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求仓木麻衣的another day another world中文音译或罗马音










woken day为什么叫活死人

这天开派对.. 派对日 比如约好今天几十人不干活了 开party 就说today is parys day..搞不好你在关于中国政治文献中看到的话 我就不知道了



woken day和walking dead有什么区别

《Woken Day》是活死人(Walking Dead)厂牌首张录音室专辑,专辑共收录11首歌。Woken Day是Walking Dead的谐音,它象征着觉醒,也象征着新的开始。2019年对于活死人来说是重要的,经过了小半年的沉淀,厂牌成员们带着这张专辑出发,向更广阔的天地前进。活死人每一个成员都有自己独特的风格和理念。《Woken Day》从构想之初,便是让大家都能充分展现自己个性,合力做出一张风格迥异、内容丰富多彩且高质量的专辑。相信听到这张专辑的你,一定会更加了解活死人,了解这个沙雕却又温暖的厂牌。活死人(Walking Dead)厂牌介绍:活死人厂牌是一个非常有名气的说唱厂牌,活死人里面的成员有小精灵,法老,杨和苏,福克斯,八贼等人。他们都是说唱圈里面非常优秀的说唱歌手,整个人的气质也非常独特,这个厂牌的人每个人都非常的搞笑。法老,本名孙权,1992年10月11日出生于浙江省海宁市,中国内地说唱歌手,说唱厂牌“活死人”创始人。他是一个非常有态度的说唱歌手,很有自己想法,不随波逐流可以说是他的特色,而且拥有独厚的嗓音优势,其代表作有《亲密爱人2017》、《我说了算》、《生于未来》、《宇宙警备队》等。















another world hold my hand,another dearing kiss me是什么歌

《fly me to the moon》and let me play among the starslet me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Marsin another world,hold my hand~in another world,darling,kiss me~fill my heart with songand let me sing forever moreyou are all I long forall I worship and adorein another world,please be true~in another world,I love you~~

Theshoes don`t fit me ,would you please show me another pair 还是another one

another pair可以,只是太罗嗦,another就可以了,简练,明了. 但不能用another one,因为another本身就有一个的意思,因此这两者不能连用.

为什么word的字体里面找不到 方正小标宋简体?拜托了各位 谢谢
















布兰妮《Till The World Ends 》的英文歌词!

This kitten got your tongue tied in knots I see我知道我这只小猫已让你目瞪口呆Spit it out cuz I"m dying for company 吐露心声吧,我正与我的伴侣狂欢I notice that you got it 我注意到你小鹿乱撞You notice that I want it你也注意到我心情激动You know that I can take it to the next level baby!你知道我能让这一切更加美妙If you want this good sh*t如果你想拥有 Sicker than the remix比混音更劲爆的Baby let me blow your mind tonight今夜我就要让你****(这样比较有爆点...)I can"t take it take it take no more我已不能控制自己Never felt like felt like this before从未有过这般奇妙C"mon get me get me on the floor来舞池中拥有我吧 DJ whatcha whatcha waitin" for!? DJ你还在等什么?Woah Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Woah Oh Oh Oh(少女呻吟中)Watch me move when I lose when I lose it hard注视着我狂欢时的舞步吧Get you off with the touch dancin" in the dark 你黑暗漫舞的触感让我欲罢不能You notice what I"m wearing 你注意到我的靓丽I notice when you"re staring我也注意到你的闪亮 You know that I can take it to the next level baby 你知道我能让这一切更加美妙Hotter than the A-list①比最火辣更火辣Next one on my hit list我的下一个攻陷对象Baby let me blow your mind tonight! 今夜我就要让你****I can"t take it take it take no more我已不能控制自己Never felt like felt like this before从未有过这般奇妙C"mon get me get me on the floor来舞池中拥有我吧 DJ whatcha whatcha waitin" for!? DJ你还在等什么?Woah Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Woah Oh Oh Oh(少女呻吟中)See the sunlight 即使曙光乍现We aint stoppin"我们也不会停下 Keep on dancing till the world ends 就这样共舞至世界末日If you feel it let it happen让你心灵深处的热情迸发Keep on dancing till the world ends 就这样共舞至世界末日Keep on dancing till the world ends 就这样共舞至世界末日Keep on dancing till the world ends 就这样共舞至世界末日Woah Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Woah Oh Oh Oh(少女呻吟中)See the sunlight 即使曙光乍现We aint stoppin"我们也不会停下 Keep on dancing till the world ends 就这样共舞至世界末日If you feel it let it happen让你心灵深处的热情迸发Keep on dancing till the world ends 就这样共舞至世界末日






