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中文歌名:我相信我能飞外文歌名:I Believe I Can Fly歌手:R.Kelly所属专辑:Space Jam发行时间:1996年歌词:I used to think that I could not go on 我原以为我无法坚持下去,And life was nothing but an awful song 生命只不过是首忧郁的歌,But now I know the meaning of true love 但现在我明白了真爱的含义,I"m leaning on the everlasting arms 找到了可以永久依靠的臂膀。If I can see it, then I can do it 只要我能看见希望,我就能成功,If I just believe it 如果我相信我能行,There"s nothing to it 那就没有什么不可以。I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,I believe I can touch the sky 我相信我能触到天空。I think about it every night and day 日日夜夜,我想象这一幕,Spread my wings then fly away 展翅高飞……I believe I can soar 我相信我能高飞,I see me running through that open door 我看见我穿过那敞开的生命之门,I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,See I was on the verge of breaking down 看,我在崩溃堕落的边缘,Sometimes silence can seem so loud 有时沉默也能震耳欲聋。There are miracles in life I must achieve 生命中很多奇迹等我去实现,But first I know 但我知道要实现奇迹,It starts inside of me, oh 就必须先从我做起。If I can see it 如果我还能看见希望,Then I can be it 我就能成为那个我想成为的人,If I just believe it 如果我相信我能行,There"s nothing to it 那就没有什么不可以。I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,I believe I can touch the sky 我相信我能触到天空。I think about it every night and day 日日夜夜,我想象这一幕,Spread my wings then fly away 展翅高飞……I believe I can soar 我相信我能高飞,I see me running through that open door我看见我穿过那敞开的生命之门,I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,Hey, cause I believe in it, oh 因为我相信我能行。If I can see it 如果我还能看见希望,Then I can do it 我就能成功,If I just believe it 我相信我能行,There"s nothing to it 那就没有什么不可以。I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,I believe I can touch the sky 我相信我能触到天空。I think about it every night and day 日日夜夜,我想象这一幕,Spread my wings then fly away 展翅高飞……I believe I can soar 我相信我能高飞,I see me running through that open door 我看见我穿过那敞开的生命之门,I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,Hey,if I just spread my wings 只要我张开自己的翅膀。I can fly 我就可以飞翔,I can fly 我可以飞翔,I can fly, hey 我可以飞翔,If I just spread my wings 只要我张开自己的翅膀。I can fly 我就可以飞翔这首歌是歌手R. Kelly在1996年为飞人迈克尔·乔丹的电影《太空大灌篮》由自己作词、作曲、演唱的歌曲。

I believe I can fly 我相信我能够飞翔 I believe I can touch the sky 我相信我能触摸到天际 歌名

I believe I can fly

我相信只要付出就会有回报 用英语怎么说

I believe no pain, no gain

我相信你 英文怎么说

Ibelieveyou相信你说的话I believe in you 我相信你Itrustyou我信任你


Girl, Let me prove that my love is real I will give all my love to you. Please Trust me... ohhhh [XIAH]mi duo yo,qiang lu lei pa la na da ma duo mi duo yo,ku de yi gei na li na ku ma de ji ma na ne gong suo na gei pa la bu ga ba, kan qio wa suo bu ne qio [MAX]sa xi la ,ku de ne qiong ba don gu suo ga bu tol,wen qio ne ku de shen ga gei sa la sa true,a qi mei ne du gon qia mei gei ga ji ,han sang ga bu ni yo jio~~ [ALL]I believe in you,ku de ba la bu ne li xi song ga du ,nei ga ka ku yi nen ku de ya ne ma woon,mu du ta ma bu ne yi~,no mo xi gei dri ki don xi qi ya nen lei ma wu ma dri yin na yo,ku de ma lu noon qia duo la bo li gon ma ga tu lu yo wu ga qi,ku de ~~ [micky]sa la en ,ka su mi mei du tan suo lei yi"m qio yo,ku luo ken soo ma ki nen ku li yong qio yo, [uknow] han sa pio la mo mu xi song yi jio yo, ang ji na qi gon qio nuo~ [xiah] qio gong mai,nei ga ma who mu lu su yi si man ku man,ku de ne pa la bu su yi si mang ku man,ho~~ na yi pa gong yi ye mu lu yi da miou , ho~ho~~,ha gu xi ku bu gei jio~[ALL]I believe in you,ku de ba la bu ne li xi song ga du ,nei ga ka ku yi nen ku de ya ne ma woon,mu du ta ma bu ne yi~,no mo xi gei dri ki don xi qi ya nen lei ma wu ma dri yin na yo,ku de ma lu noon qia duo la bo li gon ma ga tu lu yo wu ga qi,ku de ~~ ku de ~~[all]yi duo ke ku de yong tei ying nen ga miou ,pio too gei na mu gong to mu nen da miou,ang ma nen nei ga gu du sa la gei dong ji,oh~~~[ALL]I believe in you,ku de ba la bu ne li xi song ga du ,nei ga ka ku yi nen ku de ya ne ma woon,mu du ta ma bu ne yi~,no mo xi gei dri ki don xi qi ya nen lei ma wu ma dri yin na yo,ku de ma lu noon qia duo la bo li gon ma ga tu lu yo wu ga qi,I can nei qi ga~很准哦~~~


