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WELL在表示身体好的时候是形容词,在修饰动词或形容词时是副词。WELL是GOOD的副词。都是好的意思。还有两个词组:be good at doing sth do well in doing sth


good 是形容词 well 是副词 1. 基本文法说明 good 是形容词,它的副词 well 也很常见。good 也常搭配其它介系词一起使用。 2. 错误发生情况及修正 A. 把 good 当作 well 副词使用 例:Eric speaks English very good. (X) Eric speaks English very well. (O) 艾瑞克英文说的很好。 记住 good 只是形容词用来修饰名词,如果遇到动词必须用 well 来强调「好」。 例:My mother is a very good cook. 我妈是个很棒的厨师。 例:She cooks very well. 她菜煮得很棒。 B. do well in (在~方面成功) 和 be good at (对~在行) 介系词搭配错误 例:I hope my brother will do good in tomorrow"s exam. (X) I hope my brother will do well in tomorrow"s exam. (O) 我希望弟弟明天的考试顺利成功。 例:Tom is good in playing basketball. (X) Tom is good at playing basketball. (O) 汤姆篮球打得好。 两个词组分别代表些许不同得意义也搭配不同的介系词,do well in 是在某 事上成功,而 be good at 是对某一方面特别在行。 C. 「没有好处」误用成 there"s no good~ 例:There"s no good making your father angry. (X) It"s no good making your father angry. (O) 虽然中文是说「没有好处」但是英文要用 it is no good + V-ing 表示做某件 事情没有好处没有意义!