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wizarding world要求父母同意怎么办




wizarding world怎么调中文


wizarding world怎么重新分院



《伟大的博弈》(The Great Game):以 华尔街 为代表的美国资本市场发展历史的著作。 *作者: 约翰·斯蒂尔·戈登 ( John Steele Gordon ):美国作家和经济历史学家,1944年生于纽约, 其祖父和外祖父均在 纽约股票交易所 拥有席位。1966年毕业于 范 德比尔特大学,获历史学学士学位。在过去的二十年, 他作为全职作家,著有《华尔街上的猩红女人—— 十九世纪六十年代的华尔街历史》,《汉密尔顿的赐福: 美国国债的兴衰史》。1999年,他出版了《伟大的博弈--- 华尔街金融帝国的崛起》,该书获得各界广泛关注, 美国全国广播电视公司(CNBC) 还专门为此书制作了长达两个小时的专题报道。

The Wolf Of Wall Street著名片段

H:Tootski? B:Oh,no.Thank you, though. W:Mr.Hanna, what can I bring for you on this glorious afternoon? H:Well, Hector, here"s the game plan, You"re gonna bring us two absolut Martinis, you know how I like them, straight up. And then precisely seven and one half minutes after that, you"re gonna bring us two more. Then two more after that every five minutes until one of us passes the fuck out. W:Excellent strategy, sir. B:Oh, I"m good with water for now, though. Thank you. H:It"s his first day on Wall Street. Give him time. Thank you. B:Thank you. B:Mr. Hanna? You"re able to do drugs during the day and then still function, still do your job? H:How the fuck else would you do this job? Cocaine and hookers, my friend. B:Right. B:Well, I got to say, I"m incredibly excited to be a part of your firm, I mean. The clients you have are absolutely... H:Fuck the clients, your only responsibility is to put meat on the table. You got a girlfriend? B:I"m married, I have a wife. Her name is Teresa. She cuts hair. H:Congratulations. B:Thank you. H:Think about Teresa, Name of the game, Move the money from your client"s pocket into your pocket. B:Right. But if you make your clients money at the same time, it"s advantageous to everyone, Correct? H:No. Number one rule of Wall Street, Nobody... I don"t care if you"re Warren Buffett or if you"re Jimmy Buffett. Nobody knows if a stock is gonna go up, down, sideways, or in fucking circles. Least of all stockbrokers, right? It"s all a fugazi. You know what a fugazi is? B:Well, Fugayzie, It"s a fake. H:Yeah, Fugayzie, fugazi, It"s a whazy, it"s a woozy, it"s Fairy dust, it doesn"t exist. It"s never landed, it is no matter, it"s not on the elemental chart, it"s not fucking real. Right? B:Right. H:Stay with me, We don"t create shit, we don"t build anything. B:No. H:So if you got a client who bought stock at eight and it now sits at sixteen, he"s all fucking happy. He wants to cash in, liquidate, take his fucking money and run home. You don"t let him do that. B:Okay. H:"Cause that would make it real. B:Right. H:No. What do you do? You get another brilliant idea. A special idea. Another "situation". Another stock to reinvest his earnings and then some. And he will, every single time. "Cause they"re fucking addicted. And you just keep doing this, again and again and again. Meanwhile, he thinks he"s getting shit rich, which he is, on paper. But you and me, the brokers, we"re taking home cold hard cash via commission, motherfucker. B:Right. That"s incredible, sir. I can"t tell you how excited I am. H:You should be. There"s two keys to success in the broker business. First of all, you gotta stay relaxed. B:Yeah. H:Do you jerk off? B:Do I... Do I jerk off? Yeah, Yeah, I jerk off, Yeah. H:How many times a week? B:Like three or four, three or four times, maybe five. H:Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket. I myself, I jerk off at least twice a day. B:Wow H:Once in the morning right after I work out, then once right after lunch. B:Really? H:I want to. That"s not why I do it, I do it "cause I fucking need to. Think about it, you"re dealing with numbers. All day long, decimal points, high frequencies. Fucking digits. All very acidic above-the-shoulders mustard shit. All right? It kind of wigs some people out, right? You got to feed the geese to keep the blood flowing. I keep the rhythm below the belt. B:Done. H:This is not a tip, this is a prescription. Trust me. If you don"t, you will fall out of balance, split your differential and tip the fuck over. Or worse yet, I"ve seen this happen, implode. B:No, I don"t want to implode, sir. H:No, No, you don"t. B:I"m in it for the long run, you know? H:Yeah, implosions are ugly. B:Yeah. H:Pop off to the bathroom, work one out any time you can. When you get really good at it, you"ll fucking be stroking it and you"ll be thinking about money. Second key to success in this racket, is this little baby right here. It"s called cocaine. B:Right. H:It"ll keep you sharp between the ears. It"ll also help your fingers dial faster. And guess what? That"s good for me. Yes, sir. Revolutions. You follow? B:Revolutions. H:Keep the clients on the Ferris wheel. And it goes. The park is open 24/7, 365, every decade, every goddamn century. That"s it. The name of the game. Halkidiki? B:Thank you. H:Come on. H:We"re the common denominator. H:A!~ B:a!~ H:A!~ B:a!~ H:Keep it up for me. You"ve seen the echo. And the money comes in. The parade comes to town. Going down Broadway. It"s a one-way street. Whichever way I go.


