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------SWOT分析------S (优点):比人家领先的地方 生意上的优点 品质、设计、表现 产品服务、成本、价格 营销效果 个性 财务资源 便利设施 与供应商的关系W (弱点):需要更正的地方 品质、设计、表现 成本/价格 营销效率 个性 财务资源 便利设施 与供应商的关系O (机会):我可以改变这情形吗 我可以利用这机会吗 这些优势会维持多久 我的生意如何好好地利用此情况T(威胁):如果这超过我所能控制的范围,会如何影响到企业发展 这些劣势会维持多久 我的生意如何好好地利用此情况

手机市场swot分析 要把优势、劣势、机会、威胁 一一列举出,然后进行手机市场的分析,字数在两千字左右

  转的网上的,希望对你有帮助,字多了点,不过可以参考呵呵  基于SWOT分析看中国手机公司在国际竞争中的地位和发展前景  根据国际权威市场调查公司IC Insights公布的全球十大手机厂商排名中,波导作为唯一入选的中国手机公司,跻身全球八强,而TCL-Alcatel、联想、夏新、海尔等排名不在前十之列,也就是说,中国手机公司目前只能徘徊在全球手机公司的第三阵营,是全球手机行业的配角,因为中国手机公司在全球的总份额不到13%。  我们不妨通过SWOT分析看一看中国手机公司的处境:  一、Strengths(优势)  1.中国手机公司更熟悉国内的市场;  2.中国手机公司在国内拥有良好的渠道;  3.中国手机公司在人力成本等方面有一定比较优势。  二、Weakness(劣势)  1.中国手机公司在新技术、新功能的推出上滞后国外对手6-9个月;  2.中国手机公司对全球市场不甚了解,缺乏相关经验;  3.中国手机公司在芯片、射频元器件等核心零配件的采购上无法与国外对手竞争,缺乏整合上下游资源的能力;  4.中国手机公司的产品质量普遍较差,缺少美誉度;  5.中国手机公司的内部管理水平和品牌运作能力有所欠缺。  三、Opportunity(机会)  1.中国依然有较大的发展潜力,且国产手机对中国市场更为熟悉;  2.中国可能会在2006年启动3G,国内的波导、夏新、联想等TD-SCDMA等产业联盟企业可能获得更多机会;  3.印度、巴西、非洲等地新兴市场中国手机公司有较大发展机会;  4.中国手机公司开始细分市场,并推出hello-kitty等个性化手机,可能开辟一片“蓝海”。  四、Threat(威胁)  1.在国内,以NOKIA、MOTOROLA为代表的外国手机公司开始学习中国公司重心下移的渠道模式,并已取得初步成效;  2.以MOTOROLA为代表的外国手机公司开始实施低成本战略,推出40美金的超低价手机,对中国手机可能造成重创。  通过以上的SWOT分析我们可以看出,中国手机公司虽然有着自己的比较优势,并在全球范围内有可以实现跳跃式发展的机会,但他们在手机的核心技术突破上集体失语,这个决定胜败的核心问题预计不会在短期内得到解决,那么中国手机公司将在比较长的时间里处于全球手机行业的第三第四阵营,而这种状况得到改善的机会又存在着诸多的不确定性。虽然对国内市场熟悉,但经历了2003年的美好时光后,中国手机公司在2004年走上了衰败之路,在2005年又继续丢失城池,走进了一个残酷的寒冬期。所以有专家预测,中国部分手机公司很有可能会在未来几年内沦为国外手机公司的生产基地。  综上所述,我个人认为在未来的几年内中国手机公司会长期处于全球手机行业的第三、第四阵营,1-3年之内中国手机公司在全球依然还有较多的发展机会,但这些机会不确定因素较多,有可能会出现中国手机公司的经营状况不断恶化。


行业分析SWOT分析SWOT分析SWOT分析方法属于综合分析方法,其既要分析内部因素,也需要分析外部条件。适用场合:从企业内部和外部收集资讯,分析市场环境,竞争对手,制定企业战略。内部因素:优势S(strengths)劣势W(weaknesses)外部因素:机遇O(opportunities)威胁T(threats)企业内部因:S——竞争优势Strength竞争优势W——Weakness竞争劣势企业外部因素:O——Oppor tunl机会T——Threats威胁SW分析主要从Q、C、D、M、S几个领域进行分析:Q-品质产品质量的安全性、稳定性、可靠性、美观性、适用性、耐久性、经济性等。C-成本(价格)同样等级产品的生产成本、销售成本、服务成本等和销售价格(产品盈利能力)D/D-产量、效率、交付能力生产总量、生产能力(CT),综合效率、人均产量、人均附加值、交付按量准时。D/L-产品研发/生产技术(产品技术和制造技术)新产品设计开发能力,开发周期,专利技术,专有技术,技术创新能力等。SW分析主要从Q、C、D、M、S几个领域进行分析:M——人才/设备/物料/方法/测量人才:经验丰富的优秀管理人才,技术人才,优秀的管理、技术团队,年轻/激情。设备:先进高效率的生产线,现代化高精度的生产设备、检验设备。物料:优秀的供应商团队,一流的供应链,高质量、低价格的物料稳定的供应方法:先进的管理方法,管体系,畅通的信息(比其它对手更能优先获得信息)测量:先进的测量仪器,科学的测量方法,完整的品质控制体系。S——销售/服务销售:强大的销售网络,优秀的销售团队,丰富的销售经验和技巧,灵活的市场变化应对能力,优秀的品牌形象,品牌的价值及市场认可度,良好的客户关系,忠诚的消费者。服务:完善的售后服务体系,优质的服务,满意的客户群。




