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欢迎致电本公司Please call us.这句不用WELCOME.WELCOME后面若有动词,则要加个TO,再接动词,即WELCOME TO DO

welcome you语法正确吗

welcome you 在口语里也可以这么说,在美国很多口语好像看似都有语法错误,可是没人会理解错的。welcome home 地点副词前省略介词welcome to club 欢迎你加入俱乐部比如welcome to our party 参与性比较强。可省略主语welcome you后可加to 再接句子。如果不接呢 就是表示欢迎你的意思,显得比较口语化一点,也显得比较亲切。Welcome you to take my taxi next time. 在国外常说的,就是欢迎你的意思。 Welcome you to China for investment and sightseeing.这就官方一点了I welcome you and your family to my house. 做客时 语气都会很自然,亲切的怎么说都没问题的,


确实存在welcome sb to do sth的说法 ,因为 Your are welcome to do sth =We welcome you to do sth ,而welcome to do sth也可以,If you"re interested, welcome to visit our website,可以看成If you"re interested, you are welcome to visit our website;相同成分省略,变成welcome to visit our website,是可以的。




welcome英[u02c8welku0259m]美[u02c8wu025blku0259m]vt.欢迎; 乐于接受adj.受欢迎的; 令人愉悦的; 表示感谢的n.欢迎,迎接网络欢迎光临; 迎接第三人称单数:welcomes复数:welcomes现在分词:welcoming过去式:welcomed过去分词:welcomed比较级:welcomer最高级:welcomest




welcome用作形容词的意思是“受欢迎的,令人愉快的”,指心理活动,表示无形的欢迎,是持续的状态,也可用作及物动词,表示欢迎某人的到来,用作名词时有接待,欢迎等含义。 welcome的释义 v.(打招呼)欢迎(某人的到来) ; 欢迎(新来的人); 迎(新); 乐意接纳; 欣然接受; adj.令人愉快的; 受欢迎的; 受款待的; (表示乐于让某人做某事) 可随意; n.迎接; 接待; 欢迎; (表明看法的) 反应方式,对待,接受; 比较级:welcomer 最高级:welcomest 第三人称单数:welcomes 复数:welcomes 现在分词:welcoming 过去式:welcomed 过去分词:welcomed welcome的用法 一.welcome可以用作形容词 1.welcome用作形容词的意思是“受欢迎的,令人愉快的”,指心理活动,表示无形的欢迎,是持续的状态,在句中可用作定语或表语。 2.welcome也可作“可随便占有的,可随便做的”解,在句中只用作表语,其后多接动词不定式或介词to引起的短语。 3.welcome可用very修饰。 You are welcome to eat with us,but you"ll have to take pot luck. 欢迎你和我们一起吃饭,可要有什么吃什么。 You"re always welcome at my house. 任何时候都欢迎你来我家。 二.welcome可以用作动词 1.welcome的意思是“欢迎”,可以表示欢迎某人,也可表示对某事物作出的反应,引申可表示“对某事物感到愉快或满意”“乐于接受,希望有”等。 2.welcome是及物动词,接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。welcome接动名词作宾语时,该动名词可加名词或代词的所有格或宾格表示其逻辑主体。 He was welcomed by the students. 他受到同学们的欢迎。 She welcomed the guests warmly. 三.welcome可以用作名词 welcome用作名词的意思是“欢迎,迎接”,指亲切或热情的招呼、接待或招待,表示欢迎的行为,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。 She received a warm welcome. 她受到热烈欢迎。 四.welcome可以用作感叹词 welcome用作叹词的意思是“欢迎”,是迎接时的招呼语,常与表示方向的副词或介词to连用。



welcome是什么意思 英语welcome意思介绍

1、welcome的意思是欢迎。 2、例句: Like I said, youre always welcome to stay.正如我以前所说的一样,我永远都欢迎你留下来。 The new legislation is welcome but does not go far enough.新法规受到欢迎,但力度还不够大。


不用谢英语:You are welcome 。welcome 基本词汇 英 ["welku0259m]     美 ["welku0259m]    vt. 欢迎adj. 受欢迎的n. 欢迎int. 欢迎(客人来访或新成员的加入)welcome的用法:welcome的意思是“欢迎”,可以表示欢迎某人,也可表示对某事物作出的反应,引申可表示“对某事物感到愉快或满意”“乐于接受,希望有”等。welcome是及物动词,接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。welcome接动名词作宾语时,该动名词可加名词或代词的所有格或宾格表示其逻辑主体。

welcome to home 那么home前面不是不能加to吗

1.h有小房子的意思,m有蠕动,移动的意思。按照英语语法辅音决定文字的意义。hm组成家,就是居无定所的意思。而to的本意是方向~到某个地方~带有黏着的意思,比如go to school等等,这些都是固定的地点。而home是不固定的,原因我已经说了。2.由于西方的文明是海洋文明,所以在西方人眼里“四海为家”。家是随着人的自由活动而动的。农业文明则是截然相反,家是扎根的,人被户籍所固定。所以西方人总爱说:“这里是我第二个家”。老外很爱换新房子。在我们中文里也说“人挪活,树挪死”的说法,搬家换新房子,肯定是越变越大,这都符合m的本意。人或物或钱,都随着动而更加强大。3.举2个例证。go there和go here是不是都没有to?那是因为there和here并不固定。那里和这里都是相对的,随着说话人的变化而变动。ok,应该懂了吧。不要信home作副词,这是生拉硬套的。最后,英语世界没有什么特殊的语法,一切都是有迹可循的。从单词的本义找规律,希望这能帮到你。


we l come to an hui意思是:我们来安徽。重点词汇:we英[wi]释义:pron.我们(主格);笔者,本人(作者或演讲人使用);朕,寡人n.(We)人名;(缅)韦短语:We Are The World天下一家;群星演唱;我们是世界扩展资料:词语辨析:become,get,grow,turn,go,come这些动词均可表示“变成,成为”之意。1、become最普通用词,作为连系动词,指从一个状态向另一个状态的变化。2、get常指某人或某物有意无意地获得引起变化的因素,结果使变成另一状态。3、grow常指逐渐地变成新状态,强调渐变的过程。4、turn侧重指变得与原来截然不同,有时含贬义。5、go作为连系动词,通常与形容词连用,指进入某种状态,从而发生变化,多指不好的状态。6、come侧重变化的经过或过程,多用于不良情况。

welcome 和welcome to的区别

welcome to our sports center.welcome to 接地点,是口语中用用得最平常的,也最简单welcome 可以作动词,以前我们学英语的时候老师说,不能用welcome sb to do sth.但是现在遇到很多外国人照常使用这种方式表示欢迎某人做某事。所以我不加以评论另外welcome可以表示形容词如You are welcome to do sth.


