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所谓SWOT分析,即基于内外部竞争环境和竞争条件下的态势分析。就是将与研究对象密切相关的各种主要内部优势、劣势和外部的机会和威胁等,通过调查列举出来,并依照矩阵形式排列,然后用系统分析的思想,把各种因素相互匹配起来加以分析,从中得出一系列相应的结论,而结论通常带有一定的决策性。运用这种方法,可以对研究对象所处的情景进行全面、系统、准确的研究,从而根据研究结果制定相应的发展战略、计划以及对策等。S (strengths)是优势、W (weaknesses)是劣势、O (opportunities)是机会、T (threats)是威胁。按照企业竞争战略的完整概念,战略应是一个企业“能够做的”(即组织的强项和弱项)和“可能做的”(即环境的机会和威胁)之间的有机组合。


swot分析方法是一种企业内部分析方法,即根据企业自身的既定内在条件进行分析,找出企业的优势、劣势及核心竞争力之所在,从而将公司的战略与公司内部资源、外部环境有机结合。其中,s代表strength(优势),w代表weakness(弱势),o代表opportunity(机会),t代表threat(威胁),其中,s、w是内部因素,o、t是外部因素。按照企业竞争战略的完整概念,战略应是一个企业“能够做的”(即组织的强项和弱项)和“可能做的”(即环境的机会和威胁)之间的有机组合。扩展资料:SWOT分析模型的方法:1、杠杆效应(优势+机会)。杠杆效应产生于内部优势与外部机会相互一致和适应时。在这种情形下,企业可以用自身内部优势撬起外部机会,使机会与优势充分结合发挥出来。然而,机会往往是稍瞬即逝的,因此企业必须敏锐地捕捉机会,把握时机,以寻求更大的发展。2、抑制性(机会+劣势)。抑制性意味着妨碍、阻止、影响与控制。当环境提供的机会与企业内部资源优势不相适合,或者不能相互重叠时,企业的优势再大也将得不到发挥。在这种情形下,企业就需要提供和追加某种资源,以促进内部资源劣势向优势方面转化,从而迎合或适应外部机会。3、脆弱性(优势+威胁)。脆弱性意味着优势的程度或强度的降低、减少。当环境状况对公司优势构成威胁时,优势得不到充分发挥,出现优势不优的脆弱局面。在这种情形下,企业必须克服威胁,以发挥优势。4、问题性(劣势+威胁)。当企业内部劣势与企业外部威胁相遇时,企业就面临着严峻挑战,如果处理不当,可能直接威胁到企业的生死存亡。参考资料:百度百科 SWOT分析法


swot指的就是swot分析,即基于内外部竞争环境和竞争条件下的态势分析,结论通常带有一定的决策性。 swot这个单词经常会被大家提起,特别是在工作中,那么你知道它的具体意思是什么吗?下面就来跟大家说一说swot是什么意思。 01 swot即SWOT分析,即基于内外部竞争环境和竞争条件下的态势分析,就是将与研究对象密切相关的各种主要内部优势、劣势和外部的机会和威胁等,通过调查列举出来,并依照矩阵形式排列,然后用系统分析的思想,把各种因素相互匹配起来加以分析,从中得出一系列相应的结论,而结论通常带有一定的决策性。 02 运用这种方法,可以对研究对象所处的情景进行全面、系统、准确的研究,从而根据研究结果制定相应的发展战略、计划以及对策等。S (strengths)是优势、W (weaknesses)是劣势,O (opportunities)是机会、T (threats)是威胁。按照企业竞争战略的完整概念,战略应是一个企业“能够做的”(即组织的强项和弱项)和“可能做的”(即环境的机会和威胁)之间的有机组合。 03 SWOT分析方法从某种意义上来说隶属于企业内部分析方法,即根据企业自身的条件在既定内进行分析。SWOT分析有其形成的基础。著名的竞争战略专家迈克尔.波特提出的竞争理论从产业结构入手对一个企业“可能做的”方面进行了透彻的分析和说明,而能力学派管理学家则运用价值链解构企业的价值创造过程,注重对公司的资源和能力的分析。 04 SWOT分析,就是在综合了前面两者的基础上,以资源学派学者为代表,将公司的内部分析(即20世纪80年代中期管理学界权威们所关注的研究取向),与以能力学派为代表的产业竞争环境的外部分析(即更早期战略研究所关注的中心主题,以安德鲁斯与迈克尔.波特为代表)结合起来,形成了自己结构化的平衡系统分析体系。 与其他的分析方法相比较,SWOT分析从一开始就具有显著的结构化和系统性的特征。就结构化而言,首先在形式上,SWOT分析法表现为构造SWOT结构矩阵,并对矩阵的不同区域赋予了不同分析意义。其次内容上,SWOT分析法的主要理论基础也强调从结构分析入手对企业的外部环境和内部资源进行分析。 05 SWOT分析法的简单规则 1、进行SWOT分析的时候必须对公司的优势与劣势有客观的认识。 2、进行SWOT分析的时候必须区分公司的现状与前景。 3、进行SWOT分析的时候必须考虑全面。 4、进行SWOT分析的时候必须与竞争对手进行比较,比如优于或是劣于你的竞争对手。 5、保持SWOT分析法的简洁化,避免复杂化与过度分析。 6、SWOT分析法因人而异。




什么是SWOT:  S(strengths)是优势、W(weaknesses)是劣势,O(opportunities)是机会、T(threats)是威胁,是SWOT分析法中的4个要素。SWOT分析法是用来确定企业自身的竞争优势、竞争劣势、机会和威胁,从而将公司的战略与公司内部资源、外部环境有机地结合起来的一种科学的分析方法。  优势,是组织机构的内部因素,具体包括:有利的竞争态势;充足的财政来源;良好的企业形象;技术力量;规模经济;产品质量;市场份额;成本优势;广告攻势等。  swot分析模型[2]  劣势,也是组织机构的内部因素,具体包括:设备老化;管理混乱;缺少关键技术;研究开发落后;资金短缺;经营不善;产品积压;竞争力差等。  机会,是组织机构的外部因素,具体包括:新产品;新市场;新需求;外国市场壁垒解除;竞争对手失误等。  威胁,也是组织机构的外部因素,具体包括:新的竞争对手;替代产品增多;市场紧缩;行业政策变化;经济衰退;客户偏好改变;突发事件等。  SWOT方法的优点在于考虑问题全面,是一种系统思维,而且可以把对问题的“诊断”和“开处方”紧密结合在一起,条理清楚,便于检验。


SWOT分析法是20世纪80年代初由美国旧金山大学的管理学教授海因茨·韦里克(Heinz Weihrich)提出的一种战略分析方法。它也是用于帮助企业(或部门、个人)清晰把握与企业(或部门、个人)发展目标相关的外部和内部的环境与资源的教练工具之一。1、S代表Strength,意思是企业(或部门、个人)目前的优势;2、W代表Weakness,意思是企业(或部门、个人)目前的劣势;3、O代表Opportunities,意思是企业(或部门、个人)目前面临的机会;4、T代表Threatens,意思是企业(或部门、个人)目前面临威胁。扩展资料一、运用:SWOT可以帮助清晰的了解当前的状态,经常被用于企业战略的分析。分析目的是了解组织当前的优势和劣势在多大程度上与商业环境的变化相关既多大程度上能够应对这种变化,还可以用于评估是否有机会进一步利用组织的独特资源和核心能力。二、特点SWOT分析方法从某种意义上来说隶属于企业内部分析方法,即根据企业自身的条件在既定内进行分析。SWOT分析有其形成的基础。著名的竞争战略专家迈克尔.波特提出的竞争理论从产业结构入手对一个企业“可能做的”方面进行了透彻的分析和说明,而能力学派管理学家则运用价值链解构企业的价值创造过程,注重对公司的资源和能力的分析。参考资料来源:百度百科-SWOT分析法




SWOT分析方法是一种根据企业自身的既定内在条件进行分析,找出企业的优势、劣势及核心竞争力之所在的企业战略分析方法。其中战略内部因素(“能够做的”):S代表 strength(优势),W代表weakness(弱势);外部因素(“可能做的”):O代表opportunity(机会),T代表threat(威胁)。




SWOT职业生涯规划法   ufeffSWOT分析法又称为态势分析法,四个英文字母分别代表:优势(Strength)、劣势(Weakness)、机会(Opportunity)、威胁 (Threat)。运用SWOT分析法,可以对研究对象所处的情景进行全面、系统、准确的研究,从而根据研究结果制订相应的发展战略、计划以及对策等。   SWOT 分析法常常被用于制定集团发展战略和分析竞争对手情况。在这一框架中,S、W代表内部因素,O、T则代表外部因素。按照企业竞争战略的完整概念,战略应是 一个企业“能够做的”(组织的强项和弱项)和“可能做的”(环境的机会和威胁)之间的有机组合。如果我们将求职中的学生比喻为在市场上面对竞争的企业,大 家就会发现,SWOT分析法可以完全适用于求职者。   下图演示了SWOT在求职者身上的应用方法。前面的工具已经帮助你对自身的情况进行了发掘,也初步锁定了目标的行业。在这一部分,你将根据之前的结果,采用SWOT分析法制定自己的竞争策略(见下图)。   一、怎样了解自己——自我分析法罗列出自己的长处和短处我们每个人都是相对独立的个体,具备自身特色的技能或天赋。在分工明细的市场经济里,每个人都可以找到他所擅长的领域,也就是适合他发展的领域。举个例子:如果你不爱与人打交道,就不适合往销售市场方面的工作发展。   如果你对自己的长处和短处不够明确,也可以先试用下一项修炼中简历素材准备的工具进行初步的自我发掘评估自己,根据自己的长处和短处提炼自己的竞争优势与劣 势结合自身的经历,做出初步的分析:哪些缺点是需要改进的,哪些优点是需要继续保持的。就目前自身的条件来看,还不适合做哪些职业。自己的这些特质有哪些 可以成为求职竞争中的优势,哪些是劣势发掘自己的职业机会,找出威胁不同的行业以及行业里的企业,都面临着不同的外部机会或者威胁。找出外界因素也可以帮 助你成功地找到适合自己的工作。   机会与威胁都将会影响到你的第一份工作和今后的职业发展。如果公司一直受到外界不良因素的影响,那么这个公司能提供的机会将非常有限,更别说升迁。相反,充 满积极外界因素行业的职业前景就广阔得多。制定5年内的职业目标并认真细致的做一个SWOT分析评估提纲式地列出一份今后5年的职业行动计划,拟出每一目标 的行动计划,并且详细地说明为了实现每一目标,你要做的每一件事,何时完成这些事。如果你觉得需要一些外界帮助,请说明你需要何种帮助,如何获取这种帮 助。举个例子,你的个人SWOT分析可能表明,为了实现理想中的职业目标,你需要进修更多的管理课程,那么,你的职业行动计划应说明你何时进修这些课程。 你拟订的.详尽的行动计划将帮助你作决策,就像公司事先制订的计划为职业经理们的行动指南一样。   案例演示: 下面我们对一个案例进行分析,向大家演示SWOT分析方法。个人背景:基本情况:XX,男,1981年出生,1999年9月考入美国XX大学就读 computer science专业,2003年7月毕业;2003年9月考入美国xx研究院,专业方向是Management Information Systems,现读研一。   工作优势   * 生活态度比较积极,善于发现事物和环境积极的一面   * 喜欢思考问题,有一定的分析能力,并有寻根究底的兴趣,一定要将事情想清楚* 做事比较认真、踏实,有浓厚的学习兴趣和一定的实力,比如英语方面   * 心思细腻,考虑问题比较细致* 逻辑性和条理性较好,有一定的书面表达能力爱好:喜欢能让自己静下心来的工作环境,能自己控制、安排的工作,跟人打交道的   工作劣势   * 竞争意识不强,对环境资源的利用不够主动,也就是与环境的交互能力不够   * 工作、学习有些保守,冒险精神不够,没有结合长远目标,并且创新能力有待提高   * 组织管理人员的能力和经验欠缺   * 做事有时拖拉,不够雷厉风行   *不喜欢机械重复的工作,也不喜欢没有计划没有收获的忙乱,不喜欢应酬和刻意的事情外部因素   就专业方面来说,现在是一个信息爆炸的时代,各种渠道获得的各种类型的信息浩如烟海,对很多人来说,海量的信息只会让他们感到无所适从,而这也就产生了对于信息进行组织和管理使之有序化的需求,因此从大的环境来说,这个专业方向是很有发展前景的。当下的国际化形势给个人也提供了更多的机会,可以在更宽广的舞台展现个人优势,比如他对这一行业在中国的发展情况会比较熟悉。学校的环境给他提供的很好的软硬件条件,有机会参与一些科研项目,学以致用,也可以积累更多的实践经验,同时有很多的机会与行业高层人士接触、交流、学习,提高自身素质。身边很多优秀 的同学,有很多向他们学习的机会,并且有构建良好的人际关系的条件威胁。   国际化的环境同时也意味着国际范围的竞争和挑战,对个人的素质要求也就更高了,和美国本地人竞争面试和工作机会,英文表达能力也至关重要。距 离毕业还有一年半的时间,而离找工作只有一年的时间,并且找工作的时候并不是用人单位用人高峰期,就业的机会不是很多。优秀的人很多,而机会不一定是均等的,这时就不单单是知识的比拼,更是对个人发现机会、展示自己并把握机会能力的考验未来的最佳选择与所学专业相关并能很好发挥与人沟通能力的职业。   例如:信息咨询行业、金融分析,教育业等。既满足个人爱好,又有待遇等方面的保障现在应做的准备从确定所要从事行业开始,根据所从事行业的特性来判断自己是否有继续深造的必要,或者该先工作两年,积攒更多的实战经验,继而继续深造。   个人SWOT分析则是职业生涯规划的第一步,它能帮助我们明确自身的优劣势,并思考未来的行动方向,仅仅了解自己和有一个行动方向显然是不够的。重点培养自己表达及表现的能力。   表达是人与人沟通最基础的表现形式,表达自己的想法、需要。能力也要积极的展示,以得到更多人的认可和肯定职业测评让我们认识自己、了解自己。 ;




