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would you mind后面加的词

您好,would you mind 后面通常加 “人称代词”+ 动词的ing形式,表示一种征求、询问的意思。例如:would you mind me opening the window? 你是否介意我打开窗户? would you mind him smoking here? 你是否介意他在这里吸烟? 如果对您有所帮助,望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

would you mind的回答有几种

可以的回答: ok. sure, no problem. 不可以的回答: Sorry, I can"t. My hands are full. 2. Would you mind me sitting here? 不介意的回答: Not at all. No, I don"t. Of course not. I don"t mind. 介意的回答: sorry, this seat is taken.

Would you mind 的用法和句型.例句加翻译

would you mind 你介意…吗短语 Then Would You Mind那你能否Would you mind?你们不介意吧Would you mind doing你介意做某事吗Would you mind less noise能不能小Would you mind doing sth你介意…吗No. Would you mind不Would you mind cleaningyour room?作否定回答No. Would you mind?不例句Would you mind giving her a message?你介不介意给她带个口信?Would you mind if I sit out this dance?这支舞曲我不想跳了,你介意吗?Would you mind filling in the registration form?请您填一下住宿登记表好吗?Would you mind if I turn off the radio?要是关掉收音机你介意吗?。Would you mind giving me a lift to school?你介意我搭您的车到学校吗?Would you mind pressing the shutter for me?你介意替我按下快门吗?Would you mind cleaning the windshield, too?能把我的挡风玻璃擦一下吗?Would you mind my keeping it for another week?能让我再借一个星期吗?Would you mind telling me? And then I tell her.能告诉我吗?然后我转告她。Would you mind filling in the registration form?请您填一下住宿登记表好吗?Would you mind if I turn down the TV set a little?如果我把电视声音调低一点,你介意吗Would you mind telling me what Mr. Morton is like?你能告诉墨顿先生是怎样的一个人吗?Would you mind if I smoked in the office next door?如果我在隔壁办公室吸烟,你介意吗?Well, yes. Would you mind buying some fruit for me?如果你不介意的话,替我买些水果好吗?Would you mind giving (taking) him a message for me?请你替我带个口信给他好吗?。Would you mind repeating that? I didn"t quite latch on.这句话请你再说一遍好吗?我没完全听懂。Oh, she is eating now. Would you mind calling back later?噢,她正在吃饭。您能过会儿再打吗?Would you mind opening all of the suitcases, please, Sir?先生,请您打开所有的行李箱好吗?Would you mind telling me something about Valentine"s Day?你给我讲讲情人节可以吗?Would you mind saying that again, I didn"t quite latch on .请你再说一遍,我没有完全听懂。Would you mind giving me a glass of water and some aspirin?劳驾给我一杯水和一点阿司匹林好吗?Would you mind telling me how to use the automatic teller machine?您介意告诉我怎么使用自动柜员机吗?Sir, would you mind ha v in ga se at in thew a ating room for a moment?先生,请问您介意在休息室等一会儿吗?Would you mind picking up my schoolwork and bringing it over to my house?你愿意帮我到学校拿作业,然后带到我家来吗?Would you mind satisfying my curiosity on a point which has bothered me for some time?有个问题我百思不得其解,你愿意满足我的好奇心吗?I"m afraid all the private rooms are reserved. Would you mind a table in the main restaurant?恐怕所有的个别餐室都被订光了,您不介意在主厅用餐吧?I want you to download this file from the Internet. Would you mind if I use your computer this evening?我想请你帮我把这个文件从因特网上下载下来。你介意我今天晚上用一下你的电脑吗?I"m sorry. My Graber is delayed due to traffic. But Mr. Grabber called just now and said he would be back soon. Would you mind waiting?莫:很抱歉,格雷勃先生因交通阻塞未及时赶回,不过格雷勃先生打电话回来说他很快就到。请您稍等,好吗?

would you mind my doing sth与would you mind me doing sth有区别吗,




如何使用“Would you mind

Would (Do) you mind ...是一个非常重要的交际用语,用来表示委婉的请求,或用来表示希望得到对方的许可.运用好该句型,应注意以下四点:一、Would (Do) you mind后接doing sth.时,表示希望对方做某事.其中would 比 do语气更委婉,熟人之间说话时,可用do代替would.如:Would / Do you mind showing me the way to the airport?请你告诉我去机场的路好吗?二、Would (Do) you mind 后接one"s doing sth.时,用来请求允许或询问对方是否介意自己或别人做某事.其中形容词性物主代词one"s在口语中可用代词宾格担当动名词的逻辑主语.如:Would you mind my / me asking you a few questions?我请教你几个问题好吗?三、Would (Do) you mind 后接if从句时,也是用来表示请求对方是否介意某人做某事.其中在“Would you mind if 从句”句型中,从句谓语常用一般过去时,而“Do you mind if从句”句型中,从句谓语常用一般现在时.如:1.Do you mind if he attends the meeting?他参加会议好吗?(= Do you mind his attending the meeting?) 2.Would you mind if I took his place?我代替他好吗?(=Would you mind my taking his place?)四、关于如何回答该句型的问题.1.若表示“不介意”或“同意”时,常用否定形式.如:① No,of course not.② No,certainly not.③ No,not at all.④ No,go ahead.⑤ No,do as you like.⑥ No,indeed.⑦ No,please.________ ⑧ No,I don"t mind.⑨ No,do it please.⑩ Not in the least.等.2.若表示“介意”或“不同意”时,则常用较委婉的方式加以拒绝.如:① I"m sorry but I do.② Sorry,you"d better not.③ I"m afraid you can"t.④ I wish you wouldn"t ...⑤ I"m sorry,but it"s not allowed ...⑥ Yes,I do mind.等.其中,很少用Yes,I do mind来回答,因这种答语显得较生硬.

would you mind和would you mind not的区别

一个是问 “你介意XX吗”,另一个是“你介意不XX吗”1.Would you mind passing me the salt?2.Would you mind not making noises while I am talking?Would you mind 是客气的问别人介不介意做什么事情,一般是请人帮忙的意思.Would you mind not 是别人能不能不要做什么事情,一般是在指出别人在做一件不太合适的事情.

问句Would you mind 的答语有哪些

1.若表示“不介意”或“同意”时,常用否定形式.如:① No,of course not.② No,certainly not.③ No,not at all.④ No,go ahead.⑤ No,do as you like.⑥ No,indeed.⑦ No,please.________⑧ No,I don"t mind.⑨ No,do it please.⑩ Not in the least.等.2.若表示“介意”或“不同意”时,则常用较委婉的方式加以拒绝.如:① I"m sorry but I do.② Sorry,you"d better not.③ I"m afraid you can"t.④ I wish you wou

would you mind后面加什么

would you mind后面接动词-ing形式。would you mind意思是“你介意…吗;你介不介意”。Do (Would) you mind if句型用来表示请求对方的许可,即询问对方是否介意说话人做某事。用Do开头时表示说话人比较直率;用Would开头时则表示说话人语气较为委婉。 will与would用法完全归纳 1、表示意愿 will和would均可表示意愿,will用于指现在的意愿,would用于指过去的意愿。如: I"ll do anything that I can. 我愿做我能够做的任何事。 He will do anything except cook. 他什么都愿做,就是不愿做饭。 He asked if I would show him the way. 他问我是愿意可以给他带路。 按英语语法习惯,在条件状语从句中不能直接使用将来时态,而应用一般现在时表示将来意义,但表示“意愿”的will和would有时可用于条件句中。如: If you will wait a moment, I"ll fetch the money. 如果你能等一下,我就取钱去。 If he would try harder, I"m sure he"ll do well. 只要他能再努力一些,我相信他会做好的。 条件状语从句will的意思不是“将要”,而是“愿意”。注意,有时翻译可能会比较灵活,尤其是当用于if you will…这类结构时。如: If you will [would] follow me, I"ll show you the way. 请跟我来,我给你指路。 If you will [would] wait a moment I"ll see if Mr Jones is free. 请您稍候片刻,我看看琼斯先生是否有空。 2、表示拒绝 愿意做某事的反面是什么?就是拒绝。所以情态动词will和would的否定式won"t和wouldn"t可以用来表示拒绝——won"t用于现在或将来,wouldn"t用于过去。如: If he won"t listen to me, I can"t help him. 如果他不肯听我的话,我就不能帮他的忙。 He said that he wouldn"t lend me a penny. 他说过他一便士都不愿借给我。