是一种分析方法,S代表 strength(优势),W代表weakness(弱势),O代表opportunity(机会),T代表threat(威胁),其中,S、W是内部因素,O、T是外部因素。

my strengths 100 words作文

Every person has their own different strenghts and weakness.To know what your strengths are can help you do things better.For myself,at first ,I"m a kind-hearted person.I am willing to help others if they have troubles everytime.So I have many friends and we like each other very much.And I"m a very hard-working and curious students.I like reading books and discover new things in my life.If I have many problems,I always look for answers from books or teachers.


优势S: 劣势W 机会O 威胁T



Schweisser的《Wolfen》 歌词

歌曲名:Wolfen歌手:Schweisser专辑:Willkommen Im ClubYou chose silenceYou chose it more than lifeYou chose everything that you couldI knew from then more would be had from you"Cause you blow the lifeYou blew the lightYou blow the life out of herYou sit aroundYou sit aroundWanting herTo want you backYou don"t see yourself as the wolfYou only see her as the girlYou won"t be out in the woodsYou"ll be waiting for her behind the curtainsYou don"t see the mess you"ve madeYou don"t see the life you"ve taken from herWith every breath you suck inYou"re more than the wolfYou"re more than the wolfSuck in like wolfSuck in, suck in, suck inSuck in, suck in, suck inSuckinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/2688281

SWOT分析法中T是指(  )?



之了回答:SWOT分析法(SWOT Analysis,又称强弱危机分析、优劣分析法等)是一种企业竞争态势分析方法,是市场营销的基础分析方法之一,通过评价自身的优势(Strengths)、劣势(Weaknesses)、外部竞争上的机会(Opportunities)和威胁(Threats),用以在制定发展战略前对自身进行深入全面的分析以及竞争优势的定位。SWOT分析在最理想的状态下,是由专属的团队来达成的。一个SWOT分析团队,最好由一个会计相关人员,一位销售人员,一位经理级主管,一位工程师和一位专案管理师的组成。优势,是组织机构的内部因素,具体包括:有利的竞争态势;充足的财政来源;良好的企业形象;技术力量;规模经济;产品质量;市场份额;成本优势;广告攻势等。劣势,也是组织机构的内部因素,具体包括:设备老化;管理混乱;缺少关键技术;研究开发落后;资金短缺;经营不善;产品积压;竞争力差等。机会,是组织机构的外部因素,具体包括:新产品;新市场;新需求;外国市场壁垒解除;竞争对手失误等。威胁,也是组织机构的外部因素,具体包括:新的竞争对手;替代产品增多;市场紧缩;行业政策变化;经济衰退;客户偏好改变;突发事件等。SWOT方法的优点在于考虑问题全面,是一种系统思维,而且可以把对问题的“诊断”和“开处方”紧密结合在一起,条理清楚,便于检验。成功应用SWOT分析法的简单规则:1、进行SWOT分析的时候必须对公司的优势与劣势有客观的认识。2、进行SWOT分析的时候必须区分公司的现状与前景。3、进行SWOT分析的时候必须考虑全面。4、进行SWOT分析的时候必须与竞争对手进行比较,比如优于或是劣于你的竞争对手。5、保持SWOT分析法的简洁化,避免复杂化与过度分析。6、SWOT分析法因人而异。


SWOT分析是根据企业所拥有的资源,进一步分析企业内部的优势与劣势以及企业外部环境的机会与威胁,进而选择适当的战略。所谓SWOT分析,即基于内外部竞争环境和竞争条件下的态势分析,就是将与研究对象密切相关的各种主要内部优势、劣势和外部的机会和威胁等,通过调查列举出来,并依照矩阵形式排列,然后用系统分析的思想,把各种因素相互匹配起来加以分析,从中得出一系列相应的结论,而结论通常带有一定的决策性。运用这种方法,可以对研究对象所处的情景进行全面、系统、准确的研究,从而根据研究结果制定相应的发展战略、计划以及对策等。S (strengths)是优势、W (weaknesses)是劣势,O (opportunities)是机会、T (threats)是威胁。按照企业竞争战略的完整概念,战略应是一个企业“能够做的”(即组织的强项和弱项)和“可能做的”(即环境的机会和威胁)之间的有机组合。


