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worthy worthful区别

区别是词义并不相同worthy 词义是: adj. 应得某事物; 值得做某事; 可尊敬的; 配得上的,相称的; n. 杰出人物,伟人; worthful 词义是: adj. 有价值的,宝贵的,可贵的;


①worth一般作表语。worthy一般作表语和定语。②be worth doing(主动表被动)与 be worthy of being done或者be worthy to do.例:The book is worth reading.The book is worthy of being read.The book is worthy to read.

2017高考英语语法:worth, worthy 与 worthwhile的用法区别

worth, worthy, worthwhile 这三个词均可表示“值得的”,由于它们词形相近,意义相似,所以许多同学经常将其用混。本文拟以它们的用法区别作一比较和区分,供同学们参考。   一、从句法功能上看   从句法功能上看worth 通常只用作表语,不用于名词前作定语;worthy 和 worthwhile 可用作表语和定语。如:It isn‘t worth the trouble. 不值得费那个事。He is a worthy gentleman. 他是位值得尊敬的绅士。他是位值得尊敬的绅士。His behavior is worthy of great praise. 他的行为值得高度赞扬。They achieved a very worthwhile result. 他们取得了很有价值的成果。   We had a long wait, but it was worthwhile because we got the tickets. 我们等了很久,但还算值得,因为我们把票买到了。   二、从所使用的修饰语来看   worth 习惯上不用 very 修饰(要表示类似意思可用 well),而 worthy 和 worthwhile 则可以用副词very修饰。如:veryThat is very worthy of our attention. 那件事很值得我们注意。Nursing is a very worthwhile career. 护理工作是很值得干的职业。但习惯上不说:The work is very worth doing. (very 应改为 well)   三、从搭配习惯来看   1. 有关 be worth 的搭配习惯   (1) be worth后可直接跟名词、代词或动名词。如:The picture is worth $ 500. 这幅画值500 美元。The clock is hardly worth repairing. 这台钟简直不值得修理。What is worth doing is worth doing well. 值得干的事就得干好。注意:其后可接动名词,不能接不定式,且接动名词时,总是用主动形式表示被动意义。   (2) 在现代英语中,在be worth前使用形式主语it被认为是合习惯的。如:It isn‘t worth repairing the car. 这辆汽车不值得修了。Is it worth visiting the city? 这个城市值得去看吗? 但是,若不用形式主语it而直接用动名词作主语则是错误的,如:误:Repairing the car is worth.   (3) 在be worth doing 结构中,除非句首用了形式主语it,否则句子主语总应是其动名词的逻辑宾语;若其中的动词不及物,应考虑加上适当的介词。如:Nothing he said was worth listening to. 他说的话没有一句值得听。She"s not worth getting angry with. 犯不上跟她生气。   2. 有关 be worthy 的搭配习惯   (1) be worthy 后不能直接跟名词、代词或动名词,若要接,应借助介词 of.如:Their efforts are worthy of your support. 他们的努力应得到你的支持。 Her behavior is worthy of praise. 她的行为是值得赞扬的。12下一页   (2) 与be worth后只接动名词不接不定式不同,be worthy后不接动名词,而接不定式(若该不定式要表示被动意义,则应用被动形式)。如:He is worthy to receive such honor. 他应该得到这种荣誉。FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"">This suggestion is worthy to be considered. 这个建议值得考虑。   (3) 若要在be worthy后接动名词,与后接名词时的情形一样,应借助介词of,且该动名词若要表示被动意义,要用被动形式。如:He is worthy of filling [=to fill] the post. 这个职位他当之无愧。This suggestion is worthy of being considered [=to be considered]. 这个建议值得考虑。   3. 有关 be worthwhile 的搭配习惯的搭配习惯   (1) be worthwhile 后接动名词或不定式均可。如:It is worthwhile buying the dictionary. 这本词典值得买。(其中的 worthwhile 也可换成 worth)It is worthwhile to discuss the plan again. 这个计划值得再讨论一次。(n"">这个计划值得再讨论一次。 worthwhile 不能换成 worth,因为其后接用了不定式)   (2) 有时可将worthwhile分开写,此时也可在其中加上one‘s.如:I"d think it worth while to go. 我认为值得去。   I‘d think it worth while to go. Do you think it"s worth while quarrelling with me?你认为与我吵值得吗?   Would you like to do some gardening for me? I‘ll make it worth your while. 你愿意在我的花园里干些活吗? 我不会亏待你的。   It is worth your while visiting [to visit] the museum. 这个博物馆值得你去看看。按传统语法,It is worth (one"s) while to do sth [doing sth] 结构必须用it作形式主语,其中的不定式或动名词做句子的真正主语。   四、一句多译在很多情况下,同一个意思可用几种不同的形式表达。如:那个地方值得一去。正:The place is worth a visit.正:The place is worthy of a visit.正:The place is worth visiting.正:It is worth visiting the place.正:The place is worthy of being visited.正:The place is worthy to be visited.正:It is worthwhile visiting the place.正:It is worthwhile to visit the place.




用法:worth doing sth.be worthy of doing sth.


1、做形容词时。(1)worth做形容词时,表示“有?价值;值得做...(worth doing)”;例:This trip was really expensive but it was worth every penny.这次旅游花销不小,但还是很值得的。(2)worthy做形容词时,表示“值得的(worthy of);值得尊敬的”。例:He devoted his whole life to the worthy cause.他为这个崇高的事业奉献了自己的一生。2、做名词时。(1)worth做名词时,表示“价值...的东西;意义,作用”。例:The solders" contribution was of great worth.战士们的贡献具有伟大的意义。(2)worthy做名词时表示“大人物,伟人”。例:Some locals worthies will attend the meeting.一些当地知名人士将会出席会议。3、句法功能(1)worth 通常只用作表语,不用于名词前作定语;例:It isn‘t worth the trouble. 不值得费那个事。(2)worthy 可用作表语和定语。例:He is a worthy gentleman. 他是位值得尊敬的绅士。4、修饰习惯(1)worth习惯上不用very修饰(要表示类似意思可用well);(2)而worthy和worthwhile则可以用副词very修饰。例:veryThat is very worthy of our attention.那件事很值得我们注意。