http://app.zjdyzx.com/sourcefile/0/0/29/29951.wma 这是歌曲下载链接(韩文版)[믹키] Girl, Let me prove that my love is real I"ll give all my love to you, Please Trust me [시아] 믿어요 첫눈에 반한다는 말을 믿어요 그대에겐 아니라고 말했지만 나를 경솔하게 바라볼까봐 감춰왔을 뿐이죠 [최강] 사실 난 그대를 처음 봤던 그 순간부터 온종일 그대 생각에 살았었죠 아침에 눈뜨고 잠들 때까지 한 생각뿐이었죠 *[All] I believe in you 그댈 바라보는 이 시선 가득 내가 갖고 있는 그댈 향한 마음 모두 담아 보내리 너무 쉽게 들키고 싶지 않은 내 마음 알고 있나요 그대 나를 훌쩍 떠나버릴 것만 같은 두려움까지 [영웅] 그대 [믹키] 사랑은 가슴이 메일 듯한 설레임처럼 그렇게 숨 막히는 그리움처럼 [유노] 항상 변함없는 시선을 줘요 언제나 지금처럼 [시아] 조금만 내가 마음을 놓을 수 있을 만큼만 그대를 바라볼 수 있을 만큼만 나의 가까이에 머무른다면 한없이 기쁘겠죠 *Repeat [시아] 그대 [영웅] 이렇게 그대 곁에 있는 다면 결국엔 아무것도 모른다면 얼마나 내가 그댈 사랑했는지 *! Repeat [믹키] I can"t let you go You are the only one in my life Micky: Girl, Let me prove that my live is real I ll give all my love to you Please trust me Xiah: 我相信 相信别人说那一见钟情的话 虽然对你说我从来都不相信 只怕你认为我是轻率的人 一直隐藏在心底 Max: 其实我 从第一次遇见你那一瞬间起 整天就活在想念你的世界里 从早上睁开眼到晚上入睡 只思念你一个人 [ALL] : I believe in you 眺望着你的这视线里 深在我胸口 那份充满着爱你的心 全部交给你 不愿我的心那么轻易的被你发现 你是否明白 还会害怕你忽然间离我而去 却不再回来 Hero : 我的你 Micky: 这份爱 就好像抑制不住的激动一样 就好像快要窒息的思念一样 U-Know: 给我永远不会改变的视线 总是像现在一样 Xiah: 如果你 在那让我感觉到放心的地方 让我时时可以望着你的地方 停留在距离不远的我身边 我将会无比欢喜 [All]: I believe in you 眺望着你的这视线里 深在我胸口 那份充满着爱你的心 全部交给你 不愿我的心那么轻易的被你发现 你是否明白 还会害怕你忽然间离我而去 却不再回来 Xiah: 我的你 Hero: 如果这样只徘徊在你身边 如果最后你什么都不知道 不知道我是多么深深爱过你 [All]: I believe in you 眺望着你的这视线里 深在我胸口 那份充满着爱你的心 全部交给你 不愿我的心那么轻易的被你发现 你是否明白