SWOT分析法是用来确定企业自身的竞争优势、竞争劣势、机会和威胁,从而将公司的战略与公司内部资源、外部环境有机地结合起来的一种科学的分析方法。S (strengths)是优势、W (weaknesses)是劣势,O (opportunities)是机会、T (threats)是威胁。

my strengths 100 words作文

Every person has their own different strenghts and weakness.To know what your strengths are can help you do things better.For myself,at first ,I"m a kind-hearted person.I am willing to help others if they have troubles everytime.So I have many friends and we like each other very much.And I"m a very hard-working and curious students.I like reading books and discover new things in my life.If I have many problems,I always look for answers from books or teachers.

Ike Yard的《Wolfen》 歌词

歌曲名:Wolfen歌手:Ike Yard专辑:1980-1982 CollectedYou chose silenceYou chose it more than lifeYou chose everything that you couldI knew from then more would be had from you"Cause you blow the lifeYou blew the lightYou blow the life out of herYou sit aroundYou sit aroundWanting herTo want you backYou don"t see yourself as the wolfYou only see her as the girlYou won"t be out in the woodsYou"ll be waiting for her behind the curtainsYou don"t see the mess you"ve madeYou don"t see the life you"ve taken from herWith every breath you suck inYou"re more than the wolfYou"re more than the wolfSuck in like wolfSuck in, suck in, suck inSuck in, suck in, suck inSuckinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/7529381

word文档 设定的字体是arial 可以一打字就自动变成了宋体。怎么办?!!!




word 中Arial字符间距会变,如何调成一样的,字数是一样的,格式刷刷过,还是不一样



编辑 → 替换查找内容:[a-zA-Z]{1,}替 换 为:(注:光标定位在栏内,单击 高级 → 格式 → 字体,选择字体和颜色)√使用通配符 → 最后单击“全部替换”即可!!!









woven check是什么面料

嗯 机织方格





woven fabric什么意思


请问什么是woven fabric和greige fabric ?

woven fabric是指梭织布greige fabric是指毛胚布,就是没有染色的布

thermal bonded nonwoven base fabric是什么意思?


丽新布的英文名stitch bonded nonwoven fabric,老外都这么叫丽新布的?


nonwoven fabric,parallellaid, chem bonded是什么意思

nonwoven fabric 无纺布parallel laid 平行捻chem bonded 化学自粘

100gsm non-woven fabric什么意思?100克什么无纺布料?主要是sm我不明白


无纺布(Non-woven Fabric)


66. Everybody was touched ______ words after they heard her moving story. (全国I)

句子理解:听完她动人的故事后,每个人感动得无法用语言表达。beyond 介词 “超出”的意思beyond words 无法用语言表达

the story什么her sympathy for those wounded

the story什么her sympathy for those wounded填shows---展示;表达

英语完型:I work as a volunteer for开头的答案

boss 我像一个志愿都一样为老板工作

__isin the houseuff1fThere isan old woman in




Dear Louise, we are having a wonderful time in china.这篇短文解答。。急用

Dee, .



God Is In His Heaven,All Rights With the World.引申意义是什么?


you woke up beside me painting your head什么歌

这首歌是歌手gtae的taxi问题中这句歌词是:You woke up beside me Pain in your head

求陈奕迅唱的《THE AND OF THE WORLD》英文歌词,在线等,急

u300athe end of the worldu300bWhy does the sun go on shining? Why does the sea rush to shore? Don"t they know it"s the end of the world "Cause you don"t love me anymore? Why do the birds go on singing? Why do the starts glow above? Don"t they know it"s the end of the world It ended when I lost your love I wake up in the morning and I wonder Why everything is the same as it was I can"t understand, no, I can"t understand How life goes on the way it does! Why does my heart go on beating? Why do these eyes of mine crying? Don"t they know it"s the end of the world? It ended when you said goodbye Why does my heart go on beating? Why do these eyes of mine crying? Don"t they know it"s the end of the world? It ended when you said goodbye .ok !