打开这个welcome官方的网站,进去之后,你会看到有注册那一栏,点击注册之后,根据他的提示进行注册welcome欧洲杯账号就可以了。欧洲足球锦标赛(European Football Championship),简称“欧锦赛”,也称“欧洲杯”,是一项由欧洲足球协会联盟举办,欧洲足协成员国间参加的最高级别国家级足球赛事。1960年举行首届,其后每四年举行一届,已举办15届。赛事创办之初名称为“欧洲国家杯”(European Nations Cup),其后于1968年改名为欧锦赛。该项赛事最初的目的是为了填补两届世界杯之间4年的空白,从而让欧洲各国有更多的比赛机会。欧洲杯的巡回城市:为了纪念欧洲杯诞生60周年,2020年欧锦赛决赛阶段将有24支球队于2021年6月11日至7月11日在11个城市进行比赛。2021年7月12日,意大利队通过点球大战以总分4-3战胜英格兰队,夺得2020年欧洲足球锦标赛冠军。




welcome的用法和翻译技巧某市的市长在为来访的美国客人的欢送宴会上热情地说了这么一句“We welcome you to come to China next year.”而他本想表达的意思是“我们欢迎你们明年再来中国。”可是他的英语意思却好象是“我们明年(迎)接你们再来中国。”市长“欢迎”错了。这是一个典型的中式英语。这句话在外国人听起来好象中国市长要去美国接他们似的。为什么?首先,“welcome”作为动词指当客人到场后主人进行欢迎活动。主人表达高兴的心情“欢迎你们明年再来中国”的这个动作还没有发生,客人明年才可能到场,现在怎么举行欢迎活动呢?只有在客人到达后才能用动词“welcome”。所以这句话只能在中国用,若你在美国则说错了。还有就是“Welcome to my home!”(欢迎到我家!)只能在客人到你家并且你也在家的情况下使用,若你不在家则不能这么说。其次,汉语“我们欢迎你们明年再来中国。”中的“欢迎”并不是真正意义上的“welcome”(欢迎活动)。而是一种邀请和希望,因为动作还未发生。所以应该用“hope”代替“welcome”。如果要按照汉语句型翻译“欢迎某人做某事”,除了用“hope”“wish”外,也可以用形容词性的“welcome”,这里则表达的是一种愿望句型是“sb be welcome to do sth”。因此市长的那句话可以翻译为“We wish you to come to China next year.”“You are welcome to China again next year.”“We hope you can come to China next year.”或“Please feel free to visit China next time”。 那么应该如何用好“欢迎”( welcome)呢?1、做动词表示热情接待的动作如欢迎,款待,愉快接受等。“welcome a friend at the door”(在门口欢迎一位朋友)“Her marriage was not welcomed by her family.”(她的婚姻家里不接受。)“We welcomed the delegates from the airport to the hotel.”(我们把代表团从机场接到宾馆。)2、做名词意思为欢迎,迎接,欢迎辞等。“extend a warm welcome to sb”(向某人表示热烈欢迎)“deliver a welcome”(致欢迎辞)3 做形容词表示受欢迎的,被允许的,尽管的等。“a welcome guest”(受欢迎的客人)“You are welcome to (use) my telephone.”(我的电话你尽管用。)“You"re welcome.”(别客气。)4 做感叹词意思为欢迎,常常用于客人已到达的场合。跟简单的词如“”“”等,中间不加代词。“Welcome back!”(欢迎归来!)“Welcome on board!”(欢迎登船!)那么类似于“北京欢迎您!”之类的句子就不能想当然地翻译为“Welcome you to Beijing!”,而应该翻译为“Welcome to Beijing!”或“You are welcome to Beijing!”。 因此在翻译“欢迎”时,我们首先要想到的就是形容词性的“welcome”,而不要用成动词;翻译成英语时要把汉语顺序颠倒过来;“welcome”后面不要轻易跟代词,以免变成“接某人”的意思了。






  welcome英 [u02c8welku0259m] 美 [u02c8wu025blku0259m]  vt.欢迎; 乐于接受;  adj.受欢迎的; 令人愉悦的; 表示感谢的;  n.欢迎,迎接;  [网络]欢迎光临; 迎接;  [例句]My dear man, you are welcome to stay.  我的老弟,欢迎你留下来。  [其他]比较级:welcomer 最高级:welcomest 第三人称单数:welcomes 复数:welcomes 现在分词:welcoming 过去式:welcomed 过去分词:welcomed 形近词: helcoma






welcome是什么意思中文翻译 欢迎








welcome 英[u02c8welku0259m] 美[u02c8wu025blku0259m]vt. 欢迎; 乐于接受;adj. 受欢迎的; 令人愉悦的; 表示感谢的;n. 欢迎,迎接;[例句]Several people came by to welcome me有几个人过来迎接我。[其他] 比较级:welcomer 最高级:welcomest 第三人称单数:welcomes复数:welcomes 现在分词:welcoming 过去式:welcomed过去分词:welcomed扩展资料单词分析这些动词均有“欢迎、致敬,致意,招呼”之意。address侧重打招呼的方式或指所使用的称谓。greet常指友好而热诚地欢迎。salute正式用词,指用敬礼、亲 吻或挥帽等动作向他人致意或问候,尤指以某种礼节欢迎某人。hail主要指怀着敬意欢迎某人,侧重欢快轻松和嘈杂。也指隔得较远的高声招呼。welcome多指热情的官方的或正式的迎接或欢迎,但也指一般的欢迎。英语解释accept gladlygiving pleasure or satisfaction or received with pleasure or freely grantedbid welcome to; greet upon arrivalreceive someone, as into one"s housea greeting or receptionthe state of being welcome