worth与worthy都是作“值得”讲的形容词,但在使用上和与词的搭配关系上都不相同. 一、worth一般只用作表语 1.主语(物)+be +worth + 名词. Hawaii is a beautiful place for travelling and worth a visit.夏威夷是个旅游胜地,值得一游. The new bike is worth 350 yuan .这辆新自行车值350元. 2.主语(人)+ be +worth + (表示金钱或财产)名词.表示“拥有……财产”. He is worth several million dollars .他有好几百万美元的财产. How much is Mr.Green worth 格林先生有多少财产. 3.主语(物)+ be + worth +动名词. The book is worth reading .这本书值得一读. The car isn"t worth repairing.这辆汽车不值得修了. 请注意:(1)在这种情况下,名子的主语与动名词在逻辑上有动宾关系,因此这个动名词应该是及物的(如上述例句)或具有及物性质的短语动词(如下述例句). The broadcast programme is worth listening to .这条广播节目值得一听. The picture is worth taking good care of .那幅画值得好好保存. (2)在这结构中,也可用先行词it 作主语. It is worth repairing the TV set.这台电视机值修一下. (3)worth前面,一般用well修饰,不用very. The scheme is well worth a try .这个计划很值得一次. 4.Worth one"s while "对……是值得做的,对……有益的,使感兴趣的”,主语是动名词或动词不定式.句首用it作形式主语. (1) It is worth (one"s) while + doing sth.值得某人做某事. It is worth out while discussing the question again .这个问题值得我们再讨论一下. (2) It is worth (one"s)while +to do sth.=To do sth .is worth(one"s)while.值得(某人)做某事. It would be well worth your while to come to the meeting.来参加这个会议对你来说是很值得的. 二、worthy 可作定语和表语,作表语时是“值得”的含义. 1.Worthy 可作定语,意思是“可敬的,有价值得,相称的”. They are my worthy friends.他们是我的可敬的朋友. 2. Worthy 作表语,后接不定式作状语.如果句子的主语是动词不定式的逻辑主语,则不定式有主动语态;如果是动宾关系,则用被动语态. The problem is worthy to be considered .这个问题值得考虑. 3.Worthy of “值得……,配得上……”. (1)主语 + be + worthy of + n . The article is worthy of careful study .这篇文章值得仔细研究. Her achievements are worthy of the highest praise .她的成就值得高度的赞扬. (2)主语 + be + worthy of + being done The book is worthy of being read .这本书值得一读. 比较:The book is worthy to read. The book is worth reading . (3)worthy of 作后置定语. He is a teacher worthy of great respect.他是位受尊敬的教师. He is a poet worthy of the name .他是一位名副其实的诗人.




worthy用法如下:(一)worthy作定语1、作前置定语。例如:①This is a worthy English-Chinese dictionary. 这是一本有价值的英汉词典。2、作后置定语时,必须用“worthy of +名词”结构。例如:①There is nothing worthy of mention. 没有值得一提的事情。②This is behavior worthy of praise. 这是值得称赞的行为。(二)worthy作表语1、worthy与of连用时,构成be worthy of,后接名词或动名词的被动形式。例如:①That is worthy of note. 那件事值得注意。②This phenomenon is worthy of being studied. 这种现象值得研究。2、worthy可直接与动词不定式连用,动词不定式也要用被动式:①This problem is worthy to be considered. 这个问题值得考虑。②The film is worthy to be seen again. 这部电影值得再看一遍。

worth, worthy, worthwhile的区别有哪些?

worth, worthy, worthwhile的区别有哪些?worth:表示某物价值或代价,常用于“be worth n. / doing sth.”结构。worthy:表示值得被注意或尊重的,常用于“be worthy of n./doing sth. ”结构。worthwhile: 表示值得花时间、金钱或努力去做的。




worth通常只用作表语,不用于名词前作定语。搭配:1、be worth,可直接跟名词、代词或动名词。2、be worth doing 。 扩展资料 worth是一个只能作表语的形容词,意思为“值……的”、“相当于……的价值的”、“有……价值的`”、“值得……的”。后接名词、接动名词的主动形式。


后面跟extra cost的话,要用worth。worth worthy 的用法和区别如下:1、worth adj&n.值得,应该,作形容词在句中只能作表语【句型1】sb./sth. be worth ... :【例句1】His words are worth notice.他的话值得注意.【句型2】be (well) worth doing (很)值得做...,注意这个句型是主动表被动的用法。【例句2】This book is worth reading.2、worthy adj&n.有价值的,值得...的,做形容词时既可以做表语又可以作定语【句型1】be worthy of +n.【例句2】He is worthy of our praise.【句型2】be (quite)worthy of being done (很)值得做... :【例句2】The film is worhty of being watched.【句型3】be worthy to be done (很)值得做... ,上面的句子可以改写为:【例句3】The film is worthy to be watched.


  worthy可以用作表语或定语:   (一)worthy作定语   1. 作前置定语。例如:   ①This is a worthy English-Chinese dictionary.   这是一本有价值的英汉词典。   2. 作后置定语时,必须用“worthy of +名词”结构。例如:   ①There is nothing worthy of mention. 没有值得一提的事情。   ②This is behavior worthy of praise. 这是值得称赞的行为。   (二)worthy作表语   1. worthy与of连用时,构成be worthy of,后接名词或动名词的被动形式。例如:   ①That is worthy of note. 那件事值得注意。   ②This phenomenon is worthy of being studied. 这种现象值得研究。   2. worthy可直接与动词不定式连用,动词不定式也要用被动式:   ①This problem is worthy to be considered. 这个问题值得考虑。   ②The film is worthy to be seen again. 这部电影值得再看一遍。   Summary:   This is a worthwhile book. =This is a worthy book.= This book is worth reading.   = This book is worthy of being read.= This book is worthy to be read.   worth adj.   [用作表语, 后接名词或动名词作宾语]   值, 相等于...的价值 值得...的, 有...的价值的 拥有...价值的财产   What is it worth? (或How much is it worth?)这值多少钱?   It is worth £500. 它值五百镑。   It"s not worth the paper it"s printed on. 它(文章等)的价值抵不上用来印它的纸张。   The rarer it is, the more it is worth. 物以稀为贵。   It"s worth seeing [hearing, reading]值得一看[一听, 一读]   be worth notice [the trouble]值得注意[费点事]   It is worth while visiting [to visit] the place.这地方值得参观。   It is worth while to discuss [discussing] the problem.这个问题值得讨论一下。   He is worth a million.他是百万富翁。   a worthy cause正义的事业 a worthy life有价值的生活   a worthy man高尚的人 a worthy opponent劲敌   a worthy gentleman可敬的先生 a man worthy of praise [to be praised]值得称赞的人   acts worthy of punishment应该受处分的行为   She says she helps only the worthy poor.   她说她只帮助那些值得她去帮助的穷人(不包括那些她认为好吃懒做等不配取得帮助的人)。   They will prove worthy of the Party"s trust. 他们不会辜负党对他们的信任。   He is worthy to have a place in the team.他配成为该球队的队员。   This book is worthy of being read [to be read]. 这本书值得一读。

worth worthwhile worthy worthing区别用法和意义


worth, worthy, worthwhile有什么区别?

worth, worthy, worthwhile有什么区别?Worth: having a certain value or price. Worthy: deserving respect, attention, or admiration. Worthwhile: worth the time and effort spent; rewarding or beneficial.