well的读音是:英[wel]。well的读音是:英[wel]。well的例句是用作副词(adv.)She speaks English very well.她英语讲得很好。well的词语用法是adv.(副词)well是一个常见的副词,其基本意思是“好”,用来说明事情做得很好,达到一定的水准或程度,也可表示“对,满意地,友好地,和蔼地,彻底地,完全地,夸奖地,称赞地”等,通常置于实义动词之后,若是及物动词则要放在直接宾语之后。一、详尽释义点此查看well的详细内容adv.(副词)很,相当好,很好地彻底地,完全地,成分地很可能满意地有理由地适当地,合适地成功地正好足够int.(感叹词)(表示惊讶、默许、同意、规劝、无可奈何等的感叹词)哎呀!这个!好吧!喂!adj.(形容词)健康的,痊愈的,健全的令人满意的恰当的,合适的正好的好的,良好的可取的n.(名词)井,水井,油井,气井【建】楼梯井采光井,通风井来源,源泉,源头阱,深坑,竖井泉水坑,穴v.(动词)涌出,涌上,涌流,喷出使涌出,使喷出,使流出二、双解释义adv.(副词)好,对,满意地; 友好地,和蔼地; 彻底地,完全地 in a good, kind, right or satisfactory manner; thoroughly or completely夸奖地,称赞地 with praise or approval有理由地,恰当地 justly; wisely; properly很,相当 much; quiteadj.(形容词)健康 in good health[P] 满意,满足 in a satisfactory state or position[P] 可取,相宜 advisable or desirableint.(感叹词)啊!唷 ! (an expression of surprise)这个,好,哦,啊 (used for introducing an expression of surprise, doubt, acceptance, etc.)于是 (used when continuing a story)n.(名词)[C] 井,水井 a place where water can be taken from underground[C] 泉 spring or fountv.(动词)vi. (像泉水般)流出,涌出 flow or rise like water from a well三、英英释义Noun:a deep hole or shaft dug or drilled to obtain water or oil or gas or brinea cavity or vessel used to contain liquidan abundant source;"she was a well of information"an open shaft through the floors of a building (as for a stairway)an enclosed compartment in a ship or plane for holding something as e.g. fish or a plane"s landing gear or for protecting something as e.g. a ship"s pumpsAdjective:in good health especially after having suffered illness or injury;"appears to be entirely well""the wound is nearly well""a well man""I think I"m well; at least I feel well"resulting favorably;"it"s a good thing that I wasn"t there""it is good that you stayed""it is well that no one saw you""all"s well that ends well"wise or advantageous and hence advisable;"it would be well to start early"Adverb:(often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good" is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well");"the children behaved well""a task well done""the party went well""he slept well""a well-argued thesis""a well-seasoned dish""a well-planned party""the baby can walk pretty good"thoroughly or completely; fully; often used as a combining form;"The problem is well understood""she was well informed""shake well before using""in order to avoid food poisoning be sure the meat is well cooked""well-done beef""well-satisfied customers""well-educated"indicating high probability; in all likelihood;"I might well do it""a mistake that could easily have ended in disaster""you may well need your umbrella""he could equally well be trying to deceive us"(used for emphasis or as an intensifier) entirely or fully;"a book well worth reading""was well aware of the difficulties ahead""suspected only too well what might be going on"to a suitable or appropriate extent or degree;"the project was well underway""the fetus has well developed organs""his father was well pleased with his grades"favorably; with approval;"their neighbors spoke well of them""he thought well of the book"to a great extent or degree;"I"m afraid the film was well over budget""painting the room white made it seem considerably (or substantially) larger""the house has fallen considerably in value""the price went up substantially"with great or especially intimate knowledge;"we knew them well"with prudence or propriety;"You would do well to say nothing more""could not well refuse"with skill or in a pleasing manner;"she dances well""he writes well"in a manner affording benefit or advantage;"she married well""The children were settled advantageously in Seattle"in financial comfort;"They live well""she has been able to live comfortably since her husband died"without unusual distress or resentment; with good humor;"took the joke well""took the tragic news well"Verb:come up, as of a liquid;"Tears well in her eyes""the currents well up"四、例句She speaks English very well.她英语讲得很好。I can"t sleep well because the tap is dripping.龙头漏水,吵得我睡不好觉。It was well worth waiting for.这件事倒是很值得等待。Let me think for a minute. Well, I guess so.让我想想,好吧,我想可以。Well, who would have thought it?嗳, 谁想得到是这样啊?Is she well enough to travel?她身体康复, 能够旅行了吗?We"re very well where we are.我们处境很好。It would be well to start early.最好还是早点动身。The police found the lost treasure in an abandoned well.警察在一口废弃的井里找到了丢失的财宝。She has the well of enthusiasm.她是热情的源泉。