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英语off duty和get off work区别?

off duty 主要是对应: 需要值班的那些工位,没有值勤 的工作内容get off work 主要是一天工作时间到了 下班

be off work和be off duty的区别

off duty下班Only one doctor is on duty today - the other doctor is off duty.off work 意思是不上班

off duty和off work的区别

off duty 主要是对应: 需要值班的那些工位,没有值勤 的工作内容get off work 主要是一天工作时间到了 下班

Just the two of us 的中文歌词

我找到的英文歌词跟你的不一样:[ar:will smith][ti:just the two of us][00:-1.00]artist: will smith[00:00.-70]title: just the two of us[00:00.-40](now dad this is a very sensitive subject)from the first time the doctor placed you in my armsi knew i"d meet death before i"d let you meet harmalthough questions arose in my mind, would i be man enough?against wrong, choose right and be standin upfrom the hospital that first nighttook a hour just ta get the carseat in rightpeople drivin all fast, got me kinda upsetgot you home safe, placed you in your basonettethat night i don"t think one wink i sleptas i slipped out my bed, to your crib i crepttouched your head gently, felt my heart meltcause i know i loved you more than life itselfthen to my knees, and i begged the lord pleaselet me be a good daddy, all he needslove, knowledge, discipline tooi pledge my life to youchorus:just the two of us, we can make it if we tryjust the two of us,(just the two of us)just the two of us, building castles in the skyjust the two of us, you and iverse 2: will smithfive years old, bringin comedyeverytime i look at you i think man, a little mejust like me wait an see gonna be tallmakes me laugh cause you got your dads ears an allsometimes i wonder, what you gonna bea general, a doctor, maybe a mchaha, i wanna kiss you all the timebut i will test that butt when you cut outta line, trudatuh-uh-uh why you do dat?i try to be a tough dad, but you be makin me laughcrazy joy, when i see the eyes of my baby boyi pledge to you, i will always doeverything i canshow you how to be a mandignity, integrity, honor anan i don"t mind if you lose, long as you came with itan you can cry, ain"t no shame it itit didn"t work out with me an your mombut yo, push come to shove you was conceived in loveso if the world attacks, and you slide off trackremember one fact, i got your backchorusverse 3: will smithit"s a full-time job to be a good dadyou got so much more stuff than i hadi gotta study just to keep with the changin times101 dalmations on your cd-romsee me-i"mtryin to pretend i know on my pc where that cd gobut yo, ain"t nuthin promised, one day i"ll be gonefeel the strife, but trust life does go wrongbut just in caseit"s my placeto impartone day some girl"s gonna break your heartand ooh ain"t no pain like from the opposite sexgonna hurt bad, but don"t take it out on the next, sonthroughout life people will make you maddisrespect you and treat you badlet god deal with the things they docause hate in your heart will consume you tooalways tell the truth, say your prayershold doors, pull out chairs, easy on the swearsyou"re living proof that dreams do come truei love you and i"m here for youchorus to fade




打开word文档,切换到“视图”标签-点击“宏”下拉箭头-点击“查看宏”或者直接快捷键Alt+F8请点击输入图片描述在弹出的宏创建对话框,输入宏名字(可以是中文),然后点击右侧“创建”按钮请点击输入图片描述用所给的代码替换掉默认的内容:Sub SelectAllTables()Dim tempTable As TableApplication.ScreenUpdating = False"判断文档是否被保护If ActiveDocument.ProtectionType = wdAllowOnlyFormFields ThenMsgBox "文档已保护,此时不能选中多个表格!"Exit SubEnd If"删除所有可编辑的区域ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryone"添加可编辑区域For Each tempTable In ActiveDocument.TablestempTable.Range.Editors.Add wdEditorEveryoneNext"选中所有可编辑区域ActiveDocument.SelectAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryone"删除所有可编辑的区域ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryoneApplication.ScreenUpdating = TrueEnd Sub请点击输入图片描述粘贴完代码后,直接点击工具栏的运行按钮u25b6,此时文档中所有表格已经选中,关闭VBA编辑器。(再次运行宏的话,直接Alt+F8打开对话框,选中宏点击右侧“运行”)请点击输入图片描述回到文档,在“表格工具”-设计-设置框线粗细-边框下拉菜单里点击“所有边框”,如果点击一次“所有边框”是取消掉所有表格的框线,接着再点一次“所有框线”即可请点击输入图片描述最后再检查从前往后检查一下,这个设置好像会把表格单元格内斜线取消掉,需要重新加一下请点击输入图片描述


按ALT+F11,点插入模块,复制代码,按F5运行Sub 选中所有表格() Dim tempTable As Table Application.ScreenUpdating = False "判断文档是否被保护 IfActiveDocument.ProtectionType = wdAllowOnlyFormFields Then MsgBox "文档已保护,此时不能选中多个表格!" Exit Sub End If "删除所有可编辑的区域 ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryone "添加可编辑区域 For Each tempTable In ActiveDocument.Tables tempTable.Range.Editors.Add wdEditorEveryone Next "选中所有可编辑区域 ActiveDocument.SelectAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryone "删除所有可编辑的区域 ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryone Application.ScreenUpdating = True EndSub


在工作过程中可能遇到这样的情况,一个很大的WORD文档中有许多个表格,需要对所有表格的某一项属性进行修改,但是一个表一个表的逐个修改实在太费时费力。那有没有一次性选中所有表格,然后一次全部修改的办法呢,答案是:有!不过要用到“宏”。方法是新建一个“宏”,代码如下:Sub qxbg() Dim tempTable As Table Application.ScreenUpdating = False "判断文档是否被保护 If ActiveDocument.ProtectionType = wdAllowOnlyFormFields Then MsgBox "文档已保护,此时不能选中多个表格!" Exit Sub End If "删除所有可编辑的区域ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryone "添加可编辑区域For Each tempTable In ActiveDocument.TablestempTable.Range.Editors.Add wdEditorEveryone Next"选中所有可编辑区域 ActiveDocument.SelectAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryone"删除所有可编辑的区域 ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryoneApplication.ScreenUpdating = TrueEnd Sub 保存该宏之后,执行即可全部选中,然后就可以进行下一步操作了。


ctri+a 全选


word里面文字怎么能一下子全选 word里面的文字实现一下子全选的方法如下: 启动word软体,新建或开启已有的文件,按下Ctrl+A组合键,就可以全选文件中的所有内容; 在word里面文字全选的方法可以直接按下键盘组合键Ctrl+A,也可以选中段落头尾的方式拖动滑鼠选择,考虑到办公效率,应优先采用键盘组合键Ctrl+A。 ce修改器怎么一下子全选锁定 shift 点 最上面的 shift 点 最下面的 按空格 如何一下子全选资料夹里面的全部东西 按住ctrl+A就可以了 复制ctrl+c 黏贴ctrl+V 这三个不仅对资料夹有用,在word等可以用 怎样一下子全选autoCAD中的图形? CTRL+A全选 诺基亚6681里的收件箱简讯怎么能一下子全删掉? 按住笔型键往下拉,或者是选项-选择全部,再按“C”键就能很快的删除了 旺旺黑名单里的人怎么能全选著一下子清除 点选黑名单,然后左键按住不放全选 ,选中后 ,点右键,选删除 删了以后不会在回到好友里 怎么样把word中档案改变字型 很多页 如何一下子全选中 快捷键Ctrl+A选中全文!Shift键选中连续的!Ctrl键选中不连续的 谁会一下子全选WORD文件中的所有表格,而不选文字?是对一个word文件中的上千表格全选 word中一次选定所有表格的操作方法 (2011-02-17 11:52:57)转载▼ 标签: 杂谈 分类: 办公室那点事 在编辑一个较长的文稿时,如果需要改变所有表格的字型或格式等,逐个调整肯定很辛苦,可以一次选择所有表格一下子搞定当然就省好多事了。具体操作方法: ALT+F8,开启巨集对话方块,建立名为SelectAllTables的巨集。程式码如下: Sub SelectAllTables() Dim tempTable As Table Application.ScreenUpdating = False "判断文件是否被保护 If ActiveDocument.ProtectionType = wdAllowOnlyFormFields Then MsgBox "文件已保护,此时不能选中多个表格!" Exit Sub End If "删除所有可编辑的区域 ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryone "新增可编辑区域 For Each tempTable In ActiveDocument.Tables tempTable.Range.Editors.Add wdEditorEveryone Next "选中所有可编辑区域 ActiveDocument.SelectAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryone "删除所有可编辑的区域 ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryone Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub 储存完成后选择载入该巨集即可。 求助,谁会一下子全选WORD文件中的所有表格,而不选文字?是对一个word文件中的上千表格全选 你可以这样操作 1、先把原文件备份一份 2、点表格的左上角,全选表格(文字也是被选中的),然后按delete键,此时里面的内容就被删除了,但是表格框架还在 3、ctrl+V复制表格,贴上到新的文件中 怎么能在word文件里一下子选中一大堆选段 保持游标在要撷取的段落最前方 ↓ 滚轮至要撷取的段落最后 ↓ 按住shift,滑鼠点选段落最后