I would like to apply for to your school这句话有语病吗?

有问题。l would like to apply to your school for a position.


汪!汪!汪! 懂了没。滚粗




歌曲是《Are You Ready》演唱:张惠妹Are you readyTell me baby are you ready,天色已经黑.Tell me baby are you crazy,用力说声嘿.Tell me baby do you want it,摇醒这世界.告诉我你做好最cool的准备.Come on baby I am ready,火花四处飞.Come on baby Let"s go crazy,别想的太累.Come on baby we can make it,越夜越狂野.我的王国欢迎你来臣服或贡献.我是一个子夜的灵媒连接你的梦通往那座神秘花园,你偶而睁开了你的双眼却看不见美的无法形容的画面.他们传说要等待天上月圆才能让你我体验撞击的滋味.Tell me baby are you ready,天色已经黑.Tell me baby are you crazy,用力说声嘿.Tell me baby do you want it,摇醒这世界.告诉我你做好最cool的准备.Come on baby I am ready,火花四处飞.Come on baby Let"s go crazy,别想的太累.Come on baby we can make it,越夜越狂野.我的王国欢迎你来臣服或贡献.你等着等着日以继夜但愿一阵风吹开黑夜厚重的幕帘,我想着想着望穿秋水时间为什么如此规律的一板一眼,谁让爱情封存了一年只为了那某时某刻相遇的芳醇甜美.Tell me baby are you ready,天色已经黑.Tell me baby are you crazy,用力说声嘿.Tell me baby do you want it,摇醒这世界.告诉我你做好最cool的准备.Come on baby I am ready,火花四处飞.Come on baby Let"s go crazy,别想的太累.Come on baby we can make it,越夜越狂野.我的王国欢迎你来臣服或贡献.Are you readyAre you ready to nightAre you readyAre you ready to nightAre you readyAre you ready to nightAre you readyAre you ready to nightAre you readyAre you ready

