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What do you do的同义句

how are you?意思都是你怎么样



what do you do的回答是什么结构?


what do you do什么意思


What do you do?这句英语是什么意思啊?应该怎么回答?


What do you do?这句英语是什么意思啊?应该怎么回答?

What do you do?同义句是 Why are you?你是做什么工作的?

What do you do?


what do you do什么意思

你是干什么工作的?=What are you ?=What"s your job?

what do you think about 缺不缺成分?

这个地方用what才是正确的,表面上看后面不缺成分,但其实是缺的。 call sb/sth sth这是典型的双宾语句型。Londoners call Chinatown这里显然少了一个宾语,而这个就是"this area", 即Londoners call "this area" Chinatown. 这样用what,即可引导表语从句,又可指代this area. 而that引导表语从句时无指代作用,仅仅引出一个完整成分的陈述句。

what do you think 的后面是陈述句语序还是疑问句语序


一个关于英语的疑问what do you think为什么加are


Do you think what 和 What do you think 有什么区别。 例子是:你认为是什么使得这些年轻人这么激动

what do you think 好疑问词要置于句首呀,Do you think what 根本就是错的希望有帮助(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

what do you think后面跟什么语序

这句话不完整. What time do you think it is?插入语,后面的主谓语序正常 What do you think of the film?不是插入语,作为一个特殊疑问句

How do you think与What do you think

只有what do you think = how do you like = how do you find意思是, 你认为 ..怎么样没有how do you think【俊狼猎英】 团队为您解答,欢迎追问!

what do you think you can do to

在单独的一个特殊疑问句中用疑问语序的can you do,如:What can you do to solve the problem? 而你的问题中是一个包含有宾语从句的复合句,这个宾语从句要用陈述语序的you can do

英语语法问题 what do you think of和what do you think有什么区别?

think of 是“想起,认为”的意思,第一句意思是“你觉得.怎么样?”(of 后面接东西) 第二句意思是“你觉得呢?你认为呢?”(后面不接东西)

what do you think about sth的翻译

这是可以的.但通常不这样说,因为别人是要问你的观点,直接表达就行, 而且what do you think of sth 是问你觉得某物怎么样, 可是你的回答I think of doing sth is...变成了"你对做某件事的看法了",这就没有切中问题内容了. I think (that)do sth is...也是一样的.而且 其中do sth 是用作从句的主语.你应该用doing sth表达才合适. 最后强调一下,what do you think of 你认为……怎么样? How do you like 你喜欢……吗? 其实,这两句的汉语是差不多的,

What do you think it is 它是什么句式?


What do you think和What do you think of区别?


how do you think……与what do you think……有什么区别?

what do you think 可以表示你对某件事情怎么看~征求对方意见什么的~ eg.:what do you think about the movie? I think the book is really a bargain,what do you think? how do you think也是差不多的意思~ 但是what do you think about=how do you like 比如上面那句话就等同于how do you like the movie?


首先我们来看下what do you think about和what do you think of的大致意思:what do you think about:词性为短语,用于询问对某个主题、话题或事物的看法、观点或意见。what do you think of:词性为短语,用于询问对某个主题、话题或事物的看法、观点或意见。通过下面的表格我们了解下what do you think about和what do you think of的含义、发音和用法接下来让我们看下what do you think about和what do you think of的用法区别:1.语法结构:在句子中的不同位置例子:- What do you think about this book?(你对这本书有什么看法?)- What do you think of this book?(你认为这本书怎么样?)2.使用对象:对人或事物的看法例子:- What do you think about his suggestion?(你对他的建议有何看法?)- What do you think of this city?(你对这个城市印象如何?)3.语气:稍微正式和非正式的语气差异例子:- What do you think about the solution to this problem?(你认为这个问题应该如何解决?)- What do you think of this dish?(你觉得这个菜怎么样?)4.使用频率:在不同语境中的常见程度例子:- What do you think about this policy?(你对这个政策有何看法?)- What do you think of this movie?(你觉得这个电影怎么样?)

老外是不是会用what do you think?来打招呼?如果是,该怎么回答?

What do you think?是问你的意见的.你觉得怎么样的意思,就根据自己的想法礼貌回答好了.