在工作过程中可能遇到这样的情况,一个很大的WORD文档中有许多个表格,需要对所有表格的某一项属性进行修改,但是一个表一个表的逐个修改实在太费时费力。那有没有一次性选中所有表格,然后一次全部修改的办法呢,答案是:有!不过要用到“宏”。方法是新建一个“宏”,代码如下:Sub qxbg() Dim tempTable As Table Application.ScreenUpdating = False "判断文档是否被保护 If ActiveDocument.ProtectionType = wdAllowOnlyFormFields Then MsgBox "文档已保护,此时不能选中多个表格!" Exit Sub End If "删除所有可编辑的区域ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryone "添加可编辑区域For Each tempTable In ActiveDocument.TablestempTable.Range.Editors.Add wdEditorEveryone Next"选中所有可编辑区域 ActiveDocument.SelectAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryone"删除所有可编辑的区域 ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges wdEditorEveryoneApplication.ScreenUpdating = TrueEnd Sub 保存该宏之后,执行即可全部选中,然后就可以进行下一步操作了。






Sub konggs() Dim mytable As Table Application.ScreenUpdating = False For Each mytable In ActiveDocument.Tables mytable.Range.Editors.Add wdEditorEveryone Next ActiveDocument.SelectAllEditableRanges (wdEditorEveryone) ActiveDocument.DeleteAllEditableRanges (wdEditorEveryone) Application.ScreenUpdating = TrueEnd Sub






zs 战士 FS 法师 直接缩写就好了

my favourite place in⋯ 100words英文作

My Favorite Places我最喜欢的地方Many people have favorite places they like to go to when they are feeling sad or bored.I also have favorite places that I go to as often as I can.很多人在难过或烦躁的时候,都会有他们最喜欢去的地方.我也有自己常常去的、最爱的地方.Here are the three places that I like most.First of all,I like the zoo.The animals are amazing because some are so cute and some are so ugly!I like to pet them,feed them and watch them perform.Museums are cool places,too.They have good exhibits and fascinating displays.I like the works of art there.Some museums teach me a lot about history and science.From dinosaurs to robots,I love them all.Finally,theme parks are my favourite place.I think the roller coasters are the best.It"s fun to scream and get scared.这儿有三个地方是我最喜欢的.首先,我喜欢动物园.这些动物是有些惊人的,因为有些(动物)很可爱,有些却很丑陋.我喜欢宠着它们,喂养它们并看它们表演.博物馆也是一个非常酷的地方.它们有许多优良的陈列品和吸引人的展品.我喜欢这里的艺术品.许多博物馆教会了我很多有关历史和自然科学的知识.从恐龙到兔子,我都爱它们.最后,主题公园是我喜爱的地方.我认为过山车是(主题公园里)最好的.它(让我们)刺激的尖叫和害怕.These places always cheer me up.I try to go to each of my favorite places once a year.I am going to find more favorite places to go to when I grow up.这些地方总让我快活起来.我试着每年去一次自己最喜欢的地方.当我慢慢长大的时候,我会寻找更多自己喜欢的地方.


Moving - TravisAnother day, I feel the weight of the atmosphere"s pressureAnd I can"t escapeI try to run, I try to find my feet,My soul is sticking to the streetI get a move, I got to get myself to clean my shoesAnd take the cynic routeI was afar, I"m following the starHome isn"t where you areAnd everything is falling into placeAnd then we move againSo take the curve and move alongUntil we"re gone, we"re moving onAnd on, and on, and onAnd on, and on, and onAnd on, and on, and onI feel alive, I am aware of the colors in the skyAnd where the birds don"t flyAnd if the night is coming pretty soonI"m walking through the dark with youI"ve got to playI"ve got to listen to my toy todayOn the motorwayAnd I could feel, the ground beneath my wheels,Putting me back in my placeAnd everything is falling into placeAnd then we move againSo take the curve and move alongUntil we"re gone, we"re moving onAnd on, and on, and onAnd on, and on, and onAnd on, and on, and onAnd on, and on, and onAnd on, and on, and onAnd on, And on,Another day, another place where I can find my wayTake the avenue wayAnd I know exactly where to goHome isn"t where you stayAnd everything is falling into placeAnd then we move againSo take the curve and move alongUntil we"re gone, we"re moving onAnd on, and on, and onAnd on, and on, and onAnd on, and on, and onI feel alive, I am aware of the colors in the skyAnd where the birds don"t flyAnd if the night is coming u1e57retty soonI"m walking through the dark with you

英文歌开头第一句歌词 hello world 。风格低沉的那种?

英文歌曲开头第一句话是“ Hello world”,曲调低沉,应该是歌曲《Miss Ida B》。《Miss Ida B》外文名:Miss Ida B所属专辑:Can"t Quit The Blues歌曲原唱:Buddy Guy发行日期:2006年10月31日歌手:Buddy Guy歌词Hello world你好啊世界Have you seen Miss Ida B?你见到了Ida B小姐了么Hello world, yeah你好啊,这个世界Have you seen Miss Ida B?你见到了Ida B小姐了么She"s a coffee colored brown她有着咖啡棕的肤色And she looked something like a Japanese而且她看起来有日本人的味道I love you, Miss Ida B, yeah我爱你,Ida B小姐And I just can"t, I just can"t hardly keep it in我就是,我就是不能藏在心里I love you, Miss Ida B我爱你, Ida B小姐And I just can"t keep, just can"t keep it in我就是,我就是情不自禁想说I"m in love with you, Miss Ida B, baby我已经深深爱上了你Ever since, ever since you was a kid就自从,你还是个孩子Baby, when I"m gone亲爱的,等我走了以后Who you gonna let walk in and take my place?谁将来走近你的生活,替代我的位置When I"m gone, baby yeah亲爱的,等我走了以后Who you gonna let walk in and take my place?你将让谁进入你的内心,代替我的位置I hate to even think about, yeah我痛恨自己为什么要想到这里去Another man snoring in my baby"s face想到其他男人正酣睡在你的面前《Miss Ida B》是Buddy Guy演唱的歌曲,收录于专辑《Can"t Quit The Blues》。