一首外国电音开头是一个男的喊得are you ready 然后是one two three 是什么



歌词”Are you ready“出自歌曲《Are You Ready》。《Are You Ready》作词:张雨生作曲:张雨生演唱:张惠妹歌词:Are you readyTell me baby are you ready,天色已经黑.Tell me baby are you crazy,用力说声嘿.Tell me baby do you want it,摇醒这世界.告诉我你做好最cool的准备.Come on baby I am ready,火花四处飞.Come on baby Let"s go crazy,别想的太累.Come on baby we can make it,越夜越狂野.我的王国欢迎你来臣服或贡献.我是一个子夜的灵媒连接你的梦通往那座神秘花园,你偶而睁开了你的双眼却看不见美的无法形容的画面.他们传说要等待天上月圆才能让你我体验撞击的滋味.Tell me baby are you ready,天色已经黑.Tell me baby are you crazy,用力说声嘿.Tell me baby do you want it,摇醒这世界.告诉我你做好最cool的准备.Come on baby I am ready,火花四处飞.Come on baby Let"s go crazy,别想的太累.Come on baby we can make it,越夜越狂野.我的王国欢迎你来臣服或贡献.你等着等着日以继夜但愿一阵风吹开黑夜厚重的幕帘,我想着想着望穿秋水时间为什么如此规律的一板一眼,谁让爱情封存了一年只为了那某时某刻相遇的芳醇甜美.Tell me baby are you ready,天色已经黑.Tell me baby are you crazy,用力说声嘿.Tell me baby do you want it,摇醒这世界.告诉我你做好最cool的准备.Come on baby I am ready,火花四处飞.Come on baby Let"s go crazy,别想的太累.Come on baby we can make it,越夜越狂野.我的王国欢迎你来臣服或贡献.Are you readyAre you ready to nightAre you readyAre you ready to nightAre you readyAre you ready to nightAre you readyAre you ready to nightAre you readyAre you ready张惠妹(aMEI),1972年8月9日出生于中国台湾台东县卑南乡泰安部落,卑南族原住民,华语流行乐女歌手。张惠妹在中国台湾已经是一个原住民向上奋斗的象征。以其张惠妹在歌坛所占有的地位,仍然能一直以强调原住民身份,与历年来仍都继续参与部落庆典,在台湾原住民歌手中已属首见,也当然是间接的对原住民文化的一项贡献,也让更多原住民艺人更能大声的以原住民身份,纷纷跳出来表现自我才能。这个声音高亢的原住民女孩被张雨生发现培养,成为上90年代末乐坛的神话,连续两张专辑销量超过百万,突破张学友销量纪录。她是首位能够打入流行音乐主流市场并强调自己原住民身份的台湾歌手,成为原住民向上奋斗的象征。如今已经取得天后地位为的她恢复了自己的部落名字阿密特,将自己的原住民音乐元素融入其中(新浪女性评)参考资料来自:百度百科

maroon5 women歌词翻译

"Woman"女人If I be so inclined to climb up beside you, 假如我要爬到你身边Would you tell me that the time just isnt right? 你会对我说时机不对吗?And if I should ever find the key you hide so well,假如我找到了你苦心收藏的钥匙Will you tell me that I can spend the night?你会对我说共度良宵吗Leavin your smell on my coat, leavin your taste on my shoulder.可以把你的气味留在我外套,把你的滋味留在我肩膀I still fail to understand what it is about this woman.却仍猜不透你这个女人If I could bottle up the chills that you give me假如我能把你给的冷意收起来I would keep them in a jar next to my bed.我会把它们收在罐子里,摆在睡床旁And If I should ever draw a picture of a woman假如我有画过一幅女人画像It is you that would come flowing from my pen那一定是你,流转在我的笔尖Leavin your smell on my coat, leavin your taste on my shoulder.可以把你的气味留在我外套,把你的滋味留在我肩膀I still fail to understand what it is about this woman.却仍猜不透你这个女人Helplessly melting as I stand next to the sun.面对太阳,我如冰块一样无助地消融As she burns me, I am screaming out for more日光把我炙烤,我大叫再多晒点Drink every drop of liquid heat that I"ve become.喝光每一滴我变成的热水Pop me open, spill me out on to the floor.打开盖子,把我洒满一地Leavin your smell on my coat, leavin your taste on my shoulder,可以把你的气味留在我外套,把你的滋味留在我肩膀I still fail to understand, fail to understand却仍猜不透,仍猜不透Leavin your smell on my coat, leavin your taste on my shoulder.可以把你的气味留在我外套,把你的滋味留在我肩膀I still fail to understand what it is about this woman.却仍猜不透你这个女人诚挚为你翻译,希望你满意!望采纳,谢谢~