What do you think about it是什么意思

    What do you think about it   你觉得怎么样

What do you think of friendship and how do you get it ?

你觉得友谊如何而且你拿起来如何它 ?

what do you think of怎么回答

问what do you think of?可以回答:Perfect!或Very good! what do you think of译为:你觉得怎么样。 扩展资料   What do you think of it?   你看咋样?   What do you think of this novel?--Not too bad.   这本小说怎么样--还凑合。   How do you like the film?; What do you think of the film?   这个电影你觉得如何?

What do you think about是什么意思


what do you think 和what do you think about 区别

What do you think? 你的看法是什么?、你有什么想法?你有什么意见?What do you think about (it)?这个问题你怎么看?区别在于第2句后面跟着宾语,翻译的时候要说出来。

what do you think和what do you think of?有什么区别


what do you think what/how do you think可以不加of ... 注意是:可以不加么?

二楼正解. how do you think?是错的.必须用How do you like it?不能用of,因为like是及物动词. What do you think后跟对象必须有of,因为think的宾语即认为的内容what和谈论的对象it之间必须用of连接.

What do you think it is 它是什么句式?


what do you think和how do you think有区别么??

what do you think和how do you think的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.what do you think:你怎么认为2.how do you think:你觉得怎么样二、用法不同1.what do you think:what用作疑问代词时,其基本意思是“什么,什么东西,什么事情”,用作疑问句,为特殊疑问句的一个标志。2.how do you think:how作“怎样,怎么样”解时,主要是指做某事或某事发生的方式或方法,还可以引导从句或动词不定式,在句中作宾语,引导的从句在句中还可作定语。三、侧重点不同1.what do you think:侧重于突出发问者不知道对方的思维方向。2.how do you think:侧重于发问者已经给对方的想法下了定论。

what do you think和how do you think有哪些区别?

what do you think和how do you think的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.what do you think:你怎么认为2.how do you think:你觉得怎么样二、用法不同1.what do you think:what用作疑问代词时,其基本意思是“什么,什么东西,什么事情”,用作疑问句,为特殊疑问句的一个标志。2.how do you think:how作“怎样,怎么样”解时,主要是指做某事或某事发生的方式或方法,还可以引导从句或动词不定式,在句中作宾语,引导的从句在句中还可作定语。三、侧重点不同1.what do you think:侧重于突出发问者不知道对方的思维方向。2.how do you think:侧重于发问者已经给对方的想法下了定论。

“what do you think of”等于什么?


英语中what do you think of 和what do you think about 的区别是什么

(1)think of与think about这两个短语表示下列意义时,可以互换. ①考虑 eg: Don"t think of/about me any more.不要再考虑我. ②对……有某种看法 eg: What do you think of/ about the film 你认为那部影片怎么样 (2)think of表示下列意义时,一般不和think about换用. ①想要;打算 eg: For a moment I thought of playing truant.我一时起了逃学的念头. ②想出;想到 eg: Who thought of the idea 谁想出的那个主意 ③关心;想看 eg: Lei Feng always thought of how he could do more for the people. 雷锋总是想着怎样多为人民做些事情. ④想起;说得 eg: I can"t think of his name.我想不起他的名字. (3)think about表示下列意义时一般不和think of换用. ①"回想"过去的事情. eg: We mustn"t think about this matter any more.我们不许再想此事. ②"考虑"某事,某计划是否切实可行. eg: I"ll think about your suggestion and give you an answer tomorrow. 我要考虑一下你的建议,明天给你答复.

how do you think about 和what do you think about 有什么区别?


what do you think和how do you think的区别是什么?

what do you think和how do you think的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.what do you think:你怎么认为2.how do you think:你觉得怎么样二、用法不同1.what do you think:what用作疑问代词时,其基本意思是“什么,什么东西,什么事情”,用作疑问句,为特殊疑问句的一个标志。2.how do you think:how作“怎样,怎么样”解时,主要是指做某事或某事发生的方式或方法,还可以引导从句或动词不定式,在句中作宾语,引导的从句在句中还可作定语。三、侧重点不同1.what do you think:侧重于突出发问者不知道对方的思维方向。2.how do you think:侧重于发问者已经给对方的想法下了定论。

what do you think和how do you think有什么区别?