东方神起傻瓜 我相信 hug 罗马拼音 音译 歌词

hug 在中:哈路满你把一请带噶腿哭西破~oh baby 到大素一破个能乃扑乃卡m桑昂 工切湖过西破 有仟:啊新接肯地切恩读 闹也桥该满组三gi来 满工素该该mer工一个(一哟)的哦土乃oh~ 在中:乃卡翁满闹也哈路 哦多开恩老卡能工几 那里闹吗大撒浪哈能几 还闹木那可古满但 细亚:闹也家ki扫嫩素该 一该家一腿可西破 还素翁能闹也q比米高 一吗素的他嫩读来 闹木来 昌珉:哈路满闹也可呀gi噶腿哭西破~oh baby 一开就难满ging等古要啊不的闹无 你扑 吗乃扫 允浩:工起ki一恰吗乃到 闹也可要无应吗修满 乃可古开就土也能可该古一扫那把wu~ 有仟:难满无米一能高呀 细亚:闹把赶(不而)素翁能工几 怒古读把多 啊地一扫到 恩闹门把大不家那 昌珉:恩哈路门啊就起那 难也爱一你腿哭西破 闹也恰大古 该翁粗穷古 啊土的素一素谈乃 细亚:闹为海 all: in my hard in my song 闹也该撒浪动一大 ha几高say卡几吗 hu baby 一三so木ling高 闹也该求高西破 在中:扑满撒拉高 那啊~~~ 昌珉:那吗饿米一龙高呀 起q不素吗你扫读 允浩:闹木抗桑海吗你海木开 细亚:啊桥古本木扑就开到 在中:翁切家就闹也要太(你高太)哟你读无米高破 闹路来补hi他哭该路切 哭到毛了素秒西破 要问hi~~湖~ ~ ~傻瓜 中文版歌词 [Hero] 不要说 这全部都是谎言 说时间会让我忘记一切 [Max] 那天离别留下的痛已渐渐稍微平静 可是对你的思念却越来越无法停止 [Hero] 虽然知道不会那麼简单 [Max] 虽然雨季也已经过去 [Hero Xiah] 还是不习惯 没你的日子 [All] 我依然深爱著你 我依然渴望著你 [Hero] 失去了你后世界都停止了转动 [Max] 就算像一个傻瓜 我都不在乎 终於可以了解 在我的心里只有你 [Micky] 不要听 这全部都是谎言 说已经忘了你的那句话 [Xiah] 只害怕微不足道的那颗心再被伤害 心便背叛了话语 要我怎麼能忘记你 [Uknow] 只去回想你的那些任性 [Xiah] 这样努力想要忘记你 思念是永不停息的旋律 [All] 我依然深爱著你 我依然渴望著你 [Uknow] 失去了你后 世界都停止了转动 [Max] 就算像一个傻瓜 我都不在乎 [Xiah] 终於可以明白 在我的心里只有你 [Micky] 我好想再把你抱进我的怀抱 永远的 不放手 守护你 [Xiah](永远的守护你) [Xiah] 其实我的那颗心 从来都不曾离你而去 [Hero](离你而去) [All] 彷佛美好时光不曾走远 静静的 [Micky] 停在那一天 [All] 在我小小的怀里 找不到一丝安慰 [Xiah] 为什麼当我失去你后才能明白 [All] but I love you everyday [Hero] 这一生我的灵魂只属於你 (不要忘记) 记得我在这里等你 [Micky]see you once again, My love....东方神起——我相信 中文版 Micky: Girl, Let me prove that my live is real I ll give all my love to you Please trust me Xiah: 我相信 相信别人说那一见钟情的话 虽然对你说我从来都不相信 只怕你认为我是轻率的人 一直隐藏在心底 Max: 其实我 从第一次遇见你那一瞬间起 整天就活在想念你的世界里 从早上睁开眼到晚上入睡 只思念你一个人 [ALL] : I believe in you 眺望着你的这视线里 深在我胸口 那份充满着爱你的心 全部交给你 不愿我的心那么轻易的被你发现 你是否明白 还会害怕你忽然间离我而去 却不再回来 Hero : 我的你 Micky: 这份爱 就好像抑制不住的激动一样 就好像快要窒息的思念一样 U-Know: 给我永远不会改变的视线 总是像现在一样 Xiah: 如果你 在那让我感觉到放心的地方 让我时时可以望着你的地方 停留在距离不远的我身边 我将会无比欢喜 [All]: I believe in you 眺望着你的这视线里 深在我胸口 那份充满着爱你的心 全部交给你 不愿我的心那么轻易的被你发现 你是否明白 还会害怕你忽然间离我而去 却不再回来 Xiah: 我的你 Hero: 如果这样只徘徊在你身边 如果最后你什么都不知道 不知道我是多么深深爱过你 [All]: I believe in you 眺望着你的这视线里 深在我胸口 那份充满着爱你的心 全部交给你 不愿我的心那么轻易的被你发现 你是否明白东方神起——我相信 韩文歌词: [ubbf9ud0a4] Girl, Let me prove that my love is real I"ll give all my love to you, Please Trust me [uc2dcuc544] ubbffuc5b4uc694 uccabub208uc5d0 ubc18ud55cub2e4ub294 ub9d0uc744 ubbffuc5b4uc694 uadf8ub300uc5d0uac90 uc544ub2c8ub77cuace0 ub9d0ud588uc9c0ub9cc ub098ub97c uacbduc194ud558uac8c ubc14ub77cubcfcuae4cubd10 uac10ucdb0uc654uc744 ubfd0uc774uc8e0 [ucd5cuac15] uc0acuc2e4 ub09c uadf8ub300ub97c ucc98uc74c ubd24ub358 uadf8 uc21cuac04ubd80ud130 uc628uc885uc77c uadf8ub300 uc0dduac01uc5d0 uc0b4uc558uc5c8uc8e0 uc544uce68uc5d0 ub208ub728uace0 uc7a0ub4e4 ub54cuae4cuc9c0 ud55c uc0dduac01ubfd0uc774uc5c8uc8e0 *[All] I believe in