He died,leaving the family even worse off Leavin

是原因状语 导致的



the great wall was known all over the world

答案:C.表达的是客观事实用一般现在时,主语the Great Wall是动词know的承受者,构成被动关系,故用一般现在时的被动语态be+过去分词,主语专有名词,故is,know的过去分词是known,故答案是C.

The Great Wall( )all over the world

选C, 长城闻名于世

birthday food around the world是什么意思?

世界各地的生日食品 人们在他们生日的时候都愿意吃什么呢?当然在不同的国家,都有不同的答案

怎样分析from around the world的语法结构?谢谢。。

from为介词,但是是一个特殊的介词,它后面可以接名词充当宾语(from China),根据意思需要,也可以接介词词组充当宾语(from behind the door 从门后面,from around the world 来自世界各地)总的来说 around the world这个介词短语充当from的宾语 不能说介词后面也可以接介词 只是from这个特殊的介词可以接表方位的介词短语

有一首英文歌,歌词里面有kiss kiss然后什么around the world。

Around The World歌手: Aqua专辑: 《Aquarius》

around the world中around的词性

在全世界 around 介词 在。。。周围

all around the world什么意思


九年级上册英语MODULE10 Around the world译文(外研版)谢谢

九年级上册英语MODULE10 Around the world译文(外研版)  凯茜·弗里曼, 澳大利亚原著民的英雄  在2000年悉尼奥运会上参赛的一位杰出英雄,是一个名叫凯茜·弗里曼的原著民赛跑运动员。 她总是自豪于自己是一位原著民。 在1990年的英联邦运动会上, 她是首位获得金牌的原著民赛跑运动员。 当她在2000年悉尼奥运会上获得400米接力赛的金牌时,她同时拿着澳大利亚国旗和一面原著民的旗子。她已经成为澳大利亚不同文化并存的象征。

翻译;在全世界各地的学生,为什么是the student around the world 而不是the student of around the world

of和around连用???? 你见过吗?

all around the world 和around the world 和all over the world 区别


go around the world是什么意思


students around the world 为什么不是around the world student

AROUND THE WORLD因为是定语词组,比较长,所以一般定语就后置了!

all around the world是什么意思

all around the world :世界各地。例句:1、This Gothic cathedral has attracted visitors from all around the world.这座哥特式的大教堂吸引了世界各地的游客。2、Lily has traveled all around the world.游遍了世界。

round the world还是around the world 并说明用法

一般都放在句末 I have a lot of friends around the world 我的朋友遍布世界

around the world做什么成分

状语的话应该是地点状语 做定语也没错 这没有绝对的

travel around the world 和travel round the world 的区别

这里面的关键是around和round的区别。前者是和travel连在一起是个动词短语,后面加上宾语。后面的是介词,和the world 连在一起是状词,travel在这里是不及物动词。两个意思一样,就是结构上的区别!

all over the world,around the world和in the world可以互用吗?


be popular with around the world这句话对不对?


walk around the world是什么意思


有首英文歌,里面有一句I be the around the world。

歌名around the world 歌手DJ Bobo土豆试听http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/9uaKD4H3I0g/肿么样,信息足够多了吧~歌词的话,就不用我再帮你贴上了吧,兄弟。

All over the world,around the world 和in the world之间的区别是什么请大虾多多帮忙

All over the world 全世界 around the world 世界各地 in the world 世界上

More people around the world中around the.word做什么成分?

around the world是介词短语作后置定语

All over the world,around the world 和in the world之间的区别是什么请大虾多多帮忙

All over the world 全世界 around the world 世界各地 in the world 世界上

all over the world=in the world=around the world都表示全世界吗?还有哪些短语?