god is in the heaven, all right with the world


英语作文volunteer work加翻译 60字

I love animal especially dogs and cats. Thus, I decided to volunteer myself in an animal shelter during last summer break for a week.Animal shelter is a place where they rescue and kept strays or abandoned pets.I felt sorry and pity to see those dogs and cats that were abandoned by their owners due to ridiculous selfish reasons. I hope that pets owners can be more responsible as animals do deserve better than this.(76字)翻译只是大致意思:我爱动物,尤其是狗和猫。所以上个暑假,我决定去动物收容所当志愿者一个星期。动物收容所是一个救助流浪猫狗和收容被遗弃的宠物 的地方。 看到这些猫狗被他们主人各种自私荒谬的原因遗弃,我真的觉得很伤心难过。我希望宠物的主人能够更有责任心一些,因为动物们值得更好的对待。p/s 我有看到另个一样问题,请问是同一个人吗?http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1496137743891445739.html?push=3&group=0&rpRecommand=c&entry=qb_qb_answer


不能. 好像是固定搭配. 再说后面接的有宾语,肯定要介词连接啊. 如果只说have a look,后面不接什么的话可以.比如说let me have a look! 如果后面要接宾语的话,表明“看"什么"”的话,就要介词了.如to have a look at the world.

would have doing这是什么句型




英文歌抒情歌i have so many words

Kiss A Girl - Keith UrbanlTo kiss and tellIt"s just not my style.But the night is young,And it"s been a while.And she broke my heart,Broke it right in two.And it"s fixing time,But I"m feeling like I"m finally ready toFind, find somebody new.I wanna kiss a girl,I wanna hold her tight,And maybe make a little magic in the moonlight.Don"t wanna go too farJust to take it slow,But I shouldn"t be lonely in this big old world.I wanna kiss a girl.It"s that moment whenYou start closing in.First you"re holding back,Then surrendering.It can start a fire,Light up the sky.Such a simple thing,Do you wanna try?Are you ready toSay goodbyeTo all these blues?I wanna kiss a girl,I wanna hold her tight,And maybe make a little magic in the moonlight.Don"t wanna go too farJust to take it slow,But I shouldn"t be lonely in this big old world.I wanna kiss a girl."Cause, baby, tonightIt could turn into the rest of our lives.Oh yeah.Are you ready? (Are you ready?)Are you ready? (Are you ready?)To cross that yellow line?Put your lips on mine.Put your lips on mine, baby.Do you wanna try?Are you ready toSay goodbyeTo all these blues?I wanna kiss a girl,I wanna hold her tight,And maybe make a little magic, baby.Don"t wanna go too farJust to take it slow,I don"t want to be lonely,I shouldn"t be lonely.I wanna kiss a girl,I wanna hold her tight,And maybe make a little magic in the moonlight.Don"t wanna go too farJust to take it slow,But I shouldn"t be lonely in this big old world.I wanna kiss a girl.I said I wanna kiss a girl.Whoa-ho whoa-hoI wanna kiss a girl.I wanna hold her tight,I wanna make a little magicOut under the moonlight.Oooh I wanna kiss her now..

英语谚语:Hunger fetches the wolf out of the woods 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Hunger fetches the wolf out of the woods 中文意思: 饥饿引狼出森林。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: He most lives who lives most for others 活著对别人贡献最多的人,活得最有意义。 He must needs go whom the devil drives 势在必行。 He must needs swim that is held up by the chin 身不由己,只得从命。 He preaches best who lives best 言教不如身教。 He that boasts of his own knowledge proclaims ignorance 夸耀知识实乃无知。 He that cannot ask cannot live 不会求者不会生。 He that climbs high falls heavily 爬得高,跌得重。 He that mits a fault thinks everyone speaks of it 做贼心虚。 He that converses not knows nothing 不和人交谈的人一无所知。 He that deceives me once shame fall him if he deceives me twice shame fall me 受骗一次,别人可耻;受骗二次,自己该死。 英语谚语: Hunger fetches the wolf out of the woods 中文意思: 饥饿引狼出森林。

Don T Worry (94 Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Don T Worry (94 Remix)歌手:Kim Appleby专辑:That S The Way It Is - The Best Of Mel & Kimdun worry-Chingy feat. Janet Jacksonjust me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhnow that we together girl the lights so brightit took a little time but now the feeling so rightremember when i snuck through your window at nightbringing you flowers and candyme and you sipping on brandyplus i appreciate the love on sighthugging me holding me fixed in so politeeven when these crooked pigs was tryin to sue meforget about friends and family you the one that knew methe way you smile at me keep me feelin all rightthis aint about furs fancy cars or iceso im dedicating this to my female friendssincerely yours words cant express my feelings withinjust me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhwe human so we gon fight and fuss at each otherhe told me u trippin but girl dont worry about my brotherwe have a argument he"d drive me to go out?im thinkin bout the times when u flew to my housedont i give you everything u want this man aint a mouseam i cheating hell nah hope you got no doubtsrose petals in the tub baby unbutton that blouseready and come on u hold me lets eat at mr chopsknow u love me when u mad u dont get loudso im dedicatin this to my female friendssincerely yours words cant express my feelings within (IF YOU WAS MY BABY)just me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhi like your style your grace your beautiful face your essenceyour size your shape this beautiful place a blessinyour weight your waist your delicious taste perfectinyour heights a sight with my life as your protectionso sweet like nanny lets raise a family in miamiwhere the beach so sandy toast to champaign glasses you hand meyour scent like the fresh smell of ????and for you i go over my budget no i aint cheapcant stop grindin til i get eurr record to the topjust kno u on my mind eurr second on the clocktick tock if u eva need help screamand i"ll come running for my life to trade in it for your dreamsjust me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2786778