worthy、worthwhile的用法区别这三个词都是形容词,都有“值得的”的意思,但用法或搭配关系不同.1.worth是一个只能作表语的形容词,意思为“值……的”、“相当于……的价值的”、“有……价值的”、“值得……的”.后接名词、接动名词的主动形式.例如:This second-hand car is worth $2000 at the most.The exhibition is worth a visit/visiting.It"s not worth getting angry with him.The question is not worth discussing again and again.2.worthy可作表语,也可作定语.作定语时意思为“有价值的”、“值得尊敬的”、“应受到赏识的”;用作表语时意思为“值得……的”、“应得到……的”,其后接of sth.,也可以后接to do sth.,例如:①That is worthy of note.那件事值得注意.②This phenomenon is worthy of being studied.这种现象值得研究.③This problem is worthy to be considered.这个问题值得考虑.④The film is worthy to be seen again.这部电影值得再看一遍.⑤This is a worthy English-Chinese dictionary.这是一本有价值的英汉词典.⑥This is a worthy article.这是一篇值得一看的文章.⑦He said he was not worthy to accept such honour⑧The school has educated many worthy young people.⑨The question is not worthy to be discussed again and again.作后置定语时,必须用“worthy of +名词”结构.例如:⑩There is nothing worthy of mention.没有值得一提的事情.②This is behavior worthy of praise.这是值得称赞的行为.③ Something find and rare --- something worthy of the honor of being owned by Jim.(S3 Unit 10 P84)注:“worthy of+动名词”与“worth+动名词”在形式上完全不同:worthy of后面接被动式的动名词;而worth后面接主动式的动名词,虽然在形式上是主动的,但其意义仍然是被动的.试比较:The second-hand house is worthy of being bought.= The second-hand house is worth buying.3.worthwhile与worthy一样,既可作表语,又可作定语.表示某事因重要、有趣或受益大而值得花时间、金钱或努力去做,一般做“值得的”、“值得做的”、“有意义的”解.用作表语时,可接动名词或动词不定式.例如:The Summer Palace is worthwhile going / to go to have a visit.Helping old people is a worthwhile activity.Thank you for your worthwhile suggestion.I really feel I am doing something worthwhile and I am having a great time doing it.


worthadj. 值得的; 有…的价值; 等值的; 有…的财产; n. 价值; 财富,财产 worthyadj. 应得某事物; 值得做某事; 可尊敬的; 配得上的,相称的; n. 杰出人物,伟人;


worthy是什么意思?Worthwhile means having value or being beneficial. It is often used to describe activities, experiences, and investments that are worthwhile because they have a positive outcome or result.






worthy可用作形容词,有值得尊敬的,值得敬仰的等含义;用作名词时,有大人物,知名人士等含义。后面不可直接加名词和动名词。1、worthy后不能直接跟名词,要先接介词of。例句:The place is quite worthy of a visit。这个地方很值得参观。例句:It"s nothing worthy of mention。那是件不值得一提的事。2、worthy后接动词时,不能直接跟动名词,后应跟不定式或“of+动名词”。She said she was not worthy to accept the honour they had offered her。她说她不值得接受他们给予她的荣誉。3、worthy后接不定式或“of+动名词”时,需根据意义的主动与被动选择相应的语态。This suggestion is worthy of being considered。这个建议值得考虑。

smith wigglsworth 是谁?

史密斯 威格沃斯沃思(Smith Wigglesworth,1859年6月8日至1947年3月12日)是一位英国传教士和信仰治疗者,在五旬节教派的早期历史中很重要。

「值得」英文是 worth 或 worthy ? 中文意思差异?

你知道 「值得」英文是 worth 还是 worthy 吗 ?worth 跟 worthy 是两个英文易混淆字,容易让人搞不清楚它们的意思跟用法。本篇文章要来教学英文 worth 跟 worthy ,他们的中文意思到底差在哪里。 下面说明 worth、 worthy 中文意思差异! 1. worth 有…的价值 worth 的意思是指「有…的价值」,worth 的后面通常直接接名词或是动名词,而不是加上to + v 喔。 例: It"s worth doing. 它值得做。 例: This book is worth reading. 这本书值得读。 例: How much is your watch worth? 你的手表值多少钱? 2.worthy 值得…的 worthy 的意思是指「值得的」,worthy 后面的介系词常常接 of + 名词,或是 to + 动词。 例: This book is worthy of being read. 这本书值得一读。 例: This plan is not worthy to be considered. 这个计划不值得考虑。 总结来说worth 跟 worthy的用法差别在于,worth 后面通常接名词或动名词,也就是值得的某个东西。而worthy 后面常常接 of + 名词,或是 to + 动词。 Worth, worth 中文, worth 意思, worthy, worthy 中文, worthy 意思, 值得 英文

一种值得弘扬的美德A virtue worth promoting为什么这样翻译?

翻译不是唯一的。这里是用了定语后置。一种值得弘扬的美德,严格对应中文进行翻译,大概是:a promoting-worthy virtue,但是promoting-worthy是个生造的词汇,非常蹩脚,a virtual worth promoting看上去似乎是补足解释,其实才是正常译法,也容易让人听懂。望采纳。

william wordsworth代表作

william wordsworth代表作:《抒情歌谣集》、《丁登寺旁》、《序曲》、《她住在人迹罕至的地方》、《水仙花》。华兹华斯是英国浪漫主义诗人,曾当上桂冠诗人。其诗歌理论动摇了英国古典主义诗学的统治,有力地推动了英国诗歌的革新和浪漫主义运动的发展。他是文艺复兴运动以来最重要的英语诗人之一,其诗句“朴素生活,高尚思考”被作为牛津大学基布尔学院的格言。华兹华斯写了许多以自然与人生关系为主题的诗歌,中心思想是大自然是人生欢乐和智慧的源泉。1803年华兹华斯游苏格兰,写了《孤独的收割人》。1807年他出版了两卷本诗集,这部诗集的出版,总结了从1797至1807年他创作生命最旺盛的10年。风格特点华兹华斯的小诗清新,长诗清新而又深刻,一反新古典主义平板、典雅的风格,开创了新鲜活泼的浪漫主义诗风。他的十四行诗雄奇,他的《序曲》(1805年)首创用韵文来写自传式的“一个诗人的心灵的成长”,无论在内容和艺术上都开了一代新风。华兹华斯关于自然的诗歌,优美动人,他的这类诗歌的一个突出特点就是——寓情于景,情景交融。这种风格,是作者通过对诗歌的题材、诗歌所用的语言,以及对诗歌所用的格律、诗体和作诗歌词汇的选择体现出来的。以上内容参考自百度百科-William Wordsworth




worth in the world,单看这个,直译就是:人间值得!

哪位熟悉WORDSWORTH的SONNET:1802 IN LONDON,它的象征意义是什么?麻烦告知,不胜感激!!!