She went up through the dark well of the house.她转身穿过房子阴暗的楼梯井。五、词汇搭配用作副词 (adv.)动词+~arrive well恰好赶到do well做得很好eat well吃得好go well进展顺利know well非常了解treat well友好地对待副词+~as well又,也equally well同样地好fairly well相当好jolly well实在,的确,当然,最好quite well相当好tolerably well还算好very well很好用作形容词 (adj.)副词+~very well很健康动词+~feel well觉得好look well看起来健康~+介词well in health身体健康well out of摆脱了…很幸运well with与…相处得好用作名词 (n.)动词+~bore a well钻一口井dig a well挖一口井drill a well钻一口井sink a well挖一口井形容词+~deep well深井natural well天然井power-operated well机井名词+~oil well油井~+介词well behind the hut小木屋后面的天然井well of 25 feet deep二十五英尺深的井用作动词 (v.)~+副词well out from the cut从伤口流出来well over with joy满怀喜悦well up夺眶而出well up in one"s eyes涌上某人的眼眶well up inside sb内心充满幸福well up with tears泪如泉涌~+介词well out of the ground从地下涌出六、经典引文A fountain in a waste, A well of water in a country dry.出自:E. MuirShe saw..that all was not well with him.出自:W. IrvingFifty eggs, not new laid, but still well enough.出自:P. S. BuckAll"s well that ends well.出自:ProverbThrough his clothes fresh blood came welling up with every heart-beat.出自:J. ReedMaria watched the tears welling in Helene"s eyes.出自:J. DidionNew peace and happiness welled up inside her.出自:S. ChittyA thick brown liquid welled up and quickly filled the hollow.出自:M. LeitchBy acting well, And understanding, I should..love The end of life.出自:Wordsworth七、词义辨析adv.(副词)well, good, goodly这组形容词的共同意思是“好的”。其区别是:1.good可指人或物的“好”,使用广泛; well专指人身体“健康的”,也指“良好的”“幸运的”; goodly指某物是“质量好的”“极好的”,也可指某人或某物是“好看的”“漂亮的”。例如:I am very well, thank you.谢谢你,我身体很好。So far as I know, things are well with them now.据我所知,现在他们事事顺利。A beautiful car is a goodly gift.一辆漂亮的小车是上等礼品。The table spread with food made a goodly sign.摆满了食物的桌子显得非常美观。John is a goodly youth.约翰是一个漂亮的青年。2.good可作表语,也可作定语; well只能作表语。as well, also, besides, either, moreover, too这组词(组)都有“也,此外,还有”的意思。其区别是:also一般用于肯定句,有强调意味,位于主谓语之间,即实义动词之前,助动词之后; too只用于肯定句中,一般位于句末,比also更口语化; either一般只用于否定句,多位于句末; as well和too一样多用于口语,放在句末; besides与moreover词义基本相同,但moreover后面所叙述的,通常比前面所叙述更为重要或更深入一步,在词序方面, moreover往往用于句首,另外, moreover是较为正式的用语。例如:He also asked to go.他也要去。I can also do it.我也能干那个活。English is not easy, and French is not easy either.英语不容易,法语也不容易。He is a teacher, and a writer as well.他是个教师,也是个作家。I don"t like those shoes; besides, they"re too expensive.那双鞋我不喜欢,而且也太贵。I don"t like skating; moreover, the ice is too thin.我不想去溜冰,再说冰层也太薄。The Opposition have consistently accused the Government of corruption.Moreover, they have named names.反对党一直在指责政府腐败,而且是指名道姓的。adj.(形容词)well, fit, healthy这三个词都可以表示“身体健康”。其区别是:healthy侧重有益于健康的条件或者是健康人的外部征象;fit指人的身体状况良好,尤其是指因经常锻炼而显得健康;well一般指人在特定场合下身体良好,常用来回答有关健康的询问。例如:He stays so fit because he often goes to keep-fit classes.他之所以能保持健康是因为他经常去上健身课。I think I"ll go to bed. I don"t feel well at all.我要睡觉去了,我感到很不舒服。well, fine, good, nice这组词都有“好”的意思。其区别在于:good意为“好”,常用词,含义很广,一般用作定语和表语; fine主要指质量、特点、能力方面的“好”,语气比good强,也可指健康状况,相当于well; nice指某人或某物能取悦他人的感官,使人感到喜悦,感到舒适; well主要指人的健康状况好,只用作表语,有时也可指情况状态正常,良好。例如:He is a man of good family.他是一个家世很好的人。He is living in a fine house.他住在一幢华丽的房子里。We had a very nice trip to the Jiangnan Park yesterday.昨天我们去江南公园畅游了一番。well, good, goodly这组形容词的共同意思是“好的”。其区别是:1.good可指人或物的“好”,使用广泛; well专指人身体“健康的”,也指“良好的”“幸运的”; goodly指某物是“质量好的”“极好的”,也可指某人或某物是“好看的”“漂亮的”。例如:I am very well, thank you.谢谢你,我身体很好。So far as I know, things are well with them now.据我所知,现在他们事事顺利。A beautiful car is a goodly gift.一辆漂亮的小车是上等礼品。The table spread with food made a goodly sign.摆满了食物的桌子显得非常美观。John is a goodly youth.约翰是一个漂亮的青年。2.good可作表语,也可作定语; well只能作表语。well, hale, healthy, robust, sound这组词都可表示“身体健康”。其区别是:sound强调表现无任何身体或精神缺陷; hale指老年人继续保持壮年时期的体质; healthy表示身体或精神充满活力的,没有任何疾病或病态迹象; robust指肌肉发达,结实,声音洪亮,耐久力强等方面所表现的活力; well仅表示没有病。例如:His father, though an old man, was still hale.他父亲虽已是老年人了,但仍很健壮。Rose has a family with four healthy, active boys.罗斯的家有四个健康活泼的男孩。Mr. Wang was looking robust and full of health and vigor.王先生看样子很强壮,充满健康活力。He stayed well amidst disease and poverty.在贫穷和疾病的环境中他保持着良好的状态。下面两个句子的意思不同:She feels good.她感到满意。She feels well.她显得健康。well的相关近义词admirably、agreeably、closely、fairly、greatly、happily、possibly、rightly、warmly、healthy、strong、vigorous、good、proper、right、happy、satisfactory、successful、cavity、hole、mine、pool、source、spring、flood、flow、jet、rise、spring、stream、surgewell的相关反义词badly、ill、sick、improper、wrongwell的相关临近词Wellington、welfare、Wells、welly、Welle、Wellen、Welles、Wellek、Wellar、Wellme、Weller、Wellby点此查看更多关于well的详细信息