what do you think和how do you think的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.what do you think:你怎么认为2.how do you think:你觉得怎么样二、用法不同1.what do you think:what用作疑问代词时,其基本意思是“什么,什么东西,什么事情”,用作疑问句,为特殊疑问句的一个标志。2.how do you think:how作“怎样,怎么样”解时,主要是指做某事或某事发生的方式或方法,还可以引导从句或动词不定式,在句中作宾语,引导的从句在句中还可作定语。三、侧重点不同1.what do you think:侧重于突出发问者不知道对方的思维方向。2.how do you think:侧重于发问者已经给对方的想法下了定论。

what do you think of 与how doyou like回答区别

1、what do you think of 意思:你有什么感想; 你觉得. 2、how do you like 意思:你喜欢; 感觉怎么样; 你怎么样. what do you think of 的回答是以 I think 开头 how do you like 的回答是以 i like 开头 希望对您有所帮助.

what do you think we can do

B 一个问句中只能提前一个主动词.所以不能选C. 在特殊疑问句中如果有插入语you think ,那么提前you think的主动词do,剩下的是陈述语序. 不一定是what do you think ... 是:wh-疑问词 + do you think + 陈述语序. 如: who do you think will be our monitor? where do you think he came from? which do you think he likes? why do you think he told a lie? whom do you think he will give the gift to? How do you think he solved the problem?

what do you think可以直接用以问对某事的感受或评价吗

what do you think可以直接用以问对某事的感受或评价。回答你有什么想法What do you think?是一般的说法:你看如何?How do you think?直接的翻译是:你怎么去想?

你是怎样理解what do you think和how do you think的区别的?


在英语中what do you think of和how do you like有什么区?


whatdoyouthinkisthe 什么语法点

这是复合句的特殊疑问句。但你给的句子不完整。看下面的句子:What do you think is the matter?你认为是什么问题?do you think是主句,what is the matter是宾语从句, 为了构成特殊疑问句,将what提前了。再如:Who do you think he has gone there with? 你认为他和谁去那儿了?do you think是主句, who he has gone there with是宾语从句。希望对你有用。

what do you think?和how do you think

what do you think和how do you think的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.what do you think:你怎么认为2.how do you think:你觉得怎么样二、用法不同1.what do you think:what用作疑问代词时,其基本意思是“什么,什么东西,什么事情”,用作疑问句,为特殊疑问句的一个标志。2.how do you think:how作“怎样,怎么样”解时,主要是指做某事或某事发生的方式或方法,还可以引导从句或动词不定式,在句中作宾语,引导的从句在句中还可作定语。三、侧重点不同1.what do you think:侧重于突出发问者不知道对方的思维方向。2.how do you think:侧重于发问者已经给对方的想法下了定论。

what do you think of ...?How do you like?的回答有什么区别

what do you think of =How do you like

what do you think后接动词什么形式?

C.你认为什么使这些年轻人如此兴奋?do you think是插入语,可以去掉,变为what makes these.......

whatdoyou think和how doyou think有区别吗?

what do you think和how do you think的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.what do you think:你怎么认为2.how do you think:你觉得怎么样二、用法不同1.what do you think:what用作疑问代词时,其基本意思是“什么,什么东西,什么事情”,用作疑问句,为特殊疑问句的一个标志。2.how do you think:how作“怎样,怎么样”解时,主要是指做某事或某事发生的方式或方法,还可以引导从句或动词不定式,在句中作宾语,引导的从句在句中还可作定语。三、侧重点不同1.what do you think:侧重于突出发问者不知道对方的思维方向。2.how do you think:侧重于发问者已经给对方的想法下了定论。

“what do you think?”和“how do you think?”

what do you think和how do you think的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.what do you think:你怎么认为2.how do you think:你觉得怎么样二、用法不同1.what do you think:what用作疑问代词时,其基本意思是“什么,什么东西,什么事情”,用作疑问句,为特殊疑问句的一个标志。2.how do you think:how作“怎样,怎么样”解时,主要是指做某事或某事发生的方式或方法,还可以引导从句或动词不定式,在句中作宾语,引导的从句在句中还可作定语。三、侧重点不同1.what do you think:侧重于突出发问者不知道对方的思维方向。2.how do you think:侧重于发问者已经给对方的想法下了定论。

what do you think of和how do you like的区别有哪些?