Don T Worry 歌词

歌曲名:Don T Worry歌手:Kim Appleby专辑:That S The Way It Is - The Best Of Mel & Kimdun worry-Chingy feat. Janet Jacksonjust me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhnow that we together girl the lights so brightit took a little time but now the feeling so rightremember when i snuck through your window at nightbringing you flowers and candyme and you sipping on brandyplus i appreciate the love on sighthugging me holding me fixed in so politeeven when these crooked pigs was tryin to sue meforget about friends and family you the one that knew methe way you smile at me keep me feelin all rightthis aint about furs fancy cars or iceso im dedicating this to my female friendssincerely yours words cant express my feelings withinjust me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhwe human so we gon fight and fuss at each otherhe told me u trippin but girl dont worry about my brotherwe have a argument he"d drive me to go out?im thinkin bout the times when u flew to my housedont i give you everything u want this man aint a mouseam i cheating hell nah hope you got no doubtsrose petals in the tub baby unbutton that blouseready and come on u hold me lets eat at mr chopsknow u love me when u mad u dont get loudso im dedicatin this to my female friendssincerely yours words cant express my feelings within (IF YOU WAS MY BABY)just me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhi like your style your grace your beautiful face your essenceyour size your shape this beautiful place a blessinyour weight your waist your delicious taste perfectinyour heights a sight with my life as your protectionso sweet like nanny lets raise a family in miamiwhere the beach so sandy toast to champaign glasses you hand meyour scent like the fresh smell of ????and for you i go over my budget no i aint cheapcant stop grindin til i get eurr record to the topjust kno u on my mind eurr second on the clocktick tock if u eva need help screamand i"ll come running for my life to trade in it for your dreamsjust me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2786700

Don T Worry 歌词

歌曲名:Don T Worry歌手:Kim Appleby专辑:This Is... 1990dun worry-Chingy feat. Janet Jacksonjust me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhnow that we together girl the lights so brightit took a little time but now the feeling so rightremember when i snuck through your window at nightbringing you flowers and candyme and you sipping on brandyplus i appreciate the love on sighthugging me holding me fixed in so politeeven when these crooked pigs was tryin to sue meforget about friends and family you the one that knew methe way you smile at me keep me feelin all rightthis aint about furs fancy cars or iceso im dedicating this to my female friendssincerely yours words cant express my feelings withinjust me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhwe human so we gon fight and fuss at each otherhe told me u trippin but girl dont worry about my brotherwe have a argument he"d drive me to go out?im thinkin bout the times when u flew to my housedont i give you everything u want this man aint a mouseam i cheating hell nah hope you got no doubtsrose petals in the tub baby unbutton that blouseready and come on u hold me lets eat at mr chopsknow u love me when u mad u dont get loudso im dedicatin this to my female friendssincerely yours words cant express my feelings within (IF YOU WAS MY BABY)just me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhi like your style your grace your beautiful face your essenceyour size your shape this beautiful place a blessinyour weight your waist your delicious taste perfectinyour heights a sight with my life as your protectionso sweet like nanny lets raise a family in miamiwhere the beach so sandy toast to champaign glasses you hand meyour scent like the fresh smell of ????and for you i go over my budget no i aint cheapcant stop grindin til i get eurr record to the topjust kno u on my mind eurr second on the clocktick tock if u eva need help screamand i"ll come running for my life to trade in it for your dreamsjust me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2782657

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if the world from you withhold of its silver and its gold 是什么歌