求划分下这英语的结构 Given the opportunity,he might well have become an outstanding cartoonist.


Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration.


空(judge)from what you say in your letter,you don"t sound well.

就是judged 非谓语


Jewl 宝石Jewelry首饰1jewl 2jewelry 3jewl 4jewelry仅供参考

Failed artists may find comfort in knowing that many great artists never found fame until well a

主体:artists+find+comfort 主谓宾in knowing+that从句,修饰comfort,在哪方面,后边的的 in konwing可去掉后边两个方面由or连接可翻译为:落魄的画家画作(/艺术家)或许可以得到些安慰,事实上很多伟大的画家生前没有名气直到逝去才变得被大家了解,或者他们(画作)没有被出售。



well noted 的意思和用法

动词 被动很好地被通知 就是我知道了

“well noted”是什么意思?


“well noted”应用在什么语境下?

“well noted”应用主要运用在三个语境下:1、一般客户提出要求或者对提问作出回答后,可适用此短语。例如:Please well noted there are no ownership for E2 stock management from Sal. 请以及指出,有没有从萨尔E2库存管理的所有权。2、有时还加and thanks a lot. 例如:Well noted and thanks a lot. 很好,非常感谢。3、well noted是“好的,明白了”的意思。邮件中有时会用well noted回复。例如:Well noted, I"ll inform our overseas agent release cargo. 收到,我会通知我们的国外货代释放此货。

well noted 是用在什么语境下的

我明白了/我知道了。 一般客户提出要求或者对你的提问作出回答后,可适用此短语,有时还加and thanks a lot.

邮件中的well noted是什么意思

我明白了/我知道了。一般客户提出要求或者对你的提问作出回答后,可适用此短语,有时还加and thanks a lot.

邮件中的well noted是什么意思

我明白了/我知道了。 一般客户提出要求或者对你的提问作出回答后,可适用此短语,有时还加and thanks a lot.

邮件中的well noted是什么意思

well noted[英][wel ˈnəʊtɪd][美][wɛl ˈnotɪd]知晓; 例句:1.Your desires are well noted. 你的欲望也指出。2.That proposal would sit well with italy"s energy regulator, which noted in september thateni controls 67% of the gas italians consume and most of the infrastructure for supply. 这个方案将放在意大利能源监管机构讨论,该机构在9月份指出埃尼控制了67%的意大利天然气供应和绝大部分的天然气基础设施。

邮件中的well noted是什么意思

一般是你告诉别人什么事情以后,别人回信用well noted告诉你,他/她已经明白/知道了,一般还会对你表示感谢。

well noted 是什么意思?

get it

邮件中的well noted是什么意思

邮件中的well noted的意思是知晓。例如:1、Please well noted there are no ownership for E2 stock management from Sal. 请以及指出,有没有从萨尔E2库存管理的所有权。2、Research on effective therapy and drugs for chronic hepatitis Virus B is well noted. 研究寻找确切有效的治疗方法和药物倍受关注。3、 city is the symbol of culture. China is well noted for the culture of its ancient cities. 城市是文化的载体,中国古代城市具有丰富的文化内涵。扩展资料:电子邮件是整个网络间以至所有其他网络系统中直接面向人与人之间信息交流的系统,它的数据发送方和接收方都是人,所以极大地满足了大量存在的人与人之间的通信需求。电子邮件指用电子手段传送信件、单据、资料等信息的通信方法。电子邮件综合了电话通信和邮政信件的特点,它传送信息的速度和电话一样快,而且又能像信件一样使收信者在接收端收到文字记录。电子邮件系统又称基于计算机的邮件报文系统。它参与了从邮件进入系统到邮件到达目的地为止的全部处理过程。电子邮件不仅可利用电话网络,而且可利用其它任何通信网传送。在利用电话网络时,还可在其非高峰期间传送信息,这对于商业邮件具有特殊价值。参考资料来源:百度百科-电子邮件

How to be a well-behaved dinner guest?如何回答

How to be a well-behaved dinner guest如何做一个有礼貌的晚餐客人?When in Rome, do as the Romans do.入乡随俗呗(不知道餐桌礼仪学别人怎么做就不会错啦)。

grow to be well-behaved能不能用grow be-haved

不可以,因为grow后面必须跟to do 不定式第一这是英美国家的语言习惯跟neither you are一样第二grow本质上其实是一个使役动词但其后不能跟doing,只能用to do

well-behaved function的中文意思是什么RT

the to of them are well-behaved

well-behaved function的中文意思是什么


How to behave well?