[论文阅读-1]ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Abstract 我们训练了一个大型的深度卷积神经网络,将ImageNet lsvprc -2010竞赛中的120万幅高分辨率图像分类为1000个不同的类。在测试数据上,我们实现了top-1和top-5的错误率,分别为37.5%和17.0%,这与前的最高水平相比有了很大的提高。该神经网络有6000万个参数和65万个神经元,由5个卷积层(其中一些后面接了最大池化层)和3个全连接层(最后的1000路softmax)组成。为了使训练更快,我们使用了非饱和神经元和一个非常高效的GPU实现卷积运算。为了减少全连通层的过拟合,我们采用了一种最近发展起来的正则化方法——dropout,结果显示它非常有效。我们还在ILSVRC-2012比赛中输入了该模型的一个变体,并获得了15.3%的top-5测试错误率,而第二名获得了26.2%的错误率. 1 Introduction 当前的物体识别方法主要利用机器学习方法。为了提高它们的性能,我们可以收集更大的数据集,学习更强大的模型,并使用更好的技术来防止过度拟合。直到最近,标记图像的数据集在成千上万的图像(例如,NORB [16], Caltech-101/256 [8,9], CIFAR-10/100[12])中相对较小。使用这种大小的数据集可以很好地解决简单的识别任务,特别是如果使用保存标签的转换来扩展它们。例如,MNIST数字识别任务的当前最佳错误率(<0.3%)接近人类性能[4]。但是现实环境中的物体表现出相当大的可变性,所以为了学会识别它们,有必要使用更大的训练集。的确,小图像数据集的缺点已经被广泛认识(例如,Pinto等人的[21]),但直到最近才有可能收集数百万张图像的标记数据集。新的更大的数据集包括LabelMe[23],它由成千上万的全分段图像组成,和ImageNet[6],它由超过22000个类别的超过1500万标记的高分辨率图像组成。 要从数百万张图像中了解数千个物体,我们需要一个具有巨大学习能力的模型。 然而,对象识别任务的巨大复杂性意味着即使像ImageNet这样大的数据集也无法指定这个问题,因此我们的模型也应该具有大量的先验知识来补偿我们没有的所有数据。卷积神经网络(Convolutional neural networks, CNNs)就是这样一类模型[16,11,13,18,15,22,26]。它们的能力可以通过改变深度和宽度来控制,而且它们还对图像的性质(即统计的平稳性和像素依赖的局部性)做出了强有力且最正确的假设。 因此,与具有相似大小层的标准前馈神经网络相比,CNNs具有更少的连接和参数,因此更容易训练,而其理论上最好的性能可能只会稍微差一些。 尽管CNNs的质量很吸引人,尽管它们的本地架构相对高效,但在高分辨率图像上大规模应用仍然非常昂贵。幸运的是,当前的gpu与高度优化的2D卷积实现相结合,已经足够强大,可以方便地训练有趣的大型CNNs,而最近的数据集(如ImageNet)包含了足够多的标记示例,可以在不严重过拟合的情况下训练此类模型。 本文的具体贡献如下: 最后,网络的大小主要受到当前gpu上可用内存的大小和我们愿意忍受的训练时间的大小的限制。我们的网络需要5到6天的时间来训练两个GTX 580 3GB GPU。我们所有的实验都表明,只要等待更快的gpu和更大的数据集可用,我们的结果就可以得到改善。 2 The Dataset ImageNet是一个包含超过1500万张高分辨率图像的数据集,属于大约22000个类别。这些图片是从网上收集来的,并由人工贴标签者使用亚马逊的土耳其机械众包工具进行标记。从2010年开始,作为Pascal视觉对象挑战赛的一部分,每年都会举办一场名为ImageNet大型视觉识别挑战赛(ILSVRC)的比赛。ILSVRC使用ImageNet的一个子集,每个类别大约有1000张图片。总共大约有120万张训练图像、5万张验证图像和15万张测试图像。 ILSVRC-2010 是唯一可用测试集标签的 ILSVRC 版本,因此这是我们进行大多数实验的版本。由于我们也在 ILSVRC-2012 竞赛中加入了我们的模型,在第6节中,我们也报告了我们在这个版本的数据集上的结果,对于这个版本的数据集,测试集标签是不可用的。在 ImageNet 上,通常报告两个错误率:top-1 和 top-5,其中 top-5 错误率是测试图像的一部分,其中正确的标签不在模型认为最可能的五个标签中。 ImageNet由可变分辨率的图像组成,而我们的系统需要一个恒定的输入维数。 因此,我们将图像降采样到256 * 256的固定分辨率。给定一个矩形图像,我们首先重新调整图像的大小,使其短边长度为256,然后从结果图像中裁剪出中心的256%256块。除了从每个像素中减去训练集上的平均活动外,我们没有以任何其他方式对图像进行预处理。因此,我们将网络训练成像素的原始RGB值(居中)。 3 The Architecture 3.1 ReLU Nonlinearity 3.2 Training on Multiple GPUs 3.3 Local Response Normalization 3.4 Overlapping Pooling Pooling layers in CNNs summarize the outputs of neighboring groups of neurons in the same kernel map. Traditionally, the neighborhoods summarized by adjacent pooling units do not overlap (e.g.,[17, 11, 4]). To be more precise, a pooling layer can be thought of as consisting of a grid of pooling units spaced s pixels apart, each summarizing a neighborhood of size z z centered at the location of the pooling unit. If we set s = z, we obtain traditional local pooling as commonly employed in CNNs. If we set s < z, we obtain overlapping pooling. This is what we use throughout our network, with s = 2 and z = 3. This scheme reduces the top-1 and top-5 error rates by 0.4% and 0.3%, respectively, as compared with the non-overlapping scheme s = 2; z = 2, which produces output of equivalent dimensions. We generally observe during training that models with overlapping pooling find it slightly more difficult to overfit. 3.5 Overall Architecture Now we are ready to describe the overall architecture of our CNN. As depicted in Figure 2, the net contains eight layers with weights; the first five are convolutional and the remaining three are fully-connected. The output of the last fully-connected layer is fed to a 1000-way softmax which produces a distribution over the 1000 class labels. Our network maximizes the multinomial logistic regression objective, which is equivalent to maximizing the average across training cases of the log-probability of the correct label under the prediction distribution. 4 Reducing Overfitting 4.1 Data Augmentation 4.2 Dropout 结合许多不同模型的预测是减少测试错误的一种非常成功的方法[1,3],但是对于已经需要几天训练的大型神经网络来说,这似乎太昂贵了。然而,有一个非常有效的模型组合版本,它在训练期间只花费大约2倍的成本。最近介绍的技术称为dropout[10],它将每个隐藏神经元的输出设置为0,概率为0.5。以这种方式丢弃的神经元不参与正向传递,也不参与反向传播。所以每次输入时,神经网络都会对不同的结构进行采样,但是所有这些结构都共享权重。这种技术减少了神经元之间复杂的相互适应,因为神经元不能依赖于特定的其他神经元的存在。因此,它被迫学习与其他神经元的许多不同随机子集结合使用的更健壮的特征。在测试时,我们使用所有的神经元,但将它们的输出乘以0.5,这是一个合理的近似值,近似于取由指数型多退出网络产生的预测分布的几何平均值。 我们在图2的前两个完全连接的层中使用了dropout。没有dropout,我们的网络显示出大量的过拟合。Dropout使收敛所需的迭代次数增加了一倍。 5 Details of learning 7 Discussion

《芭比之钻石城堡》里的《two voice one song 》完整歌词。


Each time you recalled the past, you would rememb

原句应该是这样的:Each time you recalled the past, you would remember not only the jewels of experience but the worthless stones as well.每当你回忆过去时,你都不但会记起你经历中的精华,而且还记得毫无价值的琐事。谢谢,希望帮到你

You should take _______ on time, _______ each time, and two times a day.


Each time __they met,they would talk long hours together


Welcome To My World 歌词

歌曲名:Welcome To My World歌手:Jim Reeves专辑:Down Memory LaneWelcome To My World- Daniel O DonnellWelcome to my world,Won"t you come on inMiracles, I guessStill happen now and thenStep into my heartLeave your cares behindWelcome to my worldBuilt with you in mindKnock and the door shall be openedSeek and you will findAsk and you"ll be givenThe key to this heart of mineI"ll be waiting thereWith my arms unfurledWaiting just for youWelcome to my worldWaiting just for youWelcome to my worldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7281952

you rock my world 什么意思


get out of my world是什么意思?


那位朋友能帮我翻译一下welcome to my world

你曾经想要倒下吗? 你觉得自己很迷茫吗? 就像你有点不属于,没人能理解你 你曾经想要逃跑? 你把自己锁在房间里开着收音机转起来那么大声,以至于没有人听到你尖叫吗 不,你不知道它什么感觉好时 不,你不知道它,就像我一样被伤害 感到失落被遗忘在黑暗中 当你被踢下去 你觉得你被人推来推去 崩溃的边缘上,没有人那里 去救你没有你不知道它的喜欢 欢迎来到我的生活 你是否想成为别人? 你是否厌倦了被遗忘的感觉? 你不顾一切地寻求更多的东西在你的生活结束前吗? 你被困在一个你讨厌的世界里吗? 你周围的每个人都感到厌烦?用虚假的微笑和愚蠢的谎言吗 在内心深处你出血 不,你不知道它什么感觉好时 不,你不知道它会伤害到我 感到失落被遗忘在黑暗中 当你被踢下去 你觉得你被人推来推去 崩溃的边缘上,没有人那里 去救你没有你不知道它的喜欢 欢迎来到我的生活 没有人曾当着你的面撒谎 没有人曾暗算你 你可能认为我很高兴,但我不会好 每个人都会给你你所需要的 从来没有去工作是一直存在的 你不知道它,它像 被伤害感到失落被遗忘在黑暗中 当你被踢下你觉得你已经被人推来推去 要崩溃的边缘上,没有人去救你 不,你不知道它的喜欢 被伤害,却被排除在黑暗中 被踢当你失意时,你会觉得你被人推来推去 要崩溃的边缘上,没有人去救你 不,你不知道它像欢迎来到我的生活。 欢迎来到我的生活欢迎来到我的生活

I Just want to be free in my world. 是什么意思

您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:I Just want to be free in my world翻译:我只是想要自由在我的世界里或者:我只想在属于自己的世界里自由自在的。百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。

You cannot disappear from my world 汉语什么意思?

是 一样

mark my world歌词翻译justinbieber

Mark my words, that"s all that I have听我说 那是我的全部Mark my words, give you all I got听我说 给你我的全部In every way I will我愿意 无论怎样You"re the only reason why你是唯一的原因为什么Oh I don"t wanna live a lie我不想活在谎言之中Mark my words听我说Mark my words听我说So you heard it all before你曾经肯定听说过Falling in and out of trust信任时有时无Trying to rekindle us试图重新点燃彼此Only to lose yourself却迷失了你自己But I won"t let me lose you但我不会让自己失去你And I won"t let us just fade away我不会让我们的爱情就此烟消云散After all that we"ve been through在你我历经了人世间的千般风景后I"ma show you more than I ever could say我会给予你更多 一切尽在不言中Mark my words, that"s all that I have听我说 那是我的全部Mark my words, give you all I got听我说 给你我的全部In every way I will我愿意 无论怎样You"re the only reason why你是唯一的原因为什么Oh I don"t wanna live a lie我不想活在谎言之中Mark my words听我说Mark my words听我说

东京食尸鬼插曲colour my world 歌词

歌曲名:Colour My World歌手:Westlife专辑:Face To FaceWestlife - Colour My WorldEverybody needs affectionLooking for a deep connectionSo put a little bit of love in my life todayEverybody needs some shelterSpend a little time togetherCome into my armsLet them tell you what I want to sayColor my worldDraw on my heartTake a picture of what you think lovelooks like in your imaginationWrite on my soulEverything you knowUse every word you"ve ever heardTo color my worldI"ve had enough of not believingLiving life without a meaningI want something realand I feel it when I"m next to youLet"s put out some love and devotionWindow to my heart"s emotion"Til the very endIt"s the place I"m gonna keep you in,yeah yeah yeah yeahColor my worldDraw on my heartTake a picture of what you think lovelooks like in your imaginationWrite on my soulEverything you knowUse every word you"ve ever heardTo color my worldLet"s make a world for you and meThat were never gonna leaveWon"t you do itWon"t you color my worldColor my worldDraw on my heartTake a picture of what you think lovelooks like in your imaginationWrite on my soul (write on my soul)Everything you knowUse every word you"ve ever heardTo color my worldTake a picture of what you think lovelooks like in your imaginationUse every word you"ve ever heardTo color my worldEverybody needs affectionLooking for a deep connectionOh, color my world