Would you mind 的用法和句型.例句加翻译

Would you mind 后面一般加动词的进行式,即Would you mind + doing.例:Would you mind looking after my baby while I"m away? 我不在的时候,你介意不介意照看一下我的小孩?常用用法还有:1. Would you mind + 名词宾格/形容词性物主代词 + doing.例:Would you mind me/my smoking here? 你介意我在这里抽烟吗? Would you mind me/my opening the window? 你介意我开窗户吗?2.Would you mind + if 从句。例:Would you mind if I smoke? 你介意我抽烟吗? Would you mind if I were to say... 我这样说的话,你介意吗?Would you mind 句型一般用在面对陌生人时或者非常正式的场合,用来表达委婉、客气的意愿,不用在朋友之间,或者普通、随便的场合。注意:Would you mind 后面不能加不定式,即to do

would you mind的回答是什么?

1、肯定回答:即不介意对方做某事时,常用not at all,certainly not,of course not等等。例如:would you mind opening the window?你介意打开窗户吗?of course not.当然不介意了。2、否定回答:即介意对方做某事时,常用I am sorry but,I am afraid you can"t,yes, you"d better not。例如:would you mind my smoking here?你介意我在这儿吸烟吗?I am afraid you can"t.恐怕你不恩能够在这儿吸烟。词语用法would可用作助动词will的过去式,主要用于第二、第三人称,有时也用于第一人称(详见will)。用于陈述语气时可构成过去将来式、过去将来完成式、过去将来进行式。用于虚拟语气时,在“would+动词不定式的一般式〔完成式〕”结构中与should用法相同(详见should,但would主要用于第二、第三人称)。

为什么would you mind 后接my不接me

加me也可以.如:Would you mind my/me smoking here?你介意我在这儿抽烟吗?my/me smoking在语法上被称为动名词的复合结构,即在动名词前面加上

would you mind什么意思

would you mind翻译:你介意吗比如:Would you mind looking after my dog when I"m out?我外出的时候,你是否介意帮我照看一下我的狗?

yes,I do 可用yes,I would love to代替吗?

这取决于问你的是什么问题。你需要用什么样的正式程度。do you wanna go to the movies?yeah, i"d love to.do you really decide to give whatever it takes to complete the mission?yes, i do.

would you like和want的区别是什么?

您好,很高兴为您解答would like表示愿望,希望,或者是客气或委婉的语气。表示愿望,I would like to have a lot money. 我希望有很多钱。表示委婉,I would like to order a main course.我想点正餐。want相当于汉语的“想”或“想要”,后面可以接名次或动词。I want an ice cream. 我想要一个冰激凌。I want to go home.我想回家。would like和 wantA 在下列情况下,这两个词可以互换使用:1 用于请求或有关请求的问句中(但这里不使用 would not like,参见下面B1):Customer:I"d like some raspberries,please./I want some raspberries,please.顾客:请给我拿点儿木莓.Greengrocer:I"m afraid I haven"t any.Would you like somestrawberries?蔬菜水果商:对不起,我没有木莓了.您来点草莓怎么样?Customer:No,I don"t want any strawberries,thanks.顾客:不,我不想要草莓.(这里不能用 wouldn"t like.)I would like常常要比 I want更有礼貌.would you like?要比do you want?更有礼貌,也更殷勤.would you like?可以含有愿意满足别人的希望的意思.do youwant?则不含有这种意思.因此,与顾客或客人打交道时,通常用 would you like?:Caller:I"d like to/I want to speak to Mr X,please.打电话者:我想找X先生说话.Telephonist:Mr X is out.Would you like to speak to Mr 话务员:X先生出去了.您跟Y先生说行吗?2 如果不是提出请求而只是谈到愿望时,可以随意用would like或want的肯定式、疑问式或否定式.它们的意思没有区别,然而,I want要比I would like显得更自信.I want通常不用于表示不可实现的愿望:I would like to live on Mars.但愿我能住到火星上去.B would like和want在下列用法中不能互换:1 表示邀请时用 would you like?结构,而不能用do you want?结构:Would you like a cup of coffee?您想喝一杯咖啡吗?Would you like to come to the theatre?您想来剧院看戏吗?do you want?用于此处只表示一种询问,不含有邀请的意思.2 wouldn"t like和 don"t want是有区别的.don"t want表示没有某种愿望;wouldn"t like表示不喜欢.因此,wouldn"t like不能用来回答邀请或提议,因为在这种回答中 wouldn"t like的口气将是不礼貌的.在这里常用 don"twant或其他形式来代替 wouldn"t like:—Would you like some more coffee?—No,I don"t want any more,thanks./No,thanks.—您再来点儿咖啡吗?—不,不要了,C 在过去时中这两种形式的变化不同.在间接引语中want变为 wanted,而would like不起变化:Tom said,‘I would like/want to see it."汤姆说:“我想看看它”.相当于:Tom said he would like/wanted to see it.汤姆说他想看看它.但如果不用间接引语的结构来表示,只能说:Tom wanted tosee it(这里我们不能用would like因为Tom would like to seeit的意思是指现在或将来).D would like有两个过去形式:would like+ 不定式的完成式或would like+ 不定式/名词/代词.这些形式只能表示未能实现的愿望:I"d like to have gone skiing./I"d have liked a day"s skiing.我本想去滑雪的.(但我未能实现我的愿望.)希望能帮助到您,谢谢



would you like为什么不是will you like

would you like = 现在试.will you like = 未来式.will = (未来) 会Would = (现在) 会 两者有区别的.would like some tea? (你想要喝茶么?)Will you go to the dance with me? (你会不会和我一起去那个舞会?)