沽人音WeLc0me How about Chinese

Welcome to Kingsoft Web Server是什么意思


welcome的用法? 有资料说 这两个句型是错的1,welcome sb. to do sth

1、做动词表示热情接待的动作如欢迎,款待,愉快接受等.“welcome a friend at the door”(在门口欢迎一位朋友)“Her marriage was not welcomed by her family.”(她的婚姻家里不接受.)“We welcomed the delegates from the airport to the hotel.”(我们把代表团从机场接到宾馆.)2、做名词意思为欢迎,迎接,欢迎辞等.“extend a warm welcome to sb”(向某人表示热烈欢迎)“deliver a welcome”(致欢迎辞)3 做形容词表示受欢迎的,被允许的,尽管的等.“a welcome guest”(受欢迎的客人)“You are welcome to (use) my telephone.”(我的电话你尽管用.)“You"re welcome.”(别客气.)4 做感叹词意思为欢迎,常常用于客人已到达的场合.跟简单的词如“”“”等,中间不加代词.“Welcome back!”(欢迎归来!)“Welcome on board!”(欢迎登船!)那么类似于“北京欢迎您!”之类的句子就不能想当然地翻译为“Welcome you to Beijing!”,而应该翻译为“Welcome to Beijing!”或“You are welcome to Beijing!”.因此在翻译“欢迎”时,我们首先要想到的就是形容词性的“welcome”,而不要用成动词;翻译成英语时要把汉语顺序颠倒过来;“welcome”后面不要轻易跟代词,以免变成“接某人”的意思了.

welcome 的用法.

答案比较啰嗦,谢谢welcome的用法和翻译技巧 某市的市长在为来访的美国客人的欢送宴会上热情地说了这么一句“We welcome you to come to China next year.”而他本想表达的意思是“我们欢迎你们明年再来中国.”可是他的英语意思却好象是“我们明年(迎)接你们再来中国.” 市长“欢迎”错了.这是一个典型的中式英语.这句话在外国人听起来好象中国市长要去美国接他们似的.为什么? 首先,“welcome”作为动词指当客人到场后主人进行欢迎活动.主人表达高兴的心情“欢迎你们明年再来中国”的这个动作还没有发生,客人明年才可能到场,现在怎么举行欢迎活动呢?只有在客人到达后才能用动词“welcome”.所以这句话只能在中国用,若你在美国则说错了.还有就是“Welcome to my home!”(欢迎到我家!)只能在客人到你家并且你也在家的情况下使用,若你不在家则不能这么说. 其次,汉语“我们欢迎你们明年再来中国.”中的“欢迎”并不是真正意义上的“welcome”(欢迎活动).而是一种邀请和希望,因为动作还未发生.所以应该用“hope”代替“welcome”. 如果要按照汉语句型翻译“欢迎某人做某事”,除了用“hope”“wish”外,也可以用形容词性的“welcome”,这里则表达的是一种愿望句型是“sb be welcome to do sth”.因此市长的那句话可以翻译为“We wish you to come to China next year.”“You are welcome to China again next year.”“We hope you can come to China next year.”或“Please feel free to visit China next time”. 那么应该如何用好“欢迎”( welcome)呢? 1、做动词表示热情接待的动作如欢迎,款待,愉快接受等. “welcome a friend at the door”(在门口欢迎一位朋友) “Her marriage was not welcomed by her family.”(她的婚姻家里不接受.) “We welcomed the delegates from the airport to the hotel.”(我们把代表团从机场接到宾馆.) 2、做名词意思为欢迎,迎接,欢迎辞等. “extend a warm welcome to sb”(向某人表示热烈欢迎) “deliver a welcome”(致欢迎辞) 3 做形容词表示受欢迎的,被允许的,尽管的等. “a welcome guest”(受欢迎的客人) “You are welcome to (use) my telephone.”(我的电话你尽管用.) “You"re welcome.”(别客气.) 4 做感叹词意思为欢迎,常常用于客人已到达的场合.跟简单的词如“”“”等,中间不加代词. “Welcome back!”(欢迎归来!) “Welcome on board!”(欢迎登船!) 那么类似于“北京欢迎您!”之类的句子就不能想当然地翻译为“Welcome you to Beijing!”,而应该翻译为“Welcome to Beijing!”或“You are welcome to Beijing!”. 因此在翻译“欢迎”时,我们首先要想到的就是形容词性的“welcome”,而不要用成动词;翻译成英语时要把汉语顺序颠倒过来;“welcome”后面不要轻易跟代词,以免变成“接某人”的意思了.

It is ok , you are welcome ! 这句话怎么翻译?