是查理斯‧丁德理的take your burden to the lord and leave it there完整的歌词如下:If the world from you withhold of its silver and its gold,倘若世途多艰辛,缺少财物与金银,And you have to get along with meager fare,以致生活极其简朴与穷困,Just remember, in His Word, how He feeds the little bird;请勿忘圣经所记,神如何看顾小鸟,Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there. 将你重担带到主前,交托他。〈Refrain 〉副歌Leave it there, leave it there,交托他,交托他,Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.将你重担带到主前交托他;If you trust and never doubt, He will surely bring you out.你若笃信不怀疑,他必使你得胜利,Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.将你重担带到主前,交托他。2. If your body suffers pain and your health you can"t regain,若身体痛苦难当,甚至失去了健康,And your soul is almost sinking in despair,心灵日渐消沉几乎要绝望,Jesus knows the pain you feel, He can save and He can heal;耶稣知道你苦况,拯救医治你无恙,Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.将你重担带到主前,交托他。3. When your enemies assail and your heart begins to fail,当仇敌四面攻击,内心恐惧不能敌,Don"t forget that God in heaven answers prayer;莫忘天上父神垂听你祷告,He will make a way for you and will lead you safely through.他必为你开出路,领你平安走坦途,Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.将你重担带到主前,交托他。4. When your youthful days are gone and old age is stealing on,当你年轻岁月不再,衰老已悄然临至,And your body bends beneath the weight of care;你的身体几已不堪残累负担;He will never leave you then, He"ll go with you to the end.这时他绝不会离开你,他将陪你走完人生尽头,Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.将你重担带到主前,交托他。

Two tall boys are sitting in front of me.为何用in front of 而不用in the front of 呢?


请解说一下worth .worthy.precious.value.这四个词的区别,

①worth有2种词性:名词:价值 形容词⑴be worth doing值得做…… ⑵值…,有(…的价值)This bookis worth 10 US dollars ②worthy是形容词 1.有价值的;可尊敬的;相称的[B] She is willing to donate money to a worthy cause. 她愿为高尚的事业捐款. 2.值得的,配得上的,足以...的[F][(+of)][+to-v] She is worthy to receive such honor. 她应该得到此荣誉. The cause is worthy of our continued support. 这一事业值得我们继续不断的支持. ③贵重的,宝贵的,珍贵的 He has sent me most precious gifts. 他送给我极为珍贵的礼物. Time is precious. 时间是宝贵的 ④1.重要性,益处[S][U] This dictionary is of little value to you. 这本词典对你没有什么帮助. 2.价值;价格[C][U] The value of the dollar may fall. 美元的币值可能下降. 3.等值;等价物[U] This car is good value for your money. 这辆汽车你买得很合算. 4.价值观,价值基准[P] His values seem old-fashioned. 他的价值观念似乎陈旧了.


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Alicia Keys的《Superwoman》 歌词

歌曲名:Superwoman歌手:Alicia Keys专辑:Radioplay Urban Express 784YSuperwomanAlicia KeysAs I AmSuperwoman——Alicia KeysEverywhere I"m turningNothing seems completeI stand up and I"m searchingFor the better part of meI hang my head from sorrowSlave to humanityI wear it on my shouldersGotta find the strength in meCause I am a SuperwomanYes I amYes she isEven when I"m a messI still put on a vestWith an S on my chestOh yesI"m a SuperwomanFor all the mothers fightingFor better days to comeAnd all my women, all my women sitting here tryingTo come home before the sunAnd all my sistersComing togetherSay yes I willYes I canCause I am a SuperwomanYes I amYes she isEven when I"m a messI still put on a vestWith an S on my chestOh yesI"m a SuperwomanWhen I"m breaking downAnd I can"t be foundAnd I start to get weakCause no one knowsMe underneath these clothesBut I can flyWe can fly, OooohhCause I am a SuperwomanYes I amYes she isEven when I"m a messI still put on a vestWith an S on my chestOh yesI"m a Superwomanhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59361176

今天用dstwo玩LOVE PLUS,后来直接关机后重开就显示 发生错误,请长按主机电源键关闭电源……怎么办?




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将PROTEL DXP中的原理图导入到WORD或PPT中的方法是:【TOOLS】->【Preferences】在弹出的对话框中选中【Graphical Editding】然后撤销对其中的【Add Template To Clipboard】复选框的选中接下来在原理图中选中要复制的原理图的部分,【Ctrl+C】,鼠标变成十字形的光标,点击被选中部分的中心。然后打开WORD或PPT,粘贴到要粘贴的地方就行了。用这种方法获取的电路图不会因为在编辑时放大或缩小图片而失真。而且它获取的仅仅是电路图中的元件和导线,不会覆盖文档中的背景。

Go Your Own Way Karl Wolf 歌词

Go Your Own WayLoving youIsn`t the right thing to doHow can I ever change thingsThat I feelIf I couldMaybe I`d give you my worldHow can IWhen you won`t take it from meYou can go your own wayGo your own wayYou can call itAnother lonely dayYou can go your own wayGo your own wayTell me whyEverything turned aroundPacking upShacking up is all you wanna doIf I couldBaby I`d give you my worldOpen upEverything`s waiting for youYou can go your own wayGo your own wayYou can call itAnother lonely dayYou can go your own wayGo your own wayedit morrison tsai