Would you like...有什么句型,怎么使用,什么意思

意思差不多 但使用的场合可能会有点细小的区别 第一句多用于吃东西时劝别人吃点面包 而第二句则可以用于在面包店买面包的对话中 would like和 want A 在下列情况下,这两个词可以互换使用: 1 用于请求或有关请求的问句中(但这里不使用 would not like,参见下面B1): Customer:I"d like some raspberries,please./I want some raspberries,please. 顾客:请给我拿点儿木莓。 Greengrocer:I"m afraid I haven"t any.Would you like somestrawberries? 蔬菜水果商:对不起,我没有木莓了。您来点草莓怎么样? Customer:No,I don"t want any strawberries,thanks. 顾客:不,谢谢,我不想要草莓。(这里不能用 wouldn"t like。) I would like常常要比 I want更有礼貌。 would you like?要比do you want?更有礼貌,也更殷勤。 would you like?可以含有愿意满足别人的希望的意思。do youwant?则不含有这种意思。因此,与顾客或客人打交道时,通常用 would you like?: Caller:I"d like to/I want to speak to Mr X,please. 打电话者:我想找X先生说话。 Telephonist:Mr X is out.Would you like to speak to Mr Y? 话务员:X先生出去了。您跟Y先生说行吗? 2 如果不是提出请求而只是谈到愿望时,可以随意用would like或want的肯定式、疑问式或否定式。它们的意思没有区别,然而,I want要比I would like显得更自信。 I want通常不用于表示不可实现的愿望: I would like to live on Mars. 但愿我能住到火星上去。 B would like和want在下列用法中不能互换: 1 表示邀请时用 would you like?结构,而不能用do you want?结构: Would you like a cup of coffee? 您想喝一杯咖啡吗? Would you like to come to the theatre? 您想来剧院看戏吗? do you want?用于此处只表示一种询问,不含有邀请的意思。 2 wouldn"t like和 don"t want是有区别的。 don"t want表示没有某种愿望;wouldn"t like表示不喜欢。因此,wouldn"t like不能用来回答邀请或提议,因为在这种回答中 wouldn"t like的口气将是不礼貌的。在这里常用 don"twant或其他形式来代替 wouldn"t like: —Would you like some more coffee? —No,I don"t want any more,thanks./No,thanks. —您再来点儿咖啡吗? —不,不要了,谢谢。 C 在过去时中这两种形式的变化不同。在间接引语中want变为 wanted,而would like不起变化: Tom said,‘I would like/want to see it." 汤姆说:“我想看看它”。相当于: Tom said he would like/wanted to see it. 汤姆说他想看看它。 但如果不用间接引语的结构来表示,只能说: Tom wanted tosee it(这里我们不能用would like因为Tom would like to seeit的意思是指现在或将来)。 D would like有两个过去形式:would like+ 不定式的完成式或would like+ 不定式/名词/代词。这些形式只能表示未能实现的愿望: I"d like to have gone skiing./I"d have liked a day"s skiing. 我本想去滑雪的。(但我未能实现我的愿望。)


1、would you like一般是“你需要我给你提供点什么嘛”的意思,更加委婉。 比如would you like a cup of tea? 2、而do you like用于“你喜欢这个么?” 比如说do you like orange or banana? 扩展资料 would you like 可以跟名词 eg.would you like some coffee?;would you like to 后加动词原形eg.would you like to go with me? 相同点 【would you like to...=do you want to...】;不同点【would you like some milk?(用some表一些)】。 would you like 有“你愿意吗”的意思,do you like有“你喜欢吗”的.意思。Would youlike是较客气的说法,多用于征求他人意见的时候。 比较: would you like to have some coffe?你要来点咖啡吗? do you like to have some coffe?你喜欢喝咖啡吗?你习惯喝咖啡吗?

would you like的语法

would you like 你想不想;您是否希望 I.Would you like sth.如: Would you like some oranges? (=Do you want some oranges?) 你想吃些桔子吗? II.Would you like to do sth.如: Would you like to drink a cup of tea? (=Do you want to drink a cup of tea?) 你想喝杯茶吗? III.Would you like sb.to do sth.如: Would you like me to meet your family? (=Do you want me to meet your family?) 你想要我见一见你的家人吗? [特别提示] "Would you like..."中like后不可接动词-ing形式,而"Do you like..."中like后却可以. 如:Do you like swimming?你喜欢游泳吗? [注意] 对于"Would you like..." 提出的建议或要求,肯定回答常用"Yes,please."或"Yes,I would love / like to." (I would可缩写为I"d); 否定回答常用"No,thanks.". 对于"Do you like..." 的答语,肯定回答用"Yes,I do."; 否定回答用"No,I don"t."

怎么回答would you like

would you like的肯定回答:yes ,i like。would you like意思:你想吗,你希望吗,你愿意吗? 扩展资料   Would you like的"用法:   Would you like...?是用来礼貌地询问对方的意愿,是否“想要……”或委婉地提出请求、建议或者陈述个人的想法。第一人称也可以用should like。should /would like与动词 want 同义,但语气比 want 更委婉,更礼貌。   在结构上有   1、后接名词或代词。   Wouldyoulike something to drink/eat?你想要喝点/吃点什么吗?   2、后接不定式,表示想要做某事。   Wouldyoulike to go with me?你想和我一起去吗?   3、后接不定式复合结构,表示想要某人做某事。   Would you like him to do the work?你想要他去做这项工作吗?

would you like前面应该填什么?

would you like前面应该填什么?Answer :would you like 前面可以不用加什么,例如:Would you like to go with me?

would you like的用法有哪些?

1、Would you like +sth. 2、Would you like+to do sth. 例如:1、Would you like to go shopping with me ? 2、Would you like a cup of coffee? 常见句型: 1、Would you like +名词 ”你想要点. 2、Would you please + do sth.”请你.“ 拓展资料: would you like 意为想要,语气非常委婉。具体用法如下: 1、后接名词或代词,表示具体要某样东西。如:I"d like two cups of coffe. 我要两杯咖啡。 2、后接动词不定式,表示意愿,喜爱,常用于有礼貌地 提出邀请、请求或建议。如:I would like to help you. 我愿意帮忙。 3、would like sb. to do sth. 表示想要某人做某事。如:I"d like you to meet them. 我想要你见见他们。 4、当主语是第一人称时,would 可换成should,like也可换成love。如:I should like the coat. 我想要这件大衣。 5、Would you like...?你们想要吗?表示向对方提出客气的、有礼貌的请求、邀请、希望、或询问。如:Would you like to have an apple?你想吃个苹果吗?注意:它的肯定回答多用Yes,please./I"d like to/Certainly/Yes,thank you.等;否定回答常用No,thanks/No, thank you.等

would you like后面是加some还是any?




英语中是Would you like some 还是Would you like any

would you like some.....都说any 用在问句中。。为什么这里用some..我想 可能是any 用在疑问句中 would you like some ....是你要不要。。。在这里 some 或许是个特殊用法。。习惯用法

what would you like是什么意思


would you like to和would you like的区别


what would you like?意思是什么 答句是什么


would you like…是什么意思?


what would you like和what do you like有区别吗?

首先我们来看下what would you like和what do you like的大致意思:what would you like:词性为短语,What would you like是一个常用的礼貌性提问句,用于询问对方的需求或意愿,常见于点餐、购物或安排活动等场景。例如,在餐馆里服务员可能会问顾客:What would you like to drink?(您想要喝点什么呢?)what do you like:词性为短语,What do you like是一个常用的提问句,用于询问对方的喜好或偏好,常见于了解他人的兴趣爱好等场景。例如,朋友之间可以问:What do you like to do in your free time?(你在空闲时间喜欢做什么?)通过下面的表格我们了解下what would you like和what do you like的含义、发音和用法接下来让我们看下what would you like和what do you like的用法区别:1.词义:含义不同例子:- What would you like(你想要什么)- What do you like(你喜欢什么)2.语气:what do you like语气普通,what would you like语气更委婉客气例子:- What do you like to eat?(你喜欢吃什么?)- Would you like to try our specialty dish?(您想要尝试一下我们的特色菜吗?)3.时间:what do you like可以是过去的或者现在的喜好,what would you like通常指的是当前或未来的意愿例子:- What did you like to watch on TV when you were a child?(你小时候喜欢看什么电视节目?)- What would you like to go watch a movie together next weekend?(你想要下个周末一起去看电影吗?)4.礼貌程度:what would you like更礼貌和客气,what do you like相对直接和平常例子:- What color car do you like?(你要什么颜色的汽车?)- What would you like to purchase in terms of car model?(您想要购买一辆什么型号的汽车呢?)5.语用:what do you like更适用于了解他人的兴趣爱好,what would you like更适用于商务或服务场景例子:- What kind of music do you like?(你喜欢哪种音乐?)- What would you like assistance with?(您需要什么帮助吗?)