假定s=Welcome,type(s)的结果是什么? A.intB.floatC.strD.String正确答案:str

Welcome to Karamay 歌词

歌曲名:Welcome to Karamay歌手:小熊饼干专辑:如果2012Welcome to our party作:Soluna, Shun, 井翔作曲:Stephan Elfgren, Conor Edwards, Junior Jokinenslip into the party に合えば(Hey!)灯りともり 肩に影が(Hey!)波が(Hey!) 始まれば(Hey!)はにかみ ほら あなたに会えた(Hey!)to shine 届きそうな このskyにtouchyou are ready なら put your hands up! hey!(yeah yeah yeah yeah)みんなの声に 分は上身体ごとらすEmotionそのリミッタ外したらHigh!めくるめくロラコスタGood time! 二度とない瞬を逃すなEverybody 一前 け出して行こうここでまた会えたね(You&Me)同じ笑にえたいことだけは(All the time)わらないLet"s go party, party, party, party始めようか? Party timeはもうできてるはずだろう?Keep on going, going, going, going大きな声出せ Make some noise!ここから始まる新たなストリ生まれるSay yeah oh! 声の限りSay yeah oh! ひとつになろうMake you happy, happy, happy, happy君を待っていたんだよ幸せになるための It"s a party timeIt"s a party time Wo-oh-ohHi(Hi) five (five)の人とハイタッチこれかららぎ出しわりなき 会の合to shine 届きそうな このskyにtouchyou are ready なら put your hands up! hey!(yeah yeah yeah yeah)みんながいれば 果は相 声を合わせればもっと空に届きそうなくらい 感じてるWe are freeだ!Good day! 二度とない瞬を逃すなEverybody 一前 け出して行こうれた所だって(You&Me) 同じ想いさ手を伸ばせばいつも(All the time) がってLet"s go party, party, party, partyめぐリ会った Party time奇はもう起きてるはずだろう?Hands up higher, higher, higher, higherよりも Touch the sky最高の瞬があるだろう?Say yeah oh! 上を向いてSay yeah oh! ひとつになろうMake you happy, happy, happy, happyここに立っているんだよ幸せにするための It"s a party timeIt"s a party time Wo-oh-ohYeah oh! Say yeah oh!...ここでまた会えたね(You&Me)同じ笑にえたいことだけは(All the time) わらないLet"s go party, party, party, party始めようか? Party timeはもうできてるはずだろう?Keep on going, going, going, going大きな声出せ Make some noise!ここから始まる新たなストリ生まれるSay yeah oh! 声の限りSay yeah oh! ひとつになろうMake you happy, happy, happy, happy君を待っていたんだよ幸せになるための It"s a party timeIt"s a party time Wo-oh-ohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18300241

welcome home 歌词

歌曲名:welcome home歌手:Dolly Parton专辑:for god and countryWith great anticipation he waited at the doorHis only son was due from overseasFor months now he"d been waitin" since he"d gone off to warAnd his eyes were filled with tears of great reliefWelcome home, sonHis loving arms held open and his heart so full of loveWelcome home, sonI"ve been praying and been hoping and I never did give upI knew that you"d return to meThe place where you were meant to beRest now, for you"ve been gone too longI heard him say as they embraced"I"ve waited so long for this dayMy son, my very own...Welcome home."But a dreary rain was falling while another soldier fellAnd a mother wakes up cryin" in the nightShe thought she"d heard him calling in that moment she could tellHer only son had passed into the lightWelcome home, sonHis loving arms held open and his heart so full of loveWelcome home, sonAs Jesus stood there glowing, their hands reached out and touchedI knew that you"d return to meThe place that you were meant to beRest now, for you"ve been gone too longAs they embraced, I heard him say"I"ve waited so long for this dayMy son, my very own...Welcome home."Now I think of all the families that have lost a darling oneAnd I think how Jesus died for all our sinsAnd I think how much God loved us to send his only sonTo live and die, and then to live againWelcome home, sonI hear God saying when they nailed Christ to the cross that dayWelcome home, sonAnd when he sent his angels to roll that stone awayI knew that you"d return to meThe place where you were meant to beRest now, for you"ve been gone too longI hear God say as they embrace"I"ve waited so long for this dayWell done my faithful son...Welcome home."Welcome homeI hope to hear God sayin when it"s my time to goWelcome homeWhile the angel band is playin" and God comes to claim my soulThe angels will be singing and joybells will be ringingRejoicing I"ll shout and sing alongWhen there are no more wars to fightAnd we"re all children of the lightWhen the father and the Son say"Welcome home"Welcome home, welcome home, welcome homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14081093

welcome to是什么意思?


安卓 welcome login 服务有什么用?


welcom to my life 歌词谁能告诉我?

Simple Plan - Welcome To My Life专辑:Still Not Getting AnySimple Plan - Welcome To My LifeAlbum: Still Not Getting AnyEditor: FlowerSpider (QQ 1878886 ICQ 151476238)Do you ever feel like breaking down?Do you ever feel out of place?Like somehow you just don"t belongAnd no one understands youDo you ever wanna run away?Do you lock yourself in your room?With the radio on turned up so loudThat no one hears you screamingNo you don"t know what it"s likeWhen nothing feels alrightYou don"t know what it"s like to be like meTo be hurtTo feel lostTo be left out in the darkTo be kickedWhen you"re downTo feel like you"ve been pushed aroundTo be on the edge of breaking downAnd no one"s there to save youWelcome to my lifeDo you wanna be somebody else?Are you sick of feeling so left out?Are you desperate to find something moreBefore your life is over?Are you stuck inside a world you hate?Are you sick of everyone around?With the big fake smiles and stupid liesWhile deep inside you"re bleedingNo one ever lies straight to your faceAnd no one ever stabbed you in the backYou might think I"m happy But I"m not gonna be ok!Everybody always gave you what you wantedYou never had to work it was always thereYou don"t know what it"s likeWhat it"s like!No you don"t know what it"s like (what it"s like)<END>

He is welcome to come along,     he behaves himself. A.provided that B.so far as C.e

选A。考查状语从句。句意: 只要他守规矩就欢迎他来。此处provided(that)相当于if, 引导一个条件状语从句。so far as在……范围之内; even if即使, 引导让步状语从句; in case以防, 引导目的状语从句。

谁有《Welcome To Detroit-Eminem 》的 正确歌词?