跪求,初一英语下册第19页around the world的翻译。速度速度啊。


travel around the world 和travel round the world 的区别


around the world inthe world all over the world

All over the world 全世界 around the world 世界各地 in the world 世界上

all over the world和all around the world的区别是什么呢?

1、all over the world 强调跨越幅度和范围,比如信号。2、all around the world 强调距离,比如某人周游世界。3、 这两个短语经常可以互换,要说区别,要从around和over谈起.around是表示周围的意思,over表示遍及的意思.例句:It attracts people all around the world.它吸引着世界各地的人们。Tributes to the dead leader have been received from all around the world.世界各地的人们向已故领袖表示哀悼.This toy robot is the latest craze all over the world.这种玩具机器人最近风靡全世界。In recent times, pollution has gone from bad to worse all over the world.近来污染在全世界日益严重。

把英文歌曲《around the world 》翻译成汉语


birthday food around the world的翻译是什么?

《Birthday Food Around the World》的翻译:世界各地的生日食品人们在他们生日的时候都愿意吃什么呢?在不同的国家,有不同的答案。在许多国家,人们会吃生日蛋糕,上面插满了蜡烛。蜡烛的根数就是每个人的年龄。寿星必须要许个愿望,并把蜡烛吹灭。如果他或她一口气把所有的蜡烛吹灭,那么其许的愿望将会成真。在英国,人们有时也会在生日蛋糕里放一块糖果。吃到糖果的孩子是幸运的。在中国,过生日吃蛋糕已经是一个潮流。但是有很多人仍然喜欢在生日当天吃长寿面。他们从不把面条咬断,因为长面条是长寿的象征。在一些地方,中国人也会在生日当天吃鸡蛋,它们象征着生命和好运。虽然各地的这些生日食品可能是不同的,但是寓意是相同的。它们都会给过生日的人带来好运。《Birthday Food Around the World》原文:What would people like to eat on their birthday?The answer would be different in different countries.In many countries,people have birthday cakes with candles.The number of candles is the person"s age.The birthday person must make a wish and blow out the candles.If he or she blows out all the candles in one go,the wish will come true.In the UK,people sometimes put a candy in a birthday cake.The child with the candy is lucky.In China,it is getting popular to have cake on your birthday.But many people still eat very long noodles for their birthday.They never cut up the noodles because the long noodles are a symbol of long life.In some places,Chinese people also eat eggs on their birthday.They are a symbol of life and good luck.All of these birthday foods may be different,but the ideas are the same.They bring good luck to the birthday person.【文章介绍】此英文短文出自人教版新目标英语七年级下册,主要介绍了世界各地不同地区的生日食物文化,让大家更加了解不同地方的人文风情。

"all around the world"和"all over the world"有什么区别?

1、all over the world 强调跨越幅度和范围,比如信号。2、all around the world 强调距离,比如某人周游世界。3、 这两个短语经常可以互换,要说区别,要从around和over谈起.around是表示周围的意思,over表示遍及的意思.例句:It attracts people all around the world.它吸引着世界各地的人们。Tributes to the dead leader have been received from all around the world.世界各地的人们向已故领袖表示哀悼.This toy robot is the latest craze all over the world.这种玩具机器人最近风靡全世界。In recent times, pollution has gone from bad to worse all over the world.近来污染在全世界日益严重。