what do you think of和how do you like的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、what do you think of:你觉得怎么样。2、how do you like:你这么想的。二、用法不同1、what do you think of:think的基本意思是“想,思索”,指使一件事情在头脑中不断地浮现或使这件事保持这种浮现的状态,可以表示“想”的动作,也可以表示“想”的状态。还可指“以为,认为”,指某事在头脑中形成一个固定的概念,即“想”的结果。2、how do you like:基本意思是指缓慢而仔细地思考或推测,公正地考虑各方面情况,以求对公众感兴趣的问题作出结论。引申可表示“研讨”“商讨”。三、侧重点不同1、what do you think of:侧重于询问对方思考后的结果。2、how do you like:侧重于询问对方思考时的各种猜测。

what do you think后面接疑问句的语序吗

What do you think she is good at maths? 这个句子有误。现有两种改法:第一种改法: Do you think she is good at maths? 你认为她擅长数学吗?第二种改法:What do you think she is good at? 你认为她擅长什么?▲Do you think 的意思是“你认为”,对其用法,有的网友一直非常迷惑。现在,我教给大家一个最简单、最实用的方法,去识别和使用do you think。最容易混淆的两种用法,概括起来就是:一、后跟宾语从句;二、用作插入语。▲一、Do you think后跟宾语从句时,它只能跟that引导的句子,宾语从句必须是一个陈述的内容,that经常省略。例如:Do you think you can climb that steep cliff? 你以为你能爬上那座悬崖峭壁吗?Do you think this hat and your coat go together? 你认为这顶帽子和你的衣服协调吗?Do you think a cure will be found for cancer? 你觉得能找到治疗癌症的方法吗?Do you think this trunk will hold all our clothes? 这个箱子你想能装得下我们所有的衣裳吗?Do you think you"ll get the work finished on time? 你认为你的工作可以如期完成吗?Do you think football is an exciting sport? 你认为足球是一种激动人心的运动吗?Do you think I"d believe a story like that? 你以为我会相信这样的谎话?Do you think the proposal is acceptable? 你认为这个建议可接受吗?【特别注意】▲Do you think之后不能跟有任何疑问的从句,即if/whether(表示一般疑问概念“是否”)引导的宾语从句,以及wh-word(表示特殊疑问概念)引导的宾语从句。所以,下面这些句子都不能说:*1. Do you think whether they will succeed? 你认为他们会成功吗?*2. Do you think if she will come to our party? 你认为她会来我们的聚会吗?*3. Do you think what will happen next? 你认为接下来会发生什么?*4. Do you think who will win the first prize? 你认为谁会获得一等奖?*5. Do you think how the war broke out? 你认为那场战争是怎样爆发的?*6. Do you think how much this radio will cost? 你认为这台收音机值多少钱?*7. Do you think when China will host the World Cup? 你认为中国何时会举办世界杯?*8. Do you think where we can get this machine? 你看我们在哪儿能搞到这种机器?*9. Do you think why most of children like cartoon? 你认为为什么孩子们喜欢卡通?*10. Do you think who is fit for the job? 你认为谁适合这项工作?为什么上述句子是错误的?从逻辑上讲,因为Do you think本身就是一个一般疑问句,其宾语从句不能再出现任何疑问的概念,只能是表达陈述的内容。上面已经明确提示,Do you think本身就是一个一般疑问句,其宾语从句不能再出现任何疑问的概念。所以,如果后面的宾语从句带有一般疑问性质,如1,2两句,则直接把if/whether去掉,换成that陈述句即可。1. Do you think (that) they will succeed? 你认为他们会成功吗?2. Do you think (that) she will come to our party? 你认为她会来我们的聚会吗?▲二、Do you think用作插入语。其余8个句子,do you think 一律改为插入语,即把do you think放在wh-word之后,句子语序按照陈述语序。从本质上讲,有没有do you think 作插入语,并不影响句子的意思,省去无妨,只需要调整句子的语序而已。如:句3,4,去掉do you think,语序不变,因为What和Who分别作主语。句5,去掉do you think ,需要在the war之前加did,broke out变为原形,还原成原来的特殊疑问句。以此类推,举一反三。3. What do you think will happen next? 你认为接下来会发生什么?4. Who do you think will win the first prize? 你认为谁会获得一等奖?5. How do you think the war broke out? 你认为那场战争是怎样爆发的?6. How much do you think this radio will cost? 你认为这台收音机值多少钱?7. When do you think China will host the World Cup? 你认为中国何时会举办世界杯?8. Where do you think we can get this machine? 你看我们在哪儿能搞到这种机器?9. Why do you think most of children like cartoon? 你认为为什么孩子们喜欢卡通?10. Who do you think is fit for the job? 你认为谁适合这项工作?