Good behavior is very important in moden society, it enable you be more respectful and make more friends, and benefit you at many aspects.To achieve the goal, we should follow some principles:Be creditable, punctual, honest and don"t speak dirty words.Be polite and warm towards others. Obey traffic rules, don"t yell in public places, don"t litter everywhere.I believe everyone could behave well as long as they follow those principles mentioned above. And I promise to do my best to become a well-behaved people.

behave well 什么意思?

行为规矩, 行为检点, 表现好


careless, careful; well-behaved, ill-behaved. -less与-ful互为反义后缀;well-与ill-互为反义前缀。

well-behaved 的比较级是什么


She is always well behaved at school为什么是用well behaved

well-behaved是表现好的意思 还有well-behaved功能良好的;良性的;行为端正的;彬彬有礼的意思





be well behaved啥意思?behave啥词性?


Be well-behaved英语作文

As a student , we should be well-behaved. First, I think it"s very important to do everything on time and keep promises. Never lie to others or say dirty words. Next we should be polite to others and ready to help people in need. Then we"d better not talk loudly in public. Don"t throw litter or spit anywhere. And remember to obey traffic rules.Finally, learn to work with others. We need good team work in our life.

behave good还是well

D behave是动词,修饰它要用副词

he has behaved welltowards his wife 为什么behave要加ed?

因为has behaved是现在完成时态have done的运用。表示已经做了什么,或者一直怎么样。汉语翻译,他对他的妻子一直都是表现很好。也就是说,他对他的妻子态度好。句子是主谓结构,现在完成时。he 主语has behaved谓语 well状语 towards his wife.状语

be well behaved什么意思


well behaved的比较级和最高级

这个的修饰词在well所以根据well的变形来。原型:well behaved比较级:better behaved 最高级:best behaved不过我们一般只用原型。如果想要表示表现得更好或者表现的最好,一般说:behaved better. or behaved the best.


well-behaved英["welbɪh"eɪvd]美["welbɪh"eɪvd]adj. 行为端正的;(电脑程序)多种机体通用的;饬;乖乖


well-behaved 英["welbɪh"eɪvd] 美["welbɪh"eɪvd] adj. 行为端正的; (电脑程序) 多种机体通用的; 饬; 乖乖; [例句]The troops have been remarkably well-behaved so far.迄今为止,这支军队作风端正。


well- behaved[英][" welbɪh"eɪ vd][美][" welbɪh"eɪ vd] adj.行为端正的;(电脑程序)多种机体通用的;饬;乖乖;以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1. They raise the most well- behaved children.她们养育的孩子举止得体。2.It"s not christ plus well- behaved children.这不是基督加上乖孩子。



if everyone behaves well为什么behave加s?

if everyone behaves well behave vi. 表示,运转 ,举止端庄, behave 在 if 条件句中是谓语动词,主语是 everyone 每个人 单数,主谓语一致,behave + s 构成单3式一般现在时态 。 if 条件句的汉语可译为这样:如果每个人都表现良好 。

adieu 和 farewell 都是再见,告别的意思,它们用法有什么区别吗 ?


adieu adios aloha bye-bye farewell good-bye goodbye pippip so long


she always behaves well,alway和well排列位置为什么不同呢?


bye ,see you ,forewell,solong, adieu 这几个有什么不同

一楼的,是有区别的,详细的我不说但是不要这么目光短浅,中文也还不是有"拜拜" "再见" "再会" "辞别" "别了"英语也是一门语言,可能对中国人来说是一种密码,一类题型...

adieu 和 farewell 都是再见,告别的意思,它们用法有什么区别吗

adieu是法语词 是永别的意思 在英语里虽然意思为goodbye 但我认为还是偏向于永别的意思 还是不要随便说 farewell应该和goodbye的意思是一样的


适应性强well-adapted adapted[英][ə"dæptɪd][美][ə"dæptɪd]adj.适合的; v.(使)适应, (使)适合( adapt的过去式和过去分词 ); 改编,改写; 改变…以适合(for); 适应于,适应不同情况(或环境)(to);

The dress fits you well什麽意思

你好、它的意思是:你穿这连衣裙很适合.望采纳、谢谢你的支持、祝福你永远永远幸福、开心每一天 ∩_∩

修改病句(It fit me well)哪里错了?


Does it ? oh,yes.it well(fit/fits).

Does it fit?Yes, it fits well

thes skirt fit her well.改为一般疑问句怎么改?

The skirt fits her well.Does the skirt fit her well ?