SONNET应该是人名——索尼特,1802 in london应该是1802年在伦敦。

be worth doing和be worthy of doing有何区别

首先我们来看下be worth doing和be worthy of doing的大致意思:be worth doing:词性为动词短语,be worth doing是一个动词短语,由be动词和worth的过去分词形式doing构成,用来描述某个行为或事物具有一定的价值,值得去做。be worthy of doing:词性为动词短语,be worthy of doing是一个动词短语,由be动词和worthy的过去分词形式of doing构成,用来描述某人或某事具有一定的价值,值得被做或被关注。通过下面的表格我们了解下be worth doing和be worthy of doing的含义、发音和用法接下来让我们看下be worth doing和be worthy of doing的用法区别:1.语法结构:be worth doing使用动词的过去分词形式作宾语补足语,而be worthy of doing使用介词of加动词的ing形式作宾语补足语例子:- This book is worth reading(这本书值得读)- This project is worthy of support(这个项目值得被支持)2.主语:be worth doing通常描述某个行为或事物有价值,而be worthy of doing通常描述某人或某事具有价值例子:- This game is worth participating in(这场比赛值得参加)- He is a leader worthy of trust(他是一个值得信赖的领导者)3.重点:be worth doing重点在于描述行为或事物的价值,而be worthy of doing重点在于描述某人或某事的价值例子:- This goal is worth pursuing(这个目标值得追求)- This plan is worthy of attention(这个计划是值得注意的)



Do you think the presidential election between Obama and Romney is worthy &nb...

B 试题分析:考查固定词组。固定词组 sth be worthy to be done="sth" be worthy of being done某事值得被做;句意:你认为在奥巴马和罗姆尼之间的竞选值得被讨论吗?故B正确。点评:在高中的学习中平时要多积累固定搭配的用法,考试时只能凭借记忆力来答题,尤其是单项选择很难推出某个搭配的意思,所以平时的积累记忆是尤其重要的。学生可以将常考的全部积累在一起,通过反复的复习,从而达到永久的记忆下来。


worthy后缀的单词只有: creditworthy adj. 有信誉的; noteworthy a. 值得注目的,显著的; praiseworthy a. 值得称赞的,令人钦佩的,可钦佩的; seaworthy a. 适于航海的,经得起航海的; trustworthy a. 可信赖的。 扩展资料   例句:   Most Americans who are creditworthy already have a selection of CARDS.   大部分信用良好的美国人已经有一大堆卡可供选择。   So the moneylender could always find him, and that made the suit-cutter creditworthy.   因此债主总能找到他,从而成就了西服公司的老总良好信誉。   Providing loans or credit to creditworthy enterprises and increasing the credit lines.   对资信良好的"企业适当发放信用贷款,增加授信额度。   But if Banks do not want their most creditworthy clients to suffer, they should be a bit bolder, too.   如果银行不像让其信誉最好的客户遭受损失,它也应该有点大胆的行为。

we can assign the task to____is capable and trustworthy.选项是whomever who whom whoever

我们可以把任务交给有能力和值得信任的任何一个人 whoever 在这里相当于no matter who


worthy为后缀的单词: airworthy 耐飞的,适宜航空的; blameworthy 该受责备的,应受谴责的; creditworthy 有信誉的; cringeworthy 值得卑躬的, 值得畏缩的; newsworthy 有新闻价值的; noteworthy 值得注意的; praiseworthy 值得赞许的 扩展资料   unseaworthy 不适合航海的   untrustworthy 不值得信赖的   unworthy 无价值的   worthy 有价值的;相称的   creditworthy adj. 有信誉的   noteworthy a. 值得注目的,显著的   praiseworthy a. 值得称赞的,令人钦佩的,可钦佩的"   seaworthy a. 适于航海的,经得起航海的   trustworthy a. 可信赖的   airworthy适航性的   roadworthy 适路性的


-- airworthy 耐飞的,适宜航空的-- blameworthy 该受责备的,应受谴责的-- creditworthy 有信誉的 -- cringeworthy 值得卑躬的, 值得畏缩的-- newsworthy 有新闻价值的-- noteworthy 值得注意的-- praiseworthy 值得赞许的-- roadworthy 适合道路上使用的,适于行路的-- seaworthy 适于航海的,经得起航海的-- trustworthy 可信赖的-- unairworthy 不适合航空的- unseaworthy 不适合航海的-- untrustworthy 不值得信赖的-- unworthy 无价值的,没有优点的


-- airworthy 耐飞的,适宜航空的-- blameworthy 该受责备的,应受谴责的-- creditworthy 有信誉的 -- cringeworthy 值得卑躬的, 值得畏缩的-- newsworthy 有新闻价值的-- noteworthy 值得注意的-- praiseworthy 值得赞许的-- roadworthy 适合道路上使用的,适于行路的-- seaworthy 适于航海的,经得起航海的-- trustworthy 可信赖的-- unairworthy 不适合航空的- unseaworthy 不适合航海的-- untrustworthy 不值得信赖的-- unworthy 无价值的,没有优点的


没有明显区别吧,在英文词典上,believable的意思是:worthy of being believed;而trustworthy的意思是worthy of being trusted。


你好,为你解答,正确答案为:trustworthy值得信任的;可信赖的;可信;值得信赖的1. Can you engage that all his statements are trustworthy? 你能担保他的话都可靠 吗 ?来自《简明英汉词典》2. It is generally admitted that he is a trustworthy person. 大家一致公认他是个可信赖的人.来自《简明英汉词典》3. Brooks may be considered as a trustworthy man. 布鲁克斯可以被认为是一个可靠的人.来自《简明英汉词典》4. I saw him as trustworthy. 我看他是值得信任的.来自《简明英汉词典》5. China is most trustworthy. 中国是守信用的.很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~


worthy可用作形容词,有值得尊敬的,值得敬仰的等含义;用作名词时,有大人物,知名人士等含义。后面不可直接加名词和动名词。1、worthy后不能直接跟名词,要先接介词of。例句:The place is quite worthy of a visit。这个地方很值得参观。例句:It"s nothing worthy of mention。那是件不值得一提的事。2、worthy后接动词时,不能直接跟动名词,后应跟不定式或“of+动名词”。She said she was not worthy to accept the honour they had offered her。她说她不值得接受他们给予她的荣誉。3、worthy后接不定式或“of+动名词”时,需根据意义的主动与被动选择相应的语态。This suggestion is worthy of being considered。这个建议值得考虑。




creditworthy adj. 有信誉的; noteworthy a. 值得注目的,显著的; praiseworthy a. 值得称赞的,令人钦佩的,可钦佩的; seaworthy a. 适于航海的,经得起航海的; trustworthy a. 可信赖的,等。 扩展资料   例句:   The Fed wants banks to continue to lend to creditworthy borrowers.   联邦储备银行想让各家银行继续贷款给信用良好的借款人。   Profession is creditworthy! Brand makes value!   专业值得信赖!品牌创造价值!   Most Americans who are creditworthy already have a selection of CARDS.   大部分信用良好的美国人已经有一大堆卡可供选择。   What"s noteworthy here?   这里有什么是值得注意的呢?   The Apache Derby session was also noteworthy.   ApacheDerby会议也值得注目。   Kirsten Dunst has a noteworthy round face.   克斯汀·邓斯特就有一张圆圆的脸。   Considering those two points, she is really praiseworthy.   从这两点来说她是值得称赞的。   His painstaking to attain his goal in life is praiseworthy.   他为实现人生目标所下的.苦功是值得称赞的。   Finding Nemo is the most praiseworthy animation I"ve ever seen.   《海底总动员》是我看过的最棒的动画片。   Carto are quite seaworthy.   纸箱是很适合海运的。   You had better use seaworthy boxes.   你最好使用适合航海的箱子。   Is this ship seaworthy?   这船还是出海嘛?   Show her you"re trustworthy.   向她显示你是一个值得信赖的人。   Select a trustworthy manufacturer.   选择一个可靠的制造商。   Which currency is more trustworthy?   哪一种货币是更可靠的?