SWOT分析是一种综合考虑企业内部条件和外部环境的各种因素,进行系统评价,从而选择最佳经营战略的方法。S是指企业内部的优势(Strengths),W是指企业内部的劣势(Weakness),O是指企业外部环境中的机会(Opportunities),T是指企业外部环境中的威胁(Threats)。因此,SWOT分析实际上是将对企业内外部条件各方面内容进行综合和概括,分析企业的优劣势、面临的机会和威胁,进而帮助企业进行战略选择的一种方法。拓展资料:企业是指企业所得税法及其实施条例规定的居民企业和非居民企业。 居民企业,是指依法在中国境内成立,或者依照外国(地区)法律成立但实际管理机构在境内的企业。非居民企业,是指依照外国(地区)法律成立且实际管理机构不在中国境内,但在境内设立机构、场所的,或者在中国境内未设立机构、场所,但有来源于境内所得的企业。企业在商品经济范畴内,作为组织单元的多种模式之一,按照一定的组织规律,有机构成的经济实体,一般以营利为目的,以实现投资人、客户、员工、社会大众的利益最大化为使命,通过提供产品或服务换取收入。它是社会发展的产物,因社会分工的发展而成长壮大。企业是市场经济活动的主要参与者;在社会主义经济体制下,各种企业并存共同构成社会主义市场经济的微观基础。企业存在三类基本组织形式:独资企业、合伙企业和公司,公司制企业是现代企业中最主要的最典型的组织形式。现代经济学理论认为,企业本质上是"一种资源配置的机制",其能够实现整个社会经济资源的优化配置,降低整个社会的"交易成本"。现代汉语中"企业"一词源自日语。与其它一些社会科学领域常用的基本词汇一样,它是在日本明治维新后,大规模引进西方文化与制度的过程中翻译而来的汉字词汇,而戊戌变法之后,这些汉字词汇由日语被大量引进现代汉语。(与企业一词在用法上相关与相似的,还有"业务"一词)在大陆计划经济时期,"企业"是与"事业单位"平行使用的常用词语,《辞海》1978年版[2]中,"企业"的解释为:"从事生产、流通或服务活动的独立核算经济单位";"事业单位"的解释为:"受国家机关领导,不实行经济核算的单位"。"企业"一词的用法有所变化。较常见的用法指各种独立的、营利性的组织(可以是法人,也可以不是),并可进一步分为公司和非公司企业,后者如合伙企业、个人独资企业等。还有一种特殊的称呼,是在拍卖法当中描述的,拍卖法中的"拍卖人"指的是拍卖企业,例如:世界华商拍卖人指的是世界华商拍卖有限公司,而不是指某个"人"。


SWOT分析的主要原理:SWOT分析是一种对企业的优势、劣势、机会和威胁的分析,在分析时,应把所有的内部因素(包括公司的优势和劣势)都集中在一起,然后用外部的力量来对这些因素进行评估。SWOT分析法:S (strengths)是优势、W (weaknesses)是劣势,O (opportunities)是机会、T (threats)是威胁。按照企业竞争战略的完整概念,战略应是一个企业“能够做的”(即组织的强项和弱项)和“可能做的”(即环境的机会和威胁)之间的有机组合。扩展资料:成功应用SWOT分析法的简单规则:1、进行SWOT分析的时候必须对公司的优势与劣势有客观的认识。2、进行SWOT分析的时候必须区分公司的现状与前景。3、进行SWOT分析的时候必须考虑全面。4、进行SWOT分析的时候必须与竞争对手进行比较,比如优于或是劣于你的竞争对手。5、保持SWOT分析法的简洁化,避免复杂化与过度分析。6、SWOT分析法因人而异。参考资料来源:百度百科——SWOT分析法




S (strengths)是优势、W (weaknesses)是劣势、O (opportunities)是机会、T (threats)是威胁。按照企业竞争战略的完整概念,战略应是一个企业“能够做的”(即组织的强项和弱项)和“可能做的”(即环境的机会和威胁)之间的有机组合。运用这种方法,可以对研究对象所处的情景进行全面、系统、准确的研究,从而根据研究结果制定相应的发展战略、计划以及对策等。扩展资料:构造SWOT矩阵将调查得出的各种因素根据轻重缓急或影响程度等排序方式,构造SWOT矩阵。在此过程中,将那些对公司发展有直接的、重要的、大量的、迫切的、久远的影响因素优先排列出来,而将那些间接的、次要的、少许的、不急的、短暂的影响因素排列在后面。在完成环境因素分析和SWOT矩阵的构造后,便可以制定出相应的行动计划。制定计划的基本思路是发挥优势因素,克服弱点因素,利用机会因素,化解威胁因素。考虑过去,立足当前,着眼未来。运用系统分析的综合分析方法,将排列与考虑的各种环境因素相互匹配起来加以组合,得出一系列公司未来发展的可选择对策。


  SWOT分析方法是一种企业战略分析方法,即根据企业自身的既定内在条件进行分析,找出企业的优势、劣势及核心竞争力之所在。其中,S代表 strength(优势),W代表weakness(弱势),O代表opportunity(机会),T代表threat(威胁),其中,S、W是内部因素,O、T是外部因素。按照企业竞争战略的完整概念,战略应是一个企业“能够做的”(即组织的强项和弱项)和“可能做的”(即环境的机会和威胁)之间的有机组合。  SWOT的作用  第一,了解与您企业有关的外在环境因素   S:优势   1.擅长什么?   2.组织有什么新技术?   3.能做什么别人做不到的?   4.和别人有什么不同的?   5.顾客为什么来?   6.最近因何成功?   第二,了解您企业本身的内在环境因素   W:劣势   1.什么做不来?   2.缺乏什么技术?   3.别人有什么比我们好?   4.不能够满足何种顾客?   5.最近因何失败?   第三,指出您的企业应该走向何处   O:机会   1.市场中有什么适合我们的机会?   2.可以学什么技术?   3.可以提供什么新的技术/服务?   4.可以吸引什么新的顾客?   5.怎样可以与众不同?   6.组织在5-10年内的发展?   第四,指出您的企业能向何处发展   T:威胁   1.市场最近有什么改变?   2.竞争者最近在做什么?   3.是否赶不上顾客需求的改变?   4.政经环境改变是否会伤害企业?   5.是否有什么事可能会威胁到企业的生存?  SWOT分析步骤  强势——弱势——机会——威胁     从竞争角度看,对成本措施的抉择分析,不仅来自于对企业内部因素的分析判断,还来自于对竞争态势的分析判断。成本的强势——弱势——机会——威胁(SWOT)分析的核心思想是通过对企业外部环境与内部条件的分析,明确企业可利用的机会和可能面临的风险,并将这些机会和风险与企业的优势和缺点结合起来,形成企业成本控制的不同战略措施。   SWOT分析基本步骤为:   (1)分析企业的内部优势、弱点既可以相对企业目标而言的,也可以相对竞争对手而言的。   (2)分析企业面临的外部机会与威胁,可能来自于与竞争无关的外环境因素的变化,也可能来自于竞争对手力量与因素变化,或二者兼有,但关键性的外部机会与威胁应予以确认。   (3)将外部机会和威胁与企业内部优势和弱点进行匹配,形成可行的战略。   SWOT分析有四种不同类型的组合:   优势——机会(SO)组合、弱点——机会(WO)组合、优势——威胁(ST)组合和弱点——威胁(WT)组合。    优势——机会(SO)战略是一种发展企业内部优势与利用外部机会的战略,是一种理想的战略模式。当企业具有特定方面的优势,而外部环境又为发挥这种优势提供有利机会时,可以采取该战略。例如良好的产品市场前景、供应商规模扩大和竞争对手有财务危机等外部条件,配以企业市场份额提高等内在优势可成为企业收购竞争对手、扩大生产规模的有利条件。   弱点——机会(WO)战略是利用外部机会来弥补内部弱点,使企业改劣势而获取优势的战略。存在外部机会,但由于企业存在一些内部弱点而妨碍其利用机会,可采取措施先克服这些弱点。例如,若企业弱点是原材料供应不足和生产能力不够,从成本角度看,前者会导致开工不足、生产能力闲置、单位成本上升,而加班加点会导致一些附加费用。在产品市场前景看好的前提下,企业可利用供应商扩大规模、新技术设备降价、竞争对手财务危机等机会,实现纵向整合战略,重构企业价值链,以保证原材料供应,同时可考虑购置生产线来克服生产能力不足及设备老化等缺点。通过克服这些弱点,企业可能进一步利用各种外部机会,降低成本,取得成本优势,最终赢得竞争优势。   优势——威胁(ST)战略是指企业利用自身优势,回避或减轻外部威胁所造成的影响。如竞争对手利用新技术大幅度降低成本,给企业很大成本压力;同时材料供应紧张,其价格可能上涨;消费者要求大幅度提高产品质量;企业还要支付高额环保成本;等等,这些都会导致企业成本状况进一步恶化,使之在竞争中处于非常不利的地位,但若企业拥有充足的现金、熟练的技术工人和较强的产品开发能力,便可利用这些优势开发新工艺,简化生产工艺过程,提高原材料利用率,从而降低材料消耗和生产成本。另外,开发新技术产品也是企业可选择的战略。新技术、新材料和新工艺的开发与应用是最具潜力的成本降低措施,同时它可提高产品质量,从而回避外部威胁影响。   弱点——威胁(WT)战略是一种旨在减少内部弱点,回避外部环境威胁的防御性技术。当企业存在内忧外患时,往往面临生存危机,降低成本也许成为改变劣势的主要措施。当企业成本状况恶化,原材料供应不足,生产能力不够,无法实现规模效益,且设备老化,使企业在成本方面难以有大作为,这时将迫使企业采取目标聚集战略或差异化战略,以回避成本方面的劣势,并回避成本原因带来的威胁。SWOT分析运用于企业成本战略分析可发挥企业优势,利用机会克服弱点,回避风险,获取或维护成本优势,将企业成本控制战略建立在对内外部因素分析及对竞争势态的判断等基础上。而若要充分认识企业的优势、机会、弱点及正在面临或即将面临的风险;价值链分析和标杆分析等均等为其提供方法与途径。