猫王的welcome to my world的歌词

作词:Winkler/Hathcock 作曲:Winkler/HathcockElvis Presley(猫王)Welcome to my world,Won"t you come on inMiracles, I guessStill happen now and thenStep into my heartLeave your cares behindWelcome to my worldBuilt with you in mindKnock and the door shall be openSeek and you will findAsk and you"ll be givenThe key to this heart of mineI"ll be waiting thereWith my arms unfurledWaiting just for youWelcome to my worldWelcome to my world只知道这张专辑是在1977年3月出的1977年8月他就离开了

"rock my world" 是什么意思??



your presence lights up my world你照亮了我的世界Knowing that other people appreciate my presence and my contribution makes a world of difference, especially on those days that I"d rather be at home. 了解别人对我的出现和我做出的贡献心存感激,有非同一般的意义,尤其是当时我更想留在家里。

Colour My World 歌词

歌曲名:Colour My World歌手:Chicago专辑:Chicago Ix - Chicago"S Greatest HitsWestlife - Colour My WorldEverybody needs affection每个人都需要柔情Looking for a deep connection来寻找内心的交流So put a little bit of love in my life today 因此在我现在的生活中有一种爱的(感动)Everybody needs some shelter每个人都需要寻找庇护Spend a little time together让我们一起用一点时间(来寻找)Come into my arms挽住我的胳膊Let them tell you what I want to say让他们告诉你我想说什么Color my world勾画一个我的多彩世界Draw on my heart 映在我心中Take a picture of what you think of love照一张你认为是爱的照片looks like in your imagination就像你想象中的那样Write on my soul在我的心中写下Everything you know你所知道的一切Use every word you"ve ever heard用你所听见的每一个语句To color my world来勾画我的世界I"ve had enough of not believing我已经受够了不信任Living life without a meaning生活已经变得毫无意义I want something real我想要真实的(生活)and I feel it when I"m next to you当我跟你在一起时我就能感受到它的存在Let"s put out some love and devotion让我们发誓来(奉献)彼此的爱Window to my heart"s emotion我心中的爱会坚持"Til the very end直到最后It"s the place I"m gonna keep you in,那就是我让你心动的地方yeah yeah yeah yeah耶~~~Color my world勾画一个我的多彩世界Draw on my heart映在我心中Take a picture of what you think of love照一张你认为是爱的照片looks like in your imagination就像你想象中的那样Write on my soul在我的心中写下Everything you know你所知道的一切Use every word you"ve ever heard用你所听见的每一个语句To color my world来勾画我多彩的世界Let"s make a world for you and me让我们构建一个你我的世界That were never gonna leave一个我们永远不会离开的(世界)Won"t you do it 你不会去构建吗?Won"t you color my world你不想勾画我的多彩世界吗?Color my world来勾画我的多彩世界Draw on my heart 映在我心中Take a picture of what you think of love照一张你认为是爱的照片looks like in your imagination就像你想象中的那样Write on my soul (write on my soul)在我的心中写下(在我的心中写下)Everything you know你所知道的一切Use every word you"ve ever heard用你所听见的每一个语句To color my world来勾画我的多彩世界Take a picture of what you think of lov照一张你认为是爱的照片looks like in your imagination就像你想象中的那样Use every word you"ve ever heard用你所听见的每一个语句To color my world来勾画我的多彩世界Everybody needs affection每个人都需要柔情Looking for a deep connection来寻找内心的交流Oh, color my world噢,来勾画我的多彩世界__________________________________ysto制作Q283853835http://music.baidu.com/song/8487529




My dad and mom are my world.我爸爸妈妈是我的全世界。

you are my world 歌词

歌曲:you are my world歌手: Hillsong来自:澳大利亚所属专辑:《you are my world》来源百度音乐:http://music.baidu.com/song/14286865歌词:My father I adore You moreThan anything my heart could wish forI just want YouAnd Jesus my beloved saviorEverything I am I owe to YouI owe it all to YouAnd angels come and adore YouHillsongAnd we Your children worship YouYou are my worldYou are my GodAnd I lay down my life for YouYou are my LordThe one I loveNo one could ever take Your placeAnd everything I have I give to YouMy Lord, the One I live forAnd all my days are gifts from YouI pray I抎 use them as You want me toUse them for YouAnd angels come and adore YouAnd we your children worship YouYou are my worldYou are my GodAnd I lay down my life for YouYou are my LordThe One I loveNo one could ever take Your placeHillsong 是全澳大利亚最富盛名的现代派基督教会。Hillsong Music Australia 是其属下的乐队组合,其创作的歌曲广泛传唱于世界范围的基督教会。其歌手和词作家享誉世界。

my world to be my girl是那首歌里的歌词?

big big world

迈克尔杰克逊You Rock My World中文歌词

就是小茴忆的那些说实话这段对话让我暴笑了好久HEE HEEMJ跟人家比抢女孩~哈哈太可爱了~

郑成悦: my world, i am the rules

我的世界,我来制定规则!我的世界,由我自己来掌控! 作为标题语的话没有错,如果是书面语的话rule就不够准确

SPYAIR的《My World》 歌词

歌曲名:My World歌手:SPYAIR专辑:My WorldMy WorldSPYAIR作词:MOMIKEN作曲:UZTVアニメ「机动戦士ガンダムAGE」EDテーマ壁にもたれて 一晩中考えてみたんだ 自分のこと选んだ行く先はここでいいのか?分からなくなるんだでも 答えなんて出ないままさドコにいたって必死なモノさうつむいた视线を 少し上げ见えた朝は澄んでた仆が仆であるために…失っちゃいけないモノはなに?简単にでない 答えは 辛くて苦しいよたった一度のMissを何度もクヨクヨしないで歩けば 爱せるかな My World大事にしたいと思うほどどうして离れてくのだろう?「もうこれ以上はない」と言いながらまた求めるけど…形の见えないモノに名前をつけて 「梦」や「爱」と呼ぶことで少し 夸らし気Ah 本当はそんなんじゃないのに…仆が仆であるために…この言叶が迷わせる简単にでない 答えは 辛くて苦しいよせめて、前を向いて行こうモタモタせずに探し物は见つかるはずこのWorldで伝わらなくて 投げ出した全部壊れてしまえばいいと思っていたでも违う…悲しみさえ 优しさに変えていけたら少しずつだけど 世界を好きになれるだから…仆が仆であるために…それがナニかを探して伤つき 立ち止まり 辛くて苦しいよだけど、一度っきりだ自分をクヨクヨ责めずに歩けば 爱せるさ My World光は进む先にあるhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18071804

my world中文歌词,英文带中文,麻烦翻译出来

please tell me what is taking place,cause i can"t seem to find a trace,guess it must"ve got erased somehow,probably cause i always forget,everytime someone tells me their name,it"s always gotta be the same.(in my world)never wore cover-up,always beat the boys up,grew up in a 5000 population town,made my money by cutting grass,got fired by fried chicken ass,all in a small town, napanee.you know i always stay up without sleepin",and think to myself,where do i belong forever,in whose arms, the time and place?can"t help if i space in a daze,my eyes tune out the other way,i may switch off and go in a daydream,in this head my thoughts are deep,but sometimes i can"t even speak,would someone be and not pretend? i"m off again in my worldi never spend less than an hour,washin" my hair in the shower,it always takes 5 hours to make it straight,so i"ll braid it in a zillion braids,though it may take all friggen day,there"s nothin" else better to do anyway.when you"re all alone in the lands of forever,lay under the milky way,on and on it"s getting too late out,i"m not in love this time this night.(la la la la)take some time,mellow out,party up,but don"t fall down,don"t get caught, 我的小小世界 谁能告诉我发生了什麼事 因为我还搞不太清楚 我猜我脑袋里的某些事被删除了 八成是因为我老是忘东忘西的 每次有人告诉我他的名字 这种情形就会发生 在我的小小世界里 我从来就不会掩饰 到处跟男生打架 在人口五千的小镇长大 帮人家除草赚零用钱 也因为炸成鸡屁股被炒鱿鱼 这全发生在家乡纳帕尼 我喜欢晚上不睡觉 整夜幻想著 哪里才是我永远的归宿 是谁的怀抱里 在何时何地 副歌: 我没办法不发呆 我的眼光会飘向远方 还会因为恍神而做起白日梦 虽然我脑袋里的想法很深奥 可是有时我却说不出口 有人像我这麼不做作吗? 现在我又恍神离开了我的小小世界 淋浴时顺便洗个头 就要花一个小时 把头发弄直 还得再花五个钟头 这样才能绑个辫子头 虽然要耗上一整天的时间 不过反正也没什麼事情好做 如果你独处於永恒之地 仰卧在银河之下 就知道最亮的星星最晚出现 好心情的我 今晚并没有心上人 副歌 找个时间 对自己好一点 尽情派对 但小心别摔跤 别被逮到 悄悄溜出去玩耍一下吧!

My World的中文意思是什么??