you uadf8ub308 ubc14ub77cubcf4ub294 uc774 uc2dcuc120 uac00ub4dd ub0b4uac00 uac16uace0 uc788ub294 uadf8ub308 ud5a5ud55c ub9c8uc74c ubaa8ub450 ub2f4uc544 ubcf4ub0b4ub9ac ub108ubb34 uc27duac8c ub4e4ud0a4uace0 uc2f6uc9c0 uc54auc740 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74c uc54cuace0 uc788ub098uc694 uadf8ub300 ub098ub97c ud6ccuca4d ub5a0ub098ubc84ub9b4 uac83ub9cc uac19uc740 ub450ub824uc6c0uae4cuc9c0 [uc601uc6c5] uadf8ub300 [ubbf9ud0a4] uc0acub791uc740 uac00uc2b4uc774 uba54uc77c ub4efud55c uc124ub808uc784ucc98ub7fc uadf8ub807uac8c uc228 ub9c9ud788ub294 uadf8ub9acuc6c0ucc98ub7fc [uc720ub178] ud56duc0c1 ubcc0ud568uc5c6ub294 uc2dcuc120uc744 uc918uc694 uc5b8uc81cub098 uc9c0uae08ucc98ub7fc [uc2dcuc544] uc870uae08ub9cc ub0b4uac00 ub9c8uc74cuc744 ub193uc744 uc218 uc788uc744 ub9ccud07cub9cc uadf8ub300ub97c ubc14ub77cubcfc uc218 uc788uc744 ub9ccud07cub9cc ub098uc758 uac00uae4cuc774uc5d0 uba38ubb34ub978ub2e4uba74 ud55cuc5c6uc774 uae30uc058uaca0uc8e0 *Repeat [uc2dcuc544] uadf8ub300 [uc601uc6c5] uc774ub807uac8c uadf8ub300 uacc1uc5d0 uc788ub294 ub2e4uba74 uacb0uad6duc5d4 uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 ubaa8ub978ub2e4uba74 uc5bcub9c8ub098 ub0b4uac00 uadf8ub308 uc0acub791ud588ub294uc9c0 *Repeat [ubbf9ud0a4] I can"t let you go You are the only one in my life东方神起——我相信 罗马音译: (micky) Girl, let me prove that my love is real I"ll give all my love to you. Please trust me ( xiah) mi de yo qiou nu ei pa nan da nen ma lu mi do yo ku dai ei gein a ni la gu ma lie ji ma na lu kio so la gei pa la bo ga ba kanm qio wan su bun nu jiu (max) sa xi ma ku dei lier cho om ba den ki sun ga bu te on qi mei nun di sang ga gei sa la sa jiu ah ci mei nun di go zam dei dai ga ji han sang ga bu ni yo jiu *(all) I believe in you ku dei ba la po ni si sen ga dun nai ga ka go yi nun ku dei hang han ma om, mo du ta ma bu nei li no mu xi gei du ki go xi ji a nin nei ma om al go I na yo ku dei na lier hu jiong de na bo li gong man ga ten du lei wun ga ji (hero) ki gei (micky) sa lang en ka simi mei yier di san se lie ce lem ki lou gei su ma ki nin ki li wu ce lem (u-know) hang sang pio na mi na xi so li qio yo en jie na qin gun qio lo ho (xiah) qio gun ma nei ga ma hu mu lo su yi su man ku ma ki die lu pa la bu su yi su ma ku ma hu na ei ka ka yi ei me mu lin da miao han eb si ki bi gei jiu repeat* (xiah) ai kei ae ji ga (micky) I can"t let you go. You"re the only one my life~____________________________________________________________________________________________http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=243444901这里有狠多东方神起的歌的翻译罗马音……你可以去看看满意请采纳,谢谢。