1、SWOT即SWOT分析法,是用来确定企业自身的竞争优势、竞争劣势、机会和威胁,从而将公司的战略与公司内部资源、外部环境有机地结合起来的一种科学的分析方法。2、用法:  (1)分析环境因素  运用各种调查研究方法,分析出公司所处的各种环境因素,即外部环境因素和内部能力因素。外部环境因素包括机会因素和威胁因素,它们是外部环境对公司的发展直接有影响的有利和不利因素,属于客观因素,内部环境因素包括优势因素和弱点因素,它们是公司在其发展中自身存在的积极和消极因素,属主动因素,在调查分析这些因素时,不仅要考虑到历史与现状,而且更要考虑未来发展问题。  优势,是组织机构的内部因素,具体包括:有利的竞争态势;充足的财政来源;良好的企业形象;技术力量;规模经济;产品质量;市场份额;成本优势;广告攻势等。 ①劣势,也是组织机构的内部因素,具体包括:设备老化;管理混乱;缺少关键技术;研究开发落后;资金短缺;经营不善;产品积压;竞争力差等。  ②机会,是组织机构的外部因素,具体包括:新产品;新市场;新需求;外国市场壁垒解除;竞争对手失误等。  ③威胁,也是组织机构的外部因素,具体包括:新的竞争对手;替代产品增多;市场紧缩;行业政策变化;经济衰退;客户偏好改变;突发事件等。  SWOT方法的优点在于考虑问题全面,是一种系统思维,而且可以把对问题的“诊断”和“开处方”紧密结合在一起,条理清楚,便于检验。  (2)构造SWOT矩阵  将调查得出的各种因素根据轻重缓急或影响程度等排序方式,构造SWOT矩阵。在此过程中,将那些对公司发展有直接的、重要的、大量的、迫切的、久远的影响因素优先排列出来,而将那些间接的、次要的、少许的、不急的、短暂的影响因素排列在后面。  (3)制定行动计划  在完成环境因素分析和SWOT矩阵的构造后,便可以制定出相应的行动计划。制定计划的基本思路是:发挥优势因素,克服弱点因素,利用机会因素,化解威胁因素;考虑过去,立足当前,着眼未来。运用系统分析的综合分析方法,将排列与考虑的各种环境因素相互匹配起来加以组合,得出一系列公司未来发展的可选择对策。


是四个内容的首字母。1、内部优势因素(Strengths)、2、弱点因素(Weaknesses)、3、机会因素(Opportunities),4、威胁因素(Threats),SWOT分析法是竞争分析常用的方法之一。 运用SWOT法进行选择分析,就是将与你密切相关的各种主要内部优势因素(Strengths)、弱点因素(Weaknesses)、机会因素(Opportunities)和威胁因素(Threats),通过调查罗列出来,并依照一定的次序按矩阵形式排列起来,然后运用系统分析的思想,把各种因素相互匹配起来加以分析,从中得出一系列相应的结论(如对策等)。


什么是SWOT:  S (strengths)是优势、W (weaknesses)是劣势,O (opportunities)是机会、T (threats)是威胁,是SWOT分析法中的4个要素。SWOT分析法是用来确定企业自身的竞争优势、竞争劣势、机会和威胁,从而将公司的战略与公司内部资源、外部环境有机地结合起来的一种科学的分析方法。  优势,是组织机构的内部因素,具体包括:有利的竞争态势;充足的财政来源;良好的企业形象;技术力量;规模经济;产品质量;市场份额;成本优势;广告攻势等。  swot分析模型[2]  劣势,也是组织机构的内部因素,具体包括:设备老化;管理混乱;缺少关键技术;研究开发落后;资金短缺;经营不善;产品积压;竞争力差等。  机会,是组织机构的外部因素,具体包括:新产品;新市场;新需求;外国市场壁垒解除;竞争对手失误等。  威胁,也是组织机构的外部因素,具体包括:新的竞争对手;替代产品增多;市场紧缩;行业政策变化;经济衰退;客户偏好改变;突发事件等。  SWOT方法的优点在于考虑问题全面,是一种系统思维,而且可以把对问题的“诊断”和“开处方”紧密结合在一起,条理清楚,便于检验。




SWOT分析法是20世纪80年代初由美国旧金山大学的管理学教授海因茨·韦里克(Heinz Weihrich)提出的一种战略分析方法。1、S代表Strength,意思是企业(或部门、个人)目前的优势。2、W代表Weakness,意思是企业(或部门、个人)目前的劣势。3、O代表Opportunities,意思是企业(或部门、个人)目前面临的机会。4、T代表Threatens,意思是企业(或部门、个人)目前面临威胁。SWOT分析模型的方法:1、杠杆效应(优势+机会)。杠杆效应产生于内部优势与外部机会相互一致和适应时。在这种情形下,企业可以用自身内部优势撬起外部机会,使机会与优势充分结合发挥出来,然而,机会往往是稍瞬即逝的,因此企业必须敏锐地捕捉机会,把握时机,以寻求更大的发展。2、抑制性(机会+劣势)。抑制性意味着妨碍、阻止、影响与控制。当环境提供的机会与企业内部资源优势不相适合,或者不能相互重叠时,企业的优势再大也将得不到发挥,在这种情形下,企业就需要提供和追加某种资源,以促进内部资源劣势向优势方面转化,从而迎合或适应外部机会。3、脆弱性(优势+威胁)。脆弱性意味着优势的程度或强度的降低、减少。当环境状况对公司优势构成威胁时,优势得不到充分发挥,出现优势不优的脆弱局面,在这种情形下,企业必须克服威胁,以发挥优势。4、问题性(劣势+威胁)。当企业内部劣势与企业外部威胁相遇时,企业就面临着严峻挑战,如果处理不当,可能直接威胁到企业的生死存亡。


SWOT是一种分析模型,常用于企业内部分析或人力资源分析。S是优势,W是弱势,O是机会,T是威胁 S代表 strength(优势),W代表weakness(弱势),O代表opportunity(机会),T代表threat(威胁),其中,S、W是内部因素,O、T是外部因素。


swot指的就是swot分析,即基于内外部竞争环境和竞争条件下的态势分析,结论通常带有一定的决策性。swot即SWOT分析,即基于内外部竞争环境和竞争条件下的态势分析,就是将与研究对象密切相关的各种主要内部优势、劣势和外部的机会和威胁等,通过调查列举出来,并依照矩阵形式排列。然后用系统分析的思想,把各种因素相互匹配起来加以分析,从中得出一系列相应的结论,而结论通常带有一定的决策性。运用这种方法,可以对研究对象所处的情景进行全面、系统、准确的研究,从而根据研究结果制定相应的发展战略、计划以及对策等。S (strengths)是优势、W (weaknesses)是劣势,O (opportunities)是机会、T (threats)是威胁。按照企业竞争战略的完整概念,战略应是一个企业“能够做的”(即组织的强项和弱项)和“可能做的”(即环境的机会和威胁)之间的有机组合。


swot, 由美国旧金山管理学教授提出,为企业内部态势分析法,即S (strengths)是优势、W (weaknesses)是劣势、O (opportunities)是机会、T (threats)是威胁。运用这种方法,可以对研究对象所处的情景进行全面、系统、准确的研究,从而根据研究结果制定相应的发展战略、计划以及对策等。(资料来自:百度百科_swot分析法)优势和劣势是企业内部可做的,机会和威胁是上天给予的(不是企业能做的);优势和机会是肯定的,劣势和威胁是否定的。出现地点:(至少是小张看到的)别想打扰我学习 电视剧在这个电视剧中,女主角(南向晚,李兰迪 饰)与男主角(林骁然,赖冠霖 饰)一起在湘礼中学高三(7)班上学,班主任为李老师,因男主好友曾建飞在考场上作弊而即将被开除,男主看见李老师并不干涉此事,就想换一个开明的班主任拯救曾建飞,想气走李老师却无从下手,女主建议男主写一份SWOT报告,并解释了S,W,O和T所表示的含义,男主采纳女主建议,成功气走李老师。




1:首先下载XAMPP和WORDPRESS,这个百度一下有很多,但是WP最好到官网下简体中文版的。2:安装的就不用多说了,就是安装XAMPP的时候要注意当出现是否启动Mysql、Apache、Filezilla,是否预装htdocs文件夹和复选框时,记得勾选。Filezilla可以不要。这里还有个小技巧安装的时候最好关闭其它应用程序,尤其是像Flashfxp、迅雷、Skype之类默认使用80端口的程序,否则可能启动不了甚至根本无法正常安装Apache服务。当然,你也可以在安装之前更改这些程序的端口。3:把Wordpress解压缩,得到的文件夹Wordpress放到你安装盘的目录xampp/htdocs文件夹里面。4:启动XAMPP,且保证Mysql和Apache处于“Running”状态。5:在APACHE这一行里点击ADMINISTRSTOR,会出现如下图片的网页。6:点击中文,这时候会进入XAMPP的管理后台,点击左下角的PHPADMIN,下面就进入了本地PHP数据库的管理后台,也许你点进去的时候是英文的,这样就点击sprache-language里面选择中文-简体选择以后网页会自动刷新,这样网页就会使用中文简体的语言了。7:点击数据库,创建数据库,数据库名可以任意设置但是你要记住这个数据库名,以后要用到的然后在左边点击一个小房子的图标会回到主页在这里选择就可以了。8:这里要说一下你想创建数据库用户名和密码的话点击权限然后如下图设置用户名和密码可以随便设置但是你要记住。如果一切正常的话你点击新建用户的时候会出现一个提示。然后关于XAMPP的我们就全部设置好了,可以直接 关闭掉这个网页,大家回想一下,我们曾经把wordpress这个文件夹移动到x/xampp/htdocs这里面,首先打开wordpress文件夹。9:打开,如果你没有安装dreamweaver的话建议安装如果不想安装的话可以右键单击打开方式-记事本,这里用记事本给大家做示范。10:下拉会看到如图所示的代码数据库名称就填写你所设置的数据库,数据库用户名默认root密码默认为空,也可以设置你自己设置的数据库用户名和密码。这里很好理解,原理就是你 本地的数据库设置好了,WP要能够成为数据库当中的程序的话就要能够和数据库用户名和密码一样的,这就跟我们平常输入账号密码登陆QQ一样。11:在浏览器地址框里输入http://localhost/wordpress。我们的安装WP程序过程就结束了,在这里要说明一下如果你发现你打开网站是英文的话,最好百度WORDPRESS到中文官网里面下中文版的。12:下面开始讲解WP的安装内容首先我们输入那个地址后应该会进入如下页面这里只有一个按钮就不用我多说了吧。13:点击后也会只有一个按钮。14:开始就开始吧,照如下图所示设置就好了,还是那句话,数据库名就填写你设置的数据库名,数据库用户名和密码也是这样。设置好了以后就会看到一个点进行安装的话就会刷新进入如下页面这里随便设置用户名和密码,但是你要记住。点击安装wordpress。15:在这里出现了wordpress让人无比恶寒的一句话,虽然对WP的技术人员很是敬佩,但是对于这句话实在是忍不住叨唠一声,算了我们不理他,进入下一步。16:一切正常的话我们就会看到WP的经典的登录界面点击登录后就进入了WP的后台,至此,我们的安装过程就已经结束,如此可以零成本在本地搭建一个属于你自己的网站,我们最后来像WP一样恶寒一下:您是否还沉浸在愉悦的安装过程中,很遗憾,一切皆已完成。下一个教程是WP的SEO化,虽然我也在学习。

when can I take a break ,sir?Well,___you have finished your work.