3月12日篮球公园的一个插曲,英文的,歌词是this is a new world this is a new start

here i am-bryan adams 试听:http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&rf=idx&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=here+i+am&lm=-1


嗨!MR DJ - 李琳嗨!MR DJ,你现在的音乐很浪漫转换频道感受心跳其实也是很简单不要浪费时间赶快来跟我一起DANCER刺激放纵随你 就在今晚come on,hi,dj partytime feeling tonightbaby don"t go,everybody flow me dancing alone.come on,hi,dj partytime feeling tonightDJ play the song just me and I one two threeThree two one come to me感受这happy热情释放压力来证明自己的魅力看着我不要再犹豫的释放你自己今晚随便你跟着music move your bodycome on,hi,dj partytime feeling tonightbaby don"t go,everybody flow me dancing alone.come on,hi,dj partytime feeling tonightDJ play the song just me and I come on,hi,dj partytime feeling tonightbaby don"t go,everybody flow me dancing alone.come on,hi,dj partytime feeling tonightDJ play the song just me and I da da da -王心凌Yo yo yo yo 让开心先过转弯想想 搜寻好结果 哦向前向后 转身再向左脱掉烦恼 谁得分最多Da da da do do do lu lu lu Da da daDa da da 换上快乐舞步 Da da daHey hey hey hey有话要直说别让机会又擦肩溜走遇见Honey勇敢Say Hello心心相印 电流在穿梭 哦Da da da do do do lu lu lu Da da daDa da da 换上快乐舞步 Da da daYo yo yo yo 为自己加油伤心放假 幸福等等我 哦恋爱节奏 要天长地久one two three four 脚步别落后 哦Da da da do do do lu lu lu Da da daDa da da 换上快乐舞步 Da da daHey hey hey hey 和未来交手抛开忧愁 世界超辽阔 哦ABCD答案是什么跟着感觉 不用想太多 哦Da da da do do do lu lu lu Da da daDa da da 换上快乐舞步 Da da daMusicYo yo yo yo 让开心先过转弯想想 搜寻好结果 哦向前向后 转身再向左脱掉烦恼 谁得分最多Da da da do do do lu lu lu Da da daDa da da 换上快乐舞步 Da da daHey hey hey hey 和未来交手抛开忧愁 世界超辽阔 哦ABCD答案是什么跟着感觉 不用想太多 哦Da da da do do do lu lu lu Da da daDa da da 换上快乐舞步 Da da daDa da da do do do lu lu lu Da da daDa da da 换上快乐舞步 Da da daDa da da do do do lu lu lu Da da daDa da da 换上快乐舞步 Da da daDa da da do do do lu lu lu Da da daDa da da 换上快乐舞步 Da da da


The world is just so unjustified, but you"re wort it.意思是:世界如此不公,但你值得拥有。




请问 这个问题解决了吗,我也出现了同样的问题,可否指点一下呢



Us Against the World 歌词

歌曲名:Us Against the World歌手:Coldplay专辑:Mylo Xyloto卐 Song: Us Against the World 卐Oh morning come burstingThe clouds amenLift off this blindfold, let me see againAnd bring back the water, let your ships roll inIn my heart she left a holeThe tightrope that I"m walking just sways and tiesThe devil as he"s talking with those angel"s eyesAnd I just want to be there when the lightning strikesAnd the saints go marching inAnd sing, slow-owow-owow-owow-it downThrough chaos as it swirlsIt"s us against the worldLike a river to a raindropI lost a friendMy drunkard has a Daniel in a lion"s denAnd tonight I know it all has to begin againSo whatever you do, don"t let goAnd if we could float awayAnd Fly up to the surfaceAnd just start againAnd lift off before trouble just erodes us in the rainJust erodes us in the rainJust erodes us, yes see roses in the rainSing, slow-owow-owow-owow-it downSlow-owow-owow-owow-it downThrough chaos as it swirlsAnd it"s us against the worldThrough chaos as it swirlsAnd it"s us against the worldThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13951965







跪求just the two of us的吉他谱

throw it all away Em C When the light hits your eyes G D/F# It"s telling me I"m right Em C And if I, I am through G B5 It"s all because of you C Just tonight B5 (or B7) Just Tonight [Bridge] C G Do you understand who I am B7 Do you wanna know C G B7

Just Between The Two Of Us 歌词

歌曲名:Just Between The Two Of Us歌手:Merle Haggard专辑:The Very Best Of Merle Haggard婚礼的祝福Just Between The Two Of Us陈奕迅By:活着我也许不是好情人有时情话说得不够认真面对爱 男人比较笨我承认不了解女人不表示我对你用情不深爱的感觉不是只靠浪漫气氛Just Between The Two Of UsTogether你怎麽可以不懂爱常在我心中为你坚持不动Just Between The Two Of UsForever你怎麽还在困惑爱要用心感受我是真的值得Just Between The Two Of Us婚礼的祝福两个人要的是快乐能不能教我应该怎麽做别总是背对我 把泪流爱的火 越来越烈你有没有发现我没说 是要你 自己来体会谢谢观赏http://music.baidu.com/song/2644074


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求..Will Smith的Just the Two of us的歌词..