trustworthy的反义词 RT

不可靠的 unreliable trustless untrustworthy

trustworthy 和 reliable的区别

trustworthy 和 reliable的区别trustworthy 词义是:adj. 值得信赖的,可靠的; 把稳; 妥靠; 信实;reliable 词义是:adj. 可靠的; 可信赖的; 真实可信的;n. 可靠的人;

worthy of scrifices

worthy可作名词,意思是知名人士,杰出人物 worthy of the sacrifices 意思是牺牲的杰出人物




前者是值得做,be worth doing 固定搭配,后者形容词,表示某个物品是有价值的,珍贵的

valuable precious worthy英文同义词辨析


valuable 和worthwhile有什么区别







worth 一般表示值得,一般用作形容词举例:it"s worth it 这是值得的 how much is it worth? 它值多少钱? 400 dollars" worth of damage 价值400美元的损失 50 pence worth of apples 50便士的苹果 it would be worth your while to do something about the problem 花工夫处理这个问题是值得的 it would be (well) worth doing... (很)值得做… value 是价值举一些用法可能会好理解:value for money 物有所值 to lose (in) value [currency,property+] 贬值 to gain (in) value [currency,property+] 升值 to be of value to sb 对某人有益

value, worth有何区别

worth是 介词 value可作动词

Try utmost in breaking through unbind certain sacrifice as business worthwhile.请大神帮忙分析句子

首先,这是一句 祈使句。 Try utmost in doing sth, 竭力做某事。 后面作为一个名词, as是这个名词的表语 。

william wordsworth 介绍中文

  他是我很喜欢的诗人呢 给你介绍吧~  威廉 华兹华斯  (1770~1850)  Wordsworth,William  英国浪漫主义诗人。1770年4月7日生于北部昆布兰郡科克茅斯的一个律师之家,1850年4月23日卒于里多蒙特。8岁丧母。5年后,父亲又离开了他。亲友送他到家乡附近的寄宿学校读书。1787年进剑桥大学,曾在1790年、1791年两次访问法国。其间与法国姑娘阿内特·瓦隆恋爱,生有一女。1795年从一位朋友那里接受了一笔遗赠年金,他的生活有了保障,也有了实现回归大自然夙愿的可能,便同妹妹多萝西移居乡间。1797年同诗人柯尔律治相识,翌年两人共同出版《抒情歌谣集》。1798~1799年间与柯尔律治一同到德国游历,在那里创作了《采干果》、《露斯》和组诗《露西》,并开始创作自传体长诗《序曲》。1802年与玛丽·哈钦森结婚。此时开始关注人类精神在与大自然交流中得到的升华,并且发现这一主题与传统的宗教观实际上并行不悖,因此重新皈依宗教。同时,在政治上日渐保守。  华兹华斯诗歌创作的黄金时期在1797~1807年。随着声誉逐渐上升,他的创作逐渐走向衰退。到了1830年,他的成就已得到普遍承认,1843年被封为英国桂冠诗人。由于他与柯尔律治等诗人常居住在英国西北部多山的湖区,1807年10月的《爱丁堡评论》杂志称他们是湖畔派的代表诗人。18世纪末、19世纪初在英国西北部的湖畔有一些诗人聚集,其诗作多描写湖区,故称他们为“湖畔派”。  早期诗歌《晚步》和《素描集》中,对大自然的描写基本上未超出18世纪的传统。然而,从《抒情歌谣集》开始,一反18世纪的诗风,将一种崭新的风格带到诗歌创作中,开创了英国文学史上浪漫主义诗歌的新时代。他为《抒情歌谣集》的再版所写的序言被认为是浪漫主义文学的宣言。他的作品还有《不朽的征兆》以及由《序曲》和《漫游》两部分组成的哲理性长诗《隐者》等。  1770年4月7日,威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)出生在英国坎伯兰郡的考克茅斯。华兹华斯排行第二,上有一个哥哥,下有一个妹妹和两个弟弟。其父是个律师。华兹华斯8岁丧母,13岁丧父,少年时期一直在几家亲戚的监护之下,住在寄宿学校中,与兄弟姐妹们分开生活。五个孩子从父亲那里继承的遗产主要是对一位贵族的8500镑的债权。但这贵族在1802年去世之前,一直不愿偿还这笔钱,可以说,华兹华斯青少年时期的生活是十分贫寒的。但是他生活地区的美丽自然风光,疗救和补偿了他在物质与亲情上的缺失,因而华兹华斯的对早年的回忆并不觉得贫苦。他对自然有着“虔诚的爱”,将自然看成是自己的精神家园。受学校老师的影响,开始写诗。华兹华斯的第一首诗歌完成于1784年。  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  1787年他进入剑桥大学圣约翰学院学习,熟读了希腊拉丁文学,学习意大利文、法文和西班牙文。1790年和1791年两次赴法。当时正是法国大革命的年代,年轻的华兹华斯对革命深表同情与向往。回国后不久,局势剧变,华兹华斯对法国大革命感到失望。1795年,他和妹妹多萝茜以及诗人柯勒律治居住在北部山地的湖区,并在此消磨了一生。1798年华兹华斯与柯勒律治共同发表了《抒情歌谣集》,1800年这部诗集再版时华兹华斯写了序言。  《抒情歌谣集》出版时,华兹华斯并未受到重视,《序言》出版后,更遭到批评家的反对。1807年他的两卷集出版时仍受到批评界的攻击。但从19世纪初叶起,他在诗歌上的成就逐渐得到承认,激进派诗人如利·亨特也称他为颂扬大自然的新型诗歌的开创者和领袖,说他的诗取代了18世纪矫揉造作的诗风。人们认为《抒情歌谣集》宣告了浪漫主义新诗的诞生。在艺术上华兹华斯对雪莱、拜伦和济慈都有影响。  1843年被封为英国“桂冠诗人”,为宫廷写了不少应景诗,艺术成就大不如前。  1850 年4月23日去世。  增加部分:  The poet Robert Southey as well as Coleridge lived nearby, and the three maen became known as“Lake Poets”.骚塞,柯勒律治也居住在同一地城,三人并称为“湖畔诗人”。  In 1842  希望对你有帮助~


Harmsworth谐音:哈木丝为丝[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 哈姆斯沃思住所名称,来源于古英语人名。如果满意,望采纳

Tere are a few books on the shelf. But only one of them is _______ A.worth to be read B.wor.