有物 go well with 人 的句式吗 我知道 物+ fits+ 人+ well,则 有 物 +go +well+with

go well with 意思是这样东西和那样东西很搭配,比如Your shirt goes well with your skirt.而fist更强调合身,比如This pair of shoes fists you well,强调大小合适.我再打个比方,上身穿一件很合身的衣服,是fist,而下身穿一条红色的裤子,虽然合身,但这两件就不go well了.所以你提出的物go well with 人就不合适了,应是物go well with 物.

Yes,it fits__(he)well.


How smart you are.The suit fits you well fits改为matches可以吗?

fit多指大小,形状合适如: The new coat fits me well.这件新衣我穿着大小合适。match多指大小,色调,形状,性质等方面的搭配如:The People"s Great Hall and the Historical Museum match the Tian An Men beautifully.人民大会堂和历史博物馆与天安门陪衬得极为优美。suit多指合乎需要,口味,性格,条件,地位等。如:Does the time suit you?这个时间对你合适吗?


改为否定句:the dress doesn"t fit me.因为句子中的动词是行为动词,fits,所以变为否定句要借用助动词do,the dress 是第三人称单数,所以助动词do要单三形式,does。因为does用了单三形式,所以fits变为原型,否定要加not ,加在助动词后面,行为动词前面,合起来是does not fit ,缩写就是doesn"t fit .因此是 the dress doesn"t fit me.

the shoe (fit )cinderella well,是fits还是fit?

the shoe fits cinderella well翻译,这只鞋很适合灰姑娘。


嗯,因为在这个句子里,最开始的主语是this pair,这一双,所以其实还是应该理解为单数。且为第三人称单数,所以这里的动词相应也需要做第三人称单数变化,改为fits哈

大学英语,选词填空contemplate maintenance dismiss indefinite compression draft mount swell

1 maintenance 2 have drafted 3 indefinitely 4 mounting 5 contemplated 6 compresses 7 swelling 8 dismissed



rare,medium,well done分别啥意思

rare 英[reə(r)] 美[rɛr] adj. 罕见的,特殊的;优秀的,不寻常的;稀薄的,经过稀化的 最高级:rarest;比较级:rarer medium英 ["miːdiəm]     美 ["miːdiəm]adj.中等的;适中的n.手段;媒介;媒体well done 英[wel dʌn] 美[wɛl dʌn] 做得不错

rare,medium,well done分别啥意思?

  这些是煮牛排用的专用词. 在国外吃饭服务员都会问你要几分熟.  rare,很生,就两面有点熟, 里面是生的  medium rare, 大约6分, 稍微带一点点血丝  medium, 基本熟了, 中间至少是粉红的  well done, 8分以...

rare,medium,well done分别啥意思

这些是煮牛排用的专用词. 在国外吃饭服务员都会问你要几分熟.rare,很生,就两面有点熟, 里面是生的medium rare, 大约6分, 稍微带一点点血丝medium, 基本熟了, 中间至少是粉红的well done, 8分以上熟, 没有血丝.根据官方的详细说法是这样的: 有7个等级, 从raw到well done.* Raw - Uncooked. Used in dishes like steak tartare, Carpaccio, Gored gored, tiger meat and Kitfo.* Blue rare or very rare - (37.8°C/100°F core temp) Cooked very quickly; the outside is seared, but the inside is usually cool and barely cooked. The steak will be red on the inside and barely warmed. Sometimes asked for as "blood rare". In the United States this is also sometimes referred to as "Black and Blue" or "Pittsburgh Rare".* Rare - (48.9°C/120°F core temp) The outside is gray-brown, and the middle of the steak is red and slightly warm.* Medium rare - (52.2°C/126°F degrees core temp) The steak will have a fully red, warm center. Unless specified otherwise, upscale steakhouses will generally cook to at least this level.* Medium - (57.2°C/135°F degrees core temp) The middle of the steak is hot and red with pink surrounding the center. The outside is gray-brown.* Medium well done - (62.8°C/145°F degrees core temp) The meat is light pink surrounding the center.* Well done - (73.9°C/165°F degrees core temp) The meat is gray-brown throughout and slightly charred.