(feat. Trick-Trick) [ Chorus - Eminem ] Where"s my gangstas and all my thugs? Throw up them hands and show some love And I Welcome u to the Detroit City I said welcome to Detroit City bithcyEvery place everywhere we go Man we deep everywhere we roll Ask around and they all know Tricky That"s whats good man they all say Tricky [ Verse 1 ] [ Eminem ] Click click boom, just as soon as we hit the room You can hear "em holla Goon Squad in this bi*** Let me hear you holla Good Squad in this bi*** Let me hear you holla Runyon Ave. in this bi*** So who am I gonna call on when I ain"t got them boys with me And the situation gets a little sticky I"ma dial 911 like a muf***in" punk, f*** that, bla bla I"ma call that rude boi from Detroit Trick Trick Quick come pick me up, bring them guns Come to the club, meet me out front There"s some chump up in this bi*** Poppin" some junk cause he"s drunk And we may have to fuck his ass up Cause uh somethin" smells a lil fishy And I don"t like the way his boys keep lookin" at me So homie come get me, Shut up boys what up though I see you Rock Bottom, yea I see you, all my Detroit people Where you at man, let me see them hands in the sky Detroit mufuckas till we die [ Chorus - Eminem ] Where"s my gangstas and all my thugs? Throw up them hands and show some love And I Welcome u to the Detroit City I said welcome to Detroit City Every place everywhere we go Man we deep everywhere we roll Ask around and they all know Tricky That"s whats good man they all say Tricky [ Verse 2 ] [ Trick Trick ] Homie its been a long time comin" and I"m straight with that Marshall call me 50 ??? and laced the track This the beat you hear it bangin", he produced it himself My bad almost forgot to introduce myself My name is Trick Trick, head of the Good Squad And gangsta, been bangin" the underground since 95 we"re bangin Elected to be the villain, and certified a menace Holdin" it down since I paroled, up outta prison You heard about me, you just didn"t know it was me All the treacherous, evil deeds of the D you ever see Pickin" that kid up in the game, I just wasn"t chasin" the fame I been chasin" the paper product and givin" lames the pain Accusations of violence you know you done heard of that A quarter of a million dollars for beatin" a murder rap And my boy holdin" me up, Shady done put it out Trick Trick and Eminem, Detroit back in the house [ Chorus - Eminem ] Where"s my gangstas and all my thugs? Throw them hands up and show some love And I Welcome u to Detroit City I said welcome to Detroit City Every place everywhere we go Man we deep everywhere we roll Ask around and they all know Tricky That"s whats good man they all say Tricky [ Verse 3 ] [ Trick Trick ] Ayo Em, you ever need one of these weapons come get it >From now on every beef that you get in homie I"m in it I been ridin" for this city, whether wrong or right I been whippin" on mothafuckas for the longest time So its evident, its time for Trick to get it fast The public, see they appreciate my criminal past Authorities tried to stop me but they couldn"t keep up Got a fanbase thats bigger than an average star I"m satisfied with it bein" my time to shine And I freak from the precinct for violent crimes I ain"t sayin" the shit that I"m sayin" so girls can feel me Only speakin" on what I know so the world can hear me So peace to Jimmy and Dre for signin" my nigga He reached back to Detroit and grabbed a winner So the gangstas and thugs, we embrace the love And beat the hell outta anyone that f***s with us [ Chorus - Eminem ] Where"s my gangstas and all my thugs? Throw up them hands and show some love And I Welcome u to the Detroit City I said welcome to Detroit City Every place everywhere we go Man we deep everywhere we roll Ask around and they all know Tricky That"s whats good man they all say Tricky [ Outro ] [ Trick Trick ] Yeah. Trick Trick Eminem, Wonder boy, Shady It"s goin down baby Ayo Em I got your back my nigga Damn right I said my nigga That"s my nigga Tricky

Welcome 2 Detroit


Welcome To The Jungle 歌词

歌曲名:Welcome To The Jungle歌手:Jay-Z &Kanye West专辑:Watch The ThroneJay-Z - Welcome to the JungleSplendidyangWelcome to the jungleWelcome to the jungle wellI asked her where she wanna be when she 25.She turned around and looked at me and said "alive"Welcome to the jungle, welcome to the jungle wellBlack Axl Rose, Move halfs and wholesCome down to the jungle, Just ask for HovMove blocks and squares, Move apples and pearsWork pots and pans, Just to cop me some AirsMy uncle died, My Daddy did tooParalyzed by the pain, I can barely moveMy nephew gone, My heart is tornSometimes I look to the sky, Ask why I was bornMy faith in God, Every day is hardEvery night is worse, That"s why I pray so hardWhy I pray so hard, This is crazy GodJust when I thought I had everything, I lost it allSo que sera, Get a case of SyrahLet it chase the pain, Before it goes too farMy dreams is big, Reality set inLet off a clip from a automatic weapon,Through shots in the door, it died in VegasThough it fought so hard, I knew it wouldn"t make itI"m a tortured soul, I live in disguiseRest in peace to the leader of the Jackson 5I died in my sleep, I"m still Big PimpinI ball at the mall, Beginning of the endingWhere the f*ck is the sun?It"s been a while, Momma, look at ya sonWhat happened to my smile?My tears is tatted My rag in my pocketI"m just looking for love, I know somebody got itChampagne for the pain, Weed for the lowGod damn I"m so high, Where the f*ck did I go?I"m losing myself, I"m stuck in the momentI look in the mirror, My only opponentNo crying in public, Just lying to judgesRisking my life, I"m already dying, so f*ck it wellWelcome to the jungle, welcome to the jungle wellGoddammit!http://music.baidu.com/song/13742701