Would you like什么意思


would you like后面加什么

would you like后面加to do,表示意思是想要做某事。后面接名词或代词,表示“具体要”某样东西。后面接动词不定式,表示“愿望,喜爱”,常用于有礼貌地提出邀请、请求或建议。当主语是第一人称时,would可与should换用,它们都可以缩写为"d,并且like也可换成love。“would like”后面可以用动词不定式作宾语补足语。would you like是一个英语短语,意思是你想,你想要,你要不。带有would you like的句子1、What would you like me to do about it?2、Would you like some wine or would you rather stick to sherry?3、How would you like it if it happened to you?4、We got some eggs would you like a couple?5、Would you like a coffee?she purred.6、Would you like to come for drinks on Sunday?7、Would you like a drink?Yes,please.8、Would you like a fry in the morning?

would you like的用法

Wouldyoulike...?是用来礼bai貌地询问对方的意愿, 是否“想要……”或委婉地提出请求、 建议或者陈述个人的想法。第一人称也可以用 should like。should / would like 与动词 want 同义,但语气比 want 更委婉,更礼貌。 扩展资料   1、 后接名词或代词。   Would you like some bread? 你想要面包吗?   Would you like something to drink/eat? 你想要喝点/吃点什么吗?   2、后接不定式,表示想要做某事。   Would you like to go with me? 你想和我一起去吗?   3、 后接不定式复合结构,表示想要某人做某事。   Would youlike him to do the work?你想要他去做这项工作吗?   如果你问别人要什么就用一般疑问句的句型“Would youlike...?”或特 殊疑问句的句型“What would you like...?”。 对于一般疑问句的"肯定回答可以说“Yes, please.”,否定回答可以说“No, thanks.”;   对于特殊疑问句的回答可以直接说出想要的东 西,即:I"d like...当然,对 Would you like...?句型的答语也是很灵活的,要根据说话人 双方的不同语境而定。   例如:   A、 —Would you like another cup of tea? 你还要一杯茶吗?   —No, thanks. / Yes, please. 不,谢谢。/ 是的, 请来些吧。


“would you like这个句型后面是不定式,即:Would you like to do sth? 你想要做……?是征询对方意见的句型。Can you后面是动词原型,即:Can you do sth?你能做……吗?是向对方客气的提出请求的句型。”



would you like是什么意思 赶紧看看吧

1、Would you like的意思是你想吗,你希望吗,你愿意吗? 2、Would在陈述语气中,表示过去将来时,表示有意识的行动或意志,常用于间接引语中。例如:would like to do sth,意思就是想做某事,表示将来想做,还没未发生。

would you like是什么意思?

would you like是你想要干什么。

would you like 和 do you like 有什么区别

would ……like=want

would you like是什么意思

would you like+to do sth

关于Would you like的用法



would you like后面动词加不定式和动名词形式都可以。Would you like常用句型:1、Would you like+名词.你想要点。2、Would you like+to do sth.你想要吗。3、Would you please+do sth.请你。4、Would you like+v-ing.非正式场合可用。would可构成一种委婉、温和、谨慎的语气:1、“would like(desire,wish等表示意志的动词)”表示愿望、意向、选择等意义,用于各种人称,like后接动词不定式一般式(完成式)作宾语,也可接名词或代词作宾语。2、“It would seem(appear)”,“主语+would think(imagine,say)”等结构表示或然性,常用于第二、第三人称,这时would可看作助动词,也可看作情态动。3、would还可和其他动词自由搭配,构成委婉语气。

do you like和would you like的区别

意思不同,用法不同。do you like 意思:你喜欢吗,用法:接名词,代词,动名词等。主要用于第一,第二人称。would you like 意思:你喜欢吗,你愿意吗,用法:用于和虚拟条件句相呼应得主句或含蓄条件句中。主要用于第二,第三人称

No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything ___ going on in the world.


Would you like _____ NO,thank


would you like some park thank you no thanks翻译中文

Would you like some (cookie/cake/food)? Thank you,but I am not hungry.Give it to San. 你想要些(饼、蛋糕、食物)吗? 我不饿.给San吧.

I Would Never 歌词

歌曲名:I Would Never歌手:Lila Downs专辑:Ojo De CulebraSentimental feeling in my heartgrowing bigger stronger everydayEvery single day and every nightAll of them mean more than words can sayBelieve in me, as I believe in youI would never run away from youI would never ever lie to youI would never run away from youI would never let you downSentimental feeling in my heartgrowing bigger stronger everydayEvery single day and every nightAll of them mean more than words can sayBelieve in me, as I believe in youI would never run away from you...I would never ever lie to you...I would never run away from you...I would never let you down.........http://music.baidu.com/song/2781189

where would you go on your honeymoon怎么回答

可以这样回答:I"m going to Hainan for my honey moon(我要去海南度蜜月)。where would you go on your honey moon?翻译为:你会去哪里度蜜月?度蜜月,是指新婚夫妇在婚礼后马上和爱人一起去旅游度假,作为夫妻恩爱、白头偕老的开始。人们把新婚后的第一个月称为“蜜月”。“蜜月”一词产生于公元前500年的英国,当时的英格兰还处于较原始的荒蛮社会。

The platform would rise up and down alongside a skyscraper and pick up peopl

这句话的意思应该是,大厦旁边的这个平台(应该是那种升降梯)上上下下接送着被困于高层之上的人。 pick up表示接送的意思,stories是楼层之意,trapped是Trap(围困)的过去分词形势,作People的定语。

Might , May , Can , Could , Would 的用法

might 力气 权力(aux).可能 也许 may可以 可能 也许 不妨;但愿 5月份 can能够 可以 可能 会 装罐 could----can的过去式-------;能 可以;能 可能;能 would-----will的过去式---愿 要;常常;大概;将要 会 例句:would give the world to know sth.(为了知道某事愿付出一切代价) may i have the check please(请把收据给我好吗) can you give me some information(你能提供我一些消息吗) could you lend me ten dollars(你能借我十块钱吗) you have might(您有可能) 参考: 秘密 can 系可唔可以. . . 对住 d 阿 4咁 . . . 冇乜礼貌 could 就系有礼貌 好似对老师咁 又或者系 can 既过去 may 就系可能 咁. . . 现在式 might 就系 may过去 would 系 will 过去 又或者请求 参考: 老师 答住你少少先... can 的过去式唔系could!!系"was able..." may个过去式系might 不过唔一定要分tense咁用...might个假设系大过may 即系用might时 就唔觉得件事唔太可能(个程度系重过may) 而would系讲一d意愿 讲呢个人想做d咩. 真系想知 我就要揾揾d notes la^^ 参考: 我以前读trlation架