求艾薇儿My World的歌词

Avril Lavigne - My WorldPlease tell me what is taking place,Cause I can"t seem to find a trace,Guess it must"ve got erased somehow,Probably cause I always forget,Everytime someone tells me their name,It"s always gotta be the same.(In my World)Never wore cover-up,Always beat the boys up,Grew up in a 5000 population town,Made my money by cutting grass,Got fired by fried chicken ass,All in a small town, Napanee.You know I always stay up without sleepin",And think to myself,Where do I belong forever,In whose arms, the time and place?Can"t help if I space in a daze,My eyes tune out the other way,I may switch off and go in a daydream,In this head my thoughts are deep,But sometimes I can"t even speak,Would someone be and not pretend? I"m off again in my WorldI never spend less than an hour,Washin" my hair in the shower,It always takes 5 hours to make it straight,So I"ll braid it in a zillion braids,Though it may take all friggen day,There"s nothin" else better to do anyway.When you"re all alone in the lands of forever,Lay under the milky way,On and on it"s getting too late out,I"m not in love this time this night.(la la la la)Take some time,Mellow out,Party up,But don"t fall down,Don"t get caught,Sneak out of the house.

Bee Gees的《My World》 歌词

歌曲名:My World歌手:Bee Gees专辑:22 Hits OfMy World-Bee GeesDon"t shed a tear for meNo, it"s not your styleIf you"re not here by meThen it"s not worth whileMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineI"ve been cryingI"m lonelyWhat do I do to have you to stayI"ve needed youto cry onI"ve written you nearly ev"ry dayMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineDon"t shed a tear for methat"s not your styleif you"re not here by methen it"s not worth whileMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineI"ve been cryingI"m lonelyWhat do I do to have you to stayI"ve needed youto cry onI"ve written you nearly ev"ry dayMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1727388

艾薇儿《MY WORLD》歌词

Avril Lavigne - My World Please tell me what is taking place, Cause I can"t seem to find a trace, Guess it must"ve got erased somehow, Probably cause I always forget, Everytime someone tells me their name, It"s always gotta be the same. (In my World) Never wore cover-up, Always beat the boys up, Grew up in a 5000 population town, Made my money by cutting grass, Got fired by fried chicken ass, All in a small town, Napanee. You know I always stay up without sleepin", And think to myself, Where do I belong forever, In whose arms, the time and place? Can"t help if I space in a daze, My eyes tune out the other way, I may switch off and go in a daydream, In this head my thoughts are deep, But sometimes I can"t even speak, Would someone be and not pretend? I"m off again in my World I never spend less than an hour, Washin" my hair in the shower, It always takes 5 hours to make it straight, So I"ll braid it in a zillion braids, Though it may take all friggen day, There"s nothin" else better to do anyway. When you"re all alone in the lands of forever, Lay under the milky way, On and on it"s getting too late out, I"m not in love this time this night. (la la la la) Take some time, Mellow out, Party up, But don"t fall down, Don"t get caught, Sneak out of the house.

艾薇儿《My world》中英文歌词

My World我的小小世界 Please tell me what is taking place,请告诉我发生了什么事 Cause I can"t seem to find a trace,因为我还搞不清楚 Guess it must"ve got erased somehow,我猜想我脑袋里的某些东西被删除了 Probably cause I always forget, 八成是因为我老是忘东忘西的Everytime someone tells me their name, 每次有人告诉我他们名字时It"s always gotta be the same这种事就会发生. (In my World)Never wore cover-up,我从来就不掩饰 Always beat the boys up,经常跟男孩打架 Grew up in a 5000 population town,在人口5000的小镇长大 Made my money by cutting grass帮人家除草赚零用钱, Got fired by fried chicken ass,因被炸成鸡屁股被炒鱿鱼All in a small town, Napanee.这全发生在家乡,Napanee You know I always stay up without sleepin",我喜欢晚上不睡觉 And think to myself整夜幻想着Where do I belong forever,那才是我永远的归宿 In whose arms, the time and place?在谁的怀抱里,什么时候,在哪里? Can"t help if I space in a daze, 我无法控制自己不发呆My eyes tune out the other way,我的目光会飘向远方 I may switch off and go in a daydream,还会因为恍惚而坐起白日梦 In this head my thoughts are deep,虽然我的脑袋里的想法很深奥But sometimes I can"t even speak可是有时我却说不出口, Would someone be and not pretend? 有人像我这样不做作吗?I"m off again in my World我又恍神离开了我的小小世界I never spend less than an hour, Washin" my hair in the shower, 淋浴时洗个头就要花一个多小时It always takes 5 hours to make it straight,把头发弄直还要再花五个小时So I"ll braid it in a zillion braids,这样才能绑个辫子头 Though it may take all friggen day, There"s nothin" else better to do anyway. 虽然要花上一整天时间,不过反正也没什么事情可做When you"re all alone in the lands of forever, 当你独处于永恒之地Lay under the milky way,仰卧再银河之下 On and on it"s getting too late out, 就知道最亮的星星最晚才出现I"m not in love this time this night.好心情得我,今晚并没有心上人 Can"t help if I space in a daze, My eyes tune out the other way, I may switch off and go in a daydream, In this head my thoughts are deep, But sometimes I can"t even speak, Would someone be and not pretend? I"m off again in my World(la la la la) Take some time, 找个时间Mellow out,对自己好一点 Party up, but don"t fall down,尽情派对,但别摔跤Don"t get caught,别被逮到 Sneak out of the house.悄悄溜出去玩耍一下吧

Bee Gees的《My World》 歌词

歌曲名:My World歌手:Bee Gees专辑:MythologyMy World-Bee GeesDon"t shed a tear for meNo, it"s not your styleIf you"re not here by meThen it"s not worth whileMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineI"ve been cryingI"m lonelyWhat do I do to have you to stayI"ve needed youto cry onI"ve written you nearly ev"ry dayMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineDon"t shed a tear for methat"s not your styleif you"re not here by methen it"s not worth whileMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineI"ve been cryingI"m lonelyWhat do I do to have you to stayI"ve needed youto cry onI"ve written you nearly ev"ry dayMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13692986

联合国气候大会儿童论坛主题歌 Its my world 的歌词


welcome To My World中文是什么意思

欢迎来到我的世界我的世界,还可以引申为我的生活那么就是 欢迎来到我的生活就是 欢迎你融入我的生活意思很多,具体环境具体看咯

求一首英文歌,男歌手,唱法有点像迈克尔杰克逊,歌词大概是be my girl…………be my world

my beautiful

You Re My World 歌词

歌曲名:You Re My World歌手:Helen Reddy专辑:The Very Best Of Helen Reddy「You"re my world」作词∶前田亘辉作曲∶春畑道哉歌∶TUBE谁かに夸れるよな 暮らしじゃなかったけどひとつだけ确かな仆のこころに笑ってる君 泣いてる君あるのがあたりまえで なければ生きてゆけない君の中にある 青空と海失えば 枯れてゆく世界守りたいもの 守られながらやすらぐ寝颜にそっとふれて気がついたらMy love I know that you"re my worldいつも爱してた 仆だけのオアシス闻かれもしない事を 话してしまう仆に涙みせてくれる 君は全てを受け入れる 手のひらのようだね爱したいひと 爱されながら强くなっていく 绊だからどんな时も 离さないよ my world繋いだこころひとつになれるまで守りたいもの 守られながらやすらぐ寝颜にそっとふれて気がついたらMy love I know that you"re my worldいつも爱してた 仆だけのオアシス収録:Blue Splash発売日:2009/07/08http://music.baidu.com/song/2592756

You Are My World 歌词

歌曲名:You Are My World歌手:R. Kelly专辑:Write Me BackYou Are My WorldR. KellyWhy you insecure?When you know how love is pure?And why is it so hard to trust?When we vowed that we"d be forever in love girl?And when the morning comes you"ll see I"ll still be right by your side? And you don"t have to worry cause baby girl you"re all mine?You are my world? My heaven? My whole girl? Got to believe me?You are my world? My heaven? My whole girl?Tell me why?Should you ever have to wonder who"s gon" love you right here for you? Girl tell me why?Should you ever have to question who"s not gon" be loving you?Oh girl?Oh I?And when the morning comes you"ll see I"ll still be right by your side? And you don"t have to worry cause baby girl you"re all mine?You are my world? My heaven? My whole girl? Got to believe me? You are my world? My heaven? My whole girl?Here and now?Cast all your fears away, girl?Take my hand and we will fly away? Baby don"t you know that you are my world?You are my world? My heaven? My whole girl? You are my world? My heaven? My whole girl?You are my world? My heaven? My whole girl? You are my world? My heaven? My whole girl?You are my world? My heaven? My whole girl?http://music.baidu.com/song/14938022

歌曲《can you feei my world》的中文意思是什么?