——when can I take a break ,sir?——Well,(until) you have finished your work.(先生,我可以休息一下么? 好的,但是前提是你要把你的工作完成。(until在此就是表示直到你把你的工作完成才可以休息。。)) Not until 也可以,如果这个空不限制所填的单词的个数,就可以用Not until 或者until。都是表示直到(完成工作)才可以(休息)的休息之意


1:首先下载XAMPP和WORDPRESS,这个百度一下有很多,但是WP最好到官网下简体中文版的。2:安装的就不用多说了,就是安装XAMPP的时候要注意当出现是否启动Mysql、Apache、Filezilla,是否预装htdocs文件夹和复选框时,记得勾选。Filezilla可以不要。这里还有个小技巧安装的时候最好关闭其它应用程序,尤其是像Flashfxp、迅雷、Skype之类默认使用80端口的程序,否则可能启动不了甚至根本无法正常安装Apache服务。当然,你也可以在安装之前更改这些程序的端口。3:把Wordpress解压缩,得到的文件夹Wordpress放到你安装盘的目录xampp/htdocs文件夹里面。4:启动XAMPP,且保证Mysql和Apache处于“Running”状态。5:在APACHE这一行里点击ADMINISTRSTOR,会出现如下图片的网页。6:点击中文,这时候会进入XAMPP的管理后台,点击左下角的PHPADMIN,下面就进入了本地PHP数据库的管理后台,也许你点进去的时候是英文的,这样就点击sprache-language里面选择中文-简体选择以后网页会自动刷新,这样网页就会使用中文简体的语言了。7:点击数据库,创建数据库,数据库名可以任意设置但是你要记住这个数据库名,以后要用到的然后在左边点击一个小房子的图标会回到主页在这里选择就可以了。8:这里要说一下你想创建数据库用户名和密码的话点击权限然后如下图设置用户名和密码可以随便设置但是你要记住。如果一切正常的话你点击新建用户的时候会出现一个提示。然后关于XAMPP的我们就全部设置好了,可以直接 关闭掉这个网页,大家回想一下,我们曾经把wordpress这个文件夹移动到x/xampp/htdocs这里面,首先打开wordpress文件夹。9:打开,如果你没有安装dreamweaver的话建议安装如果不想安装的话可以右键单击打开方式-记事本,这里用记事本给大家做示范。10:下拉会看到如图所示的代码数据库名称就填写你所设置的数据库,数据库用户名默认root密码默认为空,也可以设置你自己设置的数据库用户名和密码。这里很好理解,原理就是你 本地的数据库设置好了,WP要能够成为数据库当中的程序的话就要能够和数据库用户名和密码一样的,这就跟我们平常输入账号密码登陆QQ一样。


  奥术  Arcane Shielding (Tier 4) now decreases the mana lost per point of damage taken when Mana Shield is active by 17/33%. (Previously was 10/20%)  奥术护盾(第4层)现在降低法力护盾在吸收每点伤害时所需要的魔法值17/33%(原来是10/20%).  Improved Counterspell (Tier 4) now has a 100% chance to silence the target for 2/4 secs. (Previously was a 50/100% chance to silence the target for 4 secs.)  强化法术反制(第4层)现在有100%的几率使目标沉默2/4秒.  Torment the Weak (Tier 4) is a new 3 point talent. It increases damage done to slowed targets by 2/4/6%.  欺压现在是一个需要3点点满的新天赋,增加对减速目标的伤害2/4/6%.  Incanter"s Absorption moved to Tier 7.  吸收符咒被上移到第7层.  Spell Power moved to Tier 10.  法术能量被移至第10层  火焰  Impact (Tier 3) has been changed to give your damaging spells a 4/7/10% chance to stun the target for 2 secs. (Previously was a 5 point talent 2/4/6/8/10% and only worked on fire spells)  冲击(第3层)的效果被更改为使你所有伤害性法术都拥有4/7/10%的几率使目标昏迷2秒.  Molten Shields (Tier 4) now includes both Fire Ward and Frost Ward, and now increases chance to reflect the incoming spell by 15/30%. (Previously only worked on Fire Ward and was 10/20%)  熔岩盾(第4层)现在可以同时作用于火焰结界和冰霜结界,同时冰/火结界有15/30%的几率反射相应的法术.  Fiery Payback (Tier 8 ) changed to include all damage, and now increases the cooldown of pyroblast by 2.5/5 secs when below 35% health. (Previously only worked on physical and fire damage, and did not increase cooldown time)  火焰反馈(第8层)被修改为在血量低于35%的时候可以降低所有的伤害20%,并增加炎爆术的Cooldown2.5/5秒(这个cd也只是只在35%血量以下时候起效).  Firestarter (Tier 9) is now a 2 point talent and was changed to 50/100% chance to make your next Flamestrike instant cast. (Previously was 15/30/45% and a 3 point talent)  火焰起源(第9层)现在是一个2点的天赋并可以使你在释放冲击波和龙息术之后有50/100%的几率使你的下个烈焰风暴瞬发.  Burnout (Tier 10) has been increased to 10/20/30/40/50% critical damage bonus to all fire spells. (Previously 5/10/15/20/25%)  烧尽(第10层)的效果被提升至10/20/30/40/50%.  Living Bomb (Tier 11) has been completely changed and now the target becomes a Living Bomb, taking 612 Fire damage over 12 seconds. After 12 seconds or when the spell is dispelled, the target explodes dealing 306 Fire damage to all enemies within 10 yards and knocking all targets up in the air. This spell can only affect one target at a time.  活体炸弹(第11层)的效果被完全改变,现在这个法术的作用方式是使目标变为活体炸弹,在12秒内受到612点火焰伤害.在12秒后或者活体炸弹被驱散,目标将会爆炸,对周围目标造成306点火焰伤害并使其被炸飞到空中.这个魔法效果在同一时间只能作用于一个目标.  冰霜  Frost Warding (Tier 1) has been changed and now increases the armor and resistances given by your Frost Armor and Ice Armor spells by 25/50%. In addition, gives your Frost Ward and Fire Ward a 15/30% chance to negate the warded damage spell and restore mana equal to the damage caused. (Previously was 15/30% increase to resistances)  冰霜障壁(第1层)的工作方式被改变,这个天赋现在的效果为增加冰甲术和霜甲术提供的抗性和护甲25/50%.同时,给予你的冰霜结界和火焰结界以15/30%的几率忽略吸收的伤害并使你获得相当与被忽略伤害相等的魔法值.  Improved Frost Nova (Tier 2) has been replaced with Ice Floes (Was Tier 6) and reduces the cooldown of your Frost Nova, Cone of Cold, Ice Block and Icy Veins spells by 7/14/20%.  强化冰霜新星(第2层)被浮冰天赋取代,降低你的冰霜新星,冰锥,寒冰屏障和冰冷血脉的冷却7/14/20%.  Arctic Reach (Tier 4) now includes the spell Deep Freeze.  极寒延伸(第4层)现在可以作用于深结.  Frost Channeling (Tier 4) now reduces the mana cost of all spells by 4/7/10%. (Previously only affected frost spells and was 5/10/15%)  冰霜导能现在可以降低你所有法术的法力消耗4/7/10%。  Cold as Ice (Tier 6) is a 2 point talent and replaces Ice Floes. It reduces the cooldown of your Cold Snap, Ice Barrier, Deep Freeze and Summon Water Elemental spells by 10/20%. Requires Cold Snap.  冰冷(第6层)现在是一个2点的天赋并取代了浮冰.降低你的急速冷却,寒冰护体,深结和召唤水元素法术10/20%.需要急速冷却天赋作为前置.  Winter"s Chill (Tier 6) is now a 3 point talent and gives your frost spells a 33/66/100% chance to apply the winter"s chill effect. The winter"s chill effect now increases Arcane, Fire, and Frost spell damage by 2%. Stacks up to 5 times.  深冬之寒(第6层)现在是一个3点的天赋,给予你的冰霜法术33/66/100%的几率使你获得深冬之寒的效果.该效果可以增加目标受到的奥术,火焰,冰霜法术的伤害2%,可叠加5次.  Shattered Barrier (Tier 7) now gives your Ice Barrier spell a 50/100% chance to freeze all enemies within 10 yds for 8 seconds when it is destroyed. Requires Ice Barrier.  破碎之盾(第7层)现在可以给予你的寒冰护体50/100%的几率在被打破的时候将8码内的目标冻结8S.需要寒冰护体作为前置天赋.  Empowered Frostbolt (Tier 8 ) changed to a 2 point talent and now increases the damage of your Frostbolt spell by an amount equal to 5/10% of your spell power and increases the critical strike chance by an additional 2/4%.  强化寒冰箭(第8层)被修改为2点天赋,增加你寒冰箭法术相当与你法术能量数值10%的伤害,同时,你的寒冰箭的暴击几率增加2/4%.  Fingers of Frost (Tier 8 ) now works on 2 frost spells. (Previously only affected the first one)  寒冰之指(第8层)现在可以作用于2个冰霜法术  Improved Water Elemental (Tier 9) changed to restore mana to all party or raid members an amount equal to 1/2/3% of their total mana every 5 secs. (Previously health was restored)  强化水元素(第9层)的效果被修改,使你的水元素可以为你的团队成员每5秒恢复相当于法力值上限1/2/3%的魔法值.  Deep Freeze (Tier 11) is now Instant Cast. (Previously had a 1.5sec cast time)  深结(第11层)现在变为瞬发法术.


  方法/步骤  将wordpress解压缩,然后将整个解压后的wordpress文件复制到XAMPP目录下的【htdocs】文件中,:  然后打开XAMPP,按照下图依次点击按钮,会出现一个网页,在这里先新建一个“数据库”,先选择【数据库】,然后在新建一个数据库名的输入框中输入自己要建的数据库名称,我们以“wp”为例,然后点击【创建】即可:  在浏览器中输入本地的网址,如图,然后接下去依次照做,  在这个界面中,数据库名为我们刚才创建的“wp”,不然无法成功,然后用户名必须为“root”,密码不用填,为空,这些都要依次照做,然后点击提交即可,  此图为wordpress登录时要输入的信息,自己可以输入常用的帐号密码,然后点击安装,在新弹出的网页中输入刚录入的帐号密码就能登录wordpresss后台,



it is hard work i enjoy it though

although 用在句首表示虽然...(但是but 这个词会省掉) though表示转折,用在句末. C D 是用在从句里,C 是好象,D 是即使 所以用A

If the work _____ by the end of this month is d...

A 考非谓语。做后置定语。由by the end of this month 可知,这是将来的时间,用不定时表示将来。故选A。B选项 不是非谓语,C选项是正在完成。D选项是已经完成了。

光晕3预告片 考唐娜最后说了句什么 “this is the way...world....end..”


有一首歌的一句歌词“Is this the end of the world”叫什么名字?

end of the world 歌手:ash 专辑:twilight of the innocents Is this the end of the world?Is this the end of the world?I"m feeling low today,Is this the latest fashion.What do the papers say,Well then im bored already.I could die, would anybody really noticeAshI can"t relate today,I"ve never felt so lonely.Is this the modern world,I feel i"m dead already.That"s the catch, it"s such a beautiful confusionIs this the end of the world?Is this the end of the world?Is this the end of the world?Aaaah AhhhhI breathe a motorway,I turn the TV on,Don"t know what to beleive in.Aaaa ahhhOh yeahAaah ahhhhIs this the end of the world?Is this the end of the world?Is this the end of the world?Aaaah AhhhhIs this the end of the world?Is this the end of the world?Is this the end of the world?

Many cities around the world today are heavily polluted. Products (产品) arc not produced in a "g.