what do you think 和how do you think 的区别?


what do you think 和how do you think 的区别?


what do you think?和 how do you think 有何区别

两者都是对的,但是一般是常用:howHow / What do you think of...你认为······怎么样?用法透视这个句型用来询问对方对某事的看法,也可以说"How do you like...".当然对这样的问题不能简单地用"yes"或"no"来回答,而要具体说明理由.支持范例1.What do you think of your new apartment?你认为你的新公寓怎么样?2.What do you think of the food here?你觉得这里吃得怎样?3.How does your mother like your new boyfriend?你妈妈认为你的男朋友怎样?会话记忆A:How long have you been in China?你来中国多久了?B:A few months.几个月.A:How do you think of living here?你觉得这儿的生活怎么样?B:Great!I"m having a great time.不错!我很开心3913条回答被折叠(为什么?)找律师网 上海10强律所 百人律师团...找律师网 华荣律所上海电视台特邀合作,权威,专业...bd.huaronglawfirm.com广告 相关问题全部

高考英语口语:What do you think的口语用法

What do you think的口语用法   1. 用来询问对方的观点或看法等,意为:你说呢? 你认为呢?你怎么看? 如:   Is that the right approach?What do you think? 这个办法可行吗? 你认为呢?   Of course, everyone likes presents. But Mr Green says, "It‘s better to give than to receive. " What do you think? 当然,每个人都喜欢礼物,但格林先生说“送礼物比接受礼物要好”,你说呢?   A:What do you think, Jack? Should girls be allowed to wrestle with boys? 杰克,你认为呢? 应该让女孩子与男孩子去摔角吗?   B:I don‘t see anything wrong with that. 我看这没有什么不好的呀。   注:询问观点或看法的 What do you think? 常可在其后加上 of/about 短语。如:   What do you think of [about] his idea? 你觉得他的想法怎么样?   2. 用来询问对方的安排或建议,意为:有什么事? 你有何安排? 如:   A:Are you free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗?   B:I think so. What do you think? 我想有空吧,有什么事?   A:What are you going to do on Sunday? 星期天你打算干什么?   B:I‘ve no idea. What do you think? 还不知道,你有何安排?   3. 表示要告诉对方一个惊奇或意想不到的情况,意为:你猜怎么着? 告诉你一件意想不到的事。如:   What do you think? Old Stephen will marry again. 你猜怎么着? 老斯蒂芬又要结婚了。   What do you think? The national flag of Australia is going to be changed. 告诉你一件意想不到的事,澳大利亚要改国旗了。   4. 表示讽刺,其含义视具体情况而定。如:   A:Is that your baby? 那是你的孩子吗?   B:What do you think? 不是我的,那你认为是谁的呢?

what do you think和how do you think

一般都用what do u think about it. What do you about blah blah 就是这个样子不要想太多语法。会局限你的

what do you think 后面语序

后接陈述句语序。或者后接“of sth.”例如:What do you think of him?(你认为他怎么样?)What do you think the date is today?(你认为今天几号?)因为:do you think 是插入语,可以放到句子开头,what 开头的句子就是think的宾语。

what do you think的区别是什么?