意译可以是:你能感受我的内心世界吗 歌曲:can you feel my world 作词:李焯雄 作曲:王力宏 歌手: 王力宏 专辑: 不可思议 你只喜欢我微笑 你决定我的需要 我要怎么说才好 我不是为你制造 关心像是泥沼 拉住我往下掉 爱是漂亮口号 透过你的视角 你把我的喜好随便删掉 变成你要的调调 你为我好我知道我都知道 我的烦恼我的骄傲你却不明了 怎样爱你才好 毕竟黑豹需要自由奔跑 不能满足于拥抱 can you feel my world 真实的我没办法伪造 can you take my hand 真诚你会感觉到 can you feel my world 真实的我没办法伪造 并不想讨好 你才觉得我重要 你只要我有礼貌 其它假装看不到 我要怎么说才好 当我的情绪低潮 关心像是泥沼 拉住我往下掉 还是漂亮口号 透过你的视角 你把我的喜好随便删掉 变成你要的调调 你为我好我知道我都知道 我的烦恼我的骄傲你却不明了 怎样爱你才好 毕竟黑豹需要自由奔跑 i keep coming back for more rap: 日日夜夜我闭着双眼祈祷 为什么只有我的音乐能够让我依靠 我知道我的世界已经变得越来越小 跑不掉逃不了 怎么面带着微笑 怎么面对着你才好 怎么眼泪都在掉 怎么嘴嘟著好严肃这不是哭著就好 什么旋律在我的脑袋一直转一直绕 意志力一直撑著我再一次祷告 帮助我 Can you feel my world(feel my world) 真实的我没办法伪造 Can you take my hands(take my hands) 真诚你会感觉到 (你才会感觉到) Can you feel my world 真实的我没办法伪造 并不想讨好(不想) 你才觉得我重要(你才会觉得我重要) Can you feel my world(我一点都不重要) 真实的我没办法伪造 Can you take my hands(take my hands) 真诚你会感觉到 (怎么感觉到) Can you feel my world 真实的我没办法伪造 并不想讨好 你才觉得我重要



求子君的 this is my world歌词!谁回答快分给谁!

The look on your faceIt could never explain your heartAnd the touch of my lips It could never tell u my thoughtsAnd U want me to change I can"t get used to All U want me to beI just can"t pretend To be anyone elseCuz it"s not really me This is my worldThis is who I amAnd I"m not gonna give up myself To make your life better She saidThis is how it isI got my own life to liveAnd U can either accept me Or baby And if it"s loveThat we shareThen we can withstand all The obstacles that life brings forth And I will receive youFor who U are who u were And baby who U will be But U want me to changeGirl I can"t get used to All U want me to beAnd I just can"t pretend To be anyone else, ohCuz it"s not really me This is my worldThis is who I amAnd I"m not trying to give up myself To make your life better, now This is how it isI got my own life to liveAnd U can either accept me Or baby This is my worldThis is who i amAnd I"m not trying to give up myself To make your life better She saidThis is how I got my own life to liveAnd U can either accept me Or baby let me go U said I promise you the starsAnd I"mGiving you all I can nowU said love is not enoughAnd I knowU will seeIf your life turns aroundIn my heart there is room for u It"s me and my worldThis is who i amAnd I"m not trying to give up myself To make your life better She saidThis is how I got my life And U can either accept me Or baby This is my worldWho I amAnd I"m not trying to give up myself To make your life better, now Oh, this is how And I got my life And U can either accept me Or baby let me go This is my worldMy worldBaby let me go Oh, this is who I amWhere I liveGot my own life to give Oh, oh ohMy world I"m not trying to change uThis is who I amPlease let me be me, yeah

avenge world罗马音,中文歌词

AVENGE WORLD!!向这个世界复仇!!谁かを守ることで 谁かを憎むことを知る我明白的 要守护某个人 就必须去憎恨某个人未知の鼓动未知的跳动饮み込めば只の希望 音を立て崩れ去る如果被吞噬掉 唯一的希望之声就会破碎远去  私が秘めた野蛮な痛み在我心里隐藏著 那野蛮的悲痛戦う悲剧战争的悲剧望まぬ力 愿いの星は既に堕とされて不想拥有力量 但祈愿之星却已经坠落この悲しい运命が叫んでる这段悲惨的命运在呐喊著私を引き裂け 爱しい者达よ被我们所爱的人们所撕裂著さあ梦掴み取れ快去 抓住梦想悲しい运命を叫んでも悲惨的命运也在悲叹著光が祈りが裏切りへと変わる希望祈祷也都化为背叛裁きを受け取れ接受审判吧ah! 微笑みは何処へ 答えも见えぬ夜明け啊! 微笑究竟在何处 看不见结局的黎明恐れを弾くことが 喜び招くことかは拒绝著恐惧的事物 却欢迎著喜欢的事物解らない完全不明白それでも明日の为 我が身よ立ち上がれ还是要为明天准备 依靠自己站起来私の中の野蛮な波动在我内心深处 那野蛮的情绪止まない悲剧停不下来的悲剧虚ろな心 満たし始める爱の忌まわしさ空洞的心 开始填满著爱情的情感この激しい怒りが騒いでる这股激烈的愤怒正在吵闹著私に続けよ 爱しい者违よ被我们所爱的人们坚持著さあ梦取り戻せ快去 带回梦想激しい怒りが騒いだら激烈的愤怒吵闹著叹きが呻きが反撃へと変わる让悲叹的呻吟转变成反击命を受け取れ收下性命吧ah! 微笑みたくても 优しさ消える夜明け啊! 即使微笑也 留下温柔地离去的黎明望まぬ力それだけが 虚ろな心を満たす只有这个不想拥有力量 能够填满空洞的心MY WORLD! MY WORLD!!属於我的世界!! 属於我的世界!!堕とされた星よ已经坠落的星星この悲しい运命が叫んでる这段悲惨的命运在呐喊著私を引き裂け 爱しい者达よ被我们所爱的人们所撕裂著さあ梦掴み取れ快去 抓住梦想悲しい运命を叫んでも悲惨的命运也在悲叹著光が祈りが裏切りへと変わる希望祈祷也都化为背叛裁きを受け取れ接受审判吧ah! 微笑みたくても 答が见えない啊! 微笑究竟在何处 看不见结局夜明けの空 孤独なAVENGE WORLD黎明之时 孤独地向这个世界复仇————————————————————————AVENGE WORLD!!AVENGE WORLD! !谁かを守ることで 谁かを憎むことを知るDareka o mamoru koto de dareka o nikumu koto o shiru 未知の鼓动Michi no kodō 饮み込めば只の希望 音を立て崩れ去るNomikomeba tada no kibō on o tate kuzuresaru 私が秘めた野蛮な痛みWatashi ga himeta yaban"na itami 闘う悲剧Tatakau higeki望まぬ力 愿いの星は既に堕とされてNozomanu chikara negai no hoshi wa sudeni o to sa reteこの悲しい运命(さだめ)が叫んでるKono kanashī sadame ga saken deru 私を引き裂け 爱しい者达よWatashi o hikisake itoshī sha tachi yo さあ梦掴み取れSā yume tsukami tore 悲しい运命を叫んでもKanashī unmei o saken demo 光が祈りが裏切りへと変わるHikari ga inori ga uragiri e to kawaru 裁きを受け取れSabaki o uketore ah! 微笑みは何処へ 答えも见えぬ夜明けAh! Hohoemi wa doko e kotae mo mienu yoake恐れを弾くことが 喜び招くことかはOsore o hajiku koto ga yorokobi maneku koto ka wa 解らないWakaranai それでも明日の为 我が身よ立ち上がれSoredemo ashita no tame wagami yo tachiagare 私の中の野蛮な波动Watashi no naka no yaban"na hadō 止まない悲剧Yamanai higeki虚ろな心 満たし始める爱の忌まわしさUtsurona kokoro mitashi hajimeru ai no imawashi saこの激しい怒りが騒いでるKono hageshī ikari ga sawai deru 私に続けよ 爱しい者违よWatashi ni tsudzukeyo itoshī mono chiga yo さあ梦取り戻せSā yume torimodose 激しい怒りが騒いだらHageshī ikari ga sawaidara 叹きが呻きが反撃へと変わるNageki ga umeki ga hangeki e to kawaru 命を受け取れInochi o uketore ah! 微笑みたくても 优しさ消える夜明けAh! Hohoemitakute mo yasashi sa kieru yoake望まぬ力それだけが 虚ろな心を満たすNozomanu chikara sore dake ga utsurona kokoro o mitasu MY WORLD! MY WORLD!!MY WORLD! MY WORLD! ! 堕とされた星よo to sa reta hoshiyoこの悲しい运命が叫んでるKono kanashī unmei ga saken deru 私を引き裂け 爱しい者达よWatashi o hikisake itoshī sha tachi yo さあ梦掴み取れSā yume tsukami tore 悲しい运命を叫んでもKanashī unmei o saken demo 光が祈りが裏切りへと変わるHikari ga inori ga uragiri e to kawaru 裁きを受け取れSabaki o uketore ah! 微笑みたくても 答が见えないAh! Hohoemitakute mo kotae ga mienai 夜明けの空 孤独なAVENGE WORLD Yoakenosora kodokuna AVENGE WORLD

you cannot disspper from my world

您的问题很简单.呵呵.百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 原句:No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world. 翻译:不管结局能否完美,我的世界不容许你的消逝. : 不管结局是否完美,我的世界不能没有你的出现. :无论结局是不是完美的,你都不能从我的世界里消失. 我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美.: My world does not allow you disappear, no matter the ending is perfect or not. 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译.

英语翻译。我的世界充满美好。my world abound happy. 这样翻译对了,不对请补充


"Can you feel my world"是什么意思?