you sre welcom什么意思

你好:You are welcome .是“别客气”的意思。常用来回答:Thank you . That"s very kind of you . 等语句。

yes,you control the information age.welcome to your world

The "Great Man" theory of history is usually attributed to the Scottish philosopher Thomas Carlyle, who wrote that "the history of the world is but the biography of great men." He believed that it is the few, the powerful and the famous who shape our collective destiny as a species. That theory took a serious beating this year. To be sure, there are individuals we could blame for the many painful and disturbing things that happened in 2006. The conflict in Iraq only got bloodier and more entrenched. A vicious skirmish erupted between Israel and Lebanon. A war dragged on in Sudan. A tin-pot dictator in North Korea got the Bomb, and the President of Iran wants to go nuclear too. Meanwhile nobody fixed global warming, and Sony didn"t make enough PlayStation3s. But look at 2006 through a different lens and you"ll see another story, one that isn"t about conflict or great men. It"s a story about community and collaboration on a scale never seen before. It"s about the cosmic compendium of knowledge Wikipedia and the million-channel people"s network YouTube and the online metropolis MySpace. It"s about the many wresting power from the few and helping one another for nothing and how that will not only change the world, but also change the way the world changes. The tool that makes this possible is the World Wide Web. Not the Web that Tim Berners-Lee hacked together (15 years ago, according to Wikipedia) as a way for scientists to share research. It"s not even the overhyped dotcom Web of the late 1990s. The new Web is a very different thing. It"s a tool for bringing together the small contributions of millions of people and making them matter. Silicon Valley consultants call it Web 2.0, as if it were a new version of some old software. But it"s really a revolution. And we are so ready for it. We"re ready to balance our diet of predigested news with raw feeds from Baghdad and Boston and Beijing. You can learn more about how Americans live just by looking at the backgrounds of YouTube videos—those rumpled bedrooms and toy-strewn basement rec rooms—than you could from 1,000 hours of network television. And we didn"t just watch, we also worked. Like crazy. We made Facebook profiles and Second Life avatars and reviewed books at Amazon and recorded podcasts. We blogged about our candidates losing and wrote songs about getting dumped. We camcordered bombing runs and built open-source software. America loves its solitary geniuses—its Einsteins, its Edisons, its Jobses—but those lonely dreamers may have to learn to play with others. Car companies are running open design contests. Reuters is carrying blog postings alongside its regular news feed. Microsoft is working overtime to fend off user-created Linux. We"re looking at an explosion of productivity and innovation, and it"s just getting started, as millions of minds that would otherwise have drowned in obscurity get backhauled into the global intellectual economy. Who are these people? Seriously, who actually sits down after a long day at work and says, I"m not going to watch Lost tonight. I"m going to turn on my computer and make a movie starring my pet iguana? I"m going to mash up 50 Cent"s vocals with Queen"s instrumentals? I"m going to blog about my state of mind or the state of the nation or the steak-frites at the new bistro down the street? Who has that time and that energy and that passion? The answer is, you do. And for seizing the reins of the global media, for founding and framing the new digital democracy, for working for nothing and beating the pros at their own game, TIME"s Person of the Year for 2006 is you. Sure, it"s a mistake to romanticize all this any more than is strictly necessary. Web 2.0 harnesses the stupidity of crowds as well as its wisdom. Some of the comments on YouTube make you weep for the future of humanity just for the spelling alone, never mind the obscenity and the naked hatred. But that"s what makes all this interesting. Web 2.0 is a massive social experiment, and like any experiment worth trying, it could fail. There"s no road map for how an organism that"s not a bacterium lives and works together on this planet in numbers in excess of 6 billion. But 2006 gave us some ideas. This is an opportunity to build a new kind of international understanding, not politician to politician, great man to great man, but citizen to citizen, person to person. It"s a chance for people to look at a computer screen and really, genuinely wonder who"s out there looking back at them. Go on. Tell us you"re not just a little bit curious.

歌词开头Welcome to the real world是什么歌

《Welcome to the Real World》歌词:Welcome to the Real World - CandiceI ask myself why are you still aroundIt"s just my 19th nervous breakdownYou sleep all day I"m working weekendsI"m sick of you and your stupid friendsYou"re living life just like a dreamLost in the sceneI"m so jaded, frustratedI can"t pretend, everything"s cool when youWon"t talk to me, leave me dirty laundryTo mess up my lifeGet your shit together "cause it"sWho, whoa, whoaWelcome to the real worldWhoaYou"re like a leech latching onto meSucking out all my energyOut to dinner and you"re on the phoneThe bill comes but your wallet"s at homeYou may be smooth, you may be fineBut you"re a waste of my timeI"m so jaded, frustratedI can"t pretend, everything"s cool when youWon"t talk to me, leave me dirty laundrymess To up my lifeGet your shit together "cause it"sWho, whoa, whoaWelcome to the real worldDon"t you think you"ll ever get a clueTell you what you gotta doSwear I won"t screamAnd I won"t shoutJust take your trash and get outI"m so jaded, frustratedI can"t pretend, everything"s cool when youWon"t talk to me, leave me dirty laundryTo mess up my lifeGet your shit together "cause it"swhoa, whoaWho, Maybe you should get a lifeWhoa, whoa, whoaI feel sorry for your future wifeWhoa, whoa, whoaWelcome to the real world

Welcome on board 和 Welcome aboard的区别 gt;解释如下

商务英语中的on board和in board的区别:一、意思不同:1、on board:在船[火车, 飞机, 汽车]上; 已装船2、in board:在船内,在商务英语中,一般指董事会二、用法不同:1、on board的例句:On board were enough provisions for two weeks.船上有足够两周吃的食物。All the students have gone on board.所有的学生都已上船了。2、in board 的例句:But in board work, head bobbing ( a la automony) can be disastrous.但是在董事会的工作中,紧靠点头或摇头(依照自治规定)来决策的后果是灾难性的。They are in a board meeting with clients.他们在出席客户的董事会会议。

Welcome To The Dollhouse 歌词

歌曲名:Welcome To The Dollhouse歌手:Danity Kane专辑:Welcome To The DollhouseDanity Kane-Welcome To The DollhouseOnce upon a timeThere was five little girlsShannon, Aundrea, D. Woods, Dawn and AubreyThese girls had a dreamTo make musicThey go by the nameDanity KaneWelcome to the dollhousehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1327011

___at the Town Hall,the Queen was welcomed by the Mayor.

C.On arrival

高智商,welcome!boys and girls!