情态动词must, can, could, may, might 表推测的用法: 情态动词中的must, can, could, may, might都表推测。其中must的可能性最大,can / could次之,may / might最小。具体用法如下: 1. must的用法 (1)表示推测“可能性”时,意思是“一定、准是”,语气较肯定,较有把握。 He must be American. = It is certain that he is American. 他准是个美国人。 (2)must表推测只能用于肯定句。如果要表示“一定不、肯定不”的意思时,应用can`t,如询问某种可能时,应用can。 He must know my address. 他肯定知道我的地址。(一定) He can`t know my address. 他肯定不知道我的地址。(一定不) Can he know my address? 他知道我的地址吗?(询问可能性) (3)must表示推测时,可以推测现在/正在发生的动作/过去发生的动作。 He must have a car now. (现在)他一定有辆小汽车。 He must be doing his exercises in the classroom.(正在进行)他一定在教室里做练习。 He must have finished the work.(过去发生)他一定已完成了工作。 注:must表示推测时很少用于将来的情况。一般不用He must come tomorrow.可用It`s certain / I`m sure that he will come tomorrow. (4)在反意疑问句中,当附属部分含有表示推测意义的must时,疑问部分的助动词应与must后面的动词在非推测情况下的用法保持一致。 He must be a worker, isn`t he? (现在)他准时个工人,是吗?It must have rained last night, didn`t it? (过去)昨晚一定下雨了,是不是? You must have learned English for many years, haven`t you? (完成时)你一定学了好多年英语,是吗? 2. can / could的用法 (1)can表示推测“可能性”时,往往用于否定句或疑问句。Can`t“一定不”,语气很肯定。can在疑问句中意思是“会、可能”。 He can`t be at home. = It is impossible that he is at home. 他一定不在家。 (2)can /can`t后可接进行时/完成时,表示对现在发生的动作或过去发生的动作进行推测。 They can`t be reading in the library. 他们一定不在图书馆读书。 He can`t have gone to Shanghai for I saw him a minute ago. 他不可能去了上海,我刚才还看见他。 It`s so late. Where can she have gone? 天晚了,她可能去哪儿了呢? (3)在反意疑问句中,当陈述部分含有表示推测意义的can`t时,疑问部分的助动词应与can`t后面的动词在非推测情况下的用法保持一致. He can`t be a teacher, is he? 他不是教师,是吗? She can`t have finished her homework, has she? 她一定没有完成家庭作业,是不是? (4)could可用于表示某事有可能发生或可能是事实。 Don`t eat it. It could be poisonous. 不要吃它,可能有毒。 The plane could be delayed by fog. 飞机可能会因为雾晚点。 (5)could还可以用于表示客气、委婉、礼貌的请求语气。 Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the bus station? Could you help me? (6)couldn`t表示否定推测,表示某事不可能真实,或由于特定事实或环境某事肯定不会发生。 It couldn`t possibly be poison. 这不可能是毒药。 注:有时与形容词的比较级连用强调某人或某物不可能再更多地具有某种属性。 You couldn`t be more wrong. 你真是大错特错。 I couldn`t be happier. 我简直是幸福极了。 3. may和might的用法 (1) may, might表示推测“可能性”时,意思是“可能”、“也许”,语气没有 must肯定。 He may / might be American. = It is possible that he is American. 他可能是个美国人。 注:might不表示过去时态,只是语气上比may更委婉,表示的可能性更小。 (2)may, might表推测时,可以用于否定句,意思是“可能不、也许不”,但不用于疑问句。 He may / might not be at home. 他也许不在家。 (3)may, might可以推测现在正在发生的动作或过去发生的动作。 He may / might be sleeping now. (现在)他可能正在睡觉。 The boy may / might not be watching TV at home. (现在) 这个男孩可能没在家看电视 These students may / might have seen the film before.(过去) 这些学生以前可能看过这部电影。 (4)may, might还可以推测将来的情况。 I think we should take raincoat with us, it may rain. 我想我们应该带上雨衣,可能要下雨了。 She might not come this afternoon. 她今天下午可能不来了。

虚拟语气的用法。关于would/should/could/might have done 的区别。



would/should/could/might这四个助动词在英语中有不同的用法和含义。以下是它们的区别:一、含义解释would:意为"将要"、"愿意"或表示一种假设,音标:[wu028ad]should:意为"应该"、"应当",表示建议、责任、义务等,音标:[u0283u028ad]could:意为"能够"、"可能",表示一种能力或可能性,音标:[ku028ad]might:意为"可能"、"也许",表示一种可能性,音标:[mau026at]二、语法、使用方法不同之处的对比would主要用于表示将来时态、表示礼貌的请求和建议以及虚拟条件句。should主要用于表示建议、责任、义务等,与must的语气相对较轻。could用于表示过去的能力、请求或可能性。might表示某事可能发生,但不确定,语气比may更为委婉。三、具体用法举例would例1:If I won the lottery, I would buy a house.(如果我中了彩票,我会买一栋房子。)例2:Would you like some tea?(你想要喝些茶吗?)例3:I would rather stay at home than go out.(我宁愿呆在家里也不想出去。)should例1:You should apologize to her.(你应该向她道歉。)例2:We should leave early to avoid traffic.(我们应该早点离开以避免交通堵塞。)例3:Students should respect their teachers.(学生应尊敬他们的老师。)could例1:When I was younger, I could run very fast.(我年轻时能跑得很快。)例2:Could you help me carry this box?(你能帮我搬这个箱子吗?)例3:It could rain later, so bring an umbrella.(等会儿可能会下雨,所以带把伞。)might例1:It might rain this afternoon.(今天下午可能会下雨。)例2:I might visit my grandparents this weekend.(这个周末我可能会去看望我的祖父母。)例3:She might not be able to come to the party.(她可能无法来参加聚会。)


情态动词must, can, could, may, might 表推测的用法: 情态动词中的must, can, could, may, might都表推测。其中must的可能性最大,can / could次之,may / might最小。具体用法如下: 1. must的用法 (1)表示推测“可能性”时,意思是“一定、准是”,语气较肯定,较有把握。 He must be American. = It is certain that he is American. 他准是个美国人。 (2)must表推测只能用于肯定句。如果要表示“一定不、肯定不”的意思时,应用can`t,如询问某种可能时,应用can。 He must know my address. 他肯定知道我的地址。(一定) He can`t know my address. 他肯定不知道我的地址。(一定不) Can he know my address? 他知道我的地址吗?(询问可能性) (3)must表示推测时,可以推测现在/正在发生的动作/过去发生的动作。 He must have a car now. (现在)他一定有辆小汽车。 He must be doing his exercises in the classroom.(正在进行)他一定在教室里做练习。 He must have finished the work.(过去发生)他一定已完成了工作。 注:must表示推测时很少用于将来的情况。一般不用He must come tomorrow.可用It`s certain / I`m sure that he will come tomorrow. (4)在反意疑问句中,当附属部分含有表示推测意义的must时,疑问部分的助动词应与must后面的动词在非推测情况下的用法保持一致。 He must be a worker, isn`t he? (现在)他准时个工人,是吗?It must have rained last night, didn`t it? (过去)昨晚一定下雨了,是不是? You must have learned English for many years, haven`t you? (完成时)你一定学了好多年英语,是吗? 2. can / could的用法 (1)can表示推测“可能性”时,往往用于否定句或疑问句。Can`t“一定不”,语气很肯定。can在疑问句中意思是“会、可能”。 He can`t be at home. = It is impossible that he is at home. 他一定不在家。 (2)can /can`t后可接进行时/完成时,表示对现在发生的动作或过去发生的动作进行推测。 They can`t be reading in the library. 他们一定不在图书馆读书。 He can`t have gone to Shanghai for I saw him a minute ago. 他不可能去了上海,我刚才还看见他。 It`s so late. Where can she have gone? 天晚了,她可能去哪儿了呢? (3)在反意疑问句中,当陈述部分含有表示推测意义的can`t时,疑问部分的助动词应与can`t后面的动词在非推测情况下的用法保持一致. He can`t be a teacher, is he? 他不是教师,是吗? She can`t have finished her homework, has she? 她一定没有完成家庭作业,是不是? (4)could可用于表示某事有可能发生或可能是事实。 Don`t eat it. It could be poisonous. 不要吃它,可能有毒。 The plane could be delayed by fog. 飞机可能会因为雾晚点。 (5)could还可以用于表示客气、委婉、礼貌的请求语气。 Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the bus station? Could you help me? (6)couldn`t表示否定推测,表示某事不可能真实,或由于特定事实或环境某事肯定不会发生。 It couldn`t possibly be poison. 这不可能是毒药。 注:有时与形容词的比较级连用强调某人或某物不可能再更多地具有某种属性。 You couldn`t be more wrong. 你真是大错特错。 I couldn`t be happier. 我简直是幸福极了。 3. may和might的用法 (1) may, might表示推测“可能性”时,意思是“可能”、“也许”,语气没有 must肯定。 He may / might be American. = It is possible that he is American. 他可能是个美国人。 注:might不表示过去时态,只是语气上比may更委婉,表示的可能性更小。 (2)may, might表推测时,可以用于否定句,意思是“可能不、也许不”,但不用于疑问句。 He may / might not be at home. 他也许不在家。 (3)may, might可以推测现在正在发生的动作或过去发生的动作。 He may / might be sleeping now. (现在)他可能正在睡觉。 The boy may / might not be watching TV at home. (现在) 这个男孩可能没在家看电视 These students may / might have seen the film before.(过去) 这些学生以前可能看过这部电影。 (4)may, might还可以推测将来的情况。 I think we should take raincoat with us, it may rain. 我想我们应该带上雨衣,可能要下雨了。 She might not come this afternoon. 她今天下午可能不来了。