译:你能感觉我的世界吗Can You Feel My World 专辑名称:不可思议 出版年代:2003年 发行公司:新力音乐 语言类别:国语 歌手名称:王力宏 歌手类别:台湾男歌手 词曲:词:李焯雄 Rap:王力宏 曲:王力宏 你只喜欢我微笑 你决定我的需要 我要怎样说才好 我不是为你制造 关心像是泥沼 拉住我往下掉 爱是漂亮的口号 透过你的眼角 你把我的喜好 随便删掉 变成你要的调调 你为我好 我知道 我都知道 我的烦恼 我的骄傲 你却不明了 怎样爱你才好 毕竟黑豹 需要自由奔跑 (不能满足于拥抱) (I keep comin" back for more) Can You Feel My World 真实的我没办法伪造 Can You Take My Hands 真诚你会感觉到 Can You Feel My World 真实的我没办法伪造 并不想讨好 你才觉得我重要 (我一点都不重要) 你只要我有礼貌 其他假装看不到 我要怎么说才好 当我的情绪低潮 Rap I keep on comin" back for more yo 日日夜夜我闭着双眼祈祷 为什么只有我的音乐能够让我依靠 我知道我的世界已经变得越来越小 跑不掉逃不了 怎样面带着微笑 怎么面对着你才好 怎么眼泪都在掉 怎么嘴嘟着好严肃 这不是哭着就好 什么旋律在我脑袋一直转一直绕 意志力一直撑着我 再一次祷告 帮助我

you are my world什么意思


My world, I know a person is good.

Delusion is me to walk with you life. 妄想陪你走一生的人是我。 rid of the shadow. 你是我摆脱不了的影子。 Life is a beautiful struggle. 生命是一场美丽的挣扎。 In a city, the city lived in pain. 心中有座城,城里住着疼。 Want perfect, always not perfect. 想要的完美,始终不完美。 Not crave forever,because too far. 不奢求永远 因为太远。 My world, I know a person is good. 我的世界,我一个人懂就好。 Say wait for you, I would not leave. 说好了等你,我就不会离开。 Delusion is me to walk with you life. 妄想陪你走一生的人是我。 Life is a beautiful struggle. 生命是一场美丽的挣扎。 In a city, the city lived in pain. 心中有座城,城里住着疼。 Want perfect, always not perfect. 想要的完美,始终不完美。 Not crave forever,because too far. 不奢求永远 因为太远。 My world, I know a person is good. 我的世界,我一个人懂就好。 Say wait for you, I would not leave. 说好了等你,我就不会离开。 有哲理的励志说说:I am making my time count 1.你用沉默来回避我,那我就用不联系来成全你。 2.我已经做好要陪你一生的打算,爱情无望就让友情来帮我圆谎。 3.看我爱的多懦弱,你的消息只能听别人说。 4.何必赠我一朵枯萎的花,如果爱我不是你的心里话。 5.世界上其实根本没有感同身受这回事,针不刺到别人身上,他们就不知道有多痛。 6.我曾悄无声息的喜欢过你,友情之上,爱情未满。 7.不如两清,做回甲乙丙丁。 8.世界上最委屈的事就是我很喜欢你,但好像只能到这里了。 9.后来,听闻你有了新欢,从此,我的英雄为了另一个女孩征战疆场血溅四方。 10.我说分手是想被挽留,你却顺口祝我自由。 11.化雪永远比下雪冷,就像结束永远比开始疼。 12.“Miss”有两个意思,一个是想念,一个是失去,所以想念多了就会失去。 13.后来我们依然孤单,你换了几站,我一直流浪。 14.我愿终有一日,你付出一片真心,却被人弃之如履,因爱别离,求不得而失措发狂,身心千疮百孔。 15.很难受吧,有上千页聊天记录的人就这么离开了。说说控最伤感的说说分享 16.不要总是在担心会失去谁,好好想想,有谁会在担心失去你。 17.“我爱你”用唇语读出来却是“怀疑”。 18.雨水落下来是因为天空无法承受它的重量,眼泪掉下来是因为心再也无法承受那样的伤痛。 stands for my heart ●Sometimes the perfect person for you is the one you least expect. 有时候,最适合你的人, 恰恰是你最没有想到的人。 ●Some people ee people an is panying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness. 我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。 ◆ I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you . 我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。 My heart is with you. ◆ In spite of you and me and the silly panying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness. 我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。 eone doesn"t love you the way you want them to,doesn"t mean they don"t love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你 It is better bo have love and lost than never to have loved at all. 宁可曾经爱过而失败,也不要从来未曾有过一次爱。 I"ll think of you every step of the way. 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步 My heart is with you. 我的爱与你同在 You make my heart smile. 我的心因你而笑。 one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person。 好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃世界。 Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply? 难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿? Distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更近。

求Tim Kay-My World 谢谢啊

http://mp3.gougou.com/search?search=My%20world&suffix=&mtv=0&id=10000000&pattern=0 这里有很多这首歌儿,但不知道有没有你想听的那个人唱的,自己找一下好吗? I"ll show you, What It takes to feed my mind, You go trough, reading all my signes It was a lovely day, When everything was everywhere And now love came in to season I didn"t know you Nice little dreams you push to side Can we take to until we see those eyes we love to hide And I"m alone in bed In someone elses head And now love came in to season Take time and make yourself feel good And you do whatever you want Cause you can now, in my world Make it up for losing so much time Cause you can now, in my world We want to take a little walk down this room you know I"m not scared to cause If we get back we can take it real slow Another lovely day When everything was everywhere And now love came in to season Take time and make yourself feel good And you do whatever you want Cause you can now, in my world Make it up for losing so much time Cause you can now, in my world

Metallica的My world歌词中文译文?

motherfuckers 进入我的头尝试改为使我成为其他人它的我的世界现在它的我的世界现在它的我的世界。。。它的我的世界。。。妈妈, 理由它在我的房间中的 正在下雨愉快在男孩云上面将会很快继续重的雾给我失去的内部去正确地坐后面的而且享受这一次乘坐它的我的世界你讲黑话有它!它的我的世界,它的我的世界它的我的世界你讲黑话有它!它的我的世界,它的我的世界它的我的世界你讲黑话有它!它的我的世界,它的我的世界它的我的世界....吸管!im 从我的头, 从我的头getem 从我的头, 从我的头在外的 getem谁掌管我的头今天在天使方法中的 dancin 魔鬼它的我的时间现在它的我的时间现在它的我的时间。。。它的我的时间。。。在这里的小心 motherfuckers i 来im 去使我的头成为我的家母狗的儿子试着拿我的头试着改为使我成为其他人它的我的世界你讲黑话有它!它的我的世界,它的我的世界它的我的世界你讲黑话有它!它的我的世界,它的我的世界它的我的世界你讲黑话有它!它的我的世界,它的我的世界它的我的世界....吸管!im 从我的头, 从我的头getem 从我的头, 从我的头在外的 getem不只 i 不知道答案吗i dont 甚至知道疑问是什么不只 i 不知道答案吗i dont 甚至知道疑问是什么它只感觉像它的神在我身上下雨它只感觉像它的神在我身上下雨它只感觉像它的神在我身上下雨它只感觉像它的神在我身上下雨不只 i 不知道答案吗i dont 甚至知道疑问是什么不只 i 不知道答案吗i dont 甚至知道疑问是什么吸管!im 从我的头, 从我的头,从我的头getem 从我的头, 从我的头在外的 getem充足充足。。。! 很多词错了

you are my world 歌词

歌曲:you are my world歌手: Hillsong来自:澳大利亚所属专辑:《you are my world》来源百度音乐:http://music.baidu.com/song/14286865歌词:My father I adore You moreThan anything my heart could wish forI just want YouAnd Jesus my beloved saviorEverything I am I owe to YouI owe it all to YouAnd angels come and adore YouHillsongAnd we Your children worship YouYou are my worldYou are my GodAnd I lay down my life for YouYou are my LordThe one I loveNo one could ever take Your placeAnd everything I have I give to YouMy Lord, the One I live forAnd all my days are gifts from YouI pray I抎 use them as You want me toUse them for YouAnd angels come and adore YouAnd we your children worship YouYou are my worldYou are my GodAnd I lay down my life for YouYou are my LordThe One I loveNo one could ever take Your placeHillsong 是全澳大利亚最富盛名的现代派基督教会。Hillsong Music Australia 是其属下的乐队组合,其创作的歌曲广泛传唱于世界范围的基督教会。其歌手和词作家享誉世界。

MY World,I Rule! My World,I Control!


my world

  我找了很久,找到了有关叫《My World》的歌,希望能帮到你。  (1)歌曲:My World  歌手:枪炮与玫瑰(Guns N" Roses)  专集:《Use Your Illusion II》  (2)歌曲:My World  歌手:比吉斯兄弟(Bee Gees)  专集:《Best Of Bee Gees, Vol. 2》  (3)歌曲:My World  歌手:三门倒乐队(3 Doors Down)  专集:《Seventeen Days》  (4)歌曲:My World  歌手:英格柏 汉柏汀克(Engelbert Humperdinck)  专集:《Engelbert Humperdinck - Greatest Hits》  (5)歌曲:My World  歌手:Husky Rescue  专集:《Country Falls》  (6)歌曲:My World  歌手:Nate Dogg  专集:《G Funk Classics, Vols.1 & 2 CD1》  (7)歌曲:My World  歌手:Ex-Prom Queens  专集:《A Tribute To Avril Lavigne》  (8)歌曲:My World  歌手:迪散德斯(Descendents)  专集:《I Don"t Want To Grow Up》  (9)歌曲:My World  歌手:New York Dolls  专集:《"Cause I Sez So》  (10)歌曲:My World  歌手:Karaoke - Ameritz  专集:《Karaoke - The Bee Gees》  (11)歌曲:My World (Il Mondo)  歌手:英格柏 汉柏汀克(Engelbert Humperdinck)  专集:《Gold》

by the end of next year he will have worked in th


求my world歌词

The fastest man in the world, fast asleep at the wheel Nobody wants to be alone, so how did I get, here When I look at you, I see him staring through Awake and a smile, cuz he"s been inside of you Is he all the things you, tried to change me into? Is he everything to you? Does he make you high, make you real? Does he make you cry? Does he know the way you feel? Love is all around you, your universe is full But in my world, there is only you I can still find the smell On my clothes and skin I can still see your face, when youre sleeping next to him Is he all the things you, tried to change me into? Tell me does he… [chorus] I"ve had enough of fears, you let them out Now I wrap myself around you Like a blanket full of doubt He"s your everything [chorus] You make me high! You make me real! You make me cry! Now you know the way I feel Love is all around you, your universe is full But in my world, there is only you 我非常喜欢这首,很好听。