小题1:No, it isn"t.小题2:They often think about the environmental safety.小题3:8129小题4:It is possible.小题5:Because people are caring about a safer and cleaner environment, and they prefer the environment-friendly products. 小题1:根据The waste problem is difficult to deal with.及本段描述,可知答案为否,故答:No, it isn"t.小题2:根据However, today, more and more people are choosing “green” and expecting that the products they buy should be safe for the environment.描述,可知答:They often think about the environmental safety.小题3:根据Among them, 8129 people say that they now consider the environmental safety of a product before they buy it. 可知答:8129小题4:根据A few years ago, it was impossible to find green products in supermarkets, but now there are hundreds.描述,可知是可能的,故答:It is possible.小题5:根据The growing need for a safer and cleaner environment is making companies rethink how they do business. 描述,可知答:Because people are caring about a safer and cleaner environment, and they prefer the environment-friendly products.

There are many special hotels around the world. In Greenland, there is a hotel made out of ice....

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:B 试题分析:本文主要介绍的是世界上一座很特殊的宾馆,是用盐做成的。小题1:C 细节题。根据文章第5行He cut big blocks of salt from the desert and used the blocks to build it.可知是用The salt desert建的,故C正确。小题2:D 细节题。根据第二段1,2行The sun heats the walls and roof during the day. So the rooms stay warm at night, though it"s cold outside in the desert.可知D正确。小题3:B 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍的是世界上一座很特殊的宾馆,是用盐做成的。故B符合。点评:本文细节题居多,答题时在文章找到对应的地方,用笔进行标记,这有利于后期有时间检查时可以立刻找到答案的位置。仔细理解作者所讲的意思,再结合选项,通过排除法和自己对全文的把握,选出正确答案。

请以How to Protect our World 为题,写一篇80字左右的英语短文。

There is so much for us to think about when seeing so many plastic bags piled everywhere. The plastic bag has brought great convenience to people but has also done huge environmental damage. Every person should know the harm resulting from "white pollution". To explain this, we should know how terrible and harmful the "white pollution" is and what we should do to reduce this kind of pollution. "White pollution" mainly refers to the two negative effects on the environment: "visual pollution" and "latent hazard" due to the ineffective management and disposal of plastic rubbish. White pollutants primarily consisting of foam boxes, plastic bags, plastic cup, and other plastic materials. Today, the presence of white pollution along railways, by the rivers, on the two sides of the streets in the cities, etc. has made people realize the severity of the problem. Everything in the life circle deserves its place on earth. If we continue using plastic lunch boxes, shopping bags and other unrecyclable plastic products, one day they might bury us in an ocean of white rubbish and the earth would become a dustbin. To prevent our environment from the white pollution, governments need to work closely with each other and take actions. However, it is not enough only to ask what governments can do to get rid of white pollution. We must ask ourselves what we as individuals can do to color the earth green instead of white. 1. In our daily life we must use plastic bags as less as possible. Use the paper bags instead and try not to rely on plastic bags. This will reduce the pollution to our environment and reduce the waste of the resources. 2. Recycling and reprocessing used Styrofoam rather than completely banning its production is an important strategy to eliminate white pollution. Let us have everyone educated to learn their own responsibility and obligation of reducing the "white pollution" and protecting the environment.

求一首类似《What a wonderful world》的英文慢歌

Jaci Velasquez - Imagine Me Without YouJaci Velasquez - Destiny这两首是慢歌。还可以。不过没有你说的类似的词

All The World Is Green 歌词

歌曲名:All The World Is Green歌手:Tom Waits专辑:The Ghost Of Tom WaitsAll the world is green我的BEDA啊,你从来都不知道我是真的爱你I fell into the oceanWhen you became my wifeI risked it all against the seaTo have a better lifeMarie you are the wild blue skyMen do foolish thingsYou turn kings into beggarsAnd beggars into kingsPretend that you owe me nothingAnd all the world is greenWe can bring back the old days againWhen all the world is greenThe face forgives the mirrorThe worm forgives the plowThe questions begs the answerCan you forgive me somehow?Maybe when our story"s overWe"ll go where it"s always springThe band is playing our song againAnd all the world is greenPretend that you owe me nothingAnd all the world is greenCan we bring back the old days again?And all the world is greenThe moon is yellow silverOn the things that summer bringsIt"s a love you"d kill forAnd all the world is greenHe"s balancing a diamondOn a blade of grassThe dew will settle on our gravesWhen all the world is greenPretend that you owe me nothingAnd all the world is greenWe can bring back the old days againWhen all the world is greenHe"s balancing a diamondOn a blade of grassThe dew will settle on our gravesWhen all the world is greenhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52612978

All the World is Green 歌词

歌曲名:All the World is Green歌手:Tom Waits专辑:The Secret Life of WordsAll the world is green我的BEDA啊,你从来都不知道我是真的爱你I fell into the oceanWhen you became my wifeI risked it all against the seaTo have a better lifeMarie you are the wild blue skyMen do foolish thingsYou turn kings into beggarsAnd beggars into kingsPretend that you owe me nothingAnd all the world is greenWe can bring back the old days againWhen all the world is greenThe face forgives the mirrorThe worm forgives the plowThe questions begs the answerCan you forgive me somehow?Maybe when our story"s overWe"ll go where it"s always springThe band is playing our song againAnd all the world is greenPretend that you owe me nothingAnd all the world is greenCan we bring back the old days again?And all the world is greenThe moon is yellow silverOn the things that summer bringsIt"s a love you"d kill forAnd all the world is greenHe"s balancing a diamondOn a blade of grassThe dew will settle on our gravesWhen all the world is greenPretend that you owe me nothingAnd all the world is greenWe can bring back the old days againWhen all the world is greenHe"s balancing a diamondOn a blade of grassThe dew will settle on our gravesWhen all the world is greenhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59056652

如何加入”世界绿色和平组织”(The Green-Peace Organization of the World)?

分类: 社会民生 问题描述: (The Green-Peace Organization of the World)? 解析: 你去这个官方的中文网站greenpeace/china/可以查到相应的信息 绿色和平于香港设立办事处,还于北京设联络点。 电邮: greenpeace.china@.greenpeace志愿者服务 我们的志愿者以不同的形式协助我们的环保项目、工作及活动。欢迎你加入我们的志愿者行列,详情请致电:+86 10 6554 6931

可以帮忙写一篇We Love a green world的英语作文吗?80字左右,谢谢

In this picture, we can see a teacher walking difficultly in the heavy rain. Then, a car is passing by. One of his students is in it. Seeing his teacher, the student says goodbye to his teacher.When I looking at the picture, a question comes into my mind: how to respect teachers? yes, the student doesn"t forget to say goodbye to his teacher, but the teacher is still walking in the heavy rain. To respect his teacher, he should ask his parents to stop the car, and pick up his teacher. we shouldn"t just only say, we should use our actions to show respect.


The world in my eyes In my eyes,it"s a beautiful world.Every morning the sun shines down on me.I can see the blue sky and the green trees.Mothers tell us to be careful on the way and fathers tell us to study hard at school.Then,teachers help us to learn and friends keep us away from loneliness(friends make us happy).The smile on their face and the joy in their eyes makes us feel good.when the night comes,I think of the day, then I know what I"ve got .What a nice world!

上回乘公车,听到一首英文歌,大概是有"the sky is blue ""the world is green",记不清了,男声。求!!

the sky is blue and fields are green给分呀..

against the world 什么意思?


a greenner world 英语作文?

这篇作文是Green world, can let a person feel comfortable and relaxed. For a better job and a better life.绿色的世界,可以让人感到舒心放松。有利于更好的工作和生活。

可以帮忙写一篇We Need A Green World的英语作文吗?80字左右,谢谢

All over the sky of dust storm, all kinds of animals are in danger of the world, melting glaciers, everything will disappear. This is our planet.u3000u3000Old and cool the verdant trees to die do not know where, colorful flowers and green grass is no longer come back. All this is caused by man himself. Even the Pacific will dry up; The world will become the biggest Sahara; Even mount Everest will be the biggest sand dunes; Even the earth will be the biggest sand grains in the space.u3000u3000Cutting down trees, to build factories, waste, destruction of vegetation, countless human crimes. But all this evil, or returned to the people"s own head, so people this species has finally gone...u3000u3000Then how to do? I don"t want to leave my home, I also want to survive!u3000u3000Can, of course, but there is only one way, that is, from now on the protection and preservation of our home, a bit green. Find the once beautiful.u3000u3000You can"t kind of a tree, but you can plant a tree grass, you can go to throw rubbish into the trash can, you can save a drop of water, save electricity, once if everybody can do it, that the disaster will never have.u3000u3000Can"t do great things, but can do little things, one small matter that is to happen.u3000u3000Reproduce a opportunity, let our earth again, make our home become beautiful.u3000u3000I believe that we"ll soon see the green. See the life, the love, that smile.u3000u3000Blowing straight the gentle cool breeze, the green, green shade under the waves of cool idea bring summer is relaxed.

we love a green world英语作文(中英对照)

  导语:绿色家园是我们共同生存的家,保护环境从我做起,保护好自己的家园是每个人应尽的责任。下面是我为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。   we love a green world英语作文(一)   I like green, because I see green you can think of the endless prairie, here in the green grass was full of all kinds of flowers, beautiful! Standing on the grassland, looked up to see blue sky, there are tens of thousands of white clouds in the sky, like a lovely cotton candy, cows and sheep are grazing grassland, there are horses in the running on the grass.   Green represents health, make people for life is full of vitality and hope. Rose up in the morning, looking at the distant green, eyes will become more bright; Green grass will make cows and sheep have become more strong. The green grass and trees, flowers, can make the air more fresh; Dense forest to animals brought a beautiful and happy home; From a distance, a rolling tall green mountain, budao edge of the mountain is linked together with day, like a picture.   Green is the standard of health, green can beautify the environment, we should jointly building a green, green protection, protect the environment. Let the world become more beautiful.   我喜欢绿色,因为我看到绿色就能想起一望无际的大草原,在那绿油油的草地上开满了各式各样的鲜花,美丽极了!站在草原上,一抬头就能看见蓝蓝的天,天空上有成千上万朵白云,像一个个可爱的棉花糖,草原上有牛儿、羊儿在吃草,有马儿在在草地上奔跑。   绿色代表健康,使人们对生活充满了活力和希望。早晨起来,望着远处的绿色,眼睛会变得更加明亮;绿油油的小草会让牛儿、羊儿变得更加强壮;绿色的小草和树木、鲜花可以让空气变得更新鲜;茂密的森林给动物带来了美丽而幸福的家园;从远处看,一片连绵起伏高大的绿山,望不到边,这些山与天相连,犹如一幅图画。   绿色是健康的标准,绿色能美化环境,我们大家要共同建设绿色,保护绿色,保护环境。让世界变得更加美丽。   we love a green world英语作文(二)   Everyone has the responsibility of protecting the environment, the environment to our life have a close relationship, throw rubbish casually, spitting, throw waste batteries, these small things will pollute the environment.   Usually it is not hard to see on the way people throwing rubbish and spitting everywhere. They throw a garbage, face is the feeling of guilt, they don"t know a group of waste paper, throwing a plastic packaging will pollute the environment; They don"t know what cleaners are, how much effort to clean the ground, was one of their small garbage. They don"t know what they unconsciously spit out phlegm can make a lot of people have a cold, and those people don"t know, is the ground of sputum for their disease. Now everyone knows the forest area is greatly reduced, yeah! That is so disorderly cut down trees, people killed animals living environment. Without the protection of the forest will make dust storms ruined city, dust storms have left many people were killed. The usual thick forest became desolate desert.   Although there are a lot of people pollute the environment, but also have to protect the environment.   Since the people began to advocate environmental protection, green. Our schools are beginning to have a batch of volunteers, small to primary school, to university. The middle-aged and elderly people also have to attend. They protect the environment, advocate environmental protection shopping bags, don"t use plastic bags, because he is hard to break down; Don"t throw battery anywhere, please put them in the village of professional recycling station; Don"t open car, please try to walk or by bus. Leading everyone doesn"t want to cut down a tree, they take the lead in planting trees, make the air more pure and fresh, to build forest construction of animal house. The leadership don"t spit, they clean the ground, let us live in a clean, comfortable environment. They believe that their homes will be more beautiful.   "Everyone needs to help protect the environment," from now on, from now on, let us act, environmental protection, environmental protection, make the city more beautiful tomorrow.   每个人的身上都有保护环境的责任,这对我们的生活环境有着密切的关系,随便扔垃圾,随地吐痰,扔废电池,这些不起眼的小事都会污染环境。   平时我们不难在路上看见随地扔垃圾和随地吐痰的人们。他们扔一个垃圾,脸上毫无愧疚之感,他们不知道扔一个废纸团,扔个塑料包装都会污染环境;他们不知道清洁工们费了多大力气所清洁的地面,就被他们的一个小垃圾所破坏。他们不知道他们无意中吐出的痰会使很多人得上感冒,而那些的病的人也不知道,是地上的痰所让他们的病。大家都知道现在森林面积大幅度减少,对啊!那都是人们乱砍伐树木惹得祸,使得动物没有生活环境所死亡。没有森林的保护也会使得沙尘暴破坏城市,沙尘暴使得许多人们丧生。使往常茂密的森林变成了荒凉的沙漠。   虽然有很多人污染环境,可也有保护环境的人们。   自从人们开始提倡环保,绿色。我们的各个学校都开始有一批批的志愿者队伍,小到小学,大到大学。连中年人,老年人也有参加。他们保护环境,提倡用环保购物袋,不用塑料袋,因为他难以分解;不要随地扔电池,请把他们放入小区专业的回收站;不要多开汽车,请尽量步行或乘公交车。领导大家不要私自砍树他们,他们带头种树,使空气更加清新,重新建造森林建造动物的家。领导大家不要随地吐痰,他们清洁地面,让我们生活在一个干净,舒适的环境下。他们坚信家园会更美好。   “保护环境,人人有责”从现在起,从现在开始,让我们行动起来,环保,保护环境,使城市的明天更加美好。 we love a green world英语作文(中英对照)