rules 34 would怎么上

rules 34 would要从贴吧找到链接,如果链接失效,复制到其他帖子就可以打开了。从手机上打开rules 34。 首先,我们打开手机,接着,我们点击打开设置,然后,我们点击打开其他设置,接下来,我们点击打开开发者选项,最后,我们将rule34的开关给打开就可以进入了。Rule 34:不适合未满15岁的读者,页面可能包含轻度的粗口相关描述; 请确信自己已满当地法律许可年龄且心智成熟后再来阅览。

She said she would work it out herself, __d______ ask me for help.

would do rather than 是固定用法。 A项的不定式没道理,would 后面加动词原形B项的but不对,不是转折关系。C项prefer doing

以What would I do if I were a millionaire?为题写一篇英语作文

What would you do if you were a million- aire?Many people would buy a house or travel the world.As for me,I would start a school.If I had a school,I would be able to educate many children and teach them right from wrong.Anyone will tell you that chil- dren are a country"s future.If my dream comes true,I will be very happy because I will be doing my country a good service

What would you do if you were a millionaire英语作文,100字以外

1.If I were a millionaire,I would buy two cars. If I were a millionaire,I would perchase a grand villa. If I were a millionaire,I would give half of my wealth to my friend. If I were a millionaire,I would stock. If I were a millionaire,I would donate some expensive computers for school. If I were a millionaire,I would buy myself a tiger. If I were a millionaire,I would run a company on my own. If I were a millionaire,I would travel aroud the world. If I were rich,I would land on the moon once. 翻译: 如果我一个百万富翁,就买两辆车, 如果我一个百万富翁,就买栋大别墅, 如果我一个百万富翁,就分给我的朋友一半, 如果我一个百万富翁,就去炒股票, 如果我一个百万富翁,就给学校捐些好电脑, 如果我一个百万富翁,就给我买只老虎, 如果我一个百万富翁,就自己办个公司, 如果我一个百万富翁,就要环游世界, 如果我一个百万富翁,就要上一次月球. 2.If I were a millionaire,I want to go around the world with parents. Seeing the most beatutiful interesting,such as the Great Wall,Pyramids,Eiffel Tower.Also,I will buy a sports car to my father and give my mother many fashion clothes.Besides,I"d like to donate much money to the charities to help some people who suffer from disease,poor and hungry 如果我如果我一个百万富翁,我会陪着父母一块环游世界,看一看世界上最美丽的景点,比如长城,金字塔,埃菲尔铁塔等等.我还会给我爸爸买一辆跑车,给我妈妈买好多好看又时尚的衣服.另外,我会向慈善机构捐献好多钱,用来帮助那些得病的,贫穷的和饥饿的人.

What would you do if you were a millionaire英语作文,,,,100字以外

What would you do if you were a millionaireWhat would you do if you were a millionaireWhat would you do if you were a millionaireWhat would you do if you were a millionaireWhat would you do if you were a millionaireWhat would you do if you were a millionaireWhat would you do if you were a millionaire

I felt it would be worth it to see the film这句话中,第二个it怎么解释

worth it 就是说 我将要得到的东西 值得我将要付出的努力 这个it指付出后得到的那样东西

(2013·新课标全国卷Ⅱ)Would you like to ________ with us to the film tonight? A.come along B

A 选A 考查动词短语辨析。根据句意“你今晚愿意和我们一起去看电影吗?”可知,此处意为“跟随”。come along“跟着来,跟随”,符合句意。come off“举行,发生,成功”;come across“偶然遇见”;come through“(重病后)康复”。

The sun is a huge, hot and bright star. It is important because without it there would be no li...

小题1:B小题2:A小题3:B小题4:B小题5:C 试题分析:文章介绍给我们太阳的重要性,太阳给我们带来光明和热量,没有太阳就没有地球上的所有生物,所有的生物链都是以太阳起始的。小题1:细节理解题。根据原文The sun is a huge, hot and bright star.可知太阳是一个巨大,炎热,明亮的星球。故选B。小题2:细节理解题。根据原文The sun gives us light and heat.太阳给我们光和热量。故选A。小题3:细节理解题。根据原文It is important because without it there would be no life on the earth.可知没有太阳就没有地球上的生命。故选B。小题4:细节理解题。根据原文All the food we eat comes from plants in a food chain(链) . And the food chain starts with the sun .可知我们吃的所有食物都来自食物链里的植物,食物链都是以太阳开始的。故选B。小题5:细节理解题。通过阅读可知,本文讲述的是太阳的重要性。故选C。

would you mind dating a girl who is little fat?答句什么意si

1,对“sure”的理解:此处,如对方回答“sure”相当于“yes”,即:“Yes, I do. I would rather not meet her”“是,我介意。我绝不愿见她。”如想表达“不介意”,则可用“No, not at all. ”之类的回答方式。2,再说说“why not”。“why not”英英解释为“there is no reason not to"(即没有理由不。。。),如:“Do you want Italian food tonight?”(今晚你想去吃意大利餐吗?) “Sure, why not!”(当然想,为什么不呢?)总结:1,其实“would you mind”并不用“sure,why not.”来回答 , 罕见。2,“sure,why not.”一般针对如“Do you want”之类“提议/建议”提问的肯定回答。3,回答“would you mind”,如使用“sure”,不必再使用“why not”,会产生歧义。4,针对本题,如对方回答“sure,why not.”可勉强看作not 否定动词“mind”,意思为“why not mind”即:“干吗不介意?”。当然,生活中如对方(也许他不是英语母语人)在此情形下如是回答,最好继续追问,以便求得正确理解对方含义。

Last Friday my friend Deborah asked me if I would like to learn how to make tofu. I couldn’t th..