C 试题分析:考查worth的固定搭配。固定搭配 sth be worth doing某事值得被做;该短语使用主动形式表示被动形式。句意:在架子上有一些书,但是只有一本值得读。故C正确。点评:worth的短语有be worth doing sth以及be worth+金钱;在平时要加强识记和辨析。

it may be worth it to try这一句

这句话有两种讲法,都是一样意思。it may be worth trying (worth 后面只能加动名词,而不是不定式)it may be worth it to try (这里第二个 it 和 to try 是同位语,不能省略)


Worth和worthy都是表示价值的形容词,但它们的用法和含义略有不同。- Worth是表示某物的价值或价格,通常可以与代价(cost)相似地使用,例如:This watch is worth a lot of money.(这块手表很值钱。)或The experience was worth the effort.(这次经历值得花费精力。)- Worthy在某些场合下表示某人或某事值得尊重或赞扬,例如:She is a worthy opponent.(她是一个值得尊敬的对手。)或His actions were worthy of praise.(他的行为值得赞扬。)总的来说,worth更多地强调对某物的量化价值,例如金钱或物质方面的价值,而worthy则更多地强调对某人或某事的评价,通常是一种褒义的评价。

英语中worth 的用法It will be worth your trouble to keep your livin

谈谈worth与worthy的用法 worth与worthy是英语学习中常见的两个词,但其用法极易混淆.现笔者将其用法归纳如下,希望有助于同学们的复习与运用. 一、worth作“值得;值”解时,是一个很常见,但又很特殊的叙述性形容词,通常在句中作表语,并且其后面要求有一个宾语,其宾语可以是名词、动名词或动词不定式. worth有时也可用作定语.其具体用法如下: (一)Worth用作表语 1.当句子的主语是物质名词而不是it时,worth后面要求有一个动名词或名词作宾语.例如:①The above-mentioned decision is worth studying a little further.上述决定值得进一步研究.②What is happening here today is worth notice.今天在这里发生的事值得关注.③The microputer is worth ten thousand dollars.这台微型电脑值一万美元. 2.当句子的主语是it而不是物质名词时,可能有两种情况:A.it代表具体东西时,如金钱、物质等,其后接动名词,该动名词是worth的宾语,这时,it既是主语,在意义上又是动名词的逻辑宾语.例如:①It is worth saving.那是值得节约的.②It is worth visiting again.这里值得再一次参观.B.it不代表具体东西时,worth后面一般应加上while,后面接动名词或动词不定式.这时,it为形式主语,真正的主语为动名词或动词不定式.接动名词或动词不定式的区别是:while前面有所有格时,一般接动词不定式;没有所有格时,一般接动名词.例如:①It is worth our while to use waste materials.废物值得利用.②It is worth while pointing out that heating may bring about certain change in the structure of any material.值得指出的是,加热会使任何物质的结构发生某种变化. (二)worth用作定语 1.worth不能单独放在名词前面作定语,当它与while构成worthwhile时则可作前置定语.这时,worthwhile = worthy.例如:①This is a worthwhile book.(该句可改为:This is a worthy book.= This book is worth leading.= This book is worthy of being read.= This book is worthy to be read.)这本书值得一读.②It is worthwhile effort.这是值得努力做的事. 2.用作后置定语.worth放在名词后面作定语时,必须接一个动名词.例如:①Tianjin is a city worth visiting.天津是一个值得参观的城市.②This is a question worth discussing.这是一个值得讨论的问题. 二、worthy是限定性形容词,可以用作表语或定语.其具体用法如下: (一)worthy作表语 1.worthy与of连用时,构成be worthy of,of的后面可以接名词或动名词的被动形式.例如:①That is worthy of note.那件事值得注意.②This phenomenon is worthy of being studied.这种现象值得研究. 2.worthy可与动词不定式连用,动词不定式也要用被动式.但worthy后面不可再用介词of,须直接接不定式.例如:①This problem is worthy to be considered.这个问题值得考虑.②The film is worthy to be seen again.这部电影值得再看一遍. (二)worthy作定语 1.作前置定语.例如:①This is a worthy English-Chinese dictionary.这是一本有价值的英汉词典.②This is a worthy article.这是一篇值得一看的文章. 2.作后置定语时,必须用“worthy of +名词”结构.例如:①There is nothing worthy of mention.没有值得一提的事情.②This is behaviour worthy of praise.这是值得称赞的行为. 注:“worth of+动名词”与“worth+动名词”在形式上完全不同:worthy of后面接被动式的动名词;而worth后面接主动式的动名词,虽然在形式上是主动的,但其意义仍然是被动的.试比较:The second-hand house is worthy of being bought.= The second-hand house is worth buying.


可以呀 It is worth considering the problem 这个问题值得考虑 It(形式主语) is worth(系表结构) considering the problem(真正主语) =It is worthwhile considering the problem =It is worthwhile to consider the problem = The problem is worthy to be considered = The problem is worthy of being considered =The problem is worth considering 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

it is very worth it怎么改,为什么

应该把very改为 well

is it worth to buy?通顺么,有其它句型么。

可以啊,语法没有错误!worth用法整理如下: worth一般只用作表语 1.主语(物)+be +worth + 名词。 Hawaii is a beautiful place for travelling and worth a visit. 夏威夷是个旅游胜地,值得一游。 The new bike is worth 350 yuan 。这辆新自行车值350元。 2.主语(人)+ be +worth + (表示金钱或财产)名词。表示“拥有……财产”。 He is worth several million dollars .他有好几百万美元的财产。 How much is Mr. Green worth ?格林先生有多少财产。 3.主语(物)+ be + worth +动名词。 The book is worth reading .这本书值得一读。 The car isn"t worth repairing.这辆汽车不值得修了。 请注意:(1)在这种情况下,名子的主语与动名词在逻辑上有动宾关系,因此这个动名词应该是及物的(如上述例句)或具有及物性质的短语动词(如下述例句)。 The broadcast programme is worth listening to .这条广播节目值得一听。 The picture is worth taking good care of .那幅画值得好好保存。 (2)在这结构中,也可用先行词it 作主语。 It is worth repairing the TV set. 这台电视机值修一下。 (3)worth前面,一般用well修饰,不用very。 The scheme is well worth a try .这个计划很值得一次。 4.Worth one"s while "对……是值得做的,对……有益的,使感兴趣的”,主语是动名词或动词不定式。句首用it作形式主语。 (1) It is worth (one"s) while + doing sth.值得某人做某事。 It is worth out while discussing the question again .这个问题值得我们再讨论一下。 (2) It is worth (one"s)while +to do sth. =To do sth .is worth(one"s)while.值得(某人)做某事。 It would be well worth your while to come to the meeting. 来参加这个会议对你来说是很值得的。

it was worth it to do对吗?

It was worth doing sth 值得做某事be worth 后面应接动词ing 形式This place is worth visiting.这个地方值得一游。

However much costs the watch ,it will be worth it.

其实原句是:No matter how much the watch costs,如果在costs前加does,那原句就变成了:No matter how much the watch does costs,很明显这有语法错误了

be worth it to do的用法

It is worth doing sth.It is worthy to be done.