last two days是什么意思



dash即破折号,有长破折号(em dash)和短破折号(en dash)之分。Word中快速输入长破折号(em dash)、短破折号(en dash)的方法:Word里输入短破折号(–)的步骤:1.CTRL+数字键盘键上的减号 2.手动插入(word菜单栏选择 插入符号Word里输入长破折号(—)的步骤:1.CTRL+ALT+数字键盘上的减号 2.连续输入两个hyphen(前提是在在word的“自动更正选项“里勾选这个功能)3.手动插入(word菜单栏选择”插入“-->”符号“)note:以上方法任选其一即可,优选快键键输入法。

mastermind world为什么那么便宜


mastermind world是什么档次

Mastermind World是一个在2017年成立的品牌,简称MMW,主要针对海外市场,设计延续了Mastermind Japan经典的“暗黑风”和“骷髅”元素。Mastermind Japan全称mastermind JAPAN,成立于1997年,2013年停产,在2017年初以Mastermind World的身份复出。MMW属于中高端档次,价格在200-2000元不等。

一首英文歌开始是吹口哨,然后就是one two three four。


when a woman loves a man中文歌词




求We Are The World (Demo)中文歌词

有一段时间 当我们要听到某一打过电话吗 因为这个世界,它似乎是写在这些线 因为这是一个机会,为了" 在领导自己的生活 看来我们需要什么都不做 我以前的感觉 我应该把我的心 这也显示出我们是必要的 然后我读头条新闻 它说,在那里 这表明,我们在那里—— 我们是世界上 我们的孩子 我们是一个使光明 那么让我们开始givin " 这是一个机会,我们了" 我们了我们所有人的生活 这是真的,我们正在做这美好的一天只有你和我 给你的手,触动你的心 你会看到有人关心 因为你知道他们不能喂养他们 然后我读报纸 还说,你和我 和它显示了——当我们努力工作 我们是世界上 我们的孩子 我们是一个使光明 那么让我们开始givin " 这是一个机会,我们了" 所有我们的生活了我们 这是真的,我们正在做这美好的一天只有你和我 现在是时候我们必须爱 它看起来和生命,——做爱 但是- - - - - 我爱你,更非常多,艺术设计多 看起来你、我必使一个崭新的一天 我们是世界上 (世界!) 我们的孩子 (孩子们!) 我们是做一个明亮的白昼 那么让我们开始givin " (让我们开始givin ` !) 这是一个机会,我们了" 我们了我们所有人的生活 这是真的,我们正在做这美好的一天只有你和我 我们是世界上 (也许是他的整个世界!) 我们的孩子 (孩子们!) 我们是一个使光明 那么让我们开始givin " (所以,让我们先givin ` !) 这是一个机会,我们了" (了!) 我们了我们所有人的生活 这是真的,我们正在做这美好的一天只有你和我 我们是世界上 (莎朗!) 我们的孩子 (Shalingen !) 我们是一个使光明 (莎朗!) 那么让我们开始givin " (因为这正是我们上吧!) 这是一个机会,我们了" 我们了我们所有人的生活 这是真的,我们正在做这美好的一天只有你和我 (Com "on !是的!) 我们是世界上 (莎朗!) 我们的孩子 (Shalingen !) 我们是一个使光明 (莎朗!) 那么让我们开始givin " (因为这正是我们上吧!) 这是一个机会,我们了" 我们了我们所有人的生活 这是真的,我们正在做这美好的一天只有你和我 (Oooooooh耶!) 我们是世界上 (莎朗!) 我们的孩子 (Shalingen !) 我们是一个使光明 (莎朗!) 那么让我们开始givin " (因为这正是我们上吧!) 这是一个机会,我们了" 我们了我们所有人的生活 这是真的,我们正在做这美好的一天只有你和我

We Are The World 歌词

歌曲名:We Are The World歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:Michael Jackson: The Ultimate CollectionWe Are The WorldMichael JacksonThere is a time when we should heed a certain callCause the world it seems it"s right in this lineCause there"s a chance for taking in needing our own livesIt seems we need nothing at allI used to feel that I should give away my heartAnd it shows that fear of needing themThen I read the headlines and it said they"re dying thereAnd it shows that we must heed insteadWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start givingBut there"s a chance we"re takingWe"re taking our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and meGive in your heart and you will see that someone caresCause you know that they can feed them allThan I read the paper and it said that you"ve been deniedAnd it shows the second we will callWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start givingBut there"s a chance we"re takingWe"re taking our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and meNo there"s a time when we must love them allAnd it seems that life, it don"t make love at allBut if you"d be there, and I"ll love you more and moreIt seems in life, i didn"t do thatWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start givingBut there"s a chance we"re takingWe"re taking our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and meWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start givingBut there"s a chance we"re takingWe"re taking our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and meWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start givingBut there"s a chance we"re takingWe"re taking our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and meWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start givingBut there"s a chance we"re takingWe"re taking our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and meWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start givingBut there"s a chance we"re takingWe"re taking our own liveshttp://music.baidu.com/song/9138435

tea for two的歌词


we are the world歌词


只要给我迈克尔杰克逊we are the world的中文歌词 英文就不需要说了

时刻来到了 , 有人已发出号召: 让天下人民团结在一道! 快快伸出援助的手,将死之人最需要。 对生命,这礼物才是最好。 不要幻想,日复一日的幻想, 说什么有谁会带来奇迹。 在上帝创造的世界里,就包括我和你 你我都知道:爱才是我们的唯一。 天下一家,我们是未来。 我们要创造光辉灿烂的明天,让我们奉献 这才是我们的选择,我们在拯救我们自己, 要创造一片新天地,全靠我和你。 献出你的爱心,让他们知道有人在关注。 让生命更加自由,坚强。 按上帝的指示走,一切将改变,哪怕是石头。 天下一家,我们是未来。 我们要创造光辉灿烂的明天,让我们奉献 这才是我们的选择,我们在拯救我们自己, 要创造一片新天地,全靠我和你 当你穷困潦倒,似乎希望渺渺, 但只要坚定信念,就永远不会跌倒。 啊,我们已经明白,好日子终将来到, 只要天下团结在一道。 天下一家,我们是未来。 我们要创造光辉灿烂的明天,让我们奉献 这才是我们的选择,我们在拯救我们自己, 要创造一片新天地,全靠我和你

we are the world的歌词

We Are The WorldMichael JacksonThere is a time when we should heed a certain callCause the world it seems itu2019s right in this lineCause thereu2019s a chance for taking in needing our own livesIt seems we need nothing at allI used to feel that I should give away my heartAnd it shows that fear of needing themThen I read the headlines and it said theyu2019re dying thereAnd it shows that we must heed insteadWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo letu2019s start givingBut thereu2019s a chance weu2019re takingWeu2019re taking our own livesItu2019s true weu2019ll make a brighter day just you and meGive in your heart and you will see that someone caresCause you know that they can feed them allThan I read the paper and it said that youu2019ve been deniedAnd it shows the second we will callWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo letu2019s start givingBut thereu2019s a chance weu2019re takingWeu2019re taking our own livesItu2019s true weu2019ll make a brighter day just you and meNo thereu2019s a time when we must love them allAnd it seems that life, it donu2019t make love at allBut if youu2019d be there, and Iu2019ll love you more and moreIt seems in life, i didnu2019t do thatWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo letu2019s start givingBut thereu2019s a chance weu2019re takingWeu2019re taking our own livesItu2019s true weu2019ll make a brighter day just you and meWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo letu2019s start givingBut thereu2019s a chance weu2019re takingWeu2019re taking our own livesItu2019s true weu2019ll make a brighter day just you and meWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo letu2019s start givingBut thereu2019s a chance weu2019re takingWeu2019re taking our own livesItu2019s true weu2019ll make a brighter day just you and meWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo letu2019s start givingBut thereu2019s a chance weu2019re takingWeu2019re taking our own livesItu2019s true weu2019ll make a brighter day just you and meWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo letu2019s start givingBut thereu2019s a chance weu2019re takingWeu2019re taking our own lives

哪位亲能给一下we are the world迈迈独唱的歌词啊?拜托啦

There comes a time when we heed a certain call,When the world must come together as one,There are people dying,And it"s time to lend a hand to life,,The greatest gift of all,We can go on pretending day by day ,That someone, somewhere will soon make a change,We are all a part of God"s great big family,And the truth you know love is all we need ,We are the world ,We are the children,We are the ones who make a brighter day ,So let"s start giving ,There"s a choice we"re making,We"re saving our own lives,It"s true we"ll make a better day,Just you and me,Send them your heart so they"ll know that someone cares,And their lives will be stronger and free,As God has shown us by turning stones to bread,So we all must lend a helping hand We are the world,We are the children ,We are the ones who make a brighter day ,So let"s start giving ,There"s a choice we"re making ,We"re saving our own lives ,It"s true we"ll make a better day ,Just you and me Michael - When you"re down and out ,Michael - There seems no hope at all ,But if you just believe there"s no way we can fall ,Let us realize that a change can only come ,When we stand together as one We are the world ,We are the children,We are the ones who make a brighter day,So let"s start giving ,There"s a choice we"re making ,We"re saving our own lives ,It"s true we"ll make a better day,Just you and me

we are the world(Demo)带时间文本的歌词


《we are the world》歌词

http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3lyric&ct=150994944&lf=2&rn=10&word=we+are+the+world&lm=-1 这里有好几种歌词 我不知道你要谁唱的

we are the world这首歌有什么来历

加油啊 兄弟们 我们一起创造一个更美好的世界。

迈克杰克逊we are de wourld音乐和歌词


求 麦克杰克逊 we are the world 歌词

曲名:We Are The World歌手:迈克尔 杰克逊专辑:There comes a time when we heed a certain callWhen the world must come together as oneThere are people dyingAnd it"s time to lend a hand to lifeThe greatest gift of allWe can"t go on pretending day by dayThat someone,Somewhere will soon make a changeWe are all a part of god"s great big familyAnd the truth, you know, love is all we needWe are the world, we are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start givingThere"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a better day, just you and meOh Send them your heart so they"ll know that someone caresAnd their lives will be stronger and freeAs god has shown us by turning stones to breadSo we all must lend a helping handWe are the world, we are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start givingThere"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a better 若满意 ,望采纳!不满意 可追问 (*^__^*)