一般来说木材受潮后膨胀,我们会用swell.但是如果是木材受热而膨胀,我们一般会用expand.swell有“膨胀”的意思,但是这种“膨胀”往往和“肿胀”有关.什么情况下我们会说肿胀?肿胀会牵扯到液体,所以身体肿胀我们也会用swell. 金属受热膨胀,我们会用expend,一般金属都是以固态形式存在于自然中,当金属被加热膨胀,我们就会说“the metal expands when heated”.当然,也有在自然中是液体形态的金属,水银 - mercury.所以,当我们说水银加热膨胀,我们就要用swell. 不知道这样讲你清楚没,英语的魅力也存在在这些小细节中,学多了你就会爱上它.


一般来说木材受潮后膨胀,我们会用swell。但是如果是木材受热而膨胀,我们一般会用expand。swell有“膨胀”的意思,但是这种“膨胀”往往和“肿胀”有关。什么情况下我们会说肿胀?肿胀会牵扯到液体,所以身体肿胀我们也会用swell。金属受热膨胀,我们会用expend,一般金属都是以固态形式存在于自然中,当金属被加热膨胀,我们就会说“the metal expands when heated”。当然,也有在自然中是液体形态的金属,水银 - mercury。所以,当我们说水银加热膨胀,我们就要用swell。不知道这样讲你清楚没,英语的魅力也存在在这些小细节中,学多了你就会爱上它。希望能帮到你,如果满意,请采纳,谢谢!

He does well in play baskatball 这句子是否有问题?


swell expand都表膨胀,在英语中有什么区别?

expand (使物体)变大,扩大,扩展swell (身体)肿胀

he plays basketball well.等于he is ___ at ___bask

he is good at playing basketball打篮球很棒

l likeplayingbaskwtballaswell

D,因为too是用在句子后面,also虽然是在句子中间,但是playing football没有主语,as well是也的意思,而as well as 意思是我喜欢拉小提琴和喜欢踢足球一样

英语句子翻译 Gemmologists-diamond manufacturer-worldwide-jewellery experts



well的比较级: better祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!


thinner thinnestharder hardestbetter bestmore handsome,the most handsome

well的最高级是什么? I的物主代词是什么?expensive的反义词是什么?ugly的比较级是

best形容词性物主代词my 我的名词性物主代词mine 我的(东西cheapuglierlaterhardworking 是个复合形容词,可以写作hard -working ,意思是“勤勉的,用功的”,没有副词形式,如果要用副词,可以是hard 。例如:What a hardworking boy ! 多么勤奋的男孩!He works hard at his lessons .他努力学习功课.


much/many-more-mostgood/well-better-bestintelligent-more intelligent-most intelligentcareful-more careful-most carefulfat-fatter-fattestredeasy好像不是一个词nice-nicer-nicest


shorter shortesthungrier hungeriestbetter bestmore mostmore delicious most delliciousmore mostbetter best


good 是原型,well是比较级,也是身体好的意思,。两者无复数区别。


一、从词性用法上比较。1. good 只用作形容词,不用作副词,其副词形式用 well。如:He speaks good English. 他的英语说得好。He speaks English well. 他的英语说得好。2. well 既可用作副词,也可用作形容词,用作形容词时,其用法很有限,只表示“健康的”,“恰当的”或“令人满意的”等。如:She is very well. 她身体很好。Things are well with us. 我们事事如意。注:一般说来,well 用作形容词时,只用作表语而不用作定语(如上例),但在美国英语中,well 表示“身体健康”时有时也可用作定语。二、从相关短语用法上比较。1、be good at 与 do well in:两者均可表示“擅长”。如:He is good at languages. 他擅长学语言。She is good at telling stories. 她擅于讲故事。They all did very well in the examination. 他们这次都考得很不错。注:表示擅长某一学科时,也可用be good in.如:He is good at [in] maths. 他擅长数学。2. as good as 与 as well as:用于本义时,两者均可表示“与……一样好”,但 good 是形容词,而 well 是副词。如:他说英语说得跟她一样好。正:He speaks English as well as her.正:His English is as good as hers.但是,用于引申义时,两者的意思很不相同:as good as 意为“几乎”“差不多”(=almost),as well as 意为“而且”,如:The work is as good as finished. 工作差不多干完了。He as good as said I"m a liar. 他无异于说我撒谎。She"s clever as well as beautiful. 她不但漂亮,而且聪明。As well as breaking his leg, he hurt his arm. 他不但摔断了腿,而且还伤了胳膊。认真编辑、认真排版的,希望能帮到你~望采纳,谢谢!

不认识几个英语单词, 帮忙找一下bad、well、little、badly的比较级和最高级

badadly-worse worst well-better best lettle-less least
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