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:B小题4:A小题5:C 试题分析:上星期五我的朋友黛博拉问我是否想学习如何做豆腐。我想不到任何理由不感兴趣,于是我说,“是的”。第二天我遇见她和另外三个人红豆奥克兰餐馆。我喜欢这次旅行。我从这次旅行有很多。以下就是我学到的。豆腐有2000年的历史。虽然“豆腐”一词来自日本,也许来自中国的食物。有两种主要类型的豆腐:软豆腐和坚定的豆腐。在亚洲的一些地方,人们用豆腐作为一种肉。豆花是一种软豆腐。在中国这是个很受欢迎的早餐食品。因为它很软,人们不能用筷子吃,但用勺子。人们经常吃小吃,通常加入葱和肉汁。在马来西亚,人们通常吃豆花加白色或黑色的糖水。小题1:细节理解题。问题:作者在什么时间去的餐馆?分析前面提到上周五,接下来的第二天见到,第二天就是上周六,故选 C。小题2:计算及细节理解题。问题:作者和几个人去哪?原文:I met her and another three nice people句意:我遇见她和另外三个人。Another three另外三人,1+3=4,故选D。小题3:细节理解题。问题:通过短文我们了解豆腐起源于哪里?原文:the food maybe comes from China.句意:也许来自中国的食物。后面又事实来说明是中国的食物。故选B。小题4:细节理解题。问题:划线词在汉语中的意思?分析本意,中国人们在就餐时的工具,那就是筷子,故选A。小题5:细节理解题。问题:下面的哪个描述是不正确的?分析全文只有第三项不正确,原文充分体现:Douhua is one kind of soft tofu.句意:豆花是一种软豆腐。故选C。

英语 填介词3 Much as we would like to

1 of 2 according to 3 in 4 over of(第二个空不确定) 5above 6 from to and 7to 8as 9into 10to



When I was in the eighth grade, my teacher asked us to write an article about what we would lik...

小题1:C小题2:C小题3:B小题4:A小题5:D 试题分析:这篇文章主要描述了作者长大后要做的事情就是帮助别人,并且为此努力并实现了自己的梦想而且很快乐的事情,作者也鼓励我们为实现梦想而努力。小题1:判断推理题。联系整篇文章,作者主要以自己的梦想为例展开论述的,故选C。be developed by以什么方式展开。小题2:细节理解题。由第一段第二行All I could think of was one sentence I want to help other people!可知作者的梦想就是帮助别人。故选C。小题3:细节理解题。由第一段第四行I encouraged myself after I experienced failures(失败).可知作者在经历失败后鼓励自己。故选B,作者能够在困境中鼓励自己。小题4:主旨大意题。由整篇文章大意可知作者主要想告诉我们要相信自己的梦想,不放弃梦想。故选A。小题5:标题归纳题。文章主要描述了作者如何让自己的梦想成真的事情,故选D.

Shall we......中文Would you mind doing sth. 中文

我们可以……? 你/你们介意做一些事吗?


med that more than one had beencompromised

魔法の言叶 -Would You Marry Me?- 歌词

歌曲名:魔法の言叶 -Would You Marry Me?-歌手:Do As Infinity专辑:Do The A-Side + DvdDo As Infinity - 魔法の言叶~Would you marry me?~作词:D·A·I作曲:D·A·IWould you marry me?いつもそうじゃないあんた悩んでるけどだってもう决まってるくせにまだ间に合うんじゃないOK! 今すぐにでもOK! 返事するだけじゃない心の奥にある気持ち伝えなくちゃ ねっ!「Would you marry me? honey」おめでとう 今やっと出逢えた 魔法の言叶とてもささいな始まりがほらとても大きな爱に変わってく强がる瞳や ちょっと不器用な口やっぱブサイクな 泣き颜それでもあなたの凛とした姿にずっと憧れているから何より大切なことをあなたは知ってる ねっ!広い世界で 出逢えた奇迹大げさだけど 运命だよねやがてふたりが 歳をとってもケンカのあとはキスでもしなさい!いつかは私出逢うかな?魔法の言叶に Ah-「Would you marry me? honey」おめでとう 今やっと出逢えた 魔法の言叶とてもささいな始まりがほらとても大きな爱に変わってくYes,I will终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13783023

would rather的用法

woud rather do后面加动词原形,宁愿做.....

I really would like to invite you 的意思


would you like an apple?是什么意思

would you like an apple?你想要一个苹果吗?双语例句1You would wear them on the street and you"re immediately an Apple person and you wear them on the subway, you like a little bit cooler than everybody else at first because you"re an Apple person. 你会带着它上街,你变身成了苹果饭;你带着它走进地铁,你喜欢比任何人都酷一点,因为你就是苹果饭。

If you had a choice, would you choose to be a man or a woman?

If I had a choice, I would prefer to be a man.Firstly, I think men are not as complicated as women. I"d like to live a simple life.Secondly, women have to bear children!!!!!Inmagine the pain!!!!Thirdly, men get away with absolutely anything!!!!!!Women get blamed all the time!!!

Would You Be Happier? (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Would You Be Happier? (Lp Version)歌手:The Corrs专辑:Would You Be Happier?Have you ever wonder where the story ends,and how it all began, I doDid you ever dream you were the movie starwith popcorn in your hand, I didDo you ever think you"re someone else inside,when no one understands you areAnd wanna disappear inside a dreambut never wanna wake, wake upThen you stumble on tomorrow, and trip over todayWould you be happier if you were someone togetherWould the sun shine brighter if you played a bigger partWould you be wonderful if it wasn"t for the weatherYou"re gonna be just fine (gonna be just fine)Are you not afraid to tell your story now,when everyone is done it"s too lateWas everything you"ve ever said or donenot the way you planned, mistakeSo you promised that tomorrow, be different than todayWould you be happier if you were someone togetherWould the sun shine brighter if you played a bigger partWould you be wonderful if it wasn"t for the weatherYou"re gonna be just fineI think you"re gonna be just fineYou"re gonna be just fineSo don"t worry babyYou"re racing for tomorrow, not finished with todayWould you be happier if you were someone togetherWould the sun shine brighter if you played a bigger partWould you be wonderful if it wasn"t for the weatherI think you"re gonna be just fineWould we be happier if we were someone togetherWould the sun shine brighter if we played a bigger partWould we be wonderful if it wasn"t for the weatherI think we"re gonna be just fineI think you"re gonna be just fineDon"t worry babyGonna be just fineDon"t worry honeyGonna be just fineDon"t worry babyGonna be just finehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7927236

would you be happier中文歌词

(注:纯手工翻译,不足之处请见谅。)Have you ever wonder where the story ends, and how it all began, I do 你曾怀疑过爱情会在哪结束又是怎么开始的吗? 我有过Did you ever dream you were the movie star with popcorn in your hand, I did 你曾手里拿着爆米花,却梦想过自己是个电影明星吗?我有过Do you ever think you"re someone else inside, when no one understands you are 当没人理解你的时候,你是否认曾在梦中把自己想象成别人And wanna disappear inside a dream 想要消失在梦中but never wanna wake, wake up 永不醒来Then you stumble on tomorrow, and trip over today 明日会蹒跚,今日被绊倒Would you be happier if you were someone together 就算你们在一起,你会更开心吗?Would the sun shine brighter if you played a bigger part 就算你是个名人,阳光会更灿烂吗?Would you be wonderful if it wasn"t for the weather 就算天气不好,你也能依然愉快吗?You"re gonna be just fine (gonna be just fine) 想要开心就尽情地开心吧Are you not afraid to tell your story now, 你现在仍惧怕表现自己吗?when everyone is done it"s too late 当每个人都这样做的时候,就太晚了Was everything you"ve ever said or done not the way you planned, mistake 你所说所做的每件事都不是所计划好的,会出错。So you promised that tomorrow, be different than today 所以,你向自己许诺,一定要让明天与今天不同(重复*)So don"t worry baby 所以,宝贝,别担心You"re racing for tomorrow, not finished with today 你为明天而拼搏,却不能与今天断绝关系(重复*)Don"t worry baby 别担心,宝贝Gonna be just fine 一切都会好的(重复*)

What kinds of foods would you like?这里的food要不要加s?