We are the world 【Demo】独唱中文歌词

we are the world ,有两个版本,一个是群星合唱的,另一个是MJ自己独唱的,歌词有点不一样。We Are The World(群星版)There comes a time when we heed a certain call 我们听到了一声召唤,(Lionel Richie 莱昂纳尔.里奇)When the world must come together as one 全世界必须团结在一起!(Lionel Richie 莱昂纳尔.里奇& Stevie Wonder史蒂夫.汪德)There are people dying 不断有人死去,(Stevie Wonder史蒂夫.汪德)Oh, and it"s time to lend a hand to life 是时候向这些生命伸出援助之手,(Paul Simon保罗西蒙)The greatest gift of all 生命是世界上最珍贵的。(Paul Simon保罗西蒙/Kenny Rogers肯尼.洛杰斯)We can"t go on pretending day by day 我们不能日复一日地幻想,(Kenny Rogers肯尼.洛杰斯)That someone, somehow will soon make a change 总有别人会一瞬间让世界改变。(James Ingram詹姆斯殷格朗)We"re all a part of God"s great big family 我们都是上帝大家庭的一员,(Tina Turner蒂娜.特纳)And the truth 我们都知道,(Billy Joel比利.乔)You know love is all we need 我们需要的就是爱。(Tina Turner蒂娜.特纳/Billy Joel比利.乔)( 合唱 )We are the world, we are the children 天下一家,我们都是上帝的孩子。We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving 我们要创造光辉灿烂的明天,所以现在我们就要付出。(Michael Jackson迈克•杰克逊)There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives 这是我们的选择,我们在自我拯救。(Diana Ross黛安娜•罗斯)It"s true we"ll make a better day just you and me 要创造一个更美好的世界,要靠你和我。(Michael Jackson迈克•杰克逊/Diana Ross黛安娜•罗斯)Well, send them your heart so they know that someone cares 用心帮助他们,他们会知道还有人关心,(Dionne Warwick狄昂华薇克)And their lives will be stronger and free 他们的生命会更坚强,更自由。(Dionne Warwick狄昂华薇克/Willie Nelson威利.纳尔逊)As God has shown us by turning stone to bread 上帝把石头变成面包来给我们启示,(Willie Nelson威利.纳尔逊)And so we all must lend a helping hand 所以我们必须伸出援助之手。(Al Jurreau阿尔朱立奥)(合唱重复 )We are the world, we are the children (Bruce Springsteen布鲁斯.斯普林斯汀)We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving (Kenny Logins肯尼.罗杰斯)There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives (Steve Perry史蒂夫.佩里)It"s true we"ll make a better day just you and me (Daryl Hall达瑞.霍尔)When you"re down and out there seems no hope at all 当你沮丧绝望,就看不到任何希望。(Michael Jackson迈克•杰克逊)But if you just believe there"s no way we can fall 但是如果你坚定信念,我们就不会失败。(Huey Lewis休路易斯)Well, well, well, let"s realize that a change can only come 要知道只要团结在一起,(Cyndi Lauper辛迪劳帕)When we (Kim Carnes金康恩丝)stand together as one 世界才能改变。(Kim Carnes金康恩丝/Cyndi Lauper辛迪劳帕/Huey Lewis休路易斯)We Are The World(MJ独唱版)There is a time when we should hear a certain call 我们听到了召唤Cause the world, it seems it"s written in these lines世界似乎已被写进了这些路线Cause there"s a chance for takin"需要作出一个选择In leading our own lives引导我们的生命It seems we need nothing at all表明我们需要的微乎其微I used to feel 我曾经觉得 I should give away my heart我应该付出我的心And it shows that we are needed in there它表明在那里需要我们Then I read the headlines然后我读了启示And it said that got in there它说在那里了需要我们And it showed that we are in there它表明,我们在那里We are the world,we are the children天下一家,我们都是上帝的孩子We are the one to make a brighter day我们要创造光辉灿烂的明天So let"s start givin"所以现在我们就要付出There"s a chance we"re takin"这是我们的选择We"re takin all our lives我们在付出我们的生命It"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and me要创造一个更美好的世界,要靠你和我。Given your heart付出你的真心And you will see that someone cares你会看到有人在乎"cause you know that they can"t feed them all原因你知道,他们无法养活他们所有Then I read the papers然后我读了启示And it said that you and I它说你和我And it shows the when we work hard它显示了我们很努力We are the world,we are the children 天下一家,我们都是上帝的孩子We are the one to make a brighter day我们要创造光辉灿烂的明天So let"s start givin"所以现在我们就要付出There"s a chance we"re takin"这是我们的选择We"re takin all our lifes我们在付出我们的生命It"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and me要创造一个更美好的世界,要靠你和我。Now there"s a time when we must love at allAnd it seem the life,and don"t make love at allBut -----And I love you more and moreIt seem you and I will make a new dayWe are the world(the world!)We are the children(are the children!)We are the ones to make a brighter daySo let"s start givin"(let"s start givin"!)There"s a chance we"re takin"We"re takin all our livesIt"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and meWe are the world(are the world!)We are the children(are the children!)We are the one to make a brighter daySo let"s start givin"(so let"s start givin"!)There"s a chance we"re takin"(takin"!)We"re takin all our livesIt"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and meWe are the world(sharon!)We are the children(shalingen!)We are the one to make a brighter day(sharon!)So let"s start givin"("cause that"s what we"re bein!)There"s a chance we"re takin"We"re takin all our livesIt"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and me(com"on! yeah!)We are the world(sharon!)We are the children(shalingen!)We are the one to make a brighter day(sharon!)So let"s start givin"("cause that"s what we"re bein!)There"s a chance we"re takin"We"re takin all our livesIt"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and me(oooooooh yeah!)We are the world(sharon!)We are the children(shalingen!)We are the one to make a brighter day(sharon!)So let"s start givin"("cause that"s what we"re bein!)There"s a chance we"re takin"We"re takin all our livesIt"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you

迈克尔·杰克逊独唱版的《we are world》歌词也不同?正版的歌词是什么?

第一个是对的 其他的都是合唱

求 we are the world的中文对照翻译

We Are The World Written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie There comes a time when we heed a certain call When the world must come together as one There are people dying And it"s time to lend a hand to life, The greatest gift of all We can go on pretending day by day That someone, somewhere will soon make a change We are all a part of God"s great big family And the truth you know love is all we need We are the world We are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day So let"s start giving There"s a choice we"re making We"re saving our own lives It"s true we"ll make a better day Just you and me Send them your heart so they"ll know that someone cares And their lives will be stronger and free As God has shown us by turning stones to bread So we all must lend a helping hand We are the world We are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day So let"s start giving There"s a choice we"re making We"re saving our own lives It"s true we"ll make a better day Just you and me Michael - When you"re down and out Michael - There seems no hope at all But if you just believe there"s no way we can fall Let us realize that a change can only come When we stand together as one -We are the world -We are the children -We are the ones who make a brighter day -So let"s start giving -There"s a choice we"re making -We"re saving our own lives -It"s true we"ll make a better day -Just you and me PS:有哪位达人知道其中英文对照版本的歌词,谢谢~~~提问者: 单镜片眼镜 - 试用期 一级 最佳答案1984年,英国歌手菲尔柯林斯(Phil Collins)看到新闻中非洲依索匹亚等地区的人民,长期处于饥荒与营养不良而死亡,遂在圣诞节之前提出构想,由鲍伯盖朵夫(Bob Geldof)担任召集人,由数十位当红艺人以「Band Aid」为名共同灌录单曲义卖,将义卖所得援助非洲饥民,单曲「他们知道现在是圣诞节吗?」(Do they know it"s Christmas ?)于焉诞生。这张单曲推出后,立即在全世界引起回响,光是英美两地就卖出约三百廿万张。 英国歌坛的此项义举,美国歌唱界自然不落人后,由黑人歌手哈利贝拉方提(Harry Belafonte)提出建议,之后获得众大牌歌手的鼎力支持,由昆西琼斯(Quincy Jones)担任制作人,在1985年2月28日,45位当红歌星云集洛杉矶的录音室,灌录了「四海一家」(We are the world)这首义卖单曲。 「四海一家」这首歌是由莱纳李奇和麦可杰克森合写,两人费了四天的时间写曲,莱纳先完成一部分,麦可看到后灵感大发,一夜之间就把全曲写好。之后他们又花了两个半小时作词,为了普遍推广此曲,歌词也力求简单易学。单曲完成后推出问世,受到的欢迎难以想象,短短数周便卖出八百万张单曲,更胜英国艺人的「他们知道现在是圣诞节吗?」。 英美歌坛有了这两次成功的经验,认为可以为非洲灾民做的更多,于是由英国的鲍伯盖朵夫继续担任召集人,筹划英美两地歌星马拉松式的援非慈善演唱会,演唱会定名为「Live Aid」,于7月13日分别在英国伦敦的温布利体育馆和美国费城的肯尼迪体育馆举行,两边接力进行长达十小时的义演。这场演唱会除了吸引爆满的现场观众,还经由七个人造卫星,传送到全球一百六十几个国家。负责穿针引线的鲍伯盖朵夫还因此获得诺贝尔和平奖的提名。 平心而论,「四海一家」确实是首出色的制作,数十位大牌歌手每人分唱几句歌词,要能充分发挥个人特色,又要兼顾歌曲的流畅性,确实不容易,制作人昆西琼斯功不可没。 有了前例可循,后来流行音乐界主动出击义唱的例子也越来越多。包括由威利尼尔森(Willie Nelson)召集美国乡村歌手援助农民的「Farm Aid」;布鲁斯史宾斯汀(Bruce Springsteen)领军、抗议南非白人政府种族歧视的「Sun City」演唱计划。国内也有由罗大佑词曲的「明天会更好」群星义唱,也获得很好的回响。 There comes a time when we hear a certain call 当我们听到了恳切的呼唤 When the world must come together as one 全世界应该团结一致 There are people dying 有些地方的人们正逐渐死亡 Oh, and it"s time to lend a hand to life 是该伸出援手的时候了 The greatest gift of all 对生命而言,这是最好的礼物 We can"t go on pretending day by day 我们不能日复一日的伪装下去了 That someone, somewhere will soon make a change 在某些地方总有人要改变自己 We"re all a part of God"s great big family 我们都是上帝的大家族中的一员 And the truth - you know love is all we need 事实上,我们需要的就是爱 We are the world, we are the children 四海皆一家,我们都是神的子民 We are the ones who make a brighter day 创造美好的未来要靠我们 So let"s start giving 所以,让我们开始奉献自己 There"s a choice we"re making 我们正在做的抉择 We"re saving our own lives 是在拯救自己的生命 It"s true we"ll make a better day 我们真的可以创造更美好的明天 Just you and me 就靠你和我 Well, send"em your heart 将你的心传递给他们 So they know that someone cares 让他们明了有人关心他们 And their lives will be stronger and free 他们的生活才能更坚强、更自由 As God has shown us 如同上帝开释我们的 By turning stone to bread 借着把石头变成面包这件事 And so we all must lend a helping hand 我们都应该伸出援手才对 We are the world, we are the children 四海皆一家,我们都是神的子民 We are the ones who make a brighter day 创造美好的未来要靠我们 So let"s start giving 所以,让我们开始奉献自己 There"s a choice we"re making 我们正在做的抉择 We"re saving our own lives 是在拯救自己的生命 It"s true we"ll make a better day 我们真的可以创造更美好的明天 Just you and me 就靠你和我 When you"re down and out 当你意志消沉、不被接纳 There seems no hope at all 一切似乎全无希望 But if you just believe 但只要你相信 There"s no way we can fall 我们不可能倒下 Well, well, well, let"s realize 让我好好想清楚 That one change can only come 只能做一个改变 When we stand together as one 当我们像一家人站在一起 We are the world, we are the children 四海皆一家,我们都是神的子民 We are the ones who make a brighter day 创造美好的未来要靠我们 So let"s start giving 所以,让我们开始奉献自己 There"s a choice we"re making 我们正在做的抉择 We"re saving our own lives 是在拯救自己的生命 It"s true we"ll make a better day 我们真的可以创造更美好的明天 Just you and me(*) 就靠你和我