(micky) Girl, let me prove that my love is real I"ll give all my love to you. Please trust me ( xiah) mi de yo qiou nu ei pa nan da nen ma lu mi do yo ku dai ei gein a ni la gu ma lie ji ma na lu kio so la gei pa la bo ga ba kanm qio wan su bun nu jiu (max) sa xi ma ku dei lier cho om ba den ki sun ga bu te on qi mei nun di sang ga gei sa la sa jiu ah ci mei nun di go zam dei dai ga ji han sang ga bu ni yo jiu *(all) I believe in you ku dei ba la po ni si sen ga dun nai ga ka go yi nun ku dei hang han ma om, mo du ta ma bu nei li no mu xi gei du ki go xi ji a nin nei ma om al go I na yo ku dei na lier hu jiong de na bo li gong man ga ten du lei wun ga ji (hero) ki gei (micky) sa lang en ka simi mei yier di san se lie ce lem ki lou gei su ma ki nin ki li wu ce lem (u-know) hang sang pio na mi na xi so li qio yo en jie na qin gun qio lo ho (xiah) qio gun ma nei ga ma hu mu lo su yi su man ku ma ki die lu pa la bu su yi su ma ku ma hu na ei ka ka yi ei me mu lin da miao han eb si ki bi gei jiu repeat* (xiah) ai kei ae ji ga (micky) I can"t let you go. You"re the only one my life~


只找到罗马音的了TVXQ---I BelieveMickyGirl, let me prove that my love is real.I"ll give all my love to you. Please trust me.XiahMidoyo cheot nun ae pan han da neun mareul midoyoKeu dae e gen ani ra keu mar haet chi manNa reul kyeong sol ha ge pa ra por kka baKam cheou oa seul ppun i chyoMaxSa sil nan keu dae reul cheo eum poat deon geu sun gan bu teoOn chong il keu dae saeng kak e sal e seot chyoA chim e nun tteu go cham teul ttae kka chiHan saeng kak ppun i eot chyo*AllI believe in you keu dael ba ra po neun i si seon ga deunNae ga ka ko itt neun keu dael hyang han a eum mo du dam a bu nae riNeo mu suip ke deul ki go sip chi anh eun nae ma eum al go itt na yoKeu dae na reul hul jjeok tteo na beo ril keot man kat eun du ryeo um kka chiJae JoongKeu daeMickySarang eun ka seum i me il deut han seol re im cheo reomKeu reoh ke sum man hi neun keu ri um cheo reomYun HoHang sang pyeon ham eobt neun si seon eul chueo yoEon che na chi geum cheo reomXiahCho geu man nae ga ma eum eul noh eul suis eul man keum manKeu dae reul pa ra bol suis eul man keum manNa ui pa kka i e meo mu reun ta myeon...whoaHan eob si ki ppeu get chyo* Repeat ChorusXiahKeu daeJae JoongI reoh ke keum dae kyeot e it neun ga myeonKyeol kuk en a mu geot to mo reun da myeonEol ma na nae ga keu dael sarang haet neun chi* Repeat ChorusMickyI can"t let you go, you are the only one in my life.