Sophie的《My World 》 歌词

歌曲名:My World 歌手:Sophie专辑:My WorldMy worldSophieSophie 我的世界enSophie - My WorldYou are my worldBut you"re so far awayI feel so aloneLike any other dayI need a changeThere"s something special in youYou are my loveI wanna give you moreI feel so coolWaitin" behind the doorI need a chanceThere"s something else I can doMy love is all that I can give youYou"ll spend the night with me I want youThis is the only thing I want to sayYou"re my worldI"m loving your waysI"m living in paradiseYou"re my world and all is OKWhen I look into your eyesBaby would you give me moreI"m just knockin" at your doorI feel so scaredYou were my only friendI"m like a childLost in a desert landI need you hereI wanna show you my loveMy love is all that I can give youYou"ll spend the night with me I want youThis is the only thing I want to sayYou"re my worldI"m loving your waysI"m living in paradiseYou"re my world and all is OKWhen I look into your eyesYou"re my worldI"m loving your waysI"m living in paradiseYou"re my world and all is OKWhen I look into your eyesBaby would you give me moreI"m just knockin" at your doorYou"re my worldI"m loving your waysI"m living in paradiseYou"re my world and all is OKWhen I look into your eyesBaby would you give me moreI"m just knockin" at your doorEnd~~~http://music.baidu.com/song/26759415

My World歌词

Please tell me what is takin" place"Cause I can"t seem to find a traceGuess it must have got erased somehowProbably cause I always forgetEverytime someone tells me their nameIt"s always gotta be the same(In my world)Never wore cover upAlways beat the boys upGrew up in a five thousand population townMade my money by cutting grassGot fired by a fried chicken assAll in a small town, NapanneYou know I always stay up without sleepin"And think to myselfWhere do I belong foreverIn whose arms, the time and place[Chorus:]Can"t help it if I space in a dazeMy eyes tune out the other wayI may switch off and go in a daydreamIn this head my thoughts are deepSometimes I can"t even speakWould someone be and not pretend I"m off again in my worldI never spend less than an hourWashin" my hair in the showerIt always takes five hours to make it straightSo I"ll braid it in a zillion braidsThough it may take all friggen dayThere"s nothing else better to do anywayWhen you"re all alone in the lands of foreverLay under the milky wayOn and on it"s getting too late outI"m not in love this time, this night[Chorus:]Can"t help if I space in a dazeMy eyes tune out the other wayI may switch off and go in a daydreamIn this head my thoughts are deepSometimes I can"t even speakWould someone be and not pretendI"m off again in my world(La la la la)I take some timeMellow outParty it upBut don"t fall downDon"t get caughtSneak out of the house[Chorus:] [2x]Can"t help if I space in a dazeMy eyes tune out the other wayI may switch off and go in a daydreamIn this head my thoughts are deepSometimes I can"t even speakWould someone be and not pretendI"m off again in my world- -随便就找到了

Moira Tyers的《My World》 歌词

歌曲名:My World歌手:Moira Tyers专辑:One Step Forward--My world---Tim Kay----Jamie at home--- I"ll show you,What It takes to feed my mind,You go trough, reading all my signesIt was a lovely day,When everything was everywhereAnd now love came in to seasonI didn"t know youNice little dreams you push to sideCan we take to until we see those eyes we love to hideAnd I"m alone in bedIn someone elses headAnd now love came in to seasonTake time and make yourself feel good And you do whatever you wantCause you can now, in my worldMake it up for losing so much timeCause you can now, in my worldWe want to take a little walk down this room you knowI"m not scared to cause if we get back we can take it real slowAnother lovely dayWhen everything was everywhereAnd now love came in to seasonTake time and make yourself feel goodAnd you do whatever you wantCause you can now, in my worldMake it up for losing so much timeCause you can now, in my worldIm gonna make you feel all rightIm gonna make you hold on tighthold on tightTake time and make yourself feel goodAnd you do whatever you wantCause you can now, in my worldMake it up for losing so much timeCause you can now, in my worldTake time and make yourself feel goodAnd you do whatever you wantCause you can now, in my worldMake it up for losing so much timeCause you can now, in my worldyou can nowin my worldyou can now-END-http://music.baidu.com/song/15037240

急求My world 巨人歌词 中文翻译,谢谢啦!!!!

歌曲:My world ; 巨人- TITLE SONG歌手:刘承俊 重回我世界-刘承俊 yo Kay.. yo tell my man to get back in the studio man I"ve got to finish this part real quick... It"s going to be my last track in this album or not yo It"s my life it ain"t funny what you looking for king"s back with the throne they"d be yelling at it"s been 4,5 years but it flew by I"ve been waiting and praying with my eyes open.. go go go go Westside is back YSJ"s back with my throwback on Yeah it"s payback. ain"t no surprise when it rains it rains you dig? 故事流传到今天 远古消失地平线 一望无际的旷野 狂风吹起漫天的风雪 (寻觅) 你总留下的痕迹 (回忆) 不断出现脑海里 (过去) 轮回似在继续 仿如梦境 ***Come in to my world 我不想失去你 Oh My baby Welcome to my world 重燃我的心 Come in to my world 你是我的一切OH My baby 我不相信 你就这样消失在我的世界 picture me perfect with 64 impala cruising down Sunset with my wife and kid with black hat cock to the side throwing Westside what you want to ride. 走过城市的边缘 穿越宁静的乡间 前方寒冷的雪原 荒漠黄沙蔓延到天边 (寻觅) 你总留下的痕迹 (回忆) 不断出现脑海里 (过去) 轮回似在继续 仿如梦境 ***Come in to my world 我不想失去你 Oh My baby Welcome to my world 重燃我的心 Come in to my world 你是我的一切OH My baby 我不相信 你就这样消失在我的世界 漫天风雪屠龙剑 未来尘埃混沌初现 夜幕苍穹谁的脸 温柔狂乱飘浮眼前you ........................ ※韩文大意※ 为了比巨人看得远, 骑在巨人的肩膀上, 我成为巨人,让你骑在我肩膀上, 让你看得更远,我把没有的路重新开辟, 不要因为我现在不在你身边而哭泣, 你要记住我会重回你身边,向你保证 ***Come in to my world 我不想失去你 Oh My baby Welcome to my world 重燃我的心 Come in to my world 你是我的一切OH My baby 我不相信 你就这样消失在我的世界 come in to my world Don"t be afraid my girl I will never let you go my baby come in to my world welcome to my world It"s the YSJ you dig.

艾薇儿 拉维妮的《My World》 歌词

歌曲名:My World歌手:艾薇儿 拉维妮专辑:Try To Shut Me UpKiD CuDi - My World (Ft. Billy Cravens)(Edited By YoYo)Hello yeah,Lil homie in the room, in, in the room boy, on the moonNo one to hang out with, talk that shit toJust my little homies one year younger they aint get where I was goinTook a turn for the worst when my father left me lonelyLonely in my room I, I mean me up on the moonEntertain myself laugh at myselfAs I grew to be a teen, I disguised myselfHad the lowest self esteem especially with the girlsTried every sport just to impress all the girlsInstead of all the ladies cause they talk downI was too artsy known to be a clownNow my facebook poppinCause I told the same girls I would be the hot shit one dayThis will be my world..I told you so...Big homie made the move made, made the moveFlew off the moonNo one to hang out with talk that shit to, just my Brooklyn niggasAll I would wonder is when will my time comeHad mad jobs and I lost them all of themThinkin bout my bosses yup, I hated all of themStudio at night had me hustlin most of themNigga I was late damn near every dayBut Imma be on time when the stars alignWhen my soul was happy on my ramen dietFollowed by a loosie was the meal of grindersIf you knowin the truth all you think about is that thingAlways be a hater tryna shoot down any dreamUntil you meet a kid like k dotNiggas thought I was crazy my momma know I stay hotWe getting money. momThis will be my world...I told you so...I was heavy, heavy, heavy on my grizzleAnd none of yall had a clue about meAnd none of yall had a clue about meAnd none of yall really knew about meI was heavy, heavy, heavy on my grizzleAnd none of yall really cared about meAnd none of yall really cared about meNow guess what Im all you see, Im all you seeThis will be my world...I told you so..Yeah...eh...oh...http://music.baidu.com/song/15402164

My world 中文歌词? avril lavigne

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