Is It Worth It 歌词

歌曲名:Is It Worth It歌手:Allison Moorer专辑:The Definitive CollectionAllison Moorer - Is It Worth ItIs it worth itYou gotta wonderNo sane personWould say it wasIt"s for certainWe"re going underThings ain"t workingBetween the two of usIs it worth itTo go on tryingWe keep rehearsingAnd getting worseLet"s close the curtainThis act"s dyingWe did our versionIt didn"t workIs it worthThe price we are payingIs it worthThe damage being doneIs it worthThe both of us stayingIf you think soThen you"re the only oneIs it worth itWhat are we doingLet"s not be martyrsFor the sake of loveThis is a burdenOf our own choosingIt"d be smarterIf we gave uphttp://music.baidu.com/song/1715878

It Will All Be Worth It 歌词

歌曲名:It Will All Be Worth It歌手:Mary Mary专辑:The SoundMary Mary - It Will All Be Worth ItIt will all be worth itIt will all be worth itFor those who do believe that one dayHe will crack the skyI know you can"t see it nowBut one day I know you willWe see through a glass, but hardlyA glimpse of future glory, but darklyOh, what a dayImagining what awaitsAmidst all of the criticismSkeptic views and cynicismYet we prayJust to see Your faceAnd it willIt will all be worth itIt will all be worth itFor those who do believe that one dayHe will crack the skyI know you can"t see it nowBut one day I know you willWith every passing of a loved oneThe many who"ve gone on before useMakes your heart acheWondering why the delayBut with every heartbeat your faith grows strongerAnd the Lord whispers not much longerYour sould is stirredAnd comforted with these wordsThat it willIt will all be worth itIt will all be worth itFor those who do believe that one dayHe will crack the skyI know you can"t see it nowYou can"t see it now, I knowYou can"t see it now, I knowYou can"t see it now, I knowYou can"t see it now, I knowYou can"t see it now, I knowYou can"t see it now, I knowYou can"t see it now, I knowYou can"t see it now, I knowBut one day I know you willhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2193107



the college degree is well worth it为什么末尾要加it


worth 可以作动词吗? 比如I worth it是否有语法错误?

worth prep. 相当...价值 n. 价值,财产 adj. 值钱的,值的看中的 从词典上的解释可以看出worth没有动词用法

not worth it什么意思

不值得worth it英 [wu0259:θ it] 美 [wu025aθ u026at] 词典值得化费时间[精力],值得一干,有必要1We worked hard, but it was worth it. 我们费了很大力量,但是值得。

It is well worth it.中worth什么词性

worth 英 [wɜːθ] 美 [wɝθ] adj. 值…的n. 价值;财产n. (Worth)人名;(英)沃思;(德)沃特It"s well worth it.它是非常值得的。这里worth是形容词。This will be a very complete kit so it"s well worth it . 这将是一个非常完整的工具包,所以它的非常值得。

有个类似于worth it的嗨歌叫什么,英文歌,

是不是Fifth Harmony 唱的另一首歌 Bo$$?

It will all be worth it 为什么要用be worth ?worth是动词吗?


it is worth it to do的翻译


Worth It的歌曲歌词

Give it to me I"m worth itBaby I"m worth itUh huh I"m worth itGimme gimme I"m worth itGive it to me I"m worth itBaby I"m worth itUh huh I"m worth itGimme gimme I"m worth itOkay I tell her bring it back like she left someBring it bring it back like she left someUh in the club with the lights offWhat you actin" shy fo" come and show me that youWid it wid it wid it wid it wid itStop playin" how you know that IWid it widit wid it wid it wid it wid itWhat you actin" shy forJust give me you just give me youJust give me you that"s all I wanna doAnd if what they say is true if its trueI might give me to youI may take a lot of stuffGuaranteed I can back it upI think I"mma call your bluffHurry up I"m waiting out frontUh huh you see me in the spotlight oooh I love your styleUh huh show me what you got "cause I don"t wanna waste my timeUh huh you see me in the spotlight oooh I love your styleUh huh show me what you got now come and make it worth my whileGive it to me I"m worth itBaby I"m worth itUh huh I"m worth itGimme gimme I"m worth itGive it to me I"m worth itBaby I"m worth itUh huh I"m worth itGimme gimme I"m worth itIt"s all on you it"s all on youIt"s all on you so what you wanna doAnd if you don"t have a clue not a clueI"ll tell you what to doCome harder just becauseI don"t like it like it too softI like it a little rough not too much but maybe just enoughUh huh you see me in the spotlight oooh I love your styleUh huh show me what you got "cause I don"t wanna waste my timeUh huh you see me in the spotlight oooh I love your styleUh huh show me what you got now come and make it worth my whileGive it to me I"m worth itBaby I"m worth itUh huh I"m worth itGimme gimme I"m worth itGive it to me I"m worth it (know what I mean)Baby I"m worth it (give me everything)Uh huh I"m worth itGimme gimme I"m worth itOkay I tell her bring it back like she left someBring it bring it back like she left someUh in the club with the lights offWhat you actin" shy fo" come and show me that youWid it widit wid it wid it wid itStop playin" how you know that IWid it wid it wid it wid it wid it wid itWhat you actin" shy forUh huh you see me in the spotlight oooh I love your styleUh huh show me what you got "cause I don"t wanna waste my timeUh huh you see me in the spotlight oooh I love your styleUh huh show me what you got now come and make it worth my whileGive it to me I"m worth itBaby I"m worth itUh huh I"m worth itGimme gimme I"m worth itGive it to me I"m worth it (know what I mean)Baby I"m worth it (give me everything)Uh huh I"m worth itGimme gimme I"m worth itGive it to me I"m worth it 将你献给我吧 我值得你一试宝贝我值得你一试啊啊我值得你尝试一次宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试将你献给我吧 我值得你一试宝贝我值得你一试啊啊我值得你尝试一次宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试好吧 我会叫她再来一遍 像是她有所保留叫她再来一遍 像是她有所保留啊 夜店里所有灯光熄灭为什么你那么矜持害羞来吧 向我展示吧尽情向我展示吧 展示吧不要再开玩笑了 你怎么知道我不值得一试呢尽情向我展示吧 展示吧为什么你那么矜持害羞就给我真实的你 向我展示真实的你就给我真实的你 我只想要你如果他们所讨论的是真的我会将自己献给你或许我有些见识但我向你保证 我全力顶你我以为我在跟你虚张声势快点 我会在门口一直等你啊啊 你看到了聚光灯下的我哦哦 我爱你的个性啊啊 就向我尽情展现吧我可不想浪费时间啊啊 你看到了聚光灯下的我哦哦 我爱你的个性啊啊 就向我尽情展现吧请让这值得我的等待将你献给我吧 我值得你一试宝贝我值得你一试啊啊 我值得你尝试一次宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试将你献给我吧 我值得你一试宝贝我值得你一试啊啊 我值得你尝试一次宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试全都是你 想的全是你想的全是你 你想怎么做如果你还是一无所知 一无所知我会教你该怎么做再狂野点因为我不喜欢这样 这样太过温柔我喜欢更粗鲁点 不要太过或许这样就好啊啊 你看到了聚光灯下的我哦哦 我爱你的个性啊啊 就向我尽情展现吧我可不想浪费时间啊啊 你看到了聚光灯下的我哦哦 我爱你的个性啊啊 就向我尽情展现吧请让这值得我的等待将你献给我吧 我值得你一试宝贝我值得你一试啊啊 我值得你尝试一次宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试将你献给我吧 我值得你一试宝贝我值得你一试啊啊 我值得你尝试一次宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试好吧 我会叫她再来一遍 像是她有所保留叫她再来一遍 像是她有所保留啊 夜店里所有灯光熄灭为什么你那么矜持害羞 来吧 向我展示吧尽情向我展示吧 展示吧不要再开玩笑了 你怎么知道我不值得一试呢尽情向我展示吧 展示吧为什么你那么矜持害羞啊啊 你看到了聚光灯下的我哦哦 我爱你的个性啊啊 就向我尽情展现吧我可不想浪费时间啊啊 你看到了聚光灯下的我哦哦 我爱你的个性啊啊 就向我尽情展现吧请让这值得我的等待将你献给我吧 我值得你一试宝贝我值得你一试啊啊 我值得你尝试一次宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试将你献给我吧 我值得你一试宝贝我值得你一试我值得你尝试一次宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试将你献给我吧 我值得你一试