东方神起 我相信歌词

[ubbf9ud0a4] Girl, Let me prove that my love is real I"ll give all my love to you, Please Trust me [uc2dcuc544] ubbffuc5b4uc694 uccabub208uc5d0 ubc18ud55cub2e4ub294 ub9d0uc744 ubbffuc5b4uc694 uadf8ub300uc5d0uac90 uc544ub2c8ub77cuace0 ub9d0ud588uc9c0ub9cc ub098ub97c uacbduc194ud558uac8c ubc14ub77cubcfcuae4cubd10 uac10ucdb0uc654uc744 ubfd0uc774uc8e0 [ucd5cuac15] uc0acuc2e4 ub09c uadf8ub300ub97c ucc98uc74c ubd24ub358 uadf8 uc21cuac04ubd80ud130 uc628uc885uc77c uadf8ub300 uc0dduac01uc5d0 uc0b4uc558uc5c8uc8e0 uc544uce68uc5d0 ub208ub728uace0 uc7a0ub4e4 ub54cuae4cuc9c0 ud55c uc0dduac01ubfd0uc774uc5c8uc8e0 *[All] I believe in you uadf8ub308 ubc14ub77cubcf4ub294 uc774 uc2dcuc120 uac00ub4dd ub0b4uac00 uac16uace0 uc788ub294 uadf8ub308 ud5a5ud55c ub9c8uc74c ubaa8ub450 ub2f4uc544 ubcf4ub0b4ub9ac ub108ubb34 uc27duac8c ub4e4ud0a4uace0 uc2f6uc9c0 uc54auc740 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74c uc54cuace0 uc788ub098uc694 uadf8ub300 ub098ub97c ud6ccuca4d ub5a0ub098ubc84ub9b4 uac83ub9cc uac19uc740 ub450ub824uc6c0uae4cuc9c0 [uc601uc6c5] uadf8ub300 [ubbf9ud0a4] uc0acub791uc740 uac00uc2b4uc774 uba54uc77c ub4efud55c uc124ub808uc784ucc98ub7fc uadf8ub807uac8c uc228 ub9c9ud788ub294 uadf8ub9acuc6c0ucc98ub7fc [uc720ub178] ud56duc0c1 ubcc0ud568uc5c6ub294 uc2dcuc120uc744 uc918uc694 uc5b8uc81cub098 uc9c0uae08ucc98ub7fc [uc2dcuc544] uc870uae08ub9cc ub0b4uac00 ub9c8uc74cuc744 ub193uc744 uc218 uc788uc744 ub9ccud07cub9cc uadf8ub300ub97c ubc14ub77cubcfc uc218 uc788uc744 ub9ccud07cub9cc ub098uc758 uac00uae4cuc774uc5d0 uba38ubb34ub978ub2e4uba74 ud55cuc5c6uc774 uae30uc058uaca0uc8e0 *Repeat [uc2dcuc544] uadf8ub300 [uc601uc6c5] uc774ub807uac8c uadf8ub300 uacc1uc5d0 uc788ub294 ub2e4uba74 uacb0uad6duc5d4 uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 ubaa8ub978ub2e4uba74 uc5bcub9c8ub098 ub0b4uac00 uadf8ub308 uc0acub791ud588ub294uc9c0 *Repeat [ubbf9ud0a4] I can"t let you go You are the only one in my life 参考资料:哈哈哈韩论坛: 相信> 中文版 [Micky] Girl, Let me prove that my live is real I"ll give all my love to you Please trust me [Xiah] 我相信 相信别人说那一见锺情的话 虽然对你说我从来都不相信 只怕你认为我是轻率的人 一直隐藏在心底 [Max] 其实我 从第一次遇见你那一瞬间起 整天就活在想念你的世界里 从早上睁开眼到晚上入睡 只思念你一个人 [ALL] I believe in you 眺望著你的这视线里 深在我胸口 那份充满著爱你的心 全部交给你 不愿我的心那麼轻易的被你发现 你是否明白 还会害怕你忽然间离我而去 却不再回来 [Hero] 我的你 [Micky] 这份爱 就好像抑制不住的激动一样 就好像快要窒息的思念一样 [U-Know] 给我永远不会改变的视线 总是像现在一样 [Xiah] 如果你 在那让我感觉到放心的地方 让我时时可以望著你的地方 停留在距离不远的我身边 我将会无比欢喜 [All] I believe in you 眺望著你的这视线里 深在我胸口 那份充满著爱你的心 全部交给你 不愿我的心那麼轻易的被你发现 你是否明白 还会害怕你忽然间离我而去 却不再回来 [Xiah] 我的你 [Hero] 如果这样只徘徊在你身边 如果最后你什麼都不知道 不知道我是多麼深深爱过你 [All] I believe in you 眺望著你的这视线里 深在我胸口 那份充满著爱你的心 全部交给你 不愿我的心那麼轻易的被你发现 你是否明白 还会害怕你忽然间离我而 却不再回来 [Micky] I can"t let you go woo~no``` You are the only one in my life 音译: (micky) Girl, let me prove that my love is real I"ll give all my love to you. Please trust me ( xiah) mi de yo qiou nu ei pa nan da nen ma lu mi do yo ku dai ei gein a ni la gu ma lie ji ma na lu kio so la gei pa la bo ga ba kanm qio wan su bun nu jiu (max) sa xi ma ku dei lier cho om ba den ki sun ga bu te on qi mei nun di sang ga gei sa la sa jiu ah ci mei nun di go zam dei dai ga ji han sang ga bu ni yo jiu *(all) I believe in you ku dei ba la po ni si sen ga dun nai ga ka go yi nun ku dei hang han ma om, mo du ta ma bu nei li no mu xi gei du ki go xi ji a nin nei ma om al go I na yo ku dei na lier hu jiong de na bo li gong man ga ten du lei wun ga ji (hero) ki gei (micky) sa lang en ka simi mei yier di san se lie ce lem ki lou gei su ma ki nin ki li wu ce lem (u-know) hang sang pio na mi na xi so li qio yo en jie na qin gun qio lo ho (xiah) qio gun ma nei ga ma hu mu lo su yi su man ku ma ki die lu pa la bu su yi su ma ku ma hu na ei ka ka yi ei me mu lin da miao han eb si ki bi gei jiu repeat* (xiah) ai kei ae ji ga (micky) I can"t let you go. You"re the only one my life~参考资料:http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=12485167