这里的food不需要加S在泛指“食物”或者具体指某种食品时,food作为不可数名词使用,此时不能加S 举几个例子:1,have some food ;2,Do you like Italian food 你喜欢意大利食物吗?3,frozen food 冷冻食品 4,a can of cat food 一罐猫猫食而在表述“几种食物”的语境下,可用可数名词表示,此时就要加S了.举几个例子:1,This supermarket provides a variety of foods.超市里有各式各样的食品.2,the world"s healiest foods 世界上最健康的几种食品

初一英语选择题:would you please come().A.this way B.that way C.in this way D.in some ways

AWould you please come this way?请您这边走,好吗?

I would appreciate it if 要用虚拟语气吗

I would appreciate it if + 句子如果能.....,我会很感激! 这个后面不用虚拟语气,类似于if引导的条件状语从句,主将从现的意思

what would you do when i see you again?

原歌词及谐音:It"s been a long day without you my friend伊次 并 呃 龙 德欸 味扫 去唷 麦 服软And I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again安 爱 太 唷 奥 呃包特 万 爱 习 唷 呃甘We"ve come a long way from where we began味服 抗目 呃 龙 味 服龙 外 味 比 甘Oh I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again偶 爱 太 唷 奥 呃包特 万 爱 习 唷 呃甘When I see you again万 爱 习 唷 呃甘————————————————————————Damn, who knew all the planes we flew代目 胡 钮 奥 德 扑兰斯 味 服喽Good things we"ve been through古德 丁死 味 并 斯肉That I"ll be standing right here代特 爱 比 斯但德 瑞爱 黑儿Talking to you about another path套克应 机唷 呃包特 呃那德 啪I know we loved to hit the road and laugh爱 闹 味 拉服 吐 黑伊特 德 肉 但 赖But something told me that it wouldn"t last巴 桑斯应 透 蜜 戴特 雾等 赖斯特Had to switch up look at things different see the bigger picture海 徒 斯味取 阿坡 露凯特 丁斯 第福伦特 习 德 比哥儿 皮克曲儿Those were the days hard work forever pays斗斯 卧 得 代斯 哈德 沃克 佛爱沃 培斯Now I see you win the better place闹 爱 习 唷 文 德 百特 扑雷斯Now I see you win the better place闹 爱 习 唷 文 德 百特 扑雷斯How could we not talk about family when family"s all that we got?好 酷 蜜 闹 托靠包特 饭米粒 万 饭米粒斯 奥 戴 味 高Everything I went through you were standing there by my side爱味斯应 爱 万 斯肉 唷 沃 斯但丁 戴 白 麦 赛And now you gonna be with me for the last ride安 闹 唷 工 比 味 蜜 佛 德 莱斯特 瑞爱————————————————————————It"s been a long day without you my friend伊次 并 呃 龙 德欸 味扫 去唷 麦 服软And I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again安 爱 太 唷 奥 呃包特 万 爱 习 唷 呃甘(爱 习 唷 呃甘)We"ve come a long way from where we began味服 抗么 呃 龙 味 服龙 外 味 比 甘(味服 抗么 呃 龙 味) (闹 味斯道瑞)Oh I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again偶 爱 太 唷 奥 呃包特 万 爱 习 唷 呃甘(伊次泰儿唷)When I see you again万 爱 习 唷 呃甘————————————————————————First you both go out your way佛 去唷 波欧斯 够 奥特唷 味And the vibe is feeling strong and what"s small turn to a friendship a friendship因 德 外伯 伊斯 飞应 斯装葛 沃次 斯莫 腾 图 呃 服软序坡 呃 服软序坡Turn into a bond and that bond will never be broke and the love will never get lost腾 去 呃 崩 安戴 崩 味欧 乃乌尔 比 伯肉坑 德 拉夫儿 乃乌尔 盖 老斯特be broke and the love will never get lost比 伯肉坑 德 拉夫儿 乃乌尔 盖 老斯特And when brotherhood come first then the line安德万 伯拉德胡 抗目 佛斯 但 德 赖恩Will never be crossed established it on our own乌乃乌尔 比克肉丝德 伊斯戴伯里序 伊欧 奥尔 奥恩When that line had to be drawn and that line is what万 戴 赖恩 海图 比 撞 安 戴 赖恩 伊斯 沃特We reach so remember me when I"m gone味 瑞去 嗖 瑞曼伯 蜜 万 爱目 宫We reach so remember me when I"m gone味 瑞去 嗖 瑞曼伯 蜜 万 爱目 宫How could we not talk about family when family"s all that we got?好 酷 蜜 闹 托靠包特 饭米粒 万 饭米粒斯 奥 戴 味 高Everything I went through you were standing there by my side爱味斯应 爱 万 斯肉 唷 沃 斯但丁 戴 白 麦 赛And now you gonna be with me for the last ride安 闹 唷 工 比 味 蜜 佛 德 莱斯特 瑞爱————————————————————————Let the light guide your way赖 德 赖 盖 去唷 喂Hold every memory as you go厚德爱乌瑞 麦么瑞 爱斯唷够And every road you take will always lead you home安 爱乌瑞 肉唷 忒 奥味习去唷 哄Hoo~吼~It"s been a long day without you my friend伊次 并 呃 龙 代 味扫 去唷 麦 服软And I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again安 爱 太 由 奥 呃包特 万 爱 习 唷 呃甘We"ve come a long way from where we began味服 抗么 呃 龙 味 服龙 外 味 比 甘Oh I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again偶 爱 太 唷 奥 呃包特 万 爱 习 唷 呃甘When I see you again万 爱 习 唷 呃甘When I see you again, see you again万 爱 习 唷 呃甘,习 唷 呃甘When I see you again万 爱 习 唷 呃甘扩展资料《See You Again》是由美国说唱歌手维兹·卡利法和歌手查理·普斯共同演唱的一首歌曲,于2015年3月17日发行,收录在电影《速度与激情7》原声专辑和查理·普斯2016年1月29日发行的录音室专辑《Nine Track Mind》中,作为该电影的片尾曲和主题曲。歌曲由DJ Frank E、查理·普斯、维兹·卡利法和安德鲁·希达尔等人共同创作完成。《See You Again》在英国、美国、澳大利亚、德国等二十多个国家的音乐排行榜上登顶。在美国公告牌百强单曲榜上,歌曲共计夺得了十二周冠军。2015年,歌曲获第58届格莱美奖“年度歌曲”、“最佳流行合作”和“最佳影视歌曲”奖项的提名。2017年7月10日,歌曲视频凭借28.94亿的播放量超越Psy的《江南Style》,成为YouTube观看次数最多的视频。在《速度与激情》系列电影的主力演员保罗·沃克意外去世后,电影制作方希望通过制作一首歌曲以纪念和缅怀保罗。作为该歌曲制作人之一的查理·普斯在2014年7月写了一段基本的歌词,并将歌名取为《See You Again》,创作过程仅用时十分钟。之后在多次改动下,才有了正式版本的诞生。在创作这首歌时,查理·普斯说他自己也有一位朋友突然去世,于是写下了这首闻者落泪的歌曲。而歌曲说唱部分则是由维兹·卡利法本人写的。在接受采访时,当记者问他为什么这首歌取得如此大成功时,维兹说这首歌虽然是为保罗·沃克创作的,但却深深打动了许多人,让他们不会仅停留在缅怀保罗·沃克的层面上。参考资料See you again——百度百科
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