛区组成,每个赛区有五支球队。30支球队当中有29支位于美国本土,另外一支来自加拿大的多伦多。现有球队:  东部联盟    大西洋赛区 :纽约尼克斯队、新泽西篮网队、波士顿凯尔特人队、多伦多猛龙队、费城76人队    中部赛区 :底特律活塞队、印第安纳步行者队、克里夫兰骑士队、密尔沃基雄鹿队、芝加哥公牛队    东南部赛区 :迈阿密热火队、奥兰多魔术队、华盛顿奇才队、亚特兰大老鹰队、夏洛特山猫队   西部联盟:  西北赛区 :明尼苏达森林狼队、丹佛掘金队、犹他爵士队、波特兰开拓者队、俄克拉荷马城雷霆队    太平洋赛区:萨克拉门托国王队、洛杉矶湖人队、菲尼克斯太阳队、金州勇士队、洛杉矶快船队   西南部赛区:圣安东尼奥马刺队、休斯敦火箭队、达拉斯小牛队、孟菲斯灰熊队、新奥尔良黄蜂队 http://baike.baidu.com/view/582.htm 这个网址里面有NBA所有的东西、你去看看!



求好听的中文 英文 或者中英结合的舞曲DJ串烧 谢谢 要好听的 不要太吵的


匡威球鞋中的ONE STAR和ALL STAR的球鞋有什么区别呢?请大家帮助,谢谢


好听的DJ歌介绍给我听哦~ 最好是劲舞团滴,谢谢咯

回来我的爱-阳一曾经爱过-郑源不要在我寂寞的时候说爱我-郑源思乡-满文军最后一滴泪-易欣白狐-陈瑞七夕-SE7EN 一生有你-水木年华痴心绝对-李圣杰蓝色土耳其-周传雄男人海洋-周传雄海阔天空-BEYOND 别哭,我最爱的人-水木年华因为爱所以爱-谢庭峰谢谢你的爱1999-谢庭峰光辉岁月-BEYOND 黄种人-谢庭峰潇湘雨-胡彦斌等一分钟-徐誉藤爱你一万年-刘德华孤单北半球-欧得洋 1. 期待你的爱 (林俊杰 ) 2. 周大侠 (周杰伦) 3. 落跑新娘 (刘若英) 4. 我们之间 (棒棒堂) 5. 光年 (李圣杰) 6. 天生一对 (王栎鑫) 7. 你看得见吗 (钟欣桐) 8. 熊 (刘若英) 9. 生命的挑战 (水木年华/高旗) 10. 雪花抄 (张敬轩) 11. 60分 (Twins) 12. 有你有我 (赖雅妍) 13. 喝彩北京 (5566) 14. Preface (苏醒) 15. 悲伤华尔兹 (尚雯婕) 16. 男人女人 (许茹芸/阿穆隆) 17. 舞林正传 (郭富城) 18. 相爱的歌 (阿朵) 19. 我的背后 (5566) 20. 微笑 (桑兰/黄伟麟) 21. 残念 (周渝民) 22. 我很好 (刘若英) 23. 你还是最深爱的人 (永邦) 24. 在这里等你 (f4) 25. 圣火 (孙悦) 26. 倒爱 (蔡淳佳) 27. 连带关系 (Twins) 28. 老鼠已经爱上你 (巫启贤) 29. 重来 (张韶涵) 30. 投名状 (刘德华) 31. 有钱没钱回家过年 (王宝强) 32. 九十九次我爱他 (元若蓝) 33. 围城 (张靓颖) 34. 你给的坚强 (苗圃) 35. 这个冬天来看你 (小宋佳) 36. 最美的太阳 (张杰) 37. 一个人睡 (魏晨) 38. 帝王之恋 (BOBO) 39. 什么都没有发生过 (秦海璐) 40. 爱超越 (范冰冰) 41. 头号粉丝 (莫文蔚) 42. 日落前七分钟 (王心凌) 43. 不是我的我不要 (刘德华) 44. 乐园 (张韶涵) 45. 我走以后 (张靓颖) 46. 雪夜狂想曲 (尚雯婕) 47. 瞬间 (王心凌) 48. 小小大人物 (飞轮海) 49. 光 (王栎鑫) 50. 隐隐 (莫文蔚) 51. 其实我一直想对你说 (莫文蔚) 52. 兄弟 (杨坤) 53. 未满18岁 (胡彦斌) 54. 夏雪 (何洁) 55. 三吋日光 (梁静茹) 56. 婚礼进行曲 (胡彦斌) 57. 暖光 (容祖儿) 58. 我不会唱歌 (罗志祥) 59. 潘帕斯之舞 (李宇春) 60. 你最近还好吗 (s.h.e) 61. 最后的依赖 (黄奕) 62. 会呼吸的痛 (梁静茹) 63. 不会分离 (光良) 64. 自从遇见你 (卓文萱) 65. 空前绝后 (许志安) 66. 想你们 (黎明) 67. 我的王国 (李宇春) 68. 青花瓷 (周杰伦) 69. 明明不是angel (何洁) 70. 被你爱过我很快乐 (卓文萱) 71. 最长的电影 (周杰伦) 72. 谁还敢爱这个人 (许志安) 73. 表演 (苏慧伦) 74. 光荣 (BOBO) 75. 幸福是什么 (庞龙) 76. 蓝鲸 (周渝民) 77. 两个人 (1983) 78. 青花 (周传雄) 79. 她的空房间 (胡杨林) 80. 彩虹 (周杰伦) 81. 蛊惑 (胡东) 82. 左撇子 (苏慧伦) 83. Free (陶喆) 84. 我不是f4 (周渝民) 85. Crying In The Party (陈奕迅) 86. 天生反骨 (Energy) 87. 我的答铃 ( 郭美美) 88. 世界有你有我 (孙楠/何耀珊) 89. 兄弟 (陈奕迅/刘德华) 90. 我决定 (梁静茹) 91. 你好吗 (李玖哲/周笔畅) 92. 想太多 (李玖哲) 93. 我很好 (刘沁) 94. 