  相信的意思是认为正确不怀疑的,相信一个人也就是信赖的意思,你知道我相信你的英文怎么说吗?下面跟我一起来了解关于相信你的英语知识吧。   我相信你的英文释义   I believe in you   我相信你的英文例句   我相信你。   I believe you.   我相信你!   I trust you!   我相信你会是公正的。   I trust you to be fair.   我相信你。   I believe in you.   我相信你肯定关心他的 教育 吧。   I believe you must care for his educations.   我相信你会找出哪些行为适用于哪些人。   I trust you to figure out which actions go with which people.   我相信你会这么做。   And I believe you will.   我相信你必须得受激情给你带来的麻烦。   I believe you have to suffer for your passion.   我相信你一定会喜欢的。   I believe you will love it.   我相信你已经得到了足够的惩罚。   I believe you have been punished enough.   这个损失,我相信你从未承认,它使你伤残,陷入无能的感觉,对再一次怀孕和另一个孩子的想法感到恐惧。   A loss, I believe, that you have never acknowledged and that cripples you intofeeling powerless and panicked at the thought of another pregnancy and anotherchild.   对的,我相信你一定可以在这个寒假了解到许多中国的传统习俗,如风俗习惯、菜肴、祝词等等。   Yes, I believe you will know a lot about Chinese traditions this winter holiday, such as the custom, practices, cuisine, greeting and so on.   没有那么强硬。可是你做的也很成功啊,而且我相信你将来会更加成功。   But still you are very successful and I believe you will get more successful in thefuture.   有人可能不同意我的观点,不过我相信你可能注册大多数的流行社会化网站,而不关心是否要使用它们 。   People may disagree with me, but I believe you should sign up for the mostpopular social networks regardless of whether you are going to use them all.   玛莉: 我相信你,吉娜。   Mary: I believe you, Zina.   我相信你的英语 句子 带翻译   好好准备,我相信你会通过考试的。   I believe you can pass the exam with good preparation.   我相信你知道,医药企业通常有着严格的要求和高标准。   I believe you know that the pharmaceutical business usually has very strictrequirements and high standards.   我相信你在制定这个计划上一定花了不少精力吧。   I believe you must have spent a lot of time in making the plan.   考虑到你的资格,我相信你会成为一名不错的空中小姐。   Considering your qualifications,we believe you would be a good stewardess.   但我相信你不会后悔,做正确的事情,做正确的抉择。   But I believe you"ll never regret doing the right thing making the decision.   我相信你得想想补救 方法 。   John: I believe you should think some remedies.   可是你做的也很成功啊,而且我相信你将来会更加成功。   But still you are very successful and I believe you will get more successful in thefuture.   如果你试一试的话,我相信你一定能适应。   I am sure you can get with it if you try.   如果你对这些问题的答案都是肯定的,那我相信你今年会想方设法与众不同。   If you answered yes to either of these questions then this year I dare you to be different.   皮格马利翁效应就是说,如果我相信你有某种特点,就可能导致你表现得,好像你真的有这种特点一样。   And the Pygmalion effect is if I believe you have a certain characteristic this mightcause you to behave as if you have that characteristic.   关于相信的英文阅读:你相信一吻钟情吗   Do you believe in love at first sight? What about love at first kiss? That"s what this group of singles is hoping for.   你相信一见钟情吗?那一吻钟情呢?这正是这群“单身狗们”所期望的。   Contestants line up to kiss complete strangers on TV on TLC"s new reality show "Love at First Kiss."   在TLC最新真人秀《一吻钟情》节目中,选手们排队亲吻完全陌生的人。   One hopeful contestant signed up for the reality show not just to meet someone but also to finally have his first kiss -- ever.   一位满怀希望的选手报名参加了真人秀,他不仅仅是为了遇见另一半,同时也终于献出自己的初吻。   "I definitely wanted to have my first kiss," 27-year-old Josh told FOX411. "I"ve never kissed anyone and I thought it would be a good opportunity to get that first kiss over with but also to see if I could potentially find someone I could start dating and be in a relationship with."   “我当然想尝试一下初吻的感觉。”27岁的乔希接受《福克斯411》采访时表示.“我从来没亲吻过任何人,我觉得这可能是献出初吻的好机会,但同时也想试试能不能有机会找到能够约会的人,真正开始一段感情。”   Josh admits the show"s premise doesn"t sound like it attracts people looking for serious relationships, but he thinks it can lead to dating if people are open to it.   乔希承认该节目的前提听起来并不像是吸引那些寻找真爱的人参与的,但他认为只要人们敞开心扉,也能开始一段约会。   "I think you can find love at first kiss if its with the right person and it can develop into a relationship," he said. "I would definitely do it again. It opened me up a lot and gave me a lot more confidence with myself and talking to girls."   他说道:“我觉得如果和对的人在一起,一吻钟情没什么不可能,而且两人也可以继续发展下去。我绝对想再来一次。它使我敞开心扉,不论对于我自身,还是和女孩交谈时,它都给了我更大的信心。”   Another contestant looking for love told us she signed up for the dating show because she was having trouble dating in real life.   另一位想要寻找真爱的选手告诉我们,她报名参加相亲节目是因为自己没办法在现实生活中和他人约会。   "What"s funny is because I"m so conservative, I wouldn"t do anything with guys sexually at all for the first couple of dates," 20-year-old Sarati told FOX411. "And it wasn"t working so I thought if I completely changed my course of action that would help with dating."   20岁的沙拉提在接受《福克斯411》采访时说道:“有趣的是,因为我比较保守,最初的几次约会中我不愿意和对方做任何与性相关的事情。这方面总是无法正常起来,所以我就想,如果我完全改变我的作风,是不是会对约会有帮助。” 猜你喜欢: 1. 表示相信英语情景对话 2. 相信的英文怎么读 3. 准时用英语怎么说 4. 购物常用英语口语对话大全 5. 英语学习心得体会范文 6. 购物常用英语口语对话