you worth it语法对吗

对的,you worth it=你值得拥有。原答案简直胡扯

baby i am worth it 是什么歌

worth it --fifth harmory

求worth it的歌词,中文谐音读法

英文Give it to me I"m worth itBaby I"m worth itUh huh I"m worth itGimme gimme I"m worth itGive it to me I"m worth itBaby I"m worth itUh huh I"m worth itGimme gimme I"m worth itOkay I tell her bring it back like she left someBring it bring it back like she left someUh in the club with the lights offWhat you actin" shy fo" come and show me that youWid it wid it wid it wid it wid itStop playin" how you know that IWid it widit wid it wid it wid it wid itWhat you actin" shy forJust give me you just give me youJust give me you that"s all I wanna doAnd if what they say is true if its trueI might give me to youI may take a lot of stuffGuaranteed I can back it upI think I"mma call your bluffHurry up I"m waiting out frontUh huh you see me in the spotlight oooh I love your styleUh huh show me what you got "cause I don"t wanna waste my timeUh huh you see me in the spotlight oooh I love your styleUh huh show me what you got now come and make it worth my whileGive it to me I"m worth itBaby I"m worth itUh huh I"m worth itGimme gimme I"m worth itGive it to me I"m worth itBaby I"m worth itUh huh I"m worth itGimme gimme I"m worth itIt"s all on you it"s all on youIt"s all on you so what you wanna doAnd if you don"t have a clue not a clueI"ll tell you what to doCome harder just becauseI don"t like it like it too softI like it a little rough not too much but maybe just enoughUh huh you see me in the spotlight oooh I love your styleUh huh show me what you got "cause I don"t wanna waste my timeUh huh you see me in the spotlight oooh I love your styleUh huh show me what you got now come and make it worth my whileGive it to me I"m worth itBaby I"m worth itUh huh I"m worth itGimme gimme I"m worth itGive it to me I"m worth it (know what I mean)Baby I"m worth it (give me everything)Uh huh I"m worth itGimme gimme I"m worth itOkay I tell her bring it back like she left someBring it bring it back like she left someUh in the club with the lights offWhat you actin" shy fo" come and show me that youWid it widit wid it wid it wid itStop playin" how you know that IWid it wid it wid it wid it wid it wid itWhat you actin" shy forUh huh you see me in the spotlight oooh I love your styleUh huh show me what you got "cause I don"t wanna waste my timeUh huh you see me in the spotlight oooh I love your styleUh huh show me what you got now come and make it worth my whileGive it to me I"m worth itBaby I"m worth itUh huh I"m worth itGimme gimme I"m worth itGive it to me I"m worth it (know what I mean)Baby I"m worth it (give me everything)Uh huh I"m worth itGimme gimme I"m worth itGive it to me I"m worth it[4] 译文将你献给我吧 我值得你一试宝贝我值得你一试啊啊我值得你尝试一次宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试将你献给我吧 我值得你一试宝贝我值得你一试啊啊我值得你尝试一次宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试好吧 我会叫她再来一遍 像是她有所保留叫她再来一遍 像是她有所保留啊 夜店里所有灯光熄灭为什么你那么矜持害羞来吧 向我展示吧尽情向我展示吧 展示吧不要再开玩笑了 你怎么知道我不值得一试呢尽情向我展示吧 展示吧为什么你那么矜持害羞就给我真实的你 向我展示真实的你就给我真实的你 我只想要你如果他们所讨论的是真的我会将自己献给你或许我有些见识但我向你保证 我全力顶你我以为我在跟你虚张声势快点 我会在门口一直等你啊啊 你看到了聚光灯下的我哦哦 我爱你的个性啊啊 就向我尽情展现吧我可不想浪费时间啊啊 你看到了聚光灯下的我哦哦 我爱你的个性啊啊 就向我尽情展现吧请让这值得我的等待将你献给我吧 我值得你一试宝贝我值得你一试啊啊 我值得你尝试一次宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试将你献给我吧 我值得你一试宝贝我值得你一试啊啊 我值得你尝试一次宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试全都是你 想的全是你想的全是你 你想怎么做如果你还是一无所知 一无所知我会教你该怎么做再狂野点因为我不喜欢这样 这样太过温柔我喜欢更粗鲁点 不要太过或许这样就好啊啊 你看到了聚光灯下的我哦哦 我爱你的个性啊啊 就向我尽情展现吧我可不想浪费时间啊啊 你看到了聚光灯下的我哦哦 我爱你的个性啊啊 就向我尽情展现吧请让这值得我的等待将你献给我吧 我值得你一试宝贝我值得你一试啊啊 我值得你尝试一次宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试将你献给我吧 我值得你一试宝贝我值得你一试啊啊 我值得你尝试一次宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试好吧 我会叫她再来一遍 像是她有所保留叫她再来一遍 像是她有所保留啊 夜店里所有灯光熄灭为什么你那么矜持害羞 来吧 向我展示吧尽情向我展示吧 展示吧不要再开玩笑了 你怎么知道我不值得一试呢尽情向我展示吧 展示吧为什么你那么矜持害羞啊啊 你看到了聚光灯下的我哦哦 我爱你的个性啊啊 就向我尽情展现吧我可不想浪费时间啊啊 你看到了聚光灯下的我哦哦 我爱你的个性啊啊 就向我尽情展现吧请让这值得我的等待将你献给我吧 我值得你一试宝贝我值得你一试啊啊 我值得你尝试一次宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试将你献给我吧 我值得你一试宝贝我值得你一试我值得你尝试一次宝贝将你献给我吧 我值得你一试将你献给我吧 我值得你一试[5]
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