what do you think和how do you think的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.what do you think:你怎么认为2.how do you think:你觉得怎么样二、用法不同1.what do you think:what用作疑问代词时,其基本意思是“什么,什么东西,什么事情”,用作疑问句,为特殊疑问句的一个标志。2.how do you think:how作“怎样,怎么样”解时,主要是指做某事或某事发生的方式或方法,还可以引导从句或动词不定式,在句中作宾语,引导的从句在句中还可作定语。三、侧重点不同1.what do you think:侧重于突出发问者不知道对方的思维方向。2.how do you think:侧重于发问者已经给对方的想法下了定论。

what do you think和 how do you think的区别有什么

这样用的话,think后面应该引导的是一个宾语从句。到底是用what还是用 how,要看在从句中充当什么成分。在从句中充分主语、宾语,要用what。例如:Whatdoyouthinktheywilldonext?what是宾语从句中do的宾语。Howdoyouthinktheywillcomehere,bybusorbytrain?how 在宾语从句中充当方式状语。另外,如果think后面有一个介词of,则只能用What。

what do you think 加动词什么形式

what do you think 加动词ing

是“what do you think”还是“how do you think”

What do you think of it? 要加of后才能接名词或者代词宾格。

what do you think后动词要加什么形式


what do you think后面究竟是用陈述语序还是疑问语序求大神帮助


what do you think you are是什么意思

What do you think you are 这个可以理解为你以为你是什么东西啊!或者是你认为你该是干什么的呢? who do you think you are 是你以为你是谁? 前者意思是说职业,后者更多是身份.

what do you think句子成分

you主语,think谓语i am doing what宾语,其中What因为是疑问词被放在句首,引导疑问句,实际它做宾语从句中do的宾语

what do you think后接什么

C.你认为什么使这些年轻人如此兴奋?do you think是插入语,可以去掉,变为what makes these.



what do you think后如果接一个词必须加介词of吗


what do you think____?

do you think 作为插入语这里的本来句子可以这么理解 What is the most beautiful city? 所以自然就选择B了

What do you think ____ (happen)? A to happen B happening C is happened D has happened

DA B C都有语法错误


你好,What do you think of回答如下:Perfect!Very good!What kind of,意思是“哪一种“,所以回答要根据提问的情况,一般回答都是一些形容词,形容词可以进行分类的,比如: red , pretty,sweet等等

What do you think后面可以接什么?那么Where do you think呢?

接句子。eg What do you think you can do?Where do you Think is the right placefor camping?do you think在这儿是插入语。可以去掉,不影响整体意思。

what do you think是什么意思?


what/how do you think 有区别吗?


what do you think of和how do you like有什么区别?

what do you think of和how do you like的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、what do you think of:你觉得怎么样。2、how do you like:你这么想的。二、用法不同1、what do you think of:think的基本意思是“想,思索”,指使一件事情在头脑中不断地浮现或使这件事保持这种浮现的状态,可以表示“想”的动作,也可以表示“想”的状态。还可指“以为,认为”,指某事在头脑中形成一个固定的概念,即“想”的结果。2、how do you like:基本意思是指缓慢而仔细地思考或推测,公正地考虑各方面情况,以求对公众感兴趣的问题作出结论。引申可表示“研讨”“商讨”。三、侧重点不同1、what do you think of:侧重于询问对方思考后的结果。2、how do you like:侧重于询问对方思考时的各种猜测。



how do you think……与what do you think……有什么区别?

what do you think 可以表示你对某件事情怎么看~征求对方意见什么的~ eg.:what do you think about the movie? I think the book is really a bargain,what do you think? how do you think也是差不多的意思~ 但是what do you think about=how do you like 比如上面那句话就等同于how do you like the movie?

how do you think about 和what do you think about 有什么区别

  一个是你是怎么想的。  一个是你对这个有什么想法。

what do you think后面接疑问句的语序吗?

接陈述句语序  因为后面的从句是做think的宾语,所以应该是陈述句语序


What do you think of your english teacher 意思是你认为你的英语老师怎么样?回答当然是好或者不好了 而How do you like 意思就不同了 你的例句是有问题的 如:How do you like your coffee?答:I like it with suger.(我想加糖的咖啡) 你说how do you like your english teacher我就不知道什么意思了

What do you think? 怎么理解? what 是作think的宾语吗?think怎么翻译更恰当?

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