跪求英语翻译,谢谢… 6,我相信由上海举办的2010年世博会一定会非常成功的

我相信由上海举办的2010年世博会一定会非常成功的 I believe that Shanghai can hold the World Expo of 2010 very successfully.如果发生了车祸,请尽快报警。Please call the police immediately when occured traffic accident..尽管春天已经来临,中国还会遭受持续的寒冷天气。Although came into the spring , China will suffer a frigid weather for a long time.他每天在花园阅读一小时已经成为规律。He had falled into a habit that spending one hour reading in a garden every day .我们住在农村很少有机会碰到外国人. We never meet foreigner for living in countryside.去杭州的最佳时机是每年的三月,那时既不热也不冷。March, neither hot nor cold, is the best time for going to Hongzhou.

请推荐一些 关于励志的歌曲,要震撼,激动人心,高音。 例如(我相信)之类的



I believe it will be better tomorrow.


You"re not along Owl City的,附上链接http://music.baidu.com/song/123769358?fm=altg4




i believe that our motherland must be better and better.it" s my pleasure that i can live in that time.ah!motherland,you"re my proud forever!

我相信我有能力完成这件事,用英语怎么说,用上 be competent to do sth

I believe I am competent to finish this.




I trust you.是指我信任/信赖/相信你(含有”觉得你是一个可靠的人“的意思。)I believe you. 是指我相信你说的是实话,你说的东西是真的。I believe in sb, 是指相信某事物存在、信仰。比如:believe in God(信仰上帝), believe in ghosts (相信有鬼),
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