Around The World 歌词

歌曲名:Around The World歌手:Red Hot Chili Peppers专辑:Tokyo Dome, Japan 06.06.2007All around the worldWe could make timeRompin?and a stompin?扖ause I抦 in my primeBorn in the northAnd sworn to entertain ya扖ause I抦 down forThe state of PennsylvaniaI try not to whineBut I must warn ya払out the motherfuckin" girlsFrom CaliforniaAlabama babySaid hallelujahGood god girlI wish I knew yaI know I know for sureThat life is beautiful around the worldI know I know it抯 youYou say hello and then I say I doCome back baby扖ause I抎 like to sayI抳e been around the worldBack from BombayFox hole lovePie in your faceLiving in and outOf a big fat suitcaseBonafide rideStep aside my JohnsonYes I couldIn the woods of WisconsinWake up the cakeIt抯 a lake she抯 kissin?meAs they do whenWhen they do in SicilyI know I know for sureThat life is beautiful around the worldI know I know it抯 youYou say hello and then I say I doWhere you want to goWho you want to beWhat you want to doJust come with meI saw GodAnd I saw the fountainsYou and me girlSittin?in the Swiss mountainsMe Oh My OMe and Guy OFreer than a bird扖ause we抮e rockin?OhioAround the worldI feel dutifulTake a wife扖ause life is beautifulI know I know for sure$%%&*^&^$#$@I know I know it抯 youMother Russia do not sufferI know you抮e bold enoughI抳e been around the worldAnd I have seen your loveI know I know it抯 youYou say hello then I say I dohttp://music.baidu.com/song/54554047

Around The World 歌词

歌曲名:Around The World歌手:Da Pump专辑:Da Best Of Da Pump Japan Tour 2003 RebornAround The World- Matt MonroAround the world,I"ve searched for youI traveled on when hope was goneTo keep a rendezvousI know somewhere,sometime, somehowYou"d look at meAnd I would seethe smile you"re smiling nowIt might have beenin County DownOr in New YorkIn Gay Paree or even London TownNo more will Igo all around the worldFor I have found my world in youIt might have beenin County DownOr in New YorkIn Gay Paree or even London TownNo more will Igo all around the worldFor I have found my world in youI have found my world in youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13781436

Around The World 歌词

歌曲名:Around The World歌手:Ronnie Hilton专辑:The Very Best Of Ronnie HiltonAround The WorldSmile.dkParty Around The WorldSmile.dk-Around The WorldI always thought that I could make it on my ownAnd so I ended up a heart without a homeAnd I was nothing but a lover on the runTill I found youAll the places, all the faces, each and every dayMy heart was hungry and you seemed so far awayAnd I was nothing but a lover on the runTill I found you‘Cause I"ve been‘Round the world and back again, but now I knowMany miles I"ve travelled to your heartWaited for so long and now I can"t let goGuess I should have known from the startSpent so many days trying to find a signHow was I to know I had it all the timeI"ll no longer be a lover on the run‘Cause I"ve found you‘Cause I"ve been‘Round the world and back again, but now I knowMany miles I"ve travelled to your heartWaited for so long and now I can"t let goGuess I should have known from the start(Haa aaaah haaa aaaah)Always thought that I could make it on my own(Haa aaaah haaa aaaah)So I ended up a heart without a homeBeen around the world and now I knowI travelled to your heartWaited for so long and now I can"t let go‘Cause I"ve been‘Round the world and back again, but now I knowMany miles I"ve travelled to your heartWaited for so long and now I can"t let goGuess I should have known‘Cause I"ve been‘Round the world and back again, but now I knowMany miles I"ve travelled to your heartWaited for so long and now I can"t let goGuess I should have known from the starthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2753430

Around The World 歌词

歌曲名:Around The World歌手:Buddy Greco专辑:At His BestAround The WorldBuddy Greco16 Most Requested SongsAround the world I"ve searched for you;I traveled on when hope was goneTo keep a rendezvous.I knew somewhere, sometime, somehow,You"d look at me and I would seeThe smile you"re smil-ing now.It might have been in County Down,Or in New York, or gay Paree,Or even London town.No more will I go all around the worldFor I have found my world in you.Around the worldI"ve searched for you;I traveled on when hope was goneTo keep a rendezvous.I knew somewhere, sometime, somehow,You"d look at me and I would seeThe smile you"re smil-ing now.It might have been in County Down,Or in New York, or gay Paree,Or even London town.No more will I go all around the worldbecause I like it...Around the worldI"ve searched for you;I traveled on when hope was goneTo keep a rendezvous.I knew somewhere, sometime, somehow,You"d look at me and I would seeThe smile you"re smil-ing now.It might have been in County Down,Or in New York, or gay Paree,Or even London town.No more will I go all around the worldFor I have found my world in you.http://music.baidu.com/song/15545278
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