是welcome home吧,意思是欢迎回家


欢迎来到塔巴塔,翻译过来就是这个意思 。

a cold welcome / a cold fish / a lucky dog有什么区别?

a cold welcome 不受欢迎a lucky dog 是幸运儿,外国人喜欢狗,这里是代指,I am a lucky dog 我很幸运。

welcome to grand canyon national park! the grand


join,welcome, apply, invite哪一个不同

welcomewelcome 英[ˈwelkəm] 美[ˈwɛlkəm] vt. 欢迎; 乐于接受; adj. 受欢迎的; 令人愉悦的; 表示感谢的; n. 欢迎,迎接; [例句]Several people came by to welcome me.有几个人过来迎接我。[其他] 比较级:welcomer 最高级:welcomest 第三人称单数:welcomes复数:welcomes 现在分词:welcoming 过去式:welcomed过去分词:welcomed 形近词: helcoma 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科

we welcome you to join us

join us,中间不跟to. 一般这样写:You are welcome to contact us and join us.

welcome 夫君 to join our group!翻译中文

welcome my husband to join our group!


急求一篇英语作文,题目:Welcome You to Join

这个是假的07年就有了写作指南: 这篇应用型作文要求考生写一张海报,宣传社团的纳新活动,海报应主旨明确,内容清晰,并具有一定的号召力。 根据题目要求,文章的结构如下: 第一段说明英语协会在招募新成员,欢迎新成员的加入; 第二段对英语协会进行简单的介绍; 第三段详细介绍协会开展的各项活动; 第四段给出联系方式和加入协会的条件。 [范文] [1]We,English Club,are recruiting new members. [2]Those with a keen love for English may join us、on the great trip of indulging in the world of English. [3]English Club is a 20—year-old student-run organization in our school,which has enjoyed great popularity among students over so many years.[4]It is established to provide an environment for students with common interest in English speaking,writing and other related English areas. [5]Our activities center around improving our members" English skills and promoting friendship and fun among our members.[6]the Club is most famed for its tradition— al activity——English Comer held every Thursday,where English lovers gather together,making friends,exchanging ideas and most importantly improving their spoken English.We also play classical English movies free of charge to our members,and put on English dramas acted by our members,[7]just to name a few. [8]Come and join us if you have an interest in English studies and want to have fun as well.[9]Interested students please call 2233567 or send an email to English— Club @sohu.com.And 100RMB membership fee is needed. [1]插入语,简洁明了,突出英语协会,使人一目了然。 [2]Those+介词短语”(作后置定语)表达简洁而又地道。 [3]student-run“名词十分词”作定语,是文中语言亮点,意为“由学生管理的”,表达简练。 [4]后置定语缓解了长句的压力。 [6]后置定语使表达更简洁。 [7]just to me a few强调还有很多其他的活动,这里只是举出几例。 [8]祈使句起到了很好的号召作用。

假如你是学校自行车俱乐部的一名会员 现要招收新的会员英语作文 题目为 welcometojoinu

My name is David, and I am 12 years old. I was born on March, 10th. I like singing and dancing very much, and i am good at playing guitar. I want to join Music Club to make more friends who like music. If I can join this club, please send a mail to my mailbox to tell that. And my address is davidhall@yahoo.com.cn. Thanks a lot.

帮写一篇英语作文 题目为welcome you to join

这个吧。。。同学。。。肯定是假的啊。。。你百度一下这个题目 就能看到07年就有人发了 而且这个难度。。。反正在我看来太简单了。。。说是四级还差不多。。。另外你说如果有人知道了他会公布出来嘛?当然是自己抄或者卖掉了 不然知道的人多了大家都写一样的 那这次考试肯定也就作废了。。。快去背背作文模板吧~

对方说welcome to join us,我该怎么回答?


Welcome to join us这句对吗?介词后用动名词,应该是joining吧?

join动词不定式真不用加ingwele to 的to是介词还是不定式 就是wele to后面+ING还是原型?? 别误人子弟~最好写个例句 匿名网友 2010年02月 满意答案 后接地点是介词,如 wele to my school 后接动作是不定式,如 wele to join us不是说介词后面都要加吗不是都要加喔喔、行,我明白了,谢谢哦...,3,嗯,2,joining,1,不用加ing,1,是的,0,是的,0,