we are the world 歌词

歌曲名:we are the world歌手:群星专辑:曾经的歌系列15We Are The WorldDe ToppersThere comes a time when we heed a certain callWhen the world must come together as oneThere are people dyingOh it"s time to lend a hand to lifeThe greatest gift of allWe can"t go on pretending day by dayThat someone,Somewhere will soon make a changeWe are all a part of god"s great big familyAnd the truth, you know, love is all we needWe are the world, we are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start givingThere"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a better day, just you and meOh Send them your heart so they"ll know that someone caresAnd their lives will be stronger and freeAs god has shown us by turning stones to breadSo we all must lend a helping handWe are the world, we are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start givingThere"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a better day, just you and meWhen you"re down and out,there seems no hope at allBut if you just believe there"s no way we can fallLet us realize that a change can only comeWhen we stand together as oneWe are the world, we are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start givingThere"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a better day, just you and meWe are the world, we are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start givingThere"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a better day, just you and meWe are the world, we are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start givingThere"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a better day, just you and meWe are the world, we are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start givingThere"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a better day, just you and meWe are the world, we are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start givingThere"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a better day, just you and meWe are the world, we are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start givingThere"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a better day, just you and meWe are the world, we are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start givingThere"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a better day, just you and meWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start givingThere"s a choice we"re makingWe"re saving our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a better dayJust you and memeWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start givingThere"s a choice we"re makinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/18632217

迈克尔杰克逊we are the world歌词


we are the world 含重复的完整歌词

We Are The World[天下一家]词曲:Michael Jackson & Lionel RichThere comes a time when we heed a certain call When the world must come together as one There are people dyingOh,and it"s time to lend a hand to life The greatest gift of all We can"t go on pretending day by dayThat someone,somehow will soon make a change We"re all a part of God"s great big family And the truth You know love is all we need We are the world,we are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start givingThere"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a better day just you and meWell,send them you your heart so they know that someone cares And their lives will be stronger and free As God has shown us by turning stone to breadAnd so we all must lend a helping handWe are the world,we are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives It"s true we"ll make a better day just you and me When you"re down and out there seems no hope at all But if you just believe there"s no way we can fall Well,well,well,let"s realize that a change can only comeWhen westand together as oneThere is a time when we should heed a certain callCause the world it seems it"s right in this lineCause there"s a chance for taking in needing our own livesIt seems we need nothing at allI used to feelI should give away my heartAnd it shows that fear of needing themThen I read the headlines and it said they"re dying thereAnd it shows that we must heed insteadWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start givingBut there"s a chance we"re takingWe"re taking our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and meGive in your heart and you will see that someone caresCause you know that they can feed them allThen I read the paper and it said that you"ve been dyingAnd it shows the second we will callWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start givingBut there"s a chance we"re takingWe"re taking our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and meNo there"s a time when we must love them allAnd it seems that life,it don"t make love at allBut if you"d be there,and I"ll love you more and moreIt seems in life,I didn"t do thatWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start givingBut there"s a chance we"re takingWe"re taking our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and meWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start givingBut there"s a chance we"re takingWe"re taking our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and meWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start givingBut there"s a chance we"re takingWe"re taking our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and meWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start givingBut there"s a chance we"re takingWe"re taking our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and meWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start givingBut there"s a chance we"re takingWe"re taking our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and me

we are the world 是摇滚乐?


歌词we are the world是台湾地震晚会各明星一起唱的,是什么歌

不好意思,没看,但是楼下的,额,你的答案好像 额,呵呵~~~~~ 不对吧~~~~~

新版We are the world中的黑人歌手。 都有哪些, 求助 悬赏

2010版(Justin Bieber)There comes a timeWhen we heed a certain call(Nicole Scherzinger and Jennifer Hudson)When the world must come together as one(Jennifer Hudson)There are people dying(Jennifer Nettles)And it"s time to lend a hand to lifeThe greatest gift of all(Josh Groban)We can"t go onPretending day by day(Tony Bennet)That someone, somehow will soon make a change(Mary J Blige)We are all a part ofGod"s great big familyAnd the truth, you know love is all we need(Michael Jackson)We are the worldWe are the children(Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson)We are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start giving(Barbra Streisand)There"s a choice we"re makingWe"re saving our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a better dayJust you and me(Miley Cyrus)When send them your heartSo they"ll know that someone cares(Enrique Iglesias)so their cries for helpWill not be in vain(Nicole Scherzinger)We can"t let them sufferNo we cannot turn away(Jamie Foxx)Right now they need a helping hand(Wyclef Jean)Nou se mond laWe are the Children(Adam Levine)We are the ones who make a brighter dayso lets start giving(Pink)Ohhhhh…. there"s a choice we"re makingWe"re saving our own lives(BeBe Winans)It"s true we"ll make a better dayJust you and me(Michael Jackson)When you"re down and outThere seems no hope at all(Usher)But if you just believeThere"s no way we can fall(Celine Dion)Well, well, well, well, let us realizeThat a change can only come(Fergie)When we stand together as one(All)We are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start giving(Nick Jonas)Got to start giving(All)There"s a choice we"re makingWe"re saving our own lives(Toni Braxton)It"s true we"ll make a better dayJust you and me(Mary Mary)We are the worldWe are the children(Tony Bennet)Its for the children(Isaac Slade)We are the ones who make a brighter day(Toni Braxton)So lets start giving(Lil Wayne)There"s a choice we"re makingWe"re saving our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a better dayJust you and me(All)We are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start giving(Akon)There"s a choice we"re makingWe"re saving our own livesIt"s true we make a better dayJust you and me(T-Pain)We are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start giving(Jamie Foxx imitating Ray Charles)Choice were makingsaving our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a better dayJust you and me(Rap part - LL Cool J, Will-I-Am, Snoop Dogg, Busta Rhymes, Swizz Beatz)We all need somebody that we can lean onWhen you wake up look around and see that your dreams goneWhen the earth quakes we"ll help you make it through the stormWhen the floor breaks a magic carpet to stand onWe are the World united by love so strongWhen the radio isn"t on you can hear the songsA guided light on the dark road your walking onA sign post to find the dreams you thought was goneSomeone to help you move the obstacles you stumbled onSomeone to help you rebuild after the rubble"s goneWe are the World connected by a common bondLove the whole planet sing it along(Wyclef)Cabarett(All)We are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start givingThere"s a choice were makingsaving our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a better dayJust you and me(Kanye West)Everyday citizenseverybody pitching in(Singing - Children and Wyclef Jean)Nou se mond lanou se timoun yo(Will-I-Am)You and IYou and I(Kanye West)Uh, 12 days no waterwhats your will to live?(Will-I-Am)we amplified the love we watching multiply(Kanye West)Feeling like the Worlds endwe can make the World win(Will-I-Am)Like Katrina, Africa, IndonesiaAnd now Haiti needs us, the need us, they need us(All)We are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter daySo let"s start givingThere"s a choice were makingsaving our own livesIt"s true we"ll make a better dayJust you and me(Wyclef Jean)Haiti, Haiti, Ha, Ha, ha, ha, haHaiti, Haiti, Ha, Ha, ha, ha, haHaiti, Haiti, Ha, Ha, ha, ha, ha

有首歌男声唱的,里面高潮部分大概有we are the word (?)we are the h

Heal the world 迈克尔的

歌曲we are the world歌词?

歌名:we are the world歌手:Michael Jackson作曲 : Quincy Jones/Michael Omartian作词 : Michael Jackson/Lionel RichieThere is a time when we should heed a certain call我们需要时常听知某些召唤Cause the world it seems it"s right in this line只因人之常情Cause there"s a chance for taking in needing our own lives只因这个召唤能引导生命It seems we need nothing at all我们之所需微乎其微I used to feel that I should give away my heart我曾想应倾付我的内心And it shows that fear of needing them却只因我们深被需要Then I read the headlines and it said they"re dying there看看新闻头条,他们正步步迈向死亡And it shows that we must heed instead所以我们必须听知召唤We are the world天下一家We are the children我们都是上帝的孩子We are the ones who make a brighter day我们创造光辉灿烂的明天So let"s start giving让我们开始给与But there"s a chance we"re taking这是我们的选择We"re taking our own lives并为此倾注我们的生命It"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and me要创造一个更美好的世界,要靠你和我Give in your heart and you will see that someone cares付诸你的真心,你就会看到有人在乎Cause you know that they can feed them all原因你知道,他们无法养活他们所有Then I read the paper and it said that you"ve been dying然后再读新闻提及你我And it shows the second we will call预示着再一次的召唤We are the world天下一家We are the children我们都是上帝的孩子We are the ones who make a brighter day我们创造光辉灿烂的明天So let"s start giving让我们开始给与But there"s a chance we"re taking这是我们的选择We"re taking our own lives并为此倾注我们的生命It"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and me要创造一个更美好的世界,要靠你和我No there"s a time when we must love them all我们需要时常对他们倾注爱意And it seems that life, it don"t make love at all生命虽常不伴爱意But if you"d be there, and I"ll love you more and more但只要你倾注你的爱,我便会爱你It seems in life,I didn"t do that在此之前,我很少如此这般We are the world天下一家We are the children我们都是上帝的孩子We are the ones who make a brighter day我们创造光辉灿烂的明天So let"s start giving让我们开始给与But there"s a chance we"re taking这是我们的选择We"re taking our own lives并为此倾注我们的生命It"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and me要创造一个更美好的世界,要靠你和我We are the world天下一家We are the children我们都是上帝的孩子We are the ones who make a brighter day我们创造光辉灿烂的明天So let"s start giving让我们开始给与But there"s a chance we"re taking这是我们的选择We"re taking our own lives并为此倾注我们的生命It"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and me要创造一个更美好的世界,要靠你和我We are the world天下一家We are the children我们都是上帝的孩子We are the ones who make a brighter day我们创造光辉灿烂的明天So let"s start giving让我们开始给与But there"s a chance we"re taking这是我们的选择We"re taking our own lives并为此倾注我们的生命It"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and me要创造一个更美好的世界,要靠你和我We are the world天下一家We are the children我们都是上帝的孩子We are the ones who make a brighter day我们创造光辉灿烂的明天So let"s start giving让我们开始给与But there"s a chance we"re taking这是我们的选择We"re taking our own lives并为此倾注我们的生命It"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and me要创造一个更美好的世界,要靠你和我We are the world天下一家We are the children我们都是上帝的孩子We are the ones who make a brighter day我们创造光辉灿烂的明天So let"s start giving让我们开始给与But there"s a chance we"re taking这是我们的选择We"re taking our own lives并为此倾注我们的生命It"s true we"ll make a brighter day just you and me要创造一个更美好的世界,要靠你和我扩展资料:《We Are The World》是迈克尔·杰克逊和莱昂纳尔·里奇作曲、迈克尔杰克逊作词的歌曲。1985年1月28日,迈克尔·杰克逊、莱昂纳尔·里奇等美国45位歌手联合演唱了该首歌曲。歌曲于1985年3月7日通过哥伦比亚唱片公司发布。《We Are The World》歌曲于1985年4月13日登上公告牌百强单曲榜榜首,连续停留了四周。1986年2月25日,歌曲获得第28届格莱美奖“年度制作”、“年度歌曲”、“最佳短篇音乐录影带”、“最佳流行合作表演”四项大奖。
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