Just The Two Of Us歌词:(Now dad this is a very sensitive subject)(Just the two of us, yeah)Just the two of us (Just the two of us)Just the two of us (Just the two of us)From the first time the doctor placed you in my armsI knew I"d meet death before I"d let you meet harmAlthough questions arose in my mind, would I be man enoughAgainst wrong, choose right and be standing upFrom the hospital that first nightTook a hour just ta get the car seat in rightPeople driving all fast, got me kinda upsetGot you home safe, placed you in your bassinetteThat night I don"t think one wink I sleptAs I slipped out my bed, to your crib I creptTouched your head gently, felt my heart meltCause I knew I loved you more than life itself (life itself)Then to my knees, and I begged the Lord pleaseLet me be a good daddy, all he needsLove, knowledge, discipline tooI pledge my life to youJust the two of us, we can make it if we tryJust the two of us, (Just the two of us)Just the two of us, building castles in the skyJust the two of us, you and IFive years old, bringing comedyEvery time I look at you I think man, a little meJust like me Wait and see gonna be tallMakes me laugh cause you got your dads ears an allSometimes I wonder, what you gonna beA General, a Doctor, maybe a emceeHa ha I wanna kiss you all the timeBut I will test that butt when you cut out of line, tru datUh ah why you do thatI try to be a tough dad, but you be making me laughCrazy joy, when I see the eyes of my baby boyI pledge to you, I will always doEverything I canShow you how to be a manDignity, integrity, honour andAnd I don"t mind if you lose, long as you came with itAnd you can cry, ain"t no shame it itIt didn"t work out with me an your momBut yo push come to shove You was conceived in loveSo if the world attacks, and you slide off trackRemember one fact, I got your backJust the two of us, we can make it if we tryJust the two of us, (Just the two of us)Just the two of us, building castles in the skyJust the two of us, you and IJust the two of us, we can make it if we tryJust the two of us, (Just the two of us)Just the two of us, building castles in the skyJust the two of us, you and IIt"s a full-time job to be a good dadYou got so much more stuff than I hadI gotta study just to keep with the changing times101 Dalmations on your CD-ROMSee me I"mTrying to pretend I know On my PC where that CD goBut yo, ain"t nothing promised, one day I"ll be goneFeel the strife, but trust life does go wrong (life goes on)But just in caseIt"s my placeTo impartOne day some girl"s gonna break your heartAnd ooh ain"t no pain like from the opposite sexGonna hurt bad, but don"t take it out on the net, sonThroughout life people will make you madDisrespect you and treat you badLet God deal with the things they do (things they do)Cause hate in your heart will consume you tooAlways tell the truth, say your prayers (prayers)Hold doors, pull out chairs, easy on the swearsYou"re living proof that dreams do come trueI love you and I"m here for youJust the two of us, we can make it if we tryJust the two of us, (Just the two of us)Just the two of us, building castles in the skyJust the two of us, you and I-repeat-Taking on the world taking on the world(I"m always here for you)Look over your shoulder I"ll be there(Whatever you need just call on me)We gonna rise we gonna shine(Whatever you need I"ll be there for you any time)Just the two of us, we can make it if we tryJust the two of us, (Just the two of us)Just the two of us, building castles in the skyJust the two of us, you and IDaddy loves you daddy loves you for the rest of your life(This is a really good song dad, how much am I getting paid for this)

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Just Between The Two Of Us 歌词

歌曲名:Just Between The Two Of Us歌手:Charlie Louvin专辑:Less And Less And I Don T Love You Anymore婚礼的祝福Just Between The Two Of Us陈奕迅By:活着我也许不是好情人有时情话说得不够认真面对爱 男人比较笨我承认不了解女人不表示我对你用情不深爱的感觉不是只靠浪漫气氛Just Between The Two Of UsTogether你怎麽可以不懂爱常在我心中为你坚持不动Just Between The Two Of UsForever你怎麽还在困惑爱要用心感受我是真的值得Just Between The Two Of Us婚礼的祝福两个人要的是快乐能不能教我应该怎麽做别总是背对我 把泪流爱的火 越来越烈你有没有发现我没说 是要你 自己来体会谢谢观赏http://music.baidu.com/song/2644972
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