Welcome to join us这句对吗

Welcome to join us这句正确。翻译:欢迎加入我们。

晨光控股的Welcome to world-class Chenguang

China boasts a long history of pen-making. As earlier as Qin Dynasty, General Meng Tian made a pen with rabbit tail hair, which later became a much-told story for generations. Brush pen therefore became the top of the Four Treasures of the Study (together with ink stick, ink slab and paper), which have been used to develop the splendid Chinese calligraphic art. The 5000 years of Chinese civilization have left the whole world with numerous calligraphic masterpieces. Today, a new world-class stationery manufacturing base, Chenguang Group, is rising up in China and spreads the Chinese calligraphy culture all around the world. Established in 1997, Chenguang Group is a comprehensive stationery maker boasting creative values and manufacturing advantages and focusing on stationery undertakings. It is situated in Shanghai Chenguang Industrial Park with a land area of 200 mus, which is a top-grade stationery manufacturing base.Demonstrator of creativityPresident"s words: Instead of a traditional maker, Chenguang is a creative company which boasts unique core value in form of creativity. With a global creative studio composed of three designing centers and a transnational designer team, it not only possesses international view and capacities, but also enjoys unique Asian aesthetic philosophy. In addition, the company strives to become a niche market expert to develop more new products based on in-depth research on consumers" demands. Chenguang has created a full process of system design ranging from consumers" value design, product industry design, product mould development to brand images design. With strong creative capacity, Chenguang products are not only writing tools, but also bring writers with delight and enjoyment so as to motivate numerous innovations. From the first press gel-ink pen to K35 which has been sold up to 100 million pieces, to the unfading marketable GP1115, Chenguang"s global creative studio introduces over 160 new products and 232 patents every year .Now, Chenguang has become an initiator and leader in several segment markets such as large-capacity series, conference series and examination series. In September, 2005, it became the exclusive China-based authorized partner of Miffy, Holland, to make school children"s favorite stationery including writing and painting tools, correction fluids, bags, rubbers, glues and rulers.Multifunctional factoryWith a top-grade mould developing and manufacturing center, Chenguang has excellent engineering manufacturing ability. With its cutting-edge research and development capacity of automatic production and small automatic equipment, Chenguang is able to continuously turn the creative ideas into products. In addition to automatic lines of refills and oil painting sticks and self-developed automatic assemblers with a productivity of millions of pieces, the company has a prominent full-line production capacity covering penholders, refills, injection molding, printing, assembling and finished products packing. Furthermore, it has made strict operating procedures, well-established technical quality standards and 16 unique process flows to secure consistent and excellent product quality under mass production. It has achieved substantial breakthroughs in the research of core materials of point and ink and the master of core technology, and has enhanced the core competitiveness. With more than 5000 knowledge-based workers and apprenticeship training system, it has managed to maintain and optimize the advantages as a multi-functional factory with vigorous vitality. Chenguang has promptly developed into a leader brand in the industry with its strong designing capacity, technological advantages and manufacturing advantages.International partnershipIt is Chenguang"s core philosophy to have “international partnership” in its marketing strategy. With 28 province branches and more than 1800 secondary and tertiary partners as well as over 35000 direct outlets across China, the company has an efficient sales network to distribute its products to every city of China within 7 days. With a popular brand, quality products and consistent sales service, it has provided a perfect development platform for its strategic partners, leading to a saying that one should partner Chenguang to win the market. The outlet template program and caravan promotion program initiated by Chenguang not only helped maintain the miraculous two-digit growth for four consecutive years, but also turned out to be the leading force in the industrial marketing reform. Moreover, it has established long-term partnership with hyper marts such as Carrefour, Walmart, Tesco, Lotus and Lawson. In international market, it has set up a global sales network outreaching Southeast Asia, Japan, Europe, the US and Middle East, spreading the Chinese culture worldwide. As a company"s growth is determined by its improvement of market competitiveness, Chenguang has advocated a sincere, pragmatic and vigorous corporate culture as the foundation of consistent growth. At the same time, driven by the trend of globalization today, the company will integrate the global resources of raw materials, technology, capital, market, talents and creativity to build a real world-class brand.

welcom the new days

正确写法:Welcome the new days中文意思是:迎接新的一天也可以读作:Greet a new daywelcome英 [ˈwelkəm] 美 [ˈwɛlkəm] vt.欢迎;乐于接受adj.受欢迎的;令人愉悦的;表示感谢的n.欢迎,迎接第三人称单数: welcomes 复数: welcomes 现在分词: welcoming 过去式: welcomed 过去分词: welcomed 比较级: welcomer 最高级: welcomestnew英 [nju:] 美 [nu:] adj.新的,崭新的;新鲜的,新到的;现代的;初次(听到)的adv.新近,最近比较级: newer 最高级: newestdays英 [deɪz] 美 [deɪz] n.天,时期;一天( day的名词复数 );白天;时期;工作日adv.每天,在白天

不客气英语怎么说 You are welcome

1、不客气英语是:You are welcome。 2、当别人跟你说thank you 的时候,你需要有礼貌地回应对方“不用客气”,英语中的标准版的回答是You are welcome。 3、welcome的音标:英[u02c8welku0259m],美[u02c8wu025blku0259m]。

you are welcome的上一句

Thank you

you are welcome中的welcome是什么意思

欢迎。 这句话的意思是不用谢。

you are welcome不是欢迎你吗?


You are welcome

You are welcome =You"re welcome.

you are welcome一般怎么回答

一般是人家说了Thank you,你回答you are welcome,所以后面不用回答。 当你是指欢迎的时候,通常回答是thank you. 扩展资料   You are welcome to come and stay as long as you give us plenty of notice.   只要你及时通知,我们都欢迎你来住宿。   elcome to come in and browse.   欢迎您光临本店随便看看。   You are welcome to visit the hospital at any time.   你可以随时来医院。   My dear man, you are welcome to stay   我的老弟,欢迎你留下来。   You are welcome to vary the diet.   我们鼓励不时变换饮食。   You are welcome to put forward your views.   诸位有什么意见,欢迎提出来。

U r welcome什么意思

you are welcome的简写

you are welcome的welcome怎么理解


表示欢迎你的到来。 准确地是用You are welcome, 还是用You are welcomed?


you are welcome为什么翻译是、不客气、 按字面应是你是欢迎

英语中很多词组是约定俗成的,如果按字面意思去翻译可能会适得其反,如It"s a piece of cake.按字面意思翻译就是一块蛋糕,实际上它的意思是小菜一碟。不知道有没有帮到你


不用客气。同义句有:1、Anytime 别客气,随时愿为您效劳。2、 Don"t mention it. 别和我见外。3、My pleasure. 别客气,我很荣幸。4、No worries. 没问题。5、No sweat. 小意思!6、Not at all. 不用谢!

you are welcome可以做 欢迎再来的意思吗

you are welcome是欢迎光临的意思欢迎再来的说法很多Hope you"ll come again.Do come again, please. Please come again.都可以



You are welcome和No harm done的区别?

you are welcome 属于日常礼貌用语,是针对 thank you 的客套回应,相当于汉语的“不客气”。no harm done 是普通短语,意思是“没有造成伤害”或“没有人受到伤害”。二者不存在内在的联系,谈不上区别。

you are welcome 怎么读

油 啊 伟又克木。
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