越来越不懂 (蔡健雅) 95. 生活的颜色 (崔恕) 96. 不想懂得 (张韶涵) 97. 荼靡时代 (F.I.R.) 98. 我的心里只有你没有他 (许飞) 99. 不敢哭 (温兆伦) 100. 木偶 (李琛) 101. 漂浮地铁 (李宇春) 102. 牛仔很忙 (周杰伦) Kiss The Rain 神秘园之歌天空之城再见警察卡农夏日香气迷情仙境 Tears dream catcher 被遗忘的天使我在那一角落患过伤风 很流行的韓日歌曲 rain-sadtango 李孝利 TOC TOC TOC 李孝利 不要爱上他所以冰淇淋 MC梦爱情过后 劲舞歌曲 30次左右 question ha,yoo sun i believe 劲舞歌曲坚持 us never say goodbye u superjunior 听我说 papaya 不能遗忘你 tonight,i feel close to you 仓木麻衣&孙燕姿我的人 sg wannabe 试着说 WaWa 2年零2月 fod 一个人/两个人/只有你 蔡妍花样 松隆子 Come on/飞机 乌龟 relove 徐智英 《Heal the world 》中文名:拯救世界,歌词意义深刻,旋律动听,来自Michael Jackson,曾被公认为:世界上最动听的歌,《We are the world》中文名:天下一家,总共有45个美国著名歌星参与演唱,不少脍炙人口的经典英文歌曲就出自他们之手。(诞生原因:为非洲难民募捐)在非典时期曾被香港群星翻唱成粤语版,改名“爱心无国界”,有兴趣去听听,歌曲链接: 《Hand in Hand》中文名:手拉手,1988年汉城奥运会主题曲,被公认为“史上最动听的奥运会主题曲”,前国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇认为它是最动听的奥运会主题曲,甚至曾考虑将其定为永久会歌。 《Hotel California》中文名:加州旅馆,来自Eagles(老鹰乐队),好莱坞经典影片《杀人三部曲》主题曲, 《Rhythm of the rain》中文名:雨中旋律,绿箭口香糖广告歌(旋律轻快)兼奥斯卡大片《阿甘正传》主题曲, 《How do I live》中文名:我怎样活下去,好莱坞大片《空中监狱》主题曲,男主角为大名鼎鼎的“尼古拉斯凯奇”。 《Can you feel the love tonight》中文名:今晚你能否感觉到爱,迪士尼大片《狮子王》主题曲,演唱者:Elton John(曾为英国王妃“戴安娜”写过悼歌——Candle in the wind 风中之烛,并且亲自为其演唱)。 《My heart will go on》中文名:我心永恒,奥斯卡永远的爱情经典《泰坦尼克号》主题曲,演唱者:Celine Dion, 《There you"ll be》中文名:你将在彼端,奥斯卡经典战争兼爱情大片《珍珠港》主题曲,演唱者:Faith Hill, 1.《Christmas in my heart》中文名:圣诞于我心,演唱者是近年来人气颇高的:Sarah Connor 2. 《Christmas Canon Rock》中文名:圣诞卡农(摇滚版),很好听的一首歌,是由英国歌手:Cleo Laine演唱,改自Trans-siberian管乐团的《Christmas Canon》,两者风格各异,但都很动听。前者被附以摇滚乐的风格,电吉他的演奏使其颇具现代气息;后者以提琴合奏,童生大合唱,听起来犹如置身天籁,顿觉心旷神怡。呵呵,我的描述绝无半点夸张,听过就知分晓。 【情人节の章】 1.《The power of love》中文名:爱的力量。由Celine Dion演唱【“泰坦尼克号”主题曲演唱者】,此曲曾于1996年连续9周蝉联全球金曲榜首位,绝对值得一听, 2.《Unchained Melody》此曲就是人称“美版梁祝”的(人鬼情未了),歌曲优美动听,几乎人人都能哼出它的和谐旋律。这部爱情悲剧在放映的头四个月就突破了两亿的票房,至今被人们认为是经典之作。 3.《Casablanca》中文名:卡萨布兰卡,经典好莱坞爱情大片《北非蝶影》主题曲(黑白影片来着),绅士美女的组合,谱写出一段优美的罗曼史。 【母亲节の章】《Animal Instinct》中文名:动物本能,演唱者:来自爱尔兰的The Cranberries(网络上人们称之为“红莓乐队”或“卡百利乐队”)。 【父亲节の章】《I can only imagine》中文名:我只能想象,演唱者:MercyMe(来自美国德克萨斯州的乐队)。 【儿童节の章】《伴随 着你》,这首是动 漫 大师宫崎骏老先生经典之作《天空之城》主题曲,轻快优美的旋律将你的思绪牵 引到 儿 时那个天真 无邪的自 己。宫老先 生的作品可以说一直陪伴着我们成长,内容丰富,意义深远。祝你开心, 快乐每一天!!! 微笑每一天 